A Ndex to Gen. Logies Birthbr-Iefs

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A Ndex to Gen. Logies Birthbr-Iefs 14038 5 7 P R E F A C E . _0 T H E R eco rds w o o n are n x no w vario us , h se c n te ts i de ed in the list o o — G B i rthbri efs printed , may be divided int three divisi n s en ealogies , an d T fi o f ffi R o f n h e o O F u n eral E scutch e o s . rst c n sists the cial egister all G n o B irthbri efs i n S o w i o o n rd D e eal gies an d c tland , h ch c mm en ces 3 ecem h 1 6 Vo u I I I I o n 1 t . b e r 172 7. Vo lume . ends s J an uary 79 and l me begin s V n 16th August 18 2 7 an d is co ntinu ed to date . o lum e I I . is o t no w i n x e x . I no t o e ist n ce , if in deed it ever e iste d at all t is menti n ed in an ffiR in 18 1 o o f th e o n O o inven t ry Ly ce ec rds 9 , bu t several pedigrees , w w to be o are hich ere inten ded rec rded in it, still preserved in draft in “ ” ” r f T h f w hat is called the Arb o retu m o collectio n o trees . e n ames o h ffi h t o w o no t no w t e o n O t o u t e fo r h s e as ell as thers , i n Ly ce h gh fees in o b to n . recordi g them are e ntered the cash bo k , have e en added the list T o u t o G . I . I I . I I I . T h e B i rthbri e fs hese v l mes are referred as , and an d F u n eral E scutch eo n s give th e n ames and i n man y instan ces the arms o f n n - n - - a th e pare ts , grandpare ts , great gran dpare ts and great great gr n d o f o n w o o e w o r o f paren ts , the pers in h s e fav ur th y ere granted th e w o was w o f th e o o deceased, h se hatchm e nt , by arran t L rd Ly n , painted f r u T o th e o o o o o a . o an d placed ver d r his man si n b ri l place h ese rec rds , w x are o o o hich are intermi ed , c ntai n ed in f u rteen v lum e s an d are referred to o o w th e f n the n r o f u as f ll s , re eren ces bei g u mbe s the man script in th e Lyo n O ffice Catalo gu e o o o B i rthbri efs and F u e E u eo 8 . Large f li c n tain ing 43 n ral sc tch n s at - e nd 16 1 . begin n ing an d 4 at , 9 7 754 fo o 2 F un E u o o e 9 . Large li co ntaining 37 eral sc tche n s c llect d by R o C R o H 1 2 o derick halmers , ss erald ( 7 4 an d an th er co mmen cin g 2 nd August 172 4 an d e nding 1766 co n tai n th e sei z e n o f th e bu t o . qu artiers deceased, pedigree u o o o n 2 6 i hb ri fs I O . S o o o o B rt e mall f li , f rm erly i n f r b ks , c ntain i g 3 an d F u n eral E scutche o n s . 1 n 2 6 B i rthbri e fs and F E u n 1 S o o o o . mall f li c n taini g 9 u n eral sc tche s 8 2 F u E - 12 . S o o o u o 1 2 0 1 2 o e mall f li c ntai ning n eral sc tche n s , 7 73 , c pi d no t x . fro m N o . 9 and in de ed separately “ f 1 F E u n 1 - 1 8 1 . S o o o 0 o 6 1 . 3 mall li c n taining 3 u n eral sc tche s , 9 7 7 f n fi 0 B ir h i f br s o 1 . S o o t e o n 4 mall li con tain i g ( rst) 9 , m stly f reig ; an d o 0 B irthbri efs o f ink e o f (se c n d) 4 , a n umber p e n and sketch s o n w the F E u eo o f arm rial beari gs , an d endin g ith u n eral sc tch n D E L M 18 60 . avid , arl of eve n and elville “ M u o l o M n G e o o nn 2 1 edi m f i e ntitled a uscript en al gies , c ntai i g 3 h ri f f th e f o n B irt b e s o ee o S o e n n 1 6. p rs c tla d and th rs , e di g 75 o w o n to o S t R o H 166 A v lu m e , hich bel ged J s eph acey , ss erald ( 3 nn 8 ir h ri f c o ntai i g 1 4 B t b e s . A thin vo l um e co n taining 39 n o tices o f the o rders and cerem o nies n h u o f fu n erals du ri g t e seventee nth cen t ry . o o l o o f B irthbri e fs 8 nu 168 . A n u nb u nd c lecti n , 5 in mber, 4 o o u o n e n H F Q uart v l m e c ntaini g p and ink sk etch es by enry raser, R o H 168 - 1 2 F E o n w 1 ss erald 7 7 4, fo r u n eral scu tch e s , ith 3 B ir h r i f . n a r x t b e s at the end O ly these latter e inde ed here . ’ T R P n o f P T ti P . fi he o o e s Ly n s egister of r cessio s , Letters recede n cy , F o f u 16 w 2 F E o cates an d r a ltu res 79 , ith 3 u n eral scu tche n s at the e nd . T h e info rmati o n give n i n these r eco rds in th e s eventee n th an d n h u b w u o . t o eighteen th cen t ries m u st e accepte d ith ca ti by e gen eal gist . T h e an cestral tables i n many cases have be en written do w n by th e H erald Painters fro m pers o n s w h o s e kn o wledge was in co mpl e te o r T h r n n th e n . e o o e i n accu rate rec ds c tain many bla ks in ames and dat s , w u T o o hich have been s pplied fro m o the r s o u rces . his i n f rmati n is given i n s qu are brackets . I N D E X GE N E AL O GI E S , B I RT H B RI E F S AN D F U N E RAL E S C T H E N S U C O , R E CO R D E D [ N T H E L YO N O F F I CE . A be o m w h o M o nkto une ff rc rn, J a es , Earl of, died at , in the sheri dom of Aire , upon 2 Monday, [ 3] day of March , and was brought quietly to Paisley uhilk 2 i till the day of his burial , q was one Saturday , the 9_Apr l 1 18 e c a r e d 6 , was honourably buri d and y from the Abbay furth fo a r at the gate round about eastward to the ki rk , and there put in the i sle p repared for his r e s e tt . H e was but of the age of 43 10 h i m 2 - 166 - 2 1 years , and left his wife and children behind 3 , 34 B Marion oyd , Countess of, who deceased at the Cannongate upon 26 S unday , the August, and the next night thereafter she was M r .
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