L r-sdharst Pub’.ic V v r v.: i v , l i ' ...... LEADERETTE tM n M n . iu U lH K t mushrooMinc • » « the — t— “S T ' l *t*"fe ***■»• •“ * t o l l Ike m alm M m l OqniMkaa NiUonaJ convention at Phtladtlpkla. Tka “ •** ■“ » lw.*Mda of Kts in tkfe rictm H j * m LT2S?- around CanTentian Ban wttk 5 *? ***•■ laaffocted kf the political heat aad hy»- ■“ eeavention the home observer illmntaan the vtai- *P * Baeer *■* wiU accept the great M t j of an statesman like former President Herbert Hoover with **t» THK SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW m m w p u l Good speakers will need food M u alas la e fatare. Examples in Philadelphia are Governor Dwifht [ff> termer Congresswoman Clair Booth Lace. r A aro f. m » H IM e*«f DOW* VOL. XXVIII—No. SI L Y N D H IR ST. N. J.. JU N E 54 lasU> i al Hawed Heort i a th o Meeting I lie C h u rc h th e la s t t * o an>i a t»alT | yeaus. ts»ok up his neu dutie* a# u —ta a Field Studied i director of the children's drvtah City tor the last thiee - years lath*' S» mterah WHh Groups Edmund Burke became made his hi »t afif* ai «iu* Mt Sa eifd Heart Sundas Its flag' aw ,»s t n il<- superintendent of LyiwJ!nir»t Ttve sudden rhangev-snrviunt'ed tow at«lai|s grbool* Ium niglit when tlte by Archbiahtip Walsh. W»ok rtfr* t im m ediately a>» that Falhei I'rai- U n Hjtiinlat the haggp- Board of Education moved nor %a* n*H able lo ap|x-a* in the hint up from the liijsli xliool ENG1NK COMPANY No. I ORGANISED MARCH I Itik. Hacied II ass it polpit »»n Nmxtay am i atofl • «sl«se(iil par >.kr »» However, his thank* » o f tor l » i « « « I9 Arthar V. Schreekem.'ela, Robert Sauer. Winfred Pederson. .Ex-Chief V icto r -'S ch res k e n s te i a. t ! uj-ciation ahd help dutlng his Homer P. Shepherd. - Chief Edward Boyer, ta l Amt. Chief Herbert Naochion. E x C hief 0*r«r (M utk lit thaci tentsre in Lyndhurst » rtr o.n •nalsr lhr«*ugli I**S al d trrts a* ana id Steward, Lawrence Chris >naen. Theodore Osback v« yed t«» the |««i i*h b\ Fsthes S b ep h er d retire* thif* ihr New \istk arnt Ness J^-r month. Moore, head o f the church, and Jhe others «>rt\i his ossn futuie as ««ll as scanned a large field of candi­ EDMUND BURKE j a m ove th a t * »il en ab le h im . to li«»n tn tin n*w iS'hap dates before selecting him Even iittii nt \ry » s the*, the appointment was not |gi\.* full stop*' an interest in I. s m»h t.» >.t|*sln<« S*« youths that he tras had fpi n anv u n a n im o u s . rfsitiiK'M us *ts«a the <»r* 2 s o , years In Lyndhuist he did niurh eaano !•* that The board must now pick a High School to aastst th e H oly N am e Hta-tct> l.tssdhMi'sl tlvia ls «nl a -.15 W successor to Buike at the high and Ly ndhuist C*»ufuil uf Knights 'a s r s Aid at Ike S-aaa school In the running are Miss Graduates . o f . Col\intbtis While lb« -«nseet«at Ann Graifam. prnfcipal of R o o m - Fatliei"Trains.»r who v» u* t>«»rn veh School, a native Lyndhurst h i«e*a»u *tn FrUbav aag ti Jeraey City suceeeda lte\ Ed th r high •* h**td S itl ft resident. and Edwin Olson, 197 Students said J Kern who died last dean of boys at the school, and , w ith tht* viatl**?.* «lale-.* ramtti I’.*- attended South Hid* pai'ssta »• she M g , hiss*.. form er director of athletics.. Two Veteran* Listed )ll« h a n d S t • Hr**«-d*. t » P ie p a r a The vote for thc appointment ■ I c iy as'he ails t h o «tt> *i»«J e n te re d ol Mr- Burke was 5 to 3 Trustee Among Students-Who Prlei * Colie** Jnsav Cits John Ficke was absent Voting Received Diplomat and latei S* t.*n Hall . t ‘*»lirge for Mr Buikc* were Trustees Bea­ ■^csuth O ra n g e fr *m w h ic h he « a* trice Fontan. Larry Gutheil. Cae. Unless it rained Lyndhurst I aduated in IM3& sar Guidetti. Welham Bello and High School conducted its gradu­ S»moel lluitald l.e*»t*e Riek HO was ordained- in >t fit Joseph Polito Voting no on the ation exercises on .the high school B a r Mori. C h ief F red B oat se a , A d a m K w iath o w sh l. H erm an l>r*.»d«»«i*ki. t harte* M ai It k s Cathediel June'* !*•!» •! appointm ent were Pi esident ot lawn last night at 6:30 o'clock, larhiori, Albert Patteraoa, Aadrew a l c G a r r y r-r . ..m; u ti**n- id thesd.tgirsl th e Board Frank Gallagher. Dun­ j Two veterans were included in todies at lm nratuls|r C m nftlati c a n Cameron and David Donald.' the 193 students to receive dip- setm m ai. Darltngtsm. T h e f p lit vote in the open meet-* m ( came as a shock to the com >«*ga ea .1 Streets a* i- a a a ' m unity Although U is w ell •h*. exercise* will bo held foi . *• » pm* l a s l a t S.* known that nine people are rare­ and 'if it rains tonight the high Waa 4nry Clophia »** "*■ 'Bertas* asw ... ly unanimous on any opinion it is school auditorium will be used. He nerved a« an Army c h a |d a in considered customary for the Rev Howard E. Friebedy. of t ith the F- uith AMmwsst Du* board to give a unanimous vote W estminster Presbyterian Church io n duiih* the war and sai to of eoofldc nee to ‘the candidate offered the invocation. Awards he itattls of the Ilulfe He wa» that wins a majority ol the board' were made by Edmund Burke. ppninbNl t<> the Lyndhurst votes for the most impoitant po school print.jpal, and Supervising tii4S. t~pk si tion in the township. Prlncijxfil Shepherd presented the li to Ihi* UMini i > Burke was graduated from i lass Frank Gallagher, school Penn State with a degree- in hoard president, distributed the chemical engineering After a d ip io m & s.. Spanish W ar Vets brief penud in the mercantile Helen Havens spoke on “Youth world, he returned to school, tun­ Philosqphv in Service." and Har­ Tell Committees in g e d u c a tio n a l • c o u rs e s a t • the* riet Steinlauf gave a talk on “Ini­ tiative ' An address on "lnteg- University of Scranton. He re­ M.» Klt/abelh Sa.ulamt ■ dy" v. as pi .rented by Rotert ceived a mastei s degree in school pr <-kideiH » f Ih e I S t lir > A Ranutvi Roy Mion, class presi­ administration and supervision • »f the (ient ral J Pei «hid| dent. gave the class statistics. at New York University and has Hpanish Wai Veteran* named I** There was a musical program, rinishej additional courses at Co­ »i an d in* i«>it* a t lb* V F W lt-.4 U .o a u « V.ille. It I < ark rivenus Burke was in the Koselie schools, Members of Claaa Morris Settembrino, Dominick < astlegrsnl. Ex-Chief Frank < M Urtrast, |«| \ m i 4 birf Wilium < a Ihe i hild aeifai*. ihaiim an U w here he* was science teacher and T h . e who received diplomas puto. Ex-Chief Loais Petrillo. Michael Polito, Daniel C asUrcrani administration assistant. . Mai ms tB n ili M>» A n n a »nl *>■ s He is a member of the New Jer­ Arthur Aubin, Joseph Bello. r» v* Mr»» rts s e Sharve M>s M a o ' sey Council of Education; New Kenneth Bergmann, George Bitt- Hard Workers Giancarlo Playgrounds (,<»«>. M i Ma K'*ehie> »»»e*f. Jersey Schoolmasters Club, where nei. William Castles,. Anthony , i»* i shi|> Vt»s A n n a 4 H u h I he is a member of the board of Cei-niglia, Angelo Checki. Al Chu- Awarded Pins Hat*-* a^** Higgins Mr* K-a-ld* governors, and is also on the pakv Frank Cafone. Alfred Cor- Wins Court Will Open M-s Kalhfrriiv tl.lgg.tns. • Board of Education Directors of test, Burnett Cramecki. Gerard At High School audd.n* Mis l* u > m Fairk-igh Dickinson College D Emilio. Carmen Delcore, Mich* T h e re w aa a n aw a i d s a***"" M t * J? art l^ m a s s li Bui ke has served more th;«n a «iel I)t- Vito. Fxiward. Di Camillo, Decision Next Monday at Lyndhu'H igh s. ,« th An»et*i half dozen times on the ev^luu- C v D o lc e ' day nuiinmx m h«-n 2*» The Lyndhuttf ftuiiunei P .. V tit . s . >tion committee of the Middle At Hot ert Ellenberg. Frank Espo Vincent Giancarlo, local con ■ “d pi.^sr*.-* *,n . lantic Association of Colleges and i'o. Ronald Esposito, Louu Eula. tractor. «>1k.-d out o t Ihr Qu„; ! * » " * • •» ter Sessions Court room. H a c k e n ctivitw*. and other groups >*< *r.r» tdlbi«ilj tm M*»«dav Jun. Secondary Schools. He is also a William Flock hart, Robert- For | presented tn students TH Q tt»Ui.< 1 »,«f r r tr r member of the Thomas Briggs ienza. George Frigerio. Angelo sock, lost week, victor for th e second time in two weeks in a tV *« >, prloant. ! t • - a ltd Vt ctrr.wn « ill H .at M . J*., Secondary Group of Columbia Garofolo, Anthony Gerard, Chas • » courtroom tiff with Jomes V**r. tlie f-.Uo>* i n j M - n u i o ( • i l a .* grin .n d a f a h e ito n d ,«w hi* |e* -» i U n iv e r s ity > Gil son. Donald Graf. Donald ' >;-ef n ' . i i m m r • I jju i**' Drsmis. buri* Martov ■ ‘ th* Wa»nsngt*o ■ Lincoln J*' His local associations are as Grttsso. Barry Halm, Harold Hef- dole. 27-year-old East R u th e r i - . * ; Carol Msyer. laii* Sh« llh«n. ter s o n . H .*h B rh o o la ' a?*d - r.< charter member -of the Kiwanis * fe: nan. Edwin Henderson, Rob- ford trucker and excavator aeter -fH,*! a M u iie l W ilso n Ea» h *#f th cm* * a-l Matin Atiijrts » Club of Lyndhurst and a member r-.t Kenwood. John Hilkene. Li*le Giancarlo. who ta middle age-1 a tf* * .-. at Irsst 5o service pmats rfur • t 1 of the Barr mgep-Walker Amen-, Hill. Fred.Hofmeister, Arthur lio- Th* ti. was cleared of an atrociou* as­ th«‘ir four years in high whooi- . c a n L e g io n P o s t 139 * camamp. Richard Jaqumto. Ed- sault snd battery char ge b y a 'tu »** mnOnuag_* - ' W;.r« I • for «t iea*t 24 •* TTie mvklv named supervising ■-aid -Juhnsiin*. Ted Jones, H er­ jury before Judge A. Demorc*' aaa*ty «f a.i,% .1 .. * h a iM p* i - t * * * | b e r t J u n g . VIre point* wetit to the s •I Park.*-.and Pui s. p - , f* ■'-!(»•» *i principal rc .sides at 235 Post avi- DelMax l r -.«d* ( l i * a nue. with his wife and two sons, Robert Kail. Andrew Kmg. seniora WllUom Castles J a n r i erty and the B**ont of Fajlurat *'«! * ' 1' a s Two weeks ago Olancarlo w o n 1 the older one a sophomore at St Richard Koehler. Kenwood Lom • IV Zavala. Florence Duds* vj« -.m«‘ wifl gponaor'ttav j . .* * A 't f > \ 7 r a in ng -.t . • i | - • ' . p* William I*andellv Jay t a ROs'- • $14,000 judgmont from V en- ilyn Gilmore Helen Guida It* U n Loagao: t m * leagu* f% . 4 A . Peter's College in Jersey City. Pleaaaft-t etl! ) ** *(■ Vial, (i-.- ’ a . •o. Alfred Lies. Bert Lohmonn dola in a civil auit in C ir c u it Havens Robert Kat*. Thi rrsa 1/ »in> ■ hMHMI Louu Lombardi. Vincent Lugtio Judge J. Wallace Leyden s ad '•n». Roy Mion Jean Moynthar. : » s ie o a n , m*'t* • • l a d • PTA Luncheon Robert MacPherson. Nicholas joining courtroom. Vtai gairt Orth. Doris Pnf?*v • ’ <*yHanrs- ■ Q%ma% *-■■■ <- M.igazeno. Carmine Marrone, Roy Both cases arooe from a di» ] Robert Ranivri. G*-rtfu’}<- «' • re d at M»r >n t Mi.! ao*t th* Fight Program Netted $1,010 Called Success M ■'*n. Nit-h«>law M onaco! Eugene pute over the ownership of a l/m aint Sahimon. Wall* i si,-' tsfh Mhapl' » * | Tht executive board of th* Morgan. Joseph Morrone. Charles -team shovel whtrtl Vend ,1 • hn. Harriet- Steinlauf sod R *nd Thoarwioj «i»Hn *e* I. Z a r r m d F r a n a im PTA. Lyndhurst. gave u Mueller. William Muir. Arthur bought through tho War Aaat-t* team wsU pin ion gi**+>*•* r w »sgh- a. ««, t ^ l lum h« t necently o f t h e sc h o o l Thomas Palunib*». Joseph Pov- 1M4, as a vetoroa^. with money *‘ K- i . 1 a- aa t ■; - ui» r .41> * •* <(M r i TSeir guest* were Miss Nelli* ak Cha< le» Perry Eu*en** Peter- put up by Qianrarfo. -**•* 'aMasaii-ted bjr p ia t *r« • V* rv*r I'ntt* ■. Dtspiak prinrfJST Miss Kathc- ar. Mitha« 1 Potesr. Robert Ra- Miss jaszcult To t»>* s r.ucn .Man Reuter. Sal Romano. • Later. Vendolo darnel ttv* NO' m I ■. Pol me Lew v* Miss Mary Bello. Mis- shovel w as baa. w hite Gian> ai l< atang t M M Isabel- McLean. M m Berths Win JtrM*ph Thomas Rowe Wed Nick Yanosh idttsan a ot ^tfcet a* < » u» poameast* |1 m tm H*rr> Sauer Richafd'.Savlello. saM at belonged to him Action «t ate n*d ai *U tn# . r it , * f tershaed. Mrs J.»hn WsckaiW I f rtoi in the courta, Gianraflo Miss Elir*t«eth I.mdsav, Mrs. J.-an MiclTvaei S eeisa, P h il S c ho i/, WU* At a dinner pftfttF I a-_esa m * i 0 I -*aad l»» th * * ham Schumacher.- Pat Scuccj. getting temporary Uves and fr lends, annt^ufw-. ' ■ > kaagr volleyl.a- t m Coppell i Mr* Irene Robb ms. Mis* Th« n V endoU ■ f> ' M v m r • hssaoeti Etbrl Slater. Mrs Chrt* Nielaen . Befriaid Senkomski*. John Ser waa mo«te of tjrw *««•««? « i • * Is-'- st* t im ia s«*y , satn by port m* • hood en d had Mrs Flora Englehart. Mr M ■ \ ideas. William Shad*-!. John Ha* Ctsuta A Jaaseru.-* - - ■hmgbtmas I »■ m i * i • - t<»*e- fv#! infppKtrt tha* untiltil Oiftnrarl*.Otftnrarko w*>n - d- t*d -Stacies MiV -Audrev Wav- rr.ith . 1_l* nit fia>lUito.n uii m'i. Dofr inich riaU ^ !'f ffi uBiiMti n I* ‘ sh ew s. sw • * TW a •« ti IS »»■.*■ r.Lak. Mrs George Havtlsnd ano U 1U Pat spinalli Walter Stod inr * *** «M Page aia-ntie t^ndi rkifgo ihr W + f -• ' *«> * » M~s JfeMpfcnat Pace n. Edward Mankus. Bryce S tra- ***** w a i » f» NichoMM Yane»r» ann ot M are! . JafKs i moi W. *f. (ar**sbo» $ ' « u fsJ ■' (Svjom a pkM lam o dam IfsA s * - a ^ «-• r'*., M ember * of the rxecutiv* boarc han. Rudolph Siaaipoli. R obert Vanrsh o f Pu»e b lo n d » V ■"Oaa a/e ttw M aws Q te B t tt «« **eaas a s Oaa*r« fe. a?es for Waas of Mg um a» a *v-.- wta>*^c w h o a e r e p re s e n t * e : e M rs H 'andrfi HeuveJ. Frank Von Vol Maas Jaa^rruh *a a * ro o ^ - r » V««gM fh ev r I (kH.isl UoMaaa. U aS*e- 9saW-< * Stanley Brill, president. Mrs E am John White. Robert White. During the pegjo* of ds-f»**?. Lrndhu/rt High *rh«*A artd ■ * * • ' «. iei.aae U yi tXa* •' »»>■ arret *m Ah* d tfar . < « w i «es u {* ig /. ■•er Albreeht- Mrs I —H> 0>i>» A lfred W hitehead. R obert Zam> m O ctober, ft**?, tfee hfcrty V o ptoyed ty Hoyt first * fHRee r t f*»’WHIa ar» Wrfgasif jtm f ta* '«*• ar^sTsa*" «H was traw " W*' iiTi • -«di Mrs FrsnkUn Z.bberman. Mr» nit. Cnrmtne Zanllo. George Zrta. idoaa ciauned Gum oilo N. J aa baiuak!ee«wT M ' a* ptsy areas, » ' ..** ia s ■A thm- »-«SM J M M a tth e w a, M rs H L DufT G t—Veteran laim ia the arm artth m p last* t*r * was dioriteaeed aa L» » Waiaa-» Itaatt • R*r«« tm b n wMs*-«ag ■-. y%m . M U r u 4s.*.*. Mrs. A. Mrs Williarr Svixenmvijf r. Mrs Ruth Piecht, L ojs Bayer. Shi: trowel . e r . m j s«s year* w ith tfe* M«,; • O S/-1 * i *-• s Ra a«*; -4 , tw I n . . > » to I I m • » St-asa fw# laa--. W aasd tt. « Charles W Christ. Mrs. Stephen iey Berwick. Lieanor Boglive. rhant Marine iata-^ «*s Haauttaag 0ka rasa 1 Wanck. Mrs J J DDuddy u d d y and Mary Ann Bothams, Catherase | Al »»«* T «e to «•> |>ai Mm He* • a i « f tK i g re a t »•* •* * ..,a.- I | 4 Mrs M 'M tsT Lascn i ^Continued on page ij Th«araf av wedding |S»«t» ( to* |daea t.. - *>«>4tk«*' +tt >. PAGE TWO T H E LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1948 The Pasquins Sh ow the New Ford Vets Cannot Collect Veterans may not collect Scrv- law requires that all veterans vicemen’s Readjustment Allow- -j who claim readjustment allow* owanees during a period of vaca- ances be genuinely in the labor tion from school or collcgc at the market, looking for work and Sacred H eart R. C. Church I •> udhur-t Methodist same time they arc receiving 1 able, ready and available to ac- Rev. Bernard Moore. Pastor subsistcnce allowances Fred A. cept any suitable job offered/’ Masses at 6:30, 7:30. 8:30. 0:30 Church Stuyvesant and Tontine Aves. j Walther. manager of the H a riri- a veteran’s intention to return 10.30. and 11:30 a.m. son office of the N ew Jersey to school this fall automatically Rev. Robert C . Lintner, Pastor State Service locat- > limits his availability to tempor Si. M ichad’o R. G» | id at 600 2 North Fourth street, j ary )obs. Thci clore, almost a n y DRUGS 307 Tontine Avenue INC. J Church Ruth. 2-6928 stated today. To avoid hardship, : work which he is physically a b le embarrassment, fines or impris- i perform and which pay the GEO RGE BRODO Prop Kev. l/adislaus J. Hilczrwski Sunday. June 27 • on ment, a eelar understanding of ( Q f pay prevailing in tne co m P astor 9.45 Sunday School for all what is required by the GI BUI , munity for that typc. of work Kidfe Koad and Pafe A venae aces. 11—Morning worship. Top­ of Rights ts every student voter- wiU usually be considered suit 41 Ridge Road ic bv the pastor. "When Faith an s responsibility. If he needs ab|c temporary work first hand advicc he should get Sunday masses at 8. 9. 10-30 Lights the Way"; 7—Methodist Penalties for false statements Lyndhurst, N. J. ! it from either the VA or a Ib- | tin.1 II 3«t a.m . Youth Fellowship meeting. Miss to collect benefits," Walther re i cal office of the Employment; Holidays at 5:30, 7. 8. and 10 Helen Havens will have charge ot minded, “may lead to cancel la RUth. 2-6867 Scrvice. In .no case should re- ! a.m.- the worship service. j tion of the SRA benefit claim J liancc be placed upon • ’scuttle­ W eek d a y s a t 7:15 a n d B a m S a tu r d a y , J u ly 10 and withdrawal of rights to any 9 30 n m.—Sunday School Pic­ butt’ or “guard house lawyty” federal monies including pension ! conversations. nic at Crystal Lake Park. East payments to which a veteran Open Every Si. Th. »ma** K|ii>« u|ial • O r a n g e ■ The first eligibility rcquire- might become eligible. Service­ i ment is that the veteran be avail­ men’s Readjustment Allowance Sunday < -burch able for suitable work. “Student §re intended only for veterans Rutherford Baptist Church j GTs who plan to play and ‘take Fnrwtt and Stuyvesant Avenues who are able, ready and willing For Your Convenience- Rutherford, N. J. i it easy’ between school term s are to enter civilian occupations hot Rev. Rowland F. Nye, rector ! not entitled to readjustment al- are encountering delays or diffi­ 9 45 a.m —Church School. J lowanccs.” W alther said. “The* culties in doing so. They are not 7 30 am . June 27 -Holv Com­ 11 a.m --M orning worship. Top- intended as vacation pay.’’ m u n io n : a.m.-“-Morning Pravei THr. and Mrs. Al Pasquin of thr Pasquin Motor Sales Inc. o f Park ave.iue, Rutherford p ro u d ly ------■ ______-■ 1.1 The Utopia of Stewardship." j and address by Mr. William C show the new 1949 Fords in their showrooms. Hundreds of motorists in this vicinity were on hand *A/ «. , , , Coleo — Colgates Meyer. Lay Reader and Senior for open house last Friday to look over the latest creation of the F o rd company. i MOOS Working Hard W a rd en . Sl Matthew's Evangelical For Rensselaer Fund THIS NEW H O M f Cl FA NING New Type Cleanser vanni, 171 Hudson street. Hack­ APPLIANCE Lutheran Church IN MEMORIAM R. E. Hoos, 624 Ridge road, is a First Church of Christ, Valley brook and Travers Place ensack. on Passaic street”, Boch- For False Tdeth Heavy Fines TURNER. FREDERICK W Died member of the Newark Commit- USES | * JM i lie Park. 54 miles an hour, $15 Scientist June 26, 1946 In sacred mem­ I tec of Rensselaer Polytechnic Ih- 49c Giant Size and t. Pierrepont lc Lincoln Avenues Rev George Muller, pastor and $2: David Rose,' 255 Francis o ry o f m y dear husband, not just i stitute alumni actively working in R u th erfo rd , N. J. R U th. 2*2134 sticet, Teaneck. 40 miles an hour. WATER J :: *% 25c Large Size Are Imposed today but every day In silence for support of the Troy, N. Y. Grand avenue. Palisades Park. INSTEAD , I remember. college's 125th anniversary fund. Branch • of the Mother Church. T»*a $10 and $2: and Rosa Janssen. 247 ^irst Church =of Christ Scientist, ef Wife Catherine. OF A ?, Boston. Maas. On Speeders Harding avenue. Teaneck. 45 Chairman of the committee is Both for 49* 8 p“nJay Service, at 11 A. M « m Kccd Memorial United .miles an hour, Route 4. - Fair Anthony A. Divito of 183 Lincoln BAG' Judge Carmine Savino. .1; . in Lawn. $10 and $2. avenue, Newark. The committee *•2®- A . M ., S u n d a y S c h o o l.. Presbyterian Church THANKS w.-dneMlav KveniiiE Mpi ting ai t is Bergen County Traffic Court Jerome P. Haskell. 888 Grand plans to canvass personally the 87 «> ■ l<« k at which ti-Ktinioiil.■» of « hrl. TISCI.'IO — The family id the late Hackensack. Tuesday nighi therv Concourse, Bronx, paid $50 and, RPI men in the area. RPI alum­ Money Saving llitfl Scli-lKt ht-aling HTc (Ivra stuyvesant near Valley Brook Lelia Tischio wish to express Itri'dliiK lt'*orn at 6 Station Rev. Donald T. Kauffman, was no justification for fast driv­ $2 costs for allowing an unliccris ■ ni. the country over, propose to °l" 'n d ally from II a.m to a p m their thanks for the expressions Th. M.f Minister ing. Then he^’fined 1!) violator ed driver to opeiate his car on raise $1,000,000 in 1948 to open ■ the n il, froa tke nyl ilm tW Im i O f f e r a x c.p t on SuiHtayn hog’ IrgHl h.**r for speeding on Bergen County of sympathy and flowers at the ■ fro* the bare floo|--4t all eftds apip in a I day* an<1 on Thursday evening fr,m R o u te 17. P a ra m u s . T h e u n lic e n s ­ the national campaign for $27,- er batk. You lia alr tsih k awar. No d irty * to !> o'clock. recent lqss of their beloved Wife i o ad s. ’ ed driver, Marilyn IR.skell. same bai to e«W' word aboyt lhit Colgates Tooth 246 Stuyvesant Ave and Mother in our hour of need. 775.000 which comes to a. climax address, was fined $21 and $2 remarkable new post-war bone deaaiaa Rutherford 2-5150 Clarence R ; Smith.- 440 Haw Loving Husband and Children applisnce iatbc new book MMloyow sbsolinelr "Christian Science’*, is the sub­ ( osts for speeding at 60 miles an in 1949 without charge. Powder ject for Sunday. June 27.. ; thorne place; Ridgewood, v . Friday. June 25th fined $25 and $2 costs for, speed­ .-hour. State Tioopcr M. E. Dono­ Golden text: ‘O house of Ja hue issued the tic k e t. FREE ILLUSTRATID BOOK tom. come ye, and let u« walk in Communion Preparatory Serv­ ing at 85 miles an hour on Route ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 60c value 39c the light of the Lord " (Isa. 2:5* ice at 8 p.m will feature Dr. Wil­ 4. Teaneck. He was issued a e— cleaoias sppliaoce—that docs i summons I y Bergen County Po- CTCrrthias a resalar cieaaer will do. aad U ti • Sermon: Passages from the liam Brown of the Hope Church »0 ld ia coiorfai aictaret aad teat ia of Jersey City as the speaker. All i lice Patrolman Michael Nicklus. Tbe iinha|)|»ic't person in tbe world is the a a«w book nisi priaw d. Yoa aasr have s copy King James version of the Bible Catholic Daughters timlmftly f m s ia sp lr b y saailmc the coupon, in clu d e: who plan to attend Communion Not so fortunate, however, was rhruuic alcoholic who lias an insistent yearning whether or aot roe laiead to bar • hoi Thermos Picnic arc uiged to attend clesaiac spplisacespphsace in "The people that walked in ! Harold Schatz, 39 Ea,-.t Ninety- Meeting is Held lo enjoy life a* he once knew it. but cannot pic­ ■•sr laiare, roa owe it to- darkness have seen a great light Sunday. June 27 1 second street. Brooklyn. who p.*u. irself to tad oat about Jugs ture life witboiil alcohol. He lias a heart-break- Es s ir , th e m tte r n ho m e they that dwell in the land of the Bit le School is at 9:45. At the $25 and $2 costs for speeding an I C o u rt Lyndhurst, Catholic deaaiag spplisace that «»e< sh a d o w of death, upon them hath rooming worship. Communion (also had his driving privilege?! re- wuer instead of s bee. Sr daughters' of America, held an iii«i obsession that by *: will be observed All who accept j voked m New Jersey foi three interest inf meeting last week at will be able to n resident relative passages from “Science th e h o m e of Mrs. James Balmcr and Health with Key to the licly made profession of that I was issued a summons by Bergen o f 543 F n k p la te , w ith Mis?' Some ila\ lie will be unable lo ima^im* life Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddv faith in accoidance with the New i County Police Patrolman .1 Mary K Rodf grand- regent Make Arnold’s Drugs in c lu d e Testament Standards are cordially j ° n R o u te -t. E n g le w o o d II cither with alcohol or witboiil it. then he will p re s id in g Rexair "Christ, as the spn ial or true invited to paiticipate Evening j given a suspended :crileni vih i Your Sun Glass 111 Plans were completed for a so know loneliiic" -I as. few • lo. lie-w ill be at idea "of God, comes n worship is at 8 p.m. (ailinu to have his liccnsi as of old. Uiu rial evening to be held at the the jumping off place. He will wish for the preching the gospel Wednesday. June 30 registration in his posse sio Headquarters th e p o o l home ot Mis John Gibbs of Ma healing the sick, am a s tm u o u t c m l. Bible Study »nd A wi-milr an-liom a ,, I on plcwood. on Julv Later in that SAM l.HIMKNTO e v ils." ( p. 34-7 ) 49c to $12-95 \ R oute- 4. T ca m -ek . c .* t R. i-land month the group will be gues'.-» IH H25 P e n n s y lv a n ia A ve. . Children ot anv church or non.- I Koatar. «m«»ke Ktrlliiig: j P.M. lu 6:311 P.M. Macaroni by the Buick Dealer. But in the meantime Meals - Poullrv Hole Slaw -Potatoes he had lost -gt»od engine perfoi nianoe and the pleasure of driving a, well-serviced car. ARNOLD M ORAL * It pays ro have the job dotii* BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS FHIDAY SATl IU1AY light the lirst time. May cost a little more than .some expedient— but it keens lit Me io IFJ| Aal.o„a/ Bn .ik », Bcyvr, C „„„ty ___ Homemade t fatn I -howtier H ot Hfimt'matlritiwd ami Fish (laLe* nfure satisfaction from your, car over the / llref m o u t h s a n d yc.it*> TM iieiTlferrinn That's what we re in business for-Ao keep RUTHERFORD NATIONAL INC. -good cars good GEORGE BRODO Prop. Herring in Wine Sauer \\ c 're busy PA*lt AND AMIS AVINUCS, RUTHIRFORD 11**1 llaketl Virginia Ham enough that we'f ir not going to waste time oil n ecdless ^yt>tk— 41 Ridge Road .411 Salad* o n s /mnal (hder but we’re never I o o b u s > to d o l t d Lyndhurst, N. J. wlr,it >ou ouv.ht to . .itavV ti p c l y f u M i v r t t 215 N tin ii Ave. RUth. 2-6867 All kinds of Sandwiches made up to order 101 Largest varieties for Overseas Shipments Bergen Auto Company Just pick up your phone Open Every I1* Franklinl-r.iikli" PI.,, Platt ,. Uiill„Hulhcrford. rf,.r.|. \. J. And we’re at your home. Hrauches: I arid Hackeiiiatk Sunday 1 2 1 Huit k lie S in c e 1 9 0 9 St. 20V A v e. OPEN SUNDAYS FREE SAff CAfS SAVF I l¥tS * GOOC CAWS ytflMG GOOD PttCtS W £^£^2£P£^I^Ot>OSIT INSUSANCt CO*EQUATION FtOtHAt KtStKVE SVSTIM d e l i v e r s THURSDAY. JUNE 24. 194* T i l LEADER PAGE

kel and Dorothea, Kay hart. ard William Gilbert, Jr. prsywSx-fc with white iose» Best man was Albert Moore of Mrs. Ixy Gilbert, erf T he maid of honor wore an old- Mist Renken A Recent Bride North Plainfield. UsbeM were was matron of honor fash w o r i gown o f blue taffeta WEDDINGS a a d carr>evi an old-fashioned bou- HOW Charles Hodge* and Victor Hod- were Miss Bermce Flentjie. St Matthew's Rvangsbcal Lu her mster R ^K l Rrmfceihoff ges of Rutherford. sin of the bride, of Urnoa City. y ie t of rxiae* and sw eet pea* The theran Churrh was the scstie of a was his brother '* beat man Frank D E V E N IO — S k OKA After the ceremony « p a r ty w a s and Mrs Gertrude TagUdasm. “ Kb wore similar gown* lovely wedding last Friday at ft Pauet of htockh.lm *ih1 Joseph iONG SINCE • held at Northwood inn. Butler of Lyndhurst Susan Jane C*er» SCELSA I AKD1LLO o clock when Miss Erica Carla Evechell o f R a m se y iu h e.n 1 The bride-to-be was graduated nick of Jersey City, was flower After- a reception at the'Legion Renken. daughter of Mi and i!t« bntk. fiven ^i> m uu«|r bk OXOVGHLIN—JFRTSCH from Butler High and Bucknell; girl. H om e the couple went to the Po YOUR EVES Mr* Erie Carl Renken, of If Po f*tber *,«rv a white o*i» ! University. Leon Sugalski served his broth - CVMO Mountain* On then return Qi'INN—Ol CAMILLO vei ahon road, Nuth-y became the gow n with high nrrklme Hhr The bridegroom attended Ford- er as best man. Ushers were Vna- they will live at 151 M o u n ta in WERE EXAMINED? bnde of Edgar William Bunker w.we orange blossom* in her* haTf“ FRITZ—GUIDO 1 ham and Bucknell Universities j cent Sugalski of. Lyndhurst. cow w ay . Ruthc rlou d, temporanl> hoff. son of Mrs Elsie Br inke r a n d i a u ie*i a w h 'lie' B ib le to p p e d f 0*Loughhn is a special agent sji of the bridegroom, and An- Mra Quxr.n is a graduate of hofl. of 435 Lake avenue. Lynd w ilb an vhi t 1 for the Ocean Accident and Guar- thony perbino. of Jersey City l^adhuivt High School, and Fair- dillo, of 126 Post avenue. bo*h of hurst Rev George F Mullei T h e m a id .•( honor W»ue an D E V1NBO—S ftO K A | Mitee Corporation and a member : The bride wore a gown of white letgh-Dwkknson Junior College at pastor. performed the ceremony Miss Margaret Mary Sroka. Lyndhurst. were married at 4 30 |.f Lyndhurst Lodge of .Elks -*atin and chantilly Uce styled Rutherfiv .1 She is w ith the Y aq.ia ciepr gown She.carned. a p.m . Saturday at Sacrcd Heart Miss Naomi Chnstian*cn o f. wwgay nt *pnng flowers and M daughter of Mrs M ane S ro k a . of "Alter the honeymoon, the cou­ v ilh a high neckline, long sleeves. W C A- Institute in N e w a rk Nutley waa maid of honor Su 4ft U nion avenue. Rutherford, a n d R. C. Rectory in Lvndhurst by the ple will live at Meyer place. ..n d a full skirt finished in a M; ^«<«.*.Qumn -a *•graduate of St wore matching flowers tn her at" / san Renken was flower girl feu hair Thr' fl.-wei gn I wtwe white Joseph Charles De Vemo. son of Rev Bernard McorC Pompton Plt*n?. j tra m . Her fingertip veil was ar- 1 Mary > high School. Rutherford. %hado* t« over an aqua Mr. and Mrs. Carlo De V e m o of Miss Phyllis Scelsa was her J ra n g e d with orange blossoms, studied at Haivard University, > - twin sister's maid of honor. Fred 1 S h e earned « bouquet of cam el T u tu College Notre Dame Uni- slip ^he lariN’-l spring fli>wers 537 Freemen street. Lyndhurst. FRITZ GUIDO retary of the Bergen County Y Cardillo served as best man foi * lias and white roses { v e n tty .n midshipman A hool ami wore a , lu»tn *>f flowers in were married at 2 30 p.m. S u n ­ Miss Geraldine I'.u > Guido. tho ; M C. A was given to W illiam 9 j his brother The maid of honor w ore a N ile i N aval V 11 candidate- Late: he he.t h#i- day at St. Mary's R C. Church. daughter of M and Mi Edward *• Landells. presid«*nt o f the »lut> TheJjud^w ore a gown of whit* griH?n gown, the bridesmaids, pink w as COR'.motioned .in ensign and A'. Rutherford, by the Rev. C h a rle s outdo of 41*1 Lake avenue. Lynd- j In piesenting th e awatd. Tui T h e n ••*«n-eptH t.* N a tl. > beo i etui n fi»»m * which fell from an orange bios ing. heart-shaped hats and carried Jersey Citv Wist lndu-s ami ford, was maid of honor M iss August Frit.: oi C o 1 ‘ die. Sun-; the president, not only to th e of iIuim I- it- som . She carried a white old fashioned bouquets of m ixed m The bride's mother wore gra> le r t h e couple left on a motor trip the Bnkele S*h<**l in East t>* Anthony Sroka. of Rutherford, -’iv c n in n .»< i ia.^{ i h e r . th- i Becomes a Bride with hard work" The club ha» and the bridegroom’s mothei to Maine On then return they v* tnh ihe Tel ln*t the bride's godchild, was the rin g I Miss Hi rtet.se Guido was her1 p a r th ipated in man> different *■ aiv fir St . i» .bearer. Walter S i o k a . o f R u th e r ­ wore aqua Each wore an orchid will live at 78 Beckw ith place in in* n t t',ijn p rtn » Ht-*..o'fVi ■ 1 111 > atu n j.it l Arthur At Sacred Heart tivities and project'. »»nmaily *1 li, I’.iil <• ■'li-.a There was a leception at the Rutherford. M Bsinki-".holt g) aduate »d ford, uncle of the bride, was best :ls t l»e.>t a aervke natuie th«»ugh thev Teterboro Country Club On then Mrs Sugalski is a graduate o f t t.\ n.1hur»t High * rh o o l. s t l»w<*e »1 •f >|il#»m r#et*l , man and Anthony De V e m o . th e m a n M»*s Gion* Vitaliano. daughter h a v e also conducted meetng* <>t .return from a motor trip to Can L> i id hurst High Schol and is with S, « N is t'mv, i n t* a n d - i brother of the bridegroom, u s h ­ T h e bi id e vhite of Mr *ru1 Mr> JoaM'ph Vitahanh. education and im pu ati«>nal »igiu ered. |, ada tiie couple will live in Lynd the New Jersey Bell Telephonr fi« an ce. and h a v f had sonal fun* i, li r p» » td e n t .( th e I n s tr u ace and satin l.ishruned with an of W i T>.ird «venue Lvndhurst. i a H e * M Hi*le HI 4 WIW» l l . 4 establish their home at Geneva ' tUMon netklin and loii« sleeves ... . . _____ , .. . wa» mar.wvl Saturdav, June 12* tiona. too white satin with sweetheart neck­ sk i Among their many achieve *ll»#IVl’l ith ihe A: in th e N. Y . in Septembi'r when Mr i poirittil m tli. »rM Her Itnuur M o u th I Hi a n d in A le u * - Ire—"»—*** line and long sleeves which were School .nd rte M tant* Au- >nd M s \ , „/H. IM ,«. „f I»« ments were the presentatnm <*f PV..W Ml *lwd«.«.4 : *aa- pointed at the wrist H e r lo n g Cai dillo returns to his studu-s al tip \.ii :..l fi 11 a headed crciun Condi,ioAing andarrd KefrigeratKvnKrtngn-Mwn ~ ' ' . . . $5« to thc Y M C A WoiM H alts Hobart College where he1 has just She earned a b.juqu.-t oJ S« h«*t^l in N ew a r k . is„ _-K w~Mh „..*>«»•«th e -.N-i'h l.aledm. veil was arranged w ith a h ig h v h ite r o e s a n d wvet'pOMS. Y o u th Fund, opet ati«'n of score completed his freshman year. Erie Railroad He serv'ed in the N J of orange blossoms. She car­ Thc a id *.f h. >! wou* aqua Thr ce.eui«tnv «> pt*rfoc*ned Ixtard at home basketball games. Both are graduates of L> i^i Navy for three years ried calla lilies and lilies'of the lace w ith ; Vic t i f h at at tKe Sa»ted Heart H C Church. »are of assembly traff\- They valley. hurst High School. Mrs. Cardillo ; h a v e 'u s lie r e d a l a ll aih»t«*l asse m is with W estern Electric .in Nev. an d . : (' .uq-iet ol LyMBiurst ; ^ t h e . Rev Patrick^ T he m aid of honor w o re p e a ­ p in k Trsua.v: bites, distributed athletic sched a:k Mr. Cardillo served ;in the QtINN DI CAMILLO M O T . D A V 6 cock blue and the bridesmaid sky Mi» Nett- Tlaoo neived as* ules throughout the town. *»dd Navy for two years A pretty weddmg was >olcmn blue w ith m atching of sat lu tn b u s CL. maid of honor and Mi Peter Tus tickets at baseball - games and izc.1 at IU a m Saturda> at a nup­ REALLV.DO in and net and earned pink glad­ a b u ffet 1 f»• carv.' »e: ved *> t^-st man Bi ide* sale'of the “Echo" a national high tial mans at Sacred Heart R C ioli. 150 guests. t le i o n . w« • L u cy C a s a le sch o o l papei O LOUGHL!N- PERTSC H Church, Lyndhurst, when Mias There was a dinner for the th ro u g h and Viola Vttaltono. and ushers Their 'ofUcers. in addition to ?NOT M ATTER, Miss Lorraine Estelle Pertsch. VI'i L i.iy Di C a m illo , d a u g h te i i*f I t i family at The Maples in Ruther. C a n a d a , M ui a d u a te w e re F :a n s l>r.*ru* a n d S a l P el lamdtlla aie Philip Natoli. vice ford, followed b y open h o u s e a t daughter of Mr and Mrs John F.. and Mrs Anthony Camillo. of 57f chairman John Makowski. Sec o f l.y n d h i. h -ol ,ind the msi IVnnn Drotdowski was thr WITH CHOICE Pertsch of Greenwood avenue. P< - New Jersey avenue, Lyndhurst. the Knights of Columbus Hall in School *>X ■t' t EliglewCMid n n | t r * ; i : retaiy. William Castle*. Trras quannock. will be married Sat­ became the bi ide of William J Rutherford. On their return from Hospit.il. v i prewntly. .T h e and I More* Cardo. bridesmaids t i n u lrtfd with ItH' Central At kinson Junior College and tht tor of the church, tfflfir iated at the Janet Per rota, flower girl, a n d Achievements I lantic Aiea and Nattonal Hi Y University of Newark She is t e re m o n y . M ’tiA L S K ? — fl.B F R T George Perrota. bearer a ll ^ fellowshuw A'hai lea 1. SI«h-I Jr Mr Pertsch gave his daughter A ,.r» ti\ w.-d. im: " • -*>lt run w ith, th e Rutherford National cousihs of the Ende. of Lynd Th* L j ltd ti U1 H i V c lu b i Pi it** ipal of thr Tesneck High ized at M 'I horn: is E p isc o p a l < » irr« »i !■»« ' * *»*• B ank at Lyndhurst Branch One hurst. been aw rdrol p la q u fo i u S* ho«<| is c h a ir m a n . «»f th e Y M slipper; satin gown ending in a C h u i Mr. De Vemo attended Lyndhurst ch. I.yndhuist • t 4 u m . S a t Aithui Quinn was his brothn . giandm* ...... a n d C A Ilf Y Advisory Board ' long train w ith'un illusion necK- schools and served three years in urday, when Mi>:. 'Mmi mo Jane best man Ushers are Jerome; a t, Ac C lu b Smoked Tongues Iine tiimmed with seed . A the Infantry of the Anfty in the Uilbeit daoghtr t Mi> Jane durphv and Gera|d Kinntler al thr Brrgrn C>*unt> Y Joseph PawI.Mihl of~44t Kings Belgian lace veil which was woi n M C A Southwest Pacific K e is now em G i l l )• : t , f 2tlH R u tt e f io r .l pi •* *'. Kutherford • Hi V AdM»,.ry B.«td The pi land avenue, has t»een rl««le-l t.tSIIM »mlM. , by the groom's mother at her sq u e ployed at the Rutherford Post Of Noith Arlington. iM-came the Ihe bride » gown was of old- whieh w as. present ed the c lu b j president of the A ss « k la tio n of flee. ] wedding was attached to a head bj'ide* *rl .John St; id* ., S> •.a’ski. Sons ol Poland with hasdquai piece of orange blossoms. fm hionrd . M tm styled With , («»»„». h.«rf w m .M > pr.. Legs Lamb s o n (>: Mi-.-. M o . Sii. '.ii,sh a r d th . a n illu s io n y o k e, la c e -trim m e d gran F«»vt*y n tuning by Eugene U'A a< Newark avenue. Jei A white orchid surrounded by la te Si •ll* > S u -a is k ! Ol 75H Ten toilar. long sleeves pointed at thr SCELSA—CARDILLO A Turftti Boys W.»rk Set | sry City .w in * sin* o n »«n *«i ; l oses arvl baby's Lreath made up E y ck verna l.\n<1^ur*t The wrist, hustle back hoop skirt fln M iss M a ric Ann Scclsa. daugh­ the bride's b()iiqui't ...11 ) 1U» i'eil..r(n.il l.j th,- i.hed in a tr.in Her «n«»rttp I ter of Mr. and Mrs Frank S c e ls a , The in*ud of honor was Gloi.ia Rev Row land K Nyc, rector- of i veil of si allopsd illuaion was as-. 1 Chickens of 544 Third avenue, and R a lp h ; Simon ‘of Mount Pleasant The the chuuh The bride y t as given! ranged with a and b*MU4tl Cardillo, son of Mr and Mrs C a n ‘bridesmaids weir* Elizabeth Win marriage h hei br. 11 er How- 1 crown, She carried a whit* Now $500 LOANS k i m t s s i r r v * » * '> « ’ * i ’ WITH UP TO 20 MONTHS TO PAY Cold Cuts We aie now permitted lo make loan* up to |A0U iiiulri Ihe Smaii Loan 1_hv. A n d w e tan give vou as long as 20 month* A H M O I u s t l M U m / H * M i m i t t t H no^srihi. r»iiM . lo P*> T h is m ea n s that even lar g<- loan* ean t* tallied A T a x Step with Miuill m*»nthl> | ay menU Foi e a a m p l r Smoked 1 I I I I F F R I lS lT 1 O A N IM Chickens A i■Ment W«- lend monejr on your auto, smgh Hams (urnltore of nole San.e w4 r a v m r i i l' -ig n a tu re . • in'. arfVM e l*h»H»e, m ak r an e p 6 5 e I f t s i n p< un t m e n ! eonte in ami get thr D ire c tio n money 6 9 c AM I t * i M 4 % a H * a * IM. • n Ik luili m U u a l n \ i m i Mnnthlr ehargea 1 *%% an halanres u t . t t SI 1.. >1 Sa and •>% lr»m I3SS I. ISO* « n t t i i I n N a 7*4— I t l — 77# ► In its r c c e n t revision of thc railroad tax law —mailc ncccssary V>y llic^ VACATION SEASON IS HERE N trrn m o M nfw state constitution—the New Jersey legislative provided that rail- Vsealson F*p«n*C' this yrar w II i» ah.e,it I0'X higher Ih W t \*ar Railroad faie» • »i ntpaii* ilolhss l*.»r*t I k m t been nken. our taxes, already too .heavy lor”llie piibtic s gooJ, ftMMtred f*»r a whole lot Irss than a nervous break*l«Twn i lei us st*'-** » Whs not stop in or - phon« u* 'today t x t U A t t m a r t m would have greatly increased. h**w th e s e impw an<>>unt> an d tr r n is « n a h lr y u Uj i • «*UsdaSe a ll y m st |o#*s**nt o u ts ta n d in g mis into «*b* I a Lettuce w it h us. Tomatoes ► The.understanding attitude nn the part cf the U-gMaturr in recog­ I’Srha^ss NOW undo our new h>« l**er» a m o u n t* lg. head nizing thi' situation was widely supported thioughout the -tate Most eewvsnlaaA repayment plan* »■**« * afford Ih al ( « It ’usrkijd Appllarw r y*»u v* * a n tin g 1 0 . people kimvs that New Jersey's railroad t.ne- ate tin tn.-ln-1 anv 1 ^ state ill the country: that Netr Jersey, rvrn timlrt ihe m eniK passed Liberal Finance Service 10 lb« Sic I.IW. . i ojUi; ■ frorn it $ > ail rotui w ’h:!' ' " ' ” n NEW POTAtOES 2 Ib. i h r »l a 19. 291 Ridge Rd. ftUth 2-9444 Lyi^dKurtt FANCY PEACHES KOHLRABIS J b««» l V »t 1*41 N I *e: %is4eran« A tt < IlftsAde s ” «*ne up I IHfaMle « I M ► Wc rcdli/c thr cost oV government, like e\ er\ t! in**.. > « » • a m t l • I O k l . l I I H I 'I he cost ol rvinninga r.iilroad K.is ^one up. !««•' W tth r rt lt v k Cauliflower Orang** with MedtJilv rising labor and nlhc! «*j». i : 1 ■' t •it i i j n o n 19c Ige head 3 5 c do i. m ay reach tl\e fxiint where it witi, be rnij»'«- i1 o i iiiain<.un VIOLA BROTHERS. INC. present standard* of service. IISI S AMIIM. loN \\l M I MTI.I.Y, N I GOLO SEAL GLASS w a x P* IW r M 'lh'2-2W I Iq* p lq ) » t ► Obviously. raUroadf;*xe* in tied v. ith ’ til r* S t . t i e \ entne fm.in- PRESTO CAKE HOUR 1 c a n * 2 » c ci.ll problem. Most tax .iuthorilic* rrv it ifte t . \ x (iiinlen tn S P A G H E T T I ff«PW.o A m « . c « * FLAVIA SWEET PI AS No 1 c««' ) to * 2 * c New |erse\ is inerju 't.ibls til'dritnt’erl u f in th i «i the r.nlioaHs I «itll|llrl. I »nr * If FLOTILL TOMAtO PASTE I O K I !•* . is clearly etc

Imitation Tile Board 2 * 6 STUfflSAWT Aft ifftO^etST tfUTk 2 PAGE FOLK T B E LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 2H, 1948 Jefferson Instructions Shower is Held For NO PABKOlr. NOTICE Pyramid Rebekah Lodge will Its A Funny World close their season with a m eet- All residents and merchants of ing to be held on Saturday e v e ­ 8th Graders Miss Yolanda Mion Lyndhurst are hereby notified Explained at I If you want to run an airline passenger’s hangover, how to ning at the Columbus Club w ith that on Saturday, June 26th, no Miss Althea Lunt, noble g ra n d , Miss Yolanda Mion, daughter of j sing^‘ handed. you m ust cook like make fresh water from salt w a te r, parking will be allowed on the Graduated Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mion of 54 ° scar of the Waldorf. j how to write an ad, how to mix in charge. Playgrounds following streets, between the • Class of 61 Honored Kearny street, Lyndhurst, was the You must know the difference chemicals, and .how to refu se a New Schedule Goes guest of honor at a'surprise m is-ibetween da-dit-da-dit on the date. p m>: , f M rs. J . A. Kiefer * of Fifth a v e n u e f r o m r tr e * t entertained a group of her A t Exercises at High Into Effect When cellaneous household shower giv-! radio and dit-da-dit-da. In other wor as, mere’s more to Ridge rosd to Stuyvesant avenue. . . ,* „ , * K School Last Week en Monday evening by Miss Ruth You must be good »t uphol- an airline than flying. Fern avenue-from Ridge road ,nends Monday afternoon, Playgrounds Open Kiefer at her home', 733 Fifth stering, know how to tell where to Stuyvesant svenue. | ------■ * ------s tre e t. you are by the stars, how to look Promotion exi'rcises fo.r a class W e h e a r d on e the other day Ridge road — from Second ave­ Final instructions were issued The center of the decorative well in a uniform, how to balance about the pilot on a fo r e ig n ^air­ nue to Page avenue. of 61 eighth grade puphs from the scheme in pink and white was a Jefferson School were held Jast | to th* supervisors in charge of the books, how to handle babies line who was approaching La Page avenue — from Ridge RIVOLI fie Lyndhurst summer vacation watering can on the mantle with and cat-drivers, how to drive gas Guardia in rather soupy weather, road to Stuyvesant avenue. Friday in the high school audito­ a shower of streamers falling to rium. The prog: am included sev­ !'Uyground program which got trucks and airplanes, how to sew and was told by approach con­ Stuyvesant avenue—frdm Page under way last Monday at a the, gift packages arranged below a fine seam, how to get from any trol to “hold over Hoboken" . . . avenue to Second avenue. eral songs by tht class and a short the mantel. Table . decorations j airport address by the Rev Robert C ~n*£C‘ling presided over by Com- any hotel, how to take There was a considerable amount Second avenue—from Stuyve­ a p a rt Lintner, past..: ,.f the Lyndhurst rr.’ironer James A. Breslin, di- bejewelled instrument* of silence on the radio. . . . Then sant avenue to Ridge road. sweet pea pattern with a large j that will fit in your hand or * Methodist Chur.h. lectcr of the Department of the pilot came back with: “And This restriction is due to the cake appropriately inscribed. plane wing that won’t The class was presented by Miss P it k s and Public Property. vere is Hoboken?" Firemen’s Parade to be held on Miss Mion will become the; You should know w~iat to do in Letitia Petty, principal of the The group met recently at the I t h a t d a te . T o w r H a ll w h e n a p p r o v a l w>is bride of Francis R. Girard of i a monsoon, what to do for snake OTTO BAYER, school, and certificates of promo­ Ridge load on Saturday blte. how to fiy over the H given to the outline, presented Chief of Police tion were presented by Frank S Others present included Miss The Past Presidents of the by JVhn P Kopf. of the hig*. layas, how to conduct yourself in Gallagher, president et the Board Luigi Z. Pollara Barbara Schreiber of Wood-Ridge Emblem Club of Lyndhurst were of Education. school faculty, who will sup-r a link trainer, what to do for i guests last Tuesday evening at v ice Miss Helen Wood of Riverdale. Those promoted are Barbara L. N. J., Mrs. P. C. Medici of Mont­ the home of Mrs. Olga Nazare of Rensselaer Grad Mr and Mrs. Henry Bieder- Aldndge. John J Ambrosio. Dona “ It w a s announced that play clair, Mrs. V. H. Girard of As- 301 Sixth avenue, Newark, for­ R E G E N T - mann of 442 Post avenue, who merly of Lyndhurst. Others pres­ C Becker, Doris Be:gquist. Julius Luigi Z Pollara, son of Mr. and i ^ ssiAY NE* SHOW Fred MarMurray Frank Sinatra IV*ented Al: 1:50 8:49 (Palo, and the Misses Eleanor Liwnia Swanson, Barbara Boch j Arliiro |)e t!or«lo%a Saturday 2:40 5 ;SB 8:.',8 Richard L. Schlenin J(>an I When Jefferson Sch< I s second | Lipmski, Gloria Vespa, and Ado-1 fns* Si Her-. Hring Al*o Chapter ’No. S Engagement Told llir Kitlili.- Every Salurda> Matinee and heard stories about China. , “TEX t.RANtiER” Circle 5 Meets * < ,rrjH for Klilrrly I »1L-. One day they visited the Chinese Mr and Mrs Nicholas Ruber- COMEDY RACE REEL Door* Opi n 12:30 Show *larl* 1 p.m. Circle 5 of the WSCS of the * t.roil for lli«* lluril of llmrinj;. exhibit at Newark Museum. An- °f 75.-or|tr climax came when they all wore !.Malinowski of Lodi, at a paity Hi i:ARM» HR ENT Pitt- Chapter 2 street entertained at he: home Le- R o y H a s sa rd , le a d e r, i n ch a rg e . their costumes to school— mclud- (Saturday, June 6. “THE SLAVE tilRL" ‘TEX- GRANGER” last week at a surprise bridal Mrs Frank STTmm lecTlTuT wor­ Snn., Mon.— ------——J u n shower for Charlotte Seyl <>lt <>f their teacher. Mrs_. Ennlie De- Gue.sts attending were Mr and I in T rrh n iro lo r I -2 Bl<; DAYS- 2 1’aul On the ship service and Mrs. Sidney plus “Spoilers of the North” Rutherford Miss Seytv \ is tn waU* tile Ctass Mrs. James Grezzi and family Walker led the missieinary dis­ Fred Ma«Murray-Ava tpardner SI Nil AY N ** ( ioiiiplfit- Show Wed., thru Fri.. June 30 July 1-2 become the bride of Lav. rente •ie drawings of Chinese jMr. and Mrs. Frank Ferrara and cussion. Others present were Mrs. Christensen ot PaiK pla.v, Lynd­ nd. objects Ly th. thil- .fainily, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dom­ WEI>NESI)AY ONLY in “SINGAPORE” B ette Davi* Jam e» Davi* d re n . Beitha Willett. Mrs. H. L. Wuh- hurst, on June 2« enico and family. Mr and Mr*. lt*r, Mrs. William FAMILY FI N SIHIU — a l t o — N aum ann >Vho, A BU. PRlX.KAM WINTER MEETING" • A large parasol was the center The program was interesting. I l)['ank D°n>cnieo, Mr and Mrs. will be hostess to their next*' Enlrriuinmenl far ihr fhulr “DRIFTWOOD" wiih of the decorative scheme m pink also It was called a ‘Chinese I, ,/,p Sab‘no, Mr. and Mrs. Louis meeting to be held on the even­ Cathy Down* Rod Cameron Fam ily Rtilh Uarrirk-Walter Hrrnnan and blue. Favors for the guests Tea" and all the children, attired I Mr. and Mrs Anthony Tom- ing of Se-ptember 1 6 . “PANHANDLE" were tiny paraools Smaller gifts th e y assulo, Mr and Mrs. Richard Ro- for’the bride-to-be were suspend- V'1m i^ h t h av be« n little vegno, Mr. and Mrs Silver ia Mr IUUIIUUMnnnn"BU"|wm. B e i Diobojd welcor ed t James Polito. the Misses Mary Jamr. Ma-oo-kathleen Ryan AIR CONDITONED Guests included Mrs F A Wil K^ests and recited a poen A drii liamson of Millbqrn. Mrs. L C. Wilson recited a Chinese Km,,y Silveria, Mary 1^ ' Silvena. Rose Russo. Jose-phine in "ODD MAN O U r' Vis; Mrs. Henry Vis. Mrs Edward and members «»f the class ,l‘( | Gavasi. Joan - McGregor, Ann Caughey’s ' —a l*o— Vis, Miss Dorothy Vis. of Plain- original Chinese piicms. . lorezzi. Antomine Grezzi, Mr Jo- field; Mrs. Bruce Smith. Pompton Then Berta Diobojd, AIR CONDITIONED “PIRATES OF Adrien | seph Del Fava and Mr Frank Ra- Lakes; Mrs. Peter Vander Vedde Wilson. June Godfr und Phyllis porsa. all of Lyidhurst; Mr Mor- MONTEREY” Pre*ented At: of Passaic; Mrs C R Seybolt. McCaffery played Chinese games jus Fusae . of Passaic; Mr and Bar and Restaurant w ith Sunday 12:20 3:J.» 10:17 Miss Adele Seybolt. c>f Rutiier- Al Thur*. (Mat. A Eve.I June 21 n the games were J e a n n e Mrs Joseph Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Maria Montex-Rod I jm rron Mon. A Tue*. 2:58 7:00 10 20 ford; Mrs. WiUiam LamJells, Mrs Mtrcier. Martha Burnett, Burnett Carol : J*.uehfs- Hughes, Mr. M and Mrs Charles VI .1.1 Wr*t C Cartoon Show —■l*o~ Kenneth Summers. Mrs. Charles Dmnbrowski, J(,„n CVtThowskim steenbutk. Newark, and Mrs. t.ene Aulry in "Sioux City Sue" Femer, Mrs. Harry Qumje, ot Amta DelTum L" ‘ . Sandra Haas and Kay Caveliai ia. of. North Ai ling Thur*. tn Sun. Juh 1 -2-3-4 Lyndhurst. ___ Frances Martosl Sizzling 4- Bit. DAYS- 4 Roy Roger* in to n “Billy the Kid Return*” / t.ary < :«M>prr-Paulette l.o d d ard Steak 5— Color Cartoon* — 5 in “I NCONQUERED” Plu* 3 Stoogr* Cainedy in lerhnieolnr 9 5 EXTRA at M atinee—2 Big Prine* Sandwich a l*o— to L arky Bo> & G irl bv TO.T. "CAGED FURY” with LAND of Pa»*air. TENDER, TASTY STEAK Rirliard Ih-nning-Sheila Ryan F ri. Sal. (M at 1 Evel Ju n e 2V2S CRUNCHY TOAST 2 DAYS ONLY 2 Bellr Davi* in CRISPY LETTUCE Mon.. Tue*. Jtaly Continuous *hn» Mon. July S “WINTER MEETING" GOLDEN FRENCH FRIES •I mi Evonne lle« arlo l»n\ Martin “OUT OF ItiE BLUE" in “CASBAII" George llrent-Virginia Mayo _ Hicuninia . ■ * « ■ im m a m 64 Hobolt^n Road, Ea*t Rutherford, N. J. —also — y I M oil, If n r of Hnutr IT Rod I an irru n in Fxlra Saturday Matinee ttnl> Pre««-nlr,l S tin .U , Itl i her ford 2-8181 “PANHANDIir 3 Color Cartoon- plu* 2:20 : KI * (Ml M,.n i Tu, . I I'. 1 (XI C hapter 8 “Danger* ol Canadian Mountrd” A VARIETY OF SEA FOOD I UMIV. V.dtu-.Ha. thru S.tunl.v (Junr 311. Jul, 1 .2 -3 , e a o e o o e o e l I L.KK l.ABI K L.N \ Tl KNKK Sol. Nile Reque*! liit — June 26 Juhn l l . „ l , A LINCOLN in "HO Ml. II IMI N I. ~ IMPORTANT NOTICE “CITY VIITHOUT MEN* k b a b n y with Linda Darnell .1.,,

Thu. thru Sat. June 24-2S IVnu. Mn^lrlun Vrihu, U l, in 'BKlM IIVrS RI » XKIi- Alan Cadd Veronica Lake Sunday Mondav (Met. A Eve. i pouglaa D.ch WaUy Caeeell 1 ■ ~l T.» \ p„„, T,|- Ju n e 27 28 S a n C a r lo A d le r m . C a r n o v a k y f t i j Im the top Ladd adventure of all. . He a or« gunning for the Orl- Fred Mar Murray-Av« (.ardnrr ent • most dangeroua men . . . CAND1.ELIGHT Filmed <*>here C u t meets teething “SINGAPORE*' Weat In Clamorous *JF WINTER COMES” CATERING -- _ “SA IO O N ” Valter Pidgeon-Dehorak kert ■SERVICE R e s t a u r a n t C o - F e a t u r e . . HAVING A PARTY? Every Minute ; 10,000 CALLS » * « 0 .orB. Br«nt Formerly Donimio's Aandolph Scott Joan aionden 1 Virginia F.eid Ooioree Moran C all, kKurilv 2-7119 300 Copelanel Ave. LyneJlitirsi. N. J. Ann Harding Reginald Denny Tue*. A Wed f "THE MAN IN THE if delicious salads Wt-ddin* things we're doing to improve New Sun thru Wed June ZT. SO ind rngagrmtnl parties calls—an iftcrcax: of JO'* in the lust Available for Parties. Banquels. Wetldings. Showers, IRON MASK" two vears. ■ Jersey's telephone service. Its a pri»- Ir*ne Ounn* Ceorg* Stevens T«*l TMr plans graui reejuinng about $50»>>,0tx),000. etc. No Parlie* loo Small at Prices lo Fit tiie Purse Bartt^Aca, Oe4 Ceddes O scar HemoOre e To handle the-^c calls and handle 20 I ele\ i>ion Available lo our Patrons “I REMEMBER MAMA” Laurel and Hardy them prompdv we have added more i t i r i t hull (.our»e Dinners Servetl Every Day From .» to <) A production which ahruld unwSu- ‘SWISS MISS” circuits-«n ti>wn and to ouir^jf-town e.rcie*PP*4' ** 'h* »«o*.ly NOTICl. Starting July 3, your tele­ P.M. Sundays and Holidays Front I to P.M. exchange! than ever before. And Co-Feature Lawnmowert phone business o A k w ill be we re adding even more |uvt as last This attraction is intended lor Dad Thur*. (Mai. A Eve.I Jul* 1 AND - iloaed on Saturday*. Hours of and_ the children Front the pen Dancing and Entertainment Featured Every I t t v M U i t ■ g* we can icwurc tiie c’aWe. The* -year buainets during the week remain Wrtd le*t # Cartoaa > h - i Garden Tools alone, lor example, we plan to put unchanged. Saturday a d v i n t u k s in • -e«*rpr O 'B n en ia Sharpened and SILVERADO” "D A N IEI. BIMINE** “lluMaU Bil| Rkle* Again" Repaired NIW JtHSIY B ILL TILIPH O N i COMPANY Dining Room AtaiUiblv for Graduation Parties William aish^p oier.a Henry ?dgae Buchanan Fereet Tucker Sdgar Ba,r,or S—Color Cartsaai—pin* J o e W o n g trWac"—2-ree4. r»m ed» Dal Skidmore FEATl RE THIS WEEK 652 Ri'ij’e Road Coming — Thr*». thru Bat.. June EXTRA — al Matinee — J Bit. « «U Il* IdiPHOMl I.IVICI rot A MIATM N(« NtUV Return Engagement of "THE SQUIRES" VICTOR and TAR- PRIZES to Larky Bay A Girl by Lyndhurnl X A N A N O T h I MBRMAIOB. TO TLA N U , Monroe St, Paaair H I’. 2-7178 *•* “ • -rre >it% . . •%***** +m m Uiated from the sesoffil. sautJteison Mr and Mrs J^rne* la k e , of 54« Calif here h»r a month t.o iy the k»al Health Depart l«n y agam in attendance »»n the ,ki •• - • faw Graduates 197 It h a s bec*n announced by the couise just completed. Women Valley Brook avenue. » spending nvent m North Arlinfton Botough ftrst and third Tuesday* *>f ea«h he» |*w t ■>'■?>*■ t * Oav C e n tra l Bergen V is itin g Nurse j fro m Lyndhurst who are inter-: a week at Ocean V iew ^a J o h n 1. Burk ul 52 Kidgc L a l l w ill be on sumn.ti »vhedulr month M f t m - ^ t i t T I M l < Continued from Page One) Service, 32» Kiver street. Hac csted will be welcome to attend ing the trip ty plane road pivsklent of the Lions Club from June t 9 to Septem bei i Mi ^r>d M » Petei Cl*«* - • -■ * *.«! B;ucato. Alice Bui Lank. Loi rainc cfisack. that the classes for expec­ Jersey City, and Mis Burk It will be open from 11 am *• 'Valley Bt«o* avenue, are igmd arre^ Te» M r* Juh«u (tii.iwl C b e c k i.. M at it- C h ic ric o , J a n e t tant mothers will continue thru!. Mm Martin Moran, of Toutino! R o b e'rt Wslker. son of Mi a n d Uu? w e e a -e n d at A tla n tic noon each lu esd a y landei the *u mg • va* ati.^» at Sfaringfteki M .» |lrn i> Soft Mt% Cooper. Betty Cross. Phyllis Delia ! the suifimei The classes wiU be j avenue, enteitained friends for Mrs. Sidn«-y Walker, o f Sf4 -Foi City where M: Ruike attended pea vision Nurse* K athei me D Mas. Kirthner M * J J l«*a and Mrs. Fave. Janet De Z4vala. Florence conducted o a c h Thursday from 2; th e afternoon lecently. ! est avenue, who is a seaman llrs t t*i« l.nvru Club convention Swa in. Virginia G Carsccta and Mr ami Mr* Charlea N Fud K.twar>< K >. tim i Dodsk:. Dorothy Drager. Louise* Drain is., Ruth EickhofF. Louise • Erkan. Fiances Fastook. Mildred Ferraro, Cometta Gam hum Kathei me (iarofnio, Evelyn Gan ity. Mary Gianc.u lo. Luoy' GilXooe. Marilyn Gilmoie Fran cos Gingerfclli. Violet Gu k Glenn Goral. Helen Guida RrUj Guidetti Caiol Hass. Helen Hav­ ens. Betty Hayes. Kuth Hf**ieU Joan Hein. Dons Hennr. Char lotte H.*chhc;sei. Barbara Huish. l>ora lezzi, Helen Jasinsk.r Gertrude Kutzelman. Doi is La tel la, Theroj Leone. Joan I... Prcsti. Jran Martgravite. Gei a> dine Marcus. Gloria Manana. ^'_*ati M aun. Ik tty Marlin. Dun- r/ r / Martogl.u. Patricia Mason. Carol Mayer. Gladys McKeen, Marie Meeina. Alice Mize&ki. A nm Moi rone. Jran Moynihan. Virginia Natiello. Elaine'Null. Marie O'Hora. Margaiet Orth.' COFFEE Carrie Pail*. Lorraine Parkei. Ann Petnllo, Marie Pierro. Dor is VACUUM PACKED POUND CAN OR JAR Pierson. Lucil.e Polito. Joan Hass- lip. Evelyn Safar. Gertrudo Salo- Ideal coffee .% gecucmteed lo b« thg Itneif coMee you mon. Lorraine Salomon, Audrey •vcr tasted or we will replace with any other b'ond we Sander. Josephine Scarpinato. »el! legardleti of price. Vocuum packing teal* in th e Mae Sce’.fo. Kurina Schianz. Ceci­ lia Senko* ski. Luis Shellhamef. full fjovor. Specially priced this only! At all Joyce Sibdlo. Dorothy Sinopoli, Acme Marlie'i! Hai n il Steinlauf, Elizabeth Stel- mack. Joan StoesscL. Eleanor Suszenski. Ruth Suszen.^ki S«iv« Iced Tea Mado w ith Ma ne Tassely. Shirley Thomp- son* M ane Varlese. Camille Vir- ginio. Elizabeth Wackwitz. J<»an Asco Orange W illett, fctnel Williamson. M um Wilson. Mai caret Wynne Pekoe T EA Gertrude Young. Agnes Zeoli. PORK LOINS Huth Ziegler. " • ’C l. ,,a „ ( w 28c 51c U, T ., ,b 55c Patriotic Committee •- • 0 -*..^* r*V.« l e t Makes New Plans VEAL legs 6 Rump Idoal Orange Pokoo . - C .,I Mr. Emil Cuzzi. acting as chair ­ > v qual.lt m a n in th< a b s e n c e o f C h a ir m a n 16 65c Dante DePamphlis and Vice Tea Balls Chairman James* Nueera. who FOW L Extra Fancy wCre unable to attend due to pre­ 15c n!o" 43c vious engagements, spoke on be­ 0 'a w , A. I , . , . lk 49c half.of his committee Mr Cuzzi Ccenemy Package ef 100. tic told how tin committee had o: tl.-: J* • w ,rvl gamzeti :mmediatel> after th • United States entered the war. Prime Rib Roas't that it had raised funds so that they were ..bio TO put up a ban, ‘ 75c <«>.... ,, nor on- Valley R;.*»k avenue tn Com-r;.: i8c long Island Ducks honoi ..ft . toys. that, latei th<\\ had started the pati lotic park - j Tomatoes ~ ' . l 21c Pork Chops lZ “ /9cCLB0ne,e” Ro,,cd Vroh65c and had pot up H<»noi Rolls and Fronks r » « f l « K « kept them up to date and m ex Apple Sauce . ' 3 3 29c Tomatoes 2 27c fresh Ground eellent condition Mr. Cuzzi went 67c on to say that the committee, Fruit Cocktail 39c Veg-AII •.•"Ur 2 29c Sausage Meal 55c Bologno wanted to give* the money away 1 Chuck Spring lamb » 59c - qmte some time as they were j Fruit Cocktail *^“^,*‘_ 37c , Libby's Sweet Peas 21c I — L NKat m Am% ■ Liverwurtt incorporated, the entire commit­ lamb tee finally decided to give it to Bartlett Pears ',7.. _.41c Asparagus — 33c 39c the American veterans of WorM Meat Loaves War II Amvets. as the- funds had Libby's Plums 23c Beans cirr:.: 2 ’:.:: 29c ^ O U N O been rais*-d to help the bnys who were in Uiis war In conclusion-) Pineapple A~ c " ^ „ 28c Pork & Beans 2 r 25c he stated that he ‘was happy that Peaches *“• -c'r .„28c Campbell's 2 .V.: 29c w e h a d re tu r <\i a n d *w as - s o n y st«i»a«ra YoM»w N i t l i c k 't P en* v that many others would never re­ Peaches frntrww 25c f t e l e « f » d turn Mr Cuzzi knew most of Orange Drink Hamburgers ...... 55c Jomaloes the boys who went away as he h je o l fo r \ r> r active with thr 6 £ ’>. 29c Franks ’"*'** ***"' ,.. .„33c younger ttoups Juice C S . 3 :.T. 20c 15c i t - ; ai*i* v M i\ C u z j i then eallcd upon Mr. SoN io 20c Spam . ; r ..47c Ralph DeLuca who stated that Tangerine Juice 3'.! 29c Peaches M a m Emil hao said most of :t and t < Tuna Fish - M — ..... 41c lu v ,Kl H .ly, | (. f |K n ' K * * added that lie was pn*ud to be on Apricot Nectar O .ltfM 2 , 21- DUZ the committee which could help . Icy Point Salmon '..I 45c Colifornia Carrots i3 l2c a group ol vetei ans of this war Prune Juice JJ-o* boiH* 25c l U i w ' 34c wlm Men wtiling to sac rifle, Motts Apple Juice 17c Puss N Boots .VI 2*;.; 19c Radishes Scallions 2 * “ 9c many things to truild an organua- . D & G Dog Food 45c tion M- Antlumy DeCerbo then i Tomato Juice 25c 2 IV. 29c Fancy Cucumbers 2"*» 19c was called on and he stated that ^ Cider Vinegar 19c he was mighty slad that we were- Tomato Juice 3 'tZ 25c Jersey New Cabbage 1 9c h a c k a n d en jo y in g o u r kchmI DREFT Stuffed Olives ...... 25c health and that lie w as w illing Planters Peanuts *Z 31c Pascal Celery '“^T* 19c to help us any-time we were wil »o« .« r » M **S# Pickles ** lin e t ■ ea l! o n h im f<.; h e lp Heinz Ketchup 24c Cantaloupes Z\~~ 25c “..T 29c Mr Enast Vath. tieasurer. 31c Mustard, then ptesen*«d to. Cotnmandei ' Baby Foods XL 1 0 * r 89c Oranges 33c “Z 39c Nicholas DeSf—• the * um of] $250 fitht building fund of the ’ Amvets an-i stated that h« was OPEN EVERY FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. n o c h t v m have the honoi • i k i h v i i i :p i k i m i :y i of being aide to turn the money •• •■•Vf» ■ Ow t » K * r tm o v e r to te- Heinz Jr Foods 6 L T 73c •a#4--— C o r ■ ..»• h r N ic h o la s D«*Soi to Ivory Soap l>a« Cake 10c th* n accepted t ie money on be Evap. Milk 2\::29c Nom.0o4N« half . ‘ tn. \mvet* and stated, li'« > Glendale Club 99c Mayonnaise .. 49c T — «•* *«a-M p e* 4#* that he a a mighty ha pjn ih,.t Ivory Soap k u c a « the committee had pickl'd on hi* CJ 17c ► Royal Pudding t« M i l S j C organization to d >nate ti»e monei All Sweet Margarine and thui it would' be put to us*? Junket ZZ 3 29c I I ! • • in .-di.it> iv H e f u r th e r add* <1 Ivory Flakes M s 3 4 c 2 29c that though the Patriotic Commit - Preserves :3 9 c Princess Margarine t o intend V siav un existence hoped that they would never have 3-Minute Oats 16c I t • « Cream Cheese ££ trie nr-i-d to mASfc f u n d i fu i t h e . Ivory Snow e i 34c 2 ; : 29c >..-me m a.-< rt9 tha] they had just Nabisco Grahams '£ 27c done Tlu- entire commute*' was American Loaf Cheese *“<|* tsit . th« \nivit Cheezit Jr ^ ^ 17c 1 u lid ing upon • p • v n and Oxydol »»• 34c ; ; 29c Mild Cheese » 59c Kay Natural “ . t>* hav • ..n ■ v el lent t • : Fig BarsJCiZ. ’X'' 21c 2 all of the Amvets Tomato Sauce JH 3 tZ 20c Muenster Cheese * 5/c Chateau M/s. Muller Named Flour - 35c ~ 65c Camay Toilet Soap 3 C»lM 28c Swiss Cheese - /5c. Bleu Cheese Guild President Cake Mixes **“ ^ 23c Pro*olooe Cheese Blended Swns Lamps - 12c Mrs H« ** t M uller w.., . . . t Camay Bath Soap 2 CateT 2 7 c Sharp Cheddar lard - ed president, .f St Matgaret* Films * v r 25c.“.” 29c.V,*.37c (lU ild - of St Tlv'.#n a Kpix<>|Mi! ■ X*hurch j*. th. annual electem Cigarettes *9- ,.‘ 1.39 held last week at-the p-:.:.; Nall Spic & Span 22c ( < - ' ' ( fi Blu-White 2 ’J^17c ■ t h i n n»:a*%«Teat:vr y ear will h t M r John C Gaitk Shoe White “t : ■-8c — 15c v n e -p -e sid e n t M: H e rb c it N>-1 Oigryg D«f Dessert 2 19c DOUGHNUTS — - 2IC s<*n. treaa-urrr V .. BUjhrrv rv 1 Floor Wax ZZ - 35c 1 63c t u n Fresh Orange Ring Coke “T ‘~‘ 59c Mr* Herbert True*. Coiled '«■ •«»«* iMifM U n . Cinnamon Streussel Loaf "ZZ? 25c- ' Refrearfursents served dur- _ OAIRYCRIST Supreme Bread I4c Bolls I?c a «orial bw r arihach fo llo w e d — the busiaea merun# I C E CREAM Sandwich Bread 15c lolls lSc [VB.SMCIIJJ Mr and Mm Frfd S Fogeti. **•*- - 29^ Raism BraaiTrr] h Bar B O Bolls -* !5< o f 13 Ktamy Ur eel have a> thew*- guests lb s Iftolwf >. rnMther M t* Angel Cake I T : 45c Shells I Sc Herbert Fogeil and •*«* Herbert z s m of Seattle Wa*h. PAGE SIX T H E LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 24. 1948 Dorando Jr. Acquatic Conference For Booster Club SPORTS WHIRL Chosen Best Awards Made I First Aid Swimming Units ...... A t High School Of Boxers For the first time in this or any nesday, June 30, from 9.30 to 11.30 country an association has been a.m., and continues every Wed­ At last Friday morning’s audi­ Joey Eulo Jr. Also The Boston Red Sox during the j fo r m e d fo r all national organize- nesday thereafter during summer torium program at the High Performed For Local past ten days have surged for- j tians having a major interest in months of July and August at the School the Lyndhurst Booster Jjward to fourth place in the Am­ Mel Ott has turned old -Bobo” aquatics, for the purpose of bring- Lyndhurst Swimming Pool, ac­ Club awards for basketball, track Folk on All-Star Card erican League standing only 7 Newsom adrift, and some say it In* the people of the United cording to Mr. Dudley Sleater. and baseball were presented in games off the pace. Although is the portly one’s Swansong. But States an opportunity for partic- chairman First Aid, Water Safety conjunction with the school “L” 'l Joey Dorando^ Jr. was chosen Ted Williams’ big bat is largely let us not be fooled. “Bobo” is an ! ’f*”00 in aquatic sports and ac- and Accident Prevention Work, awards. j the outstanding fighter on the 0O*TBALL LEAGUE ENTERS SECOND HALF responsible for the club’s winning excellent salesman of himself and **vities, with rCSultant benefits to for both North Arlington and The basketball varsity squad amateur card the Boosters Club Anyone can win it says h«;re and that is being proven night streak, Bobby Doerr, Vern Ste­ will probably sell himself to an- the,r health, safety and happi- Lyndhurst branches, American received basket­ presented a Week ago at the High liter night in the games being played in the Lyndhurst Municipal phans, Dom DiMaggio and Stan other pennant winner. , ness. R ed Cross. balls, in miniature, to be worn on School football field. Softball League. The Gallagher Association still in first place was Spence have ably assisted in driv­ i * *------1—Km wn m the WaHa—E-A^nH t \ a tie chain or clasp. The second But another Joey, Jr.—this one, Instruction is freef To register, id le last week as the result of the Booster Club fight night so ing over some markers of their Appearing on a radio and tele- Conference and at present repre- team awards were duplicates but Joey Euio, Jr.—also shared hon­ applicants must be age seven and Still have a clean slate and lead the Eastern Division. The high­ own. vision program Tuesday night, s e a tin g fifteen national organiza- .finished in gold plate. ors with Dorando. over; bring your own swimming flyin g Columbus Club, last year's champs, are right behind them The club’s pitching which has Gus Lesnevich. of Palisades Park. t,ons including American Red suits and own towels. They can The baseball varsity team re­ The pair are sons of farmer even though they have won six out of seven games. They lost only been the main problem for Man­ present light-heavyweight cham - C ro s s , this association is the re- register at the pool, 9 a.m., Wed­ ceived sterling silver baseballs boxer^ Their fathers were in to the Amvets who on that occasion, played inspired ball to win ager Joe McCarthy since the start pion, challenged Joe Louis for sult °* a need !<>ng recognized by nesday, June 30, or before that also suitable for wear on a tie tlvmr Corners and it’s a toss-up as out by the narrow margin of 2 to 1. The Club was also extended o f the campaign is shqwing signs the heavyweight crown if he is lea

The approved films for this was held at the home of one of week as approved by the Nation­ A new Are lighting equipment * failure to mwnure tip t« cprrt the members, Mrs. William fliatior* tawed the Taxpayer* o to renew then effort*, te al Legion of Decency and the Na­ Hughes -of Page avenue. Mem­ SECOND SECTION have the t—nlllli Storage tanks on the corner of -Hiveraids snd tional Parent Teacher Magazine ber* present to enjoy the party are: Ktngsland avenue-* removed Residents m the Vttmttv .protected Ihe were Mrs. S. De Bonis, Mrs. P danger these tanks presented Th*- teal * a* ai ranged *«» shew that Gronp A—Children an* Admits De Masi, Mrs. T. Biondi. Mrs. F tHURSDAY, JUNE 24; 1948 PA C E SEVEN The Iron Curtain 4 * a*, dine flame rwiM b*- pol >« Ja*k Cnh>w Vln a Panhandle ; past year. sell « « t «l Hr 1 M after rattled SihmMlt And H«rr> I « « n w • • » Through this publicity, we feel neon, tlirt » night al poller The child lUrlvd up in trr uf IN—I o r f l t w w ith V r » C h a i t n we have made many new friends lo u r ror aa the m nthei »a< Iran* K u h n * »»l (W l M iw l. th*- The executive board of the Used with horror Franklin PTA gave a iunchoon to and have given the gencrul pub­ t *i' tlMrth after I U p s' lum rn^'ft gxtevta al I He fv.ime Then there %hm K‘ %nit the teachers at the school Wed­ lic a better understanding of the a a d Ikr fa.l >. n in nu»t (h it \ ti\ u d a d in n e r fnalured the Mis Waltri fhdlu*. the.i there was stlenrr Hum . nesday, June 16 This affair is 1 aims and accomplishments of the |msm I ihiM ich hi* h«»rnr nuilr >.*» u l h.Hu after a meeting the 1 u r u la y later II waa learned Mr r rule* reported elsewhere in this paper. Parent Teat her group. Mas t»* mdast. re- * Publicity Chairman. he l» |U 't As happ* hr nu lung lu«l W*n1.- t i* a n * »r *. idetll and M * Mane Vi# ».>«• in IntliMlnal tnd 1 a|» » !>'• cently for her executive board It Lyndhurst PTA Council. er w s r h t un Ih rre Oa Vm.i.1 i. tht mrn were > inJO p tan * w e r e • n m m n - r .l l a tio iu W h ile a t a-*>II«ge h a s aa killed "Its tugged dull - Punier ‘ ■•l ih a.tr w i t i td r t.» l*e h e ld *>« a member •»! SUgma Chi frstri u ld Recreation Needs Stressed I U l a i » I' rtda > Ihr |3 |h . Ju!> .! 1 t.. Sesakte height* h»t> HV'I a w e s r» f *d I h r C o rn e ll hack in Painter «n eut aihlrtn C Mf IV ‘» a w d l w plover mt the | h»%* .let plant la '.e i C i i r w m »hl. o f N r w a < a aaem taled * ilh Ihr »k'>#»*l IW At Recent Forum Session » i « pr>t n u iiim t K u it He wan Girl*’ Choir W er« snd. \lhe»l U lt dem . of l*hil*ih tl 1C Urn a led al 1 »nn l-his l\i were^fVfied 110 apuve »n M an sd fci« < I » » u 4 thr |4 lr v With M ill W ikolCt G m i I i Representatives of civic and re- .1 he said, ‘and youth must take s when an esplu Polne t *•••* r hut fundi) i the> n r r e f< ■»! a p r rd M< a. T (' tW'g*i »i«»t ligious organizations last Wed- ■ part in planning the activity. Ad­ *”d light r e la tiv e s ties can te provided and advanc­ traced the growth of recreation irnuit.1 l»r hiv ( »ai|unHMi hr c e n t I v ed several ideas for a broader rec- j since 1945 in Lyndhurst. He ad­ w aW n I Iw I him Mml nl hi* Her tm n| in . i ,■ M. 1 1 1 1 . . i * - reational program. More than 5(1 mitted there were some things •w n «Utthr-> h I hern turn nff k. Carol MaVei Ith. \\ attended the inaugural discussioni lacking but said that prohiLitive Pai *trr nude, apnntrd -on. Janet dr ?.»s ila J» sn I SPECIAL of the Lyndhurst Forum wrnch costs prevented further develop­ ••e v ilr n % tnmhrr p»lr hr Piesti. Roth /uglrt II. Ifti ; sponsored the session ments at the present time. tween hint art.I the r\|itmoon da lh»n> l’irr*.in llaitiel Slrtn Commenting on the current *'A recreation system cannot be had viifj hi- 1*1 e Mi* ram la uf. Lijis Shellham rt. Ituu. t U>. program, speakers .said it limits b u ilt in a few years," he said. Tn p*n»*>n a at k illet left, B aibars Huisch. Ah «- Ltoi Gabardine Slacks activities to the atheletic-minded my opinion, Lyndhurst has facili­ “A lter th a t.' rain ier vai I," is.nk Jesn Mangrasiti- buiiw and furbishes little for other pha­ ties far beyond comparable com­ I weat m i. the army It na« D r s n u * H e le n H a v en * «n<1 t',i 8-95 ses o i recreation The groups re­ m u n itie s . M r. and Mrs. Andrew Schen- ack in early childhood, with his safer niTlle Virgmio comm ended that cultuaral and Need Recreation Director ack of 332 Riverside avenue’, r e ­ parents, settled in New York I > wdhiirM • * > vhnrkt I by handicraft facilities be made av­ ' Breslin, described by some of c e n tly celebrated their g o ld en Mrs Schenack, who vfitt he 72s ' • n d n » * t ^ M n M i ami Mi« Rdu g il I v A n In SmM Ilf..wn Tin, lifiyn fw ailable in - future planning and the audience as a ‘’one man rec­ w e d d in g anniversary T h e r e w as on Friday, came to th»- United ’ tWr »m n m«thr r was giv .f SiM'ond avemj consideration be given to con­ reation board,*' said that a full States when she was 18 It an lag her a party for, their family and hi Id hh aftetnnnn hit » ^ttl> m t h r l*i* } t r r t u f f I / l e r o il u r n struction of a community house j time, professionally, trained rec­ neighbors at the Valley Inn, 528 h a p p e n e d th a t in M ay IHSB. sh e or common meeting place Most j reation director can co-ordinate Riverside avenue, on Saturday. came to live with a family nest felt that present programs are a ; all recreational facilities Mis. Schenack was the former door to the Schenacks And**w I •Illlr* III now -afill < In llllf •llioiio f «laek« foundation for later develop- Commending Bicslin, William Miss Mary Kolarik The couple and Mary met for the first time m e n ts An Amazing Discovery Bello, sth(x>l trustee, said the was married in St. John’s Cath on a Monday evening Bv Wed from hum lreil* of ff>t|*iial« '"aii.f.*ris.il I .at The forum intends to function , commissioner was largely respon­ olic Church. New *Yoik City, on nesllay evening they were en­ as a “clearing-house"—for ideas j In I lie I are of I |ihul*|i-r> anil I ar|»eiiug* .lofl*. K iveftanil. If! *|f l|»ea, |ilaiil* I lie* 1 ^* a m i sible for the progress of facilities June 19. 1898 The lived in New gaged to be married--and within Although it solicited public opin- ‘ for recreation in Lyndhurst He York for six years, then came to four weeks the wedding bell' ion. the forum also introduced j • ••Iol nilor* h|ge* 2 1 III "a41 added that Bicslin had always North Bergen where they lived ra n g , two of its own proposals. It ad- j co-operated with members of the until 25 years ago, when they vocated a community hose and school board in promoting athletic m o v ed to t h e i r present h o m e in sought adult volunteers to super- j programs. On the program Bello L y n d h u rs t. vise planned ret reation. * ^ r e p la c e d Frank Gallagher, school Eighteen Brownies At Lyndhurst Men's Shop Telia ef Progress board president who was in Bos­ The couple have six. sons and Final Troop 14 hdaating The discussion was arranged b y ton on business and did not ar- one daughter, Theresa, all of Vlllrj O m l g &IU)A«UM A»r., KI ik 2-3131 John Kamma. of Livingston vice until later. whom were iHthe party th f it were IB Brow nies i re* avenue, forum president Fred Later Gallagher spoke from with their families. They in­ ent for the cloning meeting of Greenwald. of 790 R iv e r road, a t h e flo o r and p ro p o s e d that a c e n ­ clude John aifd Andrew Jr the season for Troot> 14 at the social worker, acted as m oderator | tral recreational lody be organ­ S c h e n a c k . at hom e; Mr. a n d M rs. home of the assistant I cadet. Mrs , and introduced the speakers. ized to co-ordinate all activities. G e o rg e Schenack, with their Herbert S. Freeman, 545 Union Preceding audience participa­ He charged that recreation prog daughters, Doris, Irene a n d E v e ­ avenue, with Mrs E H Mr.vi-n lyn. and sop, G eorge, a n d Mi Allen's Cut - Up Poultry tion. two Lyndhurst officials spoke ress is now stymied because of ar leader Th»- gioup enjovi-d a on the progress of recreation in “jealousy, fear and suspicion" and Mrs Edward Schenack. with "weenie" roast. Farm Producti Worth Crowing so n s. E d w a rd , Lyndhurst. and a guest speaker and urged creation of a central their F'rank and B ro w n ie Tr«K>p II w ith M isa and daugbtei, Carol, of Ne w a rk talked on teen-age problems in re­ unit to eliminate these element®. Elizaiteth Lindsay an lea d er About lation to recreation. Fred Schenack and daughters. closed with a party at the Scout Ireali Kill. il Puitlivt. anil t svrn I rrili I «g* Stressing the need for adequate Kenneth Vander Mast, son of Brenda and Linda of Belleville. House (ho»i«> and i efrenhn-enta Tkn M tear sM sis sea tug mold not he »uh)eeted in supervisory control in home, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Vander Mr and Mrs. W alter Schenack of were features Awards for at al Neasotislile I'nres school and recreation. M orris D Mast of 545 Fifth avenue, was five Rutherford; Mr and M rs Al tcndance were presented to ^ thduun clesainc mrthud* — Itt'KAl I I AN irtlird ll Brick, probation officer in New years old on Saturday when he Bonavita, with their daughter. lene Buckle>. Doris Dibble Mar» I 7 */j Amei Aveny# Rutherford York City, said that communities entertained a number of play­ Josephine, and son. Albert, of Jane Duddv. Patricia Kit/gibbon - Net I tt^lrilrtn I Ning HI ih 8 !”H are faced with identical juvenile mates at a party at his home On W o o d cliff. Katherine Gaffne> Maunrrv M D U KA C IEA N l'K«Mh> ABSORBS ^»li I Ml I O il H I M I h i t I IM V ' | t N l U i ' h * t problems He said there are :n- i Friday evening there was a fa m ­ Both Mr. and Mrs! S c h e n a c k Cartney, Shirley lUisy. and S»n sufficient playgrounds properly j ily party. #. were born in Austria. Mr S c h e n ­ W illia m s NO M II BIUM OK hTIIOVt. AIK A ll* TU staffed with trained personnel Youth Must Help Plan •vii ni m i ii a t i i t i i n h ri aNiKNiNt.il “Communities as a whole must ’ participate in any youth activity N| Al (U A k I.4INI.IK - M om miHIIINt. II IllN lK II)

• You're all M t for . ANY FUEL SHORTAGE b S m ■ I t !UI I -* DURACLEANtRS it: • iMtf a t Al INI l h i 1 g r t i h I I M U II H K T N I


for in»|»irnl glfhr! Save* up la 50%

You con dionfl* 6 - w lux" <1 * d f - v t r * You need not cash in your Bondi to meet a per compUti doto*l$ — anfhow' S avings *•* i— ‘ ■' vinaI or family emergency That is what personal loans ate for — to see responsible pnople through unforeseen arises w *th •W hy worry aLaut out disturbing their financial e^tuiitHtUm • PUIL SMOetAOIST Ample psrkiag ^tpare . . . Three parking lets D tlV I IN BANKING MS * AU-HKl ?4I A lt to t m W M . J M P M , to t m m Monday through Prtdar # tm g - Fiske m m a essr i or »;>i»* la RUTHERfORlORD sm> I * . »* * oagr»s t VATWS TIRE it BATTERy SERVICE e* i n «* e**o«sa *• 1 ’■*# saggiao ie* VOVltlKN PARK AVgMt l satsaacg on M l ftd. (Ruth 2-42SS) Lyndhwil n u a v t a c i N g w J e r s e y T I N OIL IURNER Levy's Pharmacy SERVICE 2h.Slvy*«iet Amim. lynghv.it N J. BM(» ML «. arl—«t~ B.F. Good rich K I M T I RUth 2-102* -w m u n i M RST IN RUUIIIW PACE EIG H T T H I LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1948

Hits Miller Miss Capaccio Honored d*«H'«tive scheme in White Tell Duties How to Avoid Ticks w , . . _ • , land pink, with a shower of Miss Josephine Capaccio, the* ■ NOTES ON For Traffic daughter of Mr. and Mrs Mattio' mcia faIline ,from thass by. For this reason, persons Crezzi, Past Commander William F. Gallagher. Past Commander j The business manager has un- way commissioner. Remove tall grass, weeds, bush who go where such growths are James Ciolino, Past Commander John Petrillo, Past Commander ' der his supervision, preparation os. etc.. from near one’s home anc :ound are most likely to get ticks If you don t own one we’ll loan yuu one The freeholder specificalh from paths frequently used Victor Cerneglia. John Caputo. Anthony Caputo and Richard I of plans and specifications for referred to the commission's fail on them. Dogs bring ticks inte C o u g h lin and the erection of new build- Destroy meadow mice and oth­ homes and thus may carry the in­ ure to follow through with thc er small, wild animals arounc The Ladies’ Auxiliary o the VFW will hold a bus ride ! mgs With the proposed addition sects to persons who arc not ex ( proposed Highway S-4-B which habitations as they are some o' Seaside Height's on July ll and the public is ...... invited. See a . to the high school, District ('le posed otherwise. Plenty of Filin in Stork — All Sixes k ) is to run from Areola to Glen thc hosts on which young ticks member of the auxiliarv for tickets. > Thomas Hickey, also n a m e d Rock. He said that the $1,750.- feed On June 11 th e V F W ssoftball team defeated the Lyndhurst 1 business manager, vv ill be 000 State grant for bridges along Swimming Pool team by * >cre of 6 to 4 Angelo Palo hit a home 1 c^osc‘ touch with the o ris tru c ti Examine your dog for ticks and the route expires June 30 and use Derris powder every two o: run in the fourth inning hich broke the score of 4 to 4. This j f,om. .its earliest phase Spring Festival We.do our own I'liuto FinMiitig would probably be transferred three days or Derris dip ever} makes six in a row foi the VFW whi are the leaders of the. He is to have charg< id e ls e w h e re . five o r f ix days to prevent tic^ Held By Church Western Division On All games of the W estern Division of the ■of all school buildings a n d »tl)» Completion of Route lOd to run attaching themselves to the ani softball teams are now l>-ing held at the high school field. Mon­ i property belonging t< th e s from the George Washington mal and engorging with blood O v e r 125 p e rs o n s a tte n d e d th< day, June 28. the VFW play the Valley Sweet Shop for the sec­ J district. All plans or specifica Bridge to South Jersey would which is necessary for growth and pring festival held last week b) ond time. July games of the VFW are July 2. 9. 13, 19, 28. all at the ! tions for erection or improve take at least seven years to com- i reproduction.. Ihe Youth Fellowship of th- CAMERA HOUSE high school field. j ments or repair <>f the school plete. Freeholder Ludlum said, When hiking in tick infcstec’ Methodist Church under direc The VFW extends to the Volunteer Firemen and their families i houses are to be drawn,.bv or and in the meantime “Bergen country, wear close-fifitting trou tion of thei*- councilor. Mrs. Etta 2111 STOWESANT AVE. a hearty welcome and announce the VFW headquarters 'will be under the business manager's County has no real outlet to the 'Cis with boots laced over them H a v en s. open to welcome them all dav Friday and Saturday. June 25 and 26 supervision and are to be ap­ Tel.: RlJili. 2-1260 rest of the State." He said the Watch for ticks crawling up your M*ss Helen Havens, president -The only meeting of the VFW during July will be held at proved by the Board of Educa­ parkway along the Palisades will . lo th in g . of the Fellowship, was the read Post headquarters on the third Friday. July 16. During August tio n . mostly benefit New York motor­ When exposed to ticks, be ex er for a play ih pantofaincs. In Tom Anthony, prop. the only, meeting will be nn the third Friday. After August regu- Rules provide that he is t>> .su­ ists and be of littft benefit to amined all over at bed-time, for the cast were Leslie Connors, . Jar meetings will be held on the- second and fourth Fridays-of pervise the construction and re Bergen residents, who, he stated, ticks: also examiner your clothing. Barbara Havens, Lois Ries, Wil­ cach month. pair of all school buildings and know of shorter and more direct Destroy any tick found Do not liam Naumann, Charles Gibstm, On June 11 the General.George'Patton Pup Tent No. 17 Mill present a monthly report to the route's north put clothing which may be infes­ Wflma Field, Lois Messing, Rob­ tary Order of the Cooties held a scratch at VFW headquarters in school board on progress. Pro- Members of the association ted on the bed; preferably keep ert Messing. Donald Wilson Jr., Lyndhurst and. expressed their thartks to the public for their t- I vided that repairs do not . .. ed named Freeholder Ludlum as it out of the house. Gladys McKeen, Elinor Blake tendance and support <>f the recent party given for the hospital the sum of $100 they ‘ nui; be chairman of committee to draw Handle ticks with forceps, if and Jeanne Walker. fund for disabled hospital veterans James Pacente and Ray -De ordered by the business man, up a resolution for presentation •’ossible. not with the fingers There were vocal solos by Ar Hunt were initiated as new members. • All advertisements for bids a n d to the Governor and Commis­ Never crush ticks with the bare thur Hogancamp, Lois - Field Coptic Rudolph Bull is was appointed chairman to arrange letting of contracts are to be un­ sioner Miller, protesting the con­ tingei s It necessary to handle I Bette Corbett and Doris Pierson for a party to be held at Lyons Hospital for the benefit of disabled der his superintendency He is gested traffic conditions and them, wash with soap and water, There also were duets and an veterans receiving treatment-there Members of the VFW and the empowered to inspect all work lack of highways in the county. thoroughly, and as soon as pos- octette. Lois Rles and Jean Cooties will participate in thc .Fourth of July parade and activi­ done and materials and supplies ible. W alker played a piano duet. The ties to be held in Lyndhurst Tlie next regular Scratch (meeting) which in his judgment, do not The U. S. Public Health Serv- program was concluded with will be held at Lyndhurst on Friday. Julv .23. onform to specifications. Show the world you fought overseas- Wear the Cross of Mai Mrs. Charles P. Maskiell of 60*1 KL* hus deve,°Ped a vaccine which I comedy by Hogancamp and How Other duties assigned to Hick- has proven 'of value in protecting I ard Robb, who ended their part ta- The VFW Badge of Honor—Join Now! Eighth street will be hostess ut •y as district clerk and business persons against Rocky Mountain i by having the audience joii) her home on July 8 to an all­ nanager are to act as the board's spotted fever Persons who work (community singing with George day sewing meeting to be held epresentative in determining or visit infected areas and are i Dietrich at 'the piano, for members of the Westminstcv Queries For Veterans lublic opinion, maintaining eot likely to be exposed to ticks may j Stra weber ri'es with ice cream Presbyterian Church to make 'ial re la tins with oj-her m tin in - avail themselves of this protec*- 1 and cake were served during a aprons for thc fall bazaar. Q How !<>ng must a veteran of If a loan, for'any reason, oal officers, and dealing with the tion Vaccine in limited amounts \ fellowship hour after the pro­ World War II be totallv disable.' oublic and members of"the school may l e obtained-by any ptiysi- gram. •o m p le te d a fte the guarant: to be entitled to a waivei of pre­ sy s te m . Judith Anderson, daughter of ir insurance has-been entered cian upon application to the Stat The Fellowship meets at Un­ miums on his National Seivice Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of ■ pon the veteran's honorable dis- Also, act as secretary to all Department of Health church each Sunday evening at Life Insurance'’ 407 Kingsland avenue, danced in Ticks are small, flat, blood­ haige or certificate of eligibility, board standing, special and sub seven for a devotional service. a recital at Kearny High School sucking insects. Actually they A—A veteran must have been what should be done? -ommittees and act as the board's The Lyndhurst Florist, of 314 Ridge Road, Tuesday evening. belong to the spider family. In totally disabled for six or moi :■ A The veteran should take his fiscal agent upon whom ;.ll pro­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Walker, welcomes the New York and New Jersey consecutive months befoie lu- honorable discharge or certificate cesses of law may be served His instability ol appropriations bo- , Nl'", common vam-ty of 275 Willo w avenue, have as makes an application for waiver. •f eligibility to the regional office custodial responsibilities include fori- commitments ar.* made. Ms th<’ dog-tick. a round. Iiitht their guests their daughter. Mrs Volunteers Firemen's Association to the th«- physical possession of all .Q—In-determ ining eligibility ot of the Veterans Administration Further duties are prep.r.tion b ,ro w n about three.*txtcen«h Charles Smith and son, Wallace, books, records, papers with full Town with Miles of Smiles. Lots of luck parents for death compensation and the^e the necessary correc­ of payroll and checks, receiving h >» diameter when of Woodside. Long Island. Mr responsibility for their custody as dependents of a deceased vet­ tion will be made collection ol money due the ? “ '“rger when en- Smith also was here for seveial to all of you. eran, are the.proceeds of National Preparation of the budget with board, accounting, including tn-:*ol**d blood days during the Weekend omparative statements and bud S c r v t q r L ife IpfcUtMW.*? c o n s id e re d Mr* .GeUMf Palntfr, ot 1H5 Ton- . . . ternal school accounts, school i get analysiH have been lodged in athletic funds and other organ-I hs in c o m e ' l tine avenue, celebrated her birth­ Hickeys province, with control j i/ations under the board's juris-! A — No. day anniversary with a family of expenditures and allocating to; diction: auditing, custodial serv 1 Q—I am attending school undei party at her home on Thursday proper appropriations all dis- ice and supervision and care «»f the educational provision of the evening Her guests bursements and determining the all school Servicemen's' Readjustment Act and M rs Thomas Gash. p ro p e rty . Am I eligible for a loan guaranty Mrs. Joseph Painter. Mr while attending school? Wid Painter and then A Y es all of Lyndhurst. KAISER-FRAZER BUILDS ITS TTO P SHOP-SAVE At The New Ben’s Delicatessen QUARTER-MILLIONTH CAR

and Liquor Mart Shattering A ll Records w ith 509 Stuyvesant Ave. near Page Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J. RUth. 2-6416 the M ost-C opied Cars FREE DELIVERY in A m erica! Open Wcekdays,8 a. m. - 10 p. m. Open Sundays 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. 250,000 CARS IN TWO YEARS! LARGEST LIQUOR STOCK IN TO W N Come in and See Our SPECIALS FROM 7 CARS IN JUNE '4* Cokjest Beer ...TO 21,000 CARS TO JOHN L. BURK in Bi BBILT IB JBBI ’4SI Town FUNERAL HOMES 52 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst, N. J. Self Service Groceries Shelved J RUtherford 2-0490 For Your Shopping Convenience 469 - 471 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City With Amazingly Low Prices Journal Square 4-4578 KAISER


403 KllHiK KOAD I.YAUtlLEST. N. }. FRAZER .still the newest tors on the TcL Kl tkerford 2-7272 EMIL S. V

.ItMMMt r«a*M B M W * «4 • • Ikm l k N . itl! l )«tn tm Ifca wtiwMl »a tKal *,• Convention Committees vTuiiivu M an k* •MM-rtIM* Ml •****! a*> fc- ««*••» »i» tm r«tik*t •I M l m e « u w ith i R l m a t l lk f h e M«4*v •( * r««.«i*r TJ ff»( w t . r»l» •of « p«r m i i p*r«Ut »tuiu W. «k. Mt • *4* »‘a...»,«*• ta. M llur MWI l.crtj . _ __ f.n* Mn*n t*w» H*a. Now Uvkig lllv*r*td. A«*Mk *t*'a»t IHT.n. |«k •w w *'" '*" 1* »*i I* t.-rt “ f " •* * « »■*•**»«• Ikkjn^h* lta>i»| (ram Court At*- * ) »l M»l l*-a» lfc*»t th« ml*. • hhh ia*. +~~I P * . . .fi m«Mi • • * •« u n f c » kt i»> w*x I- Ik.1 In Atlanta Hlo. h 12 Ixm J pwa toHw paMMKM «e wtt »mi l nw i • !*•« i|W «ll |*le krt*H If Mkrf !.**«» »« ntatrlv ST.I fna-t « ia* »,.» O* rta.4 H. m w ikiM l. th. «’»»•*' ' * th» Iw H *1 Captains Jam es B ogle and }**** *»r ***•**•** «* iw* I Ttw . awminlMi i . I** imM »•> *«> James Checki gave up Ihe chase •« l kmkn m priXH. -awaumnut • kn»4A4ik. |l!| *1 |*«| s r a . fo r William II Johnson, formerly »*>•••' U'i m *'"* a »»- -«(• tkitor t. * n I M »"»** Kaa*« .h .V **'»'» .«* M I to M l Bww* Itox » f " i*»i *•*» th- « *ft*aw-» 11> of > A nn street. East Rutherford, “*£♦ 3* h 4# H « AM* M l hr I M * nut Ih* w h en all indications were that he ***• tu* *•»*•*♦* b** *-•» n ^ R t r R l ua icm' um’ '.*• Ih mu • haa* a**-* now resides “somew here around' ; Bta.-k'^t VJ^ .\a> and •« »•*«»•«* «•!** »lwn i»- Atlanta, Ga They wanted him n««»«a a H"< Htatl' IM lh» umuhm apai Ii>f4 an* I*. I I’ V .f tn H i' ah-.* rat•*>•-* ’ because he had an accident Jun*. U*.*«*ihari> ** ’ t m i Riverside avenue when he ‘ ' —V il l AV rit>u» JI ■t * £ T £ £ , v™- ...... I rtoir ot all Hr«« «>•». t»iv»rwt«. • did $300 worth of damage to a Are mumtrriy f »<•«>■ i * ra • rntihmrlllk !»*»« »»ea»n«» hydrant and had twice ignored 11*'* hufc.h* i iv au .•Ih.* a « l> k IMI • k a l'fr . . %.a|»t ; melt I flat *. « .« rig «■* |M • IS .-* M I W «•*•» « - summonses to appear in Police nl Ih* 4»l* lltto Court. Btox h 44 I Tha T i>h h .I ii< ■ ah t*l a f« * h» Ih - *«*♦-'*»ar.» i They may not have Johnaon.. ,fJT7^ r • win* ■>( art legal (*.»«. > but they have his car w hich they , »n th. n»< im«...... lieu of bail. The sad truth aoout1 - the car. police learned, was that it really belongs to a finance com­ pany which plans to repossess it immediately. It looks as if the township will have to pay the repair bill for the hydrant. Johns*»n s three fem in ­ ine companions. all of whom were treated by a local doctoi foi their in). /ies. will have to pay him. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE firs* Raw—Sttond A xU ul Herbert Hou.klon. Ckiel Fred Benton. Fir* AsaiaUnl William Citato. Party For Doris Second Raw—Ex-Chief Victor Schreckensleia. Morrb Selle mbrim. Robert Sauer, Jaha Dakal. T Raw—Theodore Osbark. Jurgens A t Five Doris Jurgens, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Robert W Jurgens of 154 Page avenue, was five years HI old last week The event was celebrated with.a party given at her home. Decorations and favors were in pink and green Games were played in {he recreation room Each child received a bubble pipe and they then blew bubbles on the lawn Gu«>sts included Barbara A lli­ son and Stewart Schmehl, Mar garet and William Sutton. -Vir­ I ■ ginia and Alma Vallery. Ann and Helen Papastathis. Joseph Alon »o. Constance Bjertsten. Rhoda Carrig. Doris Dacosta. Ronald Carmean, Margaret Westphal. Steven Munson. Victoria Hauck. and William Jurgens of Lynd hurst and Jeanne Sims of Gra­ ham. N C. Adult guests w-ere the child's grandm othei s. Mrs Harry S. C : __ j ■ Earl and Mrs William F Jur . gens, also Mrs Fred Westphal. GENERAL COMMITTEE Mrs Edward Caimean. Mrs Jo- i n™ . taw —Ex-Cklel Willrnn Laadelli, Ex-Chief Victor Sekrackeaitel:>. Ex-Chlcl Laala Petrtlla. tad seph Schmehl. Mrs Charles Aaai.U.U Herbert Haafktoa. Chief Frei Beatiea, U t AM tatut William Capa to. EaCklef (Hear Makar k. Hauck. Mrs William Sutton and . ta Chief Frank ( aslletra.u Ei Chiel Edward Bayer. Miss Edith Neuhauscr Second Row—Andrew McCarry. Arthur Hermaa, Wlaired Pedenao, Daaialck Cuttagraat, Mania Settembrlno. Adaaa Kwiatkowaki. Edaoad Barbieri, Lawrence Chrlataaacn Third Row - Aathoay Praadiwakl. BeaJaaUa SIDaack. RoW t Sauer. Alkert ratUnan, Albert Bar Polish W oman kterl, Doaaid Steward, Tfceadarc (M ack, George Wocrta. To* Bow—Charles Mailer. Michael Pallia. Daniel (aalle.raat. Hermaa Dwdaw*!, O a rp Rick­ Have Meeting ard, Samuel Doaaid. Jokn Dakal. The Polish Women’* AHiancej,M£* met recently at th»- Woman * Club with Mrs. Joseph Witkie- FOURTEENTH DIVISION wicac. president, in charge A con­ How They Will Grant Avenue tribution was voted to- the Po­ Band ^ ¥ lish War Orphans and the group New' Milford Ladies' Au*. adopted a child in the New Jer­ Lineup For Parade New Mi If''id F D . sey Crusade for Children, spon Tenafly F.D. * sored by the UN On Satuiday Call for assemblage will te 2 Mahwah Ladies Au*. Band f i I night the women dosed their blasts of Leslie'* Tyfon whistle at Mahwah F.D. Ridgefleld Park F.D. seaaon with a family dinnei par 2:30 p.m. Whistle will be sound­ SEVENTH DIVISION-— Rochelle Park FD. ty held at the Polish American ed 3 times as a signal to start Weart Avenue FIFTEENTH DIVISION— Club on New Jersey avenue the parade Band Grant Avenue Official Division. Fern and Carlstadt Ladies' Au*. Band Lincoln Avenues Mrs D J Pearson snd hei Carlstadt F.D. Spring Valley Ladies' Au*. j niece. Mrs George E Bulloch, of Police Escort- Lyndhurst P. D. Band Spring Valley F D Color Bearers 125 Delafleld avenue, have ret Ridgefleld Ladies' Au*. -Band turned-from a trip «f several days N. J . »t N. Y. Ridgefield F.D Norwood Ladies' Au*. * to Washington and on to Arling N. J. * N. Y. EIGHTH DIVISION— Norwftod F D. ton National Cemetery where M ayor a n d C< . Weurt Avenue Tow-nship of Washington thev visited the grave of Mi Bui G u ests Band ladies’ Au* FIRST DIVISION— North Arlington Indies' Au*. Township of Washington F D. F ern i t W eurt A venues Wood Ridge FD. SIXTEENTH DIVISION Band Band Chnae Avenue OnoiNANCa NO loss Bergenflc.ld Ladies’ A u * Emerson Ladies' Au*. T-.^ .'*hPI.NAN*'K Al THOMIXlN'i Bergenfield F D I Band . '., h • kivatk hai.k Emerson F.D. South Hackensack ladies’ Au*. Band H' ™ K T»is.Nsnir NINTH DIVISION— South Hackensack FD. l .y \ | > M l U*T IV Tin: .MU v I % . .y East Rutherford FD r - Weart Avenue Northvale Ladies' Au* *NI> ^I'lMli m u * AVI. Band MINI Ml 14 CHI'-KM TM KHIC.K IM n Band North vale FD. N J HKVIfkl* HTAf Nanuet F D Paramus Ladiei Au*. | Band ' Tiw im: »<• m s-rir hmj a* A S r ' nl'I'I'I.K.MICN'TKI• SECOND DIVISION Param us F D ! Cresskill Ladies' Au*. The tar* of I 'nnunlMMNieta -.4 ih, Fern A Weurt Avenues Band T *>w iia h i |> u l l.» i.* u r » i | n t h , 4 * Cresskill FD of IW j«'< *.. .4.11, aa faUutBa Band 4 " Dumont Ladies Au*. i SEVENTEENTH DIVISION— I Thai Ih*- Un*. torriMfi. r * . Hasbrouck Heights FD a.rlb a -4 S P r «*».! ! , . > * . * (im Ua. Dum ont F D (haae Avenue I Th** l»'-ai .1 n t ...... Ho-Ho-Kus F.D A lpine F.D. Band - he-r^b* a ih . aaU r t Ihr f-. »»«,»„ Grantwood F D. Woodcliff Lake F D. I»».«I4I • at |,Mhl|. or ...... Palisades Park F.D aal. f.W a larrto* «.f o n . y . a r fr » » . •> .* Band TENTH DIVISION— Wald wick Ladies' Au*. afl^ r- th.- Mat* w han (hi* < » * . . . • t... Hill Crest ladies' Au*. Lineatn Avenue Wsldwick FD • .a d Im^ . nar .U m i i v . a>Ml * . - . h . f . I ’ *h» I .r ix a a n * itiin ir.wo ‘)Mt>ai Hill Crest FD Band Band f«# a a . h Bf Mat* IWOfr.ni. a .a ,»,.>«/ Band River Edge Ladies' Au*. Association of Tappan Ladies Ih. «*ia* I»l aaar-aa| Nva fr*t«v *»re Urgrf* Prrn A Heart Avennes Park Ridxe FD • i*. . f T K m i* * A * ■ «' k|i|w»*im *i.|j i*t ♦f «|a*«»«tf 4 r I ' * f|»p eer f *k»f!ijplsrw of iff Maywood F D Montvale Ladies' Au*. Chaaa Avenue tm fnt W*M»rty Iron. l U t > A » rn u. Allendale F D Montvate FD Band ** brie 1 f#n dr*« »*ie f&ae'<.t«tl Band H arrington Park F.D. i Wyckuff F D lw~ k IN Ijo f M »4 tf »#f a F D. .*«-*'■ nM i.ly V *• '«•< • fa* ♦#»* * o v a i, a*»i ve» »•• «9ut «*tJ4gota F D Uncata Avenue Band al Mi» k»ul''*a«l«ri) cor iwr '1 T V m i m A B an d Band W sUington F D. A ttm *. ■ *t r‘ «r •? U Iw / *»»*/ rh * *«*ie* m >4 POCRTH DIVISION Cluster F D Ramitov F D IJvtngston Avenue Muonachie toadies' Au*. NINETEENTH DIVISION ■ v.Wh * 4f* d ft *m4 >#■ - Band Mixm athie F D Grucn A vsnus »*.! • ti b • k f-: < East Pater.vm F D. Band Band Band » Saddle River Township Ladles' F a ir v te w F D I » <{%*' Nr •##» * Tallman Iaadies’ Au* Au* Band ■nr m w 4 f « J t« i a. , t Tallman F.D. Saddle River Township FD I^)d> ladies' Au*. .%*♦ farm * *,■> h B a n d \ ftiverdale F-D !-odi F D Piermoni Ladies’ Au*. TWELFTH DIVISION ' Rand - * l_ * *’) • ■ * * * a * n* *<* Piermont F D BriffHiah of Fairlaw n F.t> w Hi th I •CtaluUfS' F im DIVISION TWENTIRTH DIVISION— Livtngslan Avenns Franklin Lakes Lad*** Au* Geaen Avenua Band Franklin Lake* FD- Band Pearl River I .adto* Au* Glen Bock FJJ Falrview FD Pearl Rivr7 F D * Band F ort U t Ladie* Au* G arS eld F A ----- ! Fort Lee FO ------Demares! Indies’ An* Band Demareitt FD N yack F D Mrs George E Rulkrffc. n i 125 Englew-ood Cliffs F D Delefield avenue, has left for __ G r a « Hunt melon Lang Island, where ■ f i she will opend several weeks with r* Band Rutherford Ladies* Au* her daughter Mrs Leo Ceyur ^ Hillsdale toadies' Au*. Rutherford FD • K . « *«■! til H « f*.' Hillsdale FD Chairman far a load sale held Band Midland Ladies Au*. Saturday bv MeUtodial Chord) Little Ferry Ladte* Au* M sdland F U Sehool et the rhurcfc w ar Mrs 4 a M tta Little Ferry FD Donald WUnon Pram ls wtU be -----tue na*s r» me*** a* e i i wa i Ah m b an* l« * a B and I ^ O ukland F D. * H * d aa aa sUee* an PAGE TEN T H E LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1<*8 consideredas local .citizens faflgd | |% - „ tA Georgia Chiappi's Plans Reed Memorial And John W . Patterson Ask Program to benefit by the arrangement. | f £ | IH I I H o w e v e r since Lyndhurst pas-, _ Are Revealed by Parents1 Methodists Planning i Is College Graduate AMVET s e n g e r s will now be picked up,1 B |j £ P For 40-Hour the mayor said, consent w a s Joint Summer School m a d e at this time in the in te re s t The Reed Memorial United BULLETIN BOARD o f public welfare. Week Locally Presbyterian and the Methodist An ordinance was passed on ^ Churches are sponsoring a D aily PoMce Committee Tells Tho PubUc Com n,^ Vacation Bible School to open on JOOOOOOOOOOOOC r * • • tl • %*/• L 04 in fl decision Monday, announced July 8 and run from Monday Commission Their Wish tween Court and Valky Brook 3p.„,v;,| (J, a nt.w bus lint, Le. through Friday, each week, clos­ Thc Amvet softlall tram wont into the loss column once again, ing on July 23. All children ber by losing to the Polish American Club by the score of 7 to 1. Amvets A . M o - d .,', Meeting tween five and 14 years of age (one).but lost. The team now has a standing of 2 wins and 3 losses will*be welcome. The team will lose the services- of therr catcher Joe ( M a n g e ) Mrs. Fred H. W estphal will be De Venio for a few games. He will be enjoying his honeymoon at I*K" ;i, ss: ■Jiw itJ.'rs ( oral improvement cost. Public1 the dean of the school with Mrs. Washington, D C. Congratulations from the Amvets. day night by a representative Testimony before the commis- hearing on the ordinance will be Douglas Liston as registrar. Mrs. ’ Roy Paciflco is c laiming to be the best shortstop around. How three-member commute Nvhiehj ™ Jih°wed the n^L»or

was offered by the bus company's with classes or these and the It was reported that while mem- • . V | t | traffic consultant, said the utility primary group in the Reed Me­ . • ’ -~ - morial. Church. Mrs. Robert C. The Patriotic Committee visited* our post during our meeting bers of the governing body T estim o n ial 1$ 1 board.. Also representatives of Lintner will be superintendent of Tuesday evening and commented on how good it was coming along deemfcd the request to be reason- ' manufacturing establishments in Mr and Mrs. Blase Chiappa, of the junior group with Mrs. Wil­ Dante DePamphilis, chairman, and James Nueera. Vice-chairman, ' able, no action was taken pend­ thi' Clifton area testified that this 150 Ridge road, Lyndhurst. have Planned Here liam Muir as assistant. A num-1 were unable to attend. Mr. Emil Cuzzi, chairman of the committee; in g study of . the enabling bill. i service was needed so as to at­ announced the engagement of John W, Patterson. son of Mr. Mr, Ernest Vath. treasurer; Anthony De Cerbo and Ralph De Luca, | Announcement of a decision is For Doc Livelli tract employees to the various in- their daughter. Georgia, tb Car­ ber of others will assist as teach-1 and Mrs. J. J. Patterson, of 323 ; looked for at the July 19th meet- 1 dustries there. Inadequate trans­ men J Pittan, son of Mr. and ers. Forest avenue, was recently grad­ members of tho committee, were also present. Mr Vath gave to “Doc" Livelli, Lyndhursts our Commander Nicholas De Serio the sum of $250 for the sole use i in g portation facilities have made it Mrs. Carro Pittari. of 362 Cope­ Each Friday the entire school1 uated from the University of well-beloved township clerk, is will assemble for a brief worship i of the building committee. Chairman of the building committee I In the/ event that official sanc­ difficult for these firms to secure land avenue. Lyndhurst. North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. to be honored at a testimonal service in one of the churches, j Sam Caterino stated that this money would help his committee put tion is withheld, indications needed help. The announcement was made at N. C. He is a graduate of Lynd1 dinner this fall in recognition of with the pastors, Rev. Donald T.1 hurst School. a great deal. He further stated that if as many willing workers the police department is ready hls quarter of a century of faith-- ° ther witnesses said more bus a buffet dinner given in honor of show up this weekend as they did last week, that there wouldn't be the couple on Saturday evening. Kauffman and Rev. Robert C. to submit the question to the j fuj service to the community. I sery*ce w®s needed for shopping Lintner, in charge. much more.to do William Brialle. Jo Jo Vernaglia. Mike and Joe lectorate at a referendum. Sub Both are graduates of Lynd* Ray Hearns, of 406 Page ave- Mavor Horace R. Bogle reveal- a”d '"r ,h o f L' “ “ ending various i nue, has Just returned from Val­ Vernaglia. Chirk Polito, Benny Capaccio. Ray Guidetti. Danny stantial citizens have already al­ ed Tuesday churches and schools. Officials of hurst High School and Mr. Pit­ tari served for two >ears in Eu­ Mrs. Jean Vivian, of 324 Forest ley Falls, R. I , where with two (Mangie) Do Venio, Pete and Lenny Clemente. Paul Capaccio and igned themselves with the po­ "Doc's office on the first floor also approved of James Currie are only a few of the faithful who are giving up all the now route rope with the 44th Division of the avenue, is back from a stay with Seton Hall fellow students he lice seeking reduction of th eir, of the municipal building Is the Of their spare time to further the completion of the building. U. S . A rm y relatives at Rehobeth Beach, Del­ made a Retreat at the Trappist present 48-hour week. Any op­ mecca of those in all sorts of dil The proposed bus line was op­ a w a re . ' Another one of our old Amvet gang has marched up to the No date has been set for the M o n a s te ry . position to the movement is ex­ em m a s . posed by the Inter-City Transpor- altar. Last Sunday Joseph (Mange) De Venio took for his bride w e d d in g pected to be negligible. If he is unable to render per tation Company, Inc , Garden Miss Margaret Mary Sroka of Rutherford. Mr and Mrs. De Venio Members of the committee are sonal assistance, it is a surety State Bus Lines and the Ruther- are now honeymooning in Washington. D C Lots of luck and hap­ Lieut. Charles Gailing and Pat­ that he will put the seeker ford-Lyndhurst Journal Square Kenneth Hannan Named piness to both of you from all thr Amvets. rolmen Joseph Danza and Rich­ tho track which will bring a so­ Bus Company, they contended the SO BRIGHT! SO CLEAR! Ralph Sarro, an old hard-working Amvet, was appointed to the ard Coughlin. lution to the problem. ompany applying for approval The Board of Directors of Pub­ position of Quartermaster by Commander Nicholas De Serio^at the One other important event of Considered to bi- one of thc Cl,uld not actually operate the lic Service Electric and Gas Com­ last meeting. - Monday night's meeting was tho more astute political observers,1 proposed route because of the pany on June 15th elected Ken­ The Amvets are now in business, as we have received our liquor We challenge you to find its equal! acceptance, with stipulations of not only locally, but on a State: new ^tate highway construction in neth J. Hanau a director to fill a license, and as soon as the building is completed shall open its bar an offer of $6,000 for the pur­ Wide scale, “Doc's experiences Rutherford. vacancy on the Loard occasioned for membership Otto J. Stellato, Past Commander of the Post, was chase of the W oman’s Club build­ However, Consolidated Bus by the death of Wendell J put in charge of the dedication ceremonies. have earned for him a wealth of, ing on Valley Brook avenue. A knowledge which he shares fi Lines. Inc., to meet this conteri- W r ig h t Past Commander Otto J. Stellato, who is representing Amvets controversial subject for the past ly with those who respect his t«'»n subsequently filed with the Mr. Hanau. who lives at 333 on the Fourth of July parade, reported that we would be in the year, sale of the 70-year-old opinions and convictions. Utility Board a new consent from Crestmont road. Upper Montclair, last division with the rest of the veteran organizations. All of the building, still presents complica­ Joseph Melillo has been named Rutherford Borough making a is executive vice president and members present at the meeting promised to make this the largest tions for the township. treasurer of the W agner Baking- turnout for any parade ever held in Lyndhurst. chairman of the committee which ‘hange in the route to meet the William Gallagher, township is to arrange the dinner. The i opposition. Some residents of Corporation. He is a director ami Many of the boys are making arrangements to attend thj* attorney was instructed to take mayor and members of the! Rutherford also objected coptned* a member of the executive com­ National Contention which is being hi Id in the windy city* Chicago. necessary steps to insure that the Board of Commissioners will in^ the* new bus line should not mittee of the Missouri-Kansas- As many plans pertaining to the future of Amvets will be d-..cussed family occupying the premiscs-us potato past the Montross Avenue Texaa Railroad, a director of the at this time it was felt that they would like to be present so that work jointly with a citizen's janitor would vacate the build­ School, but it was pointed out by National State Bank in Newark, they could voice their opinions. Let us remember that Amvets is committee to make the affair an ing by September 1. David Ash­ the State Board buses do run the First National Bank & Trust the only chartered organization of World War II and that t;very outstanding success. en, representing the Rutherford there with municipal consent. Company in M ontclair, the Union veteran should join up with some veteran organization so why not firm of Kip, Ashen and Somer­ Bag & Paper Corporation- and make, it Amvets. W-r fought together—so let's build together Calling "Radio Hams" In Rutherford the buses will ville agreed to postponement .of run from Station Square along several other ’companies. tin* closing date* provided his cli­ For A A C S Appointment Erie avenuo,Xrnion avenue. Chest­ ent is not “injected into,an evic­ Due to a current shortage in nut street, Franklin place. Fair- tion proceeding.” PROF. LIT1ANO specially tunned personnel for viow avenue, Montross avenue. Nothing oa the market com parse ZA CCA R1N I It was made clear to the at- lertain tical occupational spe­ Pierrepont avenue. Stuyvesant with it for brightness. Imagine! torney that while every effort cialties tiie Airways and Air Com­ avenue. North Marginal street of l . r w l u a l r P m i u I Electric. Model N2D. (Mode! 6.2D) $725.00 This is the week towards which the Seniors have been looking. j.Rogalski-W ase Post 3549, Veter- the exceptional opportunities that and daughter, Jean Ayre, of 17 Li your home if They held their banquet in the Swiss Chalet last Tuesday night with I ans of Foreign Wars, for the pur are now Lcing offered for enlist , Ridge road, left last week by desired. Billy Landells as master of ceremonies. The grandest occasion of chase of a 15-foot strip of prop­ ment at this time to those who plane fur Los Angeles, Califor- all is graduation. Senior speakers. Helen- Havens, Harriet Stein- erty adjoining its Valley Brook oan meet the general and techni- nia Mr. Garde, who is chairman Brighton Vacuum Exchange lauf, Roy Mion and Robert Ranucci have spent much time in prep­ avenue headquarters. Plans are Cal requirements. of the Lyndhurst Branch of the aration for this night Then, "all aboard” for the Class Outing which to use the land for a driveway. The announcement also stated American Red Cross, will attend LYNDHI RST N. J. will be Friday morning. Imagine the commotion when that crowd Municipal consent was granted that AACS js .offering men \cith i the'r national convention at San of noisy Seniors gets on the boat heading for. Rye Beach! to the Public Service Inter-S|ate journalistic ability* an opportun- Francisco. On the return trip To add to the enjoyment of the last day of scljool, the Junior Transportation Corp., for opera­ ity to enlist for pubic minima- they will stoJ> at Yellowstone Na­ Dramatics Club will present a play in assembly entitled “Bobby Sox tion of 15 buses through Lynd­ tion duties wjth that organization jtional Pi rk, Salt Lake City and Brigade." The characters in the play are: Penny Konant. Barbara hurst streets on the Little Falls', Parties inteiested are asked to i Denver, and then visit relatives Powell; Mrs Howard Konant. Sally Messineo; Etta Hart. Anita Rich­ N ev. Y o rk . R o u te 19 M ay o r contact AACS Public.Information Kansas City, and at Chicago ards; N.ella Naughton. Marion Gaccione; Natalie Konant. Jean W alk­ Bogle pointed out that applica­.. Office; 142<1 AACS Squadron, J where Jean Ayre will her her er; Hank Cornoy. Nick Silolella, and Stuffy Pringle, M arty Alonzo. tio n m a d e year ago was*'not| Mitchel AFB, without delay. great-grandmother. Be seeing you in September, folks. I several years ago. Mr Ltddle was Personals caretaker of the Lyndhurst Town Hall for a number of years. W e will completely summerize PETE'S USED CARS C. J. Wardeska, of 338 Valley Brook avenue, who has accepted 420 RIDGE ROAD a position at Cambridge. ..Ohio. Robert Saum. who completed your car for only $7>85 I.YNDHl'RST. N. J. t was homo from there for the his junior year of work at Tren­ Install Summer grade Lubrication in the Transmission weekend His family will move ton State Teachers’ College, 1947 C h e v ro le t 2 door Black and Differential. to Cambridge about the middle where he is a music major stu- , 1946 C h e v ro le t 2 door Black o f J u ly . t dent, is home for the summer Grease and spray with Ksso Grease — Chettc Lights. , 1946 F o rd 2 door Biege with his parents, Mr and Mrs, i 1942 C h e v ro le t Sta. Wagon The Italian American Wom­ Fr»-d E Saum. of 225 Post ave Flush Crankcase and fill with Fsso Motor Oil — 5 quarts * 1942 F o rd 4 door Black en’s Association will hold a bu | n u e. ,1942 F o rd 4 door Blue ride to Seaside Heights oh July Flush Cooling system and tighten hosrs — Repack front Conv. Sedan wheel bearings. >1940 M e r c u ry 11. Miss Lillian Ricasello is thi* A daughter, Kathleen Donna, •1940 C h e v ro le t C o u p e p re s id e n t. was born June 7th at Hacken­ Check Battery and Tighten Cables — 'Clean a i d reset 1940 Hudson Coupe sack Hospital to Mrs Robert Mit Spark Plugs. ,1939 Buick 4 door Mr. and Mrs. John Liddle of • lull, oft 542 Freeman- street, 1939 Chevrolet Sedan Deliv'y 552 Second avenue entertained i Lyndhurst Mr: Mitchell is the ( berk Wiper Blades — Check Tires for proper pressure ’ 1938 Chevrolet 4 door Blue their family last week in celebra­ former Mane So.asurdo Mr and 1938 Chevrolet 2 door Black Wash and Vacuum car. tion of their 52nd wedding anni­ Mrs. Mitchell have anoth. i 1937 Ford Conv. Coupe versary. Before his retirement daughter. Pattey Jeanne Cars Called for and Delivered 24 Hour Ser TRUCKS 1947 Dodge Pick Up • 5 1942 Chevrolet I to n _____ $395 SUMMER SCHOOL Ftinn's Esso Servicenter I I j to n $350 (*)|»«*nints Dates — —— June 2 8 n m l July HI tlrr-2-68.12 ( all l •> for Sin iir 2 1940 Chevrolet .VNI It,mil 1H ton . $295 Day am i F.miirifi (.lasses l.ynilhiirMl, Y J. 3 1941 Chevrolet Shorthand. Typewriting. Comptometry. and Allied Commercial Subjects

RUTHERFORD SECRETARIAL SCHOOL . 2 Franklin Place, Rutherford Tel. RU. 2-7147 f Mor» volu*—more motoring enjoy­ MAIO’S ment for yovr money! SPECIAL That t what you gat in th,i smarter, unoottwr- KXTKA-lOW PRESSURE DRES Fresh Killed Poultry ~ Fruits - Vegetables riding. nor* dependable on& m o n econoaucal (BUY OM.Y rilK ru n s YOU LIKE) C hevrolet. Conrad Woyce Poultry Killed and Dretsed in Our Jersey City Plant' more value m ih style-leading tody by fifcer; more value in in road-smoothing Unitized TASTE THE DIFFERENCE' Radio and Television Service R*<*e, more vofce in the thrilling per- SPEtJAL — Soup. Frirasm*. ami SrnvhTjrt^tiivkeiis — 48c per !l>. tormonce of its Vohro-in-Head engine ond in the topping -po— of it* foutive-Action Hydraulic formerly of •rafcee— a* eidueiv* ip Chevrolet ot lowest prkee1 528 Valley Hrmtk Ateiim*, I \ mlliur-t Rutherford 2-7585 Yet. CHEVROLET AND ONI Y CHEVKOUT IS M SI in aU-rowid value. That's why more people b u y » and more p eople drive ii than any ottier m otel /Vow O/ieratin/g hrom FREE DELIVERY .r>6 Delafield Avenue, l.\n<|liur»t. V J. 102 Park Avenue Rutherford, N. J. We Have Large Roasting Chickens — Broilers Laird-Johnson, Inc. Phone RUth. 2*4376 Soup — Fricassee Chickens 325 PARK AVENUE RUTHERFORD RUth. 2-2500 THE LEADER'S PAGE OF ALL SERVICES Mrs Donnnnli S**u»* AnntKnr Bln Mnntii P m I m I THE BARGAIN COUNTER Hnoincr oiqBig momnMon r o s m ‘ RiH»scv«-It jvcsuc —*r‘>nr1 ^ | cently ^t a fareviett fvaf VENETIAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY i Mrs W I) IhektnMMi M Thousands have fn.m.l tlial th«.r small advrrtitr- By State’simple'yment Unit ton, who rs imnum «» BLINDS ments are thr mn»t eagerly rra.I in Bergen County. { IwHith Jf-rse\ ORIIKII M UT « .« M . Ml I 11 RAILINGS Convince yourself by buvin); tliem. Through them The forty-four offices of the during the preceding month New Jciscy State Employment The SES director predicted that | The Mis>e?> U wm> «aw « I - I . . M H U H fo a l • r . i i r * M l rent, buy or exchange; find the bargain for which you Jean Mangi avitr Mt> \ ^ (Mil l\'l .11 \ll**\ Service placcd ILM7 workers in many local offlccs during- June «*|-«l>tlv, *,r .rtM Kufl Uil • K ff^ iw have been searching. Telephone or write your classi jobs during the month of May. i tor A. Maturo atlewftrd a -«r4 ». FENCING and July will receive a large J M A C X IIIA j Stale D irector R ussell J. £1 dr edge num ber of. claim s for unem ploy­ i at Bayonm' .*n Frt4^« ig !• < • ' » M . t l l \ l . > 1 INK fied advertisements to our office.: 255 R id c e R o \ d, AILING III I r«Nit M NN. announced in Trenton this week ment benefits from worker lattM ttin t.tvu L y n d h u i s t , o r 1 2 4 R id c e R oad , N o r t h A r l i n g t o n , R l 3 m e This is the third consecutive whoce plants closc for inventory PVINT-Sn F\>H ltfc\s Venetian Blind Co. RUth. The telephone numbers arc KI't i i f i u o m ) 2-103L and month in which advances were taking or for plant-wide va?a 7-0804 Rl th M*%vj > U » . » f » ! I KE a r n e y 2 - 6 0 5 1 . made. Of those placcd 1.47(1 were tions. Most of these claimants $ 7 9 8 veterans. Workers placed in ag­ will not colleit benefits because SeM Scought li.«> Speesahiaa One insertion k seventy-five cents. ricultural employment numbered they will be recalled to their job* MKS HI NMHi I Hatnr K. Tirpnth 511 v t*i • II t ' l W i S t | | I cfore qualifying Kl ih .• 00 :s R ■1.S- THh AL tX»N1BA'tt»R Two insertions are one dollar and twenty-five cents. u « itir a m v n t l I ^ M M It M>r. ,H 9 In his m onthly report to UCC Active applications on flic from : n i « « Three insertions are one dollar and fifty cents. Du eel or Harold G. Hoffman. El- job seekers numt»ercd 113.744. a t all hrlarnt *' im . v« » m m m ibconc Avawua dridge revealed that 150,271 visits drop of 12.000 below the April 30 I > NDHURS T. H 4 were made to the local offices by figure. Veteran job seekeis num­ Sewing workers seeking jobs and employ ber 34.831 which represents an IMM 'HUM s\» s T h e Leader HKI.P VI W TH* *1 \ en seeking workers. New appli­ appreciable decieasi from thc iM.tn nti t t I>a> and Nmh» Machine Michael Savino A Soaa cations for work totaled 16.30S o. 58.280 which were on at the u p o * *>l*i • in*mm- ti I-. I lf4t> 3.500 less than were - rfceivet end of May. ltH7 Shift Wvtrkers PAINTING A DECORATING A p p i > IH >ki«liti«»re SHEET METAL i t WELDING Center L y n d h u r s t U kiUbl ROAO KliOMUSlf I'lMMI IUK»M SKT. IIvIuk M erkm Pa I ut i I » i i |m u t ANY IH INti i tiiria; Imaa* Ttnr.f »nd 3AA Van B oten Ht .inliuiK in.u hitif: K rluidii.r. r». liadirx .«ml mitt'-r*. Music Bergen Cops Grant Itndhuiyt . N J Rrpsir* oil atl i i u Vi * S n i . .illy n i-w : for. .il to s-ii ir or v\ III,..Ilf kIhc Phone Rirth I rrrr I> ,t n sa.riii.. .'all IM tiullv Klven Arl>iist«ii A s k tu r Mr M iU u a a M | M s c Iiiik ' J lh l N .ti Mir . r 5:7 I’. rk 1-la. . . l.yn.lh ail Hi ulmj; iJo ’ '“ l a U i R t a l r n Arlli*! KK -0JS Makers. . . Issued 308 I I r s n r i . 1 k rrilalli ttlsae a a t *il M CARTOLANO By Je ey Sa.vso Summonses P ato lln g atMl P-apet H i a f t i f ».lk l'**t. H-I!»t \\ , K i>9»Und Avenue Lyndhm st E « - ■ - I ^ ref Lii«nnlrr AU- M t'aiN to S k ' r< »uK1.1 v I:. I’.u Oftt'-:.-:! I»r{rti»- * '"linr il fml^-t*. rranRs iL»4 us ♦•tecti tf> j»»vl tt.-xW-?tv,j Bt-VS OLD RAGS, NEWSPAPERS. Top Rerortfe for the Week: Hie Bergen County Police Dr a paitmcnt issued .»>« .summonses M m t tdkl ifWM h isl tnl > s H /yo MACA2.NES, ALL KINDS OS ! , STERLING . “Congratula METALS fer*ultfui lK *k v uHwti v*l » .< Itl tJAGS. 3c PER LB DELIVERED tions'' ‘•Lies” . . Chris Cross for various motoi vehicle viola­ Florist I tu. i Ul.th. i -is": tions during thc month of Ma>. ^»rtaM r "I Want to Cry" . "Just An­ N a | 4 Im III I l|« la* *■ ill I IHKI’LAfK. other Day Wasted Away" . . of which numbci IR3 weie foi t'iU H tr r ly «#/ I \ruikm**i a l - ROOTING—SIDING speeding. M. J. Mahnr I Son i.-.I i il. baac. 12 llt.lt** Mill. Chris Cross . . The> first side I'aniiing A Pa|NvWa|iR< I* * louu. »2-> '*> S M AW ll.I.i;, Hl..lkot. This uas made public today by N«w at rt t waisi. a m«*tiiwi H<*♦>• o a t l »lnugl«« u*ed Kirl't •shmvCHKO!' f ° r Sterling the Ciosj BOTANY N O DYE n il \HI> A M S / W ii un. j-m s-j. Freeholder William T J.udlum. n m n ii riHia ' ..til* KUtt i.m.Iiiik ui,.! style with a smoothly melodious ' 317 KIIM.I g n t l i R t IMerlettl I M M M t.\ .*|M rt» tr**' « * t ImaV ballad This is Christ Cross's chairman of the Pub|u Safety j L O T Y A R N S M»l*l Nh i In |*yt!!.-ntn lhrt;> >'• ir ^ uhich the meiloY' sax of Chris handeS out for failuie to observo K K 2 T 3 i : * •* Cross carries the melodic lint traffic signal.*, tin- re>xitt shop*, 1 X2% K. arm \%rmtr K RIINI ~ ( AMMttl u th iik i: g i . REFRIGERATION with all the artistry for which while 2W motorists weiT sum* • I. * Ith MliillloK- . ttrvHH , Krarnt. % J U III ll |o « I II N p m l t « i« i| Chi is is know n The reverse is moncd to court to answei rvtkless J .Hi: ' a ll 111' 2-MHM J « . k e 2 2 X 2 U Edward J. CUy C h a r l e s refrigeration * a tuneful ballad neatly sung ty driving charges 'UI Al rr.EANBB aM IH'MK miU Commi*nljU t>-f rttrnrntom PtaniMnc M r.i.n, f. Gordon** Wine A r. |wir.<1 ,\’l ho.nt* ■•|i|>I'hii< . s> Hal Roeca, with his vocal fea­ Thp report reveals that of the IHI B sistrt Alt Ci tM uruH t «-.4UI|>iii. nt r<-pMir<-d Osll |{u tured for several choruscs.- 30J summonses issued H2 werv t S- >«vtC* For the second record, the lush given out in Paramus, IB each in Liquor Center GREEN'S REf RIGEER ATtON quality of Hal Rocca’s vocalizing Mahwah and Alpmo. 18 m Engle 184 Hdntiago A wembo We repa e and install all makti ot Rutl.ri ford N J M l Hl.l,, K481 W Rhor* Gregory J.1II5R snnality and finds a superb me­ Lodi I >llllllttE*l NO MISTAKK’ Th f a s h io n ' s e r v ic e Pt.l’MMtNO iMl HtetlM, Ofsmti dium to one of the most gorgeous Dunng the month tlie County A (.ift to Alt Itonbt* .tolibln* U . I Night Serv I. <• melodies in a long while Thc Police handled 20 accidents m Wjlliaiti Hurt. Tout'tie Av. . l.ynd- F lee O iu u h IXh »«atikMai Ht I the! Bergen KlerVncf hurst. N J t\»ll Ituth m :«T If reverse is packed full of strong which 19 persons were injured sentiment and eloquent melody Twelve of these accidents wen* i.«e4»». UdiMillMkMl H im vrs ftw $»U l l * i i m K im K m * UMWCAriMQ Hal sings in the persuasive tradi- caused by motoi uls stopping too I YMMII H srs It. ei quickly at signal lights thereby % M « IIATI HI ,f: formances 'The act'ompammenl '■ causing a rear end collision VET REFRIGERATION h .t Inflat Hitt BROTHERS SFRGICAL SFPPLIES by Christ Crohs and the orchcv- Thc. radio division handled ani>li«M<-«a retw lr-d , sllifM l during the month. ?irr% lir a to I MepalfN |.m; 1 ilupli. al.d Silk Surstrnl SuMiit. 4th | TEMIY) 'T in G etting St*nti Herrpan’i G «r«qe L tlj1*! MT •i- ,1 Str«-**t. i-ornrr iVntral 'Avrnue. Ilarrl- I Iti All M akre l.tlMEdl I iiM frlt W k t,.r —a Itnrrleon I l l M - l . mental Over You" . . I Cued For «OMPIFTI. Mount w». li es latoly Tur.- ■ :---- . | You" l«.NlT|o> i* » T o Y o n •»l I VI \MIN \\F Hen Light with the Party it Held For 1 I lil II. tu*. uj K A I D O G S BOARDED j Tempo Trio . Ben Light and I ^ 4 . II. Ml il. * ?|*l * I ^ M H I I U < V N | Miss Leone Ludlum n a i M . i n s t m i t n u \ > Ml ik ; aaaii.M i n i s in*\r i»k i* iMt ed. |.iu k.ti t,u‘ T, l° « rV "» t«»P form frtT Twn \ 'I 'l I I M l*Klt I t|N KM I k t M t l v s M A R I M . Ml .?R#. l laV i.; 'hT1, s w,'," ,.l*«. dispensing their inimitable On Fnriay evening « tqiM-ell.i «oHk n il' *»*\IM AIIFRATION h 1 j style of rhythmic mustc-making 8;*t llo t i>itlr \»« I »1 ta— neous bridal showei wjik given at HYpRAOE l ig h t in g se r v ic e 1 with colorful Hammond Organ IIm i the home of Mrs Fiaocis X ; " sV» rr ,m(i Novachord and Piano harmo- B Y A P P ttlNTMirVT Dunne. 188 Tohtine avenue. l.vmU ! 1 \u w..ri> ■;1iarin i.«i I nies 011 these tw o old meltidieib RUth 2 a m w hurst, to honor Miss la-om* laid j rr»3 R i* lf r H « l. I » n tllm r e i . "ji. ' linHustan" “laify Bnnes* William L k^^M ua VtNtUAN BLINDS! - Ben Light witlh Uu- Tempo lum. of 274 Travels plAi. who • V « . Ml. t«i I i *• I C ARPENTER & HI II.DER | Trio Once again the oldies will l»e muiiitHl on Jun«' 28th 1 MAMIN SPlCIAL OfFFR! v ii. -rvin s Mr Edward LupsheVic/. of 23V j Briekwwrk t ru alw eit itT r.-tm i r« n t a ll ktan»i take the fust with this line in-, ud.d to .1 >i»t drt.|. ,» r,i! strum ental group, with outstsnd Twenty-second street. Irvington, i Plaaleeiag I . . . h t.i.illtifn W It N J Dt,c«*iations w en in poiK i iim i. r Hr-trf *-•;•• **** ,nc work by Ben Light The MASON l« . I w ith and white.with a hearts and fW* P m la Pifrtbasmi * *‘t Vtt«f* ln>ii»t * 1 instrumental interplay on these III Page A»r lladfeaoi. > t laWont lilH taf sides is breathtaking n* the bovs ers motif The honored guest tt* I R*a< I I h , . . |I ( |V«| SialS irt HI.. FjihI HuthvrTortl. N J •M TtM A TtN C.IVEM spotlight thei: versatility with ceived many In'autiful and u»cfui [ . Freeholders gifts and >the gtnid w ishes of all . TH K V 2 aa;aj. MM some counterpoint capers. . **ls O PI RA tO R s l.l True" "When the Apph 1 who attended A buffet suppei R«»N»KV I. Pugli aisee *1 I . D lax Man • WSa was set ved and the guests v|nn< 1 Experienced or Im n« . I » w « I t a t f N M i* l o t a * ‘in l-r. h Initiating RIosMim.t F a ll’ Anita B oyn . , ATI i hear A»enue l^rn*^. T-.r with ih. Men of Temp.. . Anil. *■> «>»»vaMr evemn* Steady En pi W-W. 11 ' AU IViyei nnrt thr Mon of Tem po! lu w e n l uuluded M .» W 4mhhI t%acr* I tadburri. V I H A R R V B nr>iiiK iluitiiu Pay Increase 1.1.nd tlWi. « , n , in fln. ihyu.-1 ^ ■ l»»w v'.'. M i. I ci.ry III- k ...... Appl* , im. Irral on 1 U..-«- two .wrll M'» AIU .1 Lupjh. v„, of In RPAI TV t R VI V A C K f R S O N The fV-rgen C ounty n>»ard //..ot. /l*..a>i|,« ‘ ■I sides. m.i„ With ihr vocalitlim tram t' S**"" !M t h a w A s e a — Freeholders t*n>k the first step Newaik. Mis Gordon Oeiatii t«. a Hmooth am' infectious hai .. I * m l burnt I u»l*it|t Mail* • I - I i s s \ « » n t e toward granting its n u m b e rs « mom a ing. this is a dist you just ^nni* Ludlam, Mrs Arth R U th 2 U aetian Mlitstl* I » Nt»#ii a « v , N | S I.000 a-vear p a v raise., last can t pass up Daiker. M rs E at I G m n li a t . Mi w eek It p»ts.s«*Mww ei Mead iyoa| Sltil Tal R am 5 |s*« a that cfftHt on first r< u d in g H it hards. Mts Mary Mortis. M< HANI>WAGON Mothet Nov.ei VI wjnlsyw N*-_n..\-i», a i t i l l MIORII NM tSlV The 7-man rniard then set July F ian« »s X Dunn*' ami th*- M i:* * Told Me' "The Wtiody WimkI PLUM BIN G I "• .. n. ta WANTED TO RENT ? ^t the’date for a public hear Barbara Barnett tmd . Palini.i it« istm ris t a i l pecker Song" e Dorothy Howe Rl tM t fill ini: on tbe propos'd rats** which Egan of L v n d h u rs t M>> Fli/a . Rt xh 2 er-Bt with Bud Loirame Quartet w o u ld U i“ .'t th i- m 1 .try o f t «teh lietk Smith and 'Mm I * 1 REPAIR SERVICE In Ihfs novelty. Dorothy ||o * e Niatd memtwr and Dneytur John Martin, ol Little Fa.ti M I *M\ 11 MNn assume^ tl*e io le of it young. Iad> M ------— J I>irker>«’n from 14 *HW a year H"U«gei i« a n d Muu. Kl* an..- i'.im w in - nt* 1 1 is * . * who is out things about Edward Holden l*» N - * \ * « k % % r, to I.V0OO i ffective Jtd\ 15 l?n Hi u i n of l a * l O l a n g i M i . K < l t |a >Im* |W | I*— Mm . lovt that she never knew existed I iwlliHrst, V J dei the terms of . a recrnt law th»- e r O w e n **f L u d i M . Ej •* P l l MMINt. A I l l » » I V k |a * a > « < " ‘ U « l « l l | i ihings. she explains. Mv Mothei Louis Mion boaid s wages i-ould Ih- raised to Dahl of Pm ttiaiid ( upn Never Told Me Remembei J tta a iN c $6.'sl0 a year Mrs Edna B CwmpbHI of Sr* C. Jung I il* t mtlra* for the /jtny character in tljg movit Yo«k City. • « ! • I M l M f II t { Publu hcaimit on tht pnvpti&al :artot»n'’ The frog voiced ' bird It ill It*’ 1 1 • »e e| l-W lU » Ni 4 I t i e s M VM « r.OnaW t| wiH be held in thi- freeholder'* that gets.^n and out of situatams YM* t ef bi Averts* FARM fRESH EGGS M*t««* N . i n —»»* riN»m on th e f o u r th fl Wil* 11 County Admmisti aUvr Building HELP WANTED FEMALE immotlatised into an arnu*.n|p-'**. ki v a s t s* | hi * i WANT A ItKiill.AU I N» 1 i.MK* Vj t h e h,>»rr.,ve best ears." appear mg in thi Jw*v* I •H I t*» a »tra«|il»' w ••!* m i ts g ELtCfRICAl SHOPS I t MHII H»| N l . n**-d jso iio i. i... ,ii.«^itt> f i . i . . l i s n utie» ana I l < m u h * o ' ■**k i., I,vndh’.ri-' Tart o f ru n ' ... m e n ts nf t-H) to e o u n ty rm p lo v e e ? * • —• ' . - ---- * |«»U** «rf 11m- Chr istian Mr rnr .« 2 * lw a t - 1* L«g1. | t « J r . f a i m pa» — a t t k o i i n i f vetJ W rit.. r,:.* f n d . r for July August arvi Septemlirr r \ _ *____ • nainthly p en o d iia l publiaiM .i I v tV e frp ta «at i*il ill naan. CoUnc ilman Boipn Mo%.< of D aviiet C elebrate tfi» Graded ptesa of n b *i GABRIELE fl* r |j. 4* lisrf^l rllErt f R» tarn vtatt v MIST M*»i4wchw'rf1!ise<1 t h e freeh o ld * -!* , , . M . Term Mr Lintnei ha»l.i» IIAI1 l i \ ’*>«• h U> paint a dual white line on * |M»*li*ta Iv. tak* «•» a ••»%» ApfUlame*. \ I* unis d in I. ...I M M l * ,.t h .v e n w . c ^ r a u d th o , in tfK ^ < * ra d tn e - P N a f i e * r »•».!> >.tah ■ *a»—r r < *1 » t > a i i * r • I Ii ii* . » H.fcl, m,i„, >ng~ on that toad while it tm b r Asphalt O rtteeatB M r. f.tho , I»,.w ns alamo, tail, T,lk, u>r Lml, mg used as detour during the re rN fiurt "tut a t hort>e Sunday nornual mafta'inr for M r _ F e a ff R a l l r f «.!•»«!<.I K «i\N | K » ; « k "n, * > “ **■ «<• •U ah ag ree- NI th ? M I 2 re<$ueste i tnat the counts oros ioe - and t haplaim. M s a o a r t Rug Cleaning . ..» , , Jent. Mr and Mrs Gustavi Gut i»! las- \V r I V M.lbut .1 fund* the spetutl policemen , _ 411 ITiwlr ftnarsnh.t/ a . |n.4*r. tn...... 1*.^ Mw •.r.. w s p w f --'t ir wrnlw y ", ^ Mrs Robert-- Mpy ttrt V- . U n W . pr.rt.---l >*.. ! .h.W.5. !-™. , Carolwie Aldridge « n r m < -o H rt? Jmuthei a\is. K*ther of Mr Davts. Bur " ••. u,< a.. > .Mlfirta' the Woman t Mtesiunai > S .- • $4.75 I KM.- ! Il l- KUO .i <*f tl-e Rea-d M»-t.'S ial I u 1.- Double Birthday a * " * ' *•» Mt» «>-•«» !r*.rrt.,i,-«» cha..h h. o i h i i * t*» rti»ir**«»M ^ Uragt; -ll of Lyndhurst « huit h Wedne»Uay afU.%- Oil Burners *e» p » .a?.-.4 . M A R O iD H Z ■- Is Celebrated f Of SaU an<4 Rant , ' . r . v ' " " - i Cat Mlaa A ■pa.lalf Bt tfe I uu a % A tlR lG H T *»sr/1 i i r t e o t e i i ; t.v-s> •»! Mrs . Fasene S»ed»-r ' .Wt Ml R IP » V I Ml I H I S I O R M * *’m fn R^tge road, me* tamed last! ADDING MACHINES ' Rl , .aaisa. I.'lb * w l r jt s dirutrt*’ Mirthday party ; John's Radio & Television II1M M Y AND at the home ol he; motl*er Mrs BERGEN Arthur V Turner of Oiienta! Fuel OIL FURNACS CLEANING place, for .her daughters Janet Timmnttum 12' 7 M n u u m K u S 2 S 9 Mtsasms/ / s M t w lTiia B f | l 4 . Typanfjter S to.ca port I «a aaa.r t V«*K All Svide: tsho was three years old j W atered end • » < Otf,»t..ti e * ln«l»lf.■ t;tnro»M v .m ' c . ; ' .<**•! t . riMrHsma A*-*- Ha-** and Carol SrideT was w»» leu! t . m r r m m 19* T r U t u u m . V l | ] W ^ ALL M U P *»% t * V LNCL* t *4TS a Monday J e* as*4 a* H I M i l l MMP^ v * a s n^aSka R|RR’OERATiO% REPAIRS Othert attending iiit lw M Ar- ! I.K PK H T . n •- •lam - tP a < (W » h it r i lt f m I a»- thur and N sw i Turner and Bar j / a t * /**!»#•r 's l N^Jr.f l-r-... • ... iM'tfc.-rfaire : MR ^ wWWaR SM ^p^R^^laRvC| V# O a \|4 fl'lH I K O tilFA II bara Shtp** of Lyndhurst John’ U i Ma I)M I Tan A M at Oa ia . oUm. Tat>.M» M liS B S a * • < f l a-s vtKiEB s n d Law.- usr G a n r a tt <»f A ll*««ad « e « * -rn ««• i f .T* r C I Wdli«» and Rutl- S» .Ih. Mat. VN I haw Aw. litm Sonannnl I.Hdb.ir.i > J 4 S 9 Valley Broo4 A * e . Ru**< 2 0 0 6 0 V'l Vlam ilat|ra«a*k a*. R*.. I-Maa**# IMM a m J K“,,' ^ r' ~ AruTCap.ran of K«rn, m m PAGE TWELVE ‘ T B E LEADER THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1948 ‘Problem for Conference Commercial Xeabtr To Be Held and TBE SOUTH BERGEN Established 1921 On New Low

Published every Thursday by The CtMMmrul Leader A regional conference to ex Printing Company at 255 Ridge Road, LvaJhaot. Tele­ plain and illustrate provisions of SUPER phone RUth. 2-1031. the new State Cash Sickness Ben­ efit Law will be held July 7, at Carmine Savino, > . the Bergen County Y. M. C. A.. Editor 360 Main street, Hackensack, un Business Manager Ernest J . Dabinett der the joint sponsorship of the Bergen County and the New Jer­ sey State Chambers of Com­ Entered as second class matter April T. W 31 at tW Past m erce. Office at Rutherford, N. J., under the Act ol H ank 1 1S79 Employers who pay unemploy­ ment compensation taxes have Subscription $2.00 Per Year Fixe ('rat- Per t A|n been invited to attend this open meeting which will begin at 3 Lyndhurst, N. J., June 21. p.m. " B e c a u s e this new legislation h a s s u c h sweeping effects, and be- The Sals Are At It tause the new requirements and procedures call for a careful According to Oppie Spaar of the Pavsiir H m U V-¥> s tu d y to determine application to and Jim Fowler of the Jersey Obsen«*r !**» «*f \r% Jer­ individual cases, this will be an im p o r ta n t meeting for employ­ DAYS sey's foremost Republican women— Mr*. Ktfau R. i «nk- ers,” declared W. L. Seubert. e x ­ lin of Hackensack and Mrs. Florence Baker. «A ir­ ecutive vice president of the Ber­ man of the Republican Committee of the State— ««< t%> their gen County Chamber of Com­ feet and walked out when Claire Booth l.rnt* n u d r her talk m e rc e . H e pointed out that certain fea­ before the Republican convention in PhUa«lrl|»hia Mon­ tures of the new act are effective day night. immediately and that employers and employees must decide be­ The women, if they only knew, had |»)mt\ turn- AT BARON’S tween the State Plan and private pany. Those who read Mrs. Baker's rruuri' tkat Mr*. plan benefit provisions of the law. Luce was “smart alecky" agreed wholehearteJK. T h e y a r e required, he said, to s u b m it private plan setups for ap- Mrs. Luce spoke like a woman entramyJ huh ih«- ! proval after October 1. FRIDAY - SATURDAY! sound of her own words—a phoney if ever tb w mx Speakers at the regional con­ ference will include tax special­ Thc Lord knows, tin* Democratic part* an*l Mr Irw- ists a n d business men who have man have much to answer for. But »o ha> the R* publican been following the subiect of cash party. These are difficult years. Qu*>tion> « nr\wrrv«i are Legalization tax burden of the State. He ad­ ture. Regular 15c a young nation and we run every day into Jiffmil- ded that he believes a person who Sale On Queen Mary j In addition to requiring cov­ ties. We cannot answer all of them welL all tWnti at' O f Gambling wagers on horse racing is in the Mrs. Lawrence Littlefield of ered employers to arrange for • position of a tax evader and could J4 Tontine avenue, who will sail benefit ’payments for workers ill MOTH once. There must be kindline** and patience. Of ikrv Ial 9 e Recommended be indicted as such. on the Queen Mary on July 9 or d is a L le d through non-occupa- ter virtues Mrs. Luce exhibited none. She —«rw m m* the club to press for a change .in i party given last week by Mrs. 000 savings in their unemploy­ wood-police had suddenly dcscen- ment compensation taxes. much interested in the alliteration of Mr*. Lmer'+ the law. , j Russel Neis. at her home at 617 <*t*d *>n an F.nglewood real estate Kingslahd avenue. at TH East Palisade avenue Discussing pinball machines, he Regular 15c as they were in solving the serious problem* that face thr ('ut flowers were used in the and ainested four men on book- said they entreat individuals to; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shapley country. decorative/ scheme for the eve- mfking charges. spend more than they can afford, and family, of 354 Page avenue, This is not the period for Miiart-alecki^m. Tin*. - ar* arid are a contributing factor to j ninB*rFavors. for the guests were moved to East Rutherford last ANT Basis for Indietirent juvenile delinquency. miniature boats with flags flying. w e ek . too portentous. Too much depends upon «»ur «*%m Winbt-rry. special deputy at­ Others present were Mrs. TRAPS torney general, who conducted The four men held on the book- j upon our every gesture. Henry Sturm and Mrs. Qtho Mrs. Walter Dohmycr. Mrs. a probe «*f garni ling in Middlesex making charge were released on Poole of Rutherford, Mrs. Wal­ William Kaiser, of Fifth avenue. Many do not feel the Democrats ha\e Irtl . «.r County, speaking before members $2,000 surety bail each. Three of i ter Seufert of Nutley. Mrs. Mrs. Clyde MacKav of Riverside have the capacity to lead wisely. of tht- Festivity Klub in Carl- them gave Brooklyn addresses George Dcsaix, Miss Laura Lit­ avenue, Mrs. Karl F. W eber. Sixth i a- m w -)i William Mayer and M_rs. Paul of East Rutherford, and NJps. Lu- Regular 25c do the Republicans. We must not «>nly lo\e m v a^i*KU>rv i- in the country. Ml- failure? have not .been failures of Schaffner of Lyndhurst. j cille Matthews, of Jersey City, we must respect them. ------are off on a theatre and dinner th*- heart. • Miss Molly Ritzsimmons, ol 234 party >n the city today This BLADES If Mr. Truman is not adequate for filling tb» ««%p l^t‘> respect him for that. Let us remember that the Fern avenue, is confined to her will conclude their season to meet position in the nation, does Mrs. Luce beTW\*> ii ^ W k political adversaries of today may be fighting side by fide 1 home with Illness. again in the early fall. Tp R t G illette Razor of patriotism, lack of love of country ? with us tomorrow against a common foe. Shucks, Harry Truman js as gmnl an AmericaM a^ ib«r< To Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Conklin: Thank you. Preserve Those Precious Baby Shoes 50c Close Out COl.DSPOT Bring Them In and H ave Them REFRIGERATION TEK 1 9 * ()Md boxes bought and sold Bronzed TOOTH BRUSH 21-IIour Service Complete Coldspot Overhauls $5-00 per pair and up How an FH A> *32.50 Only Genuine Purls Used Lyndhurst Jewelers Full Quart Title 1 Loan Benefits 25 Years of Service' FLIT t b c MOHAWK RADIO & 304 Ridge Road Lyndhurst REFRIGERATION RUth. 2-2019 “the Home Owner 454 Riverside Ave. Lyndfcurflt . R llth. 2-5857 Formerly Smith’s K;ulio and Refrigeration ol Billt'Ville • NOXZEMA 4 9 * JT GIVES yon the ready M M t to malike h o m e REMEMBER improvements, repairs u d akmlmiv li i s b a s e d on eaay-to-pay-back in c o m e . IF Company Drop* ki

There are no restriction* k to thr type «f improve­ WE ARE NOW OPEN r- CIGARETTES “I ments — including rilONF. m'TllERHlKn MO 15 EVERY DAY until II P.M . J WITH EACH PURCHASE 1 Dr. John Paff Exterior painting t Optometrist Interior decorating i H l “ $ 1 .2 2 — 1 OFFICE HOURS I rnur noun . !T. ■. • . Modernisation of krating »yste« Mok, Tu*thur». and Fri. 9 A. M lo 8 IV M. GARDEN Only One Carton to e Customer * Additiona—garage rluapev rtc.. etc. N o Office Hours on Wednesdays or Saturdays J Fri. & Sat. Only - June 25 - 26 ^ New roofing • Delicatessen Kitchen aukeotrr Note: You must present this coupon Scientific for Cigarettes 1 Eye Examination We Carry A Complete Lime Of The Loan Department of tW — >■»! sating* in­ • DELICIOUS HOME MADE SALADS stitution will be glad to «l» r« « vaar plans and 234 S t t y t e s a n t * A rm v m FISH CAKES EVERY WUDAY L t n d o i k s t figure out the financing. BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS CHOICE MEATS ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES oiling p r in g s avings PARTS - SERVICE We AUo Carry B S S Telephone PAasaic 2-6991 BARONS POLISH "KISZKA" & "KIELBASY" Mid* Motors, Ii CUT RATE DRUG STORE an» uan association - Pauaic, N. J. 418 Page Avenue Repairing All Malm Corner O f Chat* Avo. — Ruth. 2-29S0 88 Park Ave., Rutherford 2 3 Park Atomc, Rutherford, N.J. of Cart CHOICE WINES, LIQUOR & BEER FREE DELIVERY % 75-79 Jefferson St OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Complete Metal Body* Phone R U . 2-7856 Fender and Painting Free Delivery Work