Hydrothermal Alteration of Volcanic Rocks in the Hakone and Northern Lzu Geothermal Areas

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Hydrothermal Alteration of Volcanic Rocks in the Hakone and Northern Lzu Geothermal Areas Hydrothermal Alteration of Volcanic Rocks in the Hakone and Northern lzu Geothermal Areas Tomio HIRANO Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture* Contents Abstract ....-.-....2(74 ) 1. Introduction""""....... ..........2(74) 2 . Acknowledgements ...........-.-..2(74 ) 3. Previous studies ..4(76) 4 . Geologic settins """"' ...........5(77 ) 5. Isothermal structure ..'...'.......8( 80 ) 6. Modes of occurrence of thermal waters .'.... 17( 89 ) 7. The geothermal system of the Hakone volcano 34(106) 8 . Classification of clay minerals 41(l 13) 9. Hydrothermal alteration and hydrothermal minerals of the Hakone volcano 43(115) 10. Hydrothermal alteration and hydroyhermal minerals of the Yugawara geothermal area """""" ..... 55(127) Clay minerals of the Atami-Ajiro geothermal area .........60(132) Altered basaltic rocks in the Yugashima group of lower Miocene, Izu peninsula.........'..... ....63(135) 3 . Water chemistry of the Yugawara thermal waters....'.'.. 80(152) 4 Summary ........89(161) References"" ...91(163) Bulletin of the Hot Springs Research Institute of Kanagawa Prefecture. Vol. 17, No.3, 73-166, 1986. r 997 Hakone-Youmoto, Hakone , Kanagawa, JAPAN, 2SO-03. -1- 74 (Abstrastl Hydrothermal alteration of volcanic rocks in the Hakone, Yugawara and Atami-Ajiro geothermal areas is studied. The isothermal maps of the Hakone and adjacent areas at sea-level or 400m below sea-level show that each geothermal area is clearly related with the present volcanic activity. Thermal waters discharged in the high temperature zones, center of the geothermal areas, are mostly of the chloride type. Thermal waters of each geothermal area are classified by their major dissolved minerals and defined their origins. Mineralogical properties of clay minerals in drill cores from each geothermal area show systematic variations with depth. Zonal mapping of hydrothermal alteration is based on the mineralogical change of clay minerals. Four zones are recognized in the Hakone geothermal area ; the kaolinite, smectite, smectite-chlorite and chlorite zones. The Yugawara and Atami-Ajiro geothermal areas are divided into three zones ; the smectite, smectite-chlorite and chlorite zones. Hydrothermally altered basaltic rocks of the lower Miocene, the Yugashima group, which belong to the tholeiitic rocks series are lower than fresh rocks in MgO, total FeO (FeO*0.9Fe,O,),and very high in AlzOs, H,O with a high Fe,O,/FeO ratio. Therefore the chemical composition of the altered rocks cannot be due to the influence of the present- ly saline thermal waters. Extraction of MgO and total FeO from original rocks must have occurred during diagenesis and low grade metamorphism of the Yugashima group. The stability relations among calcium-bearing minerals in the Yugawara geothermal area are discussed in terms of pH, Pco, and activity of Ca'*. 1. lntrodustion The Izu-Hakone area is known as one of the intensive geothermal zones connected with the Quaternary volcanoes. More than 40 geothermal fields are present in this area extending 80km north-south and 30km east-west (Fig.1-1). The intense hydrothermal activities take place in the central portion of each volcanoes,such as Hakone,Yugawar- a,Atami and lto. Hot springs of Kawazu,Mine and Shimokamo issue through fractures of the Neogene Tertiary rock. The heat source for these hot springs must be the crypto- volcanic activity of the Quaternary age. Various kinds of thermal waters are formed by interaction of country rocks. Hydrothermal alteration must reflect the physicochemical condition of the geothermal area. The purpose of this article is to describe the geologic features of the Hakone,Yugawara and Atami-Ajiro hydrothermal systems and to give a petrological in- terpretation of the genesis of hydrothermal alteration combined with water-chemistry. 2. Acknowledgements I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Proffessor Yoshio Ueda of Tohoku University, Professor Yotaro Seki of Saitama University and Professor Hitoshi Onuki -2- 75 of Hirosaki University for their encouragement, constructive discussions and critical reading of this manuscript. I am much indebted to Dr.Yasue Oki of the Hot Springs Re- search Institute for his guidance in field work and in laboratory experiments, and for his valuable suggestions, encouragement and critical reading of the manuscript. Finally my thanks due to Dr.Koya Shimosaka of the Geological survey of Japan for his help in D.T.A. analyses of clay minerals and to Mr. Shigeru Hirota of the Atugi Health Center for his help in drawing figures. Mr. Kenneth MacDonald kindly read through the manu- script with a lot of advice for the improvement. Fig. 1-1 Distribution of Quaternary volcanoes and geothermal discharge by thermal waters and steam. The outer circle of Hakone is thermal discharge by thermal waters and steam. The inner one is by thermal waters only (Oki and Hirano, 1974). -3- 3. Previous studies Volcanoes of Hakone and Izu belonging to the Fuji volcanic zone have been studied geologically by many scientists, particularly by Kuno, who made many important dis- coveries regarding the origin of volcanoes and volcanic rocks through his study of these areas. The general geology and stratigraphic sequence of the northern four volcanoes.i.e. Usami.Taga.Yugawara and Hakone volcanoes, were established by Kuno (Kuno,1950a,b, 1951, 1952), who found that volcanic activity becomes progressively younger toward north. The Atami geothermal area has been studied by many scientists. Otuka and Photo. 1 One of the famous geysers in Mine geothermal area.southern Izu peninsula. 77 Kuno (1932) mentioned that the source of the Atami thermal waters is in the Yugashi- ma group,lower Miocene,because of close relation in the distribution between the ther- mal waters and Yugashima group. The thickness of the Yugashima group is not yet clear, but is thought to be a few kilometers (Matsuda,1968). Detailed geological inves- tigation of the Atami geothermal area was carried out by Otuka (1943), who determined that faults lead the thermal water from far underground to shallow formations. Fukuto- mi (1937) classified the Atami thermal waters into two groups based on the differences in water chemistry. The former is characterized by a high temperature, a high dis- charge and chloride content, rising through fissures from deep to shallow, while the lat- ter waters have a relatively low temperature, considerable content of sulfate and ther- mal waters belonging to the latter group spread widely. Yuhara (1961) noticed that the Atami thermal waters near sea are contaminated by seawater intrusion caused by over-discharging. Nakamura et al. (1969) observed that low temperature area was expanding yearly over the Atami geothermal area. Kanroji et al. (1979) divided the Ajiro thermal waters into two types, a chloride-dominated type of high salinity and a sulfate type of low salinity. The excellent work on the genesis of thermal waters by White (1957) exerts a deep influence in the study of geochemistry of hot springs in Japan' Sato (1961,1962) empha- sized a zonal distribution of hot springs in Hakone. Yuhara et al' (1966, 1969) mea- sured mass and heat discharge in the active fumaroles Owakudani and Sounzan and made a major contribution to our understanding of the heat budget of the Hakone geoth- ermal system. Since 1961, Oki and Hirano have engaged in field work mostly on newly opened drill holes in the Hakone, Yugawara and Atami-Ajiro geothermal areas. They established a genetic model of the thermal waters of the Hakone and Yugawara geothermal areas. Sakurai and Hayashi (1952) discovered Yugawaralite as well as various kinds of zeolites in the Yugawara geothermal area (Sakurai,1953'1955). 4. Geologic setting The Hakone -lzu area has been the site of intense volcanism both below and above the sea since early Miocene time. The stratigraphic sucession of the rocks exposed here is summarized in Table 4-1 (Kuno,1950b). The Yugashima group, lower Miocene,the oldest unit forming the foundation of the volcanic eddifces of the area is a submarine volcaniclastic pile, several thousand meters thick. Basalt and andesite are predominant in the lower Miocene sequence. The Yugashima group is widely exposed in the backbone mountains of the central Izu penin' sula. Many small exposures of the Yugashima group are found in the bottoms of deeply dissected calderas and along the coast of the Izu peninsula. In the upper Miocene and Pliocene formations, dacite and rhyolite are common (Kuno,1952). The Shirahama group overlies in unconformity with the Yugashima group. -5- 78 Shirahama means "white beach" in Japanese and comes from the light-coloured dacite. The Yugashima and Shirahama groups are broken into many btocks by faults. Although the displacement of each block is small, a considerable difference in hydrothermal al- teration is seen between the rocks of the Tertiary and of the Quaternary ages, suggest- ing a regional hydrothermal alteration might have taken place during the Miocene and Pliocene ages. During the Pliocene era, the lzu area was gradually uplifted. By the end of that era, Fig. 4-1 Geologic map of Hakone volcano and adjacent areas (Kuno, 1950b, simplified and parrly revised by Oki et al., 1978). -6- 79 the coast line of the present peninsula had been settled. In the younger or middle Pliocene there was an effluence of basaltic magma in many places along the eastern coast of the northern Izu. They are identified as the Tenshozan basalt group, the Hata basalt group and the Ajiro basalt group. Thick piles of andesitic rocks such as the In- amura andesite group, the Awarada andesite group and the Tanna Tunnel andesites are contemporaneous with these basalt piles (Kuno,1950b,1952). In the Quaternary age, this area was again the site of intense volcanism which built up a number of the volcanic eddifices of the Fuji volcanic zone. The Quaternary volca- noes in the Izu peninsula are aligned into parallel lines running north to south. The eastern row is made up of the volcanoes of Hakone, Yugawara, Taga,Usami and Amagi.

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