1981 London Majors Program
LUCKY NO • • IL_ N• ~ 0133 Seafood Cafe 215 Piccadilly (at Richmond) 433-0695 LONDON ~ Sponsored by. ~acme neoo s1gns 50¢ 1981 Souvenir Program Try our conveniant Wharncliffe Rd. location + 3 other London locations OLD FASHIONED to serve you. T.M . Lie. By Wendys International -1141BUBDEBS. © 1980. DEBORDANTS DE FRAiCHEUR ~t1S chicken VAHa. says Good Luck Majors I lu pt oplt I >ND >N Wr1 •, II o fl •11 . I I lOIII I uul 1\yltru r 1 .:J j,. ((;~,ju> ndr f> n t>/' .:JJ, (t;;~,y rf' y,;";;,,, .':/i. fflv' <( Jj, vffny,, .#10'1,.,. vff., .. It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 1981 season WJ. th the London Majors. The success of the home team can be measured in part by the enthusiasti<:= ~upp~rt of the fans. Similarly, the excite ~e~t of the compe~1t1on 1~ heightened when the hometown fans are JOined by a cheer.tng sect1on for the visitors. 1 know that your attenda~ce here is appreciated by both teams who will in turn entertatn you with their finest efforts. ' ' . And, on behalf of the citizens of London, I wish the MaJors a most successful season. Al Gl eeson, Mayor . FREE EST/MATES Service MASTeR ® 434-6816 PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING FOR HOME OR INDUSTRY SERVICEMASTER (LONDON) L TO. UPR-612 COLBORNE #from a household spot to a spotless house" 2 ICK. more th n y u might r ( li Campi te produc t lin 1n t11 foll ow1n g categor1 es OFFSET DUPLEXING COPIER DUPLICATING WORD PROCESSING MICROGRAPHICS 'RECORDS MANAGEMENT BU SINESS PAPERS AND SUPPLIES For- Further Inform ation Please Call (5 19)68 1-4 700 3 THE SPONSOR Acme Neon Signs (London) Ltd.
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