BEFORE THE HEARINGS PANEL FOR THE QUEENSTOWN LAKES PROPOSED DISTRICT PLAN IN THE MATTER of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MATTER of Hearing Stream 13 – Queenstown Mapping Annotations and Rezoning Requests SUPPLEMENTARY REPLY OF ROBERT BRUCE BUXTON ON BEHALF OF QUEENSTOWN LAKES DISTRICT COUNCIL GROUP 2 RURAL 11 October 2017 Barristers & Solicitors S J Scott / H L Baillie Telephone: +64-3-968 4018 Facsimile: +64-3-379 5023 Email:
[email protected] PO Box 874 SOLICITORS CHRISTCHURCH 8140 29838889_3.docx TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 2. GRANT HYLTON HENSMAN, SHARYN HENSMAN & BRUCE HERBERT ROBERTSON, SCOPE RESOURCES LTD, GRANT HYLTON HENSMAN & NOEL THOMAS VAN WICHEN, TROJAN HOLDINGS LTD (361) ......................... 2 3. GIBBSTON VALLEY STATION LIMITED (827) ....................................................... 3 4. QUEENSTOWN PARK LIMITED (806) AND REMARKABLES PARK LIMITED (807) ........................................................................................................................... 5 APPENDIX 1: UPDATED LIST OF SUBMISSIONS FOR GROUP 2 29838889_3.docx 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 My full name is Robert Bruce Buxton. I prepared a statement of evidence in chief, rebuttal evidence, supplementary rebuttal evidence, a summary of evidence, an updated summary of evidence, and reply evidence for the Queenstown Mapping Hearing Stream 13. My qualifications and experience are listed in my evidence in chief dated 24 May 2017. 1.2 The purpose of this supplementary reply evidence is to specifically respond to matters raised by the following submitters during the course of the hearing: (a) Grant Hylton Hensman, Sharyn Hensman & Bruce Herbert Robertson, Scope Resources Ltd, Grant Hylton Hensman & Noel Thomas van Wichen, Trojan Holdings Ltd (Hensman, 361); (b) Gibbston Valley Station Limited (Gibbston, 827); and (c) Queenstown Park Limited (QPL, 806).