Greg Mortenson | 422 pages | 02 Nov 2010 | Penguin Books | 9780143118237 | English | New York, NY, : Promoting Peace with Education in Afghanistan and Pakistan PDF Book Retrieved July 29, Daily Beast. The list was released in December, see external links below. Download as PDF Printable version. I couldn't put this book down. Any person who can attempt to climb K-2, build schools in faraway places, and learn the nuances of a foreign culture is certainly a man to be reckoned with. This book isn't as much of a love-fest for Greg as the other book; he shines the spotlight on the members of his "Dirty Dozen" for accomplishing the lion's share of the work in country. So I will finish by merely saying that I really liked this book. In , Dempsey became a fundraiser and development director for the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center, [8] the first teaching hospital in . I think one reason is because he keeps the spotlight OFF himself. He discusses the dangers they face in building schools in the remotest parts of the countries. In Asia, he lives on bottles of Ibuprophen for the pain of an aching body who lives without sleep, rattling in trucks for endless hours on unpaved roads in the most rural of areas to meet with the heads of tribal communities who want to build a school for the girls. Not only did Mortenson win him over to the idea of building schools in Afghanistan, he found himself committed to building a school for his village. S military leaders and we learn that it is Mortenson's belief that the military has the greatest understanding of the importance of education in Afghanistan to combat extremist forces such as Al Qaida and the Taliban. The continued phenomenal success of proves that there is an eager and committed audience for Mortenson's work and message. And Farzana who explained to Dr. War continues to be the most costly for the innocent people who live in the countries of Pakistan and Afganistan. And then there were the disappointments involving the book itself, not least the way that the author was so scatter-brained that the organization of the book was seriously lacking and that a great deal of the book consisted of descriptions of various events and people and situations that were mainly of interest to the author himself and not to his larger point about supporting girls' education, although there was plenty of discussion of that too. Mortenson, the man who builds schools. This is a book that one gains very little pleasure out of if one does not think that the author is obviously some sort of genius. Mortenson was born in , and grew up on the slopes of Mt. But anyway, this is not a review of Kolenda's book. It's just that despite my support f Amazing book! My thoughts about Krakauer were that he was at best, a selfish, soulless individual, and at worst, someone who is mentally imbalanced. Details if other :. Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace with Education in Afghanistan and Pakistan Writer

The long term effects of education are far more positive and enduring. It's also a argument for the importance of girls' education: its ability to raise the livelihoods for individual women, improve the welfare of societies, and perhaps even fight extremism. Early on in the book, Mortenson tells of meeting a band of Kirghiz horsemen, who extract a promise from him to build a school in a remote region of Afghanistan. Absolutely excellent! The list was released in December, see external links below. But it also shows his faith in others and his willingness to let go when he has to. Truth matters. Today there are 78 million female children who can't go to school million children in total because of slavery, poverty, religious extremism, Mortenson, the man who builds schools. I used to work for a lecture agency. As of , CAI reports it has established or significantly supported over projects, including schools, [27] in rural and often volatile regions of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan. This item doesn't belong on this page. Retrieved September 8, I'm sure that during his time in Afghanistan he was given more than enough opportunities to demonstrate leadership in today's counterinsurgency context, and according to Greg, he excelled. Jerene was the founding principal of International School Moshi. As an almost sidenote, the institute he founded to do this has expanded into empowering women specifically in these countries. Chapter 11 has this H. I hesitated getting this book because I thought it might be, like a lot of sequels, just a rehash of "Three Cups of Tea". Jennifer Jordan Mortenson's longtime friend and Jeff Rhoads began attempting to refute the claims against Mortenson and made a documentary Cups of Tea. I finished this book upstairs, while downstairs my parents watched Kite Runner the only story where I can say with reasonable confidence that the movie was better than the book which was yet another horrifying story based on terrifying truths of racism and non-acceptance. May 16, Suzanne rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction , book-club , around-the-world-inbooks Views Read Edit View history. It's where you will find the beginning of a wonderful adventure. Too many of us make assumptions based on stereotypes of other cultures. Make an offer:. Building relationships with those of different cultures is a terrific way to build peace between nations. Congressional representatives twice nominated Mortenson for the Nobel Peace Prize in and has received well deserved recognition for what he and An outstanding read Not me. Archived from the original on December 23, Dec 29, Chuck rated it really liked it. While some of the overly detailed passages were a bit tiresome to read I think the book could have been edited a bit better , the overall message is powerful. Lots of sentences were super long and clunky and often it was unclear if the verb in the sentence was applying to a later clause or if the clause was just modifying the noun preceding it. From the author of the 1 bestseller Three Cups of Tea , the continuing story of this determined humanitarian's efforts to promote peace through education. Tara Bishop, a clinical psychologist, and they live with their two children in . Postscript : Years after the earthquake,newspapers continue to report on the anniversaries of the quake,that the victims have not been rehabilitated or properly compensated. And then there were the disappointments involving the book itself, not least the way that the author was so scatter-brained that the organization of the book was seriously lacking and that a great deal of the boo This book was disappointing on a variety of levels. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania to Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace with Education in Afghanistan and Pakistan Reviews

Hidden categories: Webarchive template wayback links CS1 maint: archived copy as title. All in all, this book feels like the author is trying to promote himself as being some sort of expert witness on education and counter-terrorism in Central Asia, and while that is clearly his intent, I just don't feel that he does a good job of it when he makes his political grandstanding so transparently obvious. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. If you haven't read this yet, put down what you ARE reading, and head to the library or bookstore for this book. It's rare that a second book about the same topic can be even better than the first, but I have to say that I enjoyed Stones into Schools even more that Three Cups of Tea. Absolutely excellent! Find local people who share your vision, empower them to do the work and provide the funding, stucture and oversight that makes it work. The schools are being constructed with the full input of the local communities and are a local accomplishment. Retrieved 12 February He was brilliant. Archived from the original on December 23, Archived from the original PDF on It's also a argument for the importance of girls' education: its ability to raise the livelihoods for individual women, improve the welfare of societies, and perhaps even fight extremism. It is hard to imagine the everyday hardships I hesitated getting this book because I thought it might be, like a lot of sequels, just a rehash of "Three Cups of Tea". Retrieved February 18, After experiencing frustration in his efforts to raise money for the school, Mortenson convinced computer pioneer to fund the building of the school. Khaled Hosseini Goodreads Author Preface ,. While some of the officers genuinely wish to promote education there are also other events like Abu Ghraib that point in the opposite direction as to cooperation between foreign military and the inhabitants of the country. At times there are huge amounts of information to digest, but the information really helped me understand the different politics and dynamics of the regions. He and hisDozen" have done more for world peace, interfaith understanding, and girls' education in 15 years than "Dirty anyone--even he--would have ever dreamed possible. He also wrote 8 pages of acknowledgements - and that has to win your heart over. The book is an excellent story. Feb 25, Rose rated it it was amazing. Thanks for telling us about the problem. As for why I think this book was better - the first book told a great story, but it was done in a way that was a bit frazzled and scatterbrained, which as Mr. In this work, Mortenson continues his story of the 's quest to bring education to the girls of Pakistan and how they expanded into Afghanistan in a time when the country needed hope the most. Articles featuring this book. Archived from the original PDF on July 20, Bullock also wrote in the report that "CAI's mission is worthwhile and important," and "Its accomplishments, driven by the vision and dedication of Mortenson, are significant — as even their harshest critics acknowledge. There's everything in between as well, particularly short accounts of children helped by the schools. Feb 02, Kathryn Bashaar rated it really liked it. It reads like a good novel. Listen to the Wind: The Story of Dr. More filters. Mortenson made them a promise despite the fact that Afghanistan was under Taliban rule at the time and movement over the border by foreigners was nearly impossible. ABC 7. Darnsey had been interviewed by Krakauer, and maintained that Krakauer either misquoted or misunderstood what he said. Topics for Discussion. Jan 17, Tony Taylor rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Everyone. Readers also enjoyed. April 18, Mortenson stated over and over again in his books, that he disliked being in the public eye. Adequate shelter is often absent in this unforgiving environment. It is debatable how much good work he actually did,following the controversy ignited by his previous book. , a former financial supporter of CAI, questioned Mortenson's accounts of his exploits independently and was interviewed for the segment mentioned above. Seeking his knowledge on dealing with Afghan elders, the military has also included Mortenson as an active participant in meetings between the elders and US military commanders. Those are four words that sum up my feelings about this incredible book

Stones Into Schools: Promoting Peace with Education in Afghanistan and Pakistan Read Online

Allegations of fabrications,funds embezzlement and the suicide of his co-author have dented his c October 8,,a day that remains etched in memory. Those are four words that sum up my feelings about this incredible book Mortenson has since admitted in a interview that the timing in the Korphe account in Three Cups of Tea is inaccurate, and that the events actually took place long after his descent from , over a longer period of time and during separate trips. He has not, however, accepted any payment for his services, nor does he have any contractual or other formal relationship with the US military. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I hope he writes another book because right now I am just so curious to know what happened since Oct. It is important to expose and shun charlatans beca The story is good, the writing so-so, but it is a big problem that this is labeled non-fiction when the author just made up a lot of it. Especially touching were the harrowing accounts of the earthquake that shattered the region in , and the helplessness felt by Mortenson as he sat halfway around the world. I had to stop after each chapter to remind myself to breathe - I was so amazed. Archived from the original on July 30, If you haven't read this yet, put down what you ARE reading, and head to the library or bookstore for this book. And he shows his weaker side and his frustrations when things don't work out as planned. I wonder how many people saw the follow-up article in Forbes Magazine where the K-2 companion retracted his comment to Krakauer, saying that Mortenson definitely had the opportunity to get to Korphe and most likely did so? Cover photo of Stones Into Schools. Although the author, Greg Mortenson, wearies of the effort of fundraising, pressing the flesh and speaking before thousands of people on a daily basis, he has shown what you can accomplish with a lot of publicity and a ton of dedication. It is difficult to read because of the account of the sufferings of the victims. Is it much different from the 12 disciples - uneducated, yet perfectly in tune with the local culture and passionate for the cause of their leader. This is the sort of book that would have benefited greatly from a co-author or editor who could wrangle this text and put it in a way that would be enjoyable for the reader or listener. Amazing read especially when you think that the only news coming out of Pakistan and Afghanistan is bad. Retrieved December 30, We hear so much n It's rare that a second book about the same topic can be even better than the first, but I have to say that I enjoyed Stones into Schools even more that Three Cups of Tea. Jun 09, Briynne rated it liked it. He wants to be in Asia, working directly with communities, with teachers, with students. To ask other readers questions about Stones Into Schools , please sign up. Mortenson has written and spoken widely about the importance of education and literacy for girls worldwide. Readers also enjoyed. And Farzana who explained to Dr. I couldn't put this book down. The author also spends a lot of time talking about his relationship with the US military in Afghanistan and his supposed influence with the Obama-era military. Namespaces Article Talk. What this book expresses that he did not express to his audience that day, is that the cost of fame from his book Three Cups of Tea, is a double-edged sword. Truth matters. I can't wait for out oldest to be a bit bigger so that we can read the young version of Three Cups! He does admit some financial wrongdoing and stretching the truth on some stories, but not specifics. The government quietly diverted the money meant for reconstruction to some other purpose!