Sa cred Jour neys: ©2015, 2016, 2017 Artscience Im ages: authors and friends, com pany and press pic- tures, PhotoDisc, Corel, Wikipedia, Mindlift Beeldbankiers. Dis tri bu tion: Boekencoöperatie Nederland u.a. email:
[email protected] (webshop) All rights re served, in clud ing dig i tal re dis tri bu tion and ebook First editiion: De cem ber 2015, Sec ond, ap pended edition April 2016 Third edition Jan. 2017 ISBN 9789492079091 pub lisher: Onderstroomboven Collectief im print: Artscience. Pa perback price € 6,95 Con tents 1 Pre fa ce 7 2 Tripping: the process 10 Journey to the dream 10 The pre pa ra ti on 11 Pha ses, gig gling 13 Iso la ti on, li mi na li ty, the dark 14 Peak 19 Sit ters: de sig na ted hel pers 22 The mys ti cal, re gres si on 26 Rebirth and de ath 27 The end of the trip: co ming down 28 Over sti mu la ti on 29 The af ter-ef fects 30 3 Set and Set ting 32 Agen da 33 Pla ce 34 With whom, with what? 34 Bon ding and trans fe ren ce 35 Dif fe rent ways of using 36 4 Pur po se 37 Dee per goals 38 Over co ming fear 40 To le ran ce 41 5 Ri tu als and Group ses sions 42 He a ling jour neys, mys ti cal in sights 44 Me di cal use 45 Re pe ti ti on, loops 46 Stages of a ritu al 49 Ri tes of pas sa ge: ini ti a ti on 50 Contact – alignment - group mind 52 Struc tu re amidst cha os 54 To copy an existing ritu al or to crea te somet hing new 54 6 Sanc tu a ry, safe spa ce 57 Sa fe ty first 57 Sa cred spa ce, tem po ra ry au to no mous zone 58 Hol ding spa ce and cir cle in te gri ty 61 7 His to ry