(Middle ) ammonites of stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical importance from Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa

András GALÁCZ Department of Palaeontology, Eötvös L. University, H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/C (Hungary) [email protected]

Published on 29 December 2017


Galácz A. 2017. — Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) ammonites of stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical importance from Mombasa, Kenya, East Africa. Geodiversitas 39 (4): 717-727. https://doi.org/10.5252/g2017n4a4

ABSTRACT Collections of Middle Jurassic ammonites made at the Mwachi River locality, near Mombasa in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s are described. Th ey support previous research concluding a Late Bajo- cian age for the major or the upper part of the ‘Posidonia shales’, immediately below and above the KEY WORDS dividing Massive (Coral) Limestone. Th e ammonite species are fi gured and briefl y described. Two Kenya, Upper Bajocian ammonite zones are evidenced: a lower assemblage indicates the Strenoceras nior- Middle Jurassic, Bajocian, tense Zone and a higher one belonging to the Garantiana garantiana Zone. Most of the ammonites ammonite zones, are Tethyan forms with abundant phylloceratids and lytoceratids, some indicating connections with faunal compositions, coeval Arabian and Sinai faunas. Palaeobiogeographically the assemblages suggest a deep-water posi- phylloceratids, lytoceratids, tion on the East-African Gondwana margin, with strong faunistic infl uence from the open Tethys palaeogeography. and very restricted connections with the Arabian shallow water regions.

RÉSUMÉ Ammonites d’importance stratigraphique et paléogéographique du Bajocien de Mombasa (Kenya). Des ammonites jurassiques récoltées dans les années 80 et 90 dans la localité de Mwachi River, près de Mombasa (Kenya) sont étudiées. Les espèces sont fi gurées et brièvement décrites. Cette étude confi rme les conclusions de travaux anciens donnant un âge Bajoicien supérieur pour les « Posidonia shales » intercalés dans le « Massive Coral Limestone » [calcaire corallien massif]. Deux zones d’ammonites MOTS CLÉS du Jurassique supérieur sont mises en évidence : à la base un assemblage indique la zone à Streno- Kenya, ceras niortense et au sommet un autre assemblage appartient à la zone à Garantiana garantiana. La Jurassique moyen, Bajocien, plupart de ces ammonites sont des formes téthysiennes comprenant d’abondants phylloceratidés et zones à ammonite, lytoceratidé, certains indiquant des communications avec les faunes d’Arabie et du Sinai. D’un point compositions fauniques, de vue paléobiogéographique, les assemblages suggèrent une position dans des eaux profondes de la phyllocératidés, lytocératidés, marge gondwanienne de l’Afrique de l’Est, avec une forte infl uence téthysienne de mer ouverte, et paléogéographie. des communications restreintes avec les eaux peu profondes des régions arabes.

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (4) © Publications scientifi ques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.geodiversitas.com 717 Galácz A.

A 39.66°E B N

Mwachi River


Port Localities Tudor Duruma River 4.05°S

Port Reitz Mom- basa

Jiwani River Indian Ocean

5 km C NW SE

100 m MR 1

5 m

MR 2

FIG. 1 . — The Upper Bajocian ammonite locality in East Africa (A), near Mombasa (B), where the Garantiana garantiana Zone elements (at MR 1) and the Strenoceras niortense Zone ammonites (at MR 2) were collected from the shales respectively above and below the dividing limestone of the Kambe Formation.

INTRODUCTION McKinnon Wood, the eminent geologist, collected new specimens that she sent again to Spath, who discussed and Arkell, when treating the Jurassic formations of the world fi gured additional species in his later works (1930, 1933). (1956), gave a comprehensive summary of the Lower, Th ese specimens came from the lower, shaley part of the Middle and Upper Jurassic of East Africa. He discussed Kambe Limestone, from diff erent localities around, mainly the Middle Jurassic formations around Mombasa as classic southwest of Mombasa. Th e evaluation of Spath’ data was ammonite-bearing sequences, having been made famous the basis for Arkell to form his conclusion on the Bajocian by the late 19th century works of German, then mid-20th of the region. Arkell made allowances for the possibility century British specialists. Most extensive are Callovian that some of the ammonites described by Spath could be ammonite-yielding strata, but Arkell, then later Kapilima . (1984) concluded that the age of the earliest Middle Jurassic In 1975 Westermann published a revision of the complete beds in the hinterland of the East African coastal region is Lower Kambe ammonite collection kept in the Hunterian late Aalenian. Bajocian has been reported, while confi rmed Museum at the University of Glasgow, fi guring some pre- Bathonian ammonites have to date not been recorded from viously cited specimens from the collections. Ersterman East Africa. was unable to contribute much new fi eld evidence, but he Th e Bajocian ammonite record is restricted temporally checked in detail the existing local geological maps and the to the late Bajocian and areally to the surroundings of lithological log (Westermann 1975: fi gs 3, 4). He also con- Mombasa. Th e fi rst Bajocian ammonites (then thought fi rmed the position of formerly mentioned localities within to be Bathonian) were collected by J. W. Gregory and the series, and concluded that the Lower Kambe Limestone worked out and published by Spath (1920). Later Miss represents almost the whole Bajocian, while unequivocal

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FIG. 2 . — A rock sample from the Upper Shaley member of the Kambe For- mation (locality MR 1) showing the preservation of pyritic ammonite nucleus. Scale bar: 10 mm. evidence of the Bathonian was not found. His re-evaluation made clear that the place where the richest ammonite fauna appears is the left bank of the Mwachi River, near the bridge where the Mombasa pipeline crosses the river. In 1988, with the Teleki Memorial Expedition, I had the opportunity to make a short visit to this locality. Modest collection of ammonites was made from two levels of the exposed shales (Galácz 1990). In 1992, in a second visit to FIG. 3 . — Occasional preservation of big ammonite specimens (Lytoceras eu- Mombasa, I revisited the Mwachi River locality, and col- desianum eudesianum (d’Orbigny, 1846)), as shown here with an imprint in the lected additional material from both levels. Upper Shaley member of the Kambe Formation (locality MR 1). Scale bar: 10 mm. Not long ago Italian colleagues studied the Mwachi River region, and on the left bank of the river they col- lected microfossil (nannoplankton) and microfacies samples per Shaley members of the Kambe Formation seemed to be (Chiocchini et al. 2005). Th e sedimentological evaluation thinned out, because the generalized section of Westermann of the sequence supported the earlier opinions. However, (1975: fi g. 4) shows c. 35 m thickness. Chiocchini et al. their conclusion on the ages of the Lower Kambe shales (2005) indicate nearly 50 m thickness in the quarry about diff ers from that drawn on the basis of ammonites, their 2 km upstream. Nowadays the river bank changed, it was micropalaeontological material suggesting an Aalenian age. silted up, and invaded by vegetation. Th e water pipeline Th ese circumstances made necessary to document the pre- seems to be obsolete and abandoned. viously reported but properly never described ammonites Th e ammonites described here came from these two from the Mwachi River. levels: one from below and another above of the Massive Limestone (see Fig. 1B, C).

LOCALITIES AMMONITE PRESERVATION AND FAUNAL Th e localities (Fig. 1), as stated previously (Galácz 1990) COMPOSITION were at and near the former Mombasa pipeline bridge, on the left bank of the Mwachi River, where the pipeline service Th e ammonites in the shales are partial pyritic internal road reaches the river. Directly by the river bank, near the moulds (Fig. 2) which weather out from the matrix and support of the pipeline bridge, a wall of around 8 m was can be collected at the foot of the exposures. Th e size of visible, where at the time fresh landslide exposed the top of specimen is usually small, but rarely bigger specimens oc- the Massive (Coral) Limestone (sensu Westermann 1975) cur (Fig. 3). and the shaley beds immediately above. Th e Upper Shaley Other faunal elements are rare. As Westermann noted, Member ammonites collected from this location are listed the former name ‘Posidonia Shales’ (Weir 1938) is mis- under MR-1 locality in Galácz (1990), while MR-2 referred leading: pelagic bivalves traditionally called ‘Posidonia’ or to the site where the topmost shaley beds underlying the ‘Posidonomya’ are practically absent in the shale around the limestone crop out by the riverside, upstream. Near the old Mwachi River. In the material collected only small, pyritized pipeline bridge the limestone between the Lower and Up- internal moulds of burrowing, Nucula-type bivalves occur.

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Spath found the faunal composition of the ammonites of GARANTIANA GARANTIANA ZONE some interest. He gave (Spath 1933: 815) the following pro- Th e assemblage determined as belonging into this zone was portions of the total fauna (343 specimens) resulting from the collected at the Mombasa pipeline bridge (MR 1). sum of collecting from three Bajocian localities: phylloceratids: Th e identifi cation of this zone was previously based ont the 70 %, lytoceratids: 22% and ammonitids: 8%. Westermann occurrence of a few ammonite species (i.e., the co-occurrence of (1975: 34) repeated Spath’s calculation, and interpreted the Ptychophylloceras haloricum (Hauer, 1854) and Oppelia sp. aff . O. abundance of phylloceratids and lytoceratids (‘leiostracans’) subcostata (J. Buckman, 1881) (now understood as Ptychophyl- as indication of a deep, oceanic environment. loceras lardyi (Ooster, 1860) and Oecotraustes sp., respectively). My collections resulted in 213 specimens from the Mwachi Th ese could be supplemented now by the form identifi ed as River localities (Localities 26 and 76 of McKinnon Wood, ?Diplesioceras sp., representing a further indication of this zone. 1938, as identifi ed by Westermann). Th e respective pro- Th e beds identifi ed here as of Garantiana Zone yielded portions are: Phylloceratina: 65%, : 31%, and ammonites as follows: Ammonitina: 4%, which are quite close to those of Spath. – Phylloceras trifoliatum Neumayr, 1871; It is noteworthy that the comparatively high proportion of – Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel, 1868); Lytoceratina is due to the representation of the genus Nan- – Holcophylloceras zignodianum (d’Orbigny, 1848); nolytoceras Buckman, 1905, a lytoceratid off -shoot which – Ptychophylloceras lardyi (Ooster, 1860); had a short fl ourishing time in the late Bajocian and early – Lytoceras eudesianum eudesianum (d’Orbigny, 1846); Bathonian in western Tethyan regions. – Nannolytoceras polyhelictum (Böckh, 1881); – Oecotraustes sp.; – ?Diplesioceras sp.; STRATIGRAPHY – Cadomites sp. Th e Garantiana Zone is the highest faunal horizon and As it was stated earlier (Galácz 1990), the two assemblages latest fauna so far recorded in the Mombasa region within collected from the shales below and above the limestone in- the Kambe Formation, evidenced by the fact that neither dicate slightly diff erent ages, i.e. Strenoceras niortense Zone uppermost Bajocian, nor confi rmed Bathonian fossils have and Garantiana garantiana Zone respectively. Th is conclusion ever been confi rmed in the area. was based on the material collected in 1988. Th e subsequent collection in 1992 yielded some additional ammonitids which support these age determinations. SYSTEMATICS  SHORT DESCRIPTIONS OF THE AMMONITE SPECIES STRENOCERAS NIORTENSE ZONE Th e ammonites placed in this zone were weathered out from In the descriptions below higher systematic classifi cation is beds of the low-dipping calcareous shale in a c. 10 m riverside omitted and the introduction of specifi c morphological de- sector (MR 2). tails is minimized. Only diagnostic features are highlighted Th e assemblage previously identifi ed as of Niortense Zone with references to stratigraphical and geographical distribu- contained only a few elements which were regarded as diagnos- tions. Synonymies are presented only with references to the tic. ‘?Trimarginia sp.’ which is now determined as belonging original designations, to previous records of the species from to this genus, but with greater certainty, ‘Stephanoceratinae East Africa (or in neighbouring palaeogeographic areas), and gen. et sp. indet.’ now assigned to Normannites egyptiacus to works with detailed descriptive treatment. Arkell, 1952 and Spiroceras annulatum (Deshayes, 1831) Th e specimens are deposited in the collection of the Natural served as basis to identify the zone. Disregarding the phyllo- History Museum of the Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest and lytoceratids, the list is now supplemented from the 1992 (EMNH). collection with Leptosphinctes cf. schmiereri (Bentz, 1924) and Masckeites cf. psilacanthoides (Sandoval, 1983). In total, the following ammonites were identifi ed from the Phylloceras trifoliatum Neumayr, 1871 Strenoceras niortense Zone: (Fig. 5 A-D) – Phylloceras trifoliatum Neumayr, 1871; – Holcophylloceras zignodianum (d’Orbigny, 1848); Phylloceras trifoliatum Neumayr, 1871: 309, pl. 12, fi gs 2,3. — – Ptychophylloceras cf. longarae Sturani, 1971; Galácz 1990: 202. – Lytoceras eudesianum eudesianum (d’Orbigny, 1846); Phylloceras aff . kudernatschi – Spath 1920: 312, pl. 5, fi g. 1a-c; – Nannolytoceras polyhelictum (Böckh, 1881); 1930: 19. – Lissoceras oolithicum (d’Orbigny, 1845); – Trimarginia sp.; Phylloceras cf. kunthi – Spath 1920: 316, pl. 5, fi g. 3a-c. – Masckeites cf. psilacanthoides (Sandoval, 1983); Phylloceras cf. P. trifoliatum – Westermann 1975: 37, pl. 1, fi gs 1-4. – Normannites egyptiacus Arkell, 1952; – Leptosphinctes cf. schmiereri (Bentz, 1924); Phylloceras veliani – Joly 1976: 178, pl. 6, fi g. 4, pl. 41, fi g. 7, – Spiroceras annulatum (Deshayes, 1831). text-fi g. 71.

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FIG. 4 . — Suture lines of some important species: A, Oecotraustes sp. MR 1, EMNH.2015.249; B, Cadomites (Cadomites) sp. MR 1, EMNH.2015.232; C, ?Diple- sioceras sp. MR 1, EMNH.2015.180; D, Spiroceras annulatum (Deshayes, 1831) MR 2, EMNH.2015.287; E, Leptosphinctes cf. schmiereri (Bentz, 1924) MR 2, EMNH.2015.224; F, Nannolytoceras polyhelictum (Böckh, 1881) MR 2, EMNH.2015.257; G, Trimarginia sp. MR 2, EMNH.2015.279. Scale bar: 5 mm.

REMARKS Holcophylloceras mediterraneum – Spath 1930: 23. Several specimens, all are nuclei. Characteristic is the narrow Holcophylloceras zignodianum – Galácz 1980: 41, pl. 5, fi gs 4-5; pl. 6, umbilicus, the evenly arched, almost fl attened fl anks and the fi g. 1; pl. 7, fi g. 1; text-fi gs 30-32 (cum syn.); 1990: 202. narrow, highly rounded venter. Lack of riblets on both the shell and the internal mould distinguishes this form from REMARKS the closely similar Phylloceras kudernatschi (Hauer, 1854) and H. zignodianum has characteristic inner whorls and nuclei P. isomorphum Gemmellaro, 1872. with proportionally wide umbilicus and very strong, unmis- takable constrictions. Th e Mombasa specimens are nuclei or fragments of middle whorls, those phragmocone parts where Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel, 1868) (Fig. 5G-H) the otherwise characteristic high-lateral and ventral ribs are not developed ont he available specimens. Phylloceras disputabile Zittel, 1868: 606. Holcophylloceras Spath, 1927, similarly as Calliphylloceras, Ammonites tatricus – Kudernatsch 1852: 4, pl. 1, fi gs 1-4. is widely distributed in the later Middle Jurassic through the Upper Jurassic of East Africa and of the wider Indo- non Phylloceras cf. disputabile – Spath 1920: 318, pl. 5, fi g. 4a-d. Malgashi area. ?Calliphylloceras cf. disputabile – Spath 1930: 22.

Calliphylloceras cf. C. disputabile – Westermann 1975: 38, pl. 1, fi g. 6. Ptychophylloceras lardyi (Ooster, 1860) Calliphylloceras disputabile – Galácz 1990: 202. (Fig. 5E-F)

REMARKS Ammonites lardyi Oooster, 1860: 71, pl. 19, fi gs 7-9. Th e specimens are easy to recognise by the wide-oval cross- Ptychophylloceras (P.) lardyi – Pavia 1983: 16, pl. 3, fi g. 4, pl. 4, section of the swollen whorls, especially at small sizes. Th e fi gs 10, 11, 13, 14, text-fi gs 4, 6, 9 (cum syn.) other characteristic feature is the straight, slightly projected constrictions. Th e form determined by Spath as close to Ptychophylloceras lardyi – Parnes 1988: 713, pl. 1, fi gs 8-11. C. disputabile (Spath 1920: pl. 5, fi g. 4) most probably Ptychophylloceras haloricum – Galácz 1990: 202. belongs to Ptychophylloceras longarae (see Westermann 1975: 37, and below). Genus Calliphylloceras Spath, 1927 REMARKS is common in East Africa, in Madagascar (Joly 1976) and Th ese nuclei were determined previously as Ptychophylloceras in Kachchh (Spath 1927), in the latter two regions with haloricum (see Galácz 1990: 202). Better specimens from the same species. the new collection show the suture-line which is consistent with those fi gured by Pavia (1983: text-fi g. 4). Th e specimens represent the innermost whorls which show only the funnel- Holcophylloceras zignodianum (d’Orbigny, 1848) shaped periumbilical area but just under the size where the (Fig. 5I-J) fi rst characteristic ventral constrictions and ridges appear. Pavia (1983: 16) restricted the stratigraphic distribution of Ammonites zignodianus d’Orbigny, 1842: 493, pl. 182, fi gs 1-2. the species to the Garantiana Zone.

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (4) 721 Galácz A.

Lytoceras eudesianum eudesianum (d’Orbigny, 1846) Th is is a Bajocian Ammonitina species with extremely wide (Figs 3; 6A, B) north-south geographic range. Th is Mombasa locality is al- most on the equator, and the northernmost record is from Ammonites eudesianus d’Orbigny, 1846: 386, pl. 128, fi gs 1-3. Isle of Skye, Scotland (Morton 1971: 40, fi gs 1,2). It is also Lytoceras adeloides – Douvillé 1916: 13, pl. 2, fi g. 1. — Parnes 1988: recorded from the Sinai (Douvillé 1916: 17, pl. 3, fi g. 9 and 713, pl. 1, fi g. 29. Parnes 1988: 721, pl. 2, fi gs 13-17). Lytoceras eudesianum eudesianum – Galácz 1980: 48, pl. 9 (cum syn.) Lytoceras eudesianum – Galácz 1990: 202. Oecotraustes sp. (Figs 4A; 5Q, R) REMARKS Th e impression of a large specimen (Fig. 3) and the small py- Hecticoceras sp. juv. – Spath 1920: 359, pl. 5, fi g. 7. ritic moulds (Fig. 6A, B) displaying clearly the thin crinkled (?) Oppeliidae indet [? Oecotraustes] – Westermann 1975: 40, pl. 2, fi g. 3. collars which appear periodically among the straight riblets. Th e geographically closest record is the ‘L. adeloides’ from Oppelia sp. aff . O. subcostata – Galácz 1990: 202. the Sinai (Douvillé 1916: 13, pl. 2, fi g. 1; Parnes 1988: 713, pl. 1, fi g. 29). Both fi gured forms are too old (i.e., Late Ba- REMARKS jocian) to be L. adeloides (Kudernatsch, 1852), and are most Half-whorl of a phragmocone showing a narrow, sharp keel probably L. eudesianum. and almost smooth fl anks. Th e only discernible sculptural elements are faint, forwardly bent crinkles on the middle of the whorl-sides. Th e suture-line (Fig. 4A) is simple with low Nannolytoceras polyhelictum (Böckh, 1881) saddles and short lobes. (Figs 4F; 5K, L) Most of the Bajocian Oecotraustes species have weakly sculptured and keeled nucleus, but closer determination is Lytoceras polyhelictum Böckh, 1881: 35, pl. 1, fi gs 2, 3. not possible. Protetragonites cf. tripartitus – Spath 1920: 355, pl. 5, fi g. 6a-c. Th is morphology seems to agree with that fi gured previ- ously by Spath (1920), then refi gured by Westermann (1975). Nannolytoceras aff . N. polyhelictum – Westermann 1975: 36, pl. 1, fi g. 7. Nannolytoceras polyhelictum – Galácz 1990: 202. — Galácz & Kassai 2012: 291, fi gs 7a-d, 8e, 9g-h. Trimarginia sp. (Figs 4G; 5M, N) REMARKS Several specimens of this characteristic Upper Bajocian Nan- ? Oecotraustes? (Limoxyites?) aff . O. nivernensis – Westermann 1975: nolytoceras. Th ey diff er from other, much rarer species with 42, pl. 2, fi gs 5, 6. their high-oval whorl-section and constrictions: there are four ?Trimarginia sp. – Galácz 1990: 202. on these inner whorls and they are narrow and prorsiradiate on the fl anks. Spath, and later Westermann also described REMARKS and fi gured the species (see synonymy above). A lectotype Th is is a septate whorl fragment with fl attened and smooth was designated and fi gured recently from the original mate- fl anks and trimarginate venter. Th e suture-line is slightly rial of Böckh (see Galácz & Kassai 2012). displaced on this specimen (see Fig. 4G). Th e actual size of the specimen could have been about 12-14 mm, a di- ameter at which Arkell (1952: 308) states the presence of Lissoceras oolithicum (d’Orbigny, 1845) tertiary ribbing on the type species. However, Trimarginia (Fig. 5O-P) iberica Fernández-López, 1985 (Fernández-López (1985: 241, pl. 16, fi gs 11,12) does not show development of ribs Ammonites oolithicus d’Orbigny, 1845: 383, pl. 126, fi gs 1-4. at these sizes. Lissoceras oolithicum – Douvillé 1916: 17, pl. 3, fi g. 9. — Galácz Th e specimens fi gured by Westermann (1975: pl. 2, fi gs 5,6) 1980: 57, pl. 11, fi gs 5,6, text-fi gs 43, 44 (cum syn.); 1990: 202. are similar by the shape of the venter but diff er in having faint ribs and a suture-line with better developed fi rst lateral saddle. Lissoceras sp. cf. L. (L.) oolithicum – Parnes 1988: 721, pl. 2, fi gs 13-17. T. sinaitica Arkell, 1952 (the type re-fi gured in Parnes 1988: pl. 2, fi gs 35, 36), possibly of Late Bajocian age, is associated REMARKS with Normannites egyptiacus in the Sinai (see Arkell 1952: 308). A small fragment of a wholly septate internal cast. Char- Th ere are some similar oppeliids in the Upper Bathonian acteristic is the oval whorl-section with convex fl anks and previously described as Trimarginia (see ‘Oppelia [Trimarginia] highly-arched venter. Th e suture-line is very poorly pre- sinaitica’ in Wendt [1963: 123], and ‘Trimarginia sylviae’ in served, but the details of the typical haploceratid suture Mangold & Gygi [1997: 502]). Th ey are similar, but regarded are discernible. here as Bathonian homoeomorphs.

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FIG. 5 . — A, B, Phylloceras trifoliatum Neumayr, 1871 MR 1, EMNH.2015.286; C, D, Phylloceras trifoliatum Neumayr, 1871 MR 2, EMNH.2015.285; E, F, Ptycho- phylloceras lardyi (Ooster, 1860) MR 1, EMNH.2015.303; G, H, Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel, 1868) MR 1, EMNH.2015.304; I, J, Holcophylloceras zignodianum (d’Orbigny, 1848) MR 1, EMNH.2015.259; K, L, Nannolytoceras polyhelictum (Böckh, 1881) MR 2, EMNH.2015.257; M, N, Trimarginia sp. MR 2, EMNH.2015.279; O, P, Lissoceras oolithicum (d’Orbigny, 1845) MR 2, EMNH.2015.268; Q, R, Oecotraustes sp. MR 1, EMNH.2015.249; S, ?Diplesioceras sp. MR 1, EMNH.2015.180; T, U, Cadomites (Cadomites) sp. MR 1, EMNH.2015.232; V, W, Normannites egyptiacus Arkell, 1952 MR 2, EMNH.2015.288; X, Y, Spiroceras annulatum (Desh- ayes, 1831) MR 2, EMNH.2015.287. Scale bar: 10 mm.

?Diplesioceras sp. Cadomites Munier-Chalmas, 1892 was also documented (Figs 4C; 5S) from the Kambe limestone by Westermann (1975) with a beautiful specimen (Westermann 1975: pl. 2, fi g. 8), and prob- REMARKS ably with his ‘?Torrensia sp. nov.’ (Westermann 1975: pl. 2, Th is is a half-whorl phragmocone fragment of an ammonite fi g. 10). Th e latter is a nucleus, a fragment that is diffi cult to with fl attish fl anks, relatively wide venter with low, blunt keel determine correctly, however shows a suture-line (Westermann on it and weak, rounded, biplicate ribs. 1975: text-fi g. 6A) which is close to that observed on small Th e only similar specimen is the Diplesioceras sp. nov. 1 in Cadomites, including the one fi gured here (Fig. 4B). Ventral Fernández-López (1985: 204, pl. 17, fi g. 8), a small specimen from weakening of the ribbing and constrictions are uncommon the Garantiana Zone of the Iberian Cordilleras. Th e Mombasa am- but do occur on the inner whorls of Cadomites. monite has comparable size proportions and shows the same style of ribbing. Its suture-line is very similar to that of the Diplesioceras diplesium Buckman, 1920 fi gured by Dietl (1974: text-fi g. 7). Masckeites cf. psilacanthoides (Sandoval, 1983) Diplesioceras is a strange genus regarded incertae sedis by (Fig. 6C) Donovan et al. (1981: 118) and grouped together with the haploceratid Poecilomorphus by Fernández-López (1985: cf. Cadomites (Polyplectites) psilacanthoides Sandoval, 1983: 295, 204). Recently Howarth (2013: 121) ranged the genus into pl. 21, fi gs 3, 5, 7, text-fi g. 109. the Hildoceratoidea, as incertae sedis. cf. Polyplectites psilacanthoides – Sandoval 1990: 158, pl. 3, fi g. 7. cf. Masckeites psilacanthoides – Galácz 1994: 168, pl. 3, fi g. 2. Cadomites (Cadomites) sp. (Figs 4B; 5T, U) REMARKS REMARKS A small (33 mm) specimen, showing only the lateral and ventral Very small nuclei of which one is fi gured here. side of the last whorl. Th e identifi cation was based on the sculpture

GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (4) 723 Galácz A.

that is typically stephanoceratid with short inner ribs ending in cf. Leptosphinctes (Leptosphinctes) schmiereri – Dietl 1980: 10, pl. 1, rounded tubercles where the radial secondary ribs arise in threes fi g. 2 (only). and fours. Closest form is Masckeites psilacanthoides, described cf. ?Leptosphinctes (L.) sp. – Parnes 1988: 732, pl. 6, fi gs 4-5. originally from the Niortense Zone (Sandoval 1983: 295). Mas- ckeites Buckman, 1920 was suggested as the microconch pair REMARKS for macroconchiate Lokuticeras Galácz, 1994 (see Galácz 1994). Th e specimen is a fragment of a phragmocone with one side in Remarkable is that a Lokuticeras-type stephanoceratid, the simi- good preservation. Th e short and moderately strong inner ribs larly Niortense Zone ‘Cadomites aff . C. lissajousi’ Roché, 1939 was and the rounded secondaries indicate early, Niortense Zone fi gured from a nearby locality by Westermann (1975: pl. 2, fi g. 8). forms, such as the small-size specimens of L. schmiereri in Dietl (1980: pl. 1, fi g. 3), or L. subcoronatus in Pavia (1973: pl. 27, fi g. 4). Th e suture-line (Fig. 4E) with wide, deeply dissected Normannites egyptiacus Arkell, 1952 fi rst lateral saddle also indicates Leptosphinctes. A very similar (Fig. 5V, W) form was fi gured by Douvillé (1916: pl. 1, fi g. 2) from the Upper Bajocian fauna of the Sinai. Arkell (1952: 296, 307) Normannites egyptiacus Arkell, 1952: 309, pl. 30, fi g. 4. — Parnes supported the Late Bajocian age of this form in the Jebel 1981: 47, pl. 7, fi gs 27-29. Moghara. Parnes (1988) also documented the genus with a Coeloceras braikenridgei – Douvillé 1916: 28, pl. 1, fi gs 11-12. very similar form from Moghara. Th is is the fi rst record of early, i.e., pre-Callovian perisphinc- Normannites (Normannites ?) aegyptiacus – Westermann 1954: 204, pl. 32, fi g. 2. tids from East Africa. ? Normannites? sp. – Imlay 1970: D11, pl. 1, fi gs 9-12. Normannites cf. braikenridgei ventriplanus Enay et al., 1987a: 38, Spiroceras annulatum (Deshayes, 1831) pl. 2, fi g. 6. (Figs 4D; 5X, Y) Stephanoceratinae gen. et sp. indet. – Galácz 1990: 202. Hamites annulatus Deshayes, 1831: 228, pl. 6, fi g. 5. Ancyloceras tenue – Douvillé 1916: 26, pl. 3, fi gs 10-14. REMARKS A single, minute, crushed phragmocone fragment. Spiroceras annulatum – Dietl 1978: 40, pl. 6, fi gs 1-5, pl. 7, fi gs 1-6, pl. 10, fi g. 5, text-fi gs 6d, 6f, 7c, 8. (cum syn.). — Imlay 1970: 1, D11, Th e possible presence of Normannites egyptiacus was indi- fi gs 7,8. — Enay et al. 1987a: 43, pl. 4, fi g. 5. — Galácz 1990: 202. cated by Westermann (1975: 46), who reported fragments from the Lower Posidonia shale which could be identifi ed as belonging to this species. REMARKS Normannites Munier-Chalmas, 1892 is generally regarded as Th is is a second heteromorph from the Kambe Limestone. Th e the microconchiate partner of Skirroceras-like Stephanoceras. Th ese one described and fi gured by Westermann (1975: 45, pl. 2, present collections did not yield representatives of Skirroceras, but fi g. 9) as Spiroceras cf. bifurcati (Quenstedt, 1843) (regarded as Westermann fi gured a beautiful macroconch under the name S. orbignyi by Dietl [1978: 19]) is certainly diff erent, because he Stephanoceras (Skirroceras) cf. S. macrum (Quenstedt) (Wester- mentioned the characteristic two rows of tubercles on the ribs. mann 1975: pl. 2, fi g. 7). Th is is the specimen identifi ed earlier Th at is probably the same specimen what Spath (1933: 815) by Spath (1930: 66) as Stephanoceras cf. tenuicostatum Hochstet- mentioned as Spiroceras. Th e here fi gured example is a short, ter, 1898. Th is specimen likely belongs to a group of Stephanoceras crushed fragment showing a very slight curve and straight, which survives into the basal Niortense Zone (e.g. ‘Cadomites’ somewhat prorsiradiate ribs without tubercles. In this respect it humphriesiformis Roché, 1939 [Roché 1939: pl. 2, fi gs 3 and 4]). is similar to the specimen fi gured under the same name by Imlay Normannites egyptiacus is another species which occurs also from Arabia (Imlay 1970: D11, pl. 1, fi gs 7, 8). Th e “Ancyloceras in Jebel Moghara. It was described by Arkell in 1952 and pre- tenue” specimens from the Sinai fi gured by Douvillé (1916: viously by Douvillé in 1916, on the basis of a specimen which pl. 3, fi gs 10-14) are also close. Parnes (1988: 732) recorded was later re-fi gured by Westermann (1954: pl. 32, fi g. 2). Parnes the species also from Gebel Maghara of the Sinai. Most of the (1981: pl. 7, fi gs 27-29) fi gured an ex situ example from the well-localized specimens discussed by Dietl (1978) came from Negev (South Israel) which he placed in a slightly lower horizon. the Niortense and some from the Garantiana Zone.

Leptosphinctes cf. schmiereri (Bentz, 1924) CONCLUSIONS (Figs 4E; 6D) Th e Mwachi River locality is probably the richest Upper cf. Bigotites schmiereri Bentz, 1924: 181, pl. 9, fi g. 7 (only). Bajocian ammonite collecting site of the Kambe Limestone. cf. Perisphinctes tenuiplicatus Douvillé, 1916: 23, pl. 1, fi g. 1 (only) Th e two collections reported as from above and below the Massive (Coral) Limestone (sensu Westermann 1975) or Con- cf. Leptosphinctes? (L.?) subcoronatus – Pavia 1973: 130, pl. 27, fi g. 4 (only). glomeratic Member (in Chiocchini et al. 2005) dividing the

724 GEODIVERSITAS • 2017 • 39 (4) Bajocian ammonites from Mombasa

shales of the Kambe Formation provided assemblages poor in AB C D diagnostic ammonites. It is concluded that the lower level is of Niortense Zone age, and the upper unit is younger, referable to the Garantiana Zone. Th ese conclusions were also made in an earlier study (Galácz 1990). Th ese stratigraphical results were recently challenged by Chiocchini et al. (2005), who had concluded, on the basis of nannofossils, that the Lower Shaley Member (i.e., the shales below the dividing limestones) are Aalenian, and the Upper Shaley Member (i.e., the Upper Posidonia Shales auctt.) is Late Aalenian-Early Bajocian in age. Th e obscured outcrops near the pipeline bridge on the FIG. 6 . — A, B, Lytoceras eudesianum eudesianum (d’Orbigny, 1846) MR 1, Mwachi River near the here mentioned localities restrict EMNH.2015.184; C, Masckeites cf. psilacanthoides (Sandoval, 1983) MR 2, signifi cantly the possibilities of identifying faulting or if the EMNH.2015.278; D, Leptosphinctes cf. schmiereri (Bentz, 1924) MR 2, limestone beds between the shales at the collecting sites belong EMNH.2015.224. Scale bar: 10 mm. to the Massive (Coral) Limestone (Conglomeratic Member) or are merely limestone interbeds within the calcareous shales. Nevertheless, the ammonites described herein and previously In conclusion, the Middle Jurassic coastal region of this part fi gured and described specimens from the Mwachi River lo- of East Africa could be best understood as a pelagic Tethyan calities fi rmly establish Late Bajocian ages for the higher or area between cratonic Africa and the more or less restricted, major part of the Posidonia shales. Aalenian ammonites are shallow-water Arabian basin. Th e palaeogeographic setting of hitherto unknown from the area. Gebel Maghara may have been similar, but connecting rock Th e faunal composition of the ammonites, with the great sequences between the two areas were probably destroyed by majority of ‘leiostracans’ unequivocally indicates a pelagic, erosion on the north-eastern corner of the Afro-Arabian plate. open oceanic environment (see Lukeneder 2015). While wa- ter depth cannot be calculated, the abundant phylloceratids in the Tethys suggest mesopelagic (i.e., 250-800 m) depths Acknowledgements (Westermann 1990). Taking into account that the resurgence Th e author is deeply indebted to Prof. G. Gábris (Department of the rifting of the Kenyan and Tanzanian coastal region have of Geography, Eötvös University, Budapest) for help in the begun in the early Middle Jurassic (Raiss-Assa 1988; Hankel fi eld, during the Teleki Memorial Expedition. Th e late Prof. 1994), this is regarded as extremely rapid subsidence. G. Westermann provided valuable advice during discussions As shortly discussed in the earlier paper (Galácz 1990), the on the Jurassic ammonite faunas in East Africa. Th e author is Upper Bajocian faunas from Mombasa present a problematic deeply grateful to the referees, Prof. Sixto Fernández-López, pattern from the viewpoint of palaeobiogeography. Th e high Madrid and Dr R. B. Chandler, London, for their comments percentage of phylloceratids unequivocally renders these as- and suggestions made for the improvement of the manuscript. semblages into the Tethyan pelagic, deep-water realm, the Edina Prondvai and Tünde Cséfán are thanked for their help Ammonitina elements show affi nity to the Arabian-Sinai fau- in constructing the text-fi gures. nas. Trimarginia Arkell, 1952 and Normannites egyptiacus are recorded from Gebel Maghara of the Sinai, from the Negev and from central Saudi Arabia also, where the cosmopolitan Spiroceras and Lissoceras also occur. However, phylloceratids REFERENCES were never reported from the Arabian Peninsula, but are richly A RKELL W. J. 1952. — Jurassic ammonites from Jebel Tuwaiq, represented in the Upper Bajocian in the Sinai (Parnes 1988). Central Arabia. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Th e Jurassic faunas of the Arabian Peninsula (practically from London, Ser. 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Submitted on 30 January 2017; accepted on 23rd March 2017; published on 29 December 2017.

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