World Health Organization Organisation Mondiale De La
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UMTS) NATIONS NATTONS UNIES WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EIGHTH T.rORLD HEALTH ASSEbSLl A8/P&B/5 20 April 1955 Provisional agenda item 7.9 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH AND FRENCH POSITION OF COUNTRIES AND TERRITORIES UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL SANITARY REGULATIONS on 20 April 1955 In accordance with resolution WHA7»56, paragraph III, of the Seventh World Health Assembly, a statement showing the position of countries and .., territories under the International Sanitary Regulations on 20 April 1955, is submitted to the Eighth World Health Assembly for information. A8/P&B/5 ANNEX Statement showing position of countries and territories under the International Sanitary Regulations on 20 April 1955 I. BOUND WITHOUT RESERVATION Member States Afghanistan Iceland Nicaragua Argentina Indonesia ' Norway Austria Iran Panama Belgium Iraq Paraguay- Bolivia Ireland Pern Brazil Israel Portugal Cambodia . Italy f Spain Canada Japan Sweden China Jordan, Hashemite •• • Switzerland Costa Rica Kingdom of Syria Cuba Korea Thailand Denmark Laos Turkey Dominican Republic Lebanon United Kingdom of Great Ecuador Liberia • Britain & Northern El Salvador Libya Ireland Ethiopia Luxembourg United States of America Finland Mexico Uruguay France Monaco Venezuela Guatemala Nepal Viet Nam Haiti Netherlands Yemen Honduras New Zealand Yugoslavia Overseas .and Outlying Territories Belgium French West Africa Netherlands Madagascar and dependencies Belgian Congo and Morocco (French zone)-1- Netherlands Antilles Ruanda-Urundi New Caledonia and Netherlands New Guinea dependencies France St. Pierre and Miquelon New Zealand Togo (French adm,) Cameroons (French adm.) Tunisia1 Island Territories Comoro Islands Western Samoa French Equatorial Africa French Settlements in Oceania French Somaliland Somalia A8/P&B/5 Annex page "2 Portugal British Guiana Trucial States (Oman) British Honduras Uganda Angola Cameroons (British adm,) Windward Islands: Gape Verde Islands Cyprus (Grenada only) Macao Gibraltar Zanzibar Moçambique Gold Coast Portuguese Guinea Hong Kong United States of America Portuguese India Jamaica Portuguese Timor Kenya American Samoa S. Tomé e Principe Kuwait Guam Leeward Islands; Pacific Islands: Spain (Antigua (Caroline, Marianne and Montserrat Marshall Is. ) Spanish Guinea St. Christopher-Nevis Panama Canal Zone Spanish West Africa Vii-gin Islands) Puerto Rico Zone of Spanish Protectorate Maldive Islands Virgin Islands of the in Morocco Malaya (Federation of) United States Mauritius United Kingdom of Great Nigeria Egypt and United Kingdom of Britain & Northern Ireland North Borneo Great Britain & Northern Qatar Ireland Aden Colony- Rhodesia and Nyasaland Aden Protectorate (Fed. of)1 Sudan Bahamas St. Helena Bahrain Seychelles France and the United Barbados Sierra Leone Kingdom of Great Britain Basutoland Swaziland & Northern Ireland Bechuanaland Togoland (British adm,) Bermuda Trinidad and Tobago New Hebrides Nop-Member State Vatican City II. BOUND WITH RESERVATIONS Member States Ceylon (in respect of Articles 37, 68, 74, 76, 104 and Appendix 3) Egypt (in respect of Articles 69, 70, A7, All) Greece (in respect of Article 69) India (in respect of Articles 42, 43, 70, 74, 100 and Appendix 3) Л8/Р&В/5 Annex page 3 Pakistan (in respect of Articles 42, 43, 70, 74, 100 and Appendix 3) Philippines (in respect of Article 69) Saudi Arabia (in respect of Articles 61, 63, 64, 69, Al, A6) Union of South Africa (in respect of Articles 40, 42, 43, 76, 77) Overseas and Outlying Territories Netherlands; Surinam (in respect of Articles 17, 56) Union of South Africa: South West Africa (in respect of Articles 40, 42, 43, 76, 77) United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland: British Solomon Islands Protectorate (in respect of Article 100) Brunei (in respect of Article 17) Dominica, Windward Islands (in respect of Articles 15j 38 and 44) Falkland Islands, with dependencies (in respect of Article 17) Fiji, with dependency (in respect of Article 100) Gambia (in respect of Article 17) Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony (in respect of Article 100) Pitcairn Islands'1 (in respect of Article 100) St. Lucia, Windward Islands (in respect of Article 19) St. Vincent, Windward Islands (in respect of Article 19) Sarawak (in respect of Article 17) Somaliland Protectorate (in respect of Article 17) Tanganyika (in respect of Article 17) Tonga Islands (in respect of Article 100) In respect of the Pitcairn Islands, the Ministry of Health of the United Kingdom sent to the Director-General the following communication dated 18 March 1955î "It may not hitherto have been made clear that the reservation submitted in respect of Fiji (and its dependency) was intended to apply equally to the Pitcairn Islands, which is a separate territory but is jointly administered with Fiji. To remove doubts, the Pitcairn Islands are now shown separately with a reservation against Article 100 of the Regulations in the form in which it was accepted by the World Health Assembly for Fiji." The Director-General replied to the Ministry of Health on 29 March 1955 as follows* "I note that the reservation submitted in respect of Fiji and its dependency was intended to apply equally to the Pitcairn Islands jointly administered with Fiji. After considering this matter I have decided, subject to the usual reservation that the interpretation of resolutions of the Health Assembly is a function of the Health Assembly itself, to include the Pitcairn Islands in publications and notifications made by this Organization, as being subject to the same reservations in respect of Article 100 as Fiji and the other territories comprising the Western Pacific Islands as notified to the Director-General by your Government on 28 April 1953." A8/P&B/5 Annex page 4 » III. NOT BOUND « Member States Overseas and Outlying Territories Non-Member States Australia Australia: all territories Liechtenstein Burma 2 Sultanate of Chile , Denmark: Faroe Islands Muscat and Oman Germany (Federal Republic)" Greenland^ I?. POSITION NOT YET DEFINED Inactive Member States Overseas and Outlying Territories Non-Member States and Territories Albania Australia, New Zealand, United Colombia Bulgaria Kingdom of Great Britain and Tangier (International Byelorussian SSR Northern Ireland Zone) Czechoslovakia Hungary Nauru Island Poland Rumania Ukranian SSR United Kingdom of Great Britain Union of Soviet and Northern Ireland Socialist Republics Malta2 Singapore A decision is awaited pending the completion of constitutional procedures. 2 Rejections or reservations made in respect of these territories have been considered by the World Health Assembly. Communications defining the position are awaited from the Governments concerned. .