Pdf Annual Report 2008
2008 Annual Report FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2008 WWW.GCFB.ORG 1 • AnnuAl RepoRt 2008 FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUE 2007–08 2006–07 1.5% Agency Shared Maintenance 4.3% Grants .9% United Way Donated Food $32,542,497 $29,463,291 2% Other Cash Donations $5,190,846 $4,415,089 Donated Food (73.0%) Purchased Food Reimbursement $2,982,506 $2,498,754 Cash Donations (11.6%) Grants $1,912,694 $866,148 Purchased Food Reimbursement (6.7%) Other $872,167 $570,289 DonatedGrants (4.3%) Food (73.0%) Agency Shared Maintenance $667,006 $776,885 CashOther Donations (2.0%) (11.6%) United Way $395,510 $418,809 PurchasedAgency Shared Food MaintenanceReimbursement (1.5%) (6.7%) 73% Donated Food Grants (4.3%) Investment Income $23,863 $79,210 United Way (.9%) OtherInvestment (2.0%) Income (.1%) TOTAL REVENUE $44,587,089 $39,088,475 11.6% Cash Donations Agency Shared Maintenance (1.5%) 6.7% Purchased Food Reimbursement United Way (.9%) Investment Income (.1%) .9% Management EXPENSES 3.9% Fund Raising Distributed Food $35,985,479 $32,581,602 13.6% Program Services Distributed Food (81.6%) Program Services $5,976,566 $5,375,120 Program Services (13.6%) Fund Raising $1,732,720 $1,351,102 Fund Raising (3.9%) Distributed Food (81.6%) Management $410,941 $387,310 Management (.9%) Program Services (13.6%) TOTAL EXPENSES $44,105,706 $39,695,134 Fund Raising (3.9%) 81.6% Distributed Food Management (.9%) EXCESS REVENUE OVER EXPENSES $481,383 -$606,659 2007–08 2006–07 Meals Distributed 20,128,420 19,106,374 Meals per day 55,146 52,346 Meals per week 387,085 367,430 Meals per month 1,677,368 1,592,198 Efficiency 95% for Feeding Hungry Neighbors WWW.GCFB.ORG ANNUAL REPORT 2008 • 2 MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD CHAIR hank you for your efforts to feed our hungry neighbors, 1.5% Agency Shared Maintenance especially during this last year of economic hardship T for southeast Michigan.
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