Scientific name : galanga Linn. Common name : Maraba,Finger root, Chinese Local name : Cekur Family :


Cekur, thought to be native to and is now cultivated quite widely in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries. The highly aromatic rhizome of this is valued in Malaysia as a to flavor rice and also in folk medicine. This spice is rather popular in Thailand where it is used frequently in curries and soups.

Plant Description

This is very short with leaves spreading horizontally and lying flat on the ground. The leaves are arranged distichously and packed very closely . The leaves are simple, green and elliptical-lanceolate in shape. The leaves are slightly aromatic. Flower are borne solitary. A stemless, small rhizomatous herb; rhizome tuberous, aromatic; root- fibres fleshy, cylindric. Flowers white, 6-12 cm from the centre of the plant between the leaves.

Plant habit

Cekur is found growing wildly in old gardens . It is also normally cultivated in villages. Cekur is propagated through rhizome divisions or cutting obtained from matured mother .

Plants parts used : Whole herb

Uses in traditional medicine

The rhizomes of cekur mixed with oil is used externally for healing of wounds and applied warm on rheumatic region. The sliced rhizomes tied as a poultice hastens suppuration of boils. A lotion prepared with the rhizome is used to remove dandruff or scales from the head. The powdered rhizome mixed with bees honey is given for coughs and pectoral ailments.