Michael Reich

Department of Institute for Research on Labor and Employment University of California University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-3880 Berkeley, CA 94720-5555 [email protected] tel. 510-643-7079 fax 510-642-6432

Professor, University of California, Berkeley. Director, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, UC Berkeley 2004- 2015. Chair, Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, IRLE, 2007- .

Education Ph.D., Economics, Harvard University B.A. (with honors), Mathematics, Swarthmore

Previous Employment

Associate of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1981-1988 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1974-1981. Assistant Professor of Economics, , 1971-74. Teaching Fellow, Harvard University, 1969-1971. Research Trainee, Solid State Physics, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. Summer 1963, 1964.

Administrative Appointments

Director, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment (formerly IIR), UC Berkeley 2004 -2015. Co-Chair, Miguel Contreras Labor Program, UC Office of the President, 2006-2010. Founder and Co-Chair, Donald Vial Center on Employment in the Green Economy, IRLE, UC Berkeley, 2009 -2013. Founder and Chair, Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, IRLE, UC Berkeley, 2007- . Steering Committee, Labor and Employment Research Fund, UC Office of the President, 2005- 2010. Chair, Inter-IIR Committee, Labor and Employment Fund, UC Office of the President, 2004-2009. Research Director, Institute for Labor and Employment, UC 2000 - 2004. Responsible for $1.4 million competitive grant program for faculty at all nine UC campuses. Acting Director, Institute for Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley, Spring 2001. Associate Director, Institute of Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley, 1992-95 and 2000-03. Director, Center on Pay and Inequality, Institute of Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley, 1996-99. Labor Center Advisory Board and Executive Committee, Institute of Industrial Relations, 1996 - . Research Director, National Center for the Workplace, 1993-97. PI on $1.2 million Department of Labor grant to consortium of five universities, headquartered at UC Berkeley. Editor, Industrial Relations, 1986 - 1994. Undergraduate Chair, Department of Economics, UC Berkeley, 1985-87.

Selected Academic Committee Service

Faculty representative, Committee on Codes of Conduct for Apparel Licenses, University of California Office of the President, 1997-1999. UC Berkeley Faculty Senate, Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (CAPRA), 2009-10 and 2011-12. Department of Economics, Undergraduate Committee, 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14.

Awards, Fellowships, Advisory Boards and Other Appointments

Phi Beta Kappa and Sigma Xi (honorary award), 1966. Woodrow Wilson Honorary Fellow, 1966-67. National Science Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1966-71. Ford Foundation Doctoral Fellow, 1970-71. Visiting Scholar, University of London and 1980-81, New York University and New School for Social Research, Fall 2005. Visiting Professor, University of Paris XIII, Spring 1993. Racial Inequality: a Political-Economic Analysis, selected for "Ten Most Distinguished Books in Industrial Relations 1982-83," Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University. Ranked no. 33 among top 50 young in the U.S. in 1989 [Marshall Medoff, "The Ranking of Economists," Journal of Economic Education, vol. 20, no. 4, Fall 1989]. Work and Pay in the and Japan, selected for "Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, 1997-98," Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University. Memorial Lecturer, August 2006. International Advisory Board, British Journal of Industrial Relations, 2009 - . Keynote speaker, Regulating for Decent Work conference, International Labor Organization, Geneva, July 2009. Labor in the Era of Globalization, selected for "Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, 2010," Industrial Relations Section, Princeton University. Visiting Professor, New York University and New School for Social Research, 2010-11. Keynote speaker, Regulating for a Fair Recovery conference, International Labor OrganizationGeneva, July 10, 2011. Advisory Board, Middle Out Economics, Center for American Progress 2013- . Advisory Board, Raising America’s Pay, Economic Policy Institute, 2014- . Included among Ten Most Influential Persons in Los Angeles (ranked no. 3) in 2015, Los Angeles Weekly, December 21, 2015.

Principal Organizer, Recent National and International Conferences

Research on Impacts of Living Wage Policies, UC Riverside, March 2003 and March 2004. First International Conference on Social Structures of Accumulation, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, November 4, 2006. New Labor Market Institutions and the Public Policy Response: A Symposium in Honor of Lloyd Ulman. IRLE, UC Berkeley, October 27, 2007. New Deal, No Deal? The Age of Obama and the Lessons of the 1930s. IRLE, UC Berkeley, October 29, 2010. What Future for Jobs and Manufacturing? IRLE, UC Berkeley, November 16, 2012. 75 Years of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Labor, November 15, 2013.

2 Books and Monographs

1. Low-Income Labor Markets and Urban Manpower Programs: A Critical Assessment, with P. Feldman, D. Gordon, P. Doeringer, Research and Development Findings No. 12, U.S. Department of Labor, 1972.

2. The Capitalist System, with R. Edwards and T. Weisskopf, Prentice-Hall, first edition, 1972; second edition, 1978; third edition, 1986.

3. Labor Market Segmentation and Labor Market Information Systems, with R. Edwards and D. Gordon, Research report for the U.S. Department of Labor 1973.

4. Labor Market Segmentation, with R. Edwards and D. Gordon, eds. D.C. Heath, 1975.

5. Racial Inequality: A Political-Economic Analysis, Princeton University Press, 1981 (simultaneous paperback edition).

6. Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States, with D. Gordon and R. Edwards, Cambridge University Press, 1982

Simultaneous paperback edition. Also published in Spanish by Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social, Madrid, 1986; in Japanese by Toyo Keizai Sinposha, Tokyo, 1992; reissued by Cambridge University Press, 2009.

7. Innovative Labor-Management Practices: The Role of Security, Employee Involvement, and Training, with C. Brown and D. Stern. Research monograph for U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor-Management Relations and Cooperative Programs, 1991.

8. Social Structures of Accumulation: The of Growth and Crisis, with D. Kotz and T. McDonough, eds. Cambridge University Press, 1994 (simultaneous paperback edition).

9. Work and Pay in the United States and Japan, with C. Brown, Y. Nakata and L. Ulman. Oxford University Press, 1997.

10. Living Wage Policies and Economic Performance in San Francisco, with P. Hall and K. Jacobs. Research Monograph, Center for Labor Research and Education, 2004.

11. The Impacts of Living Wage Policies, ed. with D. Fairris. Industrial Relations, special issue, January 2005.

12. Labor Market Segmentation and Labor Mobility, two volumes, ed. Edward Elgar Press, 2009.

13. Contemporary and Its Crises: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the Twenty-First Century, with D. Kotz and T. McDonough, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2010. (Simultaneous paperback edition.) Chinese translation, 2014, Chinese Academy of .

14. Labor in the Era of Globalization, with B. Eichengreen and C. Brown, eds. Cambridge University Press, 2010.


15. When Mandates Work: Raising Labor Standards at the Local Level, with K. Jacobs and M. Dietz, eds. University of California Press, 2014.

16. Social Structure of Accumulation Theory, two volumes, ed. with T. McDonough and D. Kotz, Edward Elgar Press 2014.

17. The Fair Labor Standards Act: Special Issue, edited with J. Rothstein. Industrial Relations, October 2015.

Scholarly Articles, Papers and Presentations

1. "The F Band in Isotopically Enriched Lithium Fluoride," with H. Rabin. Physical Review, 135, 1A, July 1964: 101-110.

2. "Workers and the American Economy," with V. Bonnell, New England Free Press, 1969.

3. "Capitalism and the Military-Industrial Complex," with D. Finkelhor, Review of Radical Political Economics, vol. 2, no. 4, Fall 1970. Spanish translation in Sociedad y Desarollo, 1974.

Reprinted in T. Christoffel, D. Finkelhor, and D. Gilbarg, Up Against the American Myth, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1971; Edwards, Reich, and Weisskopf, The Capitalist System, 1972; L. Reynolds, D. Lewis, and G. Green, Current Issues of Economic Policy, Irwin, 1973; D. Mermelstein, Economics, Random House, 1974 and 1976.

4. "Racial Discrimination and the White Income Distribution," presented at Econometric Society Meeting, New Orleans, December 29, 1971.

5. "The Economics of ," in D. Gordon, ed., Problems in Political Economy: an Urban Perspective, D.C. Heath, 1971, and second edition, 1977.

Reprinted in R. Edwards, M. Reich, and T. Weisskopf, The Capitalist System, 1972 and 1978; J. Weaver, Modern Political Economy, Allyn and Bacon, 1973; A. MacEwan and T. Weisskopf, Perspectives on the Economic Problem, Prentice Hall, 1973; L. Reynolds, S. Masters, C. Moser, Readings in Labor Economics, Prentice Hall, 1974; D. Mermelstein, Economics, third edition, Random House, 1976; N. Yetman, Majority and Minority: The Dynamics of Racial and Ethnic Relations, 1980.

6. "Does the U.S. Economy Require Military Spending?" American Economic Review, vol. 62, no. 2, May 1972; Italian translation in M.D.'Antonio, ed., La Crisis Post-Keynesiana, Torino, 1975.

Reprinted in J. Weaver, ed., Modern Political Economy, Allyn and Bacon, 1973; H. Wolozin and R. Torto, ed., Domestic Economic Problems, Holbrook, 1974; J. Oser, ed., Undercurrents of Economics: Other Views, Harcourt Brace, 1975; A. Wells, ed., American Institutions, Goodyear, 1975.

7. "Economic Theories of Racism," in M. Carnoy, ed., Schooling in a Corporate Society, McKay, 1972, and second edition, 1975.

Reprinted in J. Henslin, ed., Social Problems in American Society, Holbrook, 1976.


8. "The Evolution of the U.S. Labor Force," in Edwards, Reich, and Weisskopf, The Capitalist System, 1972 (first edition).

9. "On the Relationship between and Capitalism," with M. Davies, The Capitalist System, 1972.

10. "A Theory of Labor Market Segmentation," with R. Edwards and D. Gordon, American Economic Review, vol. 63, no. 2, May 1973 and Industrial Relations Research Association, Proceedings of the 27th Meetings, 1973.

Reprinted in Martin Carnoy, Schooling in a Corporate Society, second edition, 1975; N. Glazer and H. Waehrer, ed., Woman in a Man-Made World: A Socio-Economic Handbook, Rand-McNally, 1977; R. Edwards, M. Reich and T. Weisskopf, ed., The Capitalist System, second edition, Prentice Hall, 1978; D. Gordon, ed., Problems in Political Economy, second edition, D.C. Heath, 1977; A. Amsden, ed., The Economics of Women and Work, Penguin, 1980; A.B. Atkinson, ed., Wealth, Income and Inequality, Oxford, 1980; S. Bowles and R. Edwards, eds., Radical Economics, Edward Elgar, 1989.

11. "Military Spending and the U.S. Economy," in S. Rosen, ed., Testing the Theory of the Military- Industrial Complex, Lexington, 1973.

12. "The Political Economy of Military Spending," MSS Module 61, 1974.

13. "Introduction to Labor Market Segmentation," in Edwards, Reich, and Gordon, eds., Labor Market Segmentation, 1975.

14. "Military Spending and Business-State Relations in U.S. Capitalism," presented at the American Economic Association meeting, Dallas, December 1975.

15. "Why Carter Can't Reduce Military Spending," Monthly Review, vol. 29, no. 1, June 1977.

16. "The Development of the Wage Labor Force," The Capitalist System, second edition, 1978.

17. "Party Politics and Class Conflict," The Capitalist System, second edition, 1978.

18. Military Spending and Production for Profit," The Capitalist System, second edition, 1978.

19. Introductions to Chapters 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10, The Capitalist System, second edition, 1978.

20. "Who Benefits from Racism? The Distribution Among Whites of Gains and Losses from Racial Inequality," Journal of Human Resources, 13, 4: Fall 1978.

21. "The Persistence of Racial Inequality in Urban Areas and Industries, 1950 - 1970," American Economic Review, vol. 70, no. 2, May 1980.

22. "Empirical and Ideological Elements in the Decline of Ricardian Economics," Review of Radical Political Economics, 12, 3: Fall 1980.

23. "The Microeconomics of Conflict and Hierarchy in Capitalist Production," with J. Devine, Review of Radical Political Economics, 12, 4: Winter 1981.


24. "Changes in the Distribution of Benefits from Racism in the 1960's," Journal of Human Resources, 16, 2: Spring 1981.

25. "The Economic Impact of Racism in the Postwar Era," in B. Bowser and R. Hunt, eds., The Impact of Racism on White Americans, Sage Foundation, 1981.

26. "The Microeconomics of Conflict and Hierarchy in Capitalist Production: A Reply to Watts," Review of Radical Political Economics, 15, 2: Summer 1983.

27. "Labor Segmentation: Time Series Hypotheses and Evidence," Presented at Second Meeting of International Working Party on Labor Market Segmentation, Modena Italy, September 1981. Published in Cambridge Journal of Economics, 8, 1: March 1984.

28. "The Proletarianization of the Labor Force," in The Capitalist System, third edition, 1986.

29. "Liberal Democracy, Political Parties and the Capitalist State," with R. Edwards, in The Capitalist System, third edition, 1986.

30. "The Political-Economic Effects of Racism," in The Capitalist System, third edition, 1986.

31. "The Irrational Attractions of Military Spending," in The Capitalist System, third edition, 1986.

32. "Postwar Racial Income Differentials: Trends and Theories," in G. Mangum and P. Philips, eds. Three Worlds of Labor Economics, M.E. Sharpe, 1988.

33. "Black-White Income Differences," in M. Naples et al., eds. The Imperiled Economy, Book 2, Monthly Review Press, 1988.

34. "Income Inequality: An Inter-Industry Perspective," with C. Davidson, Industrial Relations, 27, 1, Fall 1988.

35. "Capitalist Development, Class Relations and Labor History," C. Moody and A. Kessler-Harris, eds. Perspectives on Labor History: The Problems of Synthesis, Northern Illinois University Press, 1989.

36. "When Does Union-Management Cooperation Work? A Look at NUMMI and GM-Van Nuys," with C. Brown, in D. Mitchell, ed., Can California be Competitive and Caring? Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA, 1989.

Revised version published in California Management Review, 31, 4, Summer 1989.

37. "Meeting the Challenge: Labor-Management Cooperation in California Public Schools," with C. Brown. Report to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor-Management Relations, Fall 1989.

38. "Economic Theory and Class Conflict," in S. Bowles and R. Edwards, Radical Economics, Edward Elgar, 1990.

6 39. "Skills and Security in Evolving Employment Systems: Observations from Case Studies," with C. Brown and D. Stern. Presented at Conference on Changing Occupational Skill Requirements," Brown University, June 1990.

Revised version published as National Center for Research on Vocational Education Report #131, November 1991.

40. "Capitalism, Class and Labor History," in E. Boris and N. Lichtenstein, eds. Major Problems in the History of American Workers, D.C. Heath, 1991.

41. "Intellectual Biography of Michael Reich," in P. Arestis and M. Sawyer, eds., A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, Edward Elgar, 1991. Revised edition, 1999.

42. "Introduction to the Japanese Edition." Segmented Work, Divided Workers. Tokyo: Toyo Keizai Sinposha, 1992.

43. "Radical Economics in Historical Perspective," Review of Radical Political Economics, 23, 2: May 1993.

44. "Becoming A High-Performance Work Organization: The Role of Security, Employee Involvement, and Training," with C. Brown and D. Stern. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 4, 2, May 1993.

45. "Conflict and Cooperation in Labor-Management Relations in the U.S. and Japan," with C. Brown, D. Stern, and L.Ulman. Industrial Relations Association, Proceedings of the 47th Meeting, 1993.

46. "Introduction: "The Social Structure of Accumulation Approach," with D. Kotz and T. McDonough, in Kotz, McDonough and Reich, eds. 1994.

47. "How Social Structures of Accumulation Decline and Are Built," in Kotz, McDonough and Reich, eds. 1994.

48. "Long Swings and Stages of Capitalism," with D. Gordon and R. Edwards in Kotz, McDonough and Reich, eds. 1994.

49. "New International Institutions and Renewed World Economic Expansion," with D. Kotz and T. McDonough, in Kotz, McDonough and Reich, eds. 1994.

50. "Training Structures, Skill Formation and Wage Profiles in Japan and the U.S.," with C. Brown and D. Stern. Industrial Relations Research Association, Proceedings of the 48th Meeting, 1994.

51. "HR Practices in the Semiconductor Industry in Relation to Practices in Other Industries." In Human Resources Project, First Interim Report. Competitive Semiconductor Manufacturing Program, Report CSM-9, September 1994.

52. "Employee Voice and Training in Career Development," with C. Brown. Industrial Relations Research Association, Proceedings of the 49th Meetings, 1995.

53. "Radical Economics: Successes and Failures," in M. Blaug and F. Moseley eds. Heterodox Economic Theories: True or False? Edward Elgar, 1995.


54. "Prevailing Wage Laws and the California Economy," Briefing Paper, National Center for the Workplace, February 1996.

55. "Developing Skills and Pay through Career Ladders: Lessons from Japanese and U.S. Companies," with C. Brown. California Management Review, vol. 39, no. 2, 1997.

56. "Social Structure of Accumulation Theory: Retrospect and Prospect," Review of Radical Political Economics, 29, 3: Summer 1997.

57. "Labor Relations and Labor Law in the United States: Combining Growth and Equity," in Strengthening Macroeconomic Institutions and Regulation, James K. Galbraith, ed. United Nations Development Program and State Planning Commission, PR China, 1997.

58. "Micro-Macro Linkages in High Performance Employment Systems," with C. Brown, Organization Studies, 18, 5: 1998.

59. "Are U.S. Corporations Top-Heavy? Managerial Ratios in Advanced Capitalist Countries." Review of Radical Political Economics, 30, 3: Summer 1998.

60. "What is a High Performance Pension Fund? Criteria, Survey Results and Benchmarks," Briefing Paper, High Performance Pension Project, UC Berkeley, September 1997.

61. "Training and Pensions: Substitutes or Complements?" with T. Ghilarducci, IIR Working Paper no. 68, March 1998.

62. “Living Wages and the San Francisco Economy: the Benefits and the Costs” with P. Hall and F. Hsu. Center on Pay and Inequality, UC Berkeley. June 1999. 44 pages.

63. "Living Wages at the Port and Airport of San Francisco: Benefits and Costs," with P. Hall. Center on Pay and Inequality, October 1999. 49 pages.

64. "Living Wages at the Port of Oakland,” with C. Zabin and P. Hall, Center on Pay and Inequality, December 1999. 58 pages.

65. “Living Wage Strategies in the Bay Area: Analysis, Affordability and Alternatives,” Presented at Allied Social Science Association meetings, Boston, January 2000.

66. “Assessing the Impact of Codes of Conduct and Monitoring Systems on the Apparel Industry in the Pacific Rim,” with K. Quan and C. Zabin, IIR, UC Berkeley, March 2000.

67. “The Impact of the 1996-98 California Increases,” with P. Hall. Presented at Industrial Welfare Commission hearings, Sacramento, CA. August 2000.

8 68. “A Raise for the Bottom or a Race to the Bottom? Economic Development and Low Wage Labor in California,” with P. Hall. Presented at IIR faculty research seminar, October 2000.

69. ”Living Wage Ordinances in California: Impacts on Businesses, Employees, Unions and Local , Proposal to the Institute for Labor and Employment, UC, November 2000.

70. “A Small Raise for the Bottom,” with P. Hall. In J. Lincoln and P. Ong, eds. The State of California Labor, 2001, UCLA IIR Press, pp. 123-48.

71. “Complementarity of Pensions and Training Under Multiemployer Plans,” With T. Ghilarducci, Journal of Labor Research, 22, 3: Summer 2001: 615-634.

72. “Timing is Everything: Do Minimum Wage Increases Derail Economic Growth?” with P. Hall, IIR, UC Berkeley, June 2001. Revised June 2004.

73. “Living Wages and Airport Security: Preliminary Report,” with P. Hall and K. Jacobs. Occasional Paper no. 3, Institute for Labor and Employment, University of California, September 2001.

74. “Living Wage Ordinances in California.” In The State of California Labor, vol. 3, University of California Press, 2003.

75. “Living Wage Policies at San Francisco Airport: Impacts on Workers and Businesses.” With P. Hall and K. Jacobs. Working Paper no. 98, Institute of Industrial Relations, UC Berkeley, 2003.

Revised version published in Industrial Relations, 44, 1: January 2005.

76. “Raising Low Pay in a High Income City: the Economics of a San Francisco Minimum Wage.” With A. Laitinen. Working Paper no. 99, Institute of Industrial Relations, 2003.

77. “Employer-Based Healthcare Reform: Preliminary Results from the 2003 California Establishment Survey.” With A. Dube 2003. CWED Policy Brief.

78. “The Economic Impacts of Living Wage Policies at San Francisco Airport. Presented at the American Economic Association meetings, San Diego, January 4, 2004.

79. “A Portrait of California Workplaces and Workplace Practices: Findings from the 2003 California Establishment Survey,” With S. Frank, June 2004.

80. “Good Jobs versus Bad Jobs? Complementarities among Compensation, Turnover, Training and Productivity.” With A. Dube. Unpublished paper. June 2004.

81. “Compensation Practices, Turnover, Training and Productivity among California Businesses.” With A. Dube and K. Jacobs, June 2004.

9 82. “Business Costs of Low Wages,” with C. Zabin, A. Dube and K. Jacobs, Research Brief, National Economic Development and Law Center, June 2004.

83. “The Impacts of Living Wage Policies.” With D. Fairris, Industrial Relations, 44, 1: January 2005.

84. “Wage and Employment Effects of the $8.50 San Francisco Municipal Minimum Wage.” With A. Dube. Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting, Labor and Employment Research Association (formerly IRRA) 2005.

85. “The Economic Effects of Citywide Wage Standards: Evidence from the 2004 San Francisco Minimum Wage Increase.” With A. Dube and S. Naidu. Presented at the Departmental Seminar, UC Berkeley Department of Economics, March 9, 2005.

86. “Minimum Wages and the California Economy.” With A. Dube and G. Vickery. IIR Policy Brief, September 2005.

87. “The Economics of Citywide Minimum Wages: The San Francisco Model.” With A.Dube and S. Naidu, IIR Policy Brief, January 2006.

88. “Do Businesses Flee Citywide Minimum Wages? With A. Dube, E. Kaplan and F. Su. IIR Policy Brief, September 2006.

89. “Changes in Capitalism since the Reagan Era: the New Social Structure of Accumulation.” David Gordon Memorial Lecture, August 2006.

Revised version presented at the First International Conference on Social Structures of Accumulation, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, November 2, 2006.

90. “Recent Contestation over the Minimum Wage: Politics and Economics.” Presented at the First International Conference on Social Structures of Accumulation, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, November 4, 2006.

Presented in revised versions at the David Gordon Memorial Conference, New School University, New York, April 13, 2007 and at the 28th Annual Meeting of the International Working Party on Labor Market Segmentation, Aix-en- Provence, France, July 5, 2007.

91. “The Economic Effects of Citywide Minimum Wages.” With A. Dube and S. Naidu. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 60, 4: July 2007.

92. “Foreword to: Health Care Proposals in California: Impacts on Businesses.” IRLE, July 2007.

93. “Minimum Wage Effects Across State Borders: Estimates Using Contiguous Counties.” With A. Dube and W. Lester. June 2007. Presented to the Labor Lunch, UC Berkeley, Department of Economics and at the Paris School of Economics. IRLE Working Paper

10 157-07. Revised version published in Review of Economics and Statistics, 92, 4: November 2010.

94. “Minimum Wages: Politics, Economics and Econometrics.” Presented at New Labor Market Institutions and Public Policy Responses. A Symposium in honor of Lloyd Ulman. IRLE, UC Berkeley, October 27, 2007.

Revised and refereed version in Brown, Eichengreen and Reich, eds. Labor in the Era of Globalization, Cambridge University Press, 2010.

95. “Do Minimum Wages Really Reduce Teen Employment? Accounting for Heterogeneity and Selectivity in State Panel Data.” With S. Allegretto and A. Dube. IRLE Working Paper, May 2008. Media presentation July 17, 2008.

Revised version published in Industrial Relations, 50, 2: April 2011.

96. “Minimum Wage Jobs and Commuting Flows: Evidence Using Cross-State Labor Markets.” With A. Dube. UC Berkeley Labor Lunch, October 31, 2008.

Revised version, “Minimum Wages Effects in Local Labor Markets: Evidence from Commuting Zones.” With A. Dube. Presentation to All-UC Labor Economics Workshop, September 21, 2009.

97. “Labor Market Segmentation and Labor Mobility.” Introduction to two-volume collection, Labor Market Segmentation and Labor Mobility, Edward Elgar, November 2008.

98. “Would the Elimination of the Eight-Hour Day Serve as an Economic Stimulus for California? With K. Jacobs. Unpublished paper. February 8, 2009.

99. “The President’s February 2009 Executive Order to Reinstate PLAs on Federal Construction: What Does the Evidence Show?” Presentation for Academic Stakeholders Meeting, Interagency Taskforce on Executive Order 13502, Eisenhower Executive Office Building, Office of the President, Washington, D.C. May 13, 2009.

100. “Labor Standards in the United States: New Directions and New Evidence.” Presentation to the Regulating for Decent Work Conference, International Labor Organization (a United Nations agency), Geneva July 7, 2009.

101. “The Economic Crisis and the Future of Labor Regulation: A U.S. Perspective.” Keynote Address for the closing panel, “The Economic Crisis and New Opportunities for Regulation.” Regulating for Decent Work Conference, International Labor Organization (a United Nations agency), Geneva July 9, 2009.

102. “Crises of Contemporary Capitalism: the Social Structure of Accumulation Perspective.” Annual Conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Paris July 17, 2009.

103. “Why is California’s Unemployment Rate So High? What Can We Do About It?” Presentation to the hearing, Putting California Back to Work: Moving toward Recovery.

11 California State Senate, Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations, November 17, 2009.

104. “California Needs Assessment of Workforce Issues for Energy Efficiency.” With K. Chapple and C. Zabin. Presentation to Public Meeting, California Public Utility Commission, San Francisco, December 1, 2009.

Principal Investigators describe scope of work for $1.2 million competitively- awarded contract from Southern California Edison to the Donald Vial Center on Employment in the Green Economy, IRLE, UC Berkeley.

105. “Building a Green Economy: Workforce Opportunities and Challenges.” Presentation at the panel on Green Jobs: Where are the Jobs and How Do We Get the Skilled Workers? Energy Conference Roundtable, California Foundation on the Environment and the Economy (CFEE) Sausalito, CA, December 8, 2009.

106. “Contemporary Capitalism and Its Crises: Introduction to the Volume.” T. McDonough, M. Reich and D. Kotz, eds. Contemporary Capitalism and Its Crises: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the Twenty-First Century, Cambridge University Press, 2010.

107. “Employee Replacement Costs.” With A. Dube and E. Freeman. IRLE Working Paper 201-10. March 2010.

108. “Wage Effects of High Performance Workplace Practices.” With E. Freeman. Unpublished paper. May 2010.

109. “Unemployment Short-Term and Long: Problems and Policy Proposals.” Testimony presented at the hearing “Responses to Long-Term Unemployment. “ Income Security and Family Support Subcommittee, Committee on Ways and Means. U.S. House of Representatives, June 10, 2010.

110. “High Unemployment after the Great Recession: Why so High? What Can We Do?” Briefing Paper, Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, IRLE, UC Berkeley, June 2010. Published in Estudias de Economia Aplicada, 30, 1, 2012: 11-28.

111. “Spatial Heterogeneity and Minimum Wages: Employment Estimates for Teens Using Cross-State Commuting Zones.” With S. Allegretto and A. Dube, IRLE Working Paper 181-09. June 2010.

112. “The California Labor Market: Today and Tomorrow and the Outlook for Green Jobs.” Presentation for the California Public Utilities Commission, San Francisco, CA July 27, 2010.

113. “An Analysis of Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman’s Economic Policy,” and Open Letter to Californians regarding Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman’s Economic Proposals.” August 10, 2010.

12 Related press coverage in every major California newspaper as well as numerous national media.

114. “Prospects for Green Jobs and the California Economy,” with L. Scholl. Chapter 2 of C. Zabin et al., California Workforce Education and Training Needs Assessment for Energy Efficiency, Distributed Generation, and Demand Response. Report to the California Public Utility Commission, March 17, 2011.

115. “Do Frictions Matter in the Labor Market? Accessions, Separations and Minimum Wage Effects.” With A. Dube and W. Lester. IRLE Working Paper, October 2010. Revised version, June 25, 2011

Presented in revised versions at labor economics seminars at New School for Social Research, November 16, 2010; Princeton University, November 22, 2010; UC Berkeley, March 2011; and Annual Meetings of Society of Labor Economists (SOLE), April 29, 2011 Vancouver, BC, IAB, Nuremburg, November 5, 2012.

116. “The New Generation of Minimum Wage Research,” Presentation at Joint forum of Center for American Progress and National Employment Law Project, Raising the Minimum Wage, Rebuilding the Economy, Washington. D.C. June 7, 2011

117. “New Labor Market Dynamics since the Global Financial Crisis: Europe vs. the United States.” Presented at the Panel, “Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis,” Annual Conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), Madrid. June 23, 2011.

118. “Increasing the Minimum Wage in San Jose: Benefits and Costs.” Policy Brief, Center on Wage and Employment Dynamics, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, University of California, Berkeley, October 2012.

119. “Minimum Wage Effects: New Evidence from the United States.” Keynote Presented to SOKA/BAKU Conference on Fifteen Years of the Construction Minimum Wage,” Berlin, November 2, 2012.

120. “Minimum Wage Shocks, Labor Market Frictions and Employment Flows.” With A. Dube and W. Lester IRLE Working Paper 149-13, July 2013. Forthcoming, Journal of Labor Economics 2016.

121. “Credible Research Designs for Minimum Wage Studies.” With S. Allegretto, A. Dube, and B. Zipperer, 2013. IRLE Working Paper 148-13. September 2013. Forthcoming, ILR Review.

122. “Do Graduated Drivers Licenses Reduce Teen Employment?” With A. Dube and L. Scholl. IRLE Working Paper. 2013.

13 123. “The Fair Labor Standards Act After Seventy-Five Years: an Assessment.” Testimony presented to the U.S. Senate, Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, June 25, 2013. Revised version presented at the conference, the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the FLSA, Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Labor, November 15, 2013.

124. “When Do Wage Mandates Work? With K. Jacobs. Ch. 1 of When Mandates Work, 2014.

125. “Labor Market Impacts of San Francisco’s Minimum Wage.” With A. Dube and S. Naidu. Ch. 2. of When Mandates Work, 2014.

126. “Liftoff: Raising Wages at San Francisco Airport.” With P. Hall and K. Jacobs. Ch. 3 of When Mandates Work, 2014.

127. “Mandates: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects.” With M. Dietz and K. Jacobs. Ch. 11 of When Mandates Work, 2014.

128. “The Effects of Minimum Wages on SNAP Enrollments and Expenditures.” With R. West. Center for American Progress, Washington, D.C., March 2014. minimum-wages-on-snap-enrollments-and-expenditures/

Revised version published in Industrial Relations, October 2015.

129. “Local Minimum Wage Laws: Impacts on Workers, Families and Businesses.” With K. Jacobs and A. Bernhardt. IRLE Working Paper 104-14. March 2014. Prepared for the Seattle Income Inequality Advisory Committee.

130. “The Effects of Minimum Wages on Prices: Preliminary Results.” With S. Allegretto. Annual Conference of the Labor and Employment Research Association, Portland, OR, May 30, 2014.

131. “Friends Make Gifts and Gifts Make Friends: The 2014 Veblen-Commons Award Recipient, Samuel Bowles.” Journal of Economic Issues, June 2014.

132. “The Impact of Oakland’s Proposed Minimum Wage Law.” With K. Jacobs, A. Bernhardt and I. Perry, CWED Policy Brief. UC Berkeley, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, June 2014.

133. “Ten Dollars or Thirteen Dollars: Comparing the Effects of Minimum Wage Laws in California.” With S. Allegretto and R. West. IRLE CWED Policy Brief. June 2014.

134. “San Francisco’s Proposed City Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Impact Study.” With K. Jacobs, A. Bernhardt and I. Perry, IRLE CWED Policy Brief, August 2014.

14 135. “The Mayor of Los Angeles’ Proposed City Minimum Wage Policy: A Prospective Impact Study.” With K. Jacobs, A. Bernhardt and I. Perry, IRLE CWED Policy Brief, September 2014.

136. “A Win-Win for Working Families and State Budgets: Pairing Medicaid Expansion and a $10.10 Minimum Wage.” With R. West. Center for American Progress, October 2014.

137 “The Proposed Minimum Wage Law for Los Angeles: Economic Impacts and Policy Options.” With K. Jacobs, A. Bernhardt and I. Perry. IRLE CWED Policy Brief. March 2015.

138. “Estimated Impact of a Proposed Minimum Wage Law for Sacramento.” With A. Bernhardt, I. Perry and K. Jacobs. IRLE CWED Policy Brief, August 2015.

139. “Contra Costa County’s Proposed Minimum Wage Law: A Prospective Impact Study.” With A. Bernhardt, I. Perry and K.Jacobs. IRLE CWED Policy Brief September 2015.

140. “The Ups and Downs of Minimum Wage Policy: The Fair Labor Standards Act in Historical Perspective.” Michael Reich. Industrial Relations. October 2015.

141. “Minimum Wages: a Debate between David Neumark and Michael Reich.” Kansas State University, October 1, 2015.

142. “A $15 Minimum Wage: the Case of Los Angeles.” International Minimum Wage Conference, Korea Labor Institute, Seoul, Korea, November 12, 2016. 143. “Are Local Minimum Wages Absorbed by Price Increases? Estimates from Internet-based Restaurant Menus.” With S. Allegretto. IRLE Working Paper No. 124-15 December 2015. Presented at LERA conference, San Francisco, January 3, 2016 and APPAM international conference, London, June 2016. Accepted with minor revisions, ILR Review.

144. “A Structural Model for Estimating Minimum Wage Effects at $15.” Presented at LERA meetings, San Francisco, January 2016.

145. “The Economic Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage in New York State.” With S. Allegretto, A. Bernhardt and C. Montialoux. IRLE CWED Policy Brief. March 2016.

146. “Modeling $15 Minimum Wage Increases.” Presentation at LERA summer meeting, Minneapolis, May 26-29, 2016.

147. “The Effects of a $15 Minimum Wage by 2019 in San Jose and Santa Clara County.” With C. Montialoux, S. Allegretto, K. Jacobs, A. Bernhardt and S. Thomason. IRLE CWED Policy Brief. June 2016.


Other works and publications

Testimony to University of California Regents, San Francisco Board of Supervisors, California State Assembly, California State Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, San Francisco City Council, Los Angeles City Council, Santa Monica City Council, Massachusetts Senate, New York State Wage Board, Pasadena City Council.

Numerous op-eds and columns, including in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Los Angeles Times, Minnesota Star, New York Daily NewsNew York Times, Politico, Reuters, San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury, Voice of San Diego and Wall Street Journal.

The Financial Aspects of Divestment.” With C. Brown. Labor Center Reporter, no. 153, June 1985. FID1.

“Comparison of the Current UC Portfolio and a Possible South Africa-Free Portfolio.” With R. Anderson. Testimony to the University of California Regents, June, 1985. Alternative Report

“Prevailing Wages and the California Economy,” 1996. Prepared for the State Building and Construction Trades Council of California.

“Declaration Concerning Free Rider Problems Created by Proposition 226.” (The Paycheck Protection Initiative), California 1998.

“Declaration of Michael Reich Concerning Proposition 75.” (Permission Required to Withhold Dues for Political Purposes.) California, 2005.

Expert witness letter, “Review of Proposal to Require Compliance with the State’s Prevailing Wage Laws on all City Public Works Projects.” San Diego City Council, July 30, 2013.

Recent Op-Eds

“San Francisco’s Raise the Pay Experiment.” With K. Jacobs. San Francisco Chronicle January 28, 2014.

“The Minimum Wage Fight: From San Francisco to DeBlasio’s New York.” With K. Jacobs. Reuters February 11, 2014

“No, a Minimum-Wage Boost Won’t Kill Jobs.” Politico, February 21, 2014. jobs-103769.html#.U3Vg_CjEHZs

16 “All Economics is Local.” With K. Jacobs. New York Times, March 22, 2014.

“What San Diego Can Learn from San Francisco’s Minimum Wage Bump.” Voice of San Diego, April 29, 2014.