United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,082,566 Yousif Et Al
US006082566A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,082,566 Yousif et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 4, 2000 54) RESEALABLE LINER AND INDUCTION 56) References Cited SEAL COMBINATION U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS [75] Inventors: Bahjat Z. Yousif, Elmhurst; Paul 4,596,338 6/1986 Yousif ..................................... 215/232 Yousif, Wheaton; Sue A. Ross, 5,712,042 1/1998 Cain ........................................ 428/458 Elmhurst; Nicena Guevara, Roselle, all of I11. Primary Examiner Alexander Thomas Attorney, Agent, or Firm Marshall, O'Toole, Gerstein, 73 Assignee: Tech Seal Products, Inc., Roselle, Ill. Murray & Borun 21 Appl. No.: 09/162,271 57 ABSTRACT 1-1. A resealable liner and induction Seal combination is dis 22 Filed: Sep. 29, 1998 closed. The combination has a transparent, removable, (51) Int. Cl." ..................................................... B65D 53/04 tamper-evident inner Seal for a container and a liner that 52 U.S. Cl. ......................... 215/232; 215/347; 428/66.3; remains within a closure to provide a resealable, chemically 428/66.4; 428/484 resistant closure for the container. 58 Field of Search .................................. 428/66.3, 66.4, 428/484; 215/347, 232 12 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet SEAL U.S. Patent Jul. 4, 2000 6,082,566 F. G. 1 PRIOR ART SEAL 6,082,566 1 2 RESEALABLE LINER AND INDUCTION ing Storage and transportation. The transparent inner Seal SEAL COMBINATION allows the consumer to observe or inspect the contents of the container, and is removed by the consumer prior to using the FIELD OF THE INVENTION product in the container. The present invention relates to the field of resealable Therefore, one aspect of the present invention is to inner Seal and liner combinations for containers.
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