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EXPERIMENT the big copenhagen 2 OCTOBER -24NO individuals. our sponsors our by Storefront’s Board of Directors, members and and members Directors, of Board Storefront’s by Elise Jaffe + Jeffrey Brown. Support is also provided provided also is Support Brown. Jeffrey + Jaffe Elise Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Kaye Scholer LLP and and LLP Scholer Kaye Council, Cultural Manhattan Lower [email protected] www.big.dk [email protected] agency, New York City Department for Cultural Affairs, Affairs, Cultural for Department City York New agency, T +45 7221 7227 F +45 3512 7227 7227 3512 +45 F 7227 7221 +45 T from the New York State Council for the Arts, a state state a Arts, the for Council State York New the from Nørrebrogade 66 D 2200 Copenhagen N Denmark Denmark N Copenhagen 2200 D 66 Nørrebrogade Storefront’s programs are made possible with support support with possible made are programs Storefront’s Bjarke Ingels Group Group Ingels Bjarke V E Wines. James AFAYETTE L ROADWAY B M Taylor, Frederieke Pozzi, Lucio Neshat, Shirin Miss, Mary TO B/D/F/V ; RINCE P BER 2007 Steven Holl, Steven Johnson, Toyo Ito, Mary Jane Jacob, Jacob, Jane Mary Ito, Toyo Johnson, Steven Holl, Steven TO N/R ; PRING S TO 6 Claudia Gould, Dan Graham, Richard Haas, Brooke Hodge, Hodge, Brooke Haas, Richard Graham, Dan Gould, Claudia RAINS T Kent Barwick, Peter Cook, Chris Dercon, Elizabeth Diller, Diller, Elizabeth Dercon, Chris Cook, Peter Barwick, Kent to move the focus from the little details to the BIG picture. BIG the to details little the from focus the move to TREET S AFAYETTE L Kyong Park (Founder), (Founder), Park Kyong Advisors of Board Walther Artur AND LBERRY MU BETWEEN Planet, to better fit contemporary life forms. In all our actions we try try we actions our all In forms. life contemporary fit better to Planet, Lindy Roy, Linda Pollak, Michael Manfredi, William Menking, Menking, William Manfredi, Michael Pollak, Linda Roy, Lindy , , TREET S ENMARE K 97 architects once again find the freedom to change the surface of our our of surface the change to freedom the find again once architects Freeman, Susan Hakkarainen, Lauren Kogod, Laura Kurgan, Kurgan, Laura Kogod, Lauren Hakkarainen, Susan Freeman, AT OCATED TUESDA L Madelyn Burke-Vigeland, Beatriz Colomina, Belmont Belmont Colomina, Beatriz Burke-Vigeland, Madelyn IS Y ER LL A G HE T By hitting the fertile overlap between pragmatic and utopia, we we utopia, and pragmatic between overlap fertile the hitting By Peter Guggenhiemer (President), Carlos Brillembourg, Brillembourg, Carlos (President), Guggenhiemer Peter . ONDAY M AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS OF BOARD NDAY SU LOSED C working, parking and shopping. and parking working, 12:00AM - 7:30PM 7:30PM - 12:00AM architecture by mixing conventional ingredients such as living, leisure, leisure, living, as such ingredients conventional mixing by architecture www.storefrontnews.org or call +1 212 431 5795 431 212 +1 call or www.storefrontnews.org RDAY U AT S - ESDAY TU Y supporting Storefront, please see our website at at website our see please Storefront, supporting OURS H Y ER LL GA -SATURDA create we alchemy programmatic of form a Like outcome. ecological and For more information about upcoming programs and and programs upcoming about information more For programmatic mixtures on the triple bottom line of the social, economical economical social, the of line bottom triple the on mixtures programmatic CHAPIRO S ARTY M In our projects we test the effects of size and the balance of of balance the and size of effects the test we projects our In architects and students from around the world. world. the around from students and architects AIKIA S REEYA P landmark, Storefrontís facade is visited by artists, artists, by visited is facade Storefrontís landmark, OSER P ACHEL R facades. Now regarded as a contemporary architectural architectural contemporary a as regarded Now facades. ANTELE P IMITRYI D ideas of digital formalism. digital of ideas H O EAN S configurations, creates a multitude of different possible possible different of multitude a creates configurations, of the petrifying pragmatism of boring boxes and the naïve utopian utopian naïve the and boxes boring of pragmatism petrifying the of ANCASTER L AMILLA C interior and exterior and, by placing the panels in different different in panels the placing by and, exterior and interior SSELL RU ESS J Y clear steer that architecture utopian pragmatic a unexplored extent the street. The project blurs the boundary between between boundary the blurs project The street. the ANG K EARL 12A P challenges architecture can profitably move into a field being to a large large a to being field a into move profitably can architecture challenges to open the entire length of the gallery directly onto onto directly gallery the of length entire the open to MAN GUZ AROLINA C of twelve panels that pivot vertically or horizontally horizontally or vertically pivot that panels twelve of CKSELIG U L G ATIE K urban organization. We believe that in order to deal with today’s today’s with deal to order in that believe We organization. urban LAMIS U O D HEO T M series a with faÁade existing the replaced project The technologies that all together require new ways of architectural and and architectural of ways new require together all that technologies TSCH U E D LIA JU -7.30P Holl. Steven architect and Acconci Vito artist by project HO C OM T from multicultural exchange, global economical flows and communication communication and flows economical global exchange, multicultural from In 1993, Storefront commissioned a collaborative building building collaborative a commissioned Storefront 1993, In NTERNS I life constantly evolves and changes. Not least due to the influence influence the to due least Not changes. and evolves constantly life and conversation series. conversation and HRSTEDT O ERNILLA P BIG’s architecture emerges out of a careful analysis of how contemporary contemporary how of analysis careful a of out emerges architecture BIG’s SSISTANT A L URATORIA C in a program that includes an exhibition, film, publication publication film, exhibition, an includes that program a in M audience diverse a to it present and work realize artists OHLKE B SANNAH SU the Middle East. Middle the Storefront creates an open forum to help architects and and architects help to forum open an creates Storefront FFICER O in a large number of projects throughout Denmark, Scandinavia and and Scandinavia Denmark, throughout projects of number large a in and political forces that shape the built environment. environment. built the shape that forces political and ENT M OP L E V E D & S M RA G RO P experiments to explorations of the conceptual, social social conceptual, the of explorations to experiments urbanism, research and development. The office is currently involved involved currently is office The development. and research urbanism, I QU IDDI S M. ASMEEN Y conventional perceptions of space - from aesthetic aesthetic from - space of perceptions conventional builders and thinkers operating within the fields of architecture, architecture, of fields the within operating thinkers and builders URATOR C than a thousand architects and artists who challenge challenge who artists and architects thousand a than BIG is a Copenhagen based group of over 80 architects, designers, designers, architects, 80 over of group based Copenhagen a is BIG Since 1982 Storefront has presented the work of more more of work the presented has Storefront 1982 Since RIMA G OSEPH J G BI ABOUT ABOUT STOREFRONT STOREFRONT ABOUT IRECTOR D funding. We wont even be the creators of architecture but rather the the rather but architecture of creators the be even wont We funding. (affordable = immigrant) to general suspicion of the new, new, the of suspicion general to immigrant) = (affordable www.bigstop.dk arguments spanning from intolerance (NIMBYISM) to racism racism to (NIMBYISM) intolerance from spanning arguments www.kloverkarreen.dk We decided to help... help... to decided We state. or appreciation understanding, of lack the by frustrated geniuses, The p-patch people were less happy. In a mix of of mix a In happy. less were people p-patch The 5000 homes for 5000kr/month in 5 years…. But where? where? But years…. 5 in 5000kr/month for homes 5000 political pro-action into the architectural species of the Danish welfare welfare Danish the of species architectural the into pro-action political misunderstood remain to have don’t architects we way this in Viewed To find out more visit: more out find To elected on a promise to solve the situation by making making by situation the solve to promise a on elected diversity, programmatic alchemy, urban ascension, modular mania and and mania modular ascension, urban alchemy, programmatic diversity, architecture. of species new entirely an to in crossbreeding and mutation every game! (fig.14) game! every patients without care. The social democratic mayor got got mayor democratic social The care. without patients both locally specific and generally applicable, introducing residential residential introducing applicable, generally and specific locally both through evolve ideas Surviving die. must which and live, can ideas our look forward to having at least 2500 spectators for for spectators 2500 least at having to forward look discussion. To be continued….. be To discussion. had more than 50 vacant positions for nurses, leaving leaving nurses, for positions vacant 50 than more had 14 provide shelter from the strong winds. Finally they could could they Finally winds. strong