
PINECONEThe Magazine of Kirby Pines Retirement Community • November 2019 | V. 37 | I.11

Kirby Pines Residents SUZANNE AND MIKE HUFNAGEL enjoy the annual Fall Festival

Why Strength Training? | Healthy Eating | Playing The Game | Resident Spotlight: Dr. Thomas Hickey Kirby Pines Retirement Community It 's Time To Be Thankful is managed by: Well it is that time of the year again, when the at Kirby Pines phrase “Happy Thanksgiving” can be heard throughout the community. The phrase itself photo of spouse, or family member on can bring up memories of family gatherings, your nightstand; or the personal note in BOARD OF DIRECTORS special “secret” recipes for stuffing and the a greeting card you have been saving Dr. James Latimer, Chairman for years. It is all too easy to forget American tradition of sitting down at a table Mr. Rudy Herzke, President how much these small things mean to and sharing food with one another. We have Mr. Berry Terry, Secretary/Treasurer after all, an abundance of things for which to us, until they are lost or damaged. More Mr. Larry Braughton Rev. Richard Coons be thankful. importantly, make time to let your fellow Kirby residents know just how Mr. Jim Ethridge Dr. Fred Grogan Ms. Linda Harrington Ms. Mary Ann Hodges For example, we can be thankful that fun thankful you are that they are here to activities and delicious meals are provided dine with you, or play cards with you or Mr. Rusty Linkous Mr. Boyd Rhodes, Jr.

for us daily. That services such as healthcare, just check-in on you from time to time. RCA STAFF Remember, Thanksgiving is more than housekeeping and maintenance are available Charlie Trammell to us daily. That old friendships can easily be just sharing that “secret” family recipe President, RCA maintained and new friendships easily made. for stuffing; it is a time to reflect on Michélle Vincent In fact, just being able to live in a LifeCare our blessings, past and future. Happy Senior Vice President, RCA Retirement Community such as Kirby Pines Thanksgiving everyone! is a way of thanking ourselves for years of Tim Cox hard work and good planning. After all, so Senior Vice President of Finance, RCA many others are less fortunate, having little Michael Laura Cornwell more than the clothes on their backs after the Vice President of Finance, RCA Escamilla, devastating hurricanes earlier this year and Beth Houk Executive the more recent fires in California. Director of Sales & Marketing Director, This year as you celebrate Thanksgiving, Kirby Pines KIRBY PINES STAFF remember to be thankful for even the small Michael Escamilla things in you life. Such as the small framed Executive Director, Kirby Pines Annette Marlar ON THE PINECONE COVER Director of Medical Services and HR Mike Abutineh, M.D. Medical Director Kirby Pines Is Ready For Holiday Season Erin Geiser November is just the beginning of that special new residents Mike and Suzanne Hufnagel Director of Culinary Services time of year in all of our lives. Decorations at their first Fall Festival. This active come out, sweaters are gathered and we begin couple is just off the road from an extensive Linda Huston to reflect on all of the things we have to be RV adventure and settling in wonderfully Director of Accounting thankful for. at Kirby Pines. Our back cover was taken Don Johnson during our huge book signing event with Chaplain The holiday season can be overwhelming best-selling authors Lisa Wingate and Judy Cheryl Moore to some, but at Kirby Pines, we try to take Christie, along with their friend, resident Director of Life Enhancement the stress out and bring the joy in. We begin Janice Wall, President of the Kirby Pines the celebration by honoring our Veterans. book club, The Book Baggers. Chuck Neeley Then gradually groups come visit Director of Maintenance performing their special programs. Mike Rayder We then celebrate Thanksgiving Director of Grounds & Landscaping with a special meal with friends Jada Mullins and family. We finally round out the Director of Environmental Services month by putting up the gigantic Christmas Tree in the Grand Lobby Calvin Sims to remind us of things to come. The Director of Security most important of these things Alisa Stokes is knowing we have an entire Director of Transportation community to share this wonderful time of year with. This magazine is produced by RCA 6465 N. Quail Hollow Rd., Suite 400 Due to wind and cold, the Fall Festival moved inside, Memphis, TN 38120, 901-794-2598 Our front cover this month features but it sure didn't stop residents from having a good time! Electronic version of The Pinecone • 2 • The Pinecone | November 2019 is available at Kirby Pines Retirement Community welcome to is managed by:

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dr. James Latimer, Chairman Mr. Rudy Herzke, President Mr. Berry Terry, Secretary/Treasurer Mr. Larry Braughton Rev. Richard Coons Mr. Jim Ethridge Dr. Fred Grogan 3535 Kirby Road • Memphis, TN 38115 Ms. Linda Harrington Ms. Mary Ann Hodges Mr. Rusty Linkous Mr. Boyd Rhodes, Jr.

RCA STAFF Charlie Trammell President, RCA Michélle Vincent Senior Vice President, RCA Tim Cox Senior Vice President of Finance, RCA Jack Bolton Earl Griffin Laura Cornwell Vice President of Finance, RCA Jack Bolton was born in Tucker, Georgia and moved to Kir- Earl Griffin grew up on a farm in Hardeman County, where Beth Houk by Pines Retirement Community from his home in Collier- he enjoyed country life. He liked river fishing and night Director of Sales & Marketing ville, . He was married to his late wife, Jeanie, for hunting and in the summers would go frog gigging. He KIRBY PINES STAFF 43 years and have one son and two grandchildren. moved to Kirby Pines from his home in Memphis, Tennes- Michael Escamilla see. He and his late wife, Thelma, have two children, four Executive Director, Kirby Pines Jack served in the United States Army, Specialist 4th Class, grandchildren and four great grands. Annette Marlar where he was a Jeep driver in Germany. He then worked for Director of Medical Services and HR the United States Postal Service for 28 years as a mail car- He was a sergeant in the Army Air Corp and the United Mike Abutineh, M.D. rier. I bet he has some stories to tell about that line of work! States Air Force and was assigned in the US and Puerto Medical Director Rico. While in the service he discovered he was color blind, Erin Geiser He enjoys golf and football and likes to walk to stay fit and which hindered his ability to pilot or shoot from a plane. Director of Culinary Services active. His favorite author is James Paterson and his favorite Linda Huston movie is Forrest Gump. He listens to all types of music and After his stint in the service, he became a foreman at Quaker Director of Accounting he likes all kinds of food except Mexican. Oats and worked their from 1956 to 1983. He and his wife Don Johnson Chaplain enjoyed their winters in Florida, until thier children came One of his family's traditions was to go to his mother's home along. He has also traveled to Hawaii, Costa Rica and the Cheryl Moore Director of Life Enhancement at Christmas and Thanksgiving, yet his favorite holiday is Western United States. Thanksgivng. A family recipe he is most fond of is Pecan Chuck Neeley Director of Maintenance Pie. His proudest accomplishment is he "married the sweet- Earl loves shows like Andy Griffith, his favorite book is the Mike Rayder est girl on earth". Bible and he loves a good hymn. Christmas is his favorite Director of Grounds & Landscaping holiday and remembers cutting their own tree and work- Jada Mullins Jack has traveled to New England, Europe and his favor- ing as a family to make it memorable. He is proud to be 96 Director of Environmental Services ite trip was Alaska. He is a member of the Masons and his years old and has wonderful children and friends. Calvin Sims friends would describe him as being friendly and honest. Director of Security His friends describe him as decent and trustworthy, how- Alisa Stokes We are so glad Jack decided to make Kirby Pines his home. ever admits, one friend at Kirby calls him "Trouble". Please Director of Transportation He will have many opportunities to meet new friends and be sure to make Earl feel right at home. We are glad he has This magazine is produced by RCA participate in some of the many activities offered to him. If joined us here at our community and with Christmas around 6465 N. Quail Hollow Rd., Suite 400 you have yet to meet him, make sure you extend a big hearty the corner, we hope he enjoys the way we celebrate almost Memphis, TN 38120, 901-794-2598 hello and make him feel welcome. as much as he did over the years. Electronic version of The Pinecone is available at The Pinecone | November 2019 • 3 • Advanced Water Aerobics Why Strength Training For Seniors? Monday & Wednesday 8:30 am-9:30 am in the Pool Yes, you’ll get stronger and more toned – but those aren’t the only reasons to strength train. Scientists continue to discover benefits of strength training or resistance training. It can be Exercise in the PAC done using light weights, elastic bands or even your own body weight (think wall push-ups, mini squats and calf raises). Here are four more good reasons to start. Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:30 am in the PAC 1. IT REDUCES PAIN. A small study, published in the July 2012 International Journal of Preventive Medicine, found that men with rheumatoid arthritis affecting their knees had a Tai Chi 23 percent reduction in pain intensity after following a three-day-a-week strength-training Monday program for eight weeks. Other studies show strength training relieves the pain of osteoarthritis 1:45 pm in the PAC and fibromyalgia, too. In the Oasis, the leg extension and seated-leg-curl machine will help with strengthen the muscles around the knee. Yoga Stretch 2. IT INCREASES RANGE OF MOTION Another small study, published in the December Wednesday 2011 Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, found that participants who 10:30 am in the PAC practiced resistance training three days a week for five weeks had the same flexibility improvements as those who did a regular stretching routine. Stretching and strengthening are Men’s Water Aerobics both important. Water aerobics can help with both. Tuesday & Thursday 3. IT BLASTS CALORIES – even when you’re not working out. Muscle burns calories, so adding 8:30 am - 9:15 am in the Pool muscle mass naturally amps up your calorie burn. In fact, an analysis of several studies, reported in the July-August 2012 Current Sports Medicine Reports, shows the number of calories you Arthritis Foundation burn at rest rises about 7 percent after several weeks of resistance training. Water Aerobics Tuesday & Thursday 4. IT BOOSTS BONE DENSITY Women lose up to 50 percent of their bone tissue in their lifetime post-menopause. By age 65 or 70, men begin to lose bone mass at the same rate as women, 9:30 am - 10:15 am in the Pool according to the National Institutes of Health. Lifting weights can help slow that loss and increase bone density, according to a 2015 review in the scientific journal of the American Arthritis Foundation Physical Therapy Association. Sit/Stand Class Tuesday & Thursday Seniors are often overwhelmed by all the different machines and other fitness tools a gym has 11:00 am - 11:45 am in the PAC to offer. However, a distinction can be made between two main kinds of exercises: free weight exercises and machine exercises. Machines can be very useful to anyone that wants to isolate a certain muscle. Free weights are dumbbells and barbells, and often people make use of both THANK YOU for your help in raising over free weights and machines. $750 for the Alzheimer’s Association by contributing baked goods, purchasing To start a workout program: You've probably heard people talk about reps and sets. Sets are the bake goods and T-shirts. We appreciate amount of times an exercise is done. Every set consists of reps (repetitions), which is the number of times the movement (for example bicep curls) are done 4-6 repetitions for strength training, the many people who helped make this 6-12 reps for muscle growth, 12-15 reps for toning the muscles and endurance. Another thing Fund Raiser so successful! that is important, is to rest between sets. Rest as long as it takes to resume normal breathing again, which is usually, between 60 to 90 seconds. Most exercises are between 2 and 3 sets, and 8 to 12 reps, however, this depends on your goals and whatever feels good to you.

Safety is very important, so start off slow. Furthermore, proper form and good intensity is most important. It is recommended to consult your doctor before starting a workout program. Start slow, build up and stop doing an exercise as soon as it starts to feel uncomfortable or starts hurting.

Get trained. Make an afternoon appointment with Mary Hand to learn the best techniques for using free weights and the resistance equipment in the Oasis.

• 4 • The Pinecone | November 2019 Choosing HEALTHY MEALS

Advanced Water Aerobics Monday & Wednesday 8:30 am-9:30 am in the Pool 10 HEALTHY EATING TIPS Exercise in the PAC Monday, Wednesday & Friday FOR PEOPLE AGE 65+ 9:30 am in the PAC

Tai Chi Monday Please join us November 20th at 1:30 pm in the PAC 1:45 pm in the PAC for our Smart Moves presentation on Healthy Eating. Yoga Stretch Wednesday Making healthy food choices is a smart thing to do—no matter 6. Eat for your teeth and gums 10:30 am in the PAC how old you are! Your body changes through your 60s, 70s, 80s, Many people find that their teeth and gums change as they age. and beyond. Food provides nutrients you need as you age. Use People with dental problems sometimes find it hard to chew Men’s Water Aerobics these tips to choose foods for better health at each stage of life. fruits, vegetables, or meats. Don’t miss out on needed nutrients! Tuesday & Thursday Eating softer foods can help. Try cooked or canned foods like 8:30 am - 9:15 am in the Pool 1. Drink plenty of liquids unsweetened fruit, low-sodium soups, or canned tuna. With age, you may lose some of your sense of thirst. Drink water Arthritis Foundation often. Lowfat or fat-free milk or 100% juice also helps you stay 7. Use herbs and spices Water Aerobics hydrated. Limit beverages that have lots of added sugars or salt. Foods may seem to lose their flavor as you age. If favorite dishes Tuesday & Thursday Learn which liquids are better choices. taste different, it may not be the cook! Maybe your sense of smell, 9:30 am - 10:15 am in the Pool sense of taste, or both have changed. Medicines may also change 2. Make eating a social event how foods taste. Add flavor to your meals with herbs and spices. Arthritis Foundation Meals are more enjoyable when you eat with others. Invite a Sit/Stand Class friend to join you or take part in a potluck at least twice a week. A 8. Keep food safe senior center or place of worship may offer meals that are shared Tuesday & Thursday Don’t take a chance with your health. A food-related illness can with others. There are many ways to make mealtimes pleasing. be life threatening for an older person. Throw out food that might 11:00 am - 11:45 am in the PAC not be safe. Avoid certain foods that are always risky for an older 3. Plan healthy meals person, such as unpasteurized dairy foods. Other foods can be Find trusted nutrition information from and harmful to you when they are raw or undercooked, such as eggs, the National Institute on Aging. Get advice on what to eat, how sprouts, fish, shellfish, meat, or poultry. much to eat, and which foods to choose, all based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Find sensible, flexible ways to choose 9. Read the Nutrition Facts label and prepare tasty meals so you can eat foods you need. Make the right choices when buying food. Pay attention to important nutrients to know as well as calories, fats, sodium, and 4. Know how much to eat the rest of the Nutrition Facts label. Ask your doctor if there are Learn to recognize how much to eat so you can control portion ingredients and nutrients you might need to limit or to increase. size. MyPlate’s SuperTracker shows amounts of food you need. When eating out, pack part of your meal to eat later. One restaurant 10. Ask your doctor about vitamins or dish might be enough for two meals or more. supplements Food is the best way to get nutrients you need. Should you take 5. Vary your vegetables vitamins or other pills or powders with herbs and minerals? These Include a variety of different colored vegetables to brighten your are called dietary supplements. Your doctor will know if you plate. Most vegetables are a low-calorie source of nutrients. need them. More may not be better. Some can interfere with your Vegetables are also a good source of fiber. medicines or affect your medical conditions.

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 5 • Take Action!

If you haven’t tried the Kirby Pines Action Station lately, What Are You Waiting For? Check it out next time you’re in the dining room! You’ll be glad you did with upcoming selections like:


• 6 • The Pinecone | November 2019 there. Following discharge from the Navy, Tom moved with his family back to Jonesboro to take over his father’s advertising business. Becoming dissatisfied with a business life, he took advantage of the VA counseling services. They recommended a future in psychology. Tom took their advice and enrolled in psychology at Vanderbilt University, finishing with a PH.D in 4 years. Tom used this degree in several fields, first with a management consulting firm and later teaching at the University of and Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana. It was here “during a mid-life crisis” that Tom and his wife divorced. Tom moved to the VA Hospital in Little Rock as a psychologist. At the VA, he fell “madly in love” with his co-therapist, Sherry Faulkner. However a great offer was made to become the Clinical Director of East Arkansas Mental Health Center. Tom accepted and moved to West Memphis, AR. While there, he served as President of the Arkansas Psychological Association and had the opportunity to introduce Bill Clinton at one of their meetings. In 1976, after 5 years of long range dating, Tom and Sherry married. Resident Spotlight Following the cut of funds and closures of mental health centers, Tom was again seeking employment. An opportunity became Dr. available with the Memphis Police Department as they were seeking Thomas Hickey someone to set up psychological services. Of this, Tom says, “I never thought I would like working with cops so much, but they are A BLESSED LIFE a great bunch of guys. I did a little bit of everything from consulting November is the month in which we as a nation pay special tribute to with the Chiefs, counseled officers and their families, screen-tested the veterans of the armed services and their families. We have many new applicants, did crisis intervention and talked people down off veterans who live at Kirby Pines and we are thankful every day for their the bridge. It was never dull”. In 1979, Tom’s son James was killed sacrifices. This is the story of one of them, Dr. Thomas Hickey. by a drunk driver and in 2016, on their 40th wedding anniversary, Tom’s wife Sherry died of ovarian cancer. Tom has many titles: doctor, psychologist, professor, businessman, musician, father and veteran. He has had a full life with challenges and After retirement from the MPD, Tom became tired of living along tragedies. But, in Tom’s words, “I have lived a blessed life”. and because he could not cook, investigated several retirement facilities. He chose Kirby Pines. “I made the right choice”, says Tom was born and grew up in Jonesboro, Arkansas. According to Tom, Tom. Presently, Tom has 2 step-daughters who live nearby, 6 “You knew everybody and had the opportunity to experiment with grandchildren (1 deceased) and 4 great grandchildren. Tragedy almost everything”. He enjoyed being able to walk to the movies, see a struck again when Tom’s oldest grandchild, a grandson, died while double feature for a dime and enjoy a bag of popcorn for a nickel. Since running a marathon in Memphis. He had just graduated from law both parents worked, Tom was left in the care of the maid who basically school and was looking forward to a clerkship with a Federal allowed Tom to live as a “free spirit”. Tom wonders how he survived Appellate Judge. all the mishaps of his childhood, remembering at age 6 being dared to drop a match in a vacant field. The nearby houses nearly caught fire. Tom enjoys playing golf, bridge, poker, ping pong, trivia and Fearing the worst, Tom ran home and hid under the kitchen stove. His especially his music. He continues parents were able to convince him that bad deeds have consequences. to take saxophone lessons in Jazz. He remained good friends with his childhood friends for many years. He plays the saxophone with The Memphis Wind Symphony and Tom inherited his musical talents from both parents. His father played clarinet with Santifica, the band at all musical instruments except strings. His mother, a contralto, was in St. George Episcopal Church and has demand as a soloist. At the age of 17, Tom was invited to play in the entertained with both instruments at Arkansas Symphony. Following graduation from high school, Tom Kirby Pines. Also, Tom says, “I love enrolled at Northwestern University to study music. However, he fell to travel and have traveled extensively in love with a girl from Dallas and decided to transfer to SMU to work to all 50 states, Europe and South on a business degree. When he graduated with a BBA, the Korean War America. I continued to do testing for was going on and he enlisted in the Navy. He was selected to play small police departments and security in the Navy Band and spent 4 years in Washington, D.C. and New firms after my retirement from MPD York City. Being in the band was demanding but also afforded Tom but gave that up so I could travel”. Tom and His Saxophone the opportunity to meet professional musicians as well as obtain free tickets to all events. In NYC he had encounters with such stars as Ethyl Thank you Tom for your service to our country, to our police Merman and Judy Garland. department and for your decision to move to Kirby Pines. You have enriched our lives with your beautiful music and your warm and Tom wanted to marry but needed more income to support a family. generous personality. We are blessed to have you at Kirby Pines! He applied to OCS and was transferred to the Navy Supply Corps in Jacksonville, Florida. He married and had a son, James while stationed Wrtten by Joan Dodson, Resident, Kirby Pines


Join us for a panel discussion where you’ll hear what RESIDENT it’s really like to live at Kirby Pines from the folks who know best—the residents themselves. They’ll share with you their own personal journeys to Kirby as well PANEL as answer any questions you may have. RSVP by November 10th to November 14 | 10:30 am (901) 369-7340 or [email protected]

Join us and find out about all LIFECARE that Kirby Pines has to offer. Carefree living, security and peace of mind are just some of the many things you’ll enjoy 101 as a member of the Kirby family. RSVP by November 15th to November 19 | 2:00 pm (901) 369-7340 or [email protected]

Join us and find out about all LIFECARE that Kirby Pines has to offer. Carefree living, security and peace of mind are just some of the many things you’ll enjoy 101 as a member of the Kirby family.

RSVP by November 17th to November 21 | 3:00 pm (901) 369-7340 or [email protected]

Congratulations employee of the month Walter Porter Walter Porter is an exceptional employee, he truly cares about the residents here at Kirby Pines. He always greets everyone he encounters with a warm smile, a hug and will even cut a rug with that spe- cial dancer. He goes above and beyond to make sure that everyone is treated with the same kindness, patience and respect. Safety first is his slogan! I truly believe he loves serving the residents here at Kirby Pines, a joy to manage. – Alisa Stokes, Director of Transportation

• 8 • The Pinecone | November 2019 Chaplain’s COrner from Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain

Washington player/manager, Bucky PLAYING Harris, along with his team and fans, rushed onto the field, protesting the THE GAME call. The umpire secured order, and announced, “Ladies and gentlemen, the batter is out because he didn’t touch first base!” Again we have watched Baseball’s World Series. Even if the outcome was not what we wished it is still a great event. The game went into extra innings and in the bottom of the twelfth in- Many years ago one of the most amazing games in the series was EARLY McNEELY ning Early McNeely hit an infield played. In 1924 the World Series between the New York Giants and ground ball, which should have been the Washington Senators was tied after an easy out but took a bad bounce six games. Griffith stadium in -Wash over the third baseman’s glove into left field. That was enough to ington was packed for the final game score Washington catcher Ruel from third base with the winning on October 10, 1924. They came to the run. This was the first world championship Washington won and ninth inning with the game score tied it was on, what some would call, an unearned run. at three runs each. New York was put down in order and Washington came to A 20th Century evangelist named bat. The home team fans screamed for Angel Martinez used this story in one lone run, which would win the se- his sermon, “Play Ball.” First Base ries and the world championship. The represented salvation, Second Base, first two men made outs and it looked baptism and church membership, GOOSE GOSLIN like extra innings. Then a player named Third Base was Christian service Leon “Goose” Goslin came to the plate. and Home Plate stood for heaven. In his sermon’s conclusion, Martinez, Two strikes were called and then two balls. The crowd was watch- building upon the 1924 Series even ing every pitch. On the fifth pitch, Goslin stepped into the ball and said “you can be baptized and join slammed it to left center field. The crowd became delirious; it looked the church and do many good works MUDDY RUEL like a home run, but it hit inches below the top of the wall and fell but if you miss the first base of sal- back into the field of play. vation, you too, will be called out at the home plate of heaven. Goslin was slowing down for a triple when the third base coach waved him The Bible describes first base in Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace on to try for an in-park home run. The you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is short stop took the peg from left center, the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Revela- and fired the ball to the catcher. Goslin tion 3:20 says, “Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone slid into home in a cloud of dust, seem- hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him… .” ingly a split second before the tag. The This gift is freely offered to us by the Lord. Have you received it catcher followed the routine of throwing yet? All the other bases in life are important but if we miss first the ball around the bases, just in case, base it matters for nothing. Let me say again we’ll never make while waiting for the umpire to make heaven if we skip salvation. the call. The umpire made a delayed BUCKY HARRIS Which base are you on today? call, consulting the other umpires, and then cried, “You’re out!” Till Next Time, Don Johnson, Kirby Pines Chaplain November Vesper Services • 6:30pm • Performing Arts Center

November 7th November 14th November 21st November 28th Dave Phillips Dr. Jimmy Latimer Rev Mike Malone Rabbi Micah Greenstein Germantown Kirby Resident Associate Pastor Temple Israel Church of Christ Redeemer Evangelical Church Independent Presbyterian Memphis

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 9 • meet me at

THE WEDDING PLANNER "The Pianist: The Extraordinary raised. Now, he must unexpectedly face True Story of One Man's Survival the consequences of his actions when he in Warsaw, 1939-1945," Wladyslaw returns to his hometown for the funeral Saturday, November 2 Szpilman, a Polish Jewish radio station of his best friend from high school. at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm pianist, sees Warsaw change gradually (2001) Cast: Jennifer Lopez, as World War II begins. Szpilman is A FEW GOOD MEN Matthew McConaughey, Judy Greer forced into the Warsaw Ghetto, but is While celebrating her newest and later separated from his family during most lucrative account, the wedding Operation Reinhard. From this time Friday, November 8 at 1:30 pm, of Internet tycoon Fran Donelly, Mary until the concentration camp prisoners Saturday, November 9 at 6:00 pm is rescued from a near-fatal collision are released, Szpilman hides in various & Sunday, November 10 at 6:30 pm with a runaway dumpster by handsome locations among the ruins of Warsaw. (1992) Cast: Tom Cruise, pediatrician Steve Edison. After Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore spending the most enchanting evening THE MEMPHIS BELLE Lt. Daniel Kaffee is a military lawyer of their lives together, Mary thinks she's defending two U.S. Marines charged finally found a reason to believe in love. with killing a fellow Marine at the What she doesn't know is that cupid and Saturday, November 9 Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba. her career are about to collide head-on. at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Although Kaffee is known for seeking BIG FISH (1990) Cast: Matthew Modine, plea bargains, a fellow lawyer, Lt. Eric Stoltz, Tate Donovan Cdr. JoAnne Galloway, convinces him At a U.S. Army Air Force base in that the accused marines were most Sunday, November 3 England, the crew members of B-17 likely carrying out an order from a at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm bomber Memphis Belle prepare for commanding officer. Kaffee takes a (2003) Cast: Ewan McGregor, their 25th and final sortie into enemy risk by calling Col. Nathan R. Jessep Albert Finney, Billy Crudup German territory. Bomber Capt. to the stand in an effort to uncover the When Edward Bloom becomes ill, his Dennis Dearborn knows the mission conspiracy. son, William, travels to be with him. is a dangerous one, but he's under William has a strained relationship with pressure from Army public relations THIS MEANS WAR Edward because his father has always man Lt. Col. Bruce Derringer to earn a told exaggerated stories about his life, decisive victory for the Allies. Now, the and William thinks he's never really told Memphis Belle prepares to take flight Saturday, November 16 the truth. Even on his deathbed, Edward as apprehension and dissention grow at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm recounts fantastical anecdotes. When among Dearborn's crew. (2012) Cast: Reese Witherspoon, William, who is a journalist, starts to Chris Pine, Tom Hardy investigate his father's tales, he begins FOREVER MY GIRL CIA operatives FDR Foster and to understand the man and his penchant Tuck are inseparable best friends and for storytelling. Sunday, November 10 partners. Together, their good looks, THE PIANIST at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm covert abilities and combat skills rank (2018) Cast: Alex Roe, them among the CIA's elite, but their Jessica Rothe, Abby Ryder Forston longstanding personal and professional Friday, November 1 at 1:30 pm, Liam Page is a country music superstar bond is put to the test when they meet Saturday, November 2 at 6:00 pm who left his bride Josie at the altar to Lauren. FDR and Tuck both fall hard & Sunday, November 3 at 6:30 pm pursue fame and fortune. Page never for the beautiful blonde, turning their (2002) Cast: Adrian Brody, got over Josie, his one true love, or deadly skills and an array of high-tech Thomas Kretschmann, Frank Finlay forgot his Southern roots in the small gadgetry against each other in an all-out In this adaptation of the autobiography community where he was born and battle for her love. t h e p i n e c o n e • 10 • The Pinecone | November 2019 12 Happy Birthday to You! Coloring books are incredibly simple, Will be in the Wellness Clinic Tuesdays the movies November 2019 portable, easy to pick up and put down, 9:00 am -12:00 pm and Thursdays 1:00- Independent Living and a colored–in page takes up almost no 4:30 pm. Appointments required. Kirby Pines Residents space. So come to the Arts & Crafts Room Carol Lee 02 the first and third Monday at 10:00 am. Nov 5: BUNKO Dr. John Harkins 25 Join this fun group of folks every Tuesday EVENTS Nov 4: First Monday Poetry at 1:30 pm in the LCR for the great game Wynanne Dierssen 03 Marilyn Duke 27 Nov 1: Art with Helen Group of BUNKO. Flo Seward 06 Whether you are already an artist or Come to listen; come to read; come to re- Jenine Riddle 27 Nov 5: Tech Time Janie Smith 06 would like to learn, join teacher Helen cite from memory. Check out “The Poet’s Mary Young 27 Gaines on Fridays at 10:00 am in the Arts Corner” on the post office bulletin board Bring your phones, tablets, laptop what- Betty Hilbun 07 & Crafts Room. where a residential poet will be featured. ever issue you have they will be glad to Heather Kenny 30 We meet the first and third Monday of ev- help. Cathy will still be coming every 3rd LION (2001) Cast: Julia Roberts, converge on the French Polynesian Lynn Metzenthin 08 Nov 1: Mahjong ery month in the Ante Room at 10:00 am. Monday at 10:30 am in the Sunroom and Providence Place, The Villa, Join in and play Mahjong every Monday now her daughter Margie will be coming John Cusack, Billy Crystal island of Haleakaloha and team up Martha Gardiner 09 and Friday at 1:00 pm in the SCR. The Snoop Sisters the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm. For an awkward, self-conscious girl to deceive Dedham’s prim daughter, Gallery Manor & Job’s Way Nov 4: Sunday, November 17 Forming a one-of-a kind “Whodunit” like Kiki, being the personal assistant who has just learned of her father’s Lenora Smith 10 at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm Nov 1: Music with The Double writing team, eccentric elderly sisters Er- Nov 5: Flyboys to a beautiful megastar like Gwen isn’t existence and his inherited stock from Marilyn Vennari 13 Betty Baker 02 D Band nesta and Gwendolyn Snoop’s insatiable The adventures of the Lafayette Escadrille, (2016) Cast: Dev Patel, easy. But when she dutifully accepts the the company of which she is chairman, young Americans who volunteered for the Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara Nancy Goodwin 14 Mildred Kennon 02 The Double D Band plays a wide range curiosity all too often leads them to be task of helping Gwen and her estranged and hopes to find just cause to reclaim of songs and genres, but especially music deeply embroiled in real-life murders. French military before the U.S. entered Five year old Saroo gets lost on a train husband Eddie make it through one his shares. Dedham’s marriage to an J.R. Graham 14 Pat Mitchell 10 from the 50s. Playing guitars and man- This will be played through Second week World War I, and became the country’s which takes him thousands of miles last public appearance masterminded island woman serves to further threaten dolins, they’ve appeared on MTV, BBC, first fighter pilots. Showtimes 1:30 pm & across India, away from home and Avelino Reyes 10 of November. Showtime 1:30 pm. by legendary press agent Lee Phillips, his share in the company. Irene Wright 14 and have been a part of the music scene 6:30 pm. family. Saroo must learn to survive forever devoted Kiki finds that her job Nov 4: Tai Chi Rose Strange 15 John Shelton 11 in London, England and New York City, alone in Kolkata, before ultimately is about to get even harder when her and A SIMPLE TWIST OF FATE having lived and performed in both. Join Originally developed for self-defense, being adopted by an Australian couple. Eddie’s relationship takes a romantic Tai Chi has evolved into a graceful form Gloria Holman 16 Frances Robison 14 them in the Lobby at 6:00 pm. Twenty-five years later, armed with only turn. of exercise. Every Monday in the PAC at a handful of memories, his unwavering Saturday, November 30 Ruth Harrod 15 Nov 1: Germantown Jim Goldschmid 18 1:45 pm. determination, and a revolutionary at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Symphony Orchestra technology known as Google Earth, *BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED Willard Powell 20 Mary Ellen Crouse 17 Nov 4: Bingo Night (1994) Cast: Steve Martin, Three Young Artist winners from the 19th he sets out to find his lost family and Join us for a fun-filled evening of BINGO! Gabriel Byrne, Laura Linney Bob Shears 20 Clifford Ewing 17 Annual GSO Concerto Competition per- Nov 6: Travelers Meeting finally return to his first home. form with the orchestra: Liu in Mozart’s Entry costs only $1 per card, with an op- Be sure and come to the Travler’s meeting. Sunday, November 24 Small-town recluse Michael McCann George Pence 21 Bernice Mount 17 Flute Concerto in D major, 1st Movement; portunity to win up to two prizes. Every You’ll get to hear about some of the won- at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm lives an isolated existence until unusual Monday night at 6:30 pm in the PAC. THE KING AND I events pull him out of his shell. After Mildred Duke 23 Mary Rose 22 Huang in Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1 derful outings that Carol Yount has orga- (1987) Cast: Hume Cronyn, in G minor, 3rd Movement & McLean on nized so far for 2019. So if you have any Jessica Tandy, Frank McRae his beloved coin collection is stolen, Nov 4: Game Play Group Doris Sperry 24 violin in Symphonie Espagnole, 1st Move- place or thing in mind you are interested Frank and Faye Riley are an elderly an orphaned toddler suddenly appears Billie Jean Ratliff 23 Like to play games? Bring your own to Friday, November 15 at 1:30 pm, ment. Plus orchestra-only pieces. Seniors: in be sure and bring those suggestions New York City couple living in a at his house. Unknown to Michael, Donna Ruch 28 share or join in with someone already Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 pm Louise South 23 $15 Call box office for tickets @ 751-7500. with you. They meet the first Wendesday depressed part of town. There, they run who adopts the little girl, she is the there! Meets in the LCR every Monday, & Sunday, November 17 at 6:30 pm Departure is 7:15 pm. of every month 10:00 am. a diner as well as an apartment building, illegitimate child of local politician Wednesday and Saturday at 1:30 pm. (1956) Cast: Yul Brynner, which is home to a poor but friendly John Newland, who keeps his secret to Nov 2: Men’s Christian Nov 6: Yoga Stretch Deborah Kerr, Rita Moreno protect his reputation. Later, however, Nov 5: Travelers: Lichterman group of people. One day, Frank and Fellowship This is not advanced so don’t worry about In this film adaptation of the Rodgers & Faye learn that a property developer Newland decides to go public with his The Men’s Christian Fellowship meets ev- Nature Center getting on the floor and not being able Hammerstein musical, widowed Welsh wants them to sell the apartment. When revelation, leading to a custody battle. ery Saturday morning in the Ante Room Lichterman Nature Center is a certified to get up. You will be sitting in a chair mother Anna Loenowens becomes a arboretum and nature center located at they refuse, their diner is vandalized. at 7:30 am. There is a rotating list of resi- or standing. Class is every Wednesday at governess and English tutor to the wives Ridgeway & Quince. All walkways are However, Frank, Faye and their tenants KIRBY PINES MOVIE dent speakers who give a devotion at each 10:30 am in the PAC. and many children of the stubborn King paved, walk takes abt 1-1/2 hours & cost are aided by mysterious flying saucers, meeting. Come enjoy coffee and fellow- Mongkut of Siam. Anna and the king RATING SYSTEM $7/residents. After learning about the Nov 6: Spanish Class which help them repair the diner and ship with us each week. have a clash of personalities as she habitat, we will see the entries in annual Join Spanish Class every Wednesday at fight back. works to teach the royal family about Nov 4: Get Fit with Oasis scare crow contest. We will return to Kir- 1:30 pm in the Ante Room. Bridget is the English language, customs and = AVERAGE Coordinator Mary Hand by in time for lunch. Sign up in Transpor- now dedication half of the class to new DONOVAN’S REEF tation. Depart 9:30 am. students and the second half to refresh etiquette, and rushes to prepare a party Advanced Water Aerobics classes will be for a group of European diplomats who held on Mondays & Wednesdays at 8:30 and teach advanced folks. Nov 5: Ridgeway High School must change their opinions about the = GOOD am. Basic and Beginning Water Aerobics Friday, November 22 at 1:30 pm, Band Nov 6: Pearl Harbor king. is on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:30 am. Saturday, November 23 at 6:00 pm Men’s Water Aerobics are held on Tues- Join the students from Ridgeway ask the A tale of war and romance mixed in with present us with a special musical program history. The story follows two lifelong AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS & Sunday, November 24 at 6:30 pm = EXCELLENT days & Thursdays at 8:30 am. Arthritis Sit/ (1963) Cast: John Wayne, Stand classes are on Tuesdays & Thurs- at 10:30 am in the Lobby. friends and a beautiful nurse who are Lee Marvin, Elizabeth Allen days at 11:00 am in the PAC. caught up in the horror of an infamous Nov 5: Medical Director Sunday morning in 1941. Showtimes 1:30 Saturday, November 23 Three World War II Navy veterans, = OUTSTANDING Nov 4: Focus on Color Dr. Mike Abutineh MD pm & 6:30 pm. at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Donovan, Doc Dedham and Gilhooley,

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 14 • The Pinecone | November 2019 The Pinecone | November 2019 • 11 • SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 1 7:30 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (Ante) 2 Abbreviations Key 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Walmart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) November 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) Thtr - Theater HS - Hobby Shop • • 1:00 pm • Mahjong (SCR) 2:30 pm • Line Dancing (PAC) • FDR - Formal Dining Room • SCR - Small Card Room 1:30 pm • Movie: The Pianist (Thtr) 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) • PAC - Performing Arts Center • A&C - Arts & Crafts Room 6:00 pm • Music with The Double D Band (Lobby) BR - Billiard Room LCR - Large Card Room 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) • • 7:15 pm • Germantown Symphony (Trans) 2019 • Trans - Transportation • WC - Wellness Clinic 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 3 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 4 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 5 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 6 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 7 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 8 7:30 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 9 10:00 am Worship Service (PAC) 9:00 am • Smith Jewelers (SCR) 9:00 am • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am Art with Helen (A&C) 10:00 am Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 9:30 am Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Catholic Service (Chapel) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) • • 1:30 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) • 10:00 am Kirby Pines Travelers Meeting (LCR) 10:00 am Bible Study with Dave Phillips (Chapel) 10:00 am • Walmart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm Game Play (LCR) • 10:00 am First Monday Poetry Group (Ante) 9:30 am • Lichterman Nature Center (Trans) • • • 4:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 10:30 am Ridgeway High School Band (PAC) 10:30 am • Yoga Stretch (PAC) 10:30 am • OB Jr High Veteran’s Program (PAC) 10:30 pm • John Mark’s Christmas 1:30 pm • Intermediate Line Dancing (PAC) 10:00 am • Focus on Color (A&C) • 1:00 pm Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 11:00 am Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) Open House (Trans) 6:30 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 1:30 pm • Movie: Pearl Harbor (Thtr) 1:00 pm • Walmart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 2:00 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 10:00 am • Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 1:30 pm Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) • • 1:00 pm Superlo & Bank (Trans) • 10:30 am Billiard Group (BR) • 1:30 pm Spanish Class (Ante) 1:00 pm Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) • 2:30 pm Line Dancing (PAC) • 1:30 pm Bunko (LCR) • • 1:00 pm Mahjong (SCR) • 1:15 pm Mahjong (SCR) • 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Walk With Ease (A&C) • 6:00 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) • 1:30 pm • Walk with Ease (A&C) 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing Class (PAC) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm Movie: A Few Good Men (Thtr) • 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm Movie: Fly Boys (Thtr) 2:00 pm Wii Bowling (LCR) 1:30 pm The Rockford Files (Thtr) • 6:15 pm • Saturday Night Trivia (LCR) 1:30 pm Series: The Snoop Sisters (Thtr) • • • 6:00 pm • Music with The Brandon • 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 6:00 pm • US Army Field Band from DC (Trans) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 6:30 pm • Story Teller Donald Davis (Trans) 1:45 pm • Tai Chi (PAC) 5:30 pm • Tech Time with Margie (LCR) 6:30 pm • Movie: Pearl Harbor (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) Cunning Duo (Lobby) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 6:30 pm • Movie: Fly Boys (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) 6:30 pm • Orpheum: Book of Mormon (Trans) 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 10 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 11 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 12 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 13 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 14 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 15 7:30 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 16 10:00 am • Worship Service (PAC) 9:30 am • Alterations (A&C) 9:00 am Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 10:00 am • Memphis Hearing Aid (A&C) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Catholic Service (Chapel) 10:00 am • Bible Study with Dave Phillips (Chapel) 10:00 am • Walmart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 4:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am • Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 10:30 am • Kirby Pines Garden Club (Greenhouse) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 1:00 pm • Superlo & Bank (Trans) 1:30 pm • D Piano Student Recitals (PAC) 6:30 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) 10:30 am Billiard Group (BR) 10:30 am • Yoga Stretch (PAC) 1:00 pm • Walmart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 1:00 pm Mahjong (SCR) 1:30 pm Intermediate Line Dancing (PAC) • • 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:00 pm • Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 1:00 pm • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) • • 1:15 pm • Mahjong (SCR) 1:30 pm • Bunko (LCR) 1:30 pm • Spanish Class (Ante) 1:30 pm • Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Movie: The King and I (Thtr) 2:00 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm Walk with Ease (A&C) 1:30 pm • Movie: The Rider (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Brooks Tea & Tour: Photography (Trans) 6:30 pm • Entertainers: Thankful (PAC) 2:30 pm • Line Dancing (PAC) • 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm • Walk With Ease (A&C) 1:30 pm • Series: Blue Bloods (Thtr) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing Class (PAC) 1:30 pm • The Rockford Files (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) 6:00 pm • Classic Movie (Thtr) 1:45 pm • Tai Chi (PAC) 6:30 pm • Birthday Night with 2:00 pm • Wii Bowling (LCR) 2:00 pm • Resident Association Meeting (PAC) 6:30 pm Bingo (PAC) 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) 2:30 pm • Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) • Gloryland Way (PAC) 6:30 pm • Movie: The Rider (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) 8:00 am Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 8:30 am Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 8:30 am Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 8:30 am Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 8:30 am Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 9:30 am Group Exercise (PAC) 7:30 am Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) • 17 • Smith Jewelers (SCR) 18 • 19 • 20 • 21 • 22 • 23 10:00 am Worship Service (PAC) 9:00 am • 9:00 am Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 9:30 am Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am Art with Helen (A&C) 10:00 am Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 9:30 am Group Exercise (PAC) • 10:00 am • Catholic Service (Chapel) • • • 1:30 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) • • 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 10:00 am Walmart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm Game Play (LCR) • 10:00 am • Focus on Color (A&C) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:00 am • Alzheimer’s Support Group (Ante) 10:00 am Bible Study with Dave Phillips (Chapel) • • 4:00 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) 10:00 am Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 10:30 am Yoga Stretch (PAC) • 1:00 pm Superlo & Bank (Trans) 1:30 pm Intermediate Line Dancing (PAC) • 10:00 am • Third Monday Poetry Group (Ante) 10:00 am • Lunch Bunch @ Rosebriar (Trans) • 10:30 am G-Town Baptist Hallelujah Chorus (Lobby) • • • 1:00 pm • Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) • 4:00 pm • Caring In Place Sundae Sunday 10:30 am • Tech Time with Cathy (Sunroom) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 1:30 pm • Spanish Class (Ante) 11:00 am • Arthritis Sit/Stand Class (PAC) 1:00 pm • Mahjong (SCR) 1:30 pm • MCA Holiday Bazaar (PAC) (Sunroom) 10:30 am • Billiard Group (BR) 1:30 pm Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm Smart Moves “Healthy Eating” (PAC) 1:00 pm • Walmart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm Movie: It’s A Mad Mad Mad Mad World (Thtr) 1:30 pm Suzuki Piano Student Recitals (PAC) 10:45 am Episcopal Eucharist (Chapel) • • 1:00 pm Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) • • 6:30 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) • 1:30 pm Bunko (LCR) 1:30 pm Game Play (LCR) • 6:30 pm Music with The Jeremy 2:00 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 1:15 pm • Mahjong (SCR) • 2:00 pm • Wii Bowling (LCR) 1:30 pm Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) • • 1:30 pm Game Play (LCR) 2:30 pm Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) • • Schrader Quartet (Lobby) 2:30 pm Line Dancing (PAC) 1:30 pm • Series: Blue Bloods (Thtr) • 2:00 pm • Virtual Tour (Thtr) 1:30 pm • The Rockford Files (Thtr) • 1:45 pm • Tai Chi (PAC) 6:30 pm Turkey Trot Dance with 2:00 pm Ballroom Dancing Class (PAC) 2:30 pm Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 6:30 pm Bridge (LCR) 6:00 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) • • 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) • • • 6:15 pm • Lewis Center Dance (Trans) The Jim Mahannah Band (PAC) • 3:30 pm • Kirby Pines Photo Club (LCR) 6:15 pm Saturday Night Trivia (LCR) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 6:30 pm • Girl’s Night Out: What About Bob? (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Vespers (PAC) • 8:00 am • Church of Christ Service (Chapel) 24 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 25 8:30 am • Men’s Water Aerobics (Pool) 26 8:30 am • Advanced Water Aerobics (Pool) 27 2:00 pm • Movie: Meet Me In St. Louis (Thtr) 28 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 29 7:30 am • Men’s Christian Fellowship (LCR) 30 10:00 am Worship Service (PAC) 9:00 am Smith Jewelers (SCR) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 6:00 pm Movie: Meet Me In St. Louis (Thtr) • • 9:00 am • Dr. Mike Abutineh (WC) 10:00 am • Catholic Service (Chapel) • 10:00 am • Art with Helen (A&C) 10:00 am • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Alterations (A&C) 9:30 pm • Travelers: Bible Museum (Trans) 10:00 am • Kroger & Banks (Trans) 10:00 am • Walmart, Aldi & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 4:00 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) 9:30 am • Group Exercise (PAC) 9:30 am • Basic Water Aerobics (Pool) 10:30 am • Yoga Stretch (PAC) 1:00 pm Superlo & Bank (Trans) 1:30 pm Intermediate Line Dancing (PAC) • 10:00 am Hobby Pines Group (Hobby Shop) 10:30 am • Creative Aging: A Christmas Carol (Trans) • • 6:30 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) • 9:30 am • The Book Baggers (Chapel) 1:00 pm Needle Arts Group (Sunroom) 1:00 pm Mahjong (SCR) 2:00 pm Weekend Movie (Thtr) • 10:30 am Billiard Group (BR) • • • • 10:30 am • Briarcrest Band & Choir (PAC) 1:00 pm • Walmart, Costco & Banks (Trans) 1:30 pm Movie: Donovan’s Reef (Thtr) 2:30 pm Line Dancing (PAC) 1:15 pm Mahjong (SCR) 1:30 pm Movie: Marvin’s Room (Thtr) 1:30 pm Spanish Class (Ante) • • • • 1:30 pm • Game Play (LCR) 6:00 pm Music with Hank and Stan (Lobby) 6:00 pm Classic Movie (Thtr) 1:30 pm Game Play (LCR) 1:30 pm Beginners Line Dancing (PAC) • • • • • 1:30 pm • Movie: Along Came A Spider (Thtr) 6:30 pm Bridge (LCR) 1:30 pm • Series: Blue Bloods (Thtr) 1:30 pm • Bunko (LCR) 2:00 pm • Wii Bowling (LCR) • 1:45 pm Tai Chi (PAC) 2:30 pm Advanced Line Dancing (PAC) 2:00 pm • Ballroom Dancing Class (PAC) • • 6:30 pm • Bridge (LCR) 6:30 pm • Bingo (PAC) 6:30 pm • Movie: Marvin’s Room (Thtr) 6:30 pm • Movie: Along Came A Spider (Thtr)

The Pinecone | November 2019 Calendar The Pinecone | November 2019 Calendar Happy Birthday to You! Coloring books are incredibly simple, Will be in the Wellness Clinic Tuesdays the movies November 2019 portable, easy to pick up and put down, 9:00 am -12:00 pm and Thursdays 1:00- Independent Living and a colored–in page takes up almost no 4:30 pm. Appointments required. Kirby Pines Residents space. So come to the Arts & Crafts Room Carol Lee 02 the first and third Monday at 10:00 am. Nov 5: BUNKO Dr. John Harkins 25 Join this fun group of folks every Tuesday EVENTS Nov 4: First Monday Poetry at 1:30 pm in the LCR for the great game Wynanne Dierssen 03 Marilyn Duke 27 Nov 1: Art with Helen Group of BUNKO. Flo Seward 06 Whether you are already an artist or Come to listen; come to read; come to re- Jenine Riddle 27 Nov 5: Tech Time Janie Smith 06 would like to learn, join teacher Helen cite from memory. Check out “The Poet’s Mary Young 27 Gaines on Fridays at 10:00 am in the Arts Corner” on the post office bulletin board Bring your phones, tablets, laptop what- Betty Hilbun 07 & Crafts Room. where a residential poet will be featured. ever issue you have they will be glad to Heather Kenny 30 We meet the first and third Monday of ev- help. Cathy will still be coming every 3rd LION (2001) Cast: Julia Roberts, converge on the French Polynesian Lynn Metzenthin 08 Nov 1: Mahjong ery month in the Ante Room at 10:00 am. Monday at 10:30 am in the Sunroom and Providence Place, The Villa, Join in and play Mahjong every Monday now her daughter Margie will be coming John Cusack, Billy Crystal island of Haleakaloha and team up Martha Gardiner 09 and Friday at 1:00 pm in the SCR. The Snoop Sisters the 1st Tuesday of the month at 5:30 pm. For an awkward, self-conscious girl to deceive Dedham’s prim daughter, Gallery Manor & Job’s Way Nov 4: Sunday, November 17 Forming a one-of-a kind “Whodunit” like Kiki, being the personal assistant who has just learned of her father’s Lenora Smith 10 at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm Nov 1: Music with The Double writing team, eccentric elderly sisters Er- Nov 5: Flyboys to a beautiful megastar like Gwen isn’t existence and his inherited stock from Marilyn Vennari 13 Betty Baker 02 D Band nesta and Gwendolyn Snoop’s insatiable The adventures of the Lafayette Escadrille, (2016) Cast: Dev Patel, easy. But when she dutifully accepts the the company of which she is chairman, young Americans who volunteered for the Nicole Kidman, Rooney Mara Nancy Goodwin 14 Mildred Kennon 02 The Double D Band plays a wide range curiosity all too often leads them to be task of helping Gwen and her estranged and hopes to find just cause to reclaim of songs and genres, but especially music deeply embroiled in real-life murders. French military before the U.S. entered Five year old Saroo gets lost on a train husband Eddie make it through one his shares. Dedham’s marriage to an J.R. Graham 14 Pat Mitchell 10 from the 50s. Playing guitars and man- This will be played through Second week World War I, and became the country’s which takes him thousands of miles last public appearance masterminded island woman serves to further threaten dolins, they’ve appeared on MTV, BBC, first fighter pilots. Showtimes 1:30 pm & across India, away from home and Avelino Reyes 10 of November. Showtime 1:30 pm. by legendary press agent Lee Phillips, his share in the company. Irene Wright 14 and have been a part of the music scene 6:30 pm. family. Saroo must learn to survive forever devoted Kiki finds that her job Nov 4: Tai Chi Rose Strange 15 John Shelton 11 in London, England and New York City, alone in Kolkata, before ultimately is about to get even harder when her and A SIMPLE TWIST OF FATE having lived and performed in both. Join Originally developed for self-defense, being adopted by an Australian couple. Eddie’s relationship takes a romantic Tai Chi has evolved into a graceful form Gloria Holman 16 Frances Robison 14 them in the Lobby at 6:00 pm. Twenty-five years later, armed with only turn. of exercise. Every Monday in the PAC at a handful of memories, his unwavering Saturday, November 30 Ruth Harrod 15 Nov 1: Germantown Jim Goldschmid 18 1:45 pm. determination, and a revolutionary at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Symphony Orchestra technology known as Google Earth, *BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED Willard Powell 20 Mary Ellen Crouse 17 Nov 4: Bingo Night (1994) Cast: Steve Martin, Three Young Artist winners from the 19th he sets out to find his lost family and Join us for a fun-filled evening of BINGO! Gabriel Byrne, Laura Linney Bob Shears 20 Clifford Ewing 17 Annual GSO Concerto Competition per- Nov 6: Travelers Meeting finally return to his first home. form with the orchestra: Liu in Mozart’s Entry costs only $1 per card, with an op- Be sure and come to the Travler’s meeting. Sunday, November 24 Small-town recluse Michael McCann George Pence 21 Bernice Mount 17 Flute Concerto in D major, 1st Movement; portunity to win up to two prizes. Every You’ll get to hear about some of the won- at 1:30 pm and 4:00 pm lives an isolated existence until unusual Monday night at 6:30 pm in the PAC. THE KING AND I events pull him out of his shell. After Mildred Duke 23 Mary Rose 22 Huang in Bruch’s Violin Concerto No. 1 derful outings that Carol Yount has orga- (1987) Cast: Hume Cronyn, in G minor, 3rd Movement & McLean on nized so far for 2019. So if you have any Jessica Tandy, Frank McRae his beloved coin collection is stolen, Nov 4: Game Play Group Doris Sperry 24 violin in Symphonie Espagnole, 1st Move- place or thing in mind you are interested Frank and Faye Riley are an elderly an orphaned toddler suddenly appears Billie Jean Ratliff 23 Like to play games? Bring your own to Friday, November 15 at 1:30 pm, ment. Plus orchestra-only pieces. Seniors: in be sure and bring those suggestions New York City couple living in a at his house. Unknown to Michael, Donna Ruch 28 share or join in with someone already Saturday, November 16 at 6:00 pm Louise South 23 $15 Call box office for tickets @ 751-7500. with you. They meet the first Wendesday depressed part of town. There, they run who adopts the little girl, she is the there! Meets in the LCR every Monday, & Sunday, November 17 at 6:30 pm Departure is 7:15 pm. of every month 10:00 am. a diner as well as an apartment building, illegitimate child of local politician Wednesday and Saturday at 1:30 pm. (1956) Cast: Yul Brynner, which is home to a poor but friendly John Newland, who keeps his secret to Nov 2: Men’s Christian Nov 6: Yoga Stretch Deborah Kerr, Rita Moreno protect his reputation. Later, however, Nov 5: Travelers: Lichterman group of people. One day, Frank and Fellowship This is not advanced so don’t worry about In this film adaptation of the Rodgers & Faye learn that a property developer Newland decides to go public with his The Men’s Christian Fellowship meets ev- Nature Center getting on the floor and not being able Hammerstein musical, widowed Welsh wants them to sell the apartment. When revelation, leading to a custody battle. ery Saturday morning in the Ante Room Lichterman Nature Center is a certified to get up. You will be sitting in a chair mother Anna Loenowens becomes a arboretum and nature center located at they refuse, their diner is vandalized. at 7:30 am. There is a rotating list of resi- or standing. Class is every Wednesday at governess and English tutor to the wives Ridgeway & Quince. All walkways are However, Frank, Faye and their tenants KIRBY PINES MOVIE dent speakers who give a devotion at each 10:30 am in the PAC. and many children of the stubborn King paved, walk takes abt 1-1/2 hours & cost are aided by mysterious flying saucers, meeting. Come enjoy coffee and fellow- Mongkut of Siam. Anna and the king RATING SYSTEM $7/residents. After learning about the Nov 6: Spanish Class which help them repair the diner and ship with us each week. have a clash of personalities as she habitat, we will see the entries in annual Join Spanish Class every Wednesday at fight back. works to teach the royal family about Nov 4: Get Fit with Oasis scare crow contest. We will return to Kir- 1:30 pm in the Ante Room. Bridget is the English language, customs and = AVERAGE Coordinator Mary Hand by in time for lunch. Sign up in Transpor- now dedication half of the class to new DONOVAN’S REEF tation. Depart 9:30 am. students and the second half to refresh etiquette, and rushes to prepare a party Advanced Water Aerobics classes will be for a group of European diplomats who held on Mondays & Wednesdays at 8:30 and teach advanced folks. Nov 5: Ridgeway High School must change their opinions about the = GOOD am. Basic and Beginning Water Aerobics Friday, November 22 at 1:30 pm, Band Nov 6: Pearl Harbor king. is on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9:30 am. Saturday, November 23 at 6:00 pm Men’s Water Aerobics are held on Tues- Join the students from Ridgeway ask the A tale of war and romance mixed in with present us with a special musical program history. The story follows two lifelong AMERICA’S SWEETHEARTS & Sunday, November 24 at 6:30 pm = EXCELLENT days & Thursdays at 8:30 am. Arthritis Sit/ (1963) Cast: John Wayne, Stand classes are on Tuesdays & Thurs- at 10:30 am in the Lobby. friends and a beautiful nurse who are Lee Marvin, Elizabeth Allen days at 11:00 am in the PAC. caught up in the horror of an infamous Nov 5: Medical Director Sunday morning in 1941. Showtimes 1:30 Saturday, November 23 Three World War II Navy veterans, = OUTSTANDING Nov 4: Focus on Color Dr. Mike Abutineh MD pm & 6:30 pm. at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm Donovan, Doc Dedham and Gilhooley,

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 14 • The Pinecone | November 2019 The Pinecone | November 2019 • 11 • meet me at Nov 6: Virtual Wii Bowling Nov 7: Orpheum: The Book of Nov 13: Memphis Hearing Come join the fun every Wednesday af- Mormon Aid Service ternoon at 2:00 pm in the Large Card It’s The Book of Mormon, the nine-time On the second Wednesday of every Room. No skill required. It is set up on Tony Award®-winning Best Musical. month, at 10:00 am in the Arts & Crafts the TV; all you have to do is check out the This outrageous musical comedy follows Room, Dr. Rena C Booth will be offer- remotes from the Front Desk and return the misadventures of a mismatched pair ing: Free Hearing Evaluation, Free Hear- them whenever your game is over. of missionaries, sent halfway across the ing Aid Consultation, Free Hearing Aid world to spread the good word. Call the Clean, Check, and Adjustment. Please Nov 6: Ballroom Dancing box office at 525 -5300. Sign up in Trans- call 682-1529 for more information or to Join the gang for ballroom dancing les- portation. Departure will be at 6:30 pm. schedule a visit. sons with Ken Black. Lessons will take place every Wednesday at 2:00 pm in the Nov 8: John Mark's Christmas Nov 13: The Rider PAC. Join John (decorator & florist) for a After suffering a near fatal head injury, Christmas open house at the Historical a young cowboy undertakes a search for Nov 6: US Army Field Band Nelson-Kirby House. Be sure and go take new identity and what it means to be a from Washington DC a quick peak. Sign up in Transportation. man in the heartland of America. Show- The US Army Field Band will perform a Departure at 10:30 am. times 1:30 pm & 6:30 pm. free concert titled, “This We’ll Defend” on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:00 pm at Nov 8: Music with The Jeremy the Collierville High School. “This We’ll Schrader Quartet Defend” puts audience member’s side-by- Jeremy Shrader performs jazz/swing, big side with the soldiers defending our coun- band, and blues music with his various try. Experience the landing at Omaha combos. He is a trumpeter and vocalist Beach on D-Day and the camaraderie and originally from Clarksville, TN but has teamwork that sustain American Soldiers made Memphis his home since 1995. The Nov 14: Brooks Tea and Tour through their most challenging missions. songs of Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Join us for a delightful tour of Photog- Sign up in Transportation. Departure Duke Ellington, and other great masters raphy in Memphis, and afterward, enjoy time will be 6:00 pm. live on through his voice and trumpet. tea and treats in the Terrace Room! $3 This is their first time here so be sure and per person This will be a great exhibit for Nov 7: Bible Study with check them out at 6:00 pm in the Lobby. you photographers out there. Sign up in Dave Phillips Transportation. We will depart at 1:30 Join Germantown Church of Christ’s Nov 9: Balmoral Presbyterian pm. Dave Phillips as he leads a group Bible Storytelling & Music Festival Study every Thursday at 10:00 am in the Balmoral Presbyterian Church will be Nov 14: Resident Assocoation Chapel. All denominations invited. hosting its ninth biannual Storytelling Meeting and Music Festival, featuring Donald Da- Nov 7: Olive Branch Jr. High This month’s speaker will be William N. vis, renowned storyteller from Ocracoke (Bill) Morris, Jr. author of “A Legendary Band: Salute to Veterans Island, North Carolina. Music will be pro- Life” who will share his compelling jour- Don’t miss this wonderful concert with vided by Memphis’ own Robert Johnson ney from the depths of poverty to the Patriotic songs to honor our Veterans. We and Friends. Sign up in Transportation. heights of Tennessee politics. Elected as will celebrate Veterans Day with a Special Departure time is 6:30 pm. one the youngest sheriffs in Tennessee meal at lunch and dinner in the Dining history, Morris transformed what was Room. Join us in the PAC at 10:30 am. Nov 12: Birthday Night with once an undisciplined and often corrupt The students will be staying to eat lunch Gloryland Way sheriff’s department into one of the most among the residents and hear about their Join this wonderful group of musicans respected law enforcement agencies in the life experiences. and singers as they entertain us with some nation. Don’t miss this interesting presen- wonderful Gospel Music at 6:30 pm in the tation at 2:00 pm in the PAC. Nov 7: Rockford Files PAC. Jim Rockford is an ex-con and private Nov 15: Kirby Pines detective. He was falsely convicted of a Nov 13: Garden Club Meeting Entertainers: Thankful crime he didn’t commit, but that doesn’t To store your plants in the Greenhouse Join your friends for this night of beau- stop him from using his ex-con buddies to during the winter, call Mike Rayder and tiful music to share the many things we help him solve crimes. The Rockford Files bring up front so he can inspect them for have to be thankful for in this month of will be played every Thursday at 1:30 pm. disease. The fall crop of fall vegetables is Thanksgiving at 6:30 pm in the PAC. doing well. You may pick the greens, but be sure and pick the entire green. There Nov 16: D Piano Student Recital are plastic bags on the picnic table. Bring a The students from D Piano studio will be new resident with you who could be a gar- here to give their Christmas recitals. The den gro’er. Come down to the Greenhouse times are 12:00, 1:30 and 3:00 pm. Be sure every 2nd Wednesday of every month at and stop by and check out these talented 10:30 am rain or shine and dig in! children in the PAC.

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 15 • Nov 18: Blue Bloods Nov 20: Girls Night Out their community service day with their awesome band and choir. 10:30 am in the Tom Selleck stars as Frank Reagan, the Don’t miss this good time with just the la- PAC. Please support these wonderful stu- New York Police Commissioner, and pa- dies for a movie and fun. 6:30 pm in the dents. triarch of the Reagan clan, a multigenera- Movie Theater. This month’s movie will be tional family of cops. Blue Bloods will be “What About Bob?". Nov 26: Travelers: Bible Museum shown every Monday at 1:30 in the Movie The Bible Museum on the square in Col- Theater. Nov 21: Germantown Baptist lierville - view more than 100 nativity Hallelujah Chorus scenes collected from all over the world. Don’t miss this wonderful choir from Admission $5, followed by lunch at the Germantown Baptist Church. They will Silver Caboose. Depart 9:30 am. help us get into the Holiday Spirit since we will just be a week away from Thanks- Nov 26: Marvin's Room giving. Don’t miss them at 10:30 am in the After 20 years caring for her father, wom- Lobby. an with cancer now must re-connect with her trashy sister and nephews she's never Nov 22: Brandon Cunning Duo met after being diagnosed. Her love helps Nov 18: Lewis Center Dance Straight from the jumping nightclubs of the angry teen nephew, and her sister Hop on the bus and head down to the Memphis’ famous , it’s Bran- learns to relate to people. Showtimes 1:30 Lewis Center for an evening of music and don Cunning rocking the great sounds & 6:30 pm. dance. Sign up in Transportation, depart of Memphis: burning Rockabilly, sizzling at 6:15 pm. R&B and foot stomping early Rock ’n Nov 27: Creative Aging: A Roll. Brandon is joined on stage by bass Christmas Carol Nov 19: Lunch Bunch @ virtuoso Mike Adams. An experienced A Christmas Carol has been a Memphis Rosebriar Memphis musician, Mike adds depth and family holiday tradition for 40 years--the Rosebriar provides an old-fashioned din- a unique sound to this duo’s energetic longest running recurrent play on any ing experience that includes fine china, performance. This is another newby so be stage in the city. Tickets are $5.00 at the silver, linens, and fresh flowers in an invit- sure and check them out at 6:00 pm in the door. Sign up in Transportation. Depature ing Southern atmosphere. Debbie also has Lobby. time is 12:30 pm. a wonderful Boutique with lots of great clothes and gifts. Seating is limited. Sign Nov 23: Memphis College of Nov 27: Along Came A Spider up in transporation in you would like to Art Holiday Bazaar When a congressman's daughter under go. Lunch tickets are $20.00 which does This year’s Holiday Bazaar will feature an Secret Service protection is kidnapped not include tip. Please do not sign up if eclectic, curated collection of handmade from a private school, detective Alex you are not able to go. We have to turn jewelry, textiles, pottery and ceramics, wa- Cross investigates the case even though reservations in a week in advance. We will tercolor, acrylic and oil paintings, custom he's recovering from the loss of his part- depart at 10:00 am. prints, photography, mixed media pieces, ner.Showtimes 1:30 & 6:30 pm. ornaments, metalwork, woodwork, and Nov 19: Turkey Trot Dance more, spanning a range of price points. with The Jim Mahannah Band Sign up in Transportation. Departure is Join Jim and his band in the Performing 1:30 pm. Arts Center for a night of music, dancing, fellowship and fun. Starts at 6:30 pm. Nov 23: Suzuki Piano Students The Scheidt Nov 20: Alzheimer’s Support School of music will be here to perform Group their fall recital pieces. Come enjoy this Are you caring for a loved one with Al- talented group of students at 1:30 pm in zheimers or dementia? Our support the Lobby. Nov 28: Meet Me In St. Louis group meets the 3rd Wednesday of every In the year leading up to the 1904 St. Lou- month in the Ante Room at 10:00 am. Nov 26: The Book Baggers is World's Fair, the four Smith daughters Whether you read or would like to hear learn lessons of life and love, even as they Nov 20: Smart Moves about books being discussed, come and prepare for a reluctant move to New York. This months topic will be Healthy Eat- check us out. Mary Ellen Pitts, author of Showtimes 2:00 & 6:00 pm. ing. It is held the 3rd Wednesday of every “Memphis Medicine: A History of science month in the PAC at 1:30 pm. and Service” will be with us to discuss Nov 29: Music with Hank & Stan her book. The Book Baggers meet the 4th Hank Sable has been a member of the Nov 20: Virtual Field Trip: Tuesday of every month at 9:30 am in The Joyce Cobb band for 15 years and also Join us in the Movie Theater as we go on Chapel. performs with Nora Tucker. Hank plays a Virtual Field Trip. The destination will guitar and violin. Memphis born wood- be announced closer to the time to enable Nov 26: Briarcrest Honor Band winds master, Stan Jackson plays flute, the creators to send us to the most inter- and Choir percussion and keyboards. Do not miss esting places. Begins at 2:00 pm. Briarcrest will be here to entertain us for this fabulous duo in the Lobby at 6:00 pm.

• 16 • The Pinecone | November 2019 USp010 10/28/19, 8)07 AM

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Standard Crossword- usp010 Across Down 1. Trail 1. Garden plant 29. Decay 47. Quarry 5. Elimination contest 2. Hawaiian greeting 30. Used to control a horse 50. Inexperienced 9. Heron 3. Emblem 31. Seabird 51. Something that has 14. Succulent plant 4. Part of a shoe 32. Indication of damage survived the past 15. Small island 5. Belonging to him 33. Polynesian dance 52. Currency of Nigeria 16. Fragrance 6. Likeness of mind 34. Shout 53. Farewell remark 17. Musical symbol 7. Assumed name 35. Convention 54. Relating to kidneys 18. Rotate 8. Portable shelter 36. Afresh 55. Keeps records or 19. Large ungulate 9. Consume 37. Lunar time period accounts 20. Carapace 10. Cooking juices 38. Cunning 56. Land measure 22. Pace 11. Leash 41. Epoch 57. Fossil fuel 24. Blocking vote 12. Express audibly 42. Tender 58. Muffle 25. Edible tuber 13. Edible root 44. Secret agent 60. Catch sight of 26. Wading bird 21. Predatory feline 45. British nobleman 62. Chances 28. Ironic 23. Border 46. Deplete 64. Point 30. Footwear 27. Wetland Giant Crossword66. Possess 31. In thePUZZLE past CHALLENGE 32. Diffident ACROSS35. Evaluation 1. Trail 38. Edible fat 5. Elimination39. Snookercontest accessory 9. Heron 40. Division of quantity 41. Moose 14. Succulent plant 42. Formal dance 15. Small island 43. Guided 16. Fragrance44. Nimble 17. Musical46. symbol Helix 18. Rotate 48. Female sheep 19. Large ungulate49. Leguminous plant 20. Carapace50. Part of a deck 22. Pace 51. Cereal grass seed 24. Blocking52. vote Part of the neck 25. Edible tuber53. Part of a circle 26. Wading56. bird Apex 28. Ironic 59. True 30. Footwear61. Songlike cry 31. In the past63. Might 32. Diffident65. Storage tower 35. Evaluation67. Eat 38. Edible fat68. Relative magnitude 69. Front of a vessel 39. Snooker accessory 70. High-priced 40. Division of quantity 71. Choose 41. Moose 72. Gape 42. Formal Brood 43. Guided Solution 44. Nimble 5. BelongingPuzzle toChoice him 46. Deplete 46. Helix 6. Likeness of mind 47. Quarry 48. Female sheep 7. Assumed name 50. Inexperienced 49. Leguminous plant 8. Portable shelter 51. Something that has survived 50. Part of a deck 9. Consume the past 51. Cereal grass seed 10. Cooking juices 52. Currency of Nigeria 52. Part of the neck 11. Leash 53. Farewell remark Page 1 of 1 53. Part of a circle 12. Express audibly 54. Relating to kidneys 56. Apex 13. Edible root 55. Keeps records or accounts 59. True 21. Predatory feline 56. Land measure 61. Songlike cry 23. Border 57. Fossil fuel (see photo for hint) 63. Might 27. Wetland 58. Muffle 65. Storage tower 29. Decay 60. Catch sight of 67. Eat 30. Used to control a horse 62. Chances 68. Relative magnitude 31. Seabird 64. Point 69. Front of a vessel 32. Indication of damage 66. Possess 70. High-priced 33. Polynesian dance 71. Choose 34. Shout 72. Gape 35. Convention 73. Brood 36. Afresh 37. Lunar time period DOWN 38. Cunning 1. Garden plant 41. Epoch 2. Hawaiian greeting 42. Tender 3. Emblem 44. Secret agent 4. Part of a shoe 45. British nobleman Puzzle Solutions - page 23

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 17 • KIRBY PINES SnapShots

Carol Yount makes faces at Jim Stanley, Mary Ann and Roy Thurmond Memphis Wind Director Barry Trobaugh, a giraffe while feeding it at walked in the In His Steps 5K, placing Joan Dodson & Beverly Hassell. Tennessee's Safari Park bronze, silver and gold! Photo by resident, Mary Ann Thurmond

Mabel Meck celebrated her 100th birthday with family New resident, Jack Bolton, celebrates his birthday coming from Oregon, Iowa and California. with his friend Joyce Perkins Photo by resident Sydney Wagner

The Ham-ateurs entertained everyone with their program of Favorite Fall Festivities

• 18 • The Pinecone | November 2019 KIRBY PINES SnapShots

The Hat Club, Jim Gordon, Jim Dazey Bob and Jane Longfield are adorable Genenne Wilson with her Boston Terriers, and Lyle Hendrix take a fall walk. enjoying the fare on hand at Mazie and Pete at the Fall Festival. Photo by resident Lois Dazey Kirby's Fall Festival Photo by resident Mary Ann Thurmond

Sydney Wagner with her grandson Harding Humphries Helen Noah and Joy Wright at the Fall Festival. and her daughter Wendy Humphries at the Fall Festival Photo by resident, Sydney Wagner

Marsha Greiner checks out the chocolate treats Sally Coleman and Tinian Molloy look at glassware at Kirby Pine's Fall Rummage Sale with Martha Fitzhugh holding up another treasure from behind, at the Kirby Pines Fall Rummage Sale The Pinecone | November 2019 • 19 • KIRBY PINES HELD A BOOK SIGNING WITH AUTHORS LISA WINGATE AND JUDY CHRISTIE FOR THEIR NEW BOOK "BEFORE AND AFTER"

Shirley Anderson and one of the books Pat Hawkins takes a look at photos from the Ruby Stephens and Lelaine Cleaves subjects, adoptee, Theresa Jennings book. Photo by resident Carolin Thomason enoy the big event

Cheri Croser gets her turn at purchasing the books on hand, Co-author, Judy Christie shares a laugh while "Before and After" and "Before We Were Yours" signing books during the event

Alice Wherry makes sure Toni Lobianco-Blount Dale and Peter Jones Pat Brand makes sure she she has her copy of the with her sister-in-law have a good time has her copies of the new book Margaret Blount at the book signing books procured

• 20 • The Pinecone | November 2019 KIRBY PINES PHOTO CLUB We had the month off, so we asked "What Fall Means To You", and here is what we got!

The Colors Of Fall Hazy Fall Sky Marilyn McCormick Brookgreen Gardens, SC Photo by Arrena Cheek Photo by Dan Moffett Photo by Jane Longfield Photo by Sheryl Maxwell

Jim Dazey Walks Among The Cotton - Photo by Lois Dazey

No Power Flashlight Entertainment The Changing Colors Photo by Sydney Wagner Photo by Carolin Thomason

"Grass Fire" Fall Festival - Photo by Jeannie Valentine

Night Sky Tic-Tac-Toe Fall Front Door Fun Cutting A Corn Circle - Photo by Mary Ann Thurmond Photo by Sylvia Statham Photo by Fran Gentry

The Pinecone | November 2019 • 21 • Memorials, GIANT CROSSWORD Honorariums & Gifts

In Memory Of In Honor Of

RESIDENTS WHO JANICE WALL DIED IN 2019 Donation by Lois Dazey Just wanted to let everyone Donation by Mary Ann Walker to the Book Baggers know how very much I appreciated to the Employee Fund your calls, cards, emails, gifts and JANET REEVES prayers during my recovery after ARLINE WERTZ Donation by Lois Dazey knee replacement surgery Donation by Resident Assocation to the Book Baggers last month. to the Library Fund MARSHA GREINER You sure know how to make JANE TOMLINSON Donation by Lois Dazey a girl feel loved and needed. Donation by Carlie Ann Davis to the Library to the Employee Fund Kirby Pines & RCA truly have the greatest people! CALVIN SIMS Donation by John Davis Security Sincerely, Karen Masel, RCA to the Entertainers Donation by A Friend to the Employee Fund MARY GULLETT Donation by John Davis CURTIS WILLIAMS The Kirby Pines to the Entertainers Housekeeping Donation by A Friend Foundation Donation by John & Sally Coleman to the Employee Fund to the Line Dancers

Donation by Richard & Arrena Cheek CHARLIE & LAURA to the Ham-ateurs PARROTT Donation by Kevin & Sylvia Statham Donation by Hazel Canon to the Hobby Shop to the Line Dancers Gifts To In Honor Of THE HOBBY SHOP HAROLD PETTY Donation by Customers A WIN - WIN EFFORT Donation by Nell Shelton of Mark Maxwell to the Hobby Shop The Kirby Pines Foundation’s mission is to provide philanthropic MARK MAXWELL support and assistance to residents Donation by Jeff Gunther who may need the help of others to the Hobby Shop through no fault of their own. DONATIONS JOAN DODSON Donation by Richard & Arrena Cheek Anyone can make a donation to the Entertainers directly through Kirby Pines or at our website: Donation by Hazel Canon to the Entertainers FOR MORE INFORMATION Contact Thomas O’Malley at 901-568-0643 • 22 • The Pinecone | November 2019 or email: [email protected] USp010sol 10/28/19, 8)08 AM

HomeGIANT| Crossword Menu |CROSSWORDStandard US Crosswords Solution - usp010 Personal Assistance from Kirby Pines We’re here when you need

Personal support and assistance tailored to meet each resident’s needs Grooming Bathing Dressing Toileting Feeding Physical Ambulation Puzzle Choice Companionship ANSWERS TO PUZZLE Monitoring Assurance CHALLENGE ON PAGE 17 Hospital Sitter Exercise/Walking Shopping Meal Preparation Light Housekeeping Laundry Ironing Bedding Change Ask About Our Medication Reminders Transportation MONTHLY Organization SPECIALS! Escort to Community Escort to Doctor’s Offices Manicures • Pedicures • Facials Massages • Women’s Haircuts Contact our office at & Sets • Perms & Coloring 901-369-7353Page 1 of 1 Separate Barber Shop or Call for Appointment 901-484-6730 for consultation or 369-7311 to sign up for services. The Pinecone | November 2019 • 23 • Resident & Book Baggers President, JANICE WALL with authors Judy Christie and Lisa Wingate at the Kirby Pines Book Signing Event for their book "Before and After"

3535 Kirby Parkway • Memphis, Tennessee 38115 • 901-365-3665 •