INTRO: These gym workouts are intended to introduce new movements, build strength and muscle, while at the same time getting your heart rate up and getting you in and out of the gym fast. The goal of the F4P program is to simplify movement and make it as efficient as possible, the gym workouts in track 3 are no different. Each workout consists of 5 or 6 to be completed in a circuit. Rest no more than 15 seconds between . After completing the entire circuit, rest 1-2 minutes and repeat 3-6 times.

Each workout has a video on our beta testers page with examples on how to do the exercise. Also, we tried to use common names for the exercises so you can look up outside form videos if needed. Please do the workout listed for that day on calendar. If you have ANY questions please email us at [email protected].

NOTE: Commercial can get crowded. We tried to make all of these circuits possible without a ton of movement around the gym, but if you have difficulty doing any of the circuits due to machines being unavailable or do not have the necessary equipment just swap out an exercise that targets the same movement.

What's Included: Workout Structure (Sets/Reps/Rest for each workout) 2 Upper Body Workouts 2 Lower Body Workouts 2 Full Body Workouts 1 Chest/ Workout 1 Back/ Workout



REPS: 8-10 Per Exercise **If this is very easy, increase weight**

**For any exercise with a (X2) next to it, double the reps- shoot for 20 reps on all (X2) exercises.

REST: Less than 15 seconds between exercises, 1-2 minutes between circuits

TEMPO: Try to use a 3/4-0-1-0 Tempo. Meaning 3-4 seconds to lower the weight (eccentric), 0 second pause at the bottom, 1 second to lift the weight - explode up, 0 second pause at the top.

Cycles: 3-6 cycles

Included: 2 Upper Body Workouts 2 Lower Body Workouts 2 Full Body Workouts 1 Chest/Triceps Workout 1 Back/Biceps Workout

PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD: Growth in the gym happens through progressive overload. We need to progressively do the workouts better and increase the stress we apply to our bodies. We can do this in a few different ways.

1. Increase weight.

2. Increase volume, in this case, more cycles.

3. Less rest time between exercises and circuits.

4. Better lift execution.

We encourage you to time your cycles, keep track of how many cycles you do each gym day and how much weight you do on the exercises. Then when you return to those workouts after the F4P program you can shoot to improve in these areas.!


Gym 1: Upper Body #1

EXERCISES: 1. Reverse DB

2. Arnold DB PRESS

3. Pull Up -- Can can do jump pull ups and go slow on the way down if you can't do 10 pull ups.

4. Standing DB curl to press to tricep extension

5. Seated

G ym 2: Full Body #2


2. Pillar Planks (1 minute)

3. Farmer’s Carries 45 seconds -- If you get tired sit down and pick back up as soon as you can

4. Push Press

5. Bench Jump Overs X2

Gym 3: Lower Body #2

EXERCISES: 1.Trap Bar Deadlift **Can substitute barbell or dumbbell if no trap bar** If you have never barbell deadlift, and intend to use a barbell instead of trap bar, please contact us so we can coach you on proper deadlift technique.

2. DB Straight Leg Deadlift

3. Box Jumps

4. DB Goblet

5. Lying curls, ball hamstring curls, OR GHD's


Gym 4: Chest/Triceps #1

EXERCISES: 1. DB Floor Press / push up Superset (10 each)

2. DB Tricep Rollbacks

3. Neutral Grip Dumbbell Press

4. Rope Cable Tricep Extension (or other attachment if no rope)

5. Bodyweight Skull Crusher / Push up on Bar Superset (10 each)

Gym 5: Full Body #1

EXERCISES: 1. Thrusters (Front Squat to Shoulder Press)

2. DB Power Clean

3. Burpee Pull UP

4. Push up to Renegade row 10 reps (1 each arm then push up =1)

5. Hanging Toes To Bar Or Variation

Gym 6: Upper Body #2

EXERCISES: 1. Barbell Bent Row

2. Incline DB Press

3. DB Clean & Press

4. Push Ups - add weight or claps to challenge

5. Australian Rows


Gym 7: Back/Bis

EXERCISES: 1. 1 Arm DB Row

2. Spider curl

3. Wide grip pull ups / immediate chin ups

4. Rope Cable curl

4. Lat Pull Down

Gym 8: Lower Body #1 ((GET READY FOR THE BURN))

EXERCISES: 1. Bulgarian Split Squats (10 each leg)

2. DB step Ups (10 each leg)

3. KB or Plate Swing X2

4. Walking Lunges (10 each leg)

5. DB 1/4 squat jumps (DBS at side)