11th Annual Latin American Conference Why Invest in Education in

Largest market in Latin America, with low penetration rates and increasing demand for qualified labour

Post-secondary Enrollments – (Unesco – 2005, million) Gross Enrollment Rate (Unesco - 2005) 83% 23.4 71% High Growth Potential 65% 17.3

48% 11.8


22% 24% 24% 4.5 4.0 11%

China USA India Russia Brazil Japan India China Brazil Mexico Chile Argentina Russia USA Post-secondary Institutions in Brazil (units) Total Enrollments (million) 4.7 4.5 4.2 3.9 3.5 3.0 74% 73% 1,934 2,022 72% 1,789 71% 1,652 1,442 70% 1,208 69%

31% 30% 29% 28% 27% 26% 183 195 207 224 231 248

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Source: INEP/MEC Public Private Public Private 1 Positive Sector Dynamics Sector Overview: Highly Fragmented Market

Top10 largest post-secondary institutions account for less than 20% of total enrollments1

Top 10 Non-Government Institutions Market Share (2005) Non-Government Institutions (number & Size)

Based on Number of Enrolled Students

17.4% 5K or more 131 173 2K < 4.9K 500 < 1.9K 616

Up to 499



10+ Others

3.3 million enrollments 1,934 Institutions

High Potential for Consolidation

(1) Source: Hoper Educational (2005)

Positive Sector Dynamics 2 Who we are

Campus Rebouças . Largest Player in the Private Post-Secondary Sector in Brazil, with broadest geographical coverage

. 205* thousand undergraduate students

. National Footprint: 77 campuses in 16 states Campus Tom Jobim

. 2 Universities, 2 University Centers and 20 Colleges

. Strong Shareholders base: Founder Shareholders and GP

. Best Governance Practice: Novo Mercado Campus R9 . Asset Light Model: ROE of 20%

. LTM Revenue of R$901 million and LTM EBITDA of R$98 million

(*) - Includes 5 recent acquisitions, which are in process of approval in Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

Who we are 3 Growth History

Efficiency Gains Turnaround and Strong Organic Growth and Preparation for IPO Consolidation

(Accounting and Management systems) National 205* Leadership 178 162 167 GP (May/08)

141 144 IPO (July/07) 135 Main subsidiary North and 118 (SESES): for profit Northeast: status (Feb/07) subsidiaries for profit status

Begin National Expansion 70

(in thousand)(in 51

UndergraduateStudents 35 23 26

1970/96 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 1H08

(*) - Includes 5 recent acquisitions, which are in process of approval in Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting

Who we are 4 Student profile

Young working adults Self-financed students (~70%)

Target Market • Convenience multi-campus • Internship Programs Living in Urban • Adequate Facilities Family income up Centers (large cities) • Competitive Price to 10 minimum • Quality salaries (~73%) • Focus on Labor-Market

Salary improvement Searching for Career

Who we are 5 What we already did in 3 months

• New Board of Directors (8 members, being 3 independent)

 Composition reflects the balance between deep knowledge of education sector and the focus on best management practices • New Board of Executive Officers

 Formed by executives with extensive experience from companies highly focused on results, as well as by professionals with long expertise at Estácio • Streamlining of Organizational Structure

 Prioritize and standardize processes  Rigorous control on cost expenses, focusing on growth and quality of academic programs • Variable Compensation Program and Stock Option Plan

 Clear and Challenging targets aligned with the financial strategic goals  Meritocracy: Business model aims to align management compensation to Company s results  Bonus Policy for executives, academic coordinators and directors and faculty  Maximum dilution of 5% • Best Governance Practices

 Fiscal Council, Audit & Compensation Committees, IFRS by end of 2008 • Stock listed at Novo Mercado (100% voting shares, full tag-along rights)

 Align the Company s management with best corporate governance practices

Who we are 6 Estácio Leadership Position: 205 k students1 – June/08 Largest Player in Brazil with National Footprint 1,376 3,337 Market-Share per State2 12,759 PR 0.7% SP 1.0% 691 GO 1.7% MG 2.2% SC 3.0% 1,417 MS 3.6% 6,117 5,029 ES 5.9% 4,430 PE 5.9% 2,418 PA 7.0% 11,706 2,337 BA 8.1% CE 20.5% 3,098 RJ 28.6% 1,614 Source: SINAES/2006 2 – Undergraduate students enrolled (excludes public universities) 1,776 1,322  Average Tuition: R$447 (1H08) University 17,520 2,975 University Centers 4,382 118,175 2,176 Upgrading from College to University Centers (in process of approval with the Mec3) 1- Includes 5 recent acquisitions, which are in process of approval in Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting Colleges

Competitive Advantages 3 – Ministry of Education 7 Multiple Growth Opportunities

• Post-secondary education market highly untapped Organic Growth • Maximizing growth opportunities in São Paulo and NE Markets • Upgrading Colleges to University Centers • Launching new programs and offering new seats

• Market share relevance – expansion and consolidation Acquisitions • Strategic fit – compatible market positioning • Priority for university centers • Take advantages of potential synergies

Distance • Opening a new market; reaching new segments Learning • Produce and distribute Estácio s own learning content • Marginal CAPEX - sunk costs

Competitive advantages 8 Efficiency Gains: Opportunities on G&A Expenses

• Streamline of organizational structure Streamline • Process Standardization Processes • BackOffice Centralization: Procurement / Accounting / HR / Legal / Accounts Payable / Treasury / IT / Real Estate Management

• SAP: Already running in all our Units Integrated Systems • SIA: Academic System - running in all our units by end of 2008

• Zero Based / Matrix Budget Zero Based • Internal / External Benchmarks Budgeting • Best Practices Sharing

Competitive Advantages 9 Efficiency Gains - COGS - Faculty Costs

Union Agreement - RJ Increase wages below inflation

Academic Reform Increase the number of students per class

MODULARIZATION: Reduce Course Pre-requisites / Reduce Attrition / Flexible Curricula

COMMON COURSES: Same Course for Different Programs (Languages, Math, etc)

STANDARDIZED PROGRAMS in all our campuses

DISTANCE LEARNING: Increase usage of on-line activities (up to 20% of Schedule)

Competitive Advantages 10 Strong Shareholder Structure and Outstanding Governance Standards

Founder Shareholders GP Investments Expertise in the Active Management Education Sector Meritocracy Culture Proven track record in Free Float Responsible for the the Brazilian Capital Company leadership Market (, and national expansion Submarino, Lupatech, ALL and others)

54.8% 20.0 % 25.2%

Higher Corporate Governance Levels • Listed at Novo Mercado • Fiscal Council

• 100% Tag Along rights • No Poison Pills

• 3 Independent members at Board of Directors • Setting up of the Audit and Compensation Committee

Strong Shareholder Structure 11 Professional and Highly Motivated Management Team

Management Variable compensation (Bonus + Stock Option)

João Rosas – CEO Worked at Vale, head of intermodal BU at ALL and consumer Align interests of shareholders and market at Infoglobo management

Lorival Luz – CFO Implement targets on global and individual Wordek at Citibank (Banco Credicard) as Treasury Director and as basis (cost cutting, avg. prices, quality Corporate Bank Chief of Staff goals)

Rogério Melzi – Economic and Operational Planning Reconcile quality and long-term targets Worked as Head of Financial Planning in Suzano, Planning Officer Retain key managers and professionals in Inbev/Labat and Ambev

Miguel de Paula – People and Management Worked as Head of Human Resources in Farmasa and Votorantim People Development and HR Manager at

Rubens Vasconcelos – Academic Officer • Faculty Training Program Member of the Board of Directors at Cultura Inglesa, COO at • Trainee Program – Estácio brightest Máxima Consultoria and CFO at Cougar students Jessé Hollanda – Operations • Executive development program Principal of Estácio s College, Academic Director of CSN Foundation and Executive Board member of CBS • Qualification program for course coordinators Alexandre Ferraz – Market Officer Worked as Sales Manager and Corporate Marketing Manager in Infoglobo

Competitive Advantages 12 Financial Highlights

(R$ million) 2005 2006 2007 1H07 1H08

Net Revenue 762 829 860 428 476

EBITDA ex rental1 124 164 172 82 92

EBITDA Margin ex-rental 16% 20% 20% 19% 19%

Adjusted EBITDA1 56 96 101 47 51

Adjusted EBITDA Margin 7% 12% 12% 11% 11%

Adjusted Net Income2 23 60 81 31 43

Net Cash (48) (4) 229 41 256

(1) Adjusted in 1H07, to the payment of taxes in jan/07 (SESES became for profit in February 2007) and to extraordinary items in 2Q08 (2) Excluding goodwill amortization from acquisitions and extraordinary expenses

Financial Highlights 13 IR Contacts & Disclaimer

Investor Relations:

Av. das Américas, 3434 - Bloco 7 - 2º andar Lorival Luz – [email protected] Cep 22640-102 Barra da Tijuca - Carlos Lacerda – [email protected] Fernando Santino – [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (55) 21 2433 9789 / 9790 / 9791 Fax: (55) 21 2433 9700 Visit our website: www.estacioparticipacoes.com/ir


This presentation may contain forward-looking statements concerning the industry’s prospects and Estácio Participações’ estimated financial and operating results; these are mere projections and, as such, are based solely on the Company management’s expectations regarding the future of the business and its continuous access to capital to finance Estácio Participações’ business plan. These considerations depend substantially on changes in market conditions, government rules, competitive pressures and the performance of the sector and the Brazilian economy as well as other factors and are, therefore, subject to changes without previous notice. We are a holding company, and our only assets are our interests in SESES, STB, SESPA, SESCE, SESPE and IREP, and we currently hold 99.9% of the capital stock of each of these subsidiaries. Considering that the Company was incorporated on March 31 2007, the information presented herein is for comparison purposes only, on a proforma unaudited basis, relative to the first three months of 2007, as if the Company had been organized on January 1 2007. Additionally, information was presented on an adjusted basis, in order to reflect the payment of taxes on SESES, our largest subsidiary, which from February 2007, after becoming a for-profit company, is subject to the applicable taxation rules applied to the remaining subsidiaries, except for the exemptions arising out of the PROUNI – University for All Program (“PROUNI”). Information presented for comparison purposes should not be considered as a basis for calculation of dividends, taxes or for any other corporate purposes.

IR Contact Info 14