GOVERNMENT OF I"-AKISTAN SECRETARIAT ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION ***** Islafnabad, the 10th March, 2021 .1/4, F. No. 4/1/2020-T-I

The President, National Defence University, Islamabad. Subject: - NOMINATIONS OF BS-20 OFFICERS FOR NATIONAL SECURITY & WAR COURSE 2021-22 AT NATIONAL—DEFENCE—UNIVERSITY, ISLAMABAD. Dear Sir, I am directed to refer to National Defence University's letter No. 700/ 17/ ND October, 2020, on the above noted subject and to say that the competent authority has ,t1.• dated 14th been pleased to nominate the following officers belonging to various occupational groups/services/Ex-cadres for NS&:WC 2021-22, subject to final selection by NDU:- PAKISTAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE (PAS)

Mr. Shahab All Shah, Principal Secretary to , KPK, Peshawar. Mr. Ikram-Ullah, Secretary, Home Deptt. KPK, Peshawar. 3. Mr. Saad Sikandar Khan, DG NIM, Quetta. Dr. Kazim Hussain, Secretary, Health Department Sindh, Karachi. Mr. Nazar Muhammad Bozdar, Joint Secraary, Establishment Division, Islamabad,. 6. Mr. Mahmood Hassan, Member, (Social Infrastructure), P&D Board, Punjab. Mr. All Hussain Malik, Joint Secretary, Finance Division (Military Finance Wing) Further posting as Financial Advisor Defence Production Division Rawalpindi. Mr. Rashid Kamal ur Rehman, Member-III,, Board of Revenue, Balochistan. Mr. Muhammad Asif Bilal Lodhi, At the disposal of Government of Balochistan. Ms. Aneela Salman, Director Publication, NSPP, Lahore. POLICE SERVICES OF PAKISTAN (PSP)

Mr. Kashif Alam, D.I.G (Operation) Khyber Palchtunkhwa, Peshawar. Mr. Riffat Mukhtar, RPO Faisalabad. Mr.Qazi Jamil-ur-Rehman, IG, Islamabad. Mr. Imran Mfihmood, DIG Internal Accountabili Branch Pun'ab, Lahore Mr. Muhammad Kamran Khan, Chief Admn Officerl'udab Safe Cities Authorit , Lahore. Mr. Hussain Habib Imtiaz, Establishment Division, Islamabad. Dr. Muhammad Tariq Chohan, OSD in Establishment Division • Mr. Shabettla Sultan, DIG, Investi ation Lahore. Mr. Muhammad Ahmed Kamal, Lt. (R),

PPH , Intelli ence Bureau IB , Lahore. SECRETARIAT GROUP (SG)

Ms. Humera Azam Khan, Chief National Commissioner, Status of Women Under Human Right Division, Islamabad. Mr. Mohammad Saeed Ashraf Siddiqi, Joint Secret Economic Affairs Division. Mr. Nadeem Ahmad Malik, Joint Secreta , Cabinet Division Islamabad. Mr. Ghulam Farooq, At the Dis osal of Govt. of Balochistan, Suetta. 24. Dr. Mirza Mahsud, Joint Secretar , SAFRON, Islamabad. Mr. Salman Qayum Khan, , Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC), Islamabad. FOREIGN SERVICES OF PAKISTAN (FSP)

26. Mr. Shakeel Asghar, DG ASA Syed Haider Shah, Pre • Khatmandu Mr. Muhammad Kamran Akhtar, 28. DG ACDIS Dr. Mohammad Faisal, 29. Ambassador Pare • Berlin Mr. Ubaid ur Rehman Nizamani, 30. Minister Pres 'Washin on Mr .Muhammad Khalid Jamali, Ambassador Pre Pra ue PAKISTAN AUDIT & ACCOUNTS SERVICES (PA&AS)

Mr.Member Adnan Finance Rafique, Pakistan Aeronautical Corn • lex PAC Board Kamra. 32. Ansar, arachi AghaDG Audit Muhamm Inland Revenue & Customs South Karachi Mr.DG, KashifBureau Ahmedof Emigration Noor, and Overseas Employment under Overseas Pakistani & 34. HRD Islamabad. INLAND REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) Mr. Muhammad Tariq Arbab, Commissioner IR a eals Peshawar

• -36. • Mr. Shah-Khan, - Director, NSPP, Lahore. Mr. Asim Iftikhar, Director, I&I (IR),,Karachi. Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan, Commissioner, RIO, Sialkot. PAKISTAN.CVSTOYISURVIQ 'fPcS) Mr. Muhammad Saleem, Collector, 'MCC (A&F), Peshawar Ms. Iram Maqbool Aamir, _Director, Directorate of Training-&-Research-(Customs);ISlaiii-abad: Mr. Malik Kamran Azam Khan, Collector, MCC (E&C), Peshawar. COMMERCE '& TRAL1E'(C&T) dt.". Mr. Muhammad Waqas Azeem, Director General, Ministry of Commerce, Islamabad 43. Mr. Muhammad Hamid Ali, Director General, Trade Development Authority of Pakistan, Karachi INFORMATION GROUP(IG)

Ms. Samina Farzin, Awaiting Pasting, 4th Floor, Cabinet Block, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Islamabad MANAGEMENT SERVICES WING (M.S Wing) Ex-Cadre

Syed Zia ul Hassan, Director General M.S Wing Establishment Division, Islamabad NATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY BUREAU (NAB) Mr. Amjad Majeed Aulakh, Director N\AB, Sukkur. INTER SERVICES INTELLIGENCE (IS!)

Syed Shoaib Zamir, I Dguty Director General, ISI, Islamabad GOVERNMENT'OFAI&K Mr. Muhammad Idrees Abbasi, Secretary, P&DDBashir Manzi! Opposite Bukhari General Store, Khum Diming Shaukat Line Muzaffarabad (PC (13100), AJK Pakistan. GOVT, OF BALOC-HISTAN BSS/BS-20 Mr. Mohammad Ali Ksikar, (BSS/BS-20) Secretary, IPC Deptt., Govt. of Balochistan, Quetta

2. Bio-Data/ICP Charts and Annual Medical Examination Reports in respect of the nominated officers will be forwarded shortly. Copy to:- The Secretary, President's Secretariat (Public), ISlamabad. The Secretary to the Prtme Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Islamabad. Auditor General of Pakistan, Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan, Islamabad. The Chairmanjederal Board of Revenues, Islamabad. The Chairman, National Accountably Bureau, Islamabad. The Director General, Inter-Services Intelligence, (ISI) Islamabad. The Director. General, Management Services Wing (MS. Wing), Islamabad. The Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Islamabad. The Secretary, Ministry of Commerce Islamabad. All Secretaries (Concerned), Federal Ministries/Di-Viiia-S-,1Sliiii-a-Fid/RaWalpitidi: -- All the Chief Secretaries of Provinces, Lahore, Peshawar, Karachi, Quetta, Gilgit Baltistan. -- The Secretaries (S&GAD), Government of the Punjab, Khyber Pakthunkhwa, Sindh and Gilgit Baltistan, Lahore, Peshawar Karachi, Quetta. Inspector General of Police, Punjab, Lahore. All Joint Secretaries, Establishment Division, Islamabad. All nominated officers, with the request to provide their bio-data as per attached format and AMR to this Division for onward submission to NDU. 16:DS (CP-V)/Computer Section, Establishment Division, Islamabad. D.S. (Coord)National Defence University, Islamabad. Director (PD), Establishment Division, Islamabad. SPS. to Secretary, Establishment Division, Islamabad. SPS to Additional Secretaries-I & II, Establishment Division, Islamabad. Section Officer (CP-IX) with the request to provide ICP charts in respect of officers of PAS, PSP & SG.

. 1,315i 2.,,,-14 dit(Mrs. Alia Asad) Deputy Secretary (T-I) Tele 9207034


Annex 'A' To our letter number 700/7/ND dated October 2020 BIO,DATA CIVIL SERVICES OFFICERS NOMINATED FOR NATIONAL SECURITY COURSE — 2021/22

1Ser Participant's Father's Group / Academic Age/ Date of Date of Date of Appts Courses Name name Service Official Address, Present and Qualification Birth Joining Service Seniority (Grade-20 Attended Cadre Telephone Permanent (Estb with date) (inland & Number, E-mail Residential Div) abroad) address and Address CNIC No