COMPETITION SUMMARY As part of our mission to keep the nation laughing Beano has launched a competition to find Britain’s Funniest Family.

The competition will be judged by British comedian Romesh Ranganathan and a panel of Beano gag makers.

Families can enter their videos at

VIDEO CATEGORIES 1. FUNNIEST FAMILY SONG AND DANCE: Dennis loves nothing better than a giggle at Dad Disco dancing! Does your mum have the maddest moves? Or, do you have a groovy Gran living with you? 2. FUNNIEST FAMILY JOKE: The Bash Street Kids love sharing new jokes in the playground. Can you write and record a new family-friendly gag to entertain us! 3. FUNNIEST FAMILY PRANK: and Rodger the Dodger love filming their family pranks? Now it’s time to share your comedy movie-making genius. Set ‘em up and load ‘em up! 4. FUNNIEST FAMILY FACE: Plug and Calamity James battle to pull the funniest face in Beanotown. Can you persuade your family to gurn so bad it makes the nation giggle?

TIMELINE Entries: 29th April – 25th May Judges select 20 finalists: 25th May- 28th May Voting: 29th May – 14th June Winner announcement: w/c 15th June

PRIZES -The winning family will be imagined into an epic comic strip, which will be published in . Britain’s Funniest Family will be the stars of the World’s funniest comic! -A one year subscription to the Beano for the winning family and 5 friends -Britain’s Funniest Family of 2020 Beano trophy -One Nintendo Switch

ENTRY One can enter on as many times as they want in as many categories they want. The videos must be no longer than 15 seconds, and recorded on a mobile device. The videos must be submitted according to the instructions on

SELECTION PROCESS The entries will be reviewed by Beano staff and all the approved entries will be published in a dedicated Video Gallery on and may be shared on social media sites. At the end of the entry period, the panel of judges will select a shortlist of 5 entries for each category (20 finalists in total) The finalist videos will be displayed on to be voted for by the public and may be shared on social media channels. Beano have been made aware of some technical issues with the voting mechanic at the very beginning of the voting period, resulting in in some votes not being counted correctly. As a result and out of fairness to all finalists we are restarting the vote on 2nd June at midnight. The counter will be reset to Zero and the voting mechanic will be changed to one vote per session to ensure no more glitches happen and that the voting is as fair as possible.

JURY Head Judge: Romesh Ranganathan, Comedian Judge: Mike Stirling, Head of Beano Studios Scotland Judge: Amy Pearson, Brand Director, Beano Studios

COMPETITON TERMS AND CONDITIONS Please read the terms and conditions which apply to your family’s participation in the competition. These can be found here: competition terms
