Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} First of Revenge by Elle Christensen First Kiss of Revenge. All titles apply after a dethroned vampire king turns me into a well-trained pet. Now he wants me to take down the renowned assassin guarding the Vampire Dynasty throne. In exchange for my cooperation, I’ll be given my freedom. All right, Master. I’ll dance. And when I’m done, I’ll burn the entire f*cking dynasty to the ground. It’s the Romanov slayer legacy, after all. Grigori Rasputin thinks he’s bested me. He’s wrong. I’ve added a new player to the board, and she’s going to paint his world in red. Nikola is mine to train. She’s a weapon. Maybe even my lover. Whatever I choose. By the time we’re through, Grigori’s entire empire will crumble to the ground. Then I’ll pick up the pieces of my former throne. The Vampire Dynasty will thrive again because nothing will stand in my way of taking back what’s mine. Not even her. Be a good pet and do as you’re told, Nikola darling. I promise this will all be over soon. Authors’ Note: This is a dark paranormal romance trilogy featuring overarching themes that will be resolved over the three books. Each couple has a happily-for-now ending in their respective book, with strings that tie the entire trilogy together in the end. Genre: Paranormal Romance. Revenge. Despite coming off a monster ballad with Hot in the Shade's Michael Bolton-penned "Forever," Kiss was plagued by financial instability due to Simmons and Stanley's extravagance; worse, drummer succumbed to cancer in November 1991. But even with the grunge movement in full effect, Kiss was luckily recognized as a major influence on everyone from Trent Reznor to Lenny Kravitz -- their '70s legacy intact despite the band's often dubious choices in the '80s. And even though they, too, were on the brink of commercial extinction, being savvy businessmen first and foremost, and fully understood the lay of the land. Not only did they need to make a definitive record, they needed to completely re-invent themselves, visually and sonically. The first step was to secure hard rock veteran to fill Carr's shoes; next, the band rekindled its relationship with producer Bob Ezrin. Again, never ones to ignore lucrative business opportunities, Simmons and Stanley swallowed their pride and rejoined forces with former bandmate . Together, they co-wrote Revenge's three centerpieces -- "Unholy," "I Just Wanna," and "Heart of Chrome." Bringing Vincent back to the Kiss fold ultimately proves to be the album's coup de grâce. Some of the cuts are excellent, delivered with conviction and panache, but for all the hype, the album is also tainted with filler. On the up tip, Ezrin's mongo-enormous production galvanizes the Kiss sound, making it fresh again. The band's promotional efforts would help propel the album's first- week sales sky high, culminating with a Top Ten Billboard chart entry, but indifference once again plagued the ensuing arena tour. Soichiro Irie – Another Story Review. Warning : This review assumes that you have already read through Irie’s Main Story (or at least reached his 9th chapter). If you have not, I suggest you stop reading here to avoid needless spoilers. You have been warned. Basic Story Premise : When you are attacked at the party, Irie comes in and rescues you. He apologizes for setting you up and explains that his desire to protect you is stronger than his original desire to use you for his own benefit. After he confesses to having feelings for you, you realize that Irie is more important to you than your revenge. The two of you start to date, but your brief moment of happiness is disturbed when you notice Irie starting to act strangely. Then your coworkers share some hospital gossip with you: some people suspect that Irie has a secret wife or girlfriend. No one knows for certain since he keeps his personal life hidden. Could the gossip be right? Could Irie just be manipulating you again? What secrets is Irie hiding from you? My review with some spoilers, screenshots, and the one CG after the jump. No walk-through because there is only one ending in this story. Continue reading → Soichiro Irie – Main Story Review. Basic Story Premise: Irie becomes your mentor as you settle into your role as a surgeon at the hospital. It doesn’t take you long to realize that Irie is a man of power at the hospital: by gaining his trust you may be able to access the director for your revenge. However, you quickly realize that you are no match for Irie’s shrewdness. You can’t help but wonder… are you the one playing him? Or is he actually the one playing you? If only you weren’t developing feelings for Irie, maybe you would be a better match for his wits. Will you be able to carry out your plan for revenge? Or will you just become a pawn in Irie’s larger game? My review with some spoilers, screenshots, and CGs after the jump! No walk-through because both endings are available to read after you finish the story through once. Junpei Miyashita – Another Story Review. (Junpei is as sweet as ever in his “Another Story.”) Warning : This review assumes that you have already read through Junpei’s Main Story (or at least reached his 9th chapter). If you have not, I suggest you stop reading here to avoid needless spoilers . You have been warned. Basic Story Premise : On the way home from the director’s party, Junpei confesses that he is still in love with you. You realize that you love him too, and you can’t help but confess the real reason why you came back to town as a doctor. Junpei takes your confession better than you expected, and he supports you when you confront the director. Now that your quest for revenge is over, you should be relieved, right? Wrong! You are more confused than ever. You try to move forward with your life and forget your vengeful past, but you’re suprised to see that you may be pushing Junpei away. How will you start pulling your life back together? And will you finally be able to show Junpei, the one man who has never stopped supporting and loving you, just how much he means to you? My review with some spoilers, screenshots, and CGs after the jump. No walk-through because there is just one ending. Issei Sezaki – Another Story Review. Warning : This review assumes that you have already read through Sezaki’s Main Story (or at least reached his 9th chapter). If you have not, I suggest you stop reading here to avoid needless spoilers . You have been warned. Basic Story Premise : After Sezaki takes you home one day, you realize that you accidentally took his notebook (containing information of each of the patients he lost) with you. You are torn between your desire for revenge and your feelings for Sezaki. When Sezaki stumbles upon you at your mother’s grave, he realizes who you are and apologizes for his past mistake. Because you are in love with him, you decide to forgive him and give up on getting revenge. However, more difficulties lie ahead when the two of you try to pursue a relationship. In the end, you can’t help but wonder… is Sezaki in a relationship with you because he truly cares for you? Or is it just because he doesn’t want to hurt you since he still feels guilt over killing your mother? My review with some spoilers, screenshots, and the one CG after the jump. No walk-through because there is only one ending in this story. Continue reading → Junpei Miyashita – Main Story Review. (Hmmm… in a normal situation, that is a good great thing. But when I’m in the middle of trying to murder someone… maybe not so much.) Basic Story Premise : You try to focus on your quest for revenge now that you’ve gotten your job at the hospital. However, Junpei, an old friend from your past, seems determined to distract you. Now that you’re back in his life, he doesn’t want to let you slip away again. Even though you still care for Junpei, you quickly realize that a relationship with him will negatively affect your mission to kill the director. What lengths will you go to try to discourage Junpei, even though being rude to him breaks your heart? Will you be able to keep your plot for revenge hidden from the person who seems to know you better than you know yourself? In the end, will you end up choosing revenge… or love? My review with some spoilers, screenshots, and CGs after the jump. No walk-through because both endings are available after you finish reading the story through once. My review for his “Another Story” can be found right here. Continue reading → Kiss of Revenge – Invite a Friend Campaign Images. With the release of their latest app, Kiss of Revenge, Voltage Inc has included a new aspect to their otome games called “Invite a Friend Campaign.” I personally think that this is a bullshit method they are using to have users shamelessly advertise their app for them. Not to mention inflate their reviews in the App store with people who are begging for you to add their codes. I’m already willing to download and spend money on the stories from the app. Why do I need this useless social component? If this was a free game, feel free to force me to add frends and leave messages on the boards of strangers like in the GREE voltage games. I’m willing to jump through more hoops for you since it is free. (You say “jump” to which I say “how high.”) But for an app in which I’m already dropping good money? (Do I also need to wipe your rear for you?) Anyway, the images you can earn are posted after the jump. Enjoy them without having to beg people to type in a random assortment of letters and numbers for you. Continue reading → Issei Sezaki – Main Story Review. (Hey, I’m a woman on a mission; there is no escape!) Basic Story Premise : You decide that the best way to get close enough to the director and carry out your revenge is by getting close to his son, Issei Sezaki. It takes you awhile to break past Sezaki’s cold exterior, but you are slowly able to gain his trust. Unfortunately, you also realize that you are starting to fall for him. You struggle to carry out your plan for revenge against his father while getting distracted by Sezaki’s kiss. Will you be able to pull yourself together long enough to kill the director? And what happens to your vendetta when you realize that Sezaki may have played an important role leading to the death of your mother 12 years ago? My review with some spoilers, screenshots, and CGs after the cut. No walkthrough because both endings are available once you finish the story. If you are looking for my review for Sezaki’s Another Story, it can be found here. Follow Blog via Email. Welcome! My name is Diora. I am. a reader of books. a watcher of movies. a player of otome. Feel free to peruse my ramblings! I am slowly putting up reviews on Voltage Inc. stories in no particular order. If you are looking for a particular story/character/special, leave me a comment and let me know. Kiss: ‘Revenge’ Review: May 1992, KISS come storming back with Revenge. And for myself, storming would be the word as even though I was still buying all their releases, their studio output in the ’80s was questionable! Now, don’t think for a second I’m a scorned ex-jilted KISS fan. Nope! Now, for the duds in the ’80s, there were some real awesome albums ( ), not bad ( ) and some that have gotten better over time ( ). Who know’s what I was thinking when KISS unleashed Revenge . I guess I just viewed it as another new KISS album as there were already like 100 or so studio, live, greatest hits comps out there… I was certainly surprised when KISS along with producer Bob Ezrin stepped up and slammed one out of the ballpark! So Starchild , the Demon , Kulick and Singer create what I would have to say is close to one of there best studio outputs ever. Plus give props to the cover, a slick looking were taking no shit kinda cover! Metallic silver menacing wall slapped with a big bad ass looking bolts with a KISS painted black logo over it. Heavy… God gave rock n’ roll to you… I gave tons of cash to KISS ! “Unholy” — Holy heck! KISS in 1992 sound leaner, meaner and with the guitars doing some weird kinda backward maskimg thingy for a few seconds comes some big power chords courtesy of Paul Stanley and . Eric Singer ‘s bass drums sound huge like cannons peeling off and could it be…. say what? Gene Simmons begins the album with his own song and it’s not a Stanley track as well it’s heavvvvy devvvvvvy! Gene sings like he has gone overboard and is about to be committed to the looney tank and man I’m digging it and I still do all these years later. The KISS sonics here and on this album are produced so good. Take a bow Mr. Ezrin ! “Take It Off” — You didn’t think you were gonna get two Gene tracks off the bat did ya? Nope! Here’s Paulie Stanley with a real good song musically but lyrically its a throwback to 1988! You know the lyrics — they go something like this “mind is getting dirty around 11:30. Uh huh! Shake your hips yada yada toss your panties. Uh huh. Blah blah!” I mean, yeah OK, even back when Revenge came out, I was 24, KISS were just all turning 40! This song lyrically bores the tar out of me. Like I said, great music, cool use of percussion and good solo but dumbo corny lyrics that shoulda stayed in the ’80s! “Tough Love” — Now were talking Mr. Stanley ! A way better tune lyrically than “Take It Off.” I love the sleazy heaviness of the guitars, kinda gurney, but not overcooked to the point of the “sound” at the time! Love the beginning of this track where the band and especially Singer take control! The verses are real good, chorus is real good and Kulick is rocking the crap outta his guitar! “Spit” — Sleazy Simmons pulls off some real cool Spinal Tap isms lyrically in this tune. The lyrics are goofy but it’s catchy! Singer ploughs some double bass drumming and Kulick plays a bit of the Star Spangled Banner in his solo. Hand it to Gene — he steals Stanley ‘s thunder in the hokey writings of rock when the Demon sings “You don’t mean spit to meeeeeeee!” Ha! What’s even funnier is Stanley knows this as he takes over the pre-chorus vocally like Starchild is saying “ Gene let me be a part of your ’80s leftover lyric rock schlep!” “God Gave Rock N Roll To You” — I heard this song a year earlier when KISS recorded this track for the Bill And Ted Soundtrack ! It’s a good song. No doubt a cover tune ( Argent ) no less but Gene , Paul , Bruce , Singer and late great KISS drummer Eric Carr who provides the backing vocals for this song pull off this mid tempo steamer of a track! I like how the song breaks down almost acapella style and than ramps back up! Of course, Paulie goes into his “Believe in rock n’ roll” lingo and that’s OK as it’s May of 1992 and some bands are being kind of mopey, bummed out, strung out and hey, that’s their deal and more power to ’em! But for me, I’m OK with Preacher Paul ranting on for a few seconds. Just a few seconds though! “Domino” — Ahhh, the Demon totally steps up! This Is a great fuckin’ track! Love the beginning with just Kulick and Singer and Gene when he tells “you my story!” This song is possibly at any given time when someone brings up Revenge a fave Demon tune! My pal Rockin’ Roberts digs this tune immensely and the only KISS he owns is a double greatest hits comp but it has “Domino” on it. So there ya be! Gene man totally steps up and the rest of the guys play it perfect. It’s not over done. Gene himself restrains himself and sings a chill vocal, almost a throwback to his singing on theeeeeeee fabulous Creatures Of The Night release ten years earlier (1982). Kulick does a real cool solo and yeah, it’s all here folks! But yeah, this has to be one of the best KISS concept vids ever in my opinon. Love that the ol’ buzzard Simmons is just cruising around in a car and the other three dudes are locked up in a jam shack! There’s quick shots of Starchild playing the Demon ‘s bass. “Heart Of Chrome” — Good Stanley track. It seems he and Gene pushed each other hard on writing good hard rock material for Revenge . Great Kulick solo and drums by Singe r… “Thou Shall Not” — Another stand up Simmons rocker! Great tune and KISS ’92 are firing on all four cylinders. Simmons knows his deal on this record and it’s writing rockers, good ones at that and is Simmons ‘ strongest record with material since 1982! “Everytime I Look At You” — Yeah, OK but this song is right out of place on this album. Revenge is a big ass rock record. Look at the cover and the songs are heavy and boom this appears? Stanley goes down wimp ville and spews out this track. Hey, if you like it, God bless ya! Not my deal man. Stanley , if he had to, should have written a tune like “Million To One” from Lick It Up ! That’s the kinda track that would have worked on here. “Paralyzed” — Simmons kicks the sappy “Everytime I Look At You” track to the curb and ramps it back up with “Paralyzed.” A heavy mid tempo kinda tune! Thanks Gene for picking up Stanley ‘s lack of judgment and booting some good ol’ hard rock up everyone’s ass! Singer and his drums move this song along folks. No bull! Just hard rock! “I Just Wanna” — Stanley writes a catchy heavy rock track that kinda jingles around in the upper registers in my noggin’ after I listen to it…. I just wanna forget yoooooooou! This is Starchild ‘s kinda tune. I like the song, the lyrics albeit kinda funny, but that’s OK ’cause as I stated earlier. there were a lot of serious rock acts out there and hey, I’m a casualty from the ’80s and thanks to Stanley , he tosses me a life line with this song! Of course, with Stanley and Simmoms tossing me a lifeline would come with a fee! Kulick lays down some decent soloing and the middle part breaks down acapella style and they pull it off…. “Carr Jam 1981” — Cool tribute to Eric Carr who passed away in November 1991. “Carr Jam” is a track that Kulick adds guitar to pay homage for their fallen band member! Carr was a fantastic drummer! In conclusion, KISS storm back after the blah Hot In the Shade from 1989 and just about put out what I would consider the ultimate KISS album. It would be if Stanley hadn’t plopped that mush…. Actually, Vinnie Vincent has a bunch of co-writes on this album and I think it gave KISS that extra boost (not that they would admit it) when I say it’s their best album since Creatures Of The Night and that Lick It Up has grown on me over the years! Whose paws were all over the playing and writing of those two records? Yeppers, Vinnie was… Food for thought…. Track List: 01. Unholy 02. Take It Off 03. Tough Love 04. Spit 05. God Gave Rock ‘N’ Roll To You II 06. Domino 07. Heart Of Chrome 08. Thou Shalt Not 09. Every Time I Look At You 10. Paralyzed 11. I Just Wanna 12. Carr Jam 1981. Band Members: Paul Stanley – rhythm guitar, vocals Gene Simmons – bass guitar, vocals, rhythm guitar (6) Eric Carr – backing vocals (5), drums and guitar (12) Bruce Kulick – lead guitar, backing vocals, bass guitar (3, 9) Eric Singer – drums, backing vocals. Additional Musicians: Dick Wagner – guitar solo (9) Kevin Valentine – drums (2) – backing vocals Jesse Damon – backing vocals. Production: Produced by Bob Ezrin Engineered by Chris Steinmetz , Niko Bolas and George Tutko Mixed by Mick Guzauski and Rall Rogut. Reviewed by Deke for Sleaze Roxx , May 2017. KISS ‘ “Unholy” video: Kiss – Unholy (Official Music Video) Music video by Kiss performing Unholy. (C) 1993 The Island Def Jam Music Group#Kiss #Unholy #Vevo. Die größten Hörerlebnisse nur bei Audible. Erlebe Audible auf dem Smartphone, Tablet, am Computer oder deinem Amazon Echo. Auch offline. Die größten Hörerlebnisse. 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