Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 7 September 2001 2000–01 Annual Report the Hon
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2000–01 ANNUAL REPORT Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 7 September 2001 2000–01 Annual Report The Hon. Mary Delahunty, MP Minister for Education Victorian Curriculum 1st floor and Assessment Authority 2 Treasury Place East Melbourne Victoria 3002 CONTENTS Report of the Chair 1 Dear Minister Report of the Chief Executive Officer 2 I have pleasure in submitting the first annual report of the At a glance 4 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) for the Financial position 6 period 1 March to 30 June 2001 in accordance with the 7 requirements of the Financial Management Act 1994. Overview of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Governance 8 Yours sincerely Authority membership 11 Committees 14 Senior officers 15 Organisation chart 16 Professor Kwong Lee Dow 17 Chair Review of operations Strategic Plan 18 Victorian Certificate of Education 19 VET in the VCE 23 Contribution to national and international forums 24 Curriculum and Standards Framework 25 Achievement Improvement Monitor 26 Focus on people 27 Curriculum Branch 28 Assessment Branch 28 Information Technology Branch 31 Finance and Administrative Services Branch 31 Information Services 33 Executive Services 33 Wider policy frameworks 35 Multicultural policy 36 Managing Diversity policy 36 Freedom of Information 36 Competitive neutrality 37 Building Act 1993 37 Consultancies and major contracts 37 Occupational health and safety reporting 37 Industrial disputes and time lost due to injury 38 Additional information 38 Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Financial report 39 41 St Andrews Place East Melbourne Victoria 3002 Appendices 55 Telephone (03) 9651 4300 1 Index of Compliance 56 Facsimile (03) 9651 4324 2 VCE convenors 58 Email [email protected] 3 VCE Review committees 58 Website 4 Student participation in the VCE Season of Excellence 59 Information services 5 Publications 63 Melbourne callers (03) 9651 4328 Acknowledgements 64 (03) 9651 4544 Country callers Freecall 1800 134 197 Acronyms and abbreviations Inside back cover Report of the Chair Ministerial Review of The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) was Post Compulsory Education established by the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Act 2000 and came into operation on 1 March 2001. The and Training Pathways Authority is responsible for the development of high-quality The separation of VCE accreditation and certification functions courses, curriculum, assessment products and services for all from curriculum development and assessment functions is a Victorian school students and oversees the delivery and significant structural change, recommended by the review. assessment of the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE). The It is envisaged that this will allow the Authority, as the body outstanding curriculum and assessment expertise developed responsible for curriculum and assessment, to better contribute by the former Board of Studies through the wide network of to the creation of innovative curriculum and flexible pathways. practising teachers, academics, training, business, employer and The Authority is currently engaged in a major review of the community representatives who contributed to the Board’s work policies, criteria and standards to be applied to the development will be maintained. The Authority will continue to provide the of senior secondary studies. Principles and procedures being Minister for Education with expert advice on policy and guidelines developed will ensure that the curriculum provides a dynamic for education in the three school sectors. foundation for the achievement of the Government’s goals and Due to the restructure of the Department of Education, targets. Development of additional pathways will ensure that Employment and Training in response to the DEET Enhancement new programs result in genuinely recognised and credible project, the establishment of other statutory authorities and the credentials that provide meaningful outcomes in work or changes in its legislative functions, the Authority will be operating further education settings. in a new context. The Authority is also engaged in dialogue Professor Kwong Lee Dow across the education sector to establish how high-quality, integrated research can inform the review and improvement of VCE studies. Membership Ms Susan Pascoe commenced in the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Authority on 7 May. Ms Pascoe has a prominent history in education and curriculum initiatives. Her most recent position was that of Coordinating Chairperson, Curriculum and Support Services, at the Catholic Education Office. Before that date, Ms Chris Kotur was the Acting Chief Executive Officer. The Minister for Education nominated Professor Kwong Lee Dow as Chair of the Authority in March 2001, and members have been appointed as follows: Professor Merran Evans, Director, Planning and Academic Affairs, Monash University; Mr Stuart Hamilton, Secretary, Department of Education, Employment and Training; Mr Leon Kildea, Principal, Wangaratta High School; Mr John Maddock, Chief Executive Officer, Box Hill Institute of TAFE; Ms Jane O’Shannessy, Teacher, Santa Maria College; Professor Robert Pargetter, Principal, Haileybury College; Professor Helen Praetz, Chair of the Victorian Qualifications Authority (VQA) and Pro Vice-Chancellor RMIT; Mr Andrew Skourdoumbis, Teacher, Braybrook Secondary College; Mr John Sweetman, Industry Manager, Victorian Employers’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Ms Bronwyn Valente, Principal, University High School; and Ms Lynette Watts, Principal, Springvale South Primary School. ANNUAL REPORT 2000–01 1 Report of the Chief Curriculum and Standards Executive Officer Framework The transition to the Authority has required the ongoing Major projects of the Authority in P–10 curriculum continue to commitment of staff to curriculum development and assessment enhance the efficacy of the Curriculum and Standards Framework practice that not only meets individual needs but also prepares (CSF II), which outlines what students should know and be able to students for future learning and employment in a society do in the eight Key Learning Areas. An exciting development has characterised by rapid change in technology and work patterns. been the work on units that will provide integrated approaches to In developing policies, criteria and standards for curriculum and the delivery of vocational learning programs in Years 9 and 10, assessment for the P–12 years, the Authority will further broaden with complementary resources focusing on key competencies. and strengthen the ability of Victorian education to provide Similarly, materials in information and communication technology flexible programs while maintaining a commitment to (ICT) are being developed that aim to define standards related to international standards. learning outcomes in the Technology CSF II Information strand and focus on the effective use of technology in each Key Victorian Certificate of Education Learning Area. Important programs for wider student welfare have commenced. Significant work has been undertaken by the Authority to support They include planning exemplary programs for Years 8, 9 and 10 the successful implementation of new and revised VCE studies. students at risk of not continuing in school, preparing students Authority statewide workshops to assist in the implementation of for post-compulsory studies, and improving student prospects VCE studies in 2000 and 2001 were attended by over 1000 teachers for successful post-school transition. and Implementation Resource kits were distributed to all schools. An enhancement to the efficiency of VCE delivery saw the Achievement Improvement implementation of a new information technology system, the VCE Administrative Software System (VASS21), in 603 VCE provider Monitor schools including one school in Indonesia. School users can now The Authority manages the statewide testing component of the securely and directly access the Authority’s assessment Achievement Improvement Monitor (AIM) program and provides database via computers located anywhere in the world. advice and support to schools on assessment, reporting and the use of assessment data to improve learning outcomes in Victorian Vocational learning schools. The AIM is delivered to the full cohort of students in Years 3 and 5. A Year 7 AIM testing program for English and A Vocational Education Reference Group has been established by Mathematics will be delivered for the first time to a sample the Authority for the development of policy and standards for VET of Victorian schools in August 2001. Two versions of the in the VCE and to address issues of participation and improving assessment will be trialed, a paper and pencil version and outcomes for students in the post-compulsory years. The number online delivery. The testing program is voluntary and will provide of students participating in VCE VET studies continues to grow, information to improve student learning and contribute to national with programs being progressively updated or replaced as benchmarking. national training packages are endorsed or reviewed. There are currently VCE VET programs in twenty-seven industry areas and part-time apprenticeships in eleven industry areas with a Authority events projected enrolment of 25,000 students for 2001, continuing an The VCE Season of Excellence 2001 was launched by the annual 20 per cent growth rate. Minister for Education, the Hon. Mary Delahunty, at the Top Designs