SLSA Circular: SLSA and R&R Events

Title: SLSA Lifesaving and R&R Events – Temporary Changes to COVID-19 Document ID: Circular 21/20-21 Date: 6 January 2021 Department: Sport Audience: State/Territory Surf Sport Directors and Managers, Club Secretaries & Presidents, Branches, Officials, Coaches and Competitors Summary: This Circular details temporary changes to SLSA Competition, Champion Lifesaver, Champion Patrol and R&R events to assist with the safe conduct of competition under COVID-19 conditions. This Circular is to be read in conjunction with the current 36th Edition Surf Sports Manual (SSM) and the 28th Edition of the SLSA Rescue and Resuscitation (R&R) Competition Manual (as appropriate). The changes take effect from the date of this Circular and will remain in place until otherwise advised.


The impact of the Worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic has had significant effect on all aspects of people’s lives including Surf Lifesaving. It continues to be a major concern and will most probably do so until an effective vaccination is widely available and administered.

To assist with safely conduct of SLSA First Aid Competition, Champion Lifesaver, Champion Patrol and R&R competition under COVID-19 conditions, this Circular details temporary changes to event rules and procedures.

The changes have been made following consultation with SLSA’s Medical Advisors, the Chairs of Lifesaving and Sport, Referees, Coaches, Competitors and States

These changes are to be read in conjunction with the current 36th Edition Surf Sports Manual (SSM) and the 28th Edition of the SLSA Rescue and Resuscitation Competition Manual (as appropriate) that may be accessed in the Sport section of the SLSA Website Document Library at:

The changes take effect from the date of this Circular and will remain in place until otherwise advised.

Note: SLSA will maintain a close watch on COVID-19 and, with appropriate notice, may either relax or tighten event procedures as required.

SLSA First Aid Competition, Champion Lifesaver, Champion Patrol Events

The following changes are to be read in conjunction with the current 36th Edition of the SLSA Surf Sports Manual:

• Prior to use, competitors and/or officials are to wipe down contact points on the Mankins and surrounding areas with disinfectant wipes. Further, competitors, officials and patients etc. are to sanitise their hands before each round.

• All resuscitation scenarios including assessment in First Aid Competition, Champion Lifesaver and Champion Patrol events are to be undertaken on a Manikin. Please note that manikins are not to be ventilated by competing teams. • With the exception of in water simulated rescues in Champion Patrol and Champion Lifesaver events, teams cannot come into close contact with the live patients/witness/bystanders. As such, any on land first aid or lifesaving scenarios will not involve “live” patients requiring resuscitation or first aid treatment. Social distancing will occur with resuscitation and/or full body manikins (if available) placed in the scenario area to be used by teams to simulate first aid and/or resuscitation techniques. Further, live patients or witnesses/bystanders may be placed in a "patient/witness/bystander zone" within the arena near the teams "manikin(s)" to answer questions from the competitor, telling them what happened and the injuries they have. Note 1: When entering the arena, the competitors are still required to do their normal checks and may approach the manikins asking questions etc. (that may be answered by the “live” person allocated to that manikin). Note 2: SLSA will advise the type of manikins that may be used for the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships. • In the Champion Patrol event it will not be required to perform in water resuscitation of patients. • In the Champion Patrol event team members in the four person resuscitation on a Manikin are required to wear a mask, gloves and safety glasses (or prescription glasses) because of the proximity of competitors to each other. • The use of oxygen has been removed from the Bronze Medallion course. This training now sits with the Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate which is not a prerequisite for the First Aid Competition. As such, the use of oxygen will not form part of the SLSA First Aid competition until otherwise reviewed by SLSA. • For the U17 and Open Patrol Competition the Advanced Resuscitation Techniques Certificate is a prerequisite for entry of all team members into the event. As such the use of oxygen etc. may be part of scenarios for these competitions. • Because of COVID-19 and the changes to the SRC and Bronze Medallion regarding the use of oxygen the First Aid Competition scenario task has been reduced to eight (8) minutes for all age groups. • Changes have been made to the SLSA Public Safety and Aquatic Rescue (PSAR) Manual) to remove the first aid component from the SLSA Surf Rescue Certificate (SRC). Given that the aim of the First Aid Competition is “… to demonstrate a standard of first aid prowess by SLSA members …”, it is not possible to conduct a meaningful U15 First Aid Competition without a first aid component and without referring to the current SLSA Provide First Aid Training Manual. • The U15 First Aid scenario/treatments will come from the current SLSA approved First Aid training manual used for the U17 to Open Teams. Note: It is strongly recommended that members of teams intending to compete in the U15 First Aid competition undertake the Provide First Aid (HLTAID003 or HLTAID011) course.

All changes to resuscitation for the Champion Lifesaver and Champion Patrol event are detailed in the attached marking sheets and replace those in the SSM until further notice.

The First Aid Competition sheets will be those that are in the Members Portal. They will have the patient injuries and the order of treatments on them for the Judges as normal. The first aiders can tell the judges how they are going to treat the injuries and the order, and continue to ask the patient questions. The patients will respond while in the "patient zone" as normal.

In addition, for ease of reference, a PDF copy of the current PSAR Manual and Provide First Aid Course work will also added to the Sport Section of the SLSA Website Document Library at:

Note: Judges are not to penalise teams for any close competition contact of “live” patients or close or distance contact with manikins.

SLSA 5 and 6 Person R and R Events

The following changes are to be read in conjunction with the current 28th Edition of the SLSA Rescue and Resuscitation Competition Manual:

Marshalling Area Preparation: • Competitors to wipe down contact points on the Reel (Handles, Spreader Bars and Reel Handle) and Belt with disinfectant wipes. • Competitors to sanitise hands before draw (if undertaken) and/or March On.

Section 1: • Completed as normal.

Section 2: • Completed as normal.

Section 3: • Completed as normal except: • where there is a swim, there is to be no resuscitation breaths delivered by the tube rescue swimmer (6 person R&R) at the buoys.

Section 4: • Completed as normal except: - No resuscitation breaths in water. - Inspection and simulated cleaning of mouth is be undertaken from “arm’s length” distance from the patient. - Simulated assessment of breathing is to be undertaken from a distance from the patient but still following the process of listening and observing (with emphasis on observing).

Section 5: • Completed as normal except: - The EAR Operator maintains the head tilt on the patient as usual but is to keep their head and body away from the patient’s head while observing the head and chest of the patient. - After each count of thirty the EAR Operator says “Breathe, Breathe” in approximately 4 seconds to simulate two breaths being delivered to the patient. The EAR operator is to continue to watch for the rise and fall of the patient’s chest - Note: The ECC Operator takes the normal position as per R&R Manual to deliver two minutes of simulated compressions.

Section 6: • Completed as normal.

Note: Judges are not to penalise teams in Sections 4 and 5 for the “exceptions” listed above for being either too close or too far from the patient.

SLSA 2 Person R and R

The following changes are to be read in conjunction with the current 28th Edition of the SLSA Rescue and Resuscitation Competition Manual:

Marshalling Area Preparation: • Competitors are to sanitise their hands before March On.

Section 1: • Completed as normal except: - After the rescuer obtains and maintains a clear airway, they are to keep their head away from the patient’s head and say “Breathe, Breathe” to simulate two EAR breaths while observing the chest of the patient.

Section 2: • Completed as normal except: - Inspection and simulated cleaning of the patient’s mouth by the rescuer is be undertaken, as best as is practical, from a distance from the patient’s head. - Simulated assessment of breathing is to be undertaken from a distance from the patient’s head but still following the process of listening and observing (with emphasis on observing).

Section 3: • Completed as normal except: - The Rescuer obtains head tilt on the patient as usual but is to keep their head and body away the patient’s head. - After the command “commence” the rescuer says “Breathe, Breathe” in approximately 4 seconds to simulate two breaths being delivered to the patient. - The rescuer then undertakes ECC as per the R&R Manual and repeats the CPR cycle continues one person CPR over a period of two minutes. - Note: The Rescuer takes the normal position as per R&R Manual to deliver two minutes of simulated compressions.

Section 4: • Completed as normal.

Note: Judges are not to penalise teams in Sections 1, 2 and 3 for the “exceptions” listed above for the rescuer being either too close or too far from the patient.


Should further information be required please contact the events team at: [email protected]

Surf Life Saving PO Box 7773 Bondi NSW 2026 Phone: (02) 9215 8000 Fax: (02) 9215 8180