
Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 www.elsevier.com/locate/marpolbul

Water quality in the Great Barrier region: responses of mangrove, seagrass and macroalgal communities

Britta Schaffelke a,*, Jane Mellors b, Norman C. Duke c

a CRC Reef Research Centre and James Cook University TESAG, P.O. Box 772, Townsville, Qld 4810, Australia b Department of Primary Industries & Fisheries and CRC Reef Research Centre, P.O. Box 1085, Townsville, Qld 4810, Australia c Marine Botany Group, Centre for Marine Studies, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Qld 4072, Australia


Marine plants colonise several interconnected ecosystems in the region including tidal wetlands, seagrass meadows and coral reefs. in some coastal areas is declining from human activities. Losses of mangrove and other tidal wetland communities are mostly the result of reclamation for coastal development of estuaries, e.g. for residential use, port infrastructure or marina development, and result in river bank destabilisation, deterioration of water clarity and loss of key coastal marine habitat. Coastal seagrass meadows are characterized by small ephemeral species. They are disturbed by increased after extreme flood events, but generally recover. There is no evidence of an overall seagrass decline or expansion. High nutrient and substrate availability and low grazing on nearshore reefs have lead to changed benthic communities with high macroalgal abundance. Conservation and management of GBR macrophytes and their ecosystems is hampered by scarce ecological knowledge across macrophyte community types. 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pollution; Mangroves; Seagrass; Macroalgae; Nutrients;

1. Introduction reefs are global climate change (coral bleaching), crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks and coral diseases The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area (Wilkinson, 2002). The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is (GBRWHA) contains a large number of interconnected considered to be in a Ônear-pristine state over large ecosystems colonised by marine plants including coral areasÕ, however, water quality in some coastal areas ap- reef systems, extensive seagrass meadows and estuarine pears to be declining from effects of human activities systems with mangrove forests. These systems are also (Australian State of the Environment Committee, closely linked with adjacent coastal river catchments in 2001; Brodie, 1997). a catchment-to-reef continuum. Globally, the rate of A large body of evidence now shows that water qual- degradation of coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove for- ity and ecological integrity of some of the coastal area of ests and other tropical marine ecosystems is increasing GBRWHA are affected by material originating from a as a consequence of direct human , including range of human activities on the catchment, such as pri- input of pollutants such as sediments, nutrient and toxic mary industries (agriculture, aquaculture), urban and compounds. Additionally, indirect pressures on coral industrial development (reviewed in Haynes, 2001; Wil- liams, 2002; Baker et al., 2003; Furnas, 2003). In sum- * Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 7 4729 8405; fax: +61 7 4729 mary, delivery of sediments and nutrients to rivers 8499. discharging into GBR waters has increased by at least E-mail address: britta.schaff[email protected] (B. Schaffelke). four times compared to estimates from before 1850;

0025-326X/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.10.025 280 B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 chlorophyll a levels in coastal waters are higher than off- Wolanski et al., 2003; Fabricius et al., 2003; Fabricius shore, especially in the more developed central and and DeÕath, in press). southern sections of the GBR; and herbicides (princi- Metals and organochlorine contaminants (e.g. herbi- pally diuron) have been found in coastal and intertidal cide and residues) are generally found in low mangrove sediments and seagrasses adjacent to catch- in GBR waters and sediments, except ments with high agricultural use, at levels shown to ad- for sites adjacent to ports and harbours, urban centres versely affect seagrass productivity and implicated in and areas of intense agricultural activity (Haynes and local dieback of mangroves. GBR nearshore coral reefs Johnson, 2000). Herbicides are transported to aquatic adjacent to catchments with intense agricultural activity, environments either dissolved in the water or bound to i.e. the Wet Tropics region, have higher water column sediment during rain events. They affect marine plants suspended solids and nutrients, and cover and richness by interfering with the normal functioning of the photo- of hard and soft corals were lower and cover of macro- synthetic apparatus (Percival and Baker, 1991). Heavy algae was higher, compared to reefs adjacent to less metals inhibit pathways in photosystem II or interfere developed catchments (Fabricius and DeÕath, in press; with pigment synthesis, however, permanent damage Fabricius et al., in press). In addition, coastal may not occur (Prasad and Strzalka, 1999). The opera- development has greatly altered shoreline and catch- tion of shipping within the GBR also poses the risk of ment landscapes along the Queensland coast, affecting significant spills, likely to have serious impacts on the natural estuarine functioning. The most notable intertidal and coastal marine plant habitats, and of re- changes are significant losses and declining ecosystem lease of pollutants from antifouling , for example health of many coastal wetlands including mangroves after ship groundings. (e.g., Duke, 1997; Russell and Hales, 1994; Russell Here, we review responses of tropical marine plants et al., 1996). in the Great Barrier Reef region to changes in water Increased inputs of nutrients can cause significant quality. changes in tropical marine ecosystems, principally by increasing primary production. Some coral reefs over- seas are subject to chronic increased availability of dis- 2. Marine plants in the Great Barrier Reef region solved nutrients (Szmant, 2002), while nearshore reefs in the GBR region are mainly exposed to periodically in- Marine plants are widely distributed in the GBR re- creased nutrient and sediment loads from runoff during gion, colonising different habitats. While mangroves the summer monsoons. Nutrient and particulate matter form a unique and dominant ecosystem predominantly levels in the GBR lagoon under non-flood conditions bordering coastal margins of the GBR region, sea- are generally low, although higher values are typically grasses and macroalgae occur in a variety of ecosystems found close to the coast (Furnas et al., 1995; Furnas, across the GBR shelf (Fig. 1). 2003). In contrast, levels are between 10 and 400 times Mangroves are inter-tidal marine plants, mostly trees, higher in flood plumes, which are the main delivery and thrive in saline conditions and daily inundation be- mechanism for nutrients (in dissolved and particulate tween mean sea level and highest astronomical . form) and suspended sediments to GBR coastal waters Mangroves are not a monophyletic taxonomic unit. (Devlin et al., 2001; Devlin and Brodie, in press). The Fewer than 22 plant families have developed specialised dissolved nutrients in river plumes are rapidly taken morphological and physiological characteristics that up by phytoplankton and are generally not in contact characterize mangrove plants, such as buttress trunks with benthic macrophytes for extended periods of time. and roots providing support in soft sediments and phys- The resulting phytoplankton blooms are consumed rap- iological adaptations for excluding and expelling salt. idly by zooplankton, resulting in nutrients being recy- Globally, there are just 70 ÔtrueÕ mangroves species cled several times and transported in particulate (Tomlinson, 1986; Duke et al., 1998). In the GBR region organic form further away from the coast where they there are around 2070 km2 of mangroves with 37 species may settle on macrophyte and communities (Duke, 1997; Duke et al., 1998). The benefits of man- (Furnas, 2003; Furnas et al., in press). In nearshore groves are based on their primary and secondary pro- waters fine particles of suspended sediment combine duction, as well as their standing woody biomass and with suspended aggregates of organic matter called forested ecosystem structure (Duke et al., 1998). These Ômarine snowÕ (detritus particles, fecal material, mucus benefits include (adapted from Tomlinson, 1986): secreted by phytoplankton and bacteria) to form heavier flocs that can settle on benthic communities (Fabricius • visual amenity and shoreline beautification; and Wolanski, 2000; Wolanski et al., 2003). This syn- • shoreline protection, based on mangrove tree and ergy of nutrients, fine sediments and associated toxi- root structure, which reduces erosion and provides cants is believed to be the greatest threat of runoff to stand protection from waves and water movement; GBR ecosystems (Fabricius and Wolanski, 2000; • nutrient uptake, fixation, trapping and turnover; B. 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Fig. 1. Conceptual model of macrophyte habitats in the Great Barrier Reef region from the coast across the continental shelf.

• carbon sink and sequestration; meadow. Seagrasses, especially structurally large spe- • secondary production, via grazing and decomposition cies, also affect coastal and reefal water quality by of mangrove biomass and associated microbial and absorbing nutrients and trapping sediments. GBR sea- faunal production; grasses are presumably low light-adapted (Pollard and • sediment trapping, based on mangroves being a depo- Greenway, 1993), as they have recruited, grown and sitional site for both water and airborne sediments, evolved under disturbance regimes of pulsed increases which in turn reduces turbidity of coastal waters; in turbidity and nutrients, as well as reduced salinity • meso-climate; forests might moderate evapo-transpi- nearshore and physical disturbances that are seasonal ration to create a specialised niche climate; and episodic in their extent and amplitude (Birch and • habitat for specialised fauna, nursery habitat, protec- Birch, 1984; Devlin et al., 2001). tion and food resources for mature fauna such as The GBR region macroalgal flora is diverse with an migratory birds and fish; estimated 400–500 species. However, detailed floristic • forest products (e.g. timber, firewood- although not studies are limited to only a few locations and often only widely used in Australia); and cover intertidal algae (McCook and Price, 1997). The • fishery products, including both estuarine and coastal Rhodophyta (red algae) in the ubiquitous turf algae fish, crustaceans and molluscs. assemblages, which mainly colonise dead coral substra- tum, are well-described (Price and Scott, 1992). A cata- Mangroves are highly valued for some of these bene- logue of the Phaeophyceae (brown algae) from fits, such as their importance for fish biomass and diver- Queensland has recently been compiled from herbarium sity (e.g. Mumby et al., 2004). However, mangrove areas records and published material (Phillips and Price, have been steadily removed from more populated estu- 1997). Apart from algal turfs, prominent macroalgal aries in the GBR region over the last 150 years. In the assemblages in the GBR region include the pavement Mackay region an average 5 ha of around 620 ha of of crustose coralline algae on windward sides of coral mangroves per year was removed between 1945 and reefs, the epiphytes on seagrass and mangrove roots, 1998 (Duke and Wolanski, 2001) indicating that tidal and large fleshy macroalgae on nearshore reef flats, wetlands were valued more for their conversion to other often dominated by brown algae and gelatinous red land-uses than for their collective benefits. algae. Macroalgae have fundamental ecosystem func- Similar to mangroves, seagrass is a functional but not tions in the GBR region; including provision of habitat, a taxonomic category. Present seagrass diversity arose food source and recruitment substratum for benthic from at least three separate lineages (Waycott and Les, fauna and consolidation of reef frameworks. 1996; Les et al., 1997), having evolved in adaptation to the marine environment (Walker et al., 1999). Approxi- mately 68 species of seagrass are found globally (Les 3. Responses of GBR marine plants to changes in water et al., 1997). Fifteen species are recorded from Queens- quality land waters (Lee Long et al., 2000). An estimated 40,000 km2 of lagoon, inter-reef and reef-top areas within The three marine plant community types are affected the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area comprise differently by changes in water quality. Due to their seagrass habitat (Coles et al., 2003). Seagrasses in the proximity to land-based sources of pollution estuarine GBR region are important as they support fisheries pro- and coastal mangroves are likely to be the most exposed ductivity, and are a food source for dugongs and turtles. community type. Seagrass and macroalgal communities Their presence allows for the recruitment of many other occur across the continental shelf and hence across plants and animals, e.g. living epiphytically or within the a diminishing gradient of exposure to land-based 282 B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 pollutants. Knowledge of water quality responses is, cides, may be taken up at greater rates along with extra however, available for only a few community types, e.g. nutrients (Duke et al., 2003a). This synergistic effect of for estuarine mangroves, coastal seagrass (with limited increased nutrients has resulted in the increased phyto- information for reef-associated seagrass) and reef-asso- toxicity of specific herbicides (Hatzios and Penner, ciated macroalgae. Unfortunately, this limits inferences 1982). High nutrient levels may also alter faunal com- about responses across community types. munities which might affect the vulnerable trophic links between mangrove trees and fauna (Robertson et al., 3.1. Mangrove responses 1992). Increased sediment loads in runoff from catchments In addition to mangroves being affected by changed affect mangrove distributions within estuaries as well water quality, which is discussed below, the distur- as water quality (Duke et al., 2003b). In recent decades, bance/destruction of mangrove wetlands may in turn there have been unprecedented gains in mangrove areas have consequences for coastal water quality, possibly at the mouths of at least four GBR river estuaries, Trin- extending offshore. Mangroves have the capacity to hold ity Inlet (Duke and Wolanski, 2001), Johnstone River and bind sediment (Furukawa et al., 1997; Wolanski (Russell and Hales, 1994), Pioneer River (Duke and et al., 1997), dissolved nutrients and carbon (Alongi Wolanski, 2001) and Fitzroy River (Duke et al., and McKinnon, in press), although they are also a 2003b). Although these rivers occupy a broad range of major source of organic material through export of climatic and geographic conditions, they each have char- mangrove litter (Alongi and McKinnon, in press). The acteristic and significant new mangrove stands. At the sediment and nutrient trapping capacity allows coastal mouth of the Fitzroy River, the area of mangroves areas to be relatively free of turbid waters and suitable had been relatively constant for a century but increased for coral reef and seagrass meadow growth (Morell rapidly after the 1970s. The increases were correlated and Corredor, 1993; Wolanski et al., 1997). with concurrent human activities including increased Nutrient loads are considered to be generally high in clearing of vegetation in the catchment, which increased coastal and estuarine regions where most mangroves sediment loads in runoff, and the construction of a ma- occur. Loads are often excessive in areas associated with jor river barrage, which reduced river flows and flushing. increased human activities, e.g. from sewage inputs and Agricultural chemicals in runoff appear to affect man- fertiliser run-off from upstream croplands (Baker et al., grove health in the GBR region. In the Mackay region, 2003). Mangrove responses to nutrients are complex, the unusual species-specific dieback of Avicennia marina, with examples of both enhanced growth and associated first observed in the mid 1990s, affected by 2000 > dieback. While excess nutrients alone have not been 30 km2 of mangroves in at least five adjacent estuaries. directly linked with mangrove dieback and damage, Agricultural chemicals applied on adjacent catchments indirect links do exist. Excess nutrients have been asso- are reported to be transported downstream into estua- ciated with dieback of Avicennia marina in South rine and nearshore water and sediments (White et al., Australia. The dieback began six years after establish- 2002; McMahon et al., in press). Strong correlative ment of a sewage outfall; 250 ha of mangroves died since and causative evidence implicates that herbicides used 1956 and dieback is ongoing (EPA, 1998). The dieback in sugar cane production, particularly diuron, have seri- was attributed to smothering by algae of the genus Ulva, ously affected a non-target mangrove species in down- assumed to retard growth of mangrove seedlings, and to stream estuarine habitats (Duke and Bell, in press; smother and kill aerial roots of established mangrove Duke et al., 2003a). In 2000 and 2002, diuron and other trees. Algal blooms were also proposed as the cause of herbicides were present in mangrove sediments (up to a more recent mangrove dieback in Moreton Bay, 8 lg/kg for diuron) and porewater (up to 14 ng/L for Queensland (Laegdsgaard and Morton, 1998). We in- diuron), and in stream/drain waters flowing into man- clude Ônutrient excessÕ as an indirect and unintended, grove areas (up to 1.2 lg/L for diuron). Monitoring by less obviously human-related cause, as one of 12 likely the local Healthy Waterways program reported the first drivers of change influencing mangrove ecosystems high flow event of the 2001–2002 wet season alone (Table 1). brought 470 kg of diuron, at up to 8.5 lg/L, into the As with the nuisance algae, nutrients enhance growth Pioneer River estuary (White et al., 2002). Key indica- of mangrove plants. This has been demonstrated in tors of mangrove plant health were significantly corre- nutrient enrichment experiments, which also showed lated with diuron in sediments at the that nitrogen and phosphorus were growth-limiting dif- base of trees, planthouse trials demonstrated that salt- ferently at lower and higher intertidal positions (Boto excreting mangrove plants such as A. marina were more and Wellington, 1984). Nutrients derived from sewage affected by herbicides than salt-excluding species, and discharge can be beneficial for growth and productivity the effects were species-specific (Bell and Duke, in press). of mangroves (Clough et al., 1983). However, under To date, there had been no substantive evidence for a high nutrient demand other chemicals, such as herbi- primary causative agent other than diuron. Kirkwood Table 1 Types and drivers of change/impacts on Australian mangrove and salt marsh tidal wetlands Type of change Driver of change Reference(s) A. Direct–intended and obviously human related (1) Reclamation loss. Replacement with structures/sites—ports, industrial, Port, industry and urban development. Duke (1997) and Duke et al. (2003b) urban, canals. 279–296 (2005) 51 Bulletin Pollution Marine / al. et Schaffelke B. (2) Direct damage. Dieback/damage/loss caused by cutting, root exposure, Access to, construction of retaining walls for Duke et al. (2003b) sediment disturbance, root burial, ponded pastures and agricultural encroachment. ponded pastures and blocking drains. B. Direct–Unintended and obviously human related (3) Restricted tidal exchange. Dieback/ damage associated with construction and Constructions, like roads and sea walls, altering Olsen (1983) and Gordon (1987) development projects often resulting in impoundment inundation of roots. water flow and tidal exchange. (4) Spill damage. Dieback/damage following incidents/ accidents involving Spillage of toxic chemicals, oil spills. Duke and Burns (2003) and Duke spills of toxic chemicals, which smother breathing surfaces. et al. (2000) C. Indirect–unintended and less obviously human related (5) Depositional gains and losses, e.g. at estuary mouths and areas behind groins Catchment vegetation clearing, soil disturbance, Duke (1997), Duke and Wolanski and training walls, dieback/damage associated with sediment burial. and construction of river/shoreline training walls. (2001) and Duke et al. (2003b) (6) Nutrient excess. Dieback/damage associated with excess algal growth on breathing roots. Inputs of fertiliser and sewage. Dennison and Abal (1999), Laegdsgaard and Morton (1998), and EPA (1998) (7) Species-specific effects. Dieback/damage of species sensitive to toxic chemicals. Inputs of toxic chemicals, e.g. in catchment runoff. Duke et al. (2003a) and Duke and Bell (in press) D. Not obviously human related (8) Wrack accumulation. Dieback/damage associated with build-up of beach wrack on Post-storm and debris accumulation, Duke and Pedersen (personal breathing roots and localised impoundment. possibly associated with poor water quality. observation) and Duke et al. (2003b) (9) Herbivore/ attack. Dieback/damage associated with excessive Effects on herbivore/insect, possibly associated Robertson and Duke (1987) and herbivore/insect attacks on foliage or tree stems. with stressed habitat. Duke (2002) (10) Storm damage. Dieback/damage associated with severe storm activity and incidents. Severe storms, cyclonic winds, strong wave Duke, 2001, Houston (1999) and activity, high stream flows, lightning. Duke et al. (2003b) (11) Ecotone shift. Dieback/damage associated with climate change—shifts within the tidal zone. Climate (rainfall) change affected by local and/or Fosberg (1961) and Duke et al. (2003b) global factors. (12) Zonal shift. Dieback/damage associated with sea level change in the entire tidal wetland Sea level change affected by local and/or global Duke et al. (2003b) (mangrove/saltmarsh) zone. factors. 283 284 B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 and Dowling (2002) acknowledged the severe and ex- locations in SE Queensland with high petroleum hydro- tensive dieback, but failed to present any data or ob- carbon concentrations in sediments were also correlated servations to justify their assertion that sediment with high frequencies of a lethal recessive gene in man- smothering, not diuron, was the most likely cause of grove trees greatly reducing photosynthetic productivity the dieback. of otherwise viable progeny (Duke and Watkinson, Based on observations of mangrove condition and 2002). sediment levels in the Mackay region and the Johnstone and Daintree rivers (Duke et al., 2003a), a 3.2. Seagrass responses threshold concentration of 2 lg diuron/kg sediment was determined, above which A. marina dieback might Most knowledge of seagrass ecology is from studies be expected. In these estuaries, it was notable that A. on structurally large species of the North-West Atlantic, marina was either absent, unhealthy, or dead, where diu- Mediterranean Sea and Caribbean, which form peren- ron concentrations in sediments were >2 lg/kg, corre- nial meadows of high biomass (Duarte, 1999). Although sponding with concentrations in concurrently collected structurally large seagrasses inhabit the GBR region, water samples of >4 ng/L, (Duke et al., 2003a). Beyond small species (e.g. Halodule and Halophila) comprise the coastal margin, seagrass and coral growth might also the majority of the coastal nearshore seagrass meadows be affected by diuron at concentrations detected in sed- (Lee Long et al., 1993). Responses to water quality dem- iments and waters along the GBR coastline (Haynes onstrated for structurally large seagrasses might not be et al., 2000a). Corals show signs of photosynthetic stress the same for small seagrasses forming ephemeral, low at diuron concentrations of P1 lg/L (Jones et al., 2003), biomass meadows (Mellors et al., 2002). Recovery from coralline algae P1 lg/L (Harrington et al., in press), and disturbance also differs between structurally large and seagrass P0.1 lg/L (Haynes et al., 2000a). small seagrasses (Gordon et al., 1994; Longstaff and In contrast to most terrestrial plants mangroves are Dennison, 1999). able to accumulate heavy metals before exhibiting signs Globally, loss of seagrass, at the meadow level, has of stress (Yim and Tam, 1999). In metal-polluted envi- been linked to declining water quality (McComb et al., ronments, plants may display visible toxicity symptoms 1981; Dennison et al., 1993). The most common cause such as leaf discolouration, chlorosis and necrosis, or of seagrass loss has been the reduction of light availabil- may not have visible symptoms at all (Bargagli, 1998). ity due to chronic increases in dissolved nutrients lead- Arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury ing to proliferation of algae reducing the amount of (Hg) and zinc (Zn) are potential toxins and can enter light reaching the seagrass, e.g. phytoplankton, macro- the environment as a consequence of agricultural activ- algae or algal epiphytes on seagrass leaves and stems ity (Haynes and Johnson, 2000) such as the use of inor- (Cambridge and McComb, 1984; Short and Wyllie-Ech- ganic fertilisers (Bargagli, 1998). While some everria, 1996) or chronic and pulsed increases in sus- are essential elements (Zn, Cu, Ni and Cr), others are pended sediments and particles leading to increased not required by plants and are toxic at high concentra- turbidity (Walker and McComb, 1992; Preen et al., tions (Pb and As) (Raven et al., 1992). The presence of 1995; Longstaff and Dennison, 1999). In addition, detectable concentrations of Cd and Hg in recently changes of sediment characteristics may also play a crit- deposited marine sediments strongly suggests that agri- ical role in seagrasses loss (Hemminga and Duarte, cultural soil is getting to the near-shore environment 2000). (Cavanagh et al., 1999). However, concentrations de- Abal and Dennison (1996) predicted that detectable tected in field surveys (Mackey and Hodgkinson, 1995; impacts on seagrass meadows may occur if higher sedi- Duke et al., 2003a) are well below those known to affect ment and associated nutrients were transported into the mangrove plants in planthouse experiments (MacFar- nearshore areas of the GBR region. To date, no major lane and Burchett, 2001). decline in seagrass abundance in the GBR region has Oil spills are considered a major threat to mangroves been caused by increased nutrient availability, though (Duke and Burns, 2003). The first casualty when oil en- localised declines have occurred in the Whitsunday ters a mangrove forest is benthic fauna (e.g. crabs, bur- and Hervey Bay areas. In both cases light deprivation rowing lobsters and worms), which die on the day of was implicated, by (i) algal overgrowth caused by nutri- oiling (Duke et al., 2000). By contrast, mature trees take ent enrichment from sewage effluent (Campbell and longer to die, possibly taking a year in some cases McKenzie, 2001) and (ii) smothering by settling particles depending on seasonal fluctuations in growth, and dis- and high suspended particle load from flood plumes rupted linkages with crabs recycling litter below-ground. (Preen et al., 1995; Longstaff and Dennison, 1999). In Mangrove infauna densities are significantly lower in contrast, the expansion of seagrass meadows around oiled sediments indicating impaired functioning of man- Green Island off Cairns since the 1970Õs is attributed grove ecosystems in chronically oiled locations of major to an increase in nutrients (Udy et al., 1999), and a re- shipping ports, harbours and marinas. Furthermore cent study indicated that the nitrogen from terrestrial B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 285 fertilizer runoff was assimilated by these seagrasses exposure, depending on the species and exposure levels (McKenzie et al., 2004). GBR seagrasses usually recover (Haynes et al., 2000b). In general, plants in situ recov- from transient impacts, with recovery of subtidal and ered more rapidly than those exposed in the laboratory, intertidal meadows after flood-related loss observed indicating that seagrasses in natural environments are within two years (Preen et al., 1995; McKenzie et al., not as strongly affected by herbicide exposure as those 2000; Campbell and McKenzie, 2004). In contrast, in laboratory conditions (Macinnis-Ng and Ralph, meadows around Green Island showed a shift in species 2003a). Seagrasses from a variety of field locations re- composition in the recovering community after experi- sponded and recovered at different rates suggesting that mental disturbance, possibly facilitated by high nutrient there may be other factors modulating the effects of availability at this site (Rasheed, 2004). herbicides. Generally, seagrasses are nutrient-limited (Duarte, The Australian low risk trigger value (water column) 1999) and thus increases in nutrient availability promote for diuron is 0.2 lg/L, for protection of 95% of species in seagrass growth. The role of nutrients in controlling sea- a slight to moderately disturbed aquatic environment grass growth has been evaluated through in situ nutrient (ANZECC, 2000). In Hervey Bay this limit was not ex- enhancement experiments (Dennison et al., 1987; Erfte- ceeded (McMahon et al., in press). There is no Austra- meijer et al., 1994; Udy and Dennison, 1997; Udy et al., lian guideline for in sediments. Highest 1999). Such experiments indicate that Australian seag- concentrations of herbicides in GBR seagrass sediments rasses are nitrogen- rather than phosphorus-limited are 1.7 lg/kg for diuron and 0.3 lg/kg for (Udy and Dennison, 1996, 1997; Udy et al., 1999; Walker (Haynes et al., 2000a). In comparison, levels of diuron et al., 1999). A nutrient addition experiment with Halo- in Hervey Bay sediments were slightly lower, while atra- phila ovalis in the central GBR supported this for zine levels were higher, however, seagrass stress was not the growing season of this species when increased nitro- detected (McMahon et al., in press). The herbicide Irga- gen demand is expected (Mellors, 2003). Contrastingly, rol 1501, used in antifouling paints, was found in Halod- H. ovalis biomass did not respond to nutrient addition ule spp. tissue in the GBR and Zostera marina at south during the slow growing season but tissue nutrient levels Queensland sites at concentrations potentially inhibiting increased, indicating luxury uptake (Mellors, 2003). Tis- photosynthesis, with very high values associated with sue nutrients in H. ovalis in the central GBR have mark- localised areas of high boat use (Scarlett et al., edly increased over a 25-year period, corresponding with 1999a,b). There is no information about the effects of increased fertiliser usage in the adjacent Burdekin River chronic exposure of tropical seagrasses to low herbicide catchment (Mellors et al., in press). Hence, H. ovalis levels. Chronic levels as well as higher exposure levels may be a potential bio-indicator of nutrients in GBR during river flood events may reduce growth and repro- waters. The consequences for seagrass health of higher ductive effort, important processes in the recovery of tissue nutrients are unknown. Factors other than nutri- seagrass meadows after disturbance by turbidity and ent availability may limit growth, such as freshwater runoff. and light availability, the latter also negatively affected Seagrasses accumulate metals from the environment by land runoff. by rapid uptake through the leaves under both chronic Global critical values for porewater and plant tissue and pulsed exposure (Schroeder and Thorhaug, 1980). nutrients have been devised, below which nutrient limi- The stress response of seagrass in laboratory studies tation of growth is assumed. These are 100 lMand was both species- and contaminant-specific (Ralph and 1 lMfor porewater ( Dennison et al., Burchett, 1998; Prange and Dennison, 2000). Photosyn- 1987) and phosphate (Erftemeijer et al., 1994), res- thesis of H. ovalis was most affected by copper and zinc pectively, and 1.8% and 0.2% for tissue nitrogen and and least by cadmium and lead (Ralph and Burchett, phosphorus, respectively (Duarte, 1990). Porewater con- 1998). In situ experiments with Zostera capricorni also centrations from the GBR region are on average lower showed copper having the greatest effect, followed by than the global critical values, while plant tissue nutrient zinc, while cadmium and lead exposure had no effect concentrations are higher (Mellors et al., in press). We (Macinnis-Ng and Ralph, 2002). Samples exposed to suggest that the global tissue nutrient values, derived zinc recovered to pre-exposure levels but those exposed mainly from temperate and structurally large species, to copper did not. Overseas studies indicate a strong are not applicable to GBR species. relationship between metal concentrations in seagrass Herbicide exposure was implicated in the slow recov- tissue and availability in sediment and water column ery of seagrass meadows in Hervey Bay lost due to the (Lyngby and Brix, 1984). Australian studies have also impact of flood plumes. Seagrass photosynthesis is rap- shown a relationship between distance from metal point idly inhibited after water column exposure of 0.1 lg/L to sources and tissue concentrations (Ward, 1987). Recent 100 lg/L of the herbicides diuron, atrazine and simazine Australian in situ experiments indicate some degree of (Haynes et al., 2000b; Macinnis-Ng and Ralph, 2003a). metal tolerance in a field population of Zostera capri- Seagrasses showed varying abilities to recover after corni (Macinnis-Ng and Ralph, 2004). Seagrasses from 286 B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 an estuary with little coastal development were most 1997). This was attributed to sufficient nitrogen being sensitive to metals, while seagrasses from more devel- cycled within the turfs through nitrogen fixation of asso- oped estuaries were more tolerant; sensitive seagrass ciated cyanobacteria and trapping of organic matter. had metal levels similar to tolerant seagrass and back- Other macroalgae showed no response to the nutrient ground metal levels in sediments were similar between enrichment in the ENCORE experiment, or only re- sites. Responses of seagrasses to metal contamination sponses of a few parameters such as nutrient uptake are likely to differ between different species, populations rates (Koop et al., 2001). Some of the unexpected results and locations. of that study may be explained by nutrient levels at One The greatest impact of pollution is the Tree reef being naturally higher than at other GBR reefs smothering of intertidal seagrasses by the washed up oil (Hatcher and Hatcher, 1981; Larkum and Steven, 1994), at low tides (Howard et al., 1989). The Exxon Valdez oil which may satisfy the nutrient demand of most macro- spill in 1989 caused high mortality of seagrasses below algal species. oiled beaches (Juday and Foster, 1990). Long-term ef- Foliose macroalgae are prevalent on many GBR fects of this were decreased densities of shoots nearshore reefs (Morrissey, 1980; Price, 1989; McCook and flowering shoots (Dean et al., 1998). Associated et al., 1997; Schaffelke and Klumpp, 1997) and species with petrochemical spills is the use of during of the genus Sargassum form dense, highly productive clean-up operations. Dispersants consist of a surfactant stands on reef flats (Schaffelke and Klumpp, 1997). in a carrier or solvent (Macinnis-Ng and Ralph, 2003b). These locations have high (albeit episodic) nutrient Solvents allow the toxic surfactant to penetrate the waxy availability and turbidity, mainly due to flood and resus- protective coating of the seagrass blade, thereby affect- pension events (Furnas et al., 1995; Devlin et al., 2001), ing cellular membranes and chloroplasts (Howard and grazing pressure is low (Williams, 1991). Although et al., 1989). Structurally large seagrasses were stressed rates of productivity and growth are high, several near- more and showed no recovery after experimental expo- shore macroalgal species are nitrogen- or phosphorus- sure to a combination of oil and than to oil limited (Schaffelke and Klumpp, 1998a,b; Schaffelke, alone (Hatcher and Larkum, 1982). Halophila ovalis 1999a). During transient pulses of dissolved nutrients, was more tolerant and showed little difference between simulating flood events, these species efficiently take up exposure to oil, oil and dispersant and dispersant alone nutrients. Nutrients surplus to immediate metabolic de- (Ralph and Burchett, 1998). In field experiments with mand are stored in the tissue. After pulses, these nutrient Zostera capricorni, crude oil heavily impacted experi- stores sustain increased growth over several weeks. mental plots, while exposure to dispersant alone had Sargassum spp. also utilise alternative nutrient no effect (Macinnis-Ng and Ralph, 2003b). In this study, sources to sustain high productivity. Particulate organic the combined treatment of oil and dispersant was less nutrients that settles on coral reef benthos are taken up toxic than the exposure oil only and dispersant only. by Sargassum spp., possibly remineralised by an epi- Comparisons between studies are problematic as differ- phytic microbial loop (Schaffelke, 1999b). Potential neg- ent species and different types of and dispersants ative effects of organic particles settling on thalli (e.g. were used. Factors such as contact time, droplet size shading, anoxia) were outweighed by nutrient uptake (Howard et al., 1989) and the presence of bacterial in- from these particles, which increased growth. Particle- fauna (Atlas, 1995) affect the toxicity of oil , or detritus-based foodwebs on coral reefs have only whereas warmer enhance emulsifying and recently gained attention (Johnson et al., 1995; Arias- ultraviolet radiation enhances toxicity due to photo- Gonzalez et al., 1997) and may be important at locations modification (Thorhaug, 1992; Ren et al., 1994). with low herbivore abundance, such as disturbed reefs with low live coral cover. Several nearshore species 3.3. Macroalgal responses (Chnoospora implexa, Hormophysa cuneiformis, Hydroc- lathrus clathratus, Padina tenuis, and Sargassum spp.) Responses of GBR macroalgae to water quality, in have high alkaline phosphatase activity (APA), an en- particular nutrients, have been studied since the 1970s. zyme that releases phosphate from organic phosphorus Early nutrient addition experiments in the southern (Schaffelke, 2001). These species are able to use the or- GBR showed increased net community production but ganic phosphorus pool in addition to dissolved phos- usually no increase in macroalgal biomass (Kinsey and phate. High APA may also compensate for a relative Davies, 1979). Hatcher and Larkum (1983) found that phosphorus limitation in locations subject to nitrogen some algal communities were nitrogen-limited but graz- inputs, for example some GBR nearshore reefs. Macro- ing controlled their biomass, whereas responses at other algae from coral reefs in Florida and the Caribbean with sites were species-specific and controlled by a variety of high nitrogen and low phosphorus availability have even abiotic and biotic factors. Turf algae communities at higher APA values (Lapointe et al., 1992). One Tree Reef did not respond to nutrient enrichment Several GBR macroalgal species are likely to benefit during the ENCORE experiment (Larkum and Koop, from increased nutrient availability, for example in loca- B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 287 tions exposed to land runoff, due to their high nutrient ity/loss of substratum/habitat, physical disturbance demand and the ability to use a variety of nutrient such as removal and burial, changes in light climate, spe- forms. Species that are nutrient- sufficient in an oligo- cies-specific differences in responses to water quality trophic environment would not benefit from a higher changes, competition and grazing. Some of these fac- nutrient availability (Delgado and Lapointe, 1994; tors, in turn, can also be affected by changes in water Schaffelke, 1999a). Nutrient-limitation is not apparent quality. in the slow-growing reef algae Chlorodesmis fastigiata GBR mangroves are at present predominantly af- and Turbinaria ornata (Schaffelke, 1999a), which are fected by physical disturbance, and in some cases af- common species on reefs across the GBR shelf (McCook fected by deteriorating water quality. The et al., 1997; Schaffelke, personal observation). condition of mangrove and tidal wetlands may be de- GBR nearshore reefs exposed to high levels of sedi- scribed and quantified as the extent and rates of change mentation are unsuitable habitats for crustose coralline from the past. The responses of mangrove forests may algae (Fabricius and DeÕath, 2001). This is likely to have also be used as sensitive and reliable indicators of natu- important implications for reef-consolidation and ral (Duke et al., 1998) as well as human-related change. recruitment of species that require coralline algae for set- Twelve types of change have been identified representing tlement. Photosynthetic yield of crustose coralline algae most driving factors in Australia (Table 1, more detail in is significantly reduced when exposed simultaneously Duke et al., 2003b), which are grouped in four general to sedimentation and the herbicide diuron (Harrington categories of change: et al., in press). In addition, high phosphate levels (from sewage discharge) reduce growth of coralline algae A. Direct–intended, obviously human related; (Bjo¨rk et al., 1995). B. Direct–un-intended, obviously human related; The rapid responses of macroalgae to nutrient pulses C. Indirect–un-intended, less obviously human related; have been used in the development of marine bioindica- and tors for nutrient availability. For example, levels of chlo- D. Not obviously human related. rophyll a, tissue nitrogen and the amino acid citrulline in Gracilaria edulis respond rapidly to increased nutrients A summary of 16 reported incidents impacting man- and may thus be useful indicators (Costanzo et al., groves in the GBR region indicated that 50% are related 2000). Nitrogen stable isotope ratios in Catenella nipae to impacts on water quality (oil spills, herbicide expo- have been used to track sewage plumes (Udy, unpub- sure, sediment deposition), 31% directly to reclamation lished data). and direct damage through planned and permitted activ- A baseline study of levels of zinc, copper, nickel, lead ities, and a total of 81% were the result of human activ- and mercury in macroalgal species found low levels of ities (Table 2) and might be considered preventable. contamination (Denton and Burdon-Jones, 1986). Chlo- Studies on responses of seagrasses to pollutants indi- rodesmis fastigiata was suggested as a suitable organism cate that species traits as well local site history determine for monitoring metal levels in macroalgae due to its wide the response. The geographic setting of a location deter- distribution. To our knowledge there is no published mines its sediment regime, while the frequency of distur- information about levels of organochlorine contami- bance determines meadow structure. Factors affecting nants in GBR macroalgae. Most information on levels the sediment regime at each location are: distance from and effects of pollutants is from temperate macroalgae major rivers, wind regime, frequency and magnitude of (e.g. Lobban and Harrison, 1994; Eklund and Kautsky, rainfall events, resuspension and other factors that affect 2003). light availability, sediment mineralogy and grain size. These factors determine sediment exchange, pH, redox potential, salinity, organic content and presence 4. From species responses to ecosystem change of bacteria, which all influence the nutrient/pesticide/ heavy metal regime. Tolerances to environmental and As outlined above, marine plants in the GBR region anthropogenic perturbations are different for different are often nutrient-limited, indicated by higher nutrient species and populations (Waycott, 1998), possibly lead- availability promoting growth of mangroves, seagrasses ing to a loss of genetic diversity due to anthropogenic and certain species of macroalgae. However, interac- impacts (Alberte et al., 1994). tions between higher nutrient availability and exposure Compared to mangroves and seagrasses, we know to other pollutants, and between water quality parame- more about ecosystem factors controlling macroalgal ters and other disturbances, are largely unknown. At the biomass on coral reefs. The mosaic of benthic macro- ecosystem level the response of marine plants to changed algal assemblages is dynamically determined by the bal- water quality is further confounded by other biological ance of algal production (enhanced by higher nutrient and abiotic factors that influence the health and produc- availability for a number of macroalgal species) and tion of marine plants. Examples for these are availabil- grazing pressure, which is sporadically disrupted by 288 .Shfflee l aiePluinBlei 1(05 279–296 (2005) 51 Bulletin Pollution Marine / al. et Schaffelke B. Table 2 Reported instances of disturbance of GBR mangrove ecosystems, ultimately affecting coastal water quality in the GBR region. See Table 1 for details of types of change Location Incident Type of change Reference(s) Cape Flattery Dieback of 11 ha in 1992 Spill damage Duke and Burns (2003) Yorkeys Knob Dumping of oily waste in 1994 Spill damage Burns and Codi (1998) Trinity Inlet Loss of mangrove area overall, localised increase at mouth, 1945–1995 Reclamation and depositional gains Duke and Wolanski (2001) Trinity Inlet Impoundment of large area for conversion to agricultural lands Reclamation and direct damage Duke and Wolanski (2001) Johnstone River Increase in mangrove area at river mouth Depositional gain Russell and Hales (1994) Johnstone River Herbicides in mangrove sediments Species-specific effect (absence of Avicennia) Duke et al. (2003a) Hinchinbrook Channel Loss of foreshore mangroves at Oyster Point Reclamation and direct damage Duke (1994) Hinchinbrook Channel Increase in mangrove area with corresponding loss of salt marsh, Ecotone shift—possible increased rainfall Ebert in Duke (1997) 1941–1991 Pioneer River Loss of mangrove area, 1945–1995 Reclamation Duke and Wolanski (2001) Mackay region Widespread dieback of Avicennia marina. Herbicides from Species-specific effect Duke et al. (2003a) and Duke and runoff in sediments, esp. diuron Bell (in press) Fitzroy River Extensive defoliation of Excoecaria trees in 1995. Insect herbivory McKillup and McKillup (1997) Fitzroy River Increase in mangrove ÔislandsÕ at river mouth from 1890 to 2001 Depositional gain Duke et al. (2003b) Fitzroy Estuary and Port Curtis Loss of tidal wetlands for port and industrial development Reclamation Duke et al. (2003b) Port Curtis Dieback of Avicennia marina in the early 1970s Species-specific effect (unknown cause) Saenger in Duke et al. (2003a) Port Curtis Dieback of Rhizophora, Ceriops and Aegiceras in 1992 Hail storm damage Houston (1999) Port Curtis Massive foliage loss in Rhizophora stylosa canopies, 1995–1998 Insect herbivory Duke (2002) Table 3 Summary of reported effects of water pollutants and physical disturbance on macrophytes in the Great Barrier Reef region (see text for further details and references) .Shfflee l aiePluinBlei 1(05 279–296 (2005) 51 Bulletin Pollution Marine / al. et Schaffelke B.

Arrows indicate positive " or negative # effects on macrophyte health and production, black for strong, grey for weaker effects. 289 290 B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 disturbances that make available new substratum for stance, selective grazing and availability of new substra- algal colonisation. Availability of new substratum for tum may have caused development of a community macroalgal settlement is generally due to a reduction dominated by the unpalatable Asparagopsis taxiformis in coral cover resulting from physical disturbance, coral after a ship grounding on the GBR (Hatcher, 1984). bleaching, coral disease and crown-of-thorns starfish A common theme in overseas case studies of in- predation (Szmant, 2002). Increased substratum avail- creased macroalgal abundance is that an initial dis- ability can also result from high inputs of terrestrial sed- turbance decreased live coral cover leading to the iments and organic matter leading to increased coral establishment of a high cover of macroalgae, which is mortality (Rogers, 1990; Stafford-Smith and Ormond, sustained by a combination of high nutrient availability 1992), reduced removal of macroalgae by herbivorous and low grazing pressure (e.g. Lapointe, 1999; Nystro¨m fishes (Purcell, 2000), and reduced recruitment and et al., 2000; Stimson et al., 2001; Chazottes et al., 2002), growth of coralline algae which are an important sub- or by high nutrient availability alone (e.g. Lapointe stratum for recruitment of corals (Fabricius and DeÕath, et al., 2004b, and references therein). Water column 2001). Previously, macroalgal blooms have been attri- nutrients in these cases were usually at the high end of buted to either Ôbottom-upÕ (nutrient enrichment) or the range in GBR waters (e.g. Haynes, 2001). Low Ôtop-downÕ (grazer) control (e.g. Larned and Stimson, coral and high macroalgal cover is also found on some 1996; Lapointe, 1997; Lapointe et al., 1997; Hughes, GBR nearshore reefs (Fabricius and DeÕath, in press; 1994). However, anthropogenic nutrient-enrichment Fabricius et al., in press), and is most likely sustained often coincides with low grazing pressure (Littler and by decreased water quality and insufficient grazing Littler, 1984; Delgado and Lapointe, 1994; Lapointe pressure. et al., 1997), and it is most likely that top-down and bottom-up simultaneously control macroalgal biomass (Lapointe, 1999) and that abundant macroal- 5. Conclusion gae are a consequence and not the cause of coral mortal- ity (McCook et al., 2001; Szmant, 2002). Knowledge of water quality responses is available for Few studies have tested the combined effects of nutri- only a few macrophyte community types, e.g. for estua- ents and herbivory. Production and tissue nitrogen lev- rine mangroves, coastal seagrass (with limited informa- els of turf algae increased for a short time after a tion for reef-associated seagrass) and reef-associated cyclone, however, no increase in standing biomass was macroalgae. Even though this limits conclusions about observed due to increased consumption by fish grazers responses across community types, there are clear indi- (Russ and McCook, 1999). Overgrowth of corals by cations that declining water quality negatively affects Lobophora variegata was enhanced by nutrient enrich- GBR macrophytes (summarised in Table 3). Pollutants ment under grazer exclusion (Jompa and McCook, such as herbicides, metals and clearly af- 2002). Herbivory affected growth and density of recruits fect seagrass and mangrove health. In contrast, conse- of L. variegata and Sargassum fissifolium, but nutrient quences of higher nutrient availability at the ecosystem addition only had a minor effect on the former species level are less understood, and are load-, species-, season- (Diaz-Pulido and McCook, 2003). Biomass of macroal- and location-dependent. In some cases, high nutrient gae on a Hawaiian fringing reef increased either due to availability has lead to enhanced growth of valued spe- addition of nutrients or exclusion of grazers; macroalgal cies such as seagrass and mangroves, which is generally biomass was greatest with both nutrient addition and perceived as being positive. In contrast, increased grazer exclusion (Smith et al., 2001). A high cover of fil- growth of macroalgae in coral reef systems or as epi- amentous macroalgae, in particular Enteromorpha pro- phytes on seagrass and mangroves is regarded as prob- lifera and Hincksia mitchelliae, developed rapidly on lematic. High nutrient availability, in conjunction with settlement plates enrichment with phosphorus and with- substrate availability (low coral cover) and insufficient in cages that allowed access of small herbivorous fish grazing pressure, has lead on some GBR nearshore reef compared to unfertilised controls (McClanahan et al., to altered benthic communities with high macroalgal 2002). While nutrient addition increases macroalgal cover. Removal of macroalgae or increase of grazing growth grazing counteracts this by removing biomass, pressure may facilitate coral recovery. The latter factor, however, only up to a certain threshold where the resi- however, is assumed to be at normal rates in the GBR, dent grazer community is not able to consume any more and without also addressing deteriorated water quality biomass (Williams et al., 2001). In this situation selective such an intervention could only be an interim measure. grazing of more palatable or more nutrient-rich species The majority of impacts on mangroves are clearly can lead to changes in the composition of the macro- human-related, by physical disturbance and/or water algal community and the establishment of communities and sediment pollution, and hence might be managed with high abundance of species avoided by grazers by regulating human activities. Local declines of GBR (Stimson et al., 2001; Lapointe et al., 2004a). For in- seagrass have been attributed to light limitation caused B. Schaffelke et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 51 (2005) 279–296 291 by flood events, which are natural but likely to be exac- the Great Barrier Reef Region Conference. Marine Pollution erbated by higher sediment and nutrient loads exported Bulletin. to the coast. Loss or disturbance of habitat-building ANZECC, 2000. 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