E112 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 5, 2021 he installed and trained employees on the use Professional accolades aside, countless man of God, respected public servant, and en- of the first scanning registers in Northeastern Piqua and Miami County nonprofits and com- trepreneur, Mr. Henry Lee Jackson, Sr. Sadly, Pennsylvania. munity groups have been recipients of Dan’s Mr. Jackson transitioned from labor to reward In 1983, Mark joined the Honesdale Na- time, leadership, and philanthropic support. on Sunday, January 31, 2021 at the age of tional Bank (HNB), and in 2018, he retired as Further, a grateful nation thanks Colonel 91. His funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. vice president and marketing director. At HNB, French for his 28 years of combined honor- on Saturday, February 6, 2021 at Floral Me- he launched a marketing strategy that used able service in the Air Force morial Gardens in Albany, Georgia. radio ads to promote community events. He and Air Force Reserve-including service in A native son of Albany, Georgia, Henry used the banking acumen he acquired at HNB Vietnam. Jackson, Sr. answered the call to serve his to teach banking courses at local colleges and Southwest is a better place thanks to nation at the age of 17, when he joined the at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Bucknell Uni- people like Dan French, his wife Margaret, United States Marine Corps. He served our versity in Lewisburg, and Penn State in State and their family. Congratulations on an im- nation honorably among the ranks of the first College through the Pennsylvania Bankers As- pressive 50 years of service at French Oil Mill black Marines, known as the Montford Point sociation. He also spoke at businesses and Machinery Company. Marines because they received basic training nonprofits on a variety of topics, including cus- f at the segregated Montford Point Base adja- tomer service, team building, and marketing. cent to Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. This Mark was interested in politics. He actively RECOGNIZING AND HONORING THE historic troop went on to fight in the gruesome engaged with the political process by serving PRINCIPLES OF NON-VIOLENCE Battle of Peleliu in Japan during World War II. on committees on the local and state levels PRACTICED BY MAHATMA GAN- More than 50 years later, he and all of the and ran for local office in Honesdale and DHI Montford Point Marines, the first African-Amer- Wayne County. In 1999, he ran a successful icans allowed to serve in the Marine Corps, campaign for Wayne County Commissioner HON. were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal and served from 2000 to 2003. OF by President Barack Obama recognizing their Mark was dedicated to his local community IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES personal sacrifice and service to their country and sought to give back to his friends and Friday, February 5, 2021 during World War II. neighbors by devoting his time to local charity Yet, Madam Speaker, Mr. Jackson’s pro- organizations and advocacy groups. He Ms. LOFGREN. Madam Speaker, I rise found service did not stop there. He went on served as the president of the Wayne County today to recognize and honor the principles of to fight in the Korean war, and upon returning Habitat for Humanity; an officer, board mem- non-violence practiced by Mahatma Gandhi in home and finishing his education, he enlisted ber, and member of the Executive Committee light of recent vandalism of a Gandhi statue in in the United States Air Force (USAF), where for the NEPA Alliance; a member of the Davis, California. he served for 24 years before retiring as a Honesdale Jaycees; a youth basketball coach As we continue to debate and settle our dif- Master Sergeant. After his retirement from and champion Little League coach; chairman ferences, we must continue to embody the USAF, Mr. Jackson served as the Chief of Air- of the Wayne County Big Brothers/Big Sisters; principles of Gandhi, who not only brought port Security at the Southwest Georgia Re- and president of the Scranton Chapter of the independence to his own people, but inspired gional Airport for several years before retiring American Institute of Banking (AIB). For his ef- generations of civil rights activists, including and dedicating his time to his businesses. He forts, Mark received many awards and rec- the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. Violence was the owner of Jackson Income Tax Service ognitions, including Jaycee of the Year and and vandalism are never the answer and I call and a lawn service. the Wayne County Chamber’s Community on all my colleagues to join me in condemning Maya Angelou once said, ‘‘A great soul Service Award. the desecration of the Gandhi Statue of serves everyone all the time. A great soul I am humbled to honor the life of this true Peace. never dies.’’ Henry Lee Jackson, Sr. is one public servant. Mark was steadfast in his de- f such great soul, who served humanity in a termination to give back to this community and special way. He devoted decades of service to generous with his time and energy, and he RECOGNIZING RAMSAY CORONADO fighting for the freedoms of others. He was an had a sense of humor that delighted all who ON BEING NAMED THE 2021 honorable human being who loved deeply had the privilege of knowing him. Mark will be ADULT CITIZEN OF THE YEAR and, in return, was deeply loved. His impres- greatly missed, but his legacy will live on for BY THE LAPEER AREA CHAMBER sion on this earth extends beyond himself to generations. OF COMMERCE the very wellbeing of his beloved city, state, f and nation, and for it, he will be remembered HONORING THE CAREER AND HON. LISA C. McCLAIN for time to come. SERVICE OF DANIEL FRENCH OF MICHIGAN Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House of Representatives to join my wife, Viv- HON. Friday, February 5, 2021 ian, and me, along with the more than OF OHIO 730,000 people of Georgia’s Second Congres- Mrs. MCCLAIN. Madam Speaker, I rise to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sional District, in honoring the life and legacy recognize Ramsay Coronado on being named Friday, February 5, 2021 of Mr. Henry Lee Jackson, Sr. for his remark- the 2021 Adult Citizen of the Year by the able service to humankind. Moreover, we ex- Mr. DAVIDSON. Madam Speaker, I rise to Lapeer Area Chamber of Commerce. Ramsay tend our deepest sympathies to Mr. Jackson’s recognize a valued, longtime resident in the has volunteered his time at the food pantry at family, friends, loved ones, and all who grieve Eighth District of Ohio, Daniel French. This Immaculate Conception church, the Church of during this difficult time of bereavement. We year, Dan achieves an impressive milestone of Christ, Good Samaritans, Habitat Restore, pray that they will be consoled and comforted 50 years of service at French Oil Mill Machin- Love INC, Families Helping Families, and the by an abiding faith and the Holy Spirit in the ery Company in Piqua. Lapeer Interfaith Community Association. I weeks, months, and years ahead. This manufacturing company has been a thank Ramsay for his tireless dedication and staple in Miami County for 121 years. It was selfless service to the Lapeer community. f founded by Dan’s grandfather. From being a f machine tool operator to eventually president, HONORING LARRY WINUM AS chairman, and CEO, for half a century, Dan’s IN MEMORY OF MR. HENRY LEE IOWAN OF THE WEEK efforts have improved the lives of employees, JACKSON, SR. colleagues, neighbors, and fellow Ohioans. HON. CYNTHIA AXNE The enterprise has experienced great suc- HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. OF IOWA cess under Dan’s stewardship. Every expan- OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sion and hiring campaign has blessed the City IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Piqua with jobs and commercial investment. Friday, February 5, 2021 His business expertise is renowned by his Friday, February 5, 2021 Mrs. AXNE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to peers, who have benefited from his service in Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Madam Speaker, it honor Larry Winum, community banker and various industry organizations, including the is with a heavy heart and solemn remem- President of the Mills County Economic Devel- Ohio Manufacturers’ Association. brance that I rise today, to pay tribute to a opment Foundation in Glenwood, Iowa. Larry’s

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:16 Feb 07, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05FE8.005 E05FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS February 5, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E113 outstanding service to his neighbors and fel- REPUBLICANS, IF THIS ISN’T for the world to see, he tweeted, ‘‘These are low Iowans during some of the most chal- IMPEACHABLE, WHAT IS? the things and events that happen when a sa- cred landslide election victory is so lenging times in the last 18 months is why I unceremoniously & viciously stripped away recognize him as my Iowan of the Week. HON. from great patriots who have been badly and OF ILLINOIS Iowans in Mills and Freemont counties had unfairly treated for so long.’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES We Republicans cannot avert our eyes from not only a tough 2020, but a difficult 2019. Friday, February 5, 2021 these violent realities. Some say we must Massive flooding hit these two counties in move on. But it is clear that Trump and his early 2019 and devastated communities like Mr. KINZINGER. Madam Speaker, I rise mob still aren’t moving on. Trump, his fam- Pacific Junction. And of course, in 2020, every today to include in the CONGRESSIONAL ily and supporters continue to threaten po- RECORD an opinion-editorial piece written by litical revenge and have shown no remorse community has suffered the economic impacts for their actions. Angry Trump supporters of COVID–19. Many families lost their busi- two of my good friends and colleagues, Former Representatives Barbara Comstock of continue to make dangerous threats. nesses, their homes, and their jobs. Just as ‘‘If this isn’t impeachable, what is?’’ has Virginia and Charles Boustany of Louisiana, many folks were getting back on their feet been the question asked even by friends of which was printed in Roll Call on February 4, Trump, such as former New Jersey Gov. from the floods, they were knocked down 2021. Chris Christie. Such blatant anti-constitu- again by the virus. That’s where Larry comes On Jan. 6, 2021, at 2:24 p.m., an angry Don- tional, anti-democratic actions by a presi- in. ald Trump tweeted: ‘‘Mike Pence didn’t have dent and the violence he inspired against a Larry has over 30 years of experience work- the courage to do what should have been coequal branch of government cannot go done to protect our country and our Con- unpunished. They were unprecedented. ing at the Glenwood State Bank, so he’s seen stitution . . .’’ The president attempted to use his execu- a lot. He helped many of our family, friends, At that very moment, Vice President tive power to direct Vice President Mike and neighbors during the 2008 economic re- Pence and his family were hiding from a vio- Pence, Attorney General and cession, helped to bring new economic devel- lent mob at the Capitol, having been whisked other Republican officials to pursue anti- out of the Senate chamber where he had been constitutional actions on his behalf. opment to Southwest Iowa, and was instru- conducting his constitutional duty of certi- As for whether a trial can be held after the mental in building a new commerce highway fying the election. president has left office, retired federal ap- to southwest Iowa. Madam Speaker, the truth Over the course of the afternoon, the peals court Judge Michael McConnell, a con- is I could go on and on about Larry’s accom- crowds shouted ‘‘Hang Mike Pence,’’ ‘‘Presi- servative, has pointed out that impeachment dent Trump sent us,’’ ‘‘Traitors,’’ ‘‘Nancy in the House occurred while the president plishments. Frankly, I don’t know of a busi- Pelosi, we’re coming for you’’ and other was still in office, so that point is moot. Ar- ness or good cause in Southwest Iowa Larry frightening and direct threats to members of ticle 1, Section 3, Clause 6 of the Constitu- hasn’t been a part of. Therefore, you know Congress. This violent insurrection cul- tion states: ‘‘The Senate shall have the sole how difficult the last two years have been minated in five deaths, including a Capitol Power to try all Impeachments.’’ According Police officer, and 140 other officers were in- to Judge McConnell, a trial is not limited to when even he admits it’s been hard on every- jured protecting members. During this time, ‘‘sitting officers.’’ If it was, there would be one. the president and his attorney called at least no consequence to a president who engaged Larry has been right there to help us rebuild one senator to ask him to delay the count in impeachable conduct at the end of his further. term, time and time again. Not only did the Glen- ‘‘The mob was fed lies. They were provoked The Senate must convict wood Bank and Larry help over 150 cus- by the president and other powerful people,’’ and keep him from holding office ever again. tomers in need of assistance during the pan- Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell This is not a close call. Trump refused to ac- demic, resulting in over $9.5 million in assist- said. At a rally near the White House that cept the results of an election. He ignored the courts and even attacked the Supreme ance for businesses impacted by COVID–19, morning, Trump spoke apocalyptically, warning, ‘‘If you don’t fight like hell, you Court with three of his own appointees. He they also hosted a water distribution location aren’t going to have a country anymore.’’ incited a mob to stop the certification of the for those who lost everything in the 2019 Trump lied that he had won in a ‘‘landslide.’’ election in Congress. And he tried to ille- floods. ‘‘It’s not hard to do because it’s the He had to know this was a lie because his gally overturn an election in violation of his right thing to do’’ he said, because those are pollster had already issued a lengthy report oath to uphold the law. detailing why he lost. Donald Trump Jr. Already the House impeachment has been the values Larry lives by. Larry and I saw wildly shouted at the rally, ‘‘We are coming the most bipartisan impeachment in history. each other as we toured the devastating flood- after you,’’ directed at members of Congress Republicans must stand up to police our ing, both of us offering as much support and who were doing their constitutional duty of own. If Republicans continue to excuse assistance as we could. As I fought in Con- certifying the election. Trump’s lies and actions that they know are Many of those arrested at the Capitol among the worst in history by a president, gress to help bring relief faster to Iowa, Larry echoed Donald Trump and his lies. They said, they will only further divide, not just our worked to distribute that assistance, answer ‘‘We were invited here by the president of own party, but the entire country. questions, and right now he’s working to help the United States.’’ Rioters included mem- Barbara Comstock represented Virginia’s build new, affordable housing which is sorely bers of the Proud Boys, QAnon conspiracy 10th District as a Republican from 2015 to 2019. needed. theorists and white nationalists who ripped off the helmets of officers, beat them with Charles Boustany Jr. represented Lou- As a part of the family owned bank that has batons and flagpoles, and hurled racial epi- isiana in the House as a Republican from 2005 been in business for 120 years, Larry doesn’t thets at our Capitol Police. Some came with to 2017. He serves as president of the Associa- tion of Former Members of Congress. see his work as anything extraordinary. He’s zip ties, presumably to take hostages. At the end of the day, Trump recorded a video mes- f proud of his friends and neighbors who pulled sage, saying to those who stormed the Cap- together ‘‘like a family’’, he feels, saying that itol, ‘‘You’re very special. . . . We love you.’’ HONORING THE LIFE OF CARROLL ‘‘everyone just rallies around each other in dif- In the months and days leading to Jan. 6, MAXWELL ficult times.’’ I will point out that working nearly these election fraud lies that Trump whipped up the crowd with had been rejected across 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help the board: HON. businesses apply for and receive essential By dozens of conservative judges in over 60 OF TEXAS PPP loans to keep them in business is Larry court cases who said they were ‘‘without IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES going above and beyond. Larry feels that his merit’’ and ‘‘not credible.’’ Friday, February 5, 2021 By Attorney General William Barr who work was just one small part of helping our said, ‘‘We have not seen fraud on a scale that Mr. TAYLOR. Madam Speaker, today, I rise communities. He credits his coworkers, local could have effected a different outcome,’’ to recognize and celebrate the life of Carroll leaders, local businesses, and small-town val- and reportedly called the claims of the presi- Homer Maxwell, Jr. ues of Iowans for helping raise money, deliver dent’s lawyer ‘‘bulls---.’’ Born to Virginia and Carroll Homer, Sr. on By Republican state election officials in meals, offer donations, and so much more. May 29, 1928, in Wichita Falls, Texas, Carroll Georgia, whom the president belligerently would later relocate to Dallas where he would Larry, like any Iowan, can’t imagine not help- attacked and asked to ‘‘find’’ him more attend Highland Park High School. Mr. Max- ing when his community is in need and that’s votes. well would later attend Texas A&M University exactly why I want to honor Larry as Iowan of By his own White House counsel’s office. Nevertheless, Donald Trump persisted. where he would foster a lifelong love of the the Week. Even after the worst of the siege was visible Aggies.

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