Charles King | 480 pages | 14 Nov 2014 | WW Norton & Co | 9780393089141 | English | New York, United States Netflix Commissions Major New International Drama Series MIDNIGHT AT THE PERA PALACE

The eight-episode series has started production in multiple locations in . When Esra is assigned to write a piece about the hotel, she accidentally discovers that one of the historic rooms is a portal to the year Thrust into the past, she lands in the middle of a political conspiracy against the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Together with Ahmet, the quirky hotel manager, Esra must protect the course of history and the future of Turkey. But in is a dangerous place. From Midnight at the Pera Palace occupation forces under the command of a ruthless general, to the local police fighting to control gangs willing to do anything for quick money, Midnight at the Pera Palace must learn to navigate her new reality to stay alive. Then, when Esra meets Halit, the handsome and mysterious owner of Istanbul's wildest club, she realizes that in the Istanbul of nothing is as it seems and no one is who they say they are. Emre Sahin, Founding Partner of Karga Seven Pictures, and the creator and director of the series, said: "As a lover of history and Istanbul, this project is a dream Midnight at the Pera Palace true. The book did such a great job at telling the history of Turkey through the eyes of the hotel. In the series we've built on that foundation and pushed the storytelling into an ambitious new dimension. The show is entertaining, thought provoking and action packed and like Istanbul, just when you think you've figured it out, it will endlessly surprise you. Therefore, we're thrilled to diversify our slate of Turkish originals with such an exciting period adventure drama. We believe that Turkey is one of the major creative centers for great storytelling and we Midnight at the Pera Palace looking forward to sharing this great story from the magical city of Istanbul to our members around the world. Karga Seven Pictures opened their Turkish outfit inand recent projects include last year's Netflix Original series "Rise of Empires: Ottoman", which has proved a massive hit in Turkey and around the world. Skip to main content Skip to footer site map. Watts Honors Louis Armstrong's Legacy. NETFLIX COMMISSIONS DRAMA KARGA SEVEN PICTURES’ “MIDNIGHT AT THE PERA PALACE” - Señal News

At midnight, December 31,citizens of the newly proclaimed Turkish Republic celebrated the New Year. For the first time ever, they had agreed Midnight at the Pera Palace use a nationally unified calendar and Midnight at the Pera Palace. Yet in Istanbul—an ancient crossroads and Turkey's largest city—people were looking toward an uncertain future. In beguiling prose and rich character portraits, former Wilson Center Fellow Charles King, author of the newly released book "Midnight at the Pera Palace: The Birth of Modern Istanbul," brings to life a remarkable era when the city of Istanbul stumbled into the modern world and reshaped the meaning of cosmopolitanism. At the Pera Palace, Istanbul's most luxurious hotel, so many spies mingled in the lobby that the manager posted a sign asking them to relinquish their seats to paying guests. Walsh School of Foreign Service, the country's premier school of global affairs. King's research has focused on nationalism, ethnic politics, transitions from authoritarianism, urban history, and the relationship between history and the social sciences. His new book on the emergence of modern Istanbul will be published by W. Norton in His work has been translated into more than ten languages. He has also held visiting appointments at the University of Michigan and Bosphorus University in Istanbul, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. He is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations. It does this through scholars-in-residence, seminars, policy study groups, media commentary, international conferences and publications. The program investigates European approaches to policy issues of importance to the United States, including globalization, digital transformation, climate, migration, global governance, and relations with and Eurasia, China and the Indo-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. Read more. Close Search Search. Midnight at the Pera Palace Quarterly. Event Sponsor. Tagged Series. Christian F. Hosted By. Event Feedback First Name. Last Name. Email Midnight at the Pera Palace Optional. Explore More. Previous Next. Kennan Cable No. August 24, The Origins of Soviet-U. In Search of Japan's Place in the World. Women's Suffrage Timeline. August 14, Midnight at the Pera Palace: The Birth of Modern Istanbul | Wilson Center

Goodreads Midnight at the Pera Palace you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. I loved this Midnight at the Pera Palace. For the first time ever, they had agreed to use a nationally unified Midnight at the Pera Palace and clock. Yet in Istanbul—an ancient crossroads and Turkey's largest city—people were looking toward an uncertain future. At the Pera Palace, Istanbul's most luxurious hotel, so many spies mingled in the lobby that the manager posted a sign asking them to relinquish their seats to paying guests. In beguiling prose and rich character portraits, Charles King brings to life a remarkable era when a storied city stumbled into the modern world and reshaped the meaning of cosmopolitanism. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published November 2nd by W. More Details Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Midnight at the Pera Palaceplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Midnight at the Pera Palace. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Thank you Goodreads Giveaways. I have tried to read histories of Turkey before but I found myself mired in the minutiae of politics. Those books somehow missed what makes Turkey exotic to Western eyes and ears. But Charles King can tell a story. Boy, can he tell a story. He starts by taking us to Istanbul. We are on the sea and the city, both ancient and new, emerges for our view. The minarets, the calls to prayer. A city at the junction of two continents. Each chapter opens with a wonder Thank you Goodreads Giveaways. Each chapter opens with a wonderful black and white photograph from the time. Very artistic. And then King follows with things - stuff - about a city and its people. Like how in the s, over a quarter of Istanbul's population - mostly unmarried men - did not live in private homes but were accommodated in mosques, artisans' shops, and other Midnight at the Pera Palace lodgings. Cocaine was the drug Midnight at the Pera Palace choice in clubs and bars, easily concealed inside a woman's high heel. There were harems but they were not a world of 'supine odalisques, opium pipes and diaphanous gowns. So the Brits came, and the Americans. Goebbels came in his long ecru coat. Often they came to the Pera Palace of the title. There you could hear jazz: not just a musical form but an ethical system. He makes you want to go youtubing, Midnight at the Pera Palace are his descriptions of the sounds. Roza was a Jewish rebetiko Midnight at the Pera Palace, described here as a torch song for the urban gangster, the soundtrack of a world in which people overspent in poverty and sometimes killed the person they loved the most. Hrant Kenkulian, blind and Armenian, was the greatest oudi player of his time, so beloved he was given the honorific Udi Hrant. Seyyan was a Muslim woman who sang Turkish Tango. Imagine that. I'm not supposed to quote from the book because it's an ARC, but, well, if you promise not to tell King considers the music above, the different cultures of the musicians, and writes: People always somehow manage to lead messier lives than nationalists would like. Artistic genius depends on that fact. You might remember Ahmet, who would follow the music to the U. He takes us inside the Hagia Sofia, tells us its history and how the images were painted over, revived, painted over and revived again. When you look at the Deesis Image there, look at John the Baptist. He is tortured, even as he points the way. When Goebbels shows up, things turn nasty. A bomb explodes in the Pera Palace. Turkey remains neutral in World War II, but it's surrounded by action. Istanbul becomes a portal for Jews, a way to Palestine. King tells how basic, stupid bureaucracy stood in the way. Enter Angelo Roncalli, an apostolic delegate assigned to Turkey. Without letting his boss, Pope Pius XII, know what exactly he was up to, Roncalli cut through the red tape, saving thousands of Jewish lives. In the final five pages of the Epilogue, King shows off his writing chops. He takes us back to Istanbul - When the sky is Midnight at the Pera Palace, crowds of gulls and pigeons still bounce along the shoreline - and back to the day when the bomb went off in the Pera Palace. He names the people who were there, seemingly every culture, every religion, all engaged in some small task. If there was ever a capital of the world, he writes, it was Istanbul. Charles King has done an admirable. View all 15 comments. Sep 24, Connie G rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fictionhistoryturkeybyt-group-read. Charles King has written an engaging popular history of Istanbul, a city at the crossroads between the East and the West, during the interwar years until the end of World War II. Istanbul was a great multi-ethnic city in the Ottoman Empire with a location at the entrance to the Black Sea, important as a port city, a religious center, and a military location. Greece tried to take over Midnight at the Pera Palace of the Ottoman Emp Charles King has written an engaging popular history of Istanbul, a city at the crossroads between the East and the West, during the interwar years until the end of World War II. He established an authoritarian government in Ankara, and the Allies left Istanbul. The city became more modern and secular. Later, Jews moved through Istanbul on their way to Palestine Midnight at the Pera Palace they were fleeing the Holocaust. Fires devastated many neighborhoods in Istanbul, changing the ethnic character of the city. Many people of non-Turkish descent were forced Midnight at the Pera Palace of the country so the percentage of ethnic Midnight at the Pera Palace increased. The chapters about the refugees, some of them stateless and without resources, were very troubling. The author uses the Pera Palace Hotel, the surrounding neighborhood, and its famous guests to show the social changes in the city. More women joined the workforce after . The book introduces the reader to jazz singers, prostitutes, writers, reformers, beauty queens, photographers, religious leaders, and politicians. Istanbul was especially famous for espionage and the great number of spies. There's a bit of dry humor in some of the stories. There are also moments of awe, such as the descriptions of the sun lighting up the mosaics in the renovated Hagia Sophia. I enjoyed Charles King's interesting book about the transformation of Istanbul. View all 12 comments. A splendidly entertaining and illuminating social history of the inter-war years in Istanbul. Istanbul, , Byzantium. Names to conjure by. The city lies athwart two continents and one of the most famous seaways in the world.