Diabetologia (1999) 42: 1151±1167

Ó Springer-Verlag 1999

Review analogues and their potential in the management of diabetes mellitus

G.B. Bolli1, R.D. Di Marchi2, G.D. Park3, S. Pramming4, V.A. Koivisto5 1 University of Perugia, Italy 2 Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA 3 Hoechst Marion Roussel, Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA 4 , Bagsvaerd, Denmark 5 Lilly Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany

Keywords Insulin analogues, insulin pharmacokinet- [10]. Nevertheless, 4 to 5 hours after the s.c. insulin ics, insulin pharmacodynamics, physiologic insulin injection, the continuing absorption from the injec- therapy, Type I diabetes mellitus, continuous subcu- tion site results in inappropriate hyperinsulinaemia taneous insulin infusion. which increases the risk for hypoglycaemia because by that time meal absorption is nearly complete [10]. The theoretical combination of a prandial insulin Introduction peak with a flat, square-wave interprandial plasma in- sulin profile, would closely mimic the 24-h plasma in- The primary goal of treatment of Type I (insulin-de- sulin pattern of normal, non-diabetic people who pendent) diabetes mellitus, both at onset and after exhibit very tiny blood variations regardless several years duration, is maintenance of near-nor- whether in the fed or fasting state (Fig.1) [11]. moglycaemia [1] to prevent the onset or delay pro- The above considerations are the rationale for ex- gression or both of long-term complications [2, 3]. ploring the potential benefits of modified insulin mol- This goal is feasible if physiological models of insulin ecules, the so-called analogues of insulin which can replacement are used [4] and patients are educated be synthesised by means of the rDNA technique. with the strategy of intensive insulin therapy [5±7]. This review follows previous review articles on insu- Under these conditions, glycosylated haemoglobin lin analogues [12±14]. In this article, the basic charac-

A1c (HbA1c) can be reduced long-term to values low- teristics and clinical applications of recently devel- er than 7.0% and the frequency of hypoglycaemia oped short-acting and long-acting insulin analogues minimised [5±8]. In a majority of patients, the control are discussed along with their characteristics and is still unsatisfactory, which at least in part can be due safety, as well as indications for potential insulin sub- to less than optimal insulin therapy [9]. stitution in Type I diabetes mellitus. Purified pork and human insulin molecules have a high tendency for self-association to form hexamers, the predominant form present in the insulin vials Short-acting analogues that patients use. The dissociation rate of human in- sulin into monomeric molecules is slow at the s.c. Background site of injection and consequently its absorption is also slow because insulin is absorbed predominantly The tendency of insulin to self-associate under normal physio- logical circumstances seems appropriate in the normal beta in the monomeric form. Therefore, pre-prandial cell, since it facilitates proinsulin transportation, conversion treatment with short-acting insulin preparations and intracellular storage of insulin microcrystals [15]. This (pork purified, human) results in a less than optimal property becomes, however, one of the obstacles in achieving increase in portal and peripheral plasma insulin con- physiological insulin substitution after s.c. injection of insulin centrations in the early phase of glucose absorption in Type I diabetes mellitus [10]. from the intestine. Consequently blood glucose in- Chemical synthesis of insulin in the 1960s is the basis for the creases excessively 1 to 2 hours after meal ingestion success of rDNA technologies in the creation of new insulin analogues. Chemical modifications or semisynthesis only had limited potential due to the laborious techniques required. Corresponding author: Professor G. B. Bolli, University of Pe- Biosynthesis and protein engineering became necessary tech- rugia, Di.M.I.S.E.M, Via E. Dal Pozzo, 06126 Perugia, Italy niques, both for the design and large-scale production of mod- 1152 G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues

cological and stability testing. Some of the insulin analogues were found to differ substantially in in vitro potency, i.e. in a free-fat cell bioassay and in a culture of HepG2 cells, as a mod- el of adult human liver cells with IGF-I receptors still present [17]. The increased binding of one of these analogues (AspB10) to the IGF-I receptor and a finding suggesting a higher induction of mammary gland tumours when very high concentrations were given to a sensitive female rat strain (the Sprague Dawley rat) raised some concern [29, 30].

Insulin lispro (LysB28, ProB29-human insulin)

Structure and physicochemical characterstics. Insulin is a heterodimer consisting of an A-chain with 21 ami- no acids and a B-chain with 30 amino acids. An im- portant clue for the modification that led to was inspired from work with insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) [31]. This hormone does not self-associate even though it is highly homologous with insulin, particularly in the critical C-terminal re- gion of the B-chain. Approximately 50% of the resi- dues within the A-domain and B-domain of IGF-I are the same as in the A-chain and B-chain of insulin, even including the same disulphide configuration typ- ical of the insulin superfamily. The normally occur- ring Pro-Lys sequence in insulin at positions B28 and Fig.1. Glucose and insulin homeostasis in normal, non±dia- B29 [23, 32] is reversed in IGF-I (i.e., Lys-Pro). The betic people (n = 8). Means ± 2SD (Adapted from reference hypothesis was raised that if this Lys-Pro sequence 11). B = Breakfast, L = Lunch, D = Dinner renders IGF-I incapable of self-association, the inver- sion of the Pro-Lys sequence in insulin would gener- ate an insulin analogue also incapable of self-associa- ified . Biotechnology opened a new area of research tion [22]. Subsequently, an important structure-activi- with the introduction of insulin analogues in the late 1980s ty study was conducted based on moving proline to [16] and it soon became apparent that the modified insulins position B29 coupled with the systematic substitution were not just new insulins but new chemical entities. One ami- of both natural and unnatural amino acids into posi- no acid modification could lead to changes in the tridimension- tion B28 [23, 32]. Although more than 50 analogues al structure of the insulin molecule and to major alterations in its biological properties [17]. The fact that insulin in concen- were prepared in this series, the original one was cho- trated neutral solution associates into dimers and hexamers sen (i.e. LysB28, ProB29-human insulin) since it ful- [18] and the observation of a lag-phase in the s.c. absorption filled the following criteria: i) it had identical hypo- of soluble insulins [19, 20] gave rise to the hypothesis that re- glycaemic potency to regular human insulin in vivo, duced propensity to self-association might lead to faster ab- ii) it was rapid-acting with a short duration in both sorption of the insulin and shorter duration of action [16]. The dogs and pigs, iii) it had greatly reduced self-associa- approaches used in the creation of monomeric insulin ana- logues were charge repulsion (AspB28; AspB9,GluB27; Glu- tion characteristics as shown by analytical ultracen- B28,AspA21), decreased interface hydrophobicity (GluB16,- trifugation and iv) it represented a structural modifi- GluB27) and interference with hydrophobic contacts and cation modelled on a natural hormone. beta-sheet formation (LysB28,ProB29) [16, 21, 22]. Insulin lispro is a rapid-acting insulin with a short The studies using techniques like circular dichroism spec- duration of action due to its weakened propensity to troscopy [23], osmometry [16], ultracentrifugation [23] and self-associate into dimers. Contrary to the prevailing size-exclusion chromatography [23] have shown that the insu- lin analogues AspB28 () and LysB28, ProB29 (in- understanding of monomeric analogues, both regular sulin lispro) have a decreased tendency to self-associate at con- human insulin and insulin lispro exist in their respec- centrations existing in therapeutic situations. The addition of tive formulations as hexamers that are stabilised zinc to both analogues has not been shown to give a different with zinc ions and phenolic preservatives to assure rate of absorption or time action profile [24, 25]. Common 2 years of shelf-life at 4°C. The insulin lispro formu- characteristics for these insulins are faster peak plasma insulin lation differs, however, in that its hexamer complex concentration and shorter duration of action than human insu- dissociates into monomeric subunits virtually instan- lin [25±28]. Different in vitro and in vivo biological activities of the new taneously upon injection into the subcutis, resulting analogues compared with existing insulin of animal origin or in a plasma absorption profile indistinguishable from human bioengineered insulin immediately called for full toxi- that of a pure monomeric insulin [33]. G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues 1153

The physicochemical basis for this propensity to self-associate is constituted by one insulin molecule's high affinity for another as directed by key amino acid residues in the C-terminus of each B-chain inter- acting by hydrogen bonds and aligning in an anti-par- allel fashion. Three dimers aggregate into a hexamer- ic unit that is stabilized by coordination to two zinc ions. This is the general molecular arrangement that exists within pharmaceutical insulin formulations. Similarly, zinc ions also appear to play a part in the maturation and storage of microcrystalline insulin within the pancreatic beta-cell granules [15]. A solu- ble insulin formulation injected at a commercial con- centration (e.g. 100 U/ml or 3.5 mg/ml) must undergo more than a 1000-fold dilution in the subcutis to at- tain a predominantly monomeric state as predicted experimentally using sedimentation equilibrium and light scattering techniques. It is in this form that insu- lin is recognized by the insulin receptor to deliver a biologic response. Fig.2 A, B. Serum insulin concentrations (A) and glucose infu- sion rates (B) during euglycaemic clamp after s.c. injection of Receptor binding. When compared to regular human lispro and regular human insulin. k Insulin lispro U in various receptor-binding and cell-based human insulin. (Adapted from reference 25) functional assays, insulin lispro was found to be either equipotent or slightly less potent than regular human insulin in binding to the human insulin receptor and izing antibodies was observed. The observations sup- slightly more potent than regular human insulin in port the conclusion of extremely weak immunologi- binding to the human IGF-I receptor [32]. cal potential [37]. Experiments have also been conducted to deter- mine the dissociation kinetics of 125I-human insulin, and dynamics. After a s.c. injection 125I-insulin lispro, and 125I-AspB10 from HepG2 cells, of insulin lispro, serum insulin concentration peaks a minimal deviation human hepatoma cell line that two times higher and in less than one-half of the expresses a high concentration of insulin receptor on time compared with an equal dose of regular human its surface. The dissociation rate of insulin lispro insulin (Fig.2) [25]. This leads to three differences in from the insulin receptor was equal to that of native the pharmacokinetic and dynamic profile of insulin insulin whereas the dissociation rate for AspB10 was lispro compared with human insulin: the action be- approximately 50% of regular human insulin and in- gins faster, the peak is higher and disappears faster. sulin lispro [32]. This is consistent with higher affinity Thus, insulin lispro has a more precise action profile for the insulin receptor of AspB10 [17, 30]. at mealtimes with a peak approximately 1 h after the In other studies, insulin lispro and regular human injection and the effect practically vanishes 4 h after insulin were compared as to stimulation of glucose the injection (Fig.2) [25]. After intravenous injection, and amino acid transport and activation of the insulin the pharmacokinetics and dynamics are identical with signalling pathways in L6 skeletal muscle cells [34]. insulin lispro and regular human insulin. These studies showed that insulin lispro was equipo- tent to regular human insulin at stimulating metabol- Mealtime control. The effect of insulin lispro on meal- ic processes such as glucose and amino acid transport time glycaemic control was initially studied in large and at activating different arms of the insulin signal- multicentre trials in over 2000 adult patients with ling pathway, namely the PI3-kinase/p70 S6 kinase Type I or Type II (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes and the ERK signalling cascades. mellitus and 500 diabetic adolescents. The studies were done either in a parallel or a cross-over manner Toxicology. Acute, subchronic and chronic toxicology for 6 to 12 months. The postprandial rise in plasma studies were conducted on insulin lispro using both glucose was 1.5 to 2.5 mmol/l lower during insulin lis- rats and dogs. No observations were made that would pro than regular human insulin therapy, similarly in preclude the long-term use of insulin lispro in people Type I and Type II diabetic patients [38±40]. Lower with diabetes [35]. Nor was there any evidence for postprandial rise in plasma glucose has been ob- toxic effects during reproductive or development pe- served consistently in a number of later smaller trials riods in the rat [36]. Immunogenicity was evaluated including different treatment strategies [41±43] and in a 1-year rat study in which no evidence of neutral- can be maintained long-term [44]. 1154 G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues

When insulin lispro was injected 15 min after the tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) [41, 42, start of a meal, the postprandial rise in plasma glu- 58]. There has been a consistent improvement in cose was similar to the response when regular human HbA1c of 0.3±0.5% points compared with the use of insulin was injected immediately or 20 min before the regular human insulin even when the latter was ap- meal [45]. propriately injected 30 min before meals (Table 1). This improvement in long-term control has been Incidental hyperglycaemia. Incidental hyperglycae- achieved without an increase in hypoglycaemia rate. mia may occur between meals due to dietary errors Similar findings have been reported in 950 young pa- or for other reasons which often remain unknown. tients with Type I diabetes transferred from human Hyperglycaemia can be symptomatic or detected by regular to lispro insulin at mealtime [59]. glucose self-monitoring. Patients receiving multiple The improvement in HbA1c with insulin lispro is injection therapy often wish to correct incidental hy- not a big one. Analysis of DCCT data indicate, how- perglycaemia by taking a small additional dose (2±4 ever, that a 10% improvement in HbA1c at the level U) of short-acting insulin. The correction of inciden- of 8% (from 8.0 to 7.2% or a 0.8% point decline) re- tal hyperglycaemia or hyperglycaemia during acute duces the relative risk of microvascular complications illness (sick day) can be done more effectively with a from 25 to 53% depending on the complication [60]. short-acting analogue than with regular human [46±48]. Mild hypoglycaemia. In one [57] out of six studies [11, 51, 54±57] using similar treatment strategies of Type I Long-term control. In large multicentre trials in diabetes mellitus, the hypoglycaemia rate has been which Type I diabetic patients were transferred from lower during treatment with insulin lispro than with regular human insulin to insulin lispro without any regular human insulin [39, 61]. In a large study with adjustment of basal insulin doses, long-term control over 1000 Type I diabetic patients and a statistical as reflected by the HbA1c value remained unchanged power high enough to detect changes in hypoglycae- [38±40]. The advantage of a better postprandial con- mia, the rate of hypoglycaemia was 12% less during trol with a short-acting analogue was probably coun- treatment with insulin lispro. The largest relative dif- terbalanced by the increase in blood glucose before ference was observed at night. The difference in the the next meal or in the morning if no adjustments in frequency of hypoglycaemia was independent of the diet or basal insulin regimen were done [49, 50]. changes in the HbA1c and of the type and number of In fact, addition of NPH (30% of the mealtime dose basal insulin injections [39]. If the meal has a high fat, of lispro insulin) to insulin lispro (henceforth referred low carbohydrate content, there is a greater possibility to as lispro), but not to regular human insulin, main- for early postprandial hypoglycaemia with insulin lis- tains the lower early postprandial blood glucose until pro than with regular human insulin [62]. With such late afternoon hours [49]. If NPH is not added to meals the dose of insulin lispro should be smaller mealtime lispro, particularly at lunch, the increase in than with human insulin. The autonomic responses pre-prandial blood glucose can deteriorate long- and hormonal counterregulation to hypoglycaemia in- term control [11, 51]. duced by lispro and regular human insulin are similar In patients on lispro before meals and split evening in short-term experiments in Type I diabetic patients insulin, fasting glucose as well as postprandial even- [63, 64] but possibly improve with lispro long-term ing glucose can be greatly improved by transferring [57] as result of less frequent, recurrent hypglycaemia the basal insulin injection with increased dose [65]. This can be observed with individualised mix- (+ 25%) to late evening and by reducing the pre-din- tures of lispro and NPH [57] but not with 75/25 pre- ner lispro dose (± 20%) [52]. Similarly, reducing pre- mixed formulation lispro/NPL [66]. With lispro, hypo- lunch lispro (± 30%) with supplemental lunchtime glycaemia occurs more commonly 90 min after meals NPH maintains the improved postprandial blood glu- compared with regular human insulin treatment cose control with no deterioration in interprandial where hypoglycaemia more often occurs late after in- control even up to a late dinner [53]. In both of these jection [57]. If the dose of regular human insulin is in- studies [52, 53] the beneficial effects of lispro on post- creased to match the postprandial and long-term con- prandial blood glucose were, however, overestimated trol obtained with insulin lispro, there is an increase because the comparison was with regular human in- in hypoglycaemia rate; also, the hypoglycaemia sulin given at mealtime (not 30 min before meals) awareness and counterregulation are reduced [51, which deteriorates blood glucose control short-term 57]. Thus, there seems to be a trade off: if the control [10] and long-term [51]. is equal, hypoglycaemia rate is higher with regular hu- A number of studies have been done to synchro- man insulin; if the hypoglycaemia rate is similar, the nize optimisation of basal insulin and pre-meal insu- control is better with insulin lispro [51, 55, 57]. lin therapy taking into account the specific pharma- cokinetic characteristics of insulin lipro. Studies have Severe hypoglycaemia. A cumulative meta-analysis of used multiple injection therapy [11, 51, 54±57] or con- severe hypoglycaemias (defined as coma or requiring G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues 1155

Table 1. Effects of mealtime lispro treatment in Type I diabetes on HbA1c and frequency of hypoglycaemia compared with regular human insulin [injected either 30 min before (Ÿ 30 min) or at mealtime (0 min)], in studies with optimised basal insulin regimen

Authors reference No of patients Design Change in % point HbA1c Hypoglycaemia P.Ebeling et al [54] 66 MDI ~ Ÿ 0.8 unchanged Open, uncontrolled with lispro 5 months, regular vs baseline insulin at Ÿ 30 min P.-A.Jansson et al [55] 84 MDI ~ + 0.30 unchanged Open with human Parallel groups regular 4 months, regular insulin at Ÿ 30 min P.Del Sindaco et al [51] 69 MDI ~ Ÿ 0.35 unchanged Cross-over with lispro 6 months, regular insulin at Ÿ 30 min A.Colombel et al [56] 25 Idem as above ~ Ÿ 0.35 unchanged with lispro C.Lalli et al [57] 56 MDI ~ Ÿ 0.37 decreased Open with lispro Parallel groups 12 months, regular insulin at Ÿ 30 min M.Ciofetta et al [11] 24 MDI ~ Ÿ 0.43 unchanged Open with lispro Parallel groups 3 months, regular insulin at Ÿ 30 min B.Zinman et al [41] 30 CSII ~ Ÿ 0.34 decreased Double-blind with lispro Cross-over 6 months, regular insulin at 0 min V.Melki et al [42] 39 CSII ~ Ÿ 0.5 unchanged Open with lispro Cross-over 6 months, regular insulin at Ÿ 30 min R.Renner et al [58] 113 CSII ~ Ÿ 0.13 unchanged Open with lispro Cross-over 8 months, regular insulin at Ÿ 30 min MDI, multiple daily injection regimen; CSII, continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

glucagon or intravenous glucose) has been done in- hypoglycaemia is extended to include conditions cluding 8 large trials of 6±12 months duration. Of the requiring external help (the same criteria as in studies five had cross-over and three parallel design. DCCT), an individual study with 199 Type I diabetic In total 2576 Type I diabetic patients participated. patients has shown fewer severe hypoglycaemias Among them 2327 were using insulin lispro and 2339 with insulin lispro than with human insulin [68]. Dur- patients regular human insulin with similar treatment ing insulin lispro therapy the counterregulatory re- strategies in all studies [67]. At least one severe hypo- sponse to hypoglycaemia [57] and hepatic sensitivity glycaemic episode occurred during insulin lispro ther- to glucagon [69] is enhanced which can potentially apy in 72 (3.1%) patients and during regular human decrease the risk of severe hypoglycaemia. insulin therapy in 102 (4.4%) patients (p = 0.024). The frequency per 100-patient years was 14.2 in the Lipid and lipoprotein metabolism. No differences insulin lispro and 18.2 in the regular human insulin have been observed in serum lipid and lipoprotein groups. Thus, the meta-analysis indicates that the concentrations in patients with Type I diabetes treat- rate of severe hypoglycaemia can be reduced by ed with insulin lispro and regular human insulin in 20±30% with insulin lispro. If the definition of severe large multicentre trials [70]. 1156 G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues

Physical exercise. If the recipient exercises soon Insulin lispro in patients with immunologic insulin (1±2 h) after the injection of a short-acting insulin, resistance. Three patients have been described in plasma insulin concentration during insulin lispro whom allergy to human insulin or severe insulin re- therapy is higher and the fall in blood glucose greater sistance caused by insulin antibodies was ameliorated than during human insulin treatment [71]. Later exer- by transferring the therapy to insulin lispro with a cise, (3 h) after the pre-meal insulin injection, results continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion [76±78]. In in lower plasma insulin concentration during insulin addition, one patient with delayed subcutaneous ab- lispro therapy and the fall in plasma glucose is less sorption of human insulin has been successfully treat- than during regular human insulin therapy [71]. Since ed with insulin lispro [79]. These patients are rare and exercise is usually done later rather than soon after a it is not known what caused their insulin resistance or meal, a short-acting insulin analogue is more suitable allergy to human insulin after several years of diabe- than regular human insulin for Type I diabetic pa- tes and why it was so greatly ameliorated with insulin tients who exercise. The patient who wishes to exer- lispro as the only insulin therapy. It can be hypothe- cise soon after insulin lispro injection should reduce sized that a better response is related to a faster ab- the pre-meal dose by 20±30%. sorption rate from the subcutaneous injection site.

Need for snacks. In retrospective interviews, over Patient preference. When the treatment satisfaction 40% of Type I diabetic patients indicated they had was specifically addressed in an international study used less snacks during insulin lispro than during hu- of 468 Type I diabetic patients, both treatment satis- man insulin therapy. In a prospective study 141 Type faction scores and treatment flexibility scores were I diabetic patients were advised to transfer at least much higher for insulin lispro than for regular human 50% of their snack calories to main meals during in- insulin [80]. The major reason for the preference is sulin lispro therapy. Those who followed the instruc- convenience; the injection time immediately before tions (n = 67) decreased their HbA1c from 7.91% to the meal. 7.66% whereas no change was observed in patients who did not comply with the dietary change [72]. Strategies of optimisation of basal insulin with meal- The improvement in control was associated with a time lispro. Lispro can be used in several models of pronounced decline in hypoglycaemia rate. insulin treatment in Type I diabetes mellitus and combined with a variety of insulin preparations. Injection site. The site of s.c. insulin injection can con- With CSII, improvement in post-meal blood glucose tribute to differences in absorption rates and variabil- with lispro results in better long-term control than ity in the activity of regular human insulin [73]. A six- regular human insulin injected either at mealtime way cross-over study done in healthy volunteers test- [41] or 30 min before meals [42] because basal insulin ed three sites (abdominal, deltoid and femoral) com- is optimally replaced. Regarding the regimen of mul- monly used for s.c. injections of insulin lispro or regu- tiple daily injections, in C-peptide negative Type I di- lar human insulin [74]. A single injection (0.2 U/kg) abetic patients, mealtime injection of lispro improves of insulin lispro or regular human insulin was given long-term blood glucose control only if NPH is given in one of the three sites on each of six separate visits more frequently than during regular human insulin during this glucose clamp study. Although the therapy (Fig.3) [11, 51, 54±57]. Only a few units of amount of insulin absorbed did not differ with injec- NPH given at breakfast, lunch and dinner are needed tion site, the rate of absorption was slower for both to improve pre-prandial and fasting blood glucose insulins with deltoid and femoral injection. Notable [11, 51, 54±57]. The amount of NPH injected at each delays in the onset of action were, however, apparent meal was proportional to the number of hours to the only with regular human insulin. Hence, the duration next insulin injection. The beneficial effects of a few of action was increased for both insulin lispro and units of NPH added to mealtime lispro results in ap- regular human insulin, although the increase was propriate plasma insulin concentrations between smaller with insulin lispro. meals [11]. A notable advantage of the multiple, but small doses of NPH, is the low risk for interprandial Immunogenicity and adverse effects of insulin lispro. hypoglycaemia compared with once daily NPH treat- The concentration of insulin antibodies during insulin ment [68] because with the former approach the units lispro and human insulin therapy has been similar delivered on each occassion are fewer, the s.c. insulin both in Type I and Type II diabetic patients. This is depot is lower and consequently absorption less er- the case in patients previously treated with insulin ratic [19]. In the 1-year study, NPH combined with lis- or in patients naive to exogenous insulin [75] and pro at each meal in variable proportions, has de- treated up to 5.4 years [44]. There have been no dif- creased the frequency of mild hypoglycaemia by ferences in type and frequency of adverse events be- about 35%, improved awareness of, and counterre- tween insulin lispro and regular human insulin treat- gulation to, hypoglycaemia while HbA1c decreased ments. more than after mealtime human regular insulin [57]. G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues 1157

at mealtime as in adults [11, 51, 54±57]. At present, this can be done by adding a few units of NPH to lis- pro at each meal, if the time interval for the next meal is greater than 4 h [11, 51, 54±57]. The availabil- ity of premixed formulations of lispro and its prota- mine-retarded preparation (NPL) may simplify the present double insulin injection at mealtime.

Lispro during pregnancy. There is no evidence of any differences in safety of insulin lispro in pregnant dia- betic patients compared with regular human insulin although controlled prospective studies in pregnant patients are not available. In patients with gestation- al diabetes, no adverse maternal or fetal outcomes were noted in the patients treated with insulin lispro

Fig.3. Variations in HbA1c (expressed as percentage point) compared with those who received regular human when mealtime lispro substituted regular human insulin under insulin [89, 90]. The concern that lispro itself might a variety of possible uses of NPH and timing of injection of play a part in the development of proliferative dia- regular human insulin. In Group I, HbA increased when lis- 1c betic retinopathy during pregnancy [91] is not justi- pro substituted human regular insulin injected 30 min before meals with unchanged number of daily NPH injections (1 or fied [92].

2). In Group II, HbA1c decreased when mealtime lispro was combined with 3±4 daily NPH injections. In Group III, HbA1c Lispro in the management of Type II diabetes mellitus. also decreased when mealtime lispro substituted regular hu- Mealtime lispro has been compared with regular hu- man insulin 30 min before meals and 3±4 daily NPH injections man insulin injected 30±45 min before meals in 722 were used in both regimens. In Group IV, HbA increased 1c Type II diabetic patients (6-month, randomised trial when regular human insulin was given at mealtime compared with 30 min before. (p < 0.05 from reference 51, with permis- with open, cross-over design)[40]. The prandial plas- sion) ma glucose was lower (30% at 1 h, 53% at 2 h), al- though no statistically significant change in HbA1c was apparent. It is possible that this occurred because mealtime lispro improves the postprandial blood glu- From a practical point of view, lispro and NPH (or cose control only up to 4 h compared with mealtime Ultralente) can be mixed in the syringe without any regular human insulin which has a longer effect [93]. change in the pharmacokinetics of the short-acting Clearly, optimisation of basal, inter-prandial insulin, component [81, 82] but a majority of patients prefer in addition to improved prandial insulin dynamics, to keep using the pen devices therefore doubling the would be needed to improve HbA1c. Nevertheless, number of insulin injections at each meal (one for lis- in that study [40] the use of lispro was associated pro, one for NPH). There are, however, no data to with a lower rate of both total and nocturnal hypogly- suggest that use of Ultralente with mealtime lispro is caemia episodes (p < 0.01 vs regular human insulin). at least as good as NPH [11, 51, 54±57, 83]. The phar- When insulin lispro was added to antecedent treat- macokinetic principles predict greater variability in ment with sulphonylurea in Type II diabetic patients, absorption with Ultralente compared to NPH, espe- there was a statistically significant decrease in fasting cially if a large dose is given once or twice daily [19]. and postprandial glucose concentrations, HbA1c val- A notable exception to the need for multiple daily ues and serum triglyceride concentrations and a rise NPH doses with mealtime lispro is new-onset Type I in HDL-cholesterol concentrations [94]. No compari- diabetes, a condition where residual endogenous in- son with regular human insulin was, however, made sulin secretion can be sufficient to optimize inter- in that study. prandial blood glucose, at least during the day [84]. When the early rise in plasma insulin was restored with insulin lispro, the plasma glucose profile was Lispro in children with Type I diabetes mellitus. The ameliorated and late hyperglycaemia and hyperin- better postprandial glycaemic control after a carbo- sulinemia avoided after an oral glucose load com- hydrate-rich meal with lispro compared with regular pared with the use of regular human insulin [95]. human insulin [85], as well as the more convenient The better postprandial glycaemia was due to a great- mealtime or postprandial injection, make use of lis- er suppression of hepatic glucose production with no pro attractive in children [86, 87]. Type I diabetic chil- difference in peripheral glucose disposal. dren, however, lose residual endogenous insulin se- cretion faster than adult patients [88]. In totally C- peptide negative diabetic children, replacement of basal insulin should be optimised when lispro is given 1158 G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues

Insulin aspart 0.1 U/kg body weight human insulin vs insulin aspart [103]. The absorption of insulin aspart was on average Structure. Insulin aspart (NovoRapid) is created by more than twice as fast and reached levels more than rDNA technology by replacing proline at position twice as high compared with human insulin (maxi- B28 in the insulin molecule by the negatively charged mum plasma insulin concentration of 52  23 vs aspartic acid. The degree of the self-association de- 145  93 min, p < 0.0001 (mean  SD). The total creases similarly to that seen with insulin lispro. bioavailability did not differ between the insulins but Soon after injection a fast dissociation of the ana- the mean residence time was shorter for the insulin logue to monomers and dimers takes place. The ab- aspart (149  26 min) than for human insulin sorption rate of insulin aspart is not statistically sig- (217  30 min) (p < 0.0001) [103]. nificantly different from a purely monomeric ana- In a glucose clamp study in healthy volunteers the logue such as AspB9, GluB27 [96]. variability of metabolic effects of insulin aspart was less than that of human insulin as indicated by the Physicochemical characteristics. The B28 Asp re- pharmacokinetic measures of intra- and interindivi- placement only leads to small local conformational dual variability [104]. changes in the C-terminus of the B-chain and has lit- In a double-blind, double-dummy, cross-over trial tle effect on the overall conformation. It has been in patients with Type I diabetes, the post prandial suggested that rather than inhibiting the formation glucose control after a test meal was compared be- of dimers by charge repulsion from GluB21, AspB28 tween insulin aspart and regular human insulin over replacement removes an important contact between 6 h [105]. The analogue was given at mealtime and ProB28 and GlyB23 at the monomer-monomer inter- the regular insulin 30 min before and at mealtime. face [97]. The charge repulsion can contribute to the The maximum concentration of the analogue was rapid dissociation into monomers soon after the s.c. reached in half the time, 40 min (range 30±40 min) injection of the analogue. vs 97.5 min (range 50±70 min) and 80 min (range 30± 120 min) (p < 0.0001) with the two injections of regu- Potency. Insulin aspart has an identical potency in lar insulin measured from the time of injection. The vivo on a molar basis compared with human as well peak concentration was twice as high (493  257 vs as the classical insulin of animal origin when tested 215  121 and 239  131 pmol/l) as compared with in animals [27] and humans [98]. human regular insulin. The primary end point, de- fined as the baseline-corrected excursion of serum Receptor binding. The receptor binding and kinase ac- glucose from time 0±240 min, showed statistically sig- tivation by insulin aspart has been studied using intact nificant better control with the analogue (891  human hepatoma cells (HepG2] and solubilised re- 521 mmol ´ l±1 ´ min±1) as compared with human in- ceptors from these cells. The binding affinity of insulin sulin (t = 0 min, 1,311  512 mmol ´ l±1 ´ min±1,t= aspart was 92% relative to human insulin in HepG2 230 min, 1,106  571 mmol ´ l±1 ´ min±1); (p < 0.0001 cells, whereas the analogue B10 had a 327% affinity and p < 0.02, respectively). The conclusion of this [99]. The affinity for the IGF-I receptor by insulin as- study was that insulin aspart improved post-prandial part was similar to that of human insulin [17, 30]. glucose control compared with regular human insulin given at the meal and 30 min prior to meal. Toxicology and immunogenicity. Toxicology studies have been done in mice, rats and dogs and have con- Clinical studies with insulin aspart. Insulin aspart was sisted of single-dose, repeated-dose, and 52-week, tested in a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, multiple-dose studies in rats and have not shown dif- cross-over trial in 90 well-controlled Type I diabetic ferences between human insulin and insulin aspart. patients on multiple injection taking one injection of The mitogenicity of insulin aspart does not differ NPH at bedtime and regular insulin at mealtimes from that of human insulin if the ability is tested to [106]. Patients were selected at random for treatment stimulate 3H thymidine incorporation into DNA in with insulin aspart or regular human insulin both giv- CHO-K1 cells [100] or the reproduction or mutage- en at mealtime and studied for 1 month. A statistical- nicity in rat aortic smooth muscle cells as well as in ly significant improvement was seen in the postpran- mouse NIH 373 fibroblasts. dial glucose control with insulin aspart (~ 1.5 mmol/l) The formation of insulin antibodies was not differ- (Fig.4). The Cmax of glucose differed significantly ent from human insulin [100, 101]. (p < 0.0001) between insulin aspart and human insulin following breakfast and lunch during the 24 h in-pa- Pharmacokinetics and dynamics. The time-action tient profile of glucose. After 1 month, however, ser- profile of insulin aspart has been assessed in a eugly- um fructosamine did not improve and the study period caemic glucose clamp study in healthy volunteers was too short to measure HbA1c. When the 24-h blood [102] and by 8 h profiles in a double-blind crossover glucose was determined in standardised conditions study in 25 fasting volunteers receiving a s.c. dose of (inpatient unit) with a short time interval between G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues 1159

Advantages and disadvantages of short-acting analogues

The advantages of lispro, compared with regular hu- man insulin, in the management of Type I diabetes are lower 1-h and 2-h post-meal blood glucose (which might reduce the risk for oxidative stress [113]) and, if replacement of basal insulin is optimised, lower

HbA1c [11, 51, 54±57], less frequent hypoglycaemia, better awareness of, and counterregulation to, hypo- glycaemia [57]. That the latter result has been report- ed with individualised lispro/NPH mixtures (not with premixed 75/25 lispro/NPL formulation [66]) indi- cates that individualised (not fixed lispro/NPH) mix- tures are needed to improve long-term blood glucose control. The importance of preventing and reversing hypo- glycaemia unawareness has recently been emphasis- ed [65]. In addition, one important advantage is the Fig.4. Serum insulin and plasma glucose profiles in Type I dia- more flexible lifestyle because patients can not only betic patients using insulin aspart (&) or regular human insulin inject immediately before the meal but also better (*) before meals. (From reference 106, with permission). In adapt the dose to the carbohydrate load [80]. The these double-blind studies, human regular and aspart insulins greatest improvement in long-term blood glucose were both injected at mealtime control with mealtime lispro or aspart can be appreci- ated in those many patients with Type I diabetes who inject regular human insulin at mealtime with no time lunch and dinner, similar pre-lunch, pre-dinner and interval between injection and meal ingestion [51]. bedtime glucose concentrations were observed with This is also the case in Type II diabetes [93, 111]. It is one single NPH bedtime injection. After 1 month se- likely that similar advantages will shortly be shown rum fructosamine did not, however, improve. There also with future insulin analogues with pharmacoki- was no difference in minor hypoglycaemic episodes netic and dynamic properties similar to lispro and as- between the aspart insulin and regular human insulin part insulin. period. There were, however, fewer episodes of severe There has been some concern that an accidental hypoglycaemia requiring external assistance in the as- interruption of continuous subcutaneous infusion of part insulin period compared with the regular human insulin in patients treated with CSII would result in a insulin period (20 events in 16 patients vs 44 events in more rapid decompensation if insulin analogue rath- 24 patients, p < 0.002). During the last 2 weeks of the er than human insulin is used in the pump. In an ini- study period a 50% reduction in the number of severe tial, unpaired study, this was not the case, after hypoglycaemic events was seen in the aspart insulin night-time interruption [47]. In a more recent, paired group (11 vs 22 events, p < 0.05). study, a 5-h interruption of CSII in daytime resulted, In a 6-month study with insulin aspart (n = 707) at however, in 4.0 mmol/l greater plasma glucose (and mealtime or regular human insulin (n = 358) dosed greater non-esterified fatty acid and ketone body) 30 min before meals with only once or twice daily concentration with lispro than with regular human in- basal NPH insulin, HbA1c decreased by 0.12% point sulin. This was a consequence of a more rapid de- more with insulin aspart than with regular human in- crease in plasma insulin concentration with lispro sulin (p < 0.02) [107]. [48]. As in all new medications the price is higher These results are similar to those previously ob- than that of human insulin. In addition, in most of served with AspB10 [108] and lispro [109] in the ab- the patients there is a need for 1±2 more daily basal sence of optimisation of basal insulin. They suggest insulin injections. that both aspart [106, 107] and lispro [51] insulin ana- logues could need optimised combination with basal insulin (i.e. more than just the usual once or twice Long-acting insulin analogues daily NPH) to improve long-term glycaemic control in both Type I [51, 105, 106] and Type II [93, 110, Substitution of basal insulin is particularly difficult 111] diabetic patients. Aspart, like lispro, can be safe- during the nocturnal hours. Patients with Type I dia- ly mixed with NPH insulin for immediate s.c. injec- betes have variable insulin requirements at night, tion [112]. i.e. less need for insulin between midnight and ap- proximately 0300 hours and about 30% greater insu- 1160 G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues lin requirements between 0400 and 0700 hours [114], to Type I diabetes itself but to its treatment with sur- primarily because of decreased insulin sensitivity in rogate products of basal insulin. the liver [115]. An ideal long-acting insulin prepara- The present candidates for long-acting analogues tion injected s.c. should therefore provide variable are being developed based on two principles. The insulin delivery, i.e. less insulin in the first than sec- first line of research has been to change the isoelec- ond part of the night. This is feasible with CSII at tric point (i.e. the pH value at which insulin is least variable rate [116]. soluble and precipitates) towards neutrality by substi- The available intermediate-acting and long-acting tuting and adding single amino acids to the molecule insulin preparations for s.c. injection, i.e. NPH (and of human insulin by means of the rDNA technology. NPL), Ultralente and a mixture of 30% Semilente The resultant insulin preparation is soluble in acid so- and 70% Ultralente (Lente), have three major phar- lution but precipitates as micro-crystals after injec- macokinetic and pharmacodynamic defects. Firstly, tion in the subcutaneous tissue where the pH is neu- in contrast to the physiological needs, NPH and tral [126]. The second principle for protracting a solu- Lente show an activity profile with an early peak ble insulin is a modification which promotes the bind- 4±5 h after the s.c. injection [117]. Secondly, 5±6 h ing to a serum carrier with prolonged half-life, such as after the peak, there is a rapid waning of action albumin [127]. Previously, a soluble, neutral pH, hu- [117]. These activity profiles of intermediate-acting man proinsulin (hPI) formulation was associated insulin contribute to problems of nocturnal blood with long duration of action and statistically signifi- glucose control in Type I diabetes. Thus, after the cantly less intrasubject/patient coefficient of varia- evening injection of NPH or Lente, plasma insu- tion of response than NPH insulin [128]. The relative- lin peaks approximately between midnight and ly weak insulin agonist activity of human proinsulin 0200 hours, i.e. at the time at which patients would dictated, however, in part, against its commercial de- require less insulin because they are more insulin velopment. A physiologic conversion intermediate sensitive. This contributes to the frequent hypogly- of human proinsulin, namely des(64,65)-hPI, was caemia in the early night hours in Type I diabetes also evaluated as a soluble, intermediate-acting insu- despite the bedtime snack [117]. On the other hand, lin [129]. Although this drug candidate was fully po- when Type I diabetic patients require an increase in tent compared with insulin on a molar basis, its dura- plasma insulin to meet the greater hepatic insulin re- tion of action was insufficient when evaluated in pa- quirements at dawn [114], the waning of the s.c. in- tients with Type I diabetes. jected, intermediate-acting insulin increases systemic glucose production [116] and fasting blood glucose. Because of the ªhill-likeº action profile of NPH and Long-acting analogues with neutral isoelectric point preparations any attempt to increase plasma insulin bioavailability at dawn simply by in- The first attempt to use this principle of prolongation creasing the evening dose, increases the risk of noc- in diabetic patients was the NovoSol Basal (Novo turnal hypoglycaemia rather than improving noctur- Nordisk). The development of this insulin prepara- nal blood glucose homeostasis [118]. The third phar- tion was terminated in the second phase owing to lo- macokinetic defect of NPH and Lente is the large cal reactions at the injection site and to a study sug- variability in the absorption after their s.c. injection gesting difficulties in obtaining a constant bioavail- [19]. This has to do with the dissolution process of ability [130]. NPH/Lente insulin crystals in the s.c. tissue into in- sulin and or zinc. This process is poorly : structure and physicochemical char- understood and controlled by unknown factors acteristics. Insulin glargine (21A-Gly-30Ba-l-Arg- which are ultimately responsible for the variability 30Bb-l-Arg-human insulin) (HOE 901) produced by in absorption [19]. rDNA technology, is a human insulin analogue with Nocturnal hypoglycaemia occurs in about 30±40% prolonged action. This is the closest long-acting insu- of Type I diabetic patients [117, 119] and causes un- lin analogue for clinical use. It is expected to come awareness of, impaired counterregulation to and on the market in the year 2000. adapted cognitive dysfunction during hypoglycaemia Insulin glargine results from two modifications of the next day [120±122]. Moreover, sleep appears to human insulin. First, two positive charges (two argi- impair counterregulatory hormone response to hypo- nine molecules) are added at the C-terminus of the glycaemia [123], which even further increases the se- B-chain. This results in a shift of the isoelectric point riousness of this complication. In turn, hypoglycae- from a pH of 5.4 to 6.7 ± 0.2 making the molecule mia unawareness predisposes to severe hypoglycae- more soluble at slightly acidic pH and less soluble mia [65]. Nocturnal hypoglycaemia can also contrib- at the physiological pH of s.c. tissue. Because the ute to fasting and post-meal hyperglycaemia because derivative is formulated at an acidic pH, a second of the long-lasting post-hypoglycaemic insulin resist- modification is needed to avoid deamidation and di- ance [124, 125]. Notably, these problems are not due merisation by the acid-sensitive asparagine residue G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues 1161

Changes in the insulin molecular structure can change the interaction with the insulin receptor and with the structurally homologous insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) receptor. Glargine has different char- acteristics in vitro but exerts a mitogenic and growth promoting activity essentially identical to human in- sulin [131, 132]. Carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice do not indicate a risk for cancer in humans.

Pharmacokinetics and dynamics of insulin glargine. Animal studies as well as clinical studies clearly dif- ferentiate the pharmacokinetics and biologic activity profile of insulin glargine from that of NPH [133±135]. Animal studies indicate that the absorp- Fig.5. Median glucose infusion rate after s.c. injection of 0.2 tion of insulin glargine is zinc-dependent and clinical IU/Kg NPH and two formulations of HOE 901 containing 15 studies have been designed to test the zinc-dependen- and 80 mg/ml zinc, in normal human volunteers assessed by cy of absorption in humans. the euglycaemic glucose clamp technique. - - - HOE901 [15] Pharmacokinetic studies with two formulations of ...HOE901[80] ±±NPH human insulin (Adapted from data from reference 133) glargine, HOE 901[15] and HOE 901[80] containing 15 and 80 mg/ml zinc, respectively and with semisyn- thetic NPH human insulin have been carried out both in healthy subjects (Fig.5) [133] and Type I dia- at position 21 in the A-chain. The replacement of betic patients [134]. In both studies, glargine activity A21 asparagine by glycine is charge-neutral and as- is peakless and 50% lower and the duration of activi- sociated with good stability of the resulting human ty twofold longer than observed with NPH. There insulin analogue [131]. Injected as a clear solution was no difference between the two glargine formula- of pH 4.0, insulin glargine forms a microprecipitate tions (Table 2). at the physiologic, neutral pH of the s.c. space. The The differences in the activity profile of insulin stabilisation of the insulin hexamer and higher ag- glargine shown by the euglycaemic [133] and isogly- gregates can influence the nature of the precipitate caemic [134] clamp technique are supported by assess- and the rate of its dissolution and absorption from ment of absorption from the injection site. A random- the site of injection. Consequently, insulin glargine ised, double-blind, three-way cross-over study design has a delayed and prolonged absorption from the in- was used to compare absorption of two formulations jection site after s.c. injection. The structural chan- of glargine, HOE 901[15] and HOE 901[80] and NPH ges in the insulin peptide result in an analogue with human insulin. Each insulin was tagged with 125I and delayed absorption and a relatively constant basal injected s.c. into the abdomen of 12 healthy volun- insulin supply consistent with that secreted by non- teers. The disappearance of radioactivity from the in- diabetic subjects. Because insulin glargine is formu- jection site indicated that NPH insulin was absorbed lated as a clear, acidic solution, it cannot be mixed more quickly than either formulation of glargine with with insulin formulated at a neutral pH such as regu- small differences between 15 and 80 mg/ml zinc formu- lar insulin. lations. Blood glucose profiles with the two glargine

Table 2. Pharmacokinetics and dynamics of s.c. injection of glargine (HOE 901) insulin Author (reference) Design of study Maximum GIR Time of maximum GIR Duration of action mg × kgŸ1× minŸ1 (h after s.c. injection) (h) M.Dreyer et al [133] euglycaemic clamp 12 normal subjects 0.2 U/kg s.c. of: HOE 901 [15]a 2.1 12.99 ~ 24 HOE 901 [80]a 1.7 13.42 ~ 24 NPH 4.2 6.5 ~ 18±20 M.Lepore et al [134] isoglycaemic clamp 20 Type I diabetics 0.3 U/kg s.c. of: HOE 901 [30]a 0.73 plateau ~20 between 4±24 h NPH 3.4 5 ~ 13 GIR, glucose infusion rate; a containing 15 or 30 or 80 mg/ml zinc 1162 G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues formulations were not different but blood glucose plasma half-life will prolong the action profile. The concentrations did show a clear difference between analogue is created by acylation of the e±amino group glargine and NPH. Similar conclusions have been ob- of LysB29 with a saturated fatty acid [143]. The tained in an absorption study after s.c. injection of 0.3 length of the fatty acid attached to the LysB29 has a U/kg radiolabelled insulin in patients with Type II dia- pronounced effect on the disappearance rate of ra- betes [135]. In another study, after 0.2 U/kg injection diolabelled insulin from the injection site [143]. The of 125I-labelled glargine into the abdomen, arm or leg highest affinity for albumin and most protracted du- in 12 non-diabetic subjects, the absorption rate ration of action was found for LysB29 tetradecanoyl- showed no variation between injection sites in con- des (B30) insulin (NN304, Novo Nordisk). The ab- trast to NPH [136]. sorption tested in a pig model showed that absorption was statistically significantly slower than human NPH Clinical studies on insulin glargine. Twelve patients [127]. Intravenous bolus injection of this analogue with C-peptide negative Type I diabetes, previously showed a protracted blood glucose lowering effect treated with NPH insulin four times daily plus regular compared with human NPH insulin. The intraindivid- insulin before three main meals, were treated with ual variation of the absorption from day to day was glargine injected once daily for 4 days at 2200 hours less for NN304 than for NPH [144]. Drugs known to with a dose equivalent to the previous NPH total dai- increase the plasma non-esterified fatty acid concen- ly dose [137]. The dose of regular insulin was main- tration (heparin, beta-agonists) and drugs in thera- tained. The blood glucose profile after the once daily peutic concentrations with high affinity for human se- glargine regimen was similar to that with the four rum albumin (sulphonylurea, Diazepam, Valproate) times daily NPH regimen. did not statistically significantly influence the NN304 Further studies have been done in patients with albumin binding [145]. Due to the low plasma con- Type I diabetes treated for 4 weeks [138, 139]. The centration of NN304, the insulin analogue itself can- objective of these studies was to evaluate the effec- not be expected to displace other drugs. Further stud- tiveness and tolerability of glargine compared with ies with in vivo testing are, however, needed to evalu- NPH. Effectiveness was assessed with fasting plasma ate if any clinically meaningful drug concentrations glucose. Glargine given once daily at bedtime re- influence the time/action profile of NN304 in hu- duced fasting plasma glucose statistically significantly mans. more than NPH human insulin given once or twice The pharmacokinetics of insulin NN304 was stud- daily. The improvements in glycaemic control seen ied in a euglycaemic glucose clamp trial comparing with glargine compared with NPH in these 4-week NN304 and NPH in healthy subjects [146]. Treatment studies were achieved with a lower [138] or similar with three different doses of NN304 (0.15, 0.3 and 0.6 [139] incidence of nocturnal hypoglycaemia. These U/kg) resulted in a proportional increase in the total results have been confirmed in a 28-week randomised area under the plasma insulin curve. Compared with trial in 534 patients with Type I diabetes on multiple NPH, NN304 had a less pronounced peak and maxi- daily insulin injection regimen allocated to bedtime mum concentrations were seen after 4±6 h. The glargine or bedtime NPH or NPH b.i.d. Fasting plas- NN304 insulin still, however, had a peak and no clear ma glucose was approximately 1.3 mmol/l lower dose-response relation of NN304 on glucose utilisa- and frequency of hypoglycaemia (blood glucose tion was shown. < 2.0 mmol/l) was more than 50% lower with glargine A second acylated insulin is Ne-palmitoyl LysB29- [140]. Similar results have been observed in a 28-week human insulin (C16-HI, Eli Lilly). The extended randomized trial in 518 patients with Type II diabetes time action of C16-HI was shown in diabetic dogs [141]. Taken together, these data suggest that the ma- compared with regular human insulin in both i.v. jority of patients with Type I and perhaps also Type II and s.c. experiments [147]. In addition, C16-HI was diabetes might benefit from insulin glargine [142]. longer acting and less variable in response compared with Lente insulin when both insulins were given sub- Immunogenicity of insulin glargine. In animal studies cutaneously. The C16-HI insulin was also studied in a insulin glargine has been less immunogenic than hu- pig model. Compared with NPH insulin, s.c. injected man insulin. Data in humans will be available from C16-HI gave a flatter pharmacokinetic and glucody- results of long-term clinical studies. namic response with a longer duration of action. In both the dog and pig studies the effective biologic po- tency of C16-HI was less than the respective insulin Fatty acid acylated insulins comparators. Results from a phase I clinical dose- ranging study with 23 healthy volunteers given C16- Another principle for protracting a soluble insulin ac- HI s.c. suggested that the drug's potency was tion is a modification which promotes the binding to 20±25% of NPH. In a subsequent clinical pharmacol- serum proteins like albumin. The rationale is that ogy study in nine patients with Type I diabetes [148, s.c. albumin binding and consequently increased 149] the glucodynamic profile of subcutaneously in- G.B. Bolli et al.: Insulin analogues 1163 jected C16-HI was apparently similar to that of NPH spectively lispro and NPL). It remains, however, to be human insulin. The results of these studies are, how- established whether premixed formulations can suc- ever, difficult to interpret because in these experi- cessfully substitute the instantly prepared mixtures ments both insulin and glucose were infused i.v. to of lispro and NPH [11, 51, 54±57]. clamp plasma glucose. In addition, the apparently similar activity profiles of C16-HI and NPH were achieved at the expense of the five times greater Conclusion dose of C16-HI (i.e. 6 nmol/kg vs 1.2 nmol/kg, the molar equivalent of 1.0 U/kg vs 0.2 U/kg). The rela- There are reasonable premises to expect that in the tively high blood concentrations of C16-HI suggested near future the use of short-acting and long-acting in- appreciable binding to serum albumin. sulin analogues will provide better glycaemic control

These human data validate the premise that inter- (lower HbA1c, less day to day variability in plasma action with albumin can be used as a means to extend glucose, less hypoglycaemias with preserved aware- the time action of a fatty acid-acylated insulin deriva- ness of, and counterregulation to, hypoglycaemia) tive, although C16-HI can bind too avidly leading to a and a freer lifestyle. Although both CSII and multiple relatively low overall bioeffectiveness. Even though daily insulin injections already allow achievement of this appears to be a viable approach for a soluble in- fair to good glycaemic control, it is expected that sulin formulation at neutral pH, there is some ques- with insulin analogues the maintenance of long- tion about the margin of pharmaceutical elegance term, near-normoglycaemia will be easier, provided due to solubility characteristics of the more lipophilic that they are appropriately used and implemented in fatty acyl insulin derivatives, particularly if the con- the overall strategy of diabetes care in Type I diabe- centration of the insulin derivative must be increased tes. Due to the pharmacokinetic characteristics of in- appreciably to accommodate a reduced potency. sulin analogues, they will provide an insulin profile There is reason to believe, however, that such a mole- closer to normal physiology than can be achieved cule is possibly at least as conformationally stable as with s.c. injection of human insulin. It is thus possible insulin [150]. Clearly, considerable research is still that the appropriate use of the analogues can im- needed to evaluate the relation between the attrac- prove the metabolic control and lifestyle of both tive pharmacokinetics and dynamics of acylated hu- Type I and Type II diabetic patients. man insulin as a candidate to replace basal insulin and its bioavailability in humans. Acknowledgements. The authors thank L. Vignati and S. Del Prato for their precious contribution to and critical comments of this review and are extremely grateful to R. Chance for his invaluable help in carefully reviewing the manuscript and the Premixed short-acting analogue formulations appropriate use of references.

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