Sepie'lq AM 2*26 Dfls
SEPie'lQ AM 2*26 DflS ta' Frank Edelblut Christine Brennan Commissioner of Education Deputy Commissioner of Education STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 101 Pleasant Street Concord, N.H. 03301 TEL.(603) 271-3495 FAX (603)271-1953 August 8, 2018 His Excellency. Governor Christopher T. Sununu end the Honorable Council State House Concord, NH 03301 REQUESTED ACTION Authorize the Department of Education, Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation to enter into a contract with the Brain Injury Association of New Hampshire. Concord. New Hampshire (Vendor Code 156086) to provide Independent living services in an amount not to exceed $72,045.50. effective upon Governor and Council approval through September 30, 2019. 52.91% Federal funds / 47.09% General funds. Funds to support this request are available in the following account entitled Independent Services (Part B) with the ability to adjust encumbrances between State Fiscal years through the Budget Office, if needed and justified. FY 2019 FY 2020 06-56-56-565010-25420000-102-500731 Contracts for Program Services $28,588.13 $9,529.38 06-56-56-565010-25420000-601-500931 State Fund Match $25,446.00 $8,482.00 EXPLANATION The New Hampshire Department of Education receives an annual grant of $305,350.(X)from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Community Living, Independent Living Administration. The grant under Title VII, Port B of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, enables the state to continue to provide independent living services to individuals with significant disabilities so that they can become more independent in their homes and communities.
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