UA11/1 on Campus Vol. 10, No. 7 WKU Public Affairs
Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 10-2000 UA11/1 On Campus Vol. 10, No. 7 WKU Public Affairs Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons Recommended Citation WKU Public Affairs, "UA11/1 On Campus Vol. 10, No. 7" (2000). WKU Archives Records. Paper 1994. This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact ma WESTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE FOR FACULTY, STAFF & FRIENDS OF WKU VOL. 10, NO. 7' oaOBER 2000 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES Is Justice Blind? WESTERN KENTUCKY The Winter's Tale $1 UNIVERSITY THEATRE by IVi/fiam Shakespeare Guest-Directed by John Doyle from th e United Kingdom ANNOUNCES OUR October 12,13,14,16,17, 18and 19 ([l8:00p.m . Sunday, Oc tober 15 ({I 3:00 p.m. in the Russell H. Miller Thea tre Proposals $1 by Nei/ Simon November 14, I S, 16, 17 and 18 «> 8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 19 ([l 3:00 p.m. in the Russe ll H. Miller Theatre The Tender land by Aaron Cop/and $1 Co-produced w ith th e Department of Music February 22,23 and 24 (rl 8:00 p.m. Sunday, February 25 0 3:00 p.m . in the Ru sse ll H. Miller Thea tre Kindenranspon by Diane Samuels $1 April 3, 4, 5, 6, 70 8:00 p.m.
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