ISIM Review, 18, Autumn, 2006 ISIM, Citation ISIM,. (2006). ISIM Review, 18, Autumn, 2006. Retrieved from Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown) License: Leiden University Non-exclusive license Downloaded from: Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). AUTUMN 2006 6 0 P A G E S
[email protected] WWW.ISIM.NL 18 PHOTO BY AYMAN SAIDI /© REUTERS, 2006 Hizbullah supporters watching a rally organised by Hizbullah, Beirut, 22 September 2006 Shades of Islamism 6 18 30 40 John L. Esposito Abdulkader Tayob Faisal Devji Chris Allen Islamists & US Foreign Policy Texts beyond Context Criminalizing the Enemy (Muslim) Boyz-N-The-Hood Advertisements New Books from Rethinking Islamism After Suez The Ideology of the New Terror Adrift in the American Century Meghnad Desai Martin Woollacott Despite increasingly frantic calls - especially after the London With Tony Blair and George Bush’s authority ever more threatened bombings of July 7 2005 - for western leaders to ‘understand by the blowback from their venture in the Middle East, the Suez Islam better’, there is a still a critical distinction that needs to be Crisis of 1956, which brought down a government and changed the made between ‘Islam’ as religion and ‘Islamism’ in the sense of pattern of world politics for ever, has taken on a new relevance. The militant mindset.As the author of this provocative new book similarities with contemporary Iraq leap out, as do the differences. sees it, it is not a more nuanced understanding of Islam that Fifty years after Antony Eden’s fateful decision to take on the will help the western powers defeat the jihadi threat, but rather Egyptian President, Gamal Abdul Nasser, veteran Guardian jour- a proper understanding of Islamism: a political ideology which nalist Martin Woollacott retraces the legacy of this dramatic foreign is quite distinct from religion.