Contractor: UCODEP, Unity and cooperation for the development of peoples

SEO, Prof. D-r Branko Micevski

Skopje , November 2010 Content

ABBREVIATIONS USED...... 3 1 INTRODUCTION...... 4 2. Current Situation...... 4 a) History of the knowledge for the avifauna of the NPM...... 5 b) Current situation of knowledge of the avifauna of the NPM (the first report of the work of the project off of Mavrovo NP)...... 7 3. Biology and Distribution of Bird Species in NP MAVROVO...... 11 4. THREATS TO BIRDS OF NPM...... 64 5. EFFECTIVE PROTECTION OF BIRDS IN NP MAVROVO...... 65 6. LONG-TERM PROGRAM FOR THE BIRDS OF MONITIRING MAVROVO NP ...... 67 7. CONCLUSIONS...... 71 ANNEXES TO THE REPORT...... 71 References ...... 71


SPEC - species of European importance for protection; SPEC 1 - Species of highest priority for protection because it is a globally threatened species; SPEC 2 - species that are globally threatened, have inadequate protection status (E, V, R, D, L, Ins.) and are concentrated in Europe; SPEC 3 - species that are globally threatened, have inadequate protection status (E, V, R, D, L, Ins.) and are not concentrated in Europe; SPEC 4 - species that are globally threatened, have satisfactory protection status or S (S) and are concentrated in Europe. Non SPEC-species that are globally threatened, have satisfactory protection status S or (S) and not concentrated in Europe. ETS - (European threat status) E- endangered V- vulnerable R- rare D- declining S- secure WBD - Wild birds directives, Council of Europe (CD 79/409 EEC) Bern - Bern konvention Bonn - Bonn Convention COR - Types from the list of CORINE STAT - resident AEST – breeding birds HIEM - winter visitors TRANS-migratory VAG – vagrant species

______3 Report for the project task:


Branko Micevski, Dr. Sci. Bird Study and Protection Society of Macedonia


No doubt that birds are the most aspective group of animals which could be heard or seen over the year, inhabiting any type of biotope, including ones which are without vegetation like vertical cliffs, areas with snow or water bodies. Having in mind that nature protection in global scale, in its real sense and intensity, has started by bird protection (Royal Society for protection of the birds from Great Britain, founded in 1889, Audubon Society from America (since 1905) or German Society for bird protection (now NABU), also since 1899) it is very clear the present status of their great knowledge like a group and together with this large quantity of educative and popular literature. The last has caused millions of members of these societies to work not only toward bird protection in their countries but on large scale, having in mind that bird protection could be treated only as a international issue due to their locomotory abilities or abilities to migrate on smaller or larger distances. Furthermore, it is more than clear that bird lovers, ornithologist amateurs, are the most numerous ecological tourists on European and global level, and what is even more important they are the most delicate group of tourist looking for the specific and most relevant data for birds. Hence, for securing and kind of ecotourism based on natural values in the Park, birds take their great role and without detailed knowledge for them, this kind of tourism is nearly impossible or unreal to be realized. Other important moment is that for birds every other season of the year is important and different and by visiting the Park during one season curiosity for the rest of the year would be even bigger and visiting the area again would be quite a frequent case. Due to the previous facts for birds are undertaken relevant studies foreseen with this project in order to secure the precondition for eco- tourism development of this region and creating of conditions for relevant protection of this extremely important group of vertebrates.


Actual status with ornithological composition is nearly impossible to be separated from what is history for the knowledge of the bird composition of the NP Mavrovo. It is very unusual that beside of several capital and classical monographs for birds of Macedonia the area of the NP Mavrovo is totally unknown before starting of this project.

______4 a) History of the knowledge for the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo

In contrary of many other parts of Macedonia which are quite well studies from ornithological point of view (Dimovski & Matvejev, 1955 ) for the NP Mavrovo and in general for the western Macedonia there are missing ornithological data. The oldest ornithological contribution for Macedonia, does not mention at all this area of Macedonia (Drummond, H. M., 1846 ). During the world war I German commission for natural sciences has visited this region only shortly during the end of June 1918 (vil.Mavrovo and r. Gorge), and collected data are reported by Fehringer (1922 a, b). These data are included in the capital book for bird of Macedonia “Avifauna Macedonica” from the most famous ornithologist in that time (Stresseman, 1920) who studied the ornithological material collected from the territory of Macedonia, and delivered to him by the mentioned Scientific commission during the World War I. During the World War II, there are no visits to this region and consequently absence of any new data in the second capital ornithological monograph for the birds of Macedonia by Makatch (1950). After liberation, or after the second world war, also are missing any studies for this region and the only data are data collected by the way during the one day visits of Mavrovo. Namely, during his visit of Macedonia, in fact by visiting the Ohrid region, Dijksen A. i S. Diksen has visited NP Mavrovo in 1980 (13 th of May 1980) and again in 1983 (29 th of September 1983), by which they noted 10 or 18 species respectively. In 1987 prof. Trpkov from the Faculty of Forestry mentioned information for the NP Mavrovo, referring to Griffon vulture (Trpkov, 1987). Micevski in 1988 visited the region two times (unpublished data) and for the vil. Mavrovo noted 10 or 11 vidovi, and in April 1998 - 15 species. Later on during his entomological excursion in 2008 he found 8 more species in august for the region of Kobilino Pole and another species for the vicinity of Stirovicka River and r. Radika. Apart of mentioned there some other data, which we count as irrelevant for this report having in mind their uncertainty. Namely in the monographic book by Sinadinovski (1993), in the faunistical part, from the list of species given could be easily concluded that the data are totally wrong and irrelevant, with wrong Macedonian or Latin names which exactly show to us that the data are just a copy from some totally different source having no connection to Mavrovo Park. Even if they concern Mavrovo Park, they are without some ornithological value due to the fact that it is not known which of the name is right, Latin or Macedonian, as they correspond to different two species. Further more the data are without any date. From this type of quality, we count the data by the students published in 2003 referring to Bistra Mountain. Therefore, the recent or existing data are far to gave some picture for the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo or vil. Mavrovo. They refer only to some restricted period of the year, they are not biotope or analyzed by localities and from that reasons their valorization with purpose to do some zoning would be irrelevant and aimless. Anyway up to the starting with our project for the Park we found data for 61 species (here are included data from the author of this report too).

______5 Table 1. Status of knowledge of the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo up to 2010 (the species are given by alphabetical order) .)Kobilino > .)[Stirovicka

Fehringer,O. 1922, (Mavrovo, a June 1918) Fehringer,O. 1922, (Mavrovo,b june 1918) S. Diksen, A. & Diksen1984/85 (13. 1980) maj (Mavrovo,Valley of r. Radika) A.Dijksen, S. & Dijksen, 1984/85 (september,1983) Mavrovo)( Micevski, B., 1988 ( let.) in (suurouning ofHotel Bistra) Micevski, B., 1988,in let.(Mavrovo) Trpkov,B., 1987 ( NPMavrovo) Micevski, 1998( let.) in April, Mavrovo Micevski,Avg let 2008 (in Pole Micevski,Avg let 2008 (in i r. Reka Radika) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Acanthis cannabina + 2 Accipiter nisus + 3 Aquila chrysaetos + 4 Apus apus + 5 Alauda arvensis + + + 6 Anthus spinoletta + + 7 Buteo buteo + + + 8 Carduelis carduelis + + 9 Certhia brachydactyla + 10 Columba livia + 11 Certhia familiaris + 12 Cinclus cinclus + 13 Columba oenas + + 14 Columba palumbus + + 15 Corvus corax + 16 Corvus cornix + + + + 17 Corvus monedula + + + 18 Cuculus canorus + 19 Delichon urbica + + + + 20 Dendrocopos major + 21 Dryocopus martius + + 22 Emberiza cia + 23 Emberiza citrinella + + 24 Eremophila alpestris + 25 Erithacus rubecula + + + + 26 Falco tinnunculus + + 27 Fringilla coelebs + + + + + 28 Garrulus glandarius + + + 29 Gyps fulvus + + 30 Lullula arborea + 31 Apus melba + 32 Muscicapa striata + ______6 Table 1 (cont.) Status of knowledge of the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo up to 2010 g. (the species are given by alphabetical order) 33 Motacilla cynerea + + 34 Oenanthe oenanthe + + 35 Parus ater + + + + + 36 Parus coeruleus + + + 37 Parus major + + + 38 Parus palustris + 39 Passer domesticus + 40 Phoenicurus ochruros + + + + + + 41 Phylloscopus collybita + 42 Phylloscopus sibilatrix + 43 Picus canus + 44 Picus viridis + 45 Ptyonoprogne rupestris + + 46 Prunella modularis + + 47 Pyrrhula pyrrhula + + + + + 48 Regulus ignicapillus + 49 Regulus regulus + 50 Saxicola rubetra + + 51 Serinus serinus + + 52 Sitta europaea + + + 53 Streptopelia turtur + + 54 Sylvia atricapilla + + + 55 Sylvia communis + + 56 Tichodroma muraria + 57 Tetrastes bonasia + 58 T. troglodytes + + + + + 59 Turdus merula + + + + 60 Turdus philomelos + + 61 Turdus viscivorus + + Vkupno: 20 21 3 5 3 4 0 1 1 0

It is quite clear that this table for NP Mavrovo has some value, and the reasons being noted before, due to which, in 2010, has been taken concrete, meticulously planned studies through the entire surface of the NP Mavrovo, with the aim of getting the full picture of the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo, localities and regions thereof, the abundance of the more significant species, their national and international importance and needs, methods and recommendations for their protection. The last is important part in the preparation of the Management Plan for the National Park Mavrovo, especially the chapters for the fauna, the ideal, operational objectives and Action Plan.

______7 b) Current situation of knowledge of the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo (up to the first report for the avifaunistical task) the table below is the complete list of species known for the NP Mavrovo before the start of the ornithological studies of this project.

Tab. 2. Valorization of the up to now known Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo

Vid ( Species) SPEC SPEC ETS WBD Bern Bonn COR (pa) MBP 1 Acanthis canabina 4 S II >1000000 2 Accipiter nisus S 270000 3 Alauda arvensis 3 V II/2 III >1000000 4 Anthus spinoletta S 380000 5 Apus apus S >1000000 6 Apus melba (S) 46000 7 Aquila chrysaetos 3 R I II II t 5000 8 Buteo buteo S 740000 9 Carduelis carduelis (S) >1000000 0 Certhia brachydactyla 4 S II >1000000 11 Certhia familiaris S >1000000 12 Cinclus cinclus (S) 110000 13 Columba livia S >1000000 14 Columba oenas 4 S II/2 III 460000 15 Columba palumbus 4 S II/1&III/1 >1000000 16 Corvus corax (S) 280000 17 Corvus cornix ? ? 18 Corvus monedula 4 (S) II/2 >1000000 19 Cuculus canorus S >1000000 20 Delichon urbica S >1000000 21 Dendrocopos major S >1000000 22 Dryocopus martius S t 270000 23 Emberiza cia planinska 3 V II >1000000 24 Emberiza citrinella 4 (S) II >1000000 25 Eremophila alpestris S 110000 26 Erithacus rubecula 4 S II II >1000000 27 Falco tinnunculus 3 D II II 290000 28 Fringilla coelebs 4 S III >1000000 29 Garrulus glandarius (S) >1000000 30 Gyps fulvus 3 R I II II t 9300 31 Hirundo rupestris S 130000 32 Lullula arborea 2 V I III t 840000 33 Motacilla cinerea (S) 490000 34 Muscicapa striata 3 D II II >1000000 35 Oenanthe oenanthe S >1000000 36 Parus ater S >1000000 37 Parus caeruleus 4 S II >1000000


Tab. 2. cont. 38 Parus major S >1000000 39 Parus palustris S >1000000 40 Passer domesticus S >1000000 41 Phoenicurus ochruros S >1000000 42 Phylloscopus collybita (S) >1000000 43 Phylloscopus sibilatrix 4 (S) II II >1000000 44 Picus canus 3 D I II t 71000 45 Picus viridis 2 D II 35000 46 Prunella modularis 4 S II >1000000 47 Pyrrhula pyrrhula S >1000000 48 Regulus ignicapillus 4 S II II >1000000 49 Regulus regulus 4 S II II >1000000 50 Saxicola rubetra 4 S II II >1000000 51 Serinus serinus 4 S II >1000000 52 Sitta europaea S >1000000 53 Sylvia atricapilla 4 S II II >1000000 54 Sylvia communis 4 S II II >1000000 55 Streptopelia turtur 3 D II/2 III >1000000 56 Tetrastes bonasia S t >1000000 57 Tichodroma muraria (S) 13000 58 Troglodytes troglodytes S >1000000 59 Turdus merula 4 S II/2 III II >1000000 60 Turdus philomelos 4 S II/2 III II >1000000 61 Turdus viscivorus 4 S II/2 III II >1000000

Tab. 3. Participation of SPEC categories into the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo before starting of this project in 2010 SPEC Number of species Percentage Spec 1 0 0,0 Spec 2 2 3,3 Spec 3 8 13,1 Spec 4 20 32,8 - 31 50,8 Total 61 100 %

Tab.4. Participation of ETS (European Threat status) categories into the ornithoufana of the NP Mavrovo before starting of this project in 2010 ETS Number of species Percentage V 3 4,9 R 2 3,3 D 5 8,2 ? 1 1,6 S 11 18,0 (S) 39 63,9 Total 61 99,9 %

______9 Tab.5. Participation of a species from a WBD lists into the ornithoufana of the NP Mavrovo before starting of this project in 2010 WBD Number of species Percentage I 4 I, II,1 1 1,6 II,1/III,1 1 1,6 II,2 7 11,5 - 49 Total 61 99,6 %

Tab. 6. Participation of a species from a Bern Convention lists into the ornithoufana of the NP Mavrovo before starting of this project in 2010 Bern Number of species Percentage II 20 32,8 III 8 13,1 - 33 54,1 Total 61 100 %

Tab. 7. Participation of a species from a Bonn Convention lists into the ornithoufana of the NP Mavrovo before starting of this project in 2010 Bonn Number of species Percentage II 14 22,9 - 47 77,0 Total 61 99,9 %

Tab. 8. Participation of KORINE species into the ornithoufana of the NP Mavrovo before starting of this project in 2010 CORINE Number of species Percentage + 6 9,8 - 55 90,2 Total 61 100 %


In the following text will be processed all species of birds registered in the framework of NP Mavrovo, as a result of the previous and research implemented within the project, in 2010 year. This processing will be given to all aspects of the same principle, namely, within the following chapters: European Status (will be given the status of European importance (threat) of the species, namely with regard to the following list of categories: SPEC - Species of European Conservation Concern for protection; Of these, we have five categories, as follows: SPEC 1 - species of highest priority for protection of the reason that it is a globally threatened species;

______10 SPEC 2 - species which are not globally threatened, having improper status on the protection of (E, R, D, L, Ins.), and are concentrated in Europe;

SPEC 3 - species which are not globally threatened, having improper status on the protection of (E, D, L, Ins.), being concentrated in Europe; SPEC 4 - Species that are not globally threatened, have a satisfactory status for protection S or (S) and are concentrated in Europe. Non-SPEC Species that are not globally threatened, have a satisfactory status for protection S or (S) and are not concentrated in Europe. ETS-European Threat Status with five categories, as follows: E-endangered, V- Vulnerable, R-rare, declining and D and S-Secure. (On The table 9 is given the key how to define these categories of threat status!).

Tab. 9. Defining of the European threat status Criterium: European population size / < 250 <2500 < 10000 >10000 trends pairs pairs pairs pairs Big decline E E E V Moderate decline E E V D No decline E V R S

WBD – Species from the list of Wild birds directive (Council of Europe (CD 79/409 EEC) of 6 March 1991 including the latest amendments. For the species of Annex 1 of this directive states have to undertake measures for protection in relation to their habitat in order to secure their survival and reproduction within their range of distribution, and at the same time the member states of the EU are instructed to define the special protected, territories for these species in harmony with their ecological needs; For species in Annex II or II /1 can be the hunted, and those of II/2 only in the countries where it is stated in the directive; For the species of Annex III /1 states of the EU will not prohibit the sale, transport for sale, keeping for sale and offering for sale of live or dead birds or their parts, in case the bird is legally caught or killed while the species in Annex III / 2 allow within their territory the activities referred to above, making provision for certain restrictions, provided the birds have been legally killed or captured or otherwise legally acquired. The activities referred to above are prohibited for all other species of naturally occurring wild birds in the European territory of EU Member states. Bern-Species from the list of Bern convention: The States signatory to undertake the appropriate measures for the protection of habitat for wild flora and fauna (Appendix 2) and to devote special attention to protected areas of importance for migratory birds of Appendix 2 and 3 and prevent the deliberate damage or destruction of sites for species listed in Appendix 2.

______11 Bonn-Species from the list of the Bonn Convention: Appendix 1 of this Convention also includes species that are in danger of extinction throughout all or major parts of their range. The member states of this convention have to undertake urgent protection of the species from Appendix 1 through protection or restoration of their habitats, species which are in Appendix 2 are species that would benefit from International Cooperation in their care and management; COR-Species from the list of CORINE (Coordination on Information on Environment) Numerical situation (abundance) in Europe: will be given the total minimum number of pairs in Europe - MBP (pa) Status and abundance of birds in the NP Mavrovo The status will be given according to the classification of Micevski (1987), and following categories will be used: STAT - (Residents) - staying in the park through the entire year; AEST – (migratory breeding birds) -are nesting in the NP Mavrovo and unfavorable time (winter) spend outside of a park. HIEM - (Winter visitors) - in the park comes only in winter) TRANS –(Transit) - birds which breed and unfavorable period (winter) spend outside of a park, and in the park are met during the spring or autumn Migration VAG - (vagrants) – species which are not confirmed as breeding or transit birds, and in the park could be met irregularly, mainly outside of the breeding period;

Abundance status will be given in (ind) of individuals (for nonbreeding species or migratory), and in pa (pairs), for breeding species, and will be used scale for abundance, as follows: K1-(1-10- pairs (pa) or individuals (ind); K2 (10-100) pairs / ind K3 (100-1000) pairs / ind K4 (1000-10,000) pairs / ind K5 (> 10000 ) pairs / ind

Biology (very short will be given a description of the biota, which inhabit the species, remarks for a possible height change with regard to the unfavorable period of the year (winter), place of nesting and type of food.

Literature data : Here will be given all the data that from other authors and unpublished data including from the author of this study. If the data on the species are first data so far or unpublished, will be the account that it is a first publishing, and thus for a New species for the ornitofauna of NP Mavrovo.

Project's data : this data or information will refere to the localities and date in which individual species were found, but only for the species for which we have less than 5 registrations (findings), and other such data will be provided in the annex to this report in order thus report not to be too complicated for reading and with less unnecessary factography. In this chapter will be given the information that were received as a result of the conducted Poll with locals that are somehow more familiar with birds (gamekeepers in NP Mavrovo, forest rangers, hikers, natur lovers, etc.). These data will be placed under the name Poll 2010, placed in brackets, together with the forename of the local person inquired e.g. (Simonoski, Poll 2010)}.

______12 Threats : In this chapter, will be identified and quantified impacts that negatively reflect on the survival of the appropriate species.

Measures for protection : Under the measures will be listed methods and recommendations for managing the habitats or species, or given the measures which should be undertaken by the Directorate of National Park Mavrovo, and which would provide optimal conditions to reduce the identified adverse effects on individual species , especially if they are of high protectional value; The listing of species is alphabetical, in order this document to be easier for managers to the NP Mavrovo, and the Latin and Macedonian names of the birds will be given according Micevski (2005).

1 Acanthis canabina European Threat Status : SPEC-4, ETS-S, Bern-II. Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1 000 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K2 (pa). Biology : Inhabits open areas with bushes. Found from the lowest to the highest parts of the NP Mavrovo. Feeds on seeds. Literature data : open terrain near Hotel Bistra, Mavrovo, 07. Sep.1988 (Micevski, 1988, in let.) Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Met almost everywhere in open areas, open fields with rocks and bushes and forest clearings from lowest to highest parts. Threats: This is one of the species, which are kept in cages and hunted for these goals with the help of so-called flying nets. Conservation measures : To explicitly prohibit use of these nets and overall, the hunt of small singing birds on the territory of the NP Mavrovo.

2 Actitis hypoleucos European Status : ETS- S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 500000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, K1(1-10 pa) . Biology: Inhabits fast streams and lakes with moderate or thick vegetation, nesting on the ground. Feeds with invertebrates, mainly insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the Ornithofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Lukovo Pole, 14 May 2010; Road Dolno Lukovo Pole-Crn Kamen (building on the EVN), 27 May 2010, pair; Dolno Lukovo Pole-Crn Kamen (building on EVN) at the beginning of the side stream, 18 June 2010; Radika River, after the intersection of Rostushe, 12 July 2010, individual on riverbank (with gravel and stones). Threat: Impoundment of rivers and other aquatic habitats. Measures for protection : To ensure maximum natural habitat of the water within the limits of NP Mavrovo, and if they are carried out any interventions that the same be accompanied by serious studies for assessing the negative impacts that would provide an alternative choice to the best or those with the smallest negative effect on this as well other indigenous species of birds affected and their habitats.

3 Accipiter gentilis European Status : ETS-S; ______13 Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 130 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K2 Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes. Known in the region by frequent visit the settlements and the attack on their poultry. Fed the birds with the dimensions of thrush and up to dove, sometimes even larger species such as partridges. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the Ornithofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Dam Mavrovo, fir & beech, being heard in noisy calling, lower part of the forest, near the stadium, 22 Jul. 2010; 28 Avg. 2010 over the Crn Kamen (EVN), eating caught kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Threat: Due to conflict with the local population, suffers from illegal hunting, by the owners of the domestic poultry. Measures for protection : Organizing of public awareness campaign among the local population.

4 Accipiter nisus European Status: ETS-S Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 270 000 . Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: STAT, K2; Biology: Inhabit forest biotopes. Feeds on the smaller birds than the previous species up to the blackbird size. Literature data : Fehringer (1922, a), breeding bird. Project's data : above Crn Kamen of EVN, 28.Avg.2010; vil. Ribnica 29.Avg. 2010; Shtirovica, the Upper “Pilana” (Sawmill), 15.Sep.2010; Izvor - Jamska Kula, 16.Sep. 2010. Threat: - Measures for protection : not required.

5 Aegithalos caudatus European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: > 10 000 000 Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K2 Biologija : Inhabit forest biotopes and hedgerows. Fed by small insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo. Met through all type of forest biotopes in the vicinity of settlements and in particular along forest biotopes edges. Threat: - Measures for protection : not required.

6 Alauda arvensis European Status : SPEC-3, ETS-V; WBD-II/2; Bern-III; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, 3. Biology: Common species of alpine pasture land. Prefers a higher representation of grass surface, and less of rocky areas. In the period from September to March is lowered into lower height. Fed with insects and small seeds. Literature data : Fehringer (1922), (Mavrovo, 1800 - 2000 m), met quite often in June and July. Dijksen & Dijksen (1986), on 29 September 1983 registered one bird in the vicinity of Mavrovo;

______14 Project's data : Met everywhere by a number of suitable biotopes mainly on higher altitudes, over 1,600 m. Threat: decresment on the surface of the pasture lands. Measures for protection : Because this problem does not takle only this species but a large number of species, it should be taken into consideration when defining the zoning and their menadgement , by the provision of grazing (especially sheep) in major part of the NP Mavrovo, especially where they does not pollute groundwater, or more important surface water courses.

7 Alcedo atthis European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-D; WBD-I, Bern II, Cor-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 46000; Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K1 (ind). Biology: Living in the vicinity of aquatic habitats. Nest on the shores of the water ecosystems. Fed with small fish. Literature data : - Project's data: A new species for the ornithofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Near the entrance of Beli čki Kanal, Mavrovo, May, 2006 (Simonoski, Poll 2010); The Bridge near Pilana, riv. Radika, Summer 2009 (Lazareski, Poll 2010). Threat: - Measures for protection : not required.

8 Alectoris graeca European Status: SPEC-2; ETS (V); WBD-I & II/1, Bern-III; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 34 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K3. Biology: Inhabit open grass and rocky hills; Feds on leaves, seeds and insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. 27 Aug. 2010, the road from Saltanica to Solumunica, heard, greater number of individuals; In Sep. Oct. and Nov. 2010 large flocks (from 20-ind) are registered among Kraishta (Lazareski, Poll 2010). Threat: - Measures for protection : -

9 Anas clypeata European Status : ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 96000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: HIEM, 1 ind. Biology: In summer inhabits muddy lawn, and in winter open water to ponds and lakes. Feeds on small seeds and by filtering animals of the water. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. On March 25. 2010, one bird was noted in the vicinity of other ducks in the Gulf Djonajla on Mavrovo Lake. Threat: Only illegal hunting would be a problem for this species during winters. Measures for protection : Strictly upholding the ban on hunting in winter.


10 Anas plathyrhynchos European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST-K1 (pa); HIEM–K3 (ind); Biology: Inhabits major freshwater ecosystems. Nest in the middle of dense surface vegetation in the vicinity of water habitat. Feeds by water vegetation. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. The largest number (160 ind.) are counted on 2 November 2010, near the Gulf Djonajla. Arrival of the spending individuals from northern or other places arises in the second half of September. Departure of winter visitors (spending ind.) arises at the end of March. Threat: eventual illegal hunting and disturbance by the fishermen through placing of fish nets especialy in the Djonajla gulf region (noted in the Oct. and Nov. 2010). Measures for protection : permanent ban on hunting in the next 10 years within the NP Mavrovo;

11 Anas querquedula European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-V; WBD-II/1; Bern–III; Bonn II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 640000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : TRANS,K2 (60 i); Biology: Inhabits shallow freshwater marshes. In winter and during migration, found in shallow areas of freshwater ecosystems. It feeds on plant and animal material. Literature data : - Project's data : New species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Mavrovsko Lake, near Bunec, 25.Mar.2010, 60 units; Threat: only illegal hunting; Measures for protection : Strictly respectation of the Hunting Law.


12 Anthus spinoletta European Status : ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 380000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Rock pipit is typical species of alpine and stony pastures (over 1800 meters above sea level) where nests from late April in the crevices of rocks. In the winter down to smaller heights. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : On 29 September 1983, at least 10 birds in the vicinity of the village Mavrovo (Dijksen, A. & S. Dijksen, 1984/85). Project's data : Found throughout the park where there are suitable biotopes, especially near the water and stony pastures. Threat: - Measures for protection: not necessary.

13 Anthus trivialis European Status: STAT-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: inhabits open areas overgrown with grass near the trees, forest habitats in contact with the grasslands ( ecotonic). Nest built on the ground. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Lukovo Pole, 14.Maj 2010; Road -Mavrovo, 15.Maj 2010, 1306 meters above sea level; 17 Jun 2010, Tsareva Cheshma; 14.Sep.2010, Bunec, 2 ind.; 14. Sep.2010, Livadishta-vil.Janche; 15.Sep.2010, top-Korab - Korab, height above 2000 m., pastures with rocks; Threat: - Measures for protection : Not required in the next 10 years;

14 Apus apus European Status : ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Ubikvist species, which settles all biotopes. It is important to have a place for nesting which is generally represented by the cracks in buildings, houses, roofs or rocky niches. Feeds on insects, in flight. Literature data : 07.Sep.1988, Hotel Bistra, Mavrovo, surrounding (Micevski, 1988, in let.) Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Met mainly near the setlements. Coming in mid-March and departs in late August. Threat: When old buildings and buildings under construction would be arranged in the settlements, part of their nesting niches would be lost, but in the next 10 years we think it would be not the case. Measures for protection : Not required in the next 10 years.

15 Apus melba European Status: ETS-(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 46000.

______17 Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К1. Biology: inhabits mountainous areas. Nesting in caves, cracks, large buildings. It feeds on insects. Migratory bird. Literature data : Fehringer (1922, a), on July 2. 1918 noticed two individuals above the forest boundary near Mavrovo (1800 m).. Project's data : Kriv Most, 15 Jul. 20,106 is., families. Kriv Most, 22. Aug. 2010, flying above, having youngs; over Kjumurana, 29.Avg. 2010, overfly; Threat: there are no indications. Measures for protection : Not required.

16 Aquila chrysaetos European Status SPEC-3; ETS-R; WBD-I; Bern-II; Bonn-II; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 5000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: STAT, К1, 3 pa; 1 pair is the Crn Kamen , Brzovec is the second and third in Trebishka Rupa; Biology: inhabits mountain plains. Nests mainly through inaccessible vertical cliffs. He eats a variety of birds and mammals including carrion. Literature data : Kobilino Pole, Aug. 2008 (Micevski in let.) Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. EVN-Lukovo Pole, 14.Maj 2010, 1 ind.; Dolno Lukovo Pole, May 27, 2010, juv, with white tail and white circles on the wings; Lazo Villa, Mal Brzovec, 16 Oct. 2010, off towards the Tresonche village, wearing a pray in the claws; Makpetrol Petrol Station-up Trebishka Rupa, 17 Oct 2010; G. Lukovo Pole, 18 Oct. 2010, in the rock near the border stone. Adzhina-Torbeshki Most, across the hill, 18 Oct 2010; over the Crn Kamen, EVN, 28.Avg.2010; Threat: There is suspicion of an outbreak of illegal collection of eggs and juvenils by some foreigners who visit the park in the early spring months. Illegal hunting would be the next major problem for this species of impressive bird. Measures for protection : Measures of protection: Special protective measures (zoning) in regions where nests and live this species.

______18 17 Ardea cinerea European Status:ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 130000 pa. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: inhabits a wide range of habitats near the water. Colonial nests. It feeds mainly on fish and water-voles and moles. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. 25th Mar. 2010, Djonajla at bay, coast; 26th Mar.2010-Nikiforovo-Leunovo, an individual, bank; 3 Jul. 2010, Tresone čki canyon, above the village crossroads, meadow on the left, on rock, 1 juv; 4 Jul. 2010, Tresone čka River; 14. Sep.2010, Djonajla Bay, Bunec, individual; 15.Sep. 2010, after the Yeti Club, near water; Djonajla Bay, 22. Oct. 2010, 1 ind. dam Leunovo, 2 Nov. 2010, individual. Threat: - Measures for protection : -

18 Athya ferina

European Status : SPEC-4; ETS-S; WBD- II/1 & III/2; Bern-III; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 27000 pa. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1. Biology: inhabits lakes rich with coastal belt of reeds. It feeds on aquatic plants and aquatic molluscs and crustaceans. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. 17.Feb. 2010, Pehchevci, ind. on the lake. Threat: - Measures for protection : -

19 Aythya nyroca European Status: SPEC-1; ETS- V; WBD -I ; Bern- III; Bonn- II ; COR- t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 11000 pa. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1 (6 е. Biology: Settles freshwater marshes, ponds and lakes, with costal vegetation. In the winter meets and open water habitats. It feeds on aquatic plants, insects and invertebrates. Literature data :- Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Bay Djonajla, oposite the village Leunovo, 25.Mar.2010, 6 ind. Threat: Currently, there are no suitable habitat for this species of Mavrovo Lake and we cound this finding as a great coincidence. Measures for protection : Creating appropriate habitat for this species within the Lake Mavrovo and especially zoning the places where this species was met.

20 Bubo bubo European Status:SPEC-3; ETS-V; WBD-I ; Bern-II; COR-t. Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 11000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1.

______19 Biology: Biology: inhabits terrains which are rich with rocky habitats. Nests in small caves or in holes of old trees. It feeds on mammals to the size of fox including hedgehogs. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Data are mainly obtained through a poll with locals in the Park. In Bunec, Heliodrom in autumn, vil. Susica too (Mateski, Poll 2010). Above village Rostuše in oak, chased by jays, August, 2004 (Simonoski, Poll 2010); village Sushica, oak forest, autumn, 2009 (Ugrinoski, Poll 2010); Threat: - Measures for protection : An Action should be realized for the precise status and distribution of this important species in NP Mavrovo.

21 Buteo buteo European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 740000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits a wide range of open habitats that are his main hunting grounds. The nest is usually done on trees. Feeds on various foods, mainly medium-sized birds and mammals, sometimes some reptiles. Literature data : May 13, 1 bird near Mavrovo (Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Found almost everywhere throughout the park mainly at lower places. Threat: - Measures for protection : Does not require special protection measures for at least the next 10 years.

22 Caprimulgus europeaus European Status: SPEC-2; ETS - (D); WBD -I ; Bern- II; COR- t. Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 290000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2 па . Biology: Inhabits forest edges and larger forest meadows. Nest on the ground. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the Ornithoufauna of the NP Mavrovo. 13 Jul 2010, under the cottage of Lazo, scattered trees prior to the forest; 20 Jul. 2010, vil Mavrovo, heard at night; August, 2010, road Janche-Rostuše, feeding at night, frequent (Beqiri , Poll 2010); Threat: - Measures for protection : -


23 Carduelis carduelis European Status : ETS-(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo :STAT, К3. Biology: Open areas with trees and shrubs, gardens too. Build a nest at outer branches of the tree. He eats seeds especially from thistle. Literature data : Hotel Bistra, surrounding, 07.Sep.1988 (Micevski, B.1988, in let.).07. Сеп .1988 (Мицевски , Б.1988, in let.). Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Found everywhere, near the setlements. Threat: Because of the beautiful color and song, there is a practice in the winter months to hunt with the help of so-called flying nets and traped birds sold at market mainly for keeping in cages. Measures for protection : The practice of hunting in the winter months, to be forbiden.

24 Carduelis chloris European Status : SPEC-4; ETS –S; Bern- II. Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: STAT, К2. Biology: Nesting in open spaces with scattered trees and shrubs, gardens and hedgerows. Makes nest in a bush or low tree. In Macedonia, in the winter more individuals come from Northern Europe. He eats seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Encountered at several places in the park. Threat: - Measures for protection : Not necessary.


25 Carduelis spinus European Status:SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1. Biology: In summer inhabits coniferous and birch forests. In the winter near the river banks with Alders. He eats seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. ”Sostav”, 26.Mart 2010; Ajdarova livada, 14.Maj 2010. Threat: Because of the beautiful color and song, there is a practice around the country, in the winter months to be hunt by so-called “Flying nets” and traped birds to be sold at market mainly for keeping in cages. Measures for protection : Prohibition of use of nets and other illegal way of hunting, in accordance with the directives of the Council of Europe, Appendix No. VI.

26 Certhia brachydactyla European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes especially with large trees. Usually comes in smaller heights. Nest under bark of trees. It feeds on insects. Literature data : Mavrovo (Fehringer, O., 1922). Project's data : Torbeshki Most, 14.Maj 2010, 1374 m, and despite intensive field studies including netting, unable to capture any specimen of this creeper. Threat: - Measures for protection : -

27 Certhia familiaris European Status : ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo :STAT, К3. Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes especially with large trees. Usually comes in smaller heights. Nests under the bark of trees. It feeds on insects. Literature data : Fehringer (1922, б). Project's data : Encountered in oak, beech and mixed forests in several sites throughout the Park. Threat: - Measures for protection : Currently not necessary.

28 Cettia cetti European Status : ETS-S Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 410000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1. Biology: Dense ground vegetation near wetlands. Makes nest in the dense turf near the surface. It feeds mainly on insects. Literature data :

______22 Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. 7 Jul. 2010, Monastery of St.J.Baptist, near the road. Radika river, starts with a song, 15 Jul. 2010, intersection of Adzhievci, song. Threat: - Measures for protection : Not necessary.

29 Charadrius dubius European Status : ETS-(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 110000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : VAG; К1. Biology: inhabits shores of freshwater ecosystems, mainly with gravel surface. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. In summer is encountered at sandy shores of Radica, under the bridge in Rostuše (behind the curve) (Simonoski, Poll 2010). Threat: - Measures for protection : -

30 Circaetus gallicus European Status : SPEC-3, ETS-R, WBD-I, Bern- II, Bonn-II, COR-t Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 5900. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К1. Biology: Wide range of species of open habitats from the rocky hilly terrain to coastal valleys. Nesting on tree tops. It feeds on reptiles, especially snakes. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Meadows before Leunovo 13. May 2010, 1 ind. seen, open field near the beech forest. Threat: The only threat could be illegal hunting. Measures for protection : Proper control of the ranger service of NP Mavrovo.

31 Cinclus cinclus European Status: ETS- (S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe -110000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : СТАТ ; К2. Biology: Inhabits fast streams and rivers. Nests are made in the crevice in overhanging bank. It feeds mainly on aquatic invertebrates by penetration through the water. Literature data : Fehringer (1922) cited this species as a breeding bird for Mavrovo. Project's data : Encountered anywhere along the river Radica and its tributaries. Found also at Leunska River (May 26. 2010). Threat: There is a no visible threat, but the planned accumulation of Lukovo Pole. Measures for protection : not needed.

32 Coccothraustes coccothraustes European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 920000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2 (pa).

______23 Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes, parks and old orchards. The nest is made on a horizontal branch. He eats seeds including kernels from various trees like plums and cherries. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the Ornithofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Encountered in many places near the settlements and edges of forests. Threat: - Measures for protection : Currently does not require any protection measures.

33 Columba oenas European Status: SPEC-4, ETS-R, WBD-II/2, Bern- III, Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 460000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST,(К1). Biology: Inhabits a wide range of open areas, especially farm near the forest. Nests in holes in trees. It feeds on leaves and seeds. Literature data : In mixed forests are numerous breeding bird near the vil. Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922). Project's data : - Threat: The only threat could be illegal hunting. Measures for protection : Proper control of the ranger service of NP Mavrovo.

34 Columba livia European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits rocky places and near populated areas (roofs of houses). During the postbreeding period, large flocks can be found near the sheepfold. The nest has done in rocky niches; feeds on leaves and seeds. Literature data : Near Mavrovo, 29 September 1983, 30 ind. in 2 flocks (Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Everywhere populated places, rocks across the river Adzhina, sheepfolds and open areas (especially in the postbreeding period). Threat:- Measures for protection : Currently does not need any protection measures.

35 Columba palumbus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS–S; WBD-II/1 & III/1; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits fields near the forests. The nest is above ground in dense vegetation. It feeds on leaves and seeds. Literature data: Mavrovo (Fehringer, O., 1922). Project's data : In beech and beech-fir forest, but during the postbreeding period large flocks are encountered at high pastures (September 15. April 2010, Kobilino Pole > sheepfold Korab, 20 units in a flock). Threat:- Measures for protection: Currently does not need any protection measures.

______24 36 Corvus c cornix European Status: ? Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: ? Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: STAT, К3: Biology: Comes wherever there are large trees (to nest). He eats any food including small birds and carrion. Literature data : 29 September 1983, 20 ind. close to Mavrovo (Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Almost everywhere where there are favorable conditions. Threat:- Measures for protection : Currently does not need any protection measures.

37 Corvus corax European Status: ETS (S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 280000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: It nests in all species of habitats and at all altitudes. The nest is made on larger tree or rock. Feeds on various foods including bigger birds and mammals and carrion. Literature data : 07.Sep.1988, above the forest to the ski slope near the Bistra Hotel, Mavrovo (Micevski, 1988, in let.) Project's data : A New Species for the Ornithoufauna of the Np Mavrovo. Faund almost everywhere across the Park. Threat:- Measures for protection : Currently does not need any protection measures.

38 Corvus monedula European Status: SPEC-4, ETS (S), WBD-II/2; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1. Biology: Inhabits a wide range of habitats such as farms, parks, cliffs. Semikolonijal nests in holes in trees or buildings. Feeds on insects, worms, eggs of other birds and so on. Literature data : small (tens of) birds in Mavrovo 1983 (Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Trip to Janche, 17 Oct. 2010, 9 individuals, over rocks under Galichnik village. Threat: Unknown are the reasons why the population of jackdaw is so small on the territory of NP Mavrovo. Its greater numbers in the past proves a fact from Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986 stating for dozens individuals in the village Mavrovo, and we did not find any individual! Measures for protection : It should be further examined in the region what are the reasons for its large population decline. Maybe some other bird has undertaken her breeding places or there is another reason.

39 Coturnix coturnix European Status: SPEC-3, ETS-V, WBD-II/2, Bern-III, Bonn II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 680000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits meadows overgrown with grass and fields of grain. Makes nest in small holes in the ground. He eats seeds and invertebrates. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Found in several places, mainly through lush alpine meadows or wet meadows (Dolno-Gorno Lukovo ______25 Pole- Adzievski vodenici, Govedarnik, Kjurkov Dol over Strezimir Checkpoint etc.). Threat: Illegal hunting would be a potential threat. Excessive grazing of pastures could represent a threatening factor, but in near future we do not think that it would be the case. Measures for protection : Currently no additional protection measures other than monitoring the situation which could signal a good timing for any negative changes and certainly favoring local indigenous breeds of cattle (breed “busha”).

40 Crex crex European Status: SPEC-1, ETS-V, WBD–I, Bern–II, COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 92000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits rich meadows. The nest makes it through the grass. The main food are different invertebrates. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Bunec, May 27, 2010 , possible 7-8 males, singing late at night from the wet meadows near the lake; under Govedarnik, 10 Jul 2010; Osojnica; 13 Jul 2010, open area with trees to water; Osojnica-starting of meadows-Argach, 13 Jul 2010, before the hut along Argach; Below Kjurkov Dol, 13 Jul 2010; Over “villa Lazo”, 13 Jul. 2010, wet meadows, flowing water; Threat: There's not some negative moment or threatening activity. It could be evantualy illegal hunting, inappropriate (excessive) grazing meadows and mowing them during the eggs laying. Measures for protection : Since this is certanly the most important bird species that is found within the NP Mavrovo, located on the World Red List, or the SPEC 1 category, the monitoring of its distribution and population density in NP Mavrovo should necessarily be carried out each year, for which it is necessary a special protocol, by experts, to be designed. Following the recommendations of the European Action Plan (BirdLife International, 2000) and Koffijberg & Schaffer (2006) would be a good contribution to the protection of this species as the most important species in NP Mavrovo.

41 Cuculus canorus European Status: ETS-S Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Wide range of habitats: marshes, forests, etc. Eggs are taken in the nests of many birds and over 25 in any one season. It feeds mainly on insects, especially hairy caterpillars. Literature data : Quite often in mixed forests of Mavrovo (1800 m) in late July and the first half of the month of July 1918 (Fehringer, 1922, b). Project's data : Almost throughout the park. In the postbreeding period is seen over the forest line (Lukovo Pole). ______26 Threat:- Measures for protection : requires no action.

42 Delichon urbica European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К4. Biology: It feeds mainly over wetlands, nests in small colonies, usually on walls of houses, and cliffs. It feeds on insects. Literature data : In early July, a colony on Radica (Fehringer, 1922 b). Project's data : Hotel Bistra, surrounding, 07.Sep. 1988 (Micevski, 1988, in let.). Except in the settlements and villages swallow are encountered in rocky biotopes throughout the park. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

43 Dendrocopos major European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits forests, parks and gardens. Nests in holes in the trees. He eats insects but in winter also with various species of seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. s.Mavrovo, Krstovi, 26.Mar.2010, 1 ind.; Ramnishte, 14 Jul 2010; Ramnishte, 14 Jul 2010, noticed together with Parus palustris and Turdus viscivorus (beginning of the formation of mixed flocks) Ramnishte, 23. Aug. 2010, in the middle of a mixed flock; Ramnishte –Tresonche, 23. Aug. 2010; Forest house, under the vil. Selce, 23. Avg.2010 above the house, into the oak forest, calls while flying; Under the Manastir of St. J.Baptist, 23. Aug. 2010; Crossroad for Galichnik, 15.Sep.2010. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

44 Dendrocopos medius European Status: SPEC-4; ETS–S; WBD- I; Bern- II; COR- t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 53000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : СТАТ ; К2. Biology: Inhabits mainly deciduous forests, especially hornbeam-oak forests. Nests in holes in trees. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo.Village Bituse, 11 Jul. 2010; vill.Bitushe, 12 Jul. 2010, old oak tree in front of the church; Trip to Janche, down the river, 12 Jul. 2010; vil.Janche, 12 Jul. 2010; vill. Janche, 14.Sep.2010; Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary.


45 Dendrocopos minor European Status: ETS -S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 17000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1 ( па ). Biology: Inhabits mainly wet or riparian forest; also gardens. The nest is a hole in the tree. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. On many occasions was registered near the vill. Selce and in the oak forest of Ramnishte. Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary.

46 Dryocopus martius European Status: ETS-S; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 270000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1. Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes rich with old trees with holes. It feeds on insects. Literature data : Feringer observed three pairs in mixed forests in Mavrovo in late June and early July 1918 (Fehringer, 1922 b). Project's data : 24th May 2010, above the village. Mavrovo, along the sky track, in the beech forest (Lazareski, Poll 2010). 20 Aug. 2010, Djurkov Dol - Livadishta, blossoms, feeding (Simonoski, Poll 2010). 14. September 2010, Djurkov Dol, mixed forest, calls; 02. Nov. 2010, forest above Mavrovo, heard. Threat: Its population number is probably very small hence during our extensive research we meet only once, and data obtained from a poll of well-informed persons was quite scarce, when it comes to massive and very well visible bird. Measures for protection : To prepare a project to determine its population abundance and distribution in the park and to see his habitual preferences, in order to take appropriate measures for protection. It is a Corine species, what is the reason more we believe that its occurrence is of particular importance especialy for the ecotourism development in Mavrovo and hence favoring these measures.

47 Egreta alba European Status: ETS-S; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 12000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1 (2 е). Biology: Inhabits rivers and lakes. Colonial nests in reeds. It feeds mainly on fish. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. Motel Delfina, 02.Nov. 2010, ind., of sandy coast near the lake; Ulazna-Bay Djonajla, 02.Nov. 2010, ind. On the lake shore near the water. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______28 48 Emberiza calandra European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-(S); Bern-III; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2 (pa) up to 50 pa; Biology: Corn Bunting often Nest in the lowlands and river valleys, broad meadows and fields, with deciduous shrubs. In winter months comes down to lower elevations and probably that in Macedonia does not migrate because they are found throughout the winter. It feeds on small insects and seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. Found along opean areas mainly fields of smaller heights (to 1700 meters) (Skilift, Galichnik). Threat: If sudden changes occur in suitable habitats and devastate the shrubs and trees in the open grass fields. Measures for protection : It is not necessary.

49 Emberiza cia European Status: SPEC-3, ETS-V; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 11000 000- 4100 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: It breed in scattered forest of Hopbeuk (Ostrya carpinifolia). Prefers rocky habitats and forest edges. Nests at altitudes over 1000 meters. Diet, consisting of the seeds graminei, and during the nesting period by insects. In winter it descends to lower elevations and mixed with other species of buntings, but always near the bushes. Literature data : Fehringer, 1922: After the Mavrovo meadows (1800 m). Project's data : Found almost everywhere where could be found scattered forest of Hopbeuk near settlements and scattered oak forests. There are not some significant negative impacts unless action or significant neglect of open habitats, reduction of grazing leading to their abandonment and thus creating unfavorable conditions for feeding of this bunting Threat:- Measures for protection : not needed;

50 Emberiza cirlus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-(S); Bern–II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Open areas with trees and shrubs. The nest is knited in the bushes near the ground. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. vil.Tresonche, 4 Jul 2010; vil.Selce, 5 Jul.2010; Radika River, 12 Jul 2010, under the vil.Janche treetop, 14. Sept. 2010, Boletinska Cheshma, 2-3 Ind.; 16 Sept.2010, trees near the stadium, Mavrovo, male; Threat:- Measures for protection : not needed;


51 Emberiza citrinella European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-(S); Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Inhabits open fields overgrown with grass and shrubs, edges of forests. Nests in bushes or under them. It feeds on small insects and seeds. Literature data : Fehringer, O. , 1922: In Mavrovo, in mixed forests (1800 m), frequent breeding bird. Project's data : Almost everywhere around the park especially at the border of forests to open fields. Threat: Not endangered. Measures for protection : It is not necessary.

52 Еmberiza hortulana European Status: SPEC-2; ETS-(V); WBD-I; Bern-III; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits open terrains with scrubs. Nest in the ground. It feeds on small insects and seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. Found on open fields with stones, overgrown with grass and small shrubs. Threat: It is not threatened in NP Mavrovo where it appears to be stable and numerous population. Measures for protection : not needed.


53 Eremophila alpestris European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 110000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: It nests in small number on pastures in subalpine belt, and very rarely in the alpine zone. From November to March, down to the lower altitudes, but not migrating. Feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : Over Mavrovo, one with grass heal peak of 2200 m., spotted singing at the beginning of July 1918 (Fehringer, 1922). Project's data : Kjurkov Dol-Golem Brzovec, 13 Jul 2010, pair, 2200 m.; peak Korab-Korab 15. Sep. 2010, two individuals, Threat:- Measures for protection : -


54 Erithacus rubecula European Status: SPEC 4; ETS S; Bern II; Bonn II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: It nests in all types of deciduous and coniferous forests, gardens, parks and hedgerows. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : Mixed forests of Mavrovo (1800 m) where in late June have fledlings, (Fehringer, 1922); 07th September 1988, Mavrovo, forest edge, (Micevski, B.1988,in let.) Project's data : Found almost everywhere (over 130 individual data) where there are favorable biotopes except on open terrain with no trace of any shrubs or trees. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

55 Falco peregrinus European Status: SPEC-3, ETS-R; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Cor–t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe : 6200. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT,K1 Biology: mountain species; Nesting on cliffs; It feeds mainly on medium-sized birds, especially doves. Literature data : - Project's data : Krchin (Simonoski, Kiroski, Poll 2010); Brzovec, 25th Aug. 2010 (Jane, Poll 2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______32 55 Falco tinnunculus European Status: SPEC-3, ETS-D;Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : 290 000- 490 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT,K2. Biology: Mainly inhabits open rocky terrain where they build their nests. Solitary nests, During the postbreeding period can be seen larger flocks on higher altitudes, due to the increased numbers of locusts. Literature data : 29 September 1983-2 ind., near Mavrovo (Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Nest wherever there are rocky areas and in posbreeding period is numerous in the alpine pastures where fed with locusts. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

57 Ficedula albicolis European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; WBD-I; Bern-II; Bonn-II; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 340000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits mainly deciduous forests. Nests in holes in trees. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo.. Encountered in many places around the park especially during the autumn migration which starts in the second half of August and lasts until mid-September. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

58 Ficedula hypoleuca European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 1 000 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3 (i). Biology: Inhabits mainly deciduous forests. Nests in holes in trees. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo.15.Sep.2010, Before Fershped; 15.Sep. 2010, intersection for Galichnik ( from Mavrovo) on deciduous trees. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

59 Fringilla coelebs European Status: SPEC-4; ETS–S; Bern-III; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3. Biology: We could found this species wherever there trees or bushes. He eats seeds, and in summer insects. Literature data : from June 29, July 1918, frequent in the forests near Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922, b); Mavrovo, forest edge, 07.Sep.1988 (Micevski, 1988, in let.); Hotel Bistra, surrounding, 07.Sep .1988 ( Micevski, 1988, in let.); Mavrovo, May 13, regularly sang at the entrance of Radica and 1 bird sang in Mavrovo (Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, 1986); Project's data : Is found wherever there are favorable biotopes. Threat:-

______33 Measures for protection : It is not necessary

60 Fulica atra European Status: ETS -S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1. Biology: Inhabits lakes and rivers with abundant coastal vegetation. In the winter getting into open water without vegetation. It feeds mainly on aquatic plants. Literature data : Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. After the dam in the vil. Leunovo, 26 Mar. 2010, 3ind; 15 Sept. 2010, in the middle of a lake, after dam. Threat: Because of the absence of coastal vegetation, the Mavrovo Lake has no conditions for nesting of this species. That is why, a few individuals could be found only in the winter months from September to March. Hence one can not even say for some threat when the species is almost absent.. Measures for protection : If the Park wants to settle this species, a precondition is a presence of a coastal vegetation, mainly reed, which in conditions of changing water levels of Lake Mavrovo, ( same for other man-made reservoirs) is possible, unless somebody deliberetely want it to provide.

61 Garrulus glandarius European Status : ETS- (S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000 . Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Any forest biotope, parks and gardens. Usually nests low in trees. Fed on seeds, insects and small birds. Literature data : Mavrovo 07. Sep. 1988 (Micevski, 1988, in let); Mavrovo, Fehringer, 1922; 29 Sep.1980, close to the vil. Mavrovo (Dijksen & Dijksen, 1986); a few seen, 1983 (Dijksen & Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Almost everywhere around the park through all types of forest biotopes. Threat:- Measures for protection : -


62 Gyps fulvus European Status: SPEC 3, ETS R WBD I Bern II Bonn II COR t Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 9300- 11 000 pa. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : former STAT, К-0. Biology: Inhabits mountain areas. Nest in rock ledges, quite often colonial. Fed on carrion. Literature data : Trpkov (1987) mentione this species like e breding bird for the NP Mavrovo. Project's data : - Threat: In recent years not registered due to the drastic reduction in the number of sheep in NP Mavrovo (due to their ban). According to the information from Mavrovo Park rangers, before some 10years near Gorno Lukovo Pole was created a feeding ground for this and other vultures. The feeding ground have been wardened regularly and beeing suplied by carcasses for food. Measures for protection : -

63 Hirundo daurica European Status: STAT-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 45000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3. Biology: Wide range of open biotopes, especially streams with bridges. Specific nest, with an elongated inlet opening. It feeds on insects in flight. Literature data : - Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo.Found almost in every village. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______35 64 Hirundo ( Ptyoprogne) rupestris European Status: ETS -S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 130000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3 Biology: Inhabits rocky mountain cliffs. Nest on cliffs. It feeds on insects in flight. Literature data : From June 29, Jul.1918, by Radika Gorge (1600m), quite numerous(Fehringer, 1922 b); Project's data : Wherever there are steep rocky cliffs. Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary;

65 Hirundo rustica European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-D; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3. Biology: Near human settlements. The nest is sputtered to a vertical surface and is open from the top. It feeds on insects in flight. Literature data : Project's data : A new species for the ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo. Found in almost every settlement. Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary.

66 Jynx torquilla European Status: SPEC-3; ETS- D; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 350000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2.

______36 Biology: Inhabits open forest biotopes and parks. Nesting in holes in trees. Feeds on insects, especially ants. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornitofauna of the National Park Mavrovo. Found or heard from open areas with old trees, in oak forests, and near the setlements with old trees in their vicinity. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

67 Lanius collurio European Status: SPEC-3 ETS-D; WBD-I; Bern–II; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3. Biology: Inhabits open terrain with bushes. The nest is placed inside thorned bushes. It feeds on insects and small birds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. It is encountered almost everywhere where there is open fields with shrubs or at the edges of forests with open fields. Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary

68 Larus ridibundus European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1 (4 ind.). Biology: Inhabits freshwater ecosystems. In winter a wide range of aquatic habitats. Colonial nests on ground. It feeds on insects and fish. Literature data : -

______37 Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Near the fish pond in Mavrovo, 04.Sep.2010, 2 ind. &. Djonajla under Bunec, 4 ind ( 22.Okt.2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary

69 Loxia curvirostra European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 840000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К2. Biology: Inhabits coniferous forests, especially spruce. It feeds on seeds of conifers, especially sprusse. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Mavrovi Anovi, Dec 2009, a flock of males and females, feeding on maple seeds (Simonoski, Poll 2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : Detailed study should be undertaken.

70 Lullula arborea European Status: SPEC -2, ETS -V;WBD- I; Bern-III; COR- t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 840 000- 2 900 000 pa. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Nesting in edges of forests or forest clearing more of the lowest parts of the park up to the limit of forest vegetation. For woodlark is important to have low grass, which means to be grassed. Literature data : 29 September 1983, 3 ind. near Mavrovo (Dijksen & Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : May 27, 2010, Bunec, heard song, late in the night, 17 Oct. 2010, Bachilo Govedarnik, 25 Jul 2010, Bunec the wire fence, with food (caterpillar); Threat: Abandonment of pastures; Aforestation; Measures for protection : Maintaining a solid level of grazing or appropriate percentage of pastures.

71 Luscinia megarhynchos European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-(S); Bern- II; Bonn- II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo: AEST, К2. Biology: Deciduous forests with lush ground vegetation, especially shrubs. The nest does in dense bushes , usually on fallen branch. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Migratory bird. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found only in the south of the park up to the Janechki most on north. Threat: - Measures for protection : -

______38 72 Lyrurus tetrix European Status: SPEC-3, ETS-V ; WBD-I & II.1; Bern-III; COR- t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 580 000.. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT ?, K1?. Biology: Inhabits swamp forests and fallow farmland. Literature data : - Project's data : It was registered near the road towards a JAMA in summer 2006 (Vasilevski, Poll 2010) Threat:- Measures for protection : To implement the project to determine its status and distribution in NP Mavrovo (along with several other problematic species) through analysis of all available data mainly through a survey of people who are close to nature (hunters, rangers, shepherds, nature lovers, climbers, etc. .) and checking the data field as a prerequisite for taking appropriate measures for its or their proper care (when it comes to species with such a high status of European interest to protect).

73 Mergus merganser European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 52000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К2. Biology: Inhabits freshwater lakes and rivers. Nesting in holes in trees near water. He eats fish. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. On the Lake comes on mid-September (in 2010, 16 th of Sep.). The maximum number of 40 individuals were counted in the bay Djonajla on 16 September 2010. Remain until the end of March. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

74 Monticola saxatilis European Status: SPEC-3; ETS (D); Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 31000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К1. Biology: Rocky biotopes from the lowest to highest parts of the Park. Nests in cracks or holes. It feeds on insects and berries. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Careva Cheshma, 16 Oct. 2010, 2.; Chirilevec, 10 Jul 2010, individual; Proximity to Bacilo Korab, rock near water, juv, 20 Jul 2010; Solumunica-Plocha, 27.Avg.2010, individual. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

75 Monticola solitarius European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-(V); Bern- II; Bonn- II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 38000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1.

______39 Biology: Wide range of rocky biotopes, especially cliffs. Nests in crevices between rocks. It feeds on insects and berries. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. A ridge of Krcin, 11. Jul 2010, individual. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

76 Motacilla alba European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Usually in open areas near water. Nests in crevices on the shore. It feeds on insects and small s ее ds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park Encountered almost everywhere around the park, near the wetlands. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

77 Motacilla cinerea European Status: ETS -(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 490000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Usually along the fast flowing streams and rivers. Nests in holes or cracks in rocks or under bridges. It feeds on insects and small aquatic invertebrates.

______40 Literature data : Breeding bird in Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922, b). Project's data : Nearly everywhere along the streams and rivers of NP Mavrovo. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

78 Muscicapa striata European Status: SPEC-3, ETS- D, Bern- II, Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : АЕСТ , К1. Biology: INhabits forest clearing, parks and gardens. Nests in ivy, a hole in the wall, shelves, etc.. He eats insects in flight. Literature data : Mavrovo, 07.Sep.1988, 6-7 ind. (Micevski, B.1988, in let.). Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found throughout the park, especially near the water on large trees. In August and September starts its migration to the south and it is common everywhere and numerous bird through the park Threat:- Measures for protection : -

79 Nucifraga caryocatactes European Status: SPEC-(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 150000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1. Biology: inhabits coniferous forests at higher altitudes. Literature data : - Project's data : Dec 2009, Mavrovi Anovi on firs near the NP Mavrovo Administration (Simonoski, Poll 2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______41 80 Oenanthe oenanthe European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3. Biology: Inhabits areas with rocks. Nests in cracks or holes. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found almost everywhere around the park in open habitats, rich with stones. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

81 Oriolus oriolus European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2 (pа). Biology: inhabits broadleaf forests and parks. Nest between 2 or 3 lower branches. It feeds on insects and fruit. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Its presence is registered only in southern (lower) parts of the park, on north up to the village of Janche. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

82 Otus scops European Status: SPEC-2; ETS-(D); Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 90000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К1 (pa).

______42 Biology: Open areas with trees, including parks. Nests in holes in trees. Feeds on insects and rarely small vertebrates. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Northernmost is registered to the village Rostushe. Breed in the village of Rostushe (Simonoski, Poll 2010); s.Tresonche, 6 Jul 2010, calls, 22h; 13 Jul 2010, vil.Tresonche, calls, late in the night. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

83 Parus ater European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3 (pa). Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes, especially conifers. Nests in holes, sometimes on the ground. It feeds on insects and seeds. Literature data : 07.Sep.1988, 2-3 ind. in a mixed flock, Mavrovo (Micevski, 1988, in let.); Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, (1986), on May 13, 1980 a few birds in burned forests, Mavrovo; Mavrovo, Fehringer, O. , 1922; Project's data : Almost everywhere around the park in fir and fir-beech and sprusse forests. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

84 Parus caeruleus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3 (pа).

______43 Biology: Wide range of mostly deciduous forest biotopes. Nests in holes in the trees. He eats insects and seeds. Literature data : 07.Sep.1988, Mavrovo, 4-5 individuals; Micevski, 1988 (in let.); April, 1998 Mavrovo, Micevski, in April 1998 , ind. (in let.) Project's data : Almost everywhere around the park in all types of forest biotopes. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

85 Parus lugubris European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 130000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2 (pa). Biology: Wide range of forest areas. Nests in holes in wood. It feeds on insects and seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found in several places, mainly in the southern part of the Park. In the postbreeding period and winter is found in the vil. Mavrovo (27 Aug. 2010, 18. Feb 2010) and Bunec (14. September 2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : -

86 Parus major European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3 (pa). Biology: Wide range of forest areas. Nests in holes of trees. It feeds on insects and seeds. Literature data : 07.Sep.1988 Mavrovo, forest edge (Micevski, B.1988, in let.) Mavrovo, Fehringer, O. , 1922. Project's data : Everywhere in all types of forest biotopes.

______44 Threat: - Measures for protection : -

87 Parus palustris European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2 (pa). Biology: Decidous forests, hedgerows gardens. Nests in holes of trees. It feeds on insects in summer and seeds in winter. Literature data : June and July 1918 г., (Parus communis), Mavrovo, Fehringer, 1922; Project's data : Found almost everywhere across all types of forest biotopes especially near the water. Threat: - Measures for protection : -

88 Passer domesticus European Status: ETS–S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3 (pa). Biology: Inhabits urban, suburban and country setlements. Nesting in holes in buildings. It feeds on grain and insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park . Found in many setlements throughout the Park. Threat:- Measures for protection : -


89 Passer montanus European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2 (pa). Biology: Inhabits rural areas. Nesting in holes in trees. It feeds on grain and insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. 100 meters after the intersection for vil. Osoj, 3 Jul.2010, meadow, a flock of 60 ind., feeding on the ground; village. Bituse, 11 Jul 2010; vil.Bitushe, 12 Jul 2010; September 14, 2010, Bunec. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

90 Perdix perdix European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-V; WBD- II/1 & III/1; Bern –III; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1 (pa). Biology: Inhabits a wide range of open areas including farms. Nest in the ground. Feed on vegetables. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Dolno-Gorno Lukovo Pole, 18.Oct 2010, ind. On the bank, later hide in the dense grass near the road. Threat: - Measures for protection : -

______46 91 Pernis apivorus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; WBD-I/1; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Cor –t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 110000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К1 (pa). Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes. Nest in the trees. It feeds on larvae of wasps but also a wide range of small birds and mammals. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. 15.Sep. 2010 Kobilino Pole. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

92 Phalacrocorax carbo European Status: ETS-S; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 140 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1 (ind). Biology: Inhabits freshwater biotopes. Mainly colonial nests usually in trees or cliffs. It feeds on fish. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. One ind. near the Mavrovo dam, 18.Feb.2010, Pilana-old church of Mavrovo, 26.Mar.2010, 6 ind.; View from the dam at Leunovo, 26. Mar. 2010, a flock of 16 birds (in Bachilishte).Djonajla, 22.Oct.2010, 2 ind., vil. Leunovo, 02.Nov. 2010, 2, on the ground, in the vicinity of Anas plathyrhynchos. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

93 Phoenicurus erythogaster European Status: SPEC-3, ETS-Ins; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 2500 ind. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1 (pa). Biology: Inhabits rocky alpine slopes. In winter it descends to lower altitudes. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park, but also for Macedonia and Balkan peninsulae. 11.Jul. 2010, vil. Bitushe. Threat: - Measures for protection : Monitoring should be obligated. This species could be second very important species for the Park as it comes from the Azian fauna.

94 Phoenicurus ochruros European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Rocky areas and settlements. Nest in hole. It feeds on insects and berries in winter.

______47 Literature data : 07.Sep.1988, Hotel Bistra, surroundings, Mavrovo Opean areas with shrubs and trees (Micevski, 1988, in let.).; 29 September 1983-3 ind., near Mavrovo (Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Almost everywhere around the park especially in open areas with rocks and stonny areas. Threat: - Measures for protection : No further action.

95 Phoenicurus phoenicurus European Status: SPEC-2, ETS-V, Bern-II, Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Forest biotopes including open biotopes with large trees. Makes nest holes in the trees. It feeds mainly on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Staro Selo Nikiforovo, 25 Mar. 2010; Leunovo rocks, May 13, 2010; vil. Leunovo, May 15. 2010; vil. Mavrovo, 15 Oct. 2010; vil. Lazaropole, 2 individuals, 17 Oct. 2010. Threat: - Measures for protection : not needed.

96 Phylloscopus collybita European Status: ETS-(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3 (pa). Biology: Wide range of open forest and shrubs. Makes nest in bushes, near the ground. It feeds on insects. Literature data : Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922). Project's data : Almost everywhere at suitable biotopes. Threat: Measures for protection : not needed.

97 Phylloscopus sibilatrix European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-(S); Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST , К1 (pa); TRANS, К3(ind.). Biology: Forests that have very small representation of bushy ground vegetation. The nest on the ground surface. It feeds on insects. Literature data : 07 September 1988 Mavrovo in a mixed flock (Micevski,1988, in let.); Project's data : In the breeding perod is registered near r. Dlaboka and near the village. Zhuzhnje. In August when begins its migration almost everywhere across the Park. Threat:- Measures for protection : -


98 Picus canus European Status: : SPEC-3; ETS-D; WBD-I; Bern-II; Cor-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 71 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1. Biology: Inhabits open mainly deciduous forests. Nests in holes in trees. It feeds on insects from the surface. Literature data : Breeding bird for Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922) Project's data : - Threat:- Measures for protection : -

99 Picus viridis European Status: SPEC-2; ETS-D; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 35000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1 (pa). Biology: Inhabits open forests and parks. Nesting in holes in trees. It feeds on insects (especially ants) on the ground. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Boshkov Most-Lazaropole, 15.Maj 2010, has heard the calling ind.; Proximity to vil.Selce, 6 Jul 2010, oak forest near the Forestry House of the NP Mavrovo. The poll of the relevant people from the region obtained the information for its presence in the area of the vill. Rostuše (Simonoski, Poll 2010) who noted that it feeds with fruits of mulberry. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______49 100 Podiceps cristatus European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 340000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2 (ind). Biology: Freshwater ecosystems rich with coastal vegetation (missing on Mavrovo Lake). The nest is floating. He eats fish. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Meets throughout the year despite failing nests. The maximum number of individuals, 62 ind., are registered in the bay opposite Leunovo on 2. Nov. 2010. On the lake maximum of 75 individuals were registered in November 2010. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

101 Podiceps nigricollis European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 39000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К2 (ind). Biology: Inhabits shallow ponds and lakes. The nest is floatinf. He eats fish and insects. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. On the lake comes at the end of August and stay until the end of March. Maximum number of individuals on the alke or 20 ind. registered in August 2010. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

102 Prunella collaris European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 47000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1 ( па ). Biology: Inhabits rocky alpine regions. Nest on rocks. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. “ on the way to Krcin, rocks west of the first “Jama”, in the vicinity, 11 Jul 2010. A ridge to Krcin which overlooks the Monastery of Sv. Preobrazhenie, 11 Jul. 2010, 2 ind. Korab, rocks right at the beginning of Korab locality, 20 Jul 2010. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

103 Prunella modularis European Status: SPEC-4; ETS -S ; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000 000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : СТАТ , К1 ( па ). Biology: Inhabits fields populates with bushes, forests, hedgerows, parks. Nests in bushes. It feeds on insects and small seeds. Literature data : Mavrovo, July 1919 (Fehringer, 1922) Project's data : During our field research we were not able to hear or see not a single specimen of this species.

______50 Threat:- Measures for protection : -

104 Pyrrhocorax graculus European Status: ETS-(S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 58000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K3. Biology: Inhabits mountainous regions with rocky terrain suitable for nesting (pits, holes). It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found in the region of Chavkarnik, Mal Brzovec, Kjurkov Dol, Krchin-Turen Kamen, Bachilo Korab and so on. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

105 Pyrrhula pyrrhula European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, K3. Biology: Inhabits forests overgrown with dense ground layer, parks and gardens. It feeds on seeds. Literature data : Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922); Mavrovo, 1980, only one ind. seen on May 13 (Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, 1986).

______51 Project's data : Mavrovo, heard on 07 Sep. 1988 (Micevski, 1988, in let.). Found almost anywhere where there are suitable biotopes in beech, fir, and mixed spruss forests. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

106 Regulus ignicapillus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : АEST, К1. Biology Inhabits coniferous forests. It feeds on insects. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Adzhina River, 27 May 2010. Adzhina River –Torbeshki most, 18 Oct. 2010, singing. Mavrovo dam, across, 7 Jul 2010, song, fir-beech forest. Vila Lazo-Torbeshki Most, 28.Avg.2010 tree; before Torbeshki most 28.Avg. 2010 mixed flock, 5th bridge before Torbeshki. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

107 Regulus regulus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits coniferous forests. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Dam Mavrovo, 22. Jul 2010, beech-fir; collector for water for dam Mavrovo 26.Avg.2010, fir /beech; before Torbeshki Most, near the river, trees, spruss, willows, etc. on 28.Avg.2010; Shtirovica above the Gorna Pilana, 15.Sep.2010; Proximity of Leunovo, 02.Nov. 2010, on fir. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

108 Saxicola rubetra European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: settles lawns with shrubs and abandoned farmland. It feeds mainly on insects. Literature data : Fehringer, 1922 (Mavrovo). Project's data : Found in all suitable biotopes through the park during the period from May to September. Threat:- Measures for protection : -


109 Saxicola torquata European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-D; Bern-II; Bonn-II. Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 890000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : TRANS, К1. Biology: Wide open terrain. Nest in ground vegetation. It feeds on insects. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Under Bunec, 22 .10 2010, two individuals standing in the bush near the road. Threat: Measures for protection : Having in mind its high European status should be performed detailed inventory of this species and to determine the true population status and distribution and the measures to be taken for its status improvement.

110 Scolopax rusticola European Status: SPEC-3w; ETS-V; WBD-II/1 & III/2; Bern-III; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, K1. Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes. Feeds on invertebrates, especially crvja. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. From a survey of local bird fancier's received oral information about this species. A family of this species met in July month 2007 near the Bachilo Smrdlivi Virovi (Simonoski, Poll 2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______53 111 Serinus serinus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits open forest biotopes, parks and gardens. Literature data : only one ind. on May 13. 1980, a bird has been singing in Mavrovo (Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, 1986) Project's data : Encounter in the villages around the park (Leunovo, Mavrovo, Selce, Rosoki, ) and in Strezimir. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

112 Sitta europaea European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Settles different types of forest biotopes. The nest makes in a hole of the tree. It feeds on insects and seeds. Literature data : Mavrovo (Fehringer, O., 1922), 29 September 1983 – several birds along the lake Mavrovo (Dijksen & Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Everywhere across the park in suitable biotopes. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

113 Streptopelia turtur European Status: SPEC-3; ETS-D; WBD-II/2; Bern-III; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits dense hedgerows, edges of forests, bushes. Nests in dense shrubs. It feeds on leaves and seeds. Literature data : Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922). Project's data : Breeding bird in the vil. Rostushe (Simonoski, Poll 2010). Monastery of St. J. Baptist, below, near the road, 10 Jul 2010, individual; Radica River below the village Rostuše, 12 Jul 2010; vil.Janche, 12 Jul 2010 th Threat:- Measures for protection : -

114 Strix aluco European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 360000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1. Biology: Inhabits deciduous forests. Nests in holes in trees. He eats small mammals, birds and sometimes small frogs. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. vil. Selce, 14 Jul 2010, late in the night, voice from the oak forest near the village. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

______54 115 Sturnus vulgaris European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Sinantropic bird that lives near human settlements. It feeds on insects and other invertebrates. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Frequent in open fields near the settlements (Mavrovo Nikiforovo, Leunovo, Lazaropole) until Lukovo Pole. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

116 Sylvia atricapilla European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Bon–II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000 Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К3 Biology: Wooded areas with good ground layer of shrubs. It feeds on insects and small fruits. Literature data : Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922); 29 September 1983, several ind. near the Lake Mavrovo (Dijksen, A. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Almost everywhere around the park where there are dense bushes especially close to forest biotopes. The most common warbler met in the Park. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

117 Sylvia communis European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; Bern-II; Bonn-II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits open areas with small bushes. It feeds on insects and small fruits. Literature data : Mavrovo, on May 13, 1980 several birds sang (Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, 1986). Project's data : Elsewhere on favorable biotopes, mainly in lower parts of the park. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

118 Sylvia curruca European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К2. Biology: Inhabits bushy dense terrain. It feeds on insects. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Vlajnica, bushes below, ravine, 13.Maj.2010; curv after the vil. Nikiforovo. 13.Maj.2010; Before Dam Leunovo, Open areas surounded by shrubs and beech, 26.Maj 2010; vil., May 27, 2010; Over Hotel Neda, on the road to Jance, 17 Jun. 2010; vil.Tresonche, 4 Jul 2010; Tsareva Cheshma, 27.Avg.2010; Before the head office of the Mavrovo Park administration in Mavrovi Anovi, curve before the Administration, pair, 28.Avg.2010; before Torbeshki Most, near the river, 28.Avg.2010; Threat:- ______55 Measures for protection : -

119 Sylvia nisoria European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-(S); WBD-I; Bern-II; Bonn-II;COR- t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 230000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, K1. Biology: Inhabits forest edges and open field. It feeds on insects and berries. Literature data : Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Czareva Cheshma, 14.Maj 2010; village Leunovo, surrounding, 27 May 2010. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

120 Tachybaptus ruficollis European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 67000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К1. Biology: Inhabits aquatic biotopes with dense coastal vegetation. It feeds on small aquatic insects and fish. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found in winter, from mid September until the end of March on the Mavrovo Lake, with maximum number of 10 individuals. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

121 Tetrao urogallus European Status: ETS-(S); COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 580000 Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К1 Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes, mainly conifers. Nest in the ground. He eats buds, young tips, berries and leaves from coniferous trees. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Over Strezimir, manipulation, May 2008, the fir tree, seen individual (Lazareski, Poll 2010); Above vil. Trebište (Lokuf) in March 2008, heard a song (Veapi, Poll 2010). Threat:- Measures for protection : to conduct monitoring and determining the actual state of distribution of this important species in NP Mavrovo.

122 Tetrastes bonasia European Status: ETS-S; COR-t; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : СТАТ . К2. Biology: Inhabits forest biotopes. Nest in the ground. Feeds on buds, leaves and berries. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Found in several places in oak and beech forests, mostly forest clearing n the ground. Threat:- ______56 Measures for protection : -

123 Tichodroma muraria European Status: : ETS- (S); Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 13000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : (STAT.К1). Biology: Inhabits rocky terrain. Nests in crevices of rocks. It feeds on insects. Literature data : In the period from 29 June to early July 1918, cited as a common bird along the Gorge of the river Radika. Breeding bird (Fehringer, 1922 b). Project's data : - Threat:- Measures for protection : -

124 Troglodytes troglodytes European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : СТАТ ; К2. Biology: Inhabits forest with thick substrate, hedgerows and parks. It feeds on insects. Literature data : May 13. 1980, 1 ind., sang near Mavrovo (Dijksen, S. & A. Dijksen, 1986); Mavrovo (Fehringer, 1922). Project's data : Found throughout the park in suitable biotopes. Threat: Measures for protection :

125 Turdus merula European Status: : SPEC-4; ETS-S; WBD-II/2; Bern–III; Bonn–II;

______57 Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Inhabits a wide range of habitats with trees, wooded areas, gardens and so on. He eats worms, berries and insects. Literature data : 07. September 1988, Mavrovo, Hotel Bistra surrounding, (Micevski, 1988, in let.). Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park Found wherever there are favorable biotopes throughout the park. Threat:- Measures for protection : It is not necessary

126 Turdus philomelos European Status: SPEC-4; ETS- S; WBD- II/2; Bern –III; Bonn –II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: : >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К2. Biology: Inhabits a wide range of habitats with trees, wooded areas, gardens and so on. Feeds on insects, snails and berries. Literature data : Mavrovo, Fehringer (1922). Project's data : Quite commomn bird in the Park, especially in older oak and beech forests. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

127 Turdus pilaris - European Status: : SPEC-4w; ETS-S; WBD-II/2; Bern-III; Bonn –II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000 Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : HIEM, К2.

______58 Biology: Inhabits forest edges and in the winter (when it comes to Macedonia), mostly open terrain. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. One bird near the Mavrovsko Lake, 18. Feb. 2010, seen on tree; Czareva Cheshma, 02. Nov. 2010, a flock of 20 ind. on Juniper (diet), with clearing and trees nearby. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

128 Turdus viscivorus European Status: SPEC-4; ETS-S; WBD-II/2; Bern-III; Bonn–II; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: >1000000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : STAT, К3. Biology: Open forests and parks. He eats worms, insects, berries and snails. Literature data : July 4. 1918, Mavrovo (Fehringer, O., 1922). Project's data : Abundant thrush that is found in the park. In the postbreeding period found along the border of the forest in search of grasshoppers and other insects that feed on. Threat:- Measures for protection : -

129 Upupa epops European Status: ETS-S; Minimum Breeding Pairs in Europe: 670000. Status and abundance in the NP Mavrovo : AEST, К1. Biology: Open ground in the middle of trees, especially older. Nest in hools of trees or among rocks. He eats insects and larger and smaller lizards. Literature data : - Project's data : A New Species for the ornithofauna of the Mavrovo National Park. Rostushe, attempted nesting in 2009 (Simonoski, Poll 2010); July 7. 2010, in Lower Mogorce, 3 ind., oak forest; July 10. 2010, Bitushe, by the way to Rostuše (Kiroski, Poll 2010); 23. Aug. 2010 Tresone čka River – vil. Selce. Threat:- Measures for protection : -


The table below gives complete overview of the fauna of birds in NP Mavrovo.

Tab. 10. Overview of the Ornithofauna of the NP Mavrovo

Ornithofauna of the NP MAVROVO

(pa) ETS ETS Bern COR COR MBP MBP Bonn WBD WBD SPEC Species Status > 1 Acanthis canabina 4 S II >1000000

______59 2 Accipiter gentilis S 130000 3 Accipiter nisus S 270000 4 Aegithalos caudatus S >1000000 5 Alauda arvensis 3 V II/2 III >1000000 6 Alcedo atthis 3 D I II t 46000 7 Alectoris graeca 2 (V) I-II/1 III 34000 8 Anas clypeata S 96000 9 Anas plathyrhynchos S >1000000 10 Anas querquedula- 3 V II/1 III II 640000 11 Anthus spinoletta S 380000 12 Anthus trivialis S >1000000 13 Apus apus S >1000000 14 Apus melba (S) 46000 15 Aquila chrysaetos 3 R I II II t 5000 16 Ardea cinerea S 130000 17 Aythya ferina 4 S II/1 & III/2 III II 27000 18 Aythya nyroca 1 V I III II t 11000 19 Bubo bubo 3 V I II t 11000 20 Buteo buteo S 740000 21 Caprimulgus europaeus 2 (D) I II t 290000 22 Carduelis carduelis (S) >1000000 23 Carduelis chloris 4 S II >1000000 24 Carduelis spinus 4 S II >1000000 25 Certhia brachydactyla 4 S II >1000000 26 Certhia familiaris S >1000000 27 Cettia cetti S 410000 28 Charadrius dubius (S) 110000 29 Cicaetus gallicus 3 R I II II t 5900 30 Cinclus cinclus (S) 110000 31 Coccothraustes coccothraustes S 920000 32 Columba oenas 4 S II/2 III 460000 33 Columba livia S >1000000 34 Columba palumbus 4 S II/1, III/1 >1000000 35 Corvus c cornix ? ? 36 Corvus corax (S) 280000 37 Corvus monedula 4 (S) II/2 >1000000 38 Coturnix coturnix 3 V II/2 III II 680000 39 Crex crex 1 V I II t 92000 40 Cuculus canorus S >1000000 41 Delichon urbica S >1000000 42 Dendrocopos major S >1000000 43 Dendrocopos medius 4 S I II t 53000 44 Dendrocopos minor S 17000 45 Dryocopus martius S t 270000 46 Egretta alba S t 12000 47 Emberiza calandra 4 (S) III >1000000 48 Emberiza cia 3 V II >1000000 49 Emberiza cirlus 4 (S) II >1000000

______60 50 Emberiza citrinella 4 (S) II >1000000 51 Emberiza hortulana 2 (V) I III t >1000000 52 Eremophila alpestris S 110000 53 Erithacus rubecula 4 S II II >1000000 54 Falco peregrinus 3 R I II II t 6200 55 Falco tinnunculus 3 D II II 290000 56 Ficedula albicolis 4 S I II II t 340000 57 Ficedula hypoleuca 4 S II II >1000000 58 Fringilla coelebs 4 S III >1000000 59 Fulica atra- S >1000000 60 Garrulus glandarius (S) >1000000 61 Gyps fulvus 3 R I II II t 9300 62 Hirundo daurica S 45000 63 Hirundo rupestris S 130000 64 Hirundo rustica 3 D II >1000000 65 Jynx torquilla 3 D II 350000 66 Lanius collurio 3 D I II t >1000000 67 Larus ridibundus S >1000000 68 Loxia curvirostra S 840000 69 Lyrurus tetrix lirest 3 V I, II/2 III t 580000 70 Lullula arborea 2 V I III t 840000 71 Luscinia megarhynchos 4 (S) II II >1000000 72 Mergus merganser S 52000 73 Monticola saxatilis 3 (D) II II 31000 74 Monticola solitarius 3 (V) II II 38000 75 Motacilla alba S >1000000 76 Motacilla cinerea (S) 490000 77 Muscicapa striata 3 D II II >1000000 78 Nucifraga caryocatactes (S) 150000 79 Oenanthe oenanthe S >1000000 80 Oriolus oriolus S >1000000 81 Otus scops 2 (D) II 90000 82 Parus ater S >1000000 83 Parus caeruleus 4 S II >1000000 84 Parus lugubris 4 S II 130000 85 Parus major S >1000000 86 Parus palustris S >1000000 87 Passer domesticus S >1000000 88 Passer montanus S >1000000 89 Perdix perdix 3 V II/1, III/1 III >1000000 90 Pernis apivorus 4 S I II II t 110000 91 Phalacrocorax carbo S t 140000 92 Phoenicurus erythogaster 3 Ins. 2500 ind. 93 Phoenicurus ochruros S >1000000 94 Phoenicurus phoenicurus 2 V II II >1000000 95 Phylloscopus collybita (S) >1000000 96 Phylloscopus sibilatrix 4 (S) II II >1000000 97 Picus canus 3 D I II t 71000

______61 98 Picus viridis 2 D II 35000 99 Podiceps cristatus S 340000 100 Podiceps nigricollis S 39000 101 Prunella collaris (S) 47000 102 Prunella modularis 4 S II >1000000 103 Pyrrhocorax graculus (S) 58000 104 Pyrrhula pyrrhula S >1000000 105 Regulus ignicapillus 4 S II II >1000000 106 Regulus regulus 4 S II II >1000000 107 Saxicola rubetra 4 S II II >1000000 108 Saxicola torquata 3 (D) II II 890000 109 Scolopax rusticola 3w V II/1& III/2 III II >1000000 110 Serinus serinus 4 S II >1000000 111 Sitta europaea S >1000000 112 Streptopelia turtur 3 D II/2 III >1000000 113 Strix aluco 4 S II 360000 114 Sturnus vulgaris S >1000000 115 Sylvia atricapilla 4 S II II >1000000 116 Sylvia communis 4 S II II >1000000 117 Sylvia curruca S >1000000 118 Sylvia nisoria 4 (S) I II II t 230000 119 Tachybaptus ruficollis S 67000 120 Tetrao urogallus (S) t 580000 121 Tetrastes bonasia S t >1000000 122 Tichodroma muraria (S) 13000 123 Tringa hypoleucos S 500000 124 Troglodytes troglodytes S >1000000 125 Turdus merula 4 S II/2 III II >1000000 126 Turdus philomelos 4 S II/2 III II >1000000 127 Turdus pilaris 4w S II/2 III II >1000000 128 Turdus viscivorus 4 S II/2 III II >1000000 129 Upupa epops S 670000

Analysis of SPEC categories given on Table 11, shows the presence of 2 Spec from SPEC 1 category (1.5%), and 7 species (5.4%) of SPEC 2 category. In fact these are actually the most important species of interest for which we should take measures to their regular monitoring and monitoring of their habitats condition and taking necessary measures to improve their status in the NP Mavrovo.

Tab. 11. Analysis of the representation of SPEC categories in the Ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo SPEC Number of species Percentage Spec 1 2 1,5 Spec 2 7 5,4 Spec 3 23 17,8 Spec 3w 1 0,8

______62 Spec 4 33 25,6 Spec 4w 1 0,8 Non SPEC 62 48,1 Total 129 100

The analysis of categories of European threat status (Tab. 12) shows a large number of species (32 species-24, 8%) with threat status (V, R, D) or every 4-th species is with the status of endangered species in European scale, for whom we should take measures for their protection through appropriate management of species and habitats.

Таб . 12. Participation of species with different ЕТ S in to the Ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo ЕТС Number of species Percentage V 12 9,3 (V) 3 2,3 D 9 7 (D) 4 3,1 R 4 3,1 S 75 58,1 (S) 20 15,5 ? 1 0,8 Ins 1 0,8 Total 129 100

From the list of Wild bird directives of the Council of Europe, in Mavrovo NP (Table 13) are found 19 species (14.8%) from the List No. I, requiring immediate and strict protection or improvement of their status or the status of their habitats.

Таб . 13. Participation of species from the WBD annexes in the Ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo WBD Number of species Percentage I 17 13,2 I, II/1 1 0,8 I, II/2 1 0,8 II/1 1 0,8 II/1, III/2 2 1,5 II/1, III/1 2 1,5 II/2 9 7 - 96 74,4 Total 129 100

By consulting the most important international threaties related to birds (Tab 14 for the Berne Convention) or (Table 15 for the Bonn Convention), could be noticed a great representation of Berne 2 (45 species or 34.9%), or 31 species (24%) of the second annex of the Bonn Convention (Bonn II). Both groups requiring additional measures to improve their status either through appropriate measures at national level or through cooperation with neighboring countries in the region.

______63 Таб . 14. Participation of species from II and III annexes of the Bern convention in to the ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo Bern Number of species Percentage II 45 34,9 III 19 14,7 - 65 50,4 Total 129 100

Tab.15. Representation of species from the Bonn Convention ( anex II) in the Ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo Bonn Number of species Percentage II 31 24 - 98 76 Total 129 100

Furthermore, in the NP Mavrovo are found 23 CORINE species (17,8%), which also require most pressing protection measures (Table 16).

Tab. 16. Participation of the CORINE species into the Ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo CORINE Number of species Percentage + 23 17,8 - 106 82,2 Total 129 100


Exhaustive threats to birds within the NP Mavrovo could be sumarised to the following:

1) Intensification of agricultural and livestock activities in the park

This phenomenon is not with considerable scale in the park but there are real Risk due to the planned development of tourism which would provide more intensive farming that would put adequate pressure on the surrounding biotopes and a series of other additional problems if it is not dimensioned in compliance with established environmental norms and practices.

2) Hunting and poaching For now we are not aware for such cases because the park is not organizing hunting of birds but only to game mammals. In any case, hunting mammals adversely reflects on the birds themselves through their harassment and abandonment of former breeding places. Poaching (always a potential threat) should also be analyzed by other experts, and should be established as the true impact of this negative phenomenon.

3) Disturbance (including recreation and tourism - where they are unproperly dimensioned) This type of negative influence innear future certainly will be dominant especially in cases to revive planed ecological tourism. If the latter are realized according to guidelines recommended by ecology experts will not be a bigger problem and it would be even in favor of better protection

______64 of birds if a portion of the income on the basis of ornithological tourism is used to improve the condition of ornithological most important sites and habitats.

4) Habitats degradation especialy to ones which are rare in the Park For this type of negative impact we do not have a greater insight because we do not have some comprehencive old data for doing some comparative analysis. Hence, our data wil present a zero position, and in the future could indicate the degree of negativity of the relevant activities of the local population or the managemnat authorities in areas that are of special ornithological interest and importance.

5) Forestry intensification (manipulative activities in areas which are habitats for rare species of birds) Unfortunately ornithology team does not have a complete overview of the distribution of manipulative activities and their intensity . So, we could not determine the negative effect of this type of activity, which certainly exists.

6) Change of hydrological regime This type of negative activity happens quite often especially while impoundment of the sources , springs or rivers which up to recently have irrigated a large areas of the park, creating an entirely different tipes of habitat, a place where large number of birds (but also their habitats) were supplied with water and so on. Another case would be planned accumulation in the region of Dolno Lukovo Pole for what in the moment we are not able to give any idea of the type and extent of negative consequences could hapened.

7) Use of pesticides and insecticides

8) Overgrazing (through non-autochthons breeds of cattles)


The protection of birds in the territory of NP Mavrovo could be realized only through strict respectation of the legislation or respecting the zones in the park or, more precisely through a ban on all hunting of birds in the area of NP Mavrovo, taking into consideration the function of National Park to preserve the natural autohtonous biotopes and wildlife in them. In case that existing legislation, or needs that will arise from this plan can not be achieved then the minimum that could be done is to pay attention to species of higher SPEC category or species with respect to V or E, that are not so numerous in the Park. The latter certainly is not adequate protection but in a situation where real protection is out of reality, then at least a partial protection of the most valuable natural heritage from the ornithological aspect would be best solution.

Our vision for the NP zoning for Mavrovo (in terms of strictly protected areas, Zone 1) are given in Fig. 1. These are areas in which are found the most of the species with high priority for protection in the European and global scale but also areas in which comes species that are of interest for protection in Macedonia. For other zones we think that are very easily to delineate folowing the existing Law on Protection of Nature of RM.

______65 Surely, that protection by itself is not sufficient without adequate monitoring, which in essence will be the only mechanism that will indicate the success of the applied methods and procedures and the need for strengthening and improving them if they want to keep Ornithological values of the Park.

Fig. Displaying a range of Zone for strict protection, according to Ornithological composition of NP Mavrovo



A program for long-term monitoring of birds in the NPM should be addressed not to all bird species but the individual species that are of special importance for the maintenance of natural and unique ornithological values of NP Mavrovo.

Namely, for a number of species abundance and status can be easily determined by one day field work through individual biotopes in which that species are encountered as is the case with chaffinch, robin, woodpigeon, buzzard, raven and most sinantropic birds species (species that are adapted to living near human settlements or near the man (Micevski, 1990).

For other species that have far secret lifestyle this method is almost impossible and it is necessary to take completely different methods for monitoring their condition / status / trend.

It primarily would include quantitative research with well-known methods such as belt mapping (Micevski, 1992) or some not so precies methods like methods such as line transekt, Index of spot abundance or minimal transect.

Furthermore, as an additional method for another more secret bird species could be applied method of birdnetting.

Which of these methods would be used will depend on the available financial means and level of understanding of the need for knowledge of the situation of the bird fauna of the park, as one of the real prerequisites for the development of any form of ecological tourism.

In any case we should be aware that there is not some species of bird through which it could be indicated the state of other species, and even such a thing exist, time for implementation of that method would be the same length for all species inhabiting the same or similar biotopes.

What could be a solution, in case of limited financial resources, is to work on the evaluation of the status of important species or those in the highest Threat status in Europe (Spec 1, 2 and 3 categories) or species with inadequate protection status in Europe (E, V, R, D, L, Ins.) or species with a status of threatened species in Europe or the status of V (sensitive) or E (endangered) (since in Macedonia these lists are not existing). Otherwise, according to IUCN endangered (threatened) species are all the species hjaving status CR-Critically Endangered, EN-Endangered and VU-sensitive. In Europen Threat status CR status does not exist is that status is mixed with EN. The latter can be seen from the annexed table for valorization of species in the NP Mavrovo (Tab.10). In addition a review of measures and monitoring activities should be undertaken to maintain and improve the status of important species within the NP Mavrovo. А) Monitoring of SPEC 1 species: 2011-2020

For the below listed species :


Species Status > SPEC ETS WBD Bern Bonn COR MBP (pa) 1 Aythya nyroca 1 V I III II t 11000 2 Crex crex 1 V I II t 92000

It is necessary to conduct the following monitoring measures: - Monitoring the status and population density of SPEC 1 species within the NP Mavrovo; - Monitoring the nesting success of SPEC 1 species within the NP Mavrovo; - Monitoring the phenologiucal characteristics of SPEC species within the NP Mavrovo;

B) Monitoring of SPEC 2 species For species from the table below should be implemented following monitoring measures / activities:

Tab. 17. List of species of Spec 2 category that require urgent measures to improve their status

ETS ETS Species Status > SPEC WBD Bern Bonn COR 1 Alectoris graeca 2 (V) I & II/1 III 2 Caprimulgus europaeus 2 (D) I II t 3 Emberiza hortulana 2 (V) I III t 4 Lullula arborea 2 V I III t 5 Otus scops 2 (D) II 6 Phoenicurus phoenicurus 2 V II II 7 Picus viridis 2 D II

- Monitoring the status and population density of SPEC 2 species within the NP Mavrovo; - Monitoring of nesting success of the SPEC 2 species within the NP Mavrovo; - Monitoring the phenoligical characteristics of SPEC 2 species within the NP Mavrovo;

C) Monitoring species of special status for protection in Macedonia: - Monitoring the status and population density of species of special threat status in Macedonia within the NP Mavrovo; - Monitoring the nesting success of species of special threat status in Macedonia within the NP Mavrovo; - Monitoring od phenoligical characteristics of species of special threat status in Macedonia within the NP Mavrovo;

D) Monitoring, the coherence of policy for protection of individual species in the park and that of European and world level

Е) Monitoring of biotopic characteristics of the individual habitats for SPEC 1 and SPEC 2 species within the NP Mavrovo (in order or in case to adopt measures to improve the situation) or a possible trend of decreasing of preferent biotopes to be noticed on due time.

F) Monitor the biotope characteristic of habitats for individual species of special threat and importance status in Macedonia within the NP Mavrovo (with a view to adopt measures to improve the situation) or a possible trend of decreasing of preferent biotopes to be noticed on due

______68 time.

On this occasion we express little skepticism regarding the possibility of implementing any measures proposed for the park now we see facilities for the performance of any of the proposed measures for which we propose to implement training of rangers' service or employment of people with proper education which could more effectively deal with the problems of monitoring and protection of birds, especially those with higher status of protection, and thus of particular importance in the development of Park ecotourism but also for keeping adequate natural values of the Park.

7. CONCLUSIONS During our research in the period from March to November 2010 we have visited almost all habitat types of NP Mavrovo from the lowest (Boškov Most) to the highest parts (Korab, 2743 m). Presence of 129 birds species was confirmed, out of which 68 species are New to the ornithofauna of NP Mavrovo. One species, Phoenicurus erithrogaster is a New species for the Ornithofauna of Macedonia and the Balkan Peninsula too. Of the total number of species in NP Mavrovo, there are 2 Spec 1 category (1.5%) and 7 (5.4%) SPEC 2 category, which are actually species of highest protection interest, for which should be taken most pressing measures for their regular monitoring and monitoring of their habitats situation and taking necessary measures to improve their status in the NP Mavrovo. The analysis of categories according to the European threat status (Tab 12) shows that in NP Mavrovo there are 32 species (24.8%) with threat status (V, R, D) or every 4th species is with status of threat in European scale, for whom we should take measures for their protection through appropriate management of species and habitats. From the list of Wild bird directives at the Council of Europe in NP Mavrovo are found 19 species (14.8%) of the list No. 1 requiring immediate and strict protection (Table 13). Further on, into the Ornithofauna of Mavrovo NP occur 45 species (34.9%) from the second anex of the Berne Convention (Tab. 14), or 31 Bonn II species (24%), given on (Table 15). For both groups are needed (we are bound as a signatory to these agreements) appropriate measures to improve their status either through appropriate measures at national level or through cooperation with neighboring countries in the region. In the NP Mavrovo occur 23 CORINE species (17.8%), i.e. species that also require most pressing protection measures (Table 16). All previously confirms the great significance of NP Mavrovo regarding his ornithological composition, i.e. their large percentage of species with high protection interest of European and world level. Given the role of birds in developing ecological tourism they should pay particular attention having in mind the fact that it is the only group that can provide additional revenue for the management of the park (by providing ORNIT holidays), and for the local population ( via the service of local guides, which we recommended). So, how these predispositions would not have lost, we recommend necessary monitoring measures to be carried out by professionals (ornithologists) and people employed in the NP Mavrovo.

ANNEXES TO THE REPORT: a) Data base from the fieldwork done in 2010 in the NP Mavrovo (in pdf) b) A list of significant indicators for all species of birds in the NPM c) Photo documentation



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