Headquarters (TEO) Bengal Engineer Group & Centre, Roorkee – 247 667 3008/FP&TG/01/TEO 21 Jun 2018 To, ________________ ________________ ________________ Dear Sir / Madam, REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) : INVITATION OF BIDS FOR PROCUREMENT OF SHEET FED OFFSET PRINTING MACHINE, SINGLE COLOUR PAPER SIZE 18” X 25” (MAXIMUM) AND 9” X 11” (MINIMUM) FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 2018-19 1. Online tenders through Two bid system are invited from suppliers through the Government e-procurement portal "http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app " by the Technical Equipment Office, Bengal Engineer Group & Centre, Roorkee in all respects with all the terms and conditions. 2. The address and contact numbers for sending Bids or seeking clarifications regarding this Tender Enquiry are given below: (a) Bids / queries to be addressed to: Technical Equipment Office, Bengal Engineer Group and Centre, Roorkee -247 667 (b) Postal address for sending the Bids: Technical Equipment Office, Bengal Engineer Group and Centre, Roorkee -247 667 (c) Name / designation of the contact personnel : Lt Col L Srinivasan OIC Procurement Cell (d) Telephone numbers of the contact personnel : 01332-276710 (e) E-mail Id of contact personnel : teobeg&
[email protected] (f) Fax number : - 3. This Tender Enquiry is divided into Five Parts as follows:- (a) Part I. Contains General Information and Instructions for the Bidders about the Tender Enquiry such as the time, place of submission and opening of tenders, validity period of tenders, etc. (b) Part II . Contains essential details of the items/services required, such as the Schedule of Requirements (SOR), Technical Specifications, Delivery Period, Mode of Delivery and Consignee Details.