January 23, 2017 Honorable Pedro Nava, Chairman Little Hoover Commission 925 L Street, Suite 805 Sacramento, CA 95814 Via email attachment to:
[email protected], Re: Public comment for inclusion in the record of the Little Hoover Commission’s Public Hearing on Forest Management, Thursday, January 26, 2017. Dear Chairman Nava and members of the Commission: I greatly appreciate that the Little Hoover Commission has decided to research problems with forest management in California and prepare a report recommending changes to law to help address the problems. However, after reading Chairman Nava’s letter of December 5, 2016 to Mr. Nick Goulette, I am concerned that the commission’s report on this subject may be too narrow, as it appears the focus may be limited to the 10 counties participating in the Tree Mortality Task Force, of which Monterey County is not a participant. I am writing to propose that in addition to problems in the southern and central Sierra region, the commission also consider and report on the need for comprehensive amendment of all laws needed to clearly allow and facilitate wildfire fuel reduction management of all forests, woodlands and rangelands in California. Myriad layers of local, state and federal laws add regulatory costs, delays and other roadblocks that act to discourage, hinder, and stop private and public landowners from maintaining forests, woodlands and rangelands in California. Government should be allowing and facilitating this important work, not leaving laws in place that act to hinder and block it. The federal government has acknowledged for almost 20 years that the beneficial policy of working to suppress wildfires that has been in place for over 100 years has resulted in vast areas in the western states, including much of California, being unnaturally and hazardously overgrown, presenting increased threat of high-heat-intensity wildfires to lives, property, and resources.