Used in Research and Teaching

Dorcas P. O’Rourke

Abstract Trueb 1994). With the expansion of knowledge regarding reproduction and development, scientists began Amphibians have long been utilized in scientific research experimental manipulation of embryos (Gurdon 2002). In and in education. Historically, investigators have accumu- the early 20th century, investigators discovered that injec- lated a wealth of information on the natural history and tion of urine from pregnant women induced ovulation in biology of amphibians, and this body of information is con- African clawed , (due to chorionic gonado- tinually expanding as researchers describe new species and tropin); thereafter, Xenopus became an integral component study the behaviors of these . Amphibians evolved of early pregnancy testing (Bellerby 1934; Callery 2006; as models for a variety of developmental and physiological Shapiro and Zwarenstein 1934). This ability to reliably in- processes, largely due to their unique ability to undergo duce ovulation year-round with hormone injections made metamorphosis. Scientists have used amphibian embryos to Xenopus an ideal choice for developmental studies because evaluate the effects of toxins, mutagens, and teratogens. it alleviated the constraint of seasonal reproduction. Thus, Likewise, the animals are invaluable in research due to the Xenopus emerged as a premier model for biological ability of some species to regenerate limbs. Certain species research (Gurdon 2002), and today, Xenopus and other am- of amphibians have short generation times and genetic con- phibians are widely utilized in research and teaching. For structs that make them desirable for transgenic and knock- additional information on amphibian taxonomy, biology, out technology, and there is a current national focus on and natural history, please refer to the following publica- developing these species for genetic and genomic research. tions: Duellman and Trueb (1994); Petranka (1998); Steb- This group of vertebrates is also critically important in the bins and Cohen (1997); and Zug et al. (2001). investigation of the inter-relationship of humans and the environment based on their sensitivity to climatic and habi- tat changes and environmental contamination. Species and Common Research and Key Words: amphibians; frogs; research; salamanders Teaching Areas

All frogs belong to the order Anura. Examples of frogs include the aquatic African clawed frog, the semiterrestrial Brief Historical Perspective bullfrog, and the terrestrial toad. Anurans typically begin life as aquatic tadpoles, with gills and a laterally compressed mphibians have long been utilized in scientific re- tail. As development proceeds, limbs appear, the tail is re- search, both as models for the elucidation of physi- sorbed, and gills are replaced by lungs. Tadpoles and some ological and developmental processes and as primary A aquatic adult frogs have a lateral line system, which is a subjects for herpetological investigation. Amphibians de- series of pores in the skin that contain mechanoreceptors rive their name from the Greek “amphibious,” which means called neuromasts. Cilia project from the neuromasts, bend “double life.” Most begin life as aquatic larva and, through in response to current changes and water pressure, and are the process of metamorphosis, emerge as terrestrial adults. used to locate food (Zug et al. 2001). Frog skin also contains While many species of amphibians do not strictly adhere to both mucous and granular glands. Mucous glands are more this developmental pattern, they remain the only vertebrate abundant than granular glands and are located over the en- class with such a unique adaptation (Zug et al. 2001). tire body. These protective glands secrete slimy mucus, As early as the 18th century, scientists were describing which protects the delicate skin from abrasive trauma, in- the biology and natural history of frogs (Duellman and hibits entry of pathogens, and helps prevent water loss. In aquatic larvae, the mucous layer reduces friction and facili- tates movement through the water. Granular glands may be Dorcas P. O’Rourke, D.V.M., M.S., DACLAM, is Chair, Department of scattered on the body or clustered into parotoid glands, as Comparative Medicine, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. occurs on the head of toads. Granular glands secrete a va- Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Dorcas O’Rourke, Department of Comparative Medicine, 208 Ed Warren Life Science Bldg., riety of compounds, including toxins, pheromones, and an- East Carolina University-The Brody School of Medicine, 600 Moye Blvd., timicrobial substances. Toxins (including neurotoxins, Greenville, NC 27834, or email [email protected]. cardiotoxins, and hallucinogens) help defend against preda-

Volume 48, Number 3 2007 183 tors. Antimicrobial compounds protect against bacterial and Xenopus tropicalis also has a shorter generation time and is fungal infection when skin is abraded (Clarke 1997). diploid (Beck and Slack 2001), factors that make it ex- Species of frogs commonly used in research include tremely desirable for transgenic and knockout technology. members of the genus Xenopus (Xenopus laevis and Xeno- Laboratories are focusing on breeding and identifying mu- pus tropicalis), Rana (Rana pipiens, Rana catesbeiana, and tants of X. tropicalis (Grammer et al. 2005), and the Na- others), Bufo, and Hyla. X. laevis (African clawed frog) and tional Institutes of Health have an initiative focused on X. tropicalis are the most intensively used amphibians to- developing genetic and genomic tools for research involv- day. Taxonomically, Xenopus are in the family . ing both X. tropicalis and X. laevis (Klein et al. 2002). These totally aquatic species have fusiform bodies and pow- The second major group of frogs used in research be- erful hindlimbs for swimming. The forelimbs are used to longs to the genus Rana in the family Ranidae. They are push food into the mouth, which lacks a tongue (Zug et al. typically semiaquatic animals, with powerful legs for jump- 2001). Xenopus laevis are tetraploid, and females can pro- ing great distances. Species commonly seen in laboratories duce thousands of large, easily manipulated eggs. Oocytes include R. catesbeiana, the bullfrog, and R. pipiens, the from chorionic gonadotropin-primed females can be surgi- northern leopard frog. Rana species were used early in de- cally harvested or allowed to be deposited. Male and female velopmental studies (Briggs and King 1952); today they X. laevis can be pair housed to provide naturally fertilized play a key role in investigating endocrine disrupters and embryos. Embryos will translate foreign mRNA when eggs environmental toxins (Cassano et al. 2006; Hogan et al. are injected, a characteristic that has made X. laevis indis- 2006; Mikkelsen and Jenssen 2006). Rana are used exten- pensable in experimental embryology (Beck and Slack sively in physiology research, both as animal models (King 2001). Jones (2005) has summarized investigations using X. 1998; Zayas et al. 2004) and as subjects in their own right laevis embryos to elucidate development of the pronephric (Feder and Burggren 1992; Pryor and Bjorndal 2005). The kidney. Microsurgical removal of cells from early-stage em- genus is frequently studied from an ecological standpoint bryos and subsequent in vitro culture has enabled scientists (Halverson et al. 2006; Laurila et al. 2006). Antimicrobial to study neural crest cell migration (DeSimone et al. 2005). peptides secreted by the granular glands of Rana skin have Other uses of X. laevis have included investigations into been investigated intensively (Marenah et al. 2006; Xu et al. genetic expression in development and regeneration, 2006). Mangoni (2006) recently described antiviral, anti- growth, immune function, and toxicology. The X. laevis bacterial, antifungal, and anti-Leishmania properties in tem- leptin gene has been isolated and demonstrated to have a porins from Rana. A unique and significant research role in early limb development as well as in regulation of application for R. pipiens has been use of the acetic acid food intake (Crespi and Denver 2006). Limb regeneration wiping response. Frogs respond to serial dilutions of acetic studies have frequently involved this species (King et al. acid by wiping with the hind limb when the concentration 2003; Satoh et al. 2006; Tassava 2004). Recent investiga- becomes irritating. This well-defined nociceptive response tions into central nervous system axonal regeneration have behavior has been used to elucidate the effects of opioids demonstrated positive capability in X. laevis neurons (Gibbs and opioid receptors in this pain research model (Stevens and Szaro 2006). Xenopus laevis has also been used to 2004). Rana has also been the frog of choice for compara- understand evolution of heat shock proteins and the immune tive anatomy dissections and for teaching musculoskeletal system (Robert et al. 2004). physiology, cardiac physiology, and neurophysiology. Historically, X. laevis gained popularity as the subject of Toads of the genus Bufo are terrestrial frogs that have the frog embryo teratogenesis assay: Xenopus (FETAX) been used for a variety of studies, including limb regenera- method. This method utilizes documented normal Xenopus tion (Abdel-Karim 1989; Everett and Brown 1996; Michael development (Nieuwkoop and Faber 1994) to determine ef- et al. 1993). They have been subjects of brain lateralization fects of putative toxins and teratogens on developing em- (“handedness”) research (Vallortigara et al. 1999). Hyla bryos (Dumont et al. 1983; Papis et al. 2006). Recent species, the treefrogs, are arboreal frogs that along with environmental concerns have focused on effects of endo- Bufo are often the subjects of environmental toxin and en- crine disrupters as well as other environmental contami- docrine disrupter research. nants. Due to its carefully defined developmental stages and metamorphosis, X. laevis has become a common model for assessing the effects of these compounds (Balch et al. 2006; Degitz et al. 2005; Katbamna et al. 2006; Kloas 2002; Loef- Salamander Species and Common fler et al. 2001). Research and Teaching Areas Xenopus tropicalis, another member of the family Pipi- dae, has recently begun to replace X. laevis in many types of Salamanders are in the order Caudata, with approximately genetics research. Although members of the same family, X. 400 living species represented (Petranka 1998). Like frogs, tropicalis is classified in a separate subgenus from X. laevis salamanders may begin life as aquatic larva; however, sal- (Kobel et al. 1996); in fact, it was once assigned to a sepa- amander larvae more typically resemble the metamorphosed rate genus, Silurana. Xenopus tropicalis is smaller than X. adult form than do tadpoles. Adult salamanders may breathe laevis and has more fastidious temperature requirements. by lungs, gills, or buccopharyngeal or cutaneous respiration.

184 ILAR Journal They have an elongated shape, and most have four limbs food type and type of skin toxin produced (Darst et al. and a tail (McDiarmid 1994). Like frogs, salamanders pos- 2005). Blending traditional field techniques, semicaptive sess both mucous and granular glands. In newts and other controlled environmental studies, and laboratory methods salamander species, granular glands may secrete phero- allows for greater depth of understanding of amphibians and mones, which are integral components of courtship behav- their inter-relationships with the environment (Rissler et al. ior (Clarke 1997). Many salamanders, such as Ambystoma 2004; Wilczynski et al. 2005). mexicanum (the axolotl), retain some larval features while otherwise developing into reproductively active adults. This failure to develop adult morphological characteristics is re- Amphibian Sources, Population Concerns, ferred to as paedomorphosis (the process formerly called and Health Issues neoteny). Paedomorphosis is widespread in salamanders and has been documented in at least 57 species representing A major area of concern with amphibian use involves ac- nine of ten families (Denoel et al. 2005). Similarly, other quisition of research and teaching subjects. For many years, salamander species can exhibit variation in timing and rate animals were collected from the wild, with no thought given of growth (heterochrony). to population impact or health issues. Recent investigations Among the salamander genera commonly represented in have demonstrated that amphibian populations are declin- research are the aforementioned axolotl, Notophthalmus ing, likely due to multiple factors (Linder et al. 2003). These (newt), and Necturus (mudpuppy). To the laboratory re- stressors could include introduction of toxins and other search community, the axolotl is likely the most familiar of agents into the environment, habitat destruction or alter- salamanders (Gresens 2004). Axolotls are totally aquatic ation, emergence of pathogens, and climatic changes. Stud- ies have shown that exposure to chemicals with hormonal and breathe through large, feathery external gills. The de- activities may alter behavior and affect survivability of am- velopmental stages of the axolotl have been carefully char- phibian species (Eroschenko et al. 2002). Likewise, human acterized (Bordzilovskaya et al. 1989), therefore these introduction of non-native predatory species can cause de- animals have been extensively used in developmental re- cline of amphibian populations. In some cases, predator search. The presence of nephrostomes on the axolotl kidney removal can reverse this trend (Vredenburg 2004). Emerg- has resulted in the use of this species to study tubulointer- ing infectious diseases of amphibians, such as chytridiomy- stitial activation and subsequent fibrosis caused by protein cosis, are likely exacerbated by human introduction of loading (Gross et al. 2002). Limb regeneration has been a infected animals into previously unaffected areas (Daszak et subject of investigation for many years; axolotls figure al. 2001). Clearly, society should not tolerate the irrespon- prominently in this area along with other salamander spe- sible removal of animals from the wild in light of these cies such as newts (Brockes 1994; Morrison et al. 2006; circumstances. Tassava and Olsen-Winner 2003; Vinarsky et al. 2005). Coupled with population depletion concerns is an Studies of sequences from the Ambystoma genetic map have equally important consideration—the health status of wild- contributed to greater understanding of structure and evo- caught animals. Amphibians collected at certain times of the lution of amniotic genomes (Smith and Voss 2006). Nectu- year may be predisposed to developing serious disease rus has been used to study germ cell progression in problems as a result of collection and shipping stressors. spermatogenesis (Pierantoni et al. 2002). This species has Methods for holding captured animals can be suboptimal, also been utilized extensively in a variety of physiological and conditions of crowding, lack of food, and inappropriate studies, including investigations into olfaction and locomo- temperature can lead to stress and subsequent disease. This tion (Delay and Dionne 2003; Fok and Stein 2002) and as an situation is worsened by pathogens such as chytridiomyco- instructional model for anatomy laboratories. The tiger sal- sis (Mazzoni et al. 2003). Therefore, whenever possible, amander, Ambystoma tigrinum, is a long-standing animal those who use amphibians in research or in teaching should model for research involving the olfactory system (Kauer make every effort to acquire captive-bred amphibians from 2002). reputable breeders and suppliers, and to ensure that only Both salamanders and frogs are widely studied as re- healthy animals are obtained and used. Some examples of search subjects in their own right. An extensive body of breeders include Rana Ranch Bullfrog Farm (Twin Falls, information exists on the natural history of amphibians (Pe- ID, [email protected]), the Ambystoma Genetic Stock tranka 1998; Stebbins and Cohen 1997). Amphibians ex- Center at the University of Kentucky (http://bigapple.uky hibit a wide diversity in behavior and reproductive .edu/∼axolotl/), Xenopus I (Dexter, MI, www.xenopusone strategies, including social monogamy, multiple paternity, .com), Xenopus Express (, and Nasco clutch piracy, egg brooding, and feeding of young (Gillette ( et al. 2000; Liebgold et al. 2006; Vleltes et al. 2004; Wise Whether they are used as animal models, environmental and Jaeger 1998; Zug et al. 2001). Advances in molecular indicators, or primary research subjects, amphibians remain techniques have enhanced and broadened the scope of eco- critically important to scientific investigation and the ad- logical research. Studies on feeding ecology of poison dart vancement of knowledge. Their use should be thoughtful, frogs in the wild have demonstrated a correlation between judicious, and respectful.

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