Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.1 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First and final of Policy #802 - School Organization. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the Board of School Directors to approve the above item at the September 2, 2015 Board meeting.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.2 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of Policy #807 Opening Exercises. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.3 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of revised Policy 002 - Authority and Powers. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.4 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of Board Operating Guidelines - 003. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.5 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of revised Policy 003 - Functions. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.6 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of Board Operating Guidelines - 004. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.7 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of revised Policy 004 - Membership. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 1.8 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" First reading of revised Policy 007 - Distribution. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?"

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 2.1 Submitted by Michael A. Gigliotti

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Approval of the Bill List for September 2015 B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration that the Bill List be accepted as detailed. Woodland Hills School District Bill List Summary Reports September 2015-2016 Board Meeting September Bill List

General Fund 1,916,742.03 Additional General Fund 1,094,890.01 Total 3,011,632.04

Food Service Fund Additional Food Service Fund Total -

2005 GOB Series D-Capital Project Additional GOB Series D 1,126,713.22 Total 1,126,713.22

Capital Reserve Account Additional Capital Reserve Fund Total - Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 1 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 00167522 08/17/15 AFLAC 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE - 132 $8,571.66 AUGUST 2015

00167523 08/17/15 SCHOOL CLAIMS SERVICE 10-0462-000-000-00-00-00-000 SHORT TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE - 132 $2,161.25 SEPTEMBER 2015

00167524 08/17/15 SCHOOL CLAIMS-ASSURANT 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 LIFE INSURANCE PAYABLE - AUGUST 132 $1,310.10 2015 10-0465-000-000-00-00-00-000 LIFE INSURANCE PAYABLE - AUGUST 132 $9,837.08 2015 10-0465-000-000-00-00-00-000 CREDIT 132 $-391.29

Check Total $10,755.89

00167525 08/20/15 BFI WASTE SERVICES OF PA, 10-2600-411-000-00-01-00-000 REFUSE REMOVAL - JULY 2015 999 $5,163.52 LLC.

00167526 08/20/15 BORO OF BRADDOCK 10-3300-390-000-00-01-00-000 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - QTR ENDING 999 $4,988.04 06/30/15

00167527 08/20/15 BOROUGH OF CHURCHILL 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS - JULY 999 $230.40 2015

00167528 08/20/15 COMDOC, INC. 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 MONTHLY COPIER TONER/SUPPLIES - 999 15160007 $3,535.00 JULY015 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 MONTHLY PRINTER TONER/SUPPLIES - 999 $1,090.56 JULY 2015

Check Total $4,625.56

00167529 08/20/15 DYNASTY SECURITY INC 10-2600-390-000-00-01-00-805 SECURITY - (ESY) 07/05/15-07/23/15 999 $1,115.63 - BUS DETAIL - FRIENDSHIP

00167530 08/20/15 BORO OF EDGEWOOD 10-2600-810-000-00-01-00-000 FALSE ALARM ACTIVATION - 06/23/15 - 999 $50.00 EE

00167531 08/20/15 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 10-2600-610-000-10-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - WE 999 15160068 $64.47 10-2600-610-000-10-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $12.86 10-2600-610-000-10-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $22.57 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $25.99 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 2 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $49.35 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $71.55 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $12.44 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - FE/AD 999 15160068 $10.09 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 TOOL REPAIR 999 15160068 $230.55

Check Total $499.87

00167532 08/20/15 OFFICE DEPOT 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED : 999 $669.84 07/04/15-07/10/15 BOOKLETS - JH 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $166.67 07/04/15-07/10/15 CLASSWORK - WE

Check Total $836.51

00167533 08/20/15 OFFICE DEPOT 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $263.43 06/06/15-06/12/15 WORKSHEETS - EE 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $35.20 06/06/15-06/12/15 BOOKLET - AD 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $435.48 06/06/15-06/12/15 WORKSHEETS - WE 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $288.00 06/06/15-06/12/15 WORKSHEETS - JH 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $35.07 06/06/15-06/12/15 WORKSHEETS - WA 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 OUTSOURCED PRINTING: 999 $989.83 06/06/15-06/12/15 WORKSHEETS - HS

Check Total $2,047.01

00167534 08/20/15 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS 10-2600-421-000-00-21-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (220000020218) 999 $48.51 06/29/15-07/30/15 - EE 10-2600-421-000-00-32-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (220000020218) 999 $436.63 06/29/15-07/30/15 - FE

Check Total $485.14

00167535 08/20/15 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS 10-2600-421-000-00-06-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (20004395170) 999 $39.06 06/25/15-07/27/15 - DE FIELD Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 3 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10

00167536 08/20/15 TYKES AUTOMOTIVE INC. 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160124 $89.01 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $45.60 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160124 $51.64 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $26.81 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $12.50 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $53.66 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $78.22 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $82.02 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $87.50 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $13.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $43.12 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $15.04 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $29.61 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $68.50 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $46.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $46.91 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $34.79 2015 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 4 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JUNE 999 $77.00 2015

Check Total $900.93

00167537 08/20/15 TYKES AUTOMOTIVE INC. 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160124 $14.40 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160124 $42.35 2015

Check Total $56.75

00167538 08/20/15 UGI ENERGY SERVICES, LLC 10-2600-421-000-00-21-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 06/30/15-07/30/15 - 999 $5.55 EE 10-2600-421-000-00-32-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 06/30/15-07/30/15 - 999 $36.05 FE

Check Total $41.60

00167539 08/20/15 WILKINS TOWNSHIP 10-3300-390-000-00-01-00-000 SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - QTR ENDING 999 $9,505.89 06/30/15

00167540 08/20/15 WPJWA 10-2600-424-000-00-07-00-000 WATER - (141873-91442) 999 $22.87 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-424-000-00-07-00-000 WATER - (144389-91492) 999 $51.46 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-424-000-00-07-00-000 WATER - (144389-91490) 999 $28.59 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-424-000-10-33-00-000 WATER - (93351-88872) 999 $28.59 06/14/15-07/16/15 - RANKIN 10-2600-424-000-10-33-00-000 WATER - (93351-88872) RANKIN 999 $131.77 10-2600-425-000-00-07-00-000 SEWAGE - (141873-91442) 999 $34.43 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-425-000-00-07-00-000 SEWAGE - (144389-91490) 999 $182.91 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-425-000-00-07-00-000 SEWAGE - (144389-91492) 999 $71.66 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-425-000-00-07-00-000 CREDIT - (141873-91442) 999 $-27.54 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 5 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-2600-425-000-00-07-00-000 CREDIT - (144389-91492) 999 $-113.80 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-425-000-00-07-00-000 CREDIT - (144389-91490) 999 $-39.62 07/12/15-08/11/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-425-000-00-33-00-000 SEWAGE - (93351-88872) RANKIN 999 $131.78 10-2600-425-000-00-33-00-000 SEWAGE - (93351-88872) 999 $33.88 06/14/15-07/16/15 - RANKIN

Check Total $536.98

00167541 08/21/15 WPJWA 10-2600-424-000-10-33-00-000 WATER - (93351-88872) 911 $211.54 05/13/15-08/13/15 - RANKIN 10-2600-425-000-00-33-00-000 SEWAGE - (93351-88872) 911 $211.54 05/13/15-08/13/15 - RANKIN

Check Total $423.08

00167542 08/25/15 4IMPRINT 10-3300-610-405-10-00-00-000 WHSD - COMMUNITY DAY PROMOTIONAL 1516 15160131 $532.40 ITEMS (KTO) 10-3300-610-405-10-00-00-005 WHSD - COMMUNITY DAY PROMOTIONAL 1516 15160131 $532.40 ITEMS (KTO) 10-3300-610-405-10-00-00-006 WHSD - COMMUNITY DAY PROMOTIONAL 1516 15160131 $532.40 ITEMS (KTO) 10-3300-610-405-10-00-00-009 WHSD - COMMUNITY DAY PROMOTIONAL 1516 15160131 $532.40 ITEMS (KTO)

Check Total $2,129.60

00167543 08/25/15 ABC-CLIO 10-2250-640-000-30-51-00-000 ONLINE DATABASE - AFRICAN AMERICAN 1516 15160141 $479.00 EXPERIENCE - - HS

00167544 08/25/15 B & R POOLS & SWIM SHOP 10-2600-340-000-00-01-00-000 WEEKLY/SECONDARY POOL SAMPLES 1516 15160135 $230.00 06/25/15-07/30/15 - HS 10-2600-340-000-00-01-00-000 WEEKLY/SECONDARY POOL SAMPLES 1516 15160135 $230.00 06/25/15-07/30/15 - WI

Check Total $460.00

00167545 08/25/15 C.C.MELLOR MEMORIAL LIBRARY 10-3300-860-000-00-00-00-000 LOCAL LIBRARY CONTRIBUTION - 1516 $11,000.00 2015-2016 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 6 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10

00167546 08/25/15 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 10-2840-610-000-00-00-00-000 SUPPLIES - LOCK TIES (3) - TECH 1516 15160004 $348.45 DEPT 10-2840-610-000-00-00-00-000 SUPPLIES - LOCK TIES (1) - TECH 1516 15160004 $116.15 DEPT

Check Total $464.60

00167547 08/25/15 D-BUG, INC. 10-2600-460-000-00-01-00-000 MONTHLY EXTERMINATION SERVICES - 1516 15160125 $413.00 AUGUST 2015

00167548 08/25/15 D. H. BERTENTHAL & SONS 10-2600-610-000-10-00-17-000 EQUIPMENT - DOME KIT - FACILITIES1516 15160136 $126.24 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 EQUIPMENT - DOME KIT - FACILITIES1516 15160136 $47.98 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 PARTS/SUPPLIES - WRANGLER SCRUBBER 1516 15160136 $78.25 - BALL JOINT/PIVOT ROD

Check Total $252.47

00167549 08/25/15 DICK BLICK CO. 10-1110-610-000-30-51-00-000 ART SUPPLIES - HS 1516 15160148 $385.56

00167550 08/25/15 DOMINICK GAMBINO 10-2330-330-000-00-00-00-003 SUBSCRIPTION - COUNTY PROPERTY 1516 $75.00 ANALYZER - AUGUST 2015

00167551 08/25/15 FAGAN'S 10-2600-610-000-10-00-11-000 HANDS-FREE ROLL TOWEL DISP 1516 15160189 $242.60 10-2600-610-000-10-00-11-000 AIU PRICING - CUSTODIAL/CLEANING 1516 15160132 $4,609.43 SUPPLIES 10-2600-610-000-30-00-11-000 AIU PRICING - CUSTODIAL/CLEANING 1516 15160189 $242.60 SUPPLIES 10-2600-610-000-30-00-11-000 AIU PRICING - CUSTODIAL/CLEANING 1516 15160132 $4,609.43 SUPPLIES

Check Total $9,704.06

00167552 08/25/15 GLENN FILLER 10-2600-432-000-00-00-00-012 REPAIR/TEST - METAL DETECTORS - 1516 15160118 $71.00 HS/RANKIN

00167553 08/25/15 GOPHER SPORT 10-1110-610-000-30-51-00-000 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SUPPLIES - HS 1516 15160144 $640.47

00167554 08/25/15 GRAINGER 10-2600-610-000-30-00-20-000 HEAT SYSTEM/HVAC SUPPLIES 1516 15160111 $24.99

00167555 08/25/15 GREGORY TAYLOR 10-3200-610-000-30-51-17-070 BOYS - VARSITY - GOLF 1516 15160161 $682.00 UNIFORMS/SUPPLIES - HS Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 7 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10

00167556 08/25/15 IN TUNES PARTNERS 10-1190-610-418-30-42-00-000 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION - MUSIC 1516 15160187 $315.00 ALIVE - JH (SIG)

00167557 08/25/15 J.N. SHEFFEY ASSOCIATES 10-2400-340-000-00-01-00-000 REPAIR - OTOSCOPE - SPECIAL ED 1516 15160140 $52.58

00167558 08/25/15 JORDAN TAX SERVICE, INC. 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $3,855.00 TAXES - FOREST HILLS 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $1,334.00 TAXES - EDGEWOOD 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $4,153.50 TAXES - E. PITTSBURGH

Check Total $9,342.50

00167559 08/25/15 MCCORMICKS ENTERPRISES 10-3210-610-000-30-51-12-000 EQUIPMENT - FLAGS - COLOR GUARD - 1516 15160091 $1,750.58 BAND - HS

00167560 08/25/15 MEADE PRODUCTS INC. 10-2600-610-000-10-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - AD/FE 1516 15160159 $29.04 10-2600-610-000-30-00-17-000 BUILDING SUPPLIES - AD/FE 1516 15160159 $29.04

Check Total $58.08

00167561 08/25/15 OFFICE DEPOT 10-1290-610-000-10-00-00-000 TCPN BID: OFFICE SUPPLIES - SPECIAL 1516 15160130 $404.18 ED - AD 10-1290-610-000-10-00-00-000 TCPN BID: OFFICE SUPPLIES - SPECIAL 1516 15160130 $9.50 ED - AD 10-1290-610-000-10-00-00-000 TCPN BID: OFFICE SUPPLIES - SPECIAL 1516 15160130 $48.55 ED - AD

Check Total $462.23

00167562 08/25/15 PA DEP 10-2600-810-000-00-01-00-000 STORAGE TANK - 584538 - 1516 15160197 $50.00 10/01/15-10/31/16 - GAS 10-2600-810-000-00-01-00-000 STORAGE TANK - 584538 - 1516 15160197 $50.00 10/01/15-10/31/16 - DIESEL

Check Total $100.00

00167563 08/25/15 PATRICIA M CHURILLA 10-2600-610-000-10-00-19-000 VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1516 15160101 $43.80 10-2600-610-000-30-00-19-000 VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1516 15160101 $19.90 10-2600-610-000-30-00-19-000 VEHICLE SUPPLIES 1516 15160101 $10.98 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 8 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 Check Total $74.68

00167564 08/25/15 PRO KNITWEAR 10-3200-610-000-30-42-17-070 BOYS - 7/8 - UNIFORMS/SUPPLIES - 1516 15160160 $1,300.00 FOOTBALL - JH

00167565 08/25/15 PSERS - BUYBACK RETIREMENT 10-1110-230-000-30-01-00-000 EMPLOYERS SHARE FOR (JG) 1998-19991516 $2,106.16

00167566 08/25/15 ROSS APPLIANCE & SWEEPER 10-2600-431-000-00-00-00-000 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES/LABOR - SWEEPER 1516 15160134 $103.99 CO. BELT/BAGS/CORD/HOOD 10-2600-431-000-00-00-00-000 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES/LABOR - SWEEPER 1516 15160134 $113.99 BELT/BAGS/CORD/BASE 10-2600-431-000-00-00-00-000 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES/LABOR - SWEEPER 1516 15160134 $75.99 BELT/BASE/INSERTS

Check Total $293.97

00167567 08/25/15 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 10-2600-610-000-30-00-13-000 PAINT SUPPLIES 1516 15160065 $137.84

00167568 08/25/15 STANTON ELECTRIC CO. 10-2600-610-000-10-00-15-000 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES 1516 15160133 $236.08

00167569 08/25/15 THE HF GROUP LLC 10-1110-550-000-30-51-00-000 2014-2015 - REBINDING - WA 1516 15160192 $182.42

00167570 08/25/15 TRIBUNE-REVIEW 10-2310-540-000-00-01-00-000 ADVERTISING - SPECIAL ED, 1516 $86.00 CURRICULUM MEETING - 08/20/15

00167571 08/25/15 TYKES AUTOMOTIVE INC. 10-2600-433-000-00-01-00-000 PARTS/LABOR - SHIFT LINKAGE/SENSOR 1516 15160103 $306.42 - 2000 FORD E350 10-2600-433-000-00-01-00-000 PARTS/LABOR - BRAKES/ROTOR/TIRE - 1516 15160103 $875.36 2000 FORD E350 10-2600-433-000-00-01-00-000 REPAIR/LABOR - DIESEL WORK - 2003 1516 15160103 $2,098.28 FOR F550 10-2600-433-000-00-01-00-000 INSPECTION - LABOR/PARTS/REPAIR - 1516 15160103 $795.13 2007 FORD F350

Check Total $4,075.19

00167572 08/25/15 UNITED REFRIGERATION, INC 10-2600-610-000-30-00-20-000 HEAT SYSTEM/HVAC SUPPLIES 1516 15160087 $17.01 10-2600-610-000-30-00-20-000 HEAT SYSTEM/HVAC SUPPLIES 1516 15160087 $717.06

Check Total $734.07 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 9 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 00167573 08/25/15 WESTCOM WIRELESS INC. 10-2600-432-000-00-00-00-012 SERVICE CALL - REPROGRAM RADIOS (8) 1516 15160158 $175.00 - FACILITIES

00167574 08/25/15 WHIPSMART LEARNING LLC 10-1190-610-418-30-42-00-000 LICENSE - 2015-2016 NEWSELA - 1516 15160182 $4,000.00 GRADES 7 & 8 - JH (SIG)

00167575 08/25/15 WILLIAM H. SADLIER, INC. 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-005 ELA PROGRESS/MATH 2014 GRADES 1-3 - 1516 15160104 $15,496.32 WP (KTO) 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-005 ELA PROGRESS/MATH 2014 GRADES 1-3 - 1516 15160105 $15,496.32 EP (KTO) 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-005 ELA PROGRESS/MATH 2014 GRADES 1-3 - 1516 15160106 $9,039.52 WA (KTO)

Check Total $40,032.16

00167576 08/25/15 CENTRAL CAMBRIA SCHOOL 10-1110-561-000-30-00-00-000 TUITION - CAMBRIA CO. DETENTION 1415 $579.34 DISTRICT CENTER (MK) (2 DAYS)

00167577 08/25/15 EASY WAY SAFETY SERVICES, 10-1290-757-000-10-01-00-891 EQUIPMENT - VEST/SEAT MOUNT - 1415 $178.00 INC. SPECIAL ED

00167578 08/25/15 PLEA 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY - TUITION - AUGUST 2015 (JB) 1415 $1,240.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY - TUITION - AUGUST 2015 (NR) 1415 $1,240.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY - TUITION - JULY 2015 (JB) 1415 $2,000.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY - TUITION - JULY 2015 (NR) 1415 $2,000.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY - TUITION - AUGUST 2015 (LW) 1415 $1,240.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY - TUITION - JULY 2015 (LW) 1415 $2,000.00

Check Total $9,720.00

00167579 08/25/15 PSERS - BUYBACK RETIREMENT 10-1110-230-000-30-51-00-000 EMPLOYERS SHARE FOR (JJM) 2014-20151415 $955.74 10-1110-230-000-30-51-00-000 EMPLOYERS SHARE FOR (DF) 2014-20151415 $969.00 10-1110-230-000-30-51-00-000 EMPLOYERS SHARE FOR (CR) 2014-20151415 $121.80

Check Total $2,046.54

00167580 08/25/15 TYKES AUTOMOTIVE INC. 10-2600-433-000-00-01-00-000 INSPECTION/REPAIR - 2006 FORD F3501415 $2,877.73 10-2600-433-000-00-01-00-000 ENGINE DIAGNOSIS/BALANCE - 2003 1415 $1,526.83 FORD F550 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 10 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 Check Total $4,404.56

00167581 08/25/15 RABBI ALVIN K. BERKUN 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 PAYMENT SENT TO DISTRICT IN ERROR911 $25.00

11120054 08/25/15 ACSHIC 10-0464-000-000-00-00-00-000 HEALTH CARE PAYABLE - SEPTEMBER 121 $793,058.32 2015

99993181 08/25/15 WHSD PAYROLL ACCOUNT 10-0102-000-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - NET PAY NOT DIRECT 1 $19,417.76 DEPOSITED - 08/25/15

99993183 08/25/15 PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 10-0462-007-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - STATE TAX - PENNSYLVANIA 1 $31,331.48 - 08/25/15

99993184 08/25/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-052-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYER - SOCIAL SECURITY - 1 $63,290.66 08/25/15

99993185 08/25/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-002-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - SOCIAL SECURITY - 1 $63,290.66 08/25/15

99993189 08/25/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-053-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYER - MEDICARE - 08/25/15 1 $14,802.05

99993190 08/25/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-003-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - MEDICARE - 08/25/15 1 $14,802.05

99993191 08/25/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-001-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - FEDERAL INCOME TAX - 1 $111,998.66 08/25/15

99993192 08/25/15 WHSD PAYROLL ACCOUNT 10-0102-000-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - DIRECT DEPOSIT NET - 1 $628,747.40 08/25/15

99993195 08/25/15 WHSD PAYROLL ACCOUNT 10-0102-000-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - DIRECT DEPOSIT FIXED - 1 $11,874.34 08/25/15

99993199 08/25/15 PA SCDU 10-0462-020-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - COURT ORDERED - PA CHILD 1 $789.00 SUPPORT - 08/25/15

99993207 08/14/15 WHSD PAYROLL ACCOUNT 10-0102-000-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - NET PAY NOT DIRECT 1 $783.38 DEPOSITED - 08/14/15

99993209 08/14/15 PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 10-0462-007-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - STATE TAX - PENNSYLVANIA 1 $30.39 - 08/14/15

99993210 08/14/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-052-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYER - SOCIAL SECURITY - 1 $61.38 Date: 08/25/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 11 Time: 14:11:53 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 08/25/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 08/14/15

99993211 08/14/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-002-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - SOCIAL SECURITY - 1 $61.38 08/14/15

99993213 08/14/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-053-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYER - MEDICARE - 08/14/15 1 $14.36

99993214 08/14/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-003-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - MEDICARE - 08/14/15 1 $14.36

99993215 08/14/15 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 10-0462-001-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - FEDERAL INCOME TAX - 1 $89.90 08/14/15

2015-2016 No 961,399.21 2014-2015 Invoices 36,231.80 2015-2016 Invoices 919,111.02 Report Total $1,916,742.03 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 1 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 00167582 08/27/15 AFLAC GROUP INSURANCE 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE SUPPLEMENTAL INSURANCE - 132 $1,627.88 AUGUST 2015 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 ADJUSTMENTS - AUGUST 2015 132 $17.72

Check Total $1,645.60

00167583 08/27/15 WANDA ALLEN 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 RETURN OF INSURANCE CO-PAYMENT 900 $100.00

00167584 08/27/15 ANNIQUE R. BASTON 10-2700-513-000-00-00-42-000 ESY - TRANSPORTATION - SPECIAL ED - 185 $267.26 JULY 2015 10-2700-513-000-00-00-42-000 ESY - TRANSPORTATION - SPECIAL ED - 185 $76.36 JUNE 2015

Check Total $343.62

00167585 08/27/15 KENNETH LOBAUGH 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 RETURN OF INSURANCE CO-PAYMENT 900 $100.00

00167586 08/27/15 MONTOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT 10-1290-561-000-30-00-00-000 ESY - TUITION - BRADLEY CENTER (14 1415 $1,120.00 DAYS (LS)) JUNE 2015

00167587 08/27/15 JOHN SIKO 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 RETURN OF INSURANCE CO-PAYMENT 900 $200.00

00167588 08/27/15 GERALD SMITH 10-0132-030-000-00-00-00-000 RETURN OF INSURANCE CO-PAYMENT 900 $200.00

00167589 08/27/15 UNIFIRST 10-2600-415-000-00-01-00-000 DUST MOP SERVICE - RANKIN 1415 $21.56 10-2600-415-000-00-01-00-000 DUST MOP SERVICE - RANKIN 1415 $21.56

Check Total $43.12

00167590 08/27/15 VALLEY SALES & SERVICE 10-2600-610-000-00-00-00-805 KEYS (7) 1415 $12.25 CO.,INC 10-2600-610-000-00-00-00-805 KEYS (10) KEYS BY CODE (1) 1415 $25.77 10-2600-610-000-00-00-00-805 PAD LOCKS (2), FILE BAR 1415 $72.94 10-2600-610-000-00-00-00-805 KEYS (2), KEY BY CODE (2) 1415 $14.00 10-2600-610-000-00-00-00-805 KEY BY CODE (2) 1415 $10.00 10-2600-610-000-00-00-00-805 KEYS (12), KEY BY CODE (4) 1415 $44.00

Check Total $178.96

00167591 08/28/15 ALCOSE CREDIT UNION 10-0462-011-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - CREDIT UNION 2 $7,141.41 10-0462-011-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - CREDIT UNION 2 $7,141.41 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 2 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 Check Total $14,282.82

00167592 08/28/15 KEYSTONE MUNICIPAL 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE ATTACHMENT - 2 $177.07 COLLECTIONS KEYSTONE 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE ATTACHMENT - 2 $177.08 KEYSTONE

Check Total $354.15

00167593 08/28/15 OFFICE-CHAPTER 13 STANDING 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE ATTACHMENT - 2 $4,098.89 TRUSTEE WDPA BANKRUPTCY 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE ATTACHMENT - 2 $4,098.89 BANKRUPTCY

Check Total $8,197.78

00167594 08/28/15 PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE GARNISHMENT - PA 2 $68.44 DEPT OF REVENUE 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE GARNISHMENT - PA 2 $205.42 DEPT OF REVENUE

Check Total $273.86

00167595 08/28/15 PA MUNICIPAL SERVICE CO. 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE ATTACHMENT-PAMS 2 $166.40 10-0462-021-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - WAGE ATTACHMENT-PAMS 2 $166.40

Check Total $332.80

00167596 08/28/15 PHEAA 10-0462-024-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - PHEAA STUDENT LOAN 2 $233.44 10-0462-024-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - PHEAA STUDENT LOAN 2 $233.44

Check Total $466.88

00167597 08/28/15 TSA CONSULTING GROUP 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - GWN / KADES 2 $3,125.00 MARGOLIS 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - GWN / KADES 2 $3,225.00 MARGOLIS 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - LINCOLN 2 $400.00 INVESTMENT 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - EQUITABLE LIFE2 $6,871.50 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - SBL 2 $250.00 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 3 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - AMERPRISE 2 $653.63 FINANCIAL 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - EQUITABLE LIFE2 $6,811.50 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - WADDELL & REED2 $5,570.43 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - WADDELL & REED2 $5,561.46 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - ING 2 $250.00 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - ING 2 $250.00 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - SBL 2 $250.00 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - AMERPRISE 2 $653.63 FINANCIAL 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A.- SYMETRA LIFE 2 $25.00 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A.- SYMETRA LIFE 2 $25.00 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - VARIABLE 2 $365.00 ANNUITY 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - VARIABLE 2 $365.00 ANNUITY 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - T.S.A. - LINCOLN 2 $400.00 INVESTMENT

Check Total $35,052.15

00167598 08/28/15 TSA CONSULTING GROUP 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - 457(B) - GWN / KADES 2 $50.00 MARGOLIS 10-0462-010-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - 457(B) - GWN / KADES 2 $50.00 MARGOLIS

Check Total $100.00

00167599 08/28/15 UNITED WAY 10-0462-018-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - UNITED WAY 2 $5.72 10-0462-018-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - UNITED WAY 2 $5.72

Check Total $11.44

00167600 08/28/15 WHEA 10-0462-014-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - UNION DUES - WHEA 2 $11,244.56 10-0462-014-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - UNION DUES - WHEA 2 $11,225.01

Check Total $22,469.57

00167601 08/28/15 WHEA/PACE 10-0462-026-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - PACE 2 $138.06 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 4 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-0462-026-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - PACE 2 $141.78

Check Total $279.84

00167602 08/28/15 WOODLAND HILLS ESP LOCAL 10-0462-014-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - UNION DUES - PSEA 2 $1,117.56 95-02-16 8 10-0462-014-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - UNION DUES - PSEA 2 $1,112.22

Check Total $2,229.78

00167603 08/31/15 AMAZON 10-2840-610-000-00-00-00-000 SUPPLIES - FIBER OPTIC CABLES - 999 15160003 $70.94 TECH DEPT 10-2840-610-000-00-00-00-000 SUPPLIES - POWER CORDS - TECH DEPT999 15160003 $50.97

Check Total $121.91

00167604 08/31/15 THE COLLEGE BOARD 10-2380-810-000-30-51-00-000 MEMBERSHIP DUES/FEES 2014-2015 - HS999 $325.00

00167605 08/31/15 COMDOC LEASING 10-2600-442-000-00-00-00-000 MONTHLY COPIER LEASING AGREEMENT - 999 15160006 $10,102.41 AUGUST 2015

00167606 08/31/15 DIRECT ENERGY MARKETING 10-2600-421-000-00-04-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $123.63 SL 10-2600-421-000-00-05-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $0.33 WOLVARENA 10-2600-421-000-00-06-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $12.56 DE FIELD 10-2600-421-000-00-21-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $78.67 EP 10-2600-421-000-00-23-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $29.08 WP 10-2600-421-000-00-31-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $31.73 DE 10-2600-421-000-00-33-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $26.10 RANKIN 10-2600-421-000-00-41-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $324.89 WA 10-2600-421-000-00-42-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $329.21 WI Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 5 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-2600-421-000-00-51-00-000 NATURAL GAS - 07/01/15-07/30/15 - 999 $180.79 JH/HS

Check Total $1,136.99

00167607 08/31/15 DQE COMMUNICATIONS LLC 10-2840-538-000-00-00-00-000 MONTHLY ETHERNET/INTERNET CHARGES - 999 15160010 $1,532.80 JULY 2015

00167608 08/31/15 DUQUESNE LIGHT COMPANY 10-2600-422-000-00-01-00-000 ELECTRIC - (3031420000) 999 $538.98 07/14/15-08/15/15 - AD 10-2600-422-000-00-03-00-000 ELECTRIC - (7088800000) 999 $57.41 07/17/15-08/17/15 - WAREHOUSE 10-2600-422-000-00-06-00-000 ELECTRIC - (8271340000) 999 $56.65 07/20/15-08/19/15 - DE FIELD 10-2600-422-000-00-07-00-000 ELECTRIC - (1563070000) 999 $2,173.70 07/15/15-08/16/15 - WOLVARENA 10-2600-422-000-00-08-00-000 ELECTRIC - (3863600000) 999 $31.29 07/14/15-08/15/15 - HS MARQUEE 10-2600-422-000-00-09-00-000 ELECTRIC - (5054470000) 999 $142.22 07/15/15-08/17/15 - HS TRACK 10-2600-422-000-10-21-00-000 ELECTRIC - (6212070000) 999 $4,298.50 07/20/15-08/19/15 - EP 10-2600-422-000-10-23-00-000 ELECTRIC - (9261830000) 999 $3,705.87 07/15/15-08/16/15 - WP 10-2600-422-000-10-32-00-000 ELECTRIC - (7480300000) 999 $2,058.64 07/19/15-08/18/15 - FE/AD 10-2600-422-000-10-33-00-000 ELECTRIC - (5855500000) 999 $747.86 07/20/15-08/19/15 - RANKIN 10-2600-422-000-30-41-00-000 ELECTRIC - (8414040000) 999 $6,478.12 07/15/15-08/16/15 - WA 10-2600-422-000-30-42-00-000 ELECTRIC - (1515560000) 999 $7,832.53 07/19/15-08/18/15 - WI 10-2600-422-000-30-51-00-000 ELECTRIC - (7993100000) 999 $10,963.47 07/14/15-08/15/15 - JH/HS

Check Total $39,085.24

00167609 08/31/15 GOEHRING, RUTTER & BOEHM 10-2350-330-000-00-01-00-311 LEGAL FEES - RETAINER - SEPTEMBER125 $1,000.00 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 6 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 2015

00167610 08/31/15 PAETEC 10-2840-530-000-00-00-00-000 TELECOMMUNICATION FEES - JULY 2015999 15160013 $7,045.18

00167611 08/31/15 PA MUNICIPAL SERVICE* 10-2330-329-000-00-01-00-110 EARNED INCOME TAX COMMISSIONS - 999 $6,201.24 JULY 2015

00167612 08/31/15 KERRI ANN PARROTT 10-2400-330-000-00-01-00-000 CONTRACTED DOCTORS - SEPTEMBER 2015125 $625.00

00167613 08/31/15 PEOPLES NATURAL GAS 10-2600-421-000-00-21-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (2200004384745) 999 $101.68 07/21/15-08/19/15 - EP 10-2600-421-000-00-22-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (2200004384885) 999 $15.30 07/17/15-08/17/15 - SE 10-2600-421-000-00-23-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (2200004384497) 999 $144.37 07/22/15-08/20/15 - WP 10-2600-421-000-00-51-00-000 NATURAL GAS - (2200004383994) 999 $309.05 07/17/15-08/17/15 - JH/HS

Check Total $570.40

00167614 08/31/15 TOURNAMENT OF BANDS CHAPTER 10-3210-810-000-30-51-12-000 REGISTRATION - BAND - TOB/TIA 999 15160179 $100.00 8 CHAPTER 8 - HS

00167615 08/31/15 TYKES AUTOMOTIVE INC. 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $13.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $6.07 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $78.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $74.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $43.13 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $28.35 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $39.01 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY999 15160193 $86.51 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 7 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $86.01 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $43.74 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $46.50 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $55.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $65.00 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - 999 15160193 $64.50 AUGUST 2015 10-2600-626-000-00-00-00-000 GASOLINE - DISTRICT VEHICLES - JULY 999 15160193 $86.00 2015

Check Total $814.82

00167616 08/31/15 US POSTAL SERVICE 10-2380-530-000-30-41-00-000 POSTAGE PAID ENVELOPES - WA 999 15160183 $893.25

00167617 08/31/15 VERIZON WIRELESS 10-2840-530-000-00-00-00-000 PHONES - 06/25/15-07/23/15 999 15160191 $8,712.19

00167618 08/31/15 WPJWA 10-2600-424-000-10-41-00-099 WATER - (73623-70122) 999 $22.87 06/22/15-07/22/15 - WOG 10-2600-425-000-10-41-00-099 SEWAGE - (73623-70122) 999 $16.81 06/22/15-07/22/15 - WOG

Check Total $39.68

00167619 08/31/15 WPJWA 10-2600-424-000-10-21-00-000 WATER - (93139-88664) 999 $569.04 07/14/15-08/13/15 - EP 10-2600-424-000-10-22-00-000 WATER - (93139-51540) 999 $22.87 07/19/15-08/18/15 - SE 10-2600-424-000-10-22-00-000 WATER - (93139-51538) 999 $22.87 07/19/15-08/18/15 - SE 10-2600-424-000-10-23-00-000 WATER - (93139-88820) 999 $569.04 07/14/15-08/13/15 - WP 10-2600-424-000-10-23-00-000 WATER - (93139-88822) 999 $569.04 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 8 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 07/14/15-08/13/15 - WP 10-2600-424-000-30-42-00-000 WATER - (93139-88654) 999 $569.04 07/14/15-08/13/15 - WI 10-2600-424-000-30-51-00-000 WATER - (93139-88528) 999 $569.04 07/14/15-08/13/15 - JH/HS 10-2600-425-000-00-21-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-88664) 999 $119.47 07/14/15-08/13/15 - EP 10-2600-425-000-00-22-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-51540) 999 $5.43 07/19/15-08/18/15 - SE 10-2600-425-000-00-22-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-51538) 999 $5.43 07/19/15-08/18/15 - SE 10-2600-425-000-00-23-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-88822) 999 $69.80 07/14/15-08/13/15 - WP 10-2600-425-000-00-23-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-88820) 999 $36.44 07/14/15-08/13/15 - WP 10-2600-425-000-00-42-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-88654) 999 $142.53 07/14/15-08/13/15 - WI 10-2600-425-000-00-51-00-000 SEWAGE - (93139-88528) 999 $819.00 07/14/15-08/13/15 - JH/HS

Check Total $4,089.04

00167620 09/01/15 ACLD 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - ACLD (JC) 1415 $1,400.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - ACLD (IO) 1415 $1,400.00 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - ACLD (CG) 1415 $1,400.00 10-1290-323-000-30-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - ACLD (MA) 1415 $1,400.00

Check Total $5,600.00

00167621 09/01/15 CAMP DEER CREEK 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (CW)) 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (CHH)) 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (JHH)) 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (JRH)) Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 9 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (JL)) 10-1290-323-000-30-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (NT)) 10-1290-323-000-30-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (DC)) 10-1290-323-000-30-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (TJ)) 10-1290-323-000-30-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP DEER 1415 $2,400.00 CREEK (8 WEEKS (TJ))

Check Total $21,600.00

00167622 09/01/15 DON FARR MOVING & STORAGE 10-2600-490-000-00-00-00-000 MOVING SERVICES - PLAN FOR 1415 $67,405.00 EXCELLENCE

00167623 09/01/15 SOUTH HILLS YMCA 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP AIM - 1415 $1,560.00 YMCA (3 WEEKS (JBO)) 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP AIM - 1415 $1,560.00 YMCA (3 WEEKS (CU)) 10-1290-323-000-10-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP AIM - 1415 $1,560.00 YMCA (3 WEEKS (LC)) 10-1290-323-000-30-00-00-002 ESY 2015 - TUITION - CAMP AIM - 1415 $1,560.00 YMCA (3 WEEKS (DW))

Check Total $6,240.00

00167624 09/01/15 SOUTHWOOD PSYCHIATRIC 10-1290-300-000-10-01-00-891 CROSSROADS - SPEECH - 1415 $138.00 HOSPITAL 04/01/15-04/30/15 (LD)

00167625 09/01/15 WOODLAND HILLS FOOD SERVICE 10-3200-810-000-30-51-92-000 REFRESHMENTS - HONORS SOCIETY 1415 14151374 $349.41 RECEPTION - 05/12/15

00167626 09/01/15 FRAN COLAIZZI 10-2140-580-000-10-01-00-000 TRAVEL - JULY 2015 998 $88.55 10-2140-580-000-10-01-00-000 EXPENSE - PARKING - 07/13/15 998 $13.00

Check Total $101.55

00167627 09/01/15 ANTHONY MORINELLO 10-1110-240-000-10-01-00-000 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT - (MSCC-610 - 998 $1,800.00 3 CR) Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 10 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10

00167628 09/01/15 VALERIE SHAVER 10-2500-580-000-00-01-00-000 TRAVEL - AUGUST 2015 998 $19.30

00167629 09/01/15 A B SPECIALITIES, INC. 10-2600-610-000-10-00-24-000 DOOR REPAIR SUPPLIES - MODIFIED 1516 15160094 $225.00 PLATES - WI

00167630 09/01/15 ADA BADMINTON AND TENNIS 10-1110-610-000-30-51-00-000 SUPPLIES - PHYSICAL EDUCATION - HS1516 15160145 $531.00

00167631 09/01/15 ALLEGHENY INTERMEDIATE UNIT 10-1290-322-000-10-00-00-000 2015-2016 - 20% ADVANCE PAYMENT 1516 $243,835.40 CONTRACT - SPECIAL ED 10-1290-322-000-30-00-00-000 2015-2016 - 20% ADVANCE PAYMENT 1516 $243,835.40 CONTRACT - SPECIAL ED

Check Total $487,670.80

00167632 09/01/15 ANDREWS & BEARD LAW OFFICES 10-2350-330-000-00-01-00-321 LEGAL FEES - LABOR/PERSONNEL - 1516 $1,040.00 SUPPORT STAFF - AUGUST 2015

00167633 09/01/15 BARNES & NOBLE BOOKSTORE 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-009 - (KTO) 1516 15160204 $420.50

00167634 09/01/15 CDW GOVERNMENT, INC. 10-2840-610-000-00-00-00-000 SUPPLIES - CAT 6 WIRING - TECH DEPT1516 15160004 $937.20

00167635 09/01/15 CLARK HILL | THORP REED 10-2350-330-000-00-01-00-319 LEGAL FEES - ADDITIONAL SERVICE - 1516 $5,748.75 IRS AUDIT - JULY 2015

00167636 09/01/15 COLT PLUMBING SPECIALTIES 10-2600-610-000-30-00-12-000 PLUMBING SUPPLIES 1516 15160096 $191.27

00167637 09/01/15 DICK BLICK CO. 10-1110-610-000-30-51-00-000 ART SUPPLIES - HS 1516 15160150 $1,114.00

00167638 09/01/15 FAGAN'S 10-2600-610-000-10-00-11-000 AIU PRICING - CUSTODIAL/CLEANING 1516 15160205 $3,994.47 SUPPLIES 10-2600-610-000-30-00-11-000 AIU PRICING - CUSTODIAL/CLEANING 1516 15160205 $3,121.43 SUPPLIES 10-2600-610-000-30-00-11-000 AIU PRICING - CUSTODIAL/CLEANING 1516 15160205 $873.04 SUPPLIES

Check Total $7,988.94

00167639 09/01/15 GLENN FILLER 10-2600-432-000-00-00-00-012 BUILD - METAL DETECTORS/TEST - 1516 15160118 $213.00 WALKIE-TALKIES 10-2600-432-000-00-00-00-012 TEST - WALKIE-TALKIES/METAL 1516 15160118 $103.00 DETECTORS/PA SPEAKER - HS Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 11 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-2600-432-000-00-00-00-012 REPAIR/TEST - WALKIE-TALKIES - WI1516 15160118 $71.00 10-2600-432-000-00-00-00-012 TEST - METAL DETECTORS - HS 1516 15160118 $103.00

Check Total $490.00

00167640 09/01/15 KATHLEEN GRANNEMANN 10-3300-320-000-00-04-00-000 CONTRACTED LIBRARIAN SERVICES - 1516 15160001 $500.00 08/17/15 (4 DAYS) - SL 10-3300-320-000-00-04-00-000 CONTRACTED LIBRARIAN SERVICES - 1516 15160001 $500.00 08/10/15 (4 DAYS) - SL 10-3300-320-000-00-04-00-000 CONTRACTED LIBRARIAN SERVICES - 1516 15160001 $500.00 08/24/15 (4 DAYS) - SL 10-3300-320-000-00-04-00-000 CONTRACTED LIBRARIAN SERVICES - 1516 15160001 $125.00 08/31/15 (1 DAY) - SL 10-3300-320-000-00-04-00-000 CONTRACTED LIBRARIAN SERVICES - 1516 15160001 $500.00 08/03/15 (4 DAYS) - SL

Check Total $2,125.00

00167641 09/01/15 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY 10-2600-610-000-10-00-20-000 HEAT SYSTEM/HVAC SUPPLIES 1516 15160062 $177.75 10-2600-610-000-10-00-20-000 HEAT SYSTEM/HVAC SUPPLIES 1516 15160062 $8.33 10-2600-610-000-30-00-20-000 HEAT SYSTEM/HVAC SUPPLIES 1516 15160062 $835.72

Check Total $1,021.80

00167642 09/01/15 JORDAN TAX SERVICE, INC. 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $1,983.50 TAXES - CHALFANT 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $13,339.00 TAXES - SWISSVALE 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $1,251.50 TAXES - CHURCHILL 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $23,242.50 TAXES - BRADDOCK 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $13,406.00 TAXES - WILKINS 10-2330-340-000-00-00-00-000 LIEN/FILING 2014 - UNCOLLECTED 1516 $8,451.00 TAXES - BRADDOCK HILLS

Check Total $61,673.50 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 12 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 00167643 09/01/15 NCS PEARSON, INC. 10-1290-330-000-30-00-00-000 AIMS PROGRAM/TRAINING - 1516 15160128 $8,300.00 ASSEMENT/DIAGNOSIS/DATA - SPECIAL ED

00167644 09/01/15 GEORGE NOVAK 10-3200-330-000-00-00-00-000 CONTRACTED ATHLETIC PROFESSIONAL 1516 15160023 $6,000.00 SERVICES - AUGUST 2015

00167645 09/01/15 OFFICE DEPOT 10-1110-610-000-10-21-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160162 $13.63 - EP 10-1110-610-000-10-21-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160162 $167.70 - EP 10-1110-610-000-10-21-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160162 $849.72 - EP 10-1110-610-000-10-21-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160162 $797.23 - EP 10-1110-610-000-10-21-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160162 $103.60 - EP 10-1110-610-000-10-33-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160164 $353.16 - RANKIN 10-1110-610-000-10-33-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160164 $14.11 - RANKIN 10-1110-610-000-10-33-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160164 $6.46 - RANKIN 10-1110-610-000-30-42-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160151 $33.16 - JH 10-1110-610-000-30-42-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160149 $1,036.99 - JH 10-1110-610-000-30-42-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160153 $105.99 - JH 10-1110-610-000-30-42-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160152 $22.33 - JH 10-1110-610-000-30-42-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160149 $6.87 - JH 10-1110-610-000-30-42-00-000 TCPN BID: CLASSROOM/OFFICE SUPPLIES 1516 15160149 $8.02 - JH 10-3300-610-130-00-04-00-000 TCPN BID: LIBRARY SUPPLIES - SL 1516 15160181 $12.69 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 13 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 (RAD) 10-3300-610-130-00-04-00-000 TCPN BID: LIBRARY SUPPLIES - SL 1516 15160181 $216.79 (RAD)

Check Total $3,748.45

00167646 09/01/15 PA ASSOC OF SCHOOL 10-2360-810-000-00-01-00-000 PASA MEMBERSHIP - 08/13/15-09/30/16 1516 15160209 $1,050.00 ADMINISTRATORS - (A. JOHNSON)

00167647 09/01/15 PA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 10-2600-810-000-00-01-00-000 BOILER INSPECTION/CERTIFICATE - WP1516 15160206 $348.00 - B'

00167648 09/01/15 PATRICIA M CHURILLA 10-2600-610-000-30-00-19-000 VEHICLE SUPPLIES - KEY 1516 15160101 $3.95

00167649 09/01/15 PIONEER MANUFACTURING 10-2600-610-000-10-00-11-000 PAINT/EQUIPMENT - FIELD MARKING - 1516 15160100 $559.50 COMPANY INC HS 10-2600-610-000-30-00-11-000 PAINT/EQUIPMENT - FIELD MARKING - 1516 15160100 $559.50 HS

Check Total $1,119.00

00167650 09/01/15 PROSOFT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 10-2340-580-000-00-01-00-000 TRAINING -PERSONNELL (SF, CM) 1516 15160061 $350.00

00167651 09/01/15 SECURITY SYSTEMS OF AMERICA 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - JH/HS 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - AD 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - WI 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - DE 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - WA 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - RANKIN 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - FE/AD 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - EP Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 14 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - WP 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - SE 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - SE 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - WAREHOUSE 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - DE 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 ALARM SYSTEM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $240.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - SL 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - FE/AD 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - WP 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - EP 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - JH/HS

Check Total $4,680.00

00167652 09/01/15 SECURITY SYSTEMS OF AMERICA 10-2660-350-000-00-00-00-000 FIRE ALARM MONITORING - 1516 15160212 $300.00 08/01/15-07/31/16 - RANKIN

00167653 09/01/15 INTRAFINITY INC. 10-2840-618-000-00-00-00-000 STAFF/STUDENT EMAIL - TECH DEPT 1516 15160030 $8,173.00

00167654 09/01/15 SHERWIN WILLIAMS 10-2600-610-000-10-00-13-000 PAINT SUPPLIES 1516 15160065 $41.84

00167655 09/01/15 THE HF GROUP LLC 10-1110-550-000-30-51-00-000 2014-2015 - BOOK REBINDING - HS 1516 15160192 $3,741.71 10-1110-550-000-30-51-00-000 2014-2015 - BOOK REBINDING - SE 1516 15160192 $11.13

Check Total $3,752.84

00167656 09/01/15 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFTS, LLC 10-1110-610-000-30-51-00-000 ART SUPPLIES - HS 1516 15160157 $121.90

00167657 09/01/15 TRIBUNE-REVIEW 10-2310-540-000-00-01-00-000 ADVERTISING - FINANCE COMMITTEE 1516 $55.90 MEETING - 08/19/15 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 15 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10

00167658 09/01/15 TRIUMPH LEARNING 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-005 BOOKS - COMMON CORE ENGLISH/MATH - 1516 15160195 $330.82 GR K, 1, 2 & 3 - WA (KTO) 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-005 CREDIT - INVOICE REF# IR001986 1516 $-449.70 (KTO) 10-1190-610-418-10-21-00-000 BOOKS - COMMON CORE ENGLISH/MATH - 1516 15160195 $3,947.84 GR K, 1, 2 & 3 - WA (SIG) 10-1190-610-418-10-21-00-000 BOOKS - COMMON CORE ENGLISH/MATH - 1516 15160190 $14,102.59 GRADE 1, 2 & 3 - EP (SIG) 10-1190-610-418-10-23-00-000 BOOKS - COMMON CORE ENGLISH/MATH - 1516 15160195 $3,947.85 GR K, 1, 2 & 3 - WA (SIG) 10-1190-610-418-10-23-00-000 BOOKS - COMMON CORE ENGLISH/MATH - 1516 15160194 $14,102.59 GRADE 1, 2 & 3 - WP (SIG)

Check Total $35,981.99

00167659 09/01/15 TUCKER ARENSBERG ATTORNEYS 10-2350-330-000-00-01-00-325 LEGAL FEES - TAX ASSESSMENTS 1516 $883.50 (PCELL, LP)

00167660 09/01/15 VOLKWEIN BROS, INC. 10-1110-760-000-30-51-12-000 INSTRUMENT PARTS - MUSIC - HS 1516 15160214 $356.79

00167661 09/01/15 WORLD BOOK YEAR BOOK 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-005 ONLINE - WORLD BOOK - WI (KTO) 1516 15160127 $534.00 10-1190-610-405-10-00-00-006 ONLINE - WORLD BOOK - WI (KTO) 1516 15160127 $534.00

Check Total $1,068.00

00167662 09/01/15 BROWN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 10-6111-000-005-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 375-R-114 WHSD EAST 42 $19.60 PITTSBURGH

00167663 09/01/15 BROWN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 10-6111-000-005-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 375-R-116 WHSD EAST 42 $45.86 PITTSBURGH

00167664 09/01/15 DRAKE THOMAS 4TH | DARLENE 10-6111-000-004-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 452-P-6 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $1,301.75 B BOROUGH

00167665 09/01/15 FRAISER-PINKNEY EBONY R | 10-6111-000-004-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 372-K-76 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $3,092.01 PINKNEY S BOROUGH

00167666 09/01/15 HANLEY JOHN P | GEORGIANA 10-6111-000-012-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 373-C-98 WHSD WILKINS 42 $8.79 (W) TOWNSHIP Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 16 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10

00167667 09/01/15 MASSEY JAMES W 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 235-A-186 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $-10.93 BOROUGH 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 235-A-186 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $546.56 BOROUGH

Check Total $535.63

00167668 09/01/15 MURPHY WILLIE | SHIRLEY ANN 10-6111-000-001-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 236-M-299 WHSD BRADDOCK 43 $1.75 (W) BOROUGH

00167669 09/01/15 NORTH AMERICAN TITLE 10-6111-000-005-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 375-R-179 WHSD EAST 42 $638.80 AGENCY, PITTSBURGH

00167670 09/01/15 NORTH AMERICA IMPORT & 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 13 LB 177-P-56 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $-38.12 EXPORT TRADI BOROUGH 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 13 LB 177-P-56 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $1,906.24 BOROUGH

Check Total $1,868.12

00167671 09/01/15 NORTH AMERICA IMPORT & 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 177-P-56 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $1,727.04 EXPORT TRADI BOROUGH 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 177-P-56 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $-34.54 BOROUGH

Check Total $1,692.50

00167672 09/01/15 NORTH AMERICA IMPORT & 10-6111-000-010-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 177-P-56 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $1,503.04 EXPORT TRADI BOROUGH 10-6111-000-010-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 177-P-56 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $-30.06 BOROUGH

Check Total $1,472.98

00167673 09/01/15 PENN PIONEER ENTERPRISES 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 178-H-306 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $-15.10 LLC BOROUGH 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 178-H-306 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $754.88 BOROUGH

Check Total $739.78

00167674 09/01/15 PENN PIONEER ENTERPRISES 10-6111-000-010-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 178-H-306 WHSD SWISSVALE42 $-11.11 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 17 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 LLC BOROUGH 10-6111-000-010-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 178-H-306 WHSD SWISSVALE 42 $555.52 BOROUGH

Check Total $544.41

00167675 09/01/15 PINKNEY SHANIER | EBONY R 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 372-K-76 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $3,145.36 FRAIZER-P BOROUGH 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 372-K-76 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $-62.91 BOROUGH

Check Total $3,082.45

00167676 09/01/15 REEVES ANTOINE 10-6111-000-001-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 236-M-321 WHSD BRADDOCK 43 $78.76 BOROUGH

00167677 09/01/15 STUHAN RICHARD G 10-6111-000-001-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 236-S-205 WHSD BRADDOCK 43 $1.61 BOROUGH

00167678 09/01/15 ZOKAITES PROPERTIES LP 10-6111-000-004-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 370-P-25 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $-10.27 BOROUGH 10-6111-000-004-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 370-P-25 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $513.52 BOROUGH

Check Total $503.25

00167679 09/01/15 ZOKAITES PROPERTIES LP 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 371-D-25 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $1,095.36 BOROUGH

00167680 09/01/15 ZOKAITES PROPERTIES LP 10-6111-000-004-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 371-D-25 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $-22.20 BOROUGH 10-6111-000-004-00-00-00-000 YR 15 LB 371-D-25 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $1,109.92 BOROUGH

Check Total $1,087.72

00167681 09/01/15 ZOKATIES PROPERTIES LP 10-0421-000-000-00-00-13-611 YR 14 LB 370-P-25 WHSD CHURCHILL 42 $504.00 BOROUGH

99993187 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT 7.50% - 2 $68,025.46 SYSTEM 08/25/15

99993194 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT TE 7.5% - 2 $5,361.59 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 18 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 SYSTEM 08/25/15

99993196 08/28/15 PSERS - BUYBACK RETIREMENT 10-0462-019-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - BUYBACK RETIREMENT - 2 $250.76 08/25/15

99993198 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT 6.25% - 2 $667.71 SYSTEM 08/25/15

99993200 08/28/15 PSERS - BUYBACK RETIREMENT 10-0462-019-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - BUYBACK RETIREMENT - #2 2 $12.69 - 08/25/15

99993202 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT 6.50% - 2 $1,516.27 SYSTEM 08/25/15

99993204 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT TF 10.3% - 2 $1,696.84 SYSTEM 08/25/15

99993206 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT SABBATICAL 2 $124.99 SYSTEM 7.50% - 08/25/15

99993222 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT 7.50% - 2 $68,640.37 SYSTEM 08/10/15

99993229 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT TE 7.5% - 2 $5,066.50 SYSTEM 08/10/15

99993231 08/28/15 PSERS - BUYBACK RETIREMENT 10-0462-019-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - BUYBACK RETIREMENT - 2 $236.23 08/10/15

99993233 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT 6.25% - 2 $647.41 SYSTEM 08/10/15

99993235 08/28/15 PSERS - BUYBACK RETIREMENT 10-0462-019-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - BUYBACK RETIREMENT - #2 2 $12.69 - 08/10/15

99993237 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT 6.50% - 2 $1,516.32 SYSTEM 08/10/15

99993239 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT TF 10.3% - 2 $1,530.35 SYSTEM 08/10/15

99993241 08/28/15 PUBLIC SCHOOL RETIREMENT 10-0462-005-000-00-00-00-000 EMPLOYEE - RETIREMENT SABBATICAL 2 $125.00 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 19 Time: 11:57:55 GENERAL FUND - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE 2015-2016 BAR047 Check Dates 08/26/15 - 09/03/15 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount Bank Account: 10-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Bank Acct For Fund 10 SYSTEM 7.50% - 08/10/15

2015-2016 No 155,431.18 2014-2015 Invoices 104,799.49 2015-2016 Invoices 834,659.34 Report Total $1,094,890.01 Date: 09/03/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 1 Time: 11:59:29 CAPITAL PROJECTS - SEPTEMBER BILL LIST - UPDATE BAR047 Check Dates 08/14/15 - 09/03/15 2015-2016 Check # 00000180 - 99999999

Check Date Vendor Name Account Number Description Bat PO Number Check Amount

Bank Account: 39-0101-000-000-00-00-00-000 Cash Control Account 00001770 09/03/15 ENDERS PLUMBING & HEATING 39-4600-330-000-07-41-05-400 PLUMBING SERVICES - INV. 12 - 39 $26,991.44 08/15/15 - WA

00001771 09/03/15 LUGAILA MECHANICAL, INC. 39-4600-330-000-08-41-05-400 HVAC SERVICES - INV. 11 - 08/31/15 39 $71,338.38 - WA

00001772 09/03/15 NETECH CORPORATION 39-4600-768-000-00-00-00-410 PHONE SYSTEM UPGRADE - TECH DEPT 39 15160117 $5,795.00

00001773 09/03/15 P.E.M.C.O 39-4600-610-000-00-41-05-400 DELIVERY/INSTALLATION - FURNITURE - 39 14151190 $34,041.38 RENOVATION - WA 39-4600-610-000-00-41-05-400 DELIVERY/INSTALLATION - STUDENT 39 14151189 $264,072.50 FURNITURE - RENOVATION - WA

Check Total $298,113.88

00001774 09/03/15 PITT ELECTRIC, INC. 39-4600-330-000-10-41-05-400 ELECTRICAL SERVICES - INV. 14 - 39 $61,269.87 08/15/15 - WA

00001775 09/03/15 WALTER MUCCI CONSTRUCTION 39-4600-330-000-09-41-05-400 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION - INV. 13 - 39 $663,204.65 CO. INC. 08/15/15 - WA

2014-2015 Invoices 298,113.88 2015-2016 Invoices 828,599.34 Report Total $1,126,713.22 Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 2.2 Submitted by Michael A. Gigliotti

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Approval of the Fund Reports for the month ending July 31, 2015 B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration that the Fund Reports be accepted as detailed. Woodland Hills School District Fund Reports Modified Cash Basis Accounting September 2015/2016 Board Meeting July 31, 2015

General Fund

Balance 06/30/2015 1,183,753.13 Receipts 6,453,114.68 Disbursements 5,368,866.33 Balance 07/31/2015 2,268,001.48

Capital Reserve

Balance 06/30/2015 580,546.68 Receipts 5.00 Disbursements Balance 07/31/2015 580,551.68

Food Service

Balance 06/30/2015 70,751.91 Receipts 334,836.10 Disbursements 367,909.06 Balance 07/31/2015 37,678.95

Report reflects actual cash values WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT General Fund Modified Cash Basis Accounting Cash Reconciliation 7/31/2015

Cash Balance 06/30/15 1,183,753.13 Receipts Regular Receipts 64,840.59 Interest 24.32 Real Estate Taxes* 5,009,872.55 Earned Income Taxes 278,377.22 Other Receipts Due to/from Bank Escheated Funds Investments - PSDLAF/PLGIT 1,100,000.00 Total Receipts 6,453,114.68

Total Available 7,636,867.81

Disbursements General 5,368,866.33 Postage Voided Checks NSF & Other Deductions Due to/from Bank Investment--PSDLAF/PLGIT Total Disbursements 5,368,866.33

Checking and Sweep Account Balance 07/31/15 2,268,001.48

Note: Report reflects actual cash values WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT General Fund Modified Cash Basis Accounting Real Estate Recap* General Fund Account 7/31/2015


Braddock 157,705.14 Braddock Hills 86,222.11 Chalfant 72,080.09 Churchill 640,645.23 East Pittsburgh 53,313.76 Edgewood 486,091.87 Forest Hills 1,024,406.04 North Braddock 190,113.75 Rankin 37,392.05 Swissvale 785,204.89 Turtle Creek 233,253.68 Wilkins 1,006,015.94

Total Property Tax Receipts 4,772,444.55

Real Estate Transfer Tax 52,596.82 Delinquent Tax Collections 184,831.18 Payment in Lieu of Taxes - Total Available 5,009,872.55

Total Disbursements NSF/Deposit Adjustments - -

Net Collections 07/31/15 5,009,872.55

Note: Report reflects actual cash values General Fund Pa. School District Liquid Asset Fund Modified Cash Basis Accounting Investment Reconciliation 7/31/2015

Investment Balance 06/30/15 12,949,890.98 Receipts Regular Receipts - Interest Reinvested 1,126.79 PNC Transfer - Due from/to Bank Investments Purchased - Total Receipts 1,126.79

Total Available 12,951,017.77

Disbursements Debt Service Payments Health Insurance 813,840.65 Fees NSF & Other Deductions PNC Transfer 1,100,000.00 Total Disbursements 1,913,840.65

Investment Balance 07/31/15 11,037,177.12

Note: Report reflects actual cash values General Fund Pa. Local Government Investment Trust Modified Cash Basis Accounting Investment Reconciliation 7/31/2015

Investment Balance 06/30/15 391,139.37 Receipts Interest Reinvested 6.95 Investments Redeemed

Total Available 391,146.32 Disbursements - Investment Balance 07/31/15 391,146.32

Note: Report reflects actual cash values WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT Capital Reserve Fund Modified Cash Basis Accounting September 2015/2016 Board Meeting 7/31/2015

ASSETS Cash 5,635.84 Investments 574,915.84

TOTAL ASSETS 580,551.68

LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY Liabilities Unreserved Retained Earnings - 580,551.68


Revenue and Expenditure Report 7/31/2015

Fund Balance as of 06/30/2015 580,546.68

Revenues Interest 5.00 Reimbursement

Total Receipts 5.00

Total Available 580,551.68

Expenses Disbursements Bank Fees - Total Expenses -

Fund Balance as of 07/31/2015 580,551.68

Note: Report reflects actual cash values WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT FOOD SERVICE FUND Modified Cash Basis Accounting September 2015/2016 Board Meeting 7/31/2015


Cash 5,434.77 Investments 32,244.18 37,678.95 Student Accounts Receivable - Allowance for Doubtful Accounts - Other Receivables 28,682.17 State/Federal Receivables - Inventories/Donated Commodities 5,286.38 Machinery and Equipment 661,123.37 Equipment - Accumulated Depreciation (518,918.12) 142,205.25

TOTAL ASSETS 213,852.75



Interfund Payables - Deferred Revenue 10,852.77 Other Current - Escheated 4.75 Accounts Payable 5.92 TOTAL LIABILITIES 10,863.44


Encumbrances - Net Income 2.54 Unreserved Retained Earnings 60,781.52 Invested in Capital Assets, Net 142,205.25



Note: Report reflects actual cash values WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT FOOD SERVICE FUND Modified Cash Basis Accounting Revenues and Expenditures 7/31/2015

CURRENT REVENUES MONTH YEAR TO DATE Subsidy Income (Federal) - - Subsidy Income (State) - - Meal Income - - Income from Special Events - - Fresh Fruit Grant - - After School Snacks - - USDA Rebates - - Other Receipts - - Insurance Proceeds - - Funds Borrowed from GF - - Re-deposit Return Check - - Interest Earned 2.54 2.54 TOTAL REVENUES 2.54 2.54


Food Service---Technology - - Repairs - - Food Service- Nutrition - - Fresh Fruit Grant - - Communications - - Disposal Service - - Equipment-Replacement - - Expenses - & Bank Fees - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - -


Note: Report reflects actual cash values Woodland Hills School District Investment Schedule Modified Cash Basis September 2015/2016 Board Meeting

Account Balance Purchase Redemption Balance 6/30/2015 Amount Amount 7/31/2015 General Fund PSDLAF Liquid $ 0.50 $ - $ 0.50 MAX$ 5,704,890.49 $ 1,001,126.78 $ 1,913,840.65 $ 4,792,176.62 Fixed Rate Investments$ 7,245,000.00 $ - $ 1,000,000.00 $ 6,245,000.00

PA Local Govt Invest Trust PLGIT$ 187,800.74 $ 6.95 $ - $ 187,807.69 PLGIT Plus$ 203,338.63 $ - $ 203,338.63 PLGIT Term$ - $ - $ -

Capital Reserve PSDLAF Capital Projects CD Liquid $ - $ - $ - $ - MAX$ 574,910.88 $ 4.96 $ - $ 574,915.84 Fixed Rate Investments$ - $ - $ - $ -

Capital Projects G.O.B. Series D 2005 (2013) PSDLAF Liquid $ - $ - $ - $ - MAX$ 1,792,789.20 $ 1,500,944.26 $ 1,434,241.14 $ 1,859,492.32 Fixed Rate Investments$ 8,500,000.00 $ - $ 1,500,000.00 $ 7,000,000.00

2005 Arbitrage Rebate Fund PSDLAF Liquid $ 3.51 $ - $ - $ 3.51

PLGIT 1998 Reorganization Bond$ 19,270.35 $ 0.64 $ - $ 19,270.99 1999 Reorganization Bond$ 694.42 $ 0.02 $ - $ 694.44

Food Service PSDLAF MAX$ 64,330.19 $ 330,913.99 $ 363,000.00 $ 32,244.18

$ 24,293,028.91 $ 2,832,997.60 $ 6,211,081.79 $ 20,914,944.72

Note: Report reflects actual cash values Date: 08/27/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 1 Time: 10:40:19 Account Summary Report 2015-2016 BAR020A Ending Date: 07/31/15 Revenue Accounts - with Activity Only Anticipated YTD Revenue Current Revenue Remaining Revenue Adjustments Received Received Balance %Rem ALL 10 Fund 10 6100 TAXES LEVIED 45,418,653.00 0.00 5,127,173.92 5,127,173.92 40,291,479.08 88 6200 DISC ON TAXES LEVIED/ASSESS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -999 6300 PEN/INT COL. ON TAXES ASSD' BY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -999 6400 DELINQUENT TAXES 4,335,000.00 0.00 225,397.61 225,397.61 4,109,602.39 94 6500 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS 23,000.00 0.00 -889.17 -889.17 23,889.17 103 6800 REVENUES FROM INTERMEDIATE 810,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 810,000.00 100 6900 OTHER REVENUE LOCAL 422,500.00 76,621.02 28,882.92 28,882.92 470,238.10 94 7100 BASIC INSTR/OP SUBSIDIES 15,872,332.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15,872,332.00 100 7200 SUBSIDIES/EDUCTNL PRGMS 3,662,683.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,662,683.00 100 7300 SUBSIDIES/NON-ED PRGMS 5,813,771.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,813,771.00 100 7800 SOCIAL SECURITY PAYMENTS 4,717,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,717,000.00 100 8500 RESTRICTED GRANTS 2,865,794.00 287,400.33 0.00 0.00 3,153,194.33 100 8800 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE REIMBURSEMENT 500,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500,000.00 100 10 Fund (R) Total 84,440,733.00 364,021.35 5,380,565.28 5,380,565.28 79,424,189.07 93

Report Totals 84,440,733.00 364,021.35 5,380,565.28 5,380,565.28 79,424,189.07 93 Date: 08/27/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 1 Time: 10:24:24 Account Summary Report 2015-2016 BAR020A Ending Date: 07/31/15 Expenditure Accounts - with Activity Only Adjusted Current Current Remaining Budget YTD Expended Expended Encumbrances Balance %Rem ALL 10 Fund 10 1000 INSTRUCTION 100 SALARIES 18,840,736.00 3,522.14 3,522.14 0.00 18,837,213.86 100 200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 14,330,504.00 609,474.56 609,474.56 0.00 13,721,029.44 96 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,402,700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,402,700.00 100 400 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES 116,983.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 116,983.07 100 500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 17,539,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17,539,400.00 100 600 SUPPLIES 1,042,859.13 0.00 0.00 65,509.99 977,349.14 94 700 PROPERTY 10,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 100 800 OTHER OBJECTS 3,650.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,650.00 100 1000 Function (E) Total 57,286,832.20 612,996.70 612,996.70 65,509.99 56,608,325.51 99

2000 SUPPORT SERVICES 100 SALARIES 7,257,721.00 400,858.80 400,858.80 0.00 6,856,862.20 94 200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 4,421,193.00 293,104.78 293,104.78 0.00 4,128,088.22 93 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,749,900.00 6,378.07 6,378.07 13,148.72 1,730,373.21 99 400 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES 2,029,700.00 84,521.65 84,521.65 305,776.83 1,639,401.52 81 500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 5,831,700.00 400,375.37 400,375.37 43,944.24 5,387,380.39 92 600 SUPPLIES 1,198,637.15 1,690.00 1,690.00 204,559.74 992,387.41 83 700 PROPERTY 151,400.00 0.00 0.00 66,871.10 84,528.90 56 800 OTHER OBJECTS 35,875.00 626.00 626.00 0.00 35,249.00 98 2000 Function (E) Total 22,676,126.15 1,187,554.67 1,187,554.67 634,300.63 20,854,270.85 92

3000 OPERATION NON-INSTRUCTIONAL 100 SALARIES 582,872.00 6,232.18 6,232.18 0.00 576,639.82 99 200 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 248,088.00 4,231.05 4,231.05 0.00 243,856.95 98 300 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 98,800.00 0.00 0.00 98,800.00 0.00 0 400 PURCHASED PROPERTY SERVICES 14,133.00 1,992.50 1,992.50 6,298.20 5,842.30 41 500 OTHER PURCHASED SERVICES 248,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 248,000.00 100 600 SUPPLIES 111,050.00 0.00 0.00 16,992.94 94,057.06 85 700 PROPERTY 32,800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 32,800.00 100 800 OTHER OBJECTS 57,000.00 1,345.00 1,345.00 150.00 55,505.00 97 3000 Function (E) Total 1,392,743.00 13,800.73 13,800.73 122,241.14 1,256,701.13 90

5000 OTHER FINANCING USES 800 OTHER OBJECTS 1,468,205.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,468,205.00 100 900 OTHER FINANCING USES 5,025,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 5,015,000.00 100 Date: 08/27/15 Woodland Hills School District Page: 2 Time: 10:24:24 Account Summary Report 2015-2016 BAR020A Ending Date: 07/31/15 Expenditure Accounts - with Activity Only Adjusted Current Current Remaining Budget YTD Expended Expended Encumbrances Balance %Rem

5000 Function (E) Total 6,493,205.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 6,483,205.00 100 10 Fund (E) Total 87,848,906.35 1,824,352.10 1,824,352.10 822,051.76 85,202,502.49 97

Report Totals 87,848,906.35 1,824,352.10 1,824,352.10 822,051.76 85,202,502.49 97 Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 2.3 Submitted by Michael A. Gigliotti

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Approval of the Activity Funds for July 2015 B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration that the Activity Fund reports be accepted as detailed. Woodland Hills School District Activity Fund Reports September 2015/2016 Board Meeting Fund Reports as of July, 2015

High School Activity Fund

Balance 06/30/2015 95,389.06 Receipts 0.82 Disbursements - Balance 07/31/2015 95,389.88

High School Athletic Fund

Balance 06/30/2015 527.18 Receipts Disbursements Balance 07/31/2015 527.18

Junior High Activity Fund

Balance 06/30/2015 19,214.35 Receipts 0.16 Disbursements - Balance 07/31/2015 19,214.51 WOODLAND HILLS HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUND REPORT FOR MONTH OF JULY 2015

Beginning Cash Balance 95,389.06 Checking Account 95,912.52 Cash Receipts 0.82 Less: Cash Disbursements - Outstanding Cks 522.64 Ending Cash Balance 95,389.88 Total 95,389.88

Account Beginning Balance Receipts Expenditures Ending Balance

Band 3,963.40 3,963.40 Bowling 1,111.65 1,111.65 Cheerleaders 45.97 45.97 Choir 4,642.18 4,642.18 Engineer & Tech Club 449.77 449.77 F.B.L.A. Club 1,831.73 1,831.73 French Club 41.49 41.49 Girls Basketball 424.77 424.77 Girls Volleyball 311.52 311.52 Green Team - - GSA Alliance - - Track & Field 23.29 23.29 Interact Club 37.71 37.71 Journalism Club 12.94 12.94 Musical 59,509.54 59,509.54 National Honor Society 1,188.56 1,188.56 Performing Arts 1,568.69 1,568.69 Rifle Club 243.99 243.99 School Spirit Club 68.67 68.67 Ski Club 262.90 262.90 Spanish Club 1,180.86 1,180.86 Student Council 2,860.42 2,860.42 Tennis 442.90 442.90 T.F.F. G. Student Programs 6,237.97 6,237.97 Wolverine Club 880.00 880.00 Yearbook 5,674.17 5,674.17 Class of 2015 4.12 4.12 Class of 2016 1,449.78 1,449.78 Class of 2017 631.26 631.26 Class of 2018 260.64 260.64 Class of 2019 - Funds Due to State 28.17 28.17 Interest - 0.82 - 0.82

TOTALS 95,389.06 0.82 - 95,389.88


Beginning Cash Balance 527.18 Checking Account 670.14 Cash Receipts - Less: Cash Disbursements - Outstanding Cks 142.96 Ending Cash Balance 527.18 Total 527.18

Account Receipts Expenditures Ending Balance



Beginning Cash Balance 19,214.35 Checking Account 19,224.51 Cash Receipts 0.16 Less: Cash Disbursements - Outstanding Cks 10.00 Ending Cash Balance 19,214.51 Total 19,214.51

Account Beginning Balance Receipts Expenditures Ending Balance

Art 278.60 278.60 Cheerleading 64.53 64.53 Class of 2015* 139.94 139.94 Drama Club 516.80 516.80 Gifted 1,736.06 1,736.06 Musical 10,792.82 10,792.82 Orchestra 4,646.66 4,646.66 Student Council 628.17 628.17 Yearbook 410.77 410.77 Interest - 0.16 - 0.16

TOTALS 19,214.35 0.16 - 19,214.51

*The balance in the Class of 2015 will be transferred to the High School Fund

Report reflects actual cash values Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 2.4 Submitted by Michael A. Gigliotti

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" The Board is being asked to accept the Independent Auditor's Report for the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale for the year ended December 31, 2014. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" The District is responsible for the operation of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale. Though the main sources of funding for the Library are currently from the Pennsylvania Department of Education State Library and the Allegheny County Library Associations, the District's General Fund provides the balance of financial support in order for the Library to maintain and provide services.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" The audit is required to provide certification to the Allegheny County Library Association that the Library expends all of its Regional Asset District (RAD) and State funds properly.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the administration to accept the Independent Audit Report for the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale for the year ending December 31, 2014.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~










Independent Auditor's Report ...... i-ii

EXHIBIT A – Statement of Activities...... 1


Mark C. Turnley

Certified Public Accountant 1000 3rd Avenue New Brighton, Pennsylvania 15066 (724) 384-1081 FAX (724) 384-8908

To the Board of Education Woodland Hills School District

Independent Auditor's Report

Report on Financial Statements

I have audited the accompanying statement of activities of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale for the year ended December 31, 2014, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of this financial statement in accordance with the cash basis of accounting described in Note 1; this includes determining that the cash basis of accounting is an acceptable basis for the preparation of the financial statements in the circumstances. Management is also responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

My responsibility is to express an opinion on this financial statement based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that I plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Library’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Library’s internal control. Accordingly, I express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

I believe that the audit evidence I have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion.


American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants


In my opinion, the financial statement referred to above presents fairly, in all material respects, the cash receipts and disbursements of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale for the year ended December 31, 2014 in conformity with the basis of accounting as described in Note 1.

Basis of Accounting

I draw attention to Note 1 of the financial statements, which describes the basis of accounting. The financial statement is prepared on the cash basis of accounting, which is a basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. My opinion is not modified with respect to that matter.

Mark C. Turnley, CPA

August 7, 2015 New Brighton, Pennsylvania





ACLA - State Aid $ 36,381 $ - $ 36,381 ACLA - RAD 73,608 - 73,608 ACLA - Table Gaming 9,874 - 9,874 Broadband Connectivity Micro Grant 1,938 - 1,938 Program Service Fees (Net) 9,944 - 9,944 Net Assets Released From Temporary Restrictions - - -

TOTAL RECEIPTS AND OTHER SUPPORT $ 131,745 $ - $ 131,745


Gross Wages $ 91,389 $ - $ 91,389 Employee Benefits 29,779 - 29,779 Utilities 14,940 - 14,940 Professional Services 28,250 - 28,250 Computer Lease 4,118 - 4,118 Supplies 5,314 - 5,314 Books and Periodicals 3,818 - 3,818 Equipment 1,648 - 1,648

TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $ 179,256 $ - $ 179,256

Change in Net Assets $ (47,511) $ - $ (47,511)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of this financial statement 1 CARNEGIE FREE LIBRARY OF SWISSVALE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 31, 2014


The Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale was originally operated and controlled through a Board of seven library trustees, during the years 1916 through 1972, with funding mainly coming from the Borough of Swissvale and the Swissvale School District. In 1972, the library board was dissolved, with the control and responsibility for the library turned over to the Swissvale School District. At this time, the Borough of Swissvale’s financial responsibility was limited to $7,000 annually. In 1975, the Swissvale Area School District agreed to release the Borough from its’ annual obligation, in exchange for a 99 year lease of approximately 11 acres of land to be used as part of the grounds for the Swissvale Area High School. In 1981, the Swissvale Area School District was consolidated with other area districts to form the Woodland Hills School District. Accordingly, the Woodland Hills School District assumed responsibility for the operation of the Library and use of the library building. The main sources of funding for the library currently come from the Pennsylvania Department of Education State Library, the Allegheny County Library Association, the Woodland Hills School District general fund, and program service fees charged by the library for various services provided.

As herein described Note 1, the financial statements of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale are presented on the cash basis of accounting, which is a basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP). The more significant accounting policies used by the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale are discussed below.


The accounting for the financial transactions of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale is recorded, and separately identified, in the general ledger of the Woodland Hills School District. The accompanying financial statement includes solely those receipts and disbursements of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale and does not include any of the other financial activities of the Woodland Hills School District.


Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale utilizes the cash basis of accounting. Under this method, revenue is recognized when received, and expenditures are recognized when a cash disbursement is made. The cash basis is a comprehensive basis of accounting other than generally accepted accounting principles. Accordingly, the accompanying statement of activities is not intended to present the revenues and expenditures of the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.


During 2014, the value of contributed services meeting the requirements for recognition in the financial statement was not recorded. The Library also receives donations in the form of books and supplies during the calendar year, however the value of these items are not reflected in the accompanying financial statements. The deficit change in net assets, as reflected in Exhibit A, is funded by the general fund of the Woodland Hills School District.




In accordance with generally accepted accounting standards, Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets as follows:

 Unrestricted Net Assets – Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed stipulations.

 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets – Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may or will be met, either by actions of the Library and/or the passage of time. The Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale does not currently have any temporarily restricted net assets.

 Permanently Restricted Net Assets – Net assets subject to permanent donor-imposed stipulations. The Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale does not currently have any permanently restricted net assets.


The Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale leases computer equipment from the eiNetwork as part of the personal computer replacement program. The lease agreement calls for semi-annual payments for a period of three-years based on the particular computer equipment utilized by the Library. During 2014, computer lease expense paid to the eiNetwork totaled $4,118.


The Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale's state funded programs are subject to audit by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Allegheny County Library Association. The Library is potentially liable for any expenditure disallowed by the results of these audits. Management is not aware of any material items of noncompliance, which would result in the disallowance of program expenditures.


During 2014, the Carnegie Free Library of Swissvale received $36,381 in state aid through the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and $73,608 from the Allegheny County Regional Asset District (ARAD). State aid represents 28% of the Library’s total revenue for 2014, while ARAD funding represents an additional 56% of overall funding. Significant reductions in funding levels from any of these organizations, if this were to occur, could have a material effect on the level of services, programs and other activities provided by the library.



Management has determined that there are no events subsequent to December 31, 2014 through the date of the ‘Independent Audit Report’, which is the date the financial statements were available to be issued, that require additional disclosure.

4 Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 2.5 Submitted by Michael A. Gigliotti

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" The Administration is requesting that the board ratify the of delinquent earned income tax with our current delinquent collector Pa. Municipal Services for the 2011 tax year and prior. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" See attached Contract. Contracting with Pennsylvania Municipal Services will ensure continuity of service on delinquent collection as PAMS has been the District's collector for the past 20 plus years.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" Contract has been reviewed by the District's solicitor and Pennsylvania Municipal Services, Inc. The contract is for a one year duration and, and shall be renewed and continue thereafter until PA.M.S. or the District provides written notification of termination by certified mail at least ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of this Agreement.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to ratify the contract with PAMS for the continued collection of delinquent earned income tax for 201l and prior years. DELINQUENT (2011 Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES COLLECTION AGREEMENT

Woodland Hills School District 531 Jones Avenue North Braddock, PA 15104 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania


Pennsylvania Municipal Service Company 336 Delaware Ave Oakmont, PA 15139 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this __th day of ______, ____, by and between the WOODLAND HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT (hereafter referred to as the

"DISTRICT") and PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPAL SERVICE COMPANY, (hereafter referred to as "PA.M.S."), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Commonwealth of

Pennsylvania, maintaining its principal office at 336 Delaware Avenue, Oakmont, Pennsylvania


WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises set forth in this Agreement and the mutual benefits to be derived herefrom and intending to be legally bound, the DISTRICT and PA.M.S. hereby covenant and agree as follows:

FIRST: The DISTRICT designates PA.M.S. as its exclusive agent for purposes of collecting the

DISTRICT'S DELINQUENT (2011 Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES and any and all penalties, interest and costs assessed and levied pursuant to all DISTRICT'S resolutions and/or ordinances respecting said Tax, during the period of this Agreement. SECOND: PA.M.S. shall exclusively perform and provide the following services for the

DISTRICT during the period of this Agreement:

(1) Prepare and mail statements and bills for the collection of the DELINQUENT (2011 Tax


(2) Prepare and mail notices (hereinafter referred to as “Collection Notices”) to those taxpayers owing DELINQUENT (2011 Tax year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES.

(3) Maintain records of all Collection Notices provided to taxpayers, including but not limited to a record documenting the date the Collection Notices are provided to each taxpayer, and a record documenting the specific type of Collection Notices provided to each taxpayer.

(4) Receive all of said tax, as well as any interest, penalties, court costs and reasonable costs

(as permitted by law and defined herein) levied and imposed by the resolutions and or ordinances of the DISTRICT with respect to said Tax.

(5) Deposit and post all payments received in an account. Partial payments will be applied in the following manner; reasonable costs, penalty, interest and tax.

(6) Submit a written report each month, prior to the DISTRICT'S regular monthly meetings, identifying the total amount of taxes, penalties, interest, court costs and reasonable costs collected pursuant to this Agreement during the preceding calendar month and year-to-date.

(7) Provide on a regular basis, to be agreed upon by the parties hereto, payment for all amounts due to the DISTRICT under this Agreement for the preceding calendar month.

(8) Maintain accurate records showing the amounts received from each delinquent taxpayer and the date any amount is received.

(9) Maintain and preserve all records required by the resolutions and/or ordinances of the

DISTRICT. (10) Prepare and furnish any forms, papers, notices or postings necessary for the collection of the DELINQUENT (2011 Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES or required by the resolutions and/or ordinances respecting the assessment, collection, administration, receipt or enforcement of the DELINQUENT (2011 Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES.

(11) Initiate and pursue, as it deems appropriate, remedies and procedures prescribed by law, including but not limited to notice and demand, legal action before the local district justice, and wage attachment.

(12) Customer service will be provided by the PAMS office located in Oakmont between the hours of 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday – Friday except holidays. In addition PAMS will perform all services and furnish all the necessary supervision, equipment, facilities, supplies, materials, forms, notices, bankruptcy claims and postage necessary in performance of its obligations under this Agreement.

(13) PAMS shall obtain and shall provide during the term of this Agreement a surety bond of at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) in the name of the DISTRICT. A copy of the bond shall be provided to the DISTRICT prior to the commencement of this Agreement.

(14) Make use of all powers granted to it by the DISTRICT'S resolutions and/or ordinances in order to ensure the efficient assessment and maximum collection of the DELINQUENT (2011

Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES.

(15) Any information gained by PAMS, or any employee or agent of PAMS as a result of an audit, declaration, return, report, investigation, hearing or verification shall be confidential tax information. The DISTRICT shall not be responsible for any breach of confidentiality by PAMS, or any employee or agent of PAMS.

THIRD: Because the Pennsylvania legislature adopted Act 192 of 2004 (hereinafter “Act

192”) amending the Local Tax Enabling Act, 53 P.S. § 6901, et seq., to allow a taxing jurisdiction to approve reasonable costs (hereinafter referred to as “Reasonable Costs”) which may be imposed on the delinquent taxpayer, collected and retained by the delinquent tax collector. And the DISTRICT desires to exercise all of its legal authority in accordance with the legislative pronouncements set forth in the Local Tax Enabling Act and in Act 192 of 2004 to encourage the collection of delinquent taxes and to eliminate the expense associated with such collections by imposing the Reasonable Costs on the delinquent taxpayer, the DISTRICT and

PA.M.S. agree as follows:

1. The DISTRICT designates PA.M.S. as its exclusive agent for purposes of collecting

Delinquent (2011 Tax Year and Prior) Earned Income Taxes including all penalties,

interest, court costs and Reasonable Costs assessed and levied pursuant to the

DISTRICT’S resolutions and/or ordinances.

2. The DISTRICT has adopted a Reasonable Cost of Collection resolution pursuant to

Act 192 of 2004 establishing Reasonable Costs as set forth herein (hereinafter

referred to as “Resolution”). Such Reasonable Costs, together with and including any

other costs imposed, reimbursement for postage and other out-of-pocket expenses,

shall be collected directly from the delinquent taxpayers in accordance with Act 192

of 2004 and all other applicable laws. Reasonable Costs charged and recovered by

P.A.M.S. shall be in accordance with the Resolution.

3. The Reasonable Costs approved by the DISTRICT in the Resolution shall be the sole

compensation for the services provided by PA.M.S. pursuant to this Agreement.

P.A.M.S.’s compensation shall be contingent upon the collection of Delinquent (2011 Tax year and prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES. The Reasonable Costs set forth in

the Resolution will be added to the Delinquent (2011 Tax year and prior) EARNED

INCOME TAXES due. The DISTRICT shall not be responsible for payment of any

Reasonable Costs to P.A.M.S.

4. All amounts collected by P.A.M.S., including Reasonable Costs and expenses due to

P.A.M.S., shall be collected by P.A.M.S. and paid to the DISTRICT. P.A.M.S. shall

thereafter provide the DISTRICT with an invoice on a monthly basis setting forth the

Reasonable Costs and expenses due to P.A.M.S. from the prior month’s collection.

The DISTRICT shall remit payment of any undisputed amounts within sixty (60) days

from the date of the invoice.

FOURTH: PA.M.S. currently maintains the tax files for the DISTRICT which contains the names and addresses of taxpayers who are obligated to pay the DELINQUENT (2011 Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES under the DISTRICT'S resolutions and/or ordinances and who have not paid said tax. The DISTRICT shall provide PA.M.S. with any and all information in its possession or which it comes to possess in the future that will assist PA.M.S. in the performance of the duties hereunder.

FIFTH: The DISTRICT hereby designates and authorizes PA.M.S. to appear before any district justice or any other appropriate court on behalf of the DISTRICT in those cases in which

PA.M.S. determines legal action would be an appropriate means of collecting the

DELINQUENT (2011 Tax Year and Prior) EARNED INCOME TAXES and any penalties, interest, costs and Reasonable Costs due and owing. The DISTRICT will not be responsible for any attorney fees and or out of pocket expenses as it relates to the Reasonable Costs of collection of delinquent taxes. In the event that any challenge is made by any third party to the

DISTRICT’S resolutions and/or ordinances on which this Agreement is based the DISTRICT, by and through its Solicitor or other designated counsel, shall, at its sole cost and expense, defend any such challenge or claim.

SIXTH: The DISTRICT shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless PA.M.S. from any damages, expenses, or costs, including legal fees with respect to lawsuits or other legal proceedings which challenge the legality of any DISTRICT'S resolutions and/or ordinances which result from the use of erroneous information provided to PA.M.S. by the DISTRICT.

PA.M.S. shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the DISTRICT from any damages, costs or expenses that result from the acts or omissions of any employee, servant or agent of PA.M.S. in providing services on behalf of PA.M.S. pursuant to this Agreement.

SEVENTH: In the event the resolutions and/or ordinances on which this Agreement is based are the subject of any legal challenge, PA.M.S. shall be notified by the DISTRICT of whether

PA.M.S. is authorized to continue its collection activities. In the event that the resolutions and/or ordinances on which this Agreement is based are declared invalid for any reason following the execution of this Agreement, or if PA.M.S. is instructed to discontinue its collection activities pending resolution of a legal challenge, the DISTRICT shall be liable to PA.M.S. for all reasonable expenses it has incurred and for any compensation due under this Agreement.

EIGHTH: The term of this Agreement shall be for a period of two years commencing January 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2016 unless earlier terminated as provided herein. In the event that PAMS defaults on any of its obligations under this Agreement, the DISTRICT shall provide written notice specifying the alleged default. In the event that PAMS does not diligently cure such default within fifteen (15) days of said notice, the DISTRICT may terminate this Agreement by forwarding written notice of termination to PAMS. If the default cannot be cured within ten (10) days of the written notice provided by the DISTRICT, the cure period may be extended at the DISTRICT’s sole discretion. Obligations of the DISTRICT to PAMS shall cease as of the day of the notice of termination.

WITNESS, the due execution hereof the day and year first above written.






SECRETARY PRESIDENT Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 2.6 Submitted by Michael A. Gigliotti

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to transfer $3.51 account balance from the 2005 Arbitrage Rebate Fund PSDLAF account to the GOB Series D 2005 PSDLAF account and close out the 2005 Arbitrage Rebate Fund PSDLAF account. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the transfer and account closing. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 3.1 Submitted by Angel Boyd

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Mr. Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Ratify the purchase of for use in the Personnel Office. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" PA Educator is the premier site for seeking employment in Pennsylvania schools. The Personnel Department has utilized PA Educator in previous years to assist with recruiting efforts and various resources to include: -Database search and screen applicants using criteria -Post jobs and view the credentials of interested applicants. -Contact applicants via individual or mass email. -Create evaluation templates and evaluate applicant credentials.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" The amount budgeted for PA Educator for the 2015-2016 school year was $3,500.00. The cost is $3,000.00 for the 2015-2016 school year and will be paid out of ASN #:10-2340-320-000-00-01-00-001-3105. Contract attached.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to the Board of School Directors to ratify the purchase of for use in the Personnel Department during the 2015-2016 school year at a cost of $3,000.00 to be paid out of ASN #:10-2340-320-000-00-01-00-001-3105.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 3.2 Submitted by Angel Boyd

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Mr. Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Section A: Authorization for Leaves Section B: Authorization for Retirement/Resignation Section C: Authorization to Hire Professional Staff Section D: Authorization to Hire Non-Professional Staff Section E: Authorization for Transfers/Awards Section F: Authorization for EDR/Mentor Action Section G: Authorization for Miscellaneous Section H: Authorization for Furlough/Recall B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" The board is requested to authorize approval on the above sections at the board meeting on September 9, 2015.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 4.1 Submitted by Gerald Chessman

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to approve proposal for Construction Management Services from Reynolds Building Solutions for the Academy Roofing Project at a cost not to exceed $15,000. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

Name of Individual or Firm: Reynolds Building Solutions

Address: 3300 North Third Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110

Budget Data Total Contract Amount $15,000.00 General Fund Supplemental Fund(s) Rate of Payment $ per Supplemental Fund 39 Funds

Accounts Charged Funding Fund Function Object Source Budget YTD Exp. Cost

39 4600 330 14533 $15,000,000.00 $11,783,636.41 $15,000.00

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" The proposal is attached.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the proposal for Construction Management Services from Reynolds Building Solutions.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 4.2 Submitted by Stephen Bawden

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Request permission for the use of facilities by outside organizations for the 2015-2016 school year. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" See attached for outside groups.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the administration to permit the use of facilities by outside organizations for the 2015-2016 school year. Organization Place Time Function Fee Woodland Hills Youth High School Wrestling Mondays thru Thursdays Practice & Rental fee Wrestling Athletic Association Room October 5, 2015, thru March 31, 2016 Conditioning waived; NOTE: MAY HAVE TO FIND 6:00-8:30 PM cleanup fee if ANOTHER FACILITY PENDING POSSIBLE CONSTRUCTION IN needed at THIS AREA custodial rate Woodland Hills 100 Baseball High School Softball Field Saturday, September 12, 2015 Fall Baseball Rental fee 12:00 PM-GAME DAY CONCLUSION waived; Sunday, September 20, 2015 cleanup fee if 1:00 PM-GAME DAY CONCLUSION needed at Friday, September25, 2015 custodial rate 5:30 PM-GAME DAY CONCLUSION Monday, October 12, 2015 6:00 PM-GAME DAY CONCLUSION Woodland Hills Adult Intermediate Gym Thursdays Adult Volleyball Rental fee Volleyball September 17, 2015 thru June 9, 2016 waived; 7:00-9:00 PM cleanup fee if needed at custodial rate

PAGE 1 OF 1 – WHSD SEPTEMBER 2015 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 4.3 Submitted by Gerald Chessman

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to approve the sale of the adjacent property located by the Administration building. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to sale the land adjacent by the Administration building. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 4.4 Submitted by Gerald Chessman

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to donate equipment to the Clairton City School District. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" Powermatic Free Standing Drill Press -Model #1150HD S/N 0104015033 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #00857 Rockwell Shaper Table - Elce #25-405 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #03153 Rockwell Radial Arm Saw - Model #40-C-L S/N DX1317 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #01656 Computer Cart Work Bench with Shelves and Drawers Four Color Silk Screen Station Welding Center Rockwell Drill Press - Model 15-00 - 1334295 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #00850 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #01661 Icland Motor Drill Press #10773mg S/N 9133 Rockwell Planer - #22-200-1377219 Tool Cabinet Rotor Table Harco Tee Shirt Dryer - Model TD1405A S/N G6F88 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #00845 Inverted Router - #2003-20010506 Vertical Band Saw - Woodland Hills #00858

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to donate equipment to the Clairton City School District. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 5.1 Submitted by Gerald Chessman

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" To approve a grant from Adagio Health, Inc. to provide SNAP-ED Nutrition Education. The grant will cover the Junior/Senior High School, Intermediate School, Academy, Wilkins and Edgewood. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" The amount of the grant is $650,062. The grant is matched by the SNAP-ED (Food Stamp) grant dollars and does not affect any other funding provided to the District. The program is provided to the District at no cost.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" The grant is attached.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the grant from Adaigo Health, Inc.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 5.2 Submitted by Gerald Chessman

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to approve Bus Stops for the 2015-2016 School Year. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" Bus Stops are attached.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the Bus Stops for the 2015-2016 School Year.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 5.3 Submitted by Gerald Chessman

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to approve the Bus Drivers for the 2015-2016 school year. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" A list of the Bus Drivers is attached.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of the Administration to approve the Bus Drivers for the 2015-2016 school year.

Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.1 Submitted by Alan Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Request permission to disburse funds to the winners of the Central Blood Bank Scholarship. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" Total amount of the scholarship is $1,500.00.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" Award recipients are: Michael Aronckes @ $500.00 Samantha Edinger @ $500.00 Erin Huang @ $500.00

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the Board of School Directors to approve the above item at the September 9, 2015 Board meeting. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.2 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Request approval of the Agreement with Glade Run Lutheran Services for programs at Rankin Promise at a cost not to exceed $130,000.00. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" Agreement has been reviewed and approved by District Solicitor. ASN #10-1290-568-12408 Budgeted amount is $150,000.00

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" $130,000.00 includes services for two elementary level emotional support classrooms.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the Board of School Directors to approve the above item at the September 9, 2015 Board meeting. AGREEMENT

This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Glade Run Lutheran Services ("Contractor"), an entity having a business address of 5648 Friendship Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 and Woodland Hills School District ("District"), with an address of 531 Jones Avenue, North Braddock, PA 15104 .

1. SERVICES: Glade Run Lutheran Services will provide a full-time master's level school-based therapist and two full-time bachelor level behavioral coaches for two (2) Therapeutic Classrooms which can serve up to 15 students at Rankin Promise School.

The school-based therapist will provide the following mental health services and consultation services:

• An initial intake assessment for each assigned student • Daily Group Therapy sessions which emphasize social skills development; problem-solving; conflict resolution; emotion regulation • Weekly Individual Therapy sessions with each assigned student • Family Therapy sessions as needed • Observations of identified students • Consultation with school personnel on requested topics

The two full-time bachelor level behavioral coaches will provide the following supportive services:

• Assist the school-based therapist during Group Therapy sessions • Support small group academic activities • Provide behavior management of assigned students throughout school day • Monitor students during less-structured activities and transitions • Track behaviors for daily reports • Maintain the "Level System" and "Student Incentive" processes

2. SERVICE COST: Contractor's total fees for the performance of Services under this Agreement are $65,000.00 per room (per 15 student classroom) and are inclusive of:

• Non-billable services asked of school-based therapist • Services of a masters level school-based therapist • 1 full time bachelor level behavioral coach • Program Management • Administrative Support Services • Curriculum and Resources • Equipment (cell phones, lap tops) • Consultation with district personnel on requested topics 3. TERM: Contractor shall perform the services described above for the 2015-2016 school year.

4. PAYMENT AND B ILLING: Invoices for rendering the services described herein shall be submitted to the District within thirty (30) days of completion of services. Payment will be authorized upon certification of completion of the invoiced services by the District contact. Invoices submitted to the District shall be due and payable net thirty (30) days from the District's receipt of the invoice. The total amount for these services shall not exceed $130,000.00 (2 classrooms) unless an addendum to this agreement is attached. The contractor shall only receive payment for services rendered.

Glade Run Lutheran Services will bill students' behavioral health insurances for services delivered for Group Therapy and Individual Therapy. These services are not included in the service costs of this Agreement.

Billing of the students' behavioral health insurances will not be the responsibility of the school district.

Glade Run Lutheran Services will ensure that all appropriate authorizations and approvals from the appropriate parties are in place prior to billing any insurance companies.

5. IMMIGRATION: Contractor acknowledges and agrees that it is in compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as amended and is not an illegal alien.

6. CLEARANCES: Contractor and its assigned employees who may have direct contact with students within the District during the discharge of responsibilities shall obtain and provide copies to the District of all required clearances (PA State Police, PA Child Abuse History and FBI). All clearances must be received by the District prior to providing any service outlined in this Agreement. All criminal history checks shall not be more than one (1) year old at the time of the engagement of the service. No payment shall be authorized unless all required reports/clearances have been received.

7. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS: Contractor shall act at all times as an independent contractor hereunder, and nothing contained herein shall be construed to create the relationship of principal and agent, or employer and employee, between Contractor and the District. Any individuals assigned to provide Services to the District are and shall at all times be employees of Contractor and shall not be entitled to participate in the employee benefit plans or other insurance plans or any pension or retirement benefit plan offered to employees of the District. Contractor shall be solely responsible for maintaining worker's compensation, unemployment compensation and any other similar insurance or benefits for or on behalf of its employees in full compliance with applicable law.

• The Contractor will be responsible for its own payroll taxes and will not receive any benefits from the Board other that the payment for services rendered. • The Contractor will have the right to work for other employers simultaneously with your work for the District under this Agreement. • The Contractor will establish its schedule related to the discharge of responsibilities set forth in this contract, except under certain situations where the services must be rendered as a specific time, date, or place.

8. CONFIDENTIALITY: Contractor agrees that it will not disclose or make available any Confidential Information of the District to any person or entity, nor shall Contractor cause to be made, or permit or allow, either on its own behalf or others, any use of such Confidential Information other than for the provision of Services hereunder. Contractor agrees not to use, transcribe, copy, duplicate or otherwise reproduce or retain all or any portion of any Confidential Information and agrees that all Confidential Information will be returned to the provider of such Confidential Information promptly upon termination of the Services. For purposes of this Agreement, Confidential Information shall mean all personal records, financial information, medical information, protected health information, student records and information, and all other information or data identified to Contractor by the District as confidential, and which are obtained by or furnished, disclosed or disseminated to Contractor in the course of performing this Agreement. Contractor shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) and their respective regulations. The Contractor is responsible to execute any confidentiality documents with its assigned students to enable determined level of communication related to services provided.

9. TERMINATION: Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause by providing at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other of its intentions. Any such notice shall be sent to the other party at such other party's address set forth above or at such other address as previously directed by such party.

10. INDEMNIFICATION: Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold the District and its directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, damages, fines, penalties, liabilities, judgments and costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) ((collectively the "Losses") which arise out of or are related to Contractor's performance under this Agreement, including but not limited to Losses that arise out of or result from the negligent acts or omissions of Contractor or any employee of Contractor; provided in each case that the District shall give prompt notice, cooperation and assistance to Contractor relative to any such claim or suit, and provided further in each case that the District shall have the option to undertake and conduct the defense of any suit so brought (including, without limitation, selecting counsel therefore).

11. INSURANCE: Contractor shall procure and maintain, and file with the District evidence of, comprehensive general and professional liability insurance issued by a company acceptable to the District to insure in amounts not less than $1,000,000 per claim. The policy shall name the District as an additional insured and must be in effect for the duration of this Agreement and run concurrently with the effective date of this Agreement.

12. ASSIGNMENT/AMENDMENT: The rights and obligations of Contractor shall not be assignable without the prior written consent of the District. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all previous agreements. This Agreement may not be altered, modified, or amended except by written agreement duly executed by each of the parties hereto.

13. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania without regard to choice of laws rules.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THIS DAY OF , 2015, the undersigned agree to the terms and conditions set forth above:

ATTEST Woodland Hills School District

By: ------Date of Board Approval:


Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.3 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Request approval of the Agreement with Project Grad U.S.A. for services at the College Access Center at the Woodland Hills Junior/Senior High School at a cost not to exceed $170,000.00. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the District Solicitor. ASN #10-2120-320-000-30-51 Budgeted amount: $170,000.00.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" $170,000.00 includes salary and benefits for Director and Assistant Director.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the Board of School Director to approve the above item at the September 9, 2015 Board meeting.

Woodland Hills School District CONTRACTUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 2015-2016

THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into at Pittsburgh, PA this 10th day of September, 2015 by and between the Board of School Directors of Woodland Hills School District, said Board and District hereafter collectively referred to as the "Board," or the "District" and Project GRAD USA , a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the state of Texas, hereafter referred to as the "Provider," or "Project GRAD," or "GRAD."


WHEREAS, the Board requires certain professional services to assist in providing students support to students through the academic, career, and post secondary education readiness process,

WHEREAS, the Provider is qualified as determined by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to perform these services for students,

NOW, THEREFORE, for the consideration hereinafter named, the parties agree as follows:

I. The Provider will perform the professional services described in the attached scope of work, specifications, and/or proposal dated 09/10/2015, and attached hereto and made a part of this agreement as Attachments B, C and D.

2. The Provider shall perform these services described on Attachments B, C, and D according to the schedule indicated therein.

3. The price and consideration for which this agreement is made shall be in the amount of $170,000.00 which Project GRAD shall use to cover the salaries and benefits for the professional GRAD staff in the College and Career Access Center. Should additional funds for the program become available through Federal, State, or Local Grants and I or Legislation, the above price can be adjusted after negotiations with Project GRAD. Any such additional funds shall be applied first to expanding the services provided by the center (tutor remuneration, campus visits, career exploration materials/curriculum, student planners, program supplies, and finally against the Board's costs under this agreement).

4. The Board's representative for purposes of administration of this agreement and any notices required hereunder, shall be ______, whose position is ______. The provider's representative for purposes of administration of this agreement shall be Doug Pitts, whose position is Chief Operating Officer and whose address is 2855 Mangum Road, Ste. A200, Houston, TX 77092.

5. The Provider acknowledges that its relationship to the Board at all times is that of an independent contractor and that no principal and agent or employer-employee relationship is created by virtue of this agreement. Any Provider employees assigned to perform services for the Board are solely employees of the Provider, and any subcontractor's employees assigned to perform services for the Board are solely the employees of that subcontractor. The Provider acknowledges and agrees that all individuals assigned to provide services to the Board are and shall at all times be employees of the Provider, and shall not be entitled to participate in the employee benefit plans, including but not limited to medical, dental, vision and other insurance plans or any pension or retirement benefit plan offered to employees of the Board. The Provider shall be solely responsible for maintaining worker's compensation, unemployment compensation and other similar insurance or benefits for or on behalf of its employees in full compliance with applicable laws.

6. The Provider acknowledges and agrees that the responsibility for payment of taxes, employees' salaries/contracts, or other expenses of the Provider shall be said Provider's obligation.

7. The Provider shall not assign any interest in this agreement and shall not transfer any interest by assignment or novation.

8. The Provider agrees to make available upon request, during normal working hours at the Woodland Hills School District at 531 Jones Avenue, North Braddock, PA 15104. to the Board, the Board's auditors, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Pennsylvania Legislative Auditors, and/or the Office of the Governor or Division of Administration auditors, records and documents relating to the conduct of this agreement.

9. The Provider shall indemnify, defend and hold the Woodland Hills School District, and its directors, officers, employees, agents, representatives, affiliates, and related companies ("Indemnities") the Board, the School District harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, causes of action, damages, (including compensatory, consequential, punitive and exemplary damages included in any judgment or award to a third party), fines, penalties, liabilities, judgments of sums of money, and costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) (the "Losses") to any party which arise out of or are related to the Provider's performance under this agreement, including without limitation Losses that arise or result from loss of life, injury, or damage to person or property and any loss resulting from, or by reason of, any negligent act or omission, operation or work of the Provider, its agents, or employees while engaged upon or in connection with the services required or performed by the Provider hereunder.

To the extent allowed by the law, the Board shall indemnify and hold harmless the Provider against any and all claims, demands, suits, and judgments of sums of money to any party for loss of life, injury, or damage to person or property resulting from, or by reason of, any negligent act or omission, operation or work of the Board, its agents or employees while engaged upon or in connection with the services required or performed by the Board hereunder.

10. The Provider agrees to abide by all applicable federal and state laws including but not limited to: Title VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972, Federal Executive Order 11246, the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, the Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974, Title IX of the Education amendments of 1972, the Age Act of 1972, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

The Provider agrees not to discriminate in its employment practices, and will render services under this contract without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, veteran status, political affiliation, or disabilities. Any act of discrimination committed by Provider or failure to comply with these statutory obligations when applicable shall be grounds for termination of this contract.

11. In the event that the District subsequently contracts with other providers for similar services, Project GRAD will be included in a collaborative decision making process.

12. The Provider agrees that it will not disclose or make available any Confidential Information of the District to any person or entity, nor shall the Provider cause to be made or permit or allow, either on its own behalf or others, any use of any Confidential Information other than for the provisions of services under this Agreement. The Provider agrees not to use, transcribe, copy, duplicate or otherwise reproduce or retain all or any portion of any Confidential Information or copies thereof and agrees that all such Confidential Information will be returned to the Board promptly upon termination of this agreement. For purposes of this agreement, Confidential Information shall mean all personnel records, financial information, medical information, protected health information, student records and information, and all other information or data identified to Provider by the Board as confidential, and which are obtained by or furnished, disclosed or disseminated to Provider in the course of performing this agreement. The Provider further agrees that it shall at all times comply with the requirements of the Family Educational Records Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accounting Act (HIPPA) and their respective implementing regulations, as applicable.

13. In the event that the District receives a request under the Pennsylvania Right to Know Law for a record that constitutes or may contain confidential information of the Provider, the District shall notify the Provider of the request within five (5) business days of the District's receipt of the request. The Provider shall have five (5) business days from receipt of such notification from the district to provide input on the release of the record. In the event that the Provider fails to respond or to provide input to the District within such period regarding the record, then the District shall be authorized to release the record without liability to the Provider. In the event that the Provider instructs the District to deny such a request, the Provider agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the District from any and all costs and expenses, including without limitations attorney's fees, costs and /or fines, which result from or may be assessed against the District as a result of the denial of access to the requested record.

14. The Provider must secure, at his sole cost, the necessary clearances as required by the following, or their equivalents: (a) Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check (Act 34), (b) Department of Welfare Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, Act 151, and (c) Federal Criminal History Clearance, Act 114. The Provider agrees to secure and maintain on file with the District all clearances required under this paragraph prior to engaging in services under this agreement. All criminal history checks shall not be more than one (1) year old at the time of the engagement of service. In the event that the District is mandated by law to require a background or similar criminal check not enumerated under this paragraph, during this agreement, the Provider agrees to secure such required clearances as required by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the United States.

15. This agreement is renewable for up to three additional one (1) year terms, with adjustments made for cost of living adjustments for staff and other necessary increases as agreed upon by mutual written consent, provided that the parties agree in writing to renew the agreement.

16. This agreement may be amended or extended by mutual written consent of the parties.

17. The Board reserves the right to cancel this agreement upon a thirty (30)-day written notice should funds no longer be available due to budget reductions imposed by the federal or state government, if the Pennsylvania Department of Education revokes approval of the Supplemental Educational Services Provider, upon a determination that all or a portion of the services being provided under this agreement must be provided by a collective bargaining unit associated with the District or its employees, or if the Board determines that the Provider is unable to meet the specified goals and timetables.

18. The Board reserves the right to cancel this agreement upon a thirty (30) day written notice if the determination is made by the Board that the Provider disclosed to the public the identity of any student who is eligible for, or receiving educational services, without the written permission of the parents/legal guardians of the student.

19. The Board may cancel this agreement due to non-performance of work described in Attachments B, C, and D upon giving seven (7) days' written notice.

20. All records, reports, documents, and other material delivered to or transmitted to the Board, its agent, or the Pennsylvania Department of Education by the Provider shall remain the property of the Board/State.

21. This agreement shall be effective on the day and the date first above written and shall expire on June 30.2016, unless extended or canceled as provided herein.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this act in the presence of the undersigned competent witnesses.

Witnesses: Board of ------


Title: _

Type Title: C.O.O.



If the contractor is a company, print the name and title of the person authorized to sign contract:

TIME PERIOD: Start Date: September 10, 2015 Completion Date: June 30, 2016

PAYMENT AMOUNT: $170,000.00


Payment shall be completed on a bi-weekly basis. Payment shall be made upon receipt of the submission of an invoice to the District.


SCHOOL RECEIVING SERVICES: Woodland Hills Secondary Campus



1. Statement of Work

Project GRAD will provide College and Career Access services to all 9th through 12th grade students attending the Woodland Hills Secondary Campus. Students who are first generation college-bound, economically disadvantaged, and academically disadvantaged will be identified and monitored through their high school years.

Project GRAD will provide an Academic Support Coordinator and a College and Career Counselor who will work with the principal, or his designee, and teachers to identify students who are priority candidates for additional academic support. Those students will be encouraged to attend any academic support programs offered by the district, and to seek the help of peer tutors when available. The GRAD Staff will coordinate a Peer Tutoring Program where qualified students volunteer to work with their fellow students after school.

Project GRAD will also guide students through the career exploration process utilizing, but not limited to personal interviews, online personality preference and skill inventories, mentoring and shadowing opportunities, and in-house career and college forums/fairs. This will be introduced in classroom groups, and individually completed upon student request.

Project GRAD will provide support and assistance to students registering for and preparing for the ACT/SAT/ASFAB and other College Entrance Exams.

Project GRAD will provide support and guidance to students and their parents through the college selection and application process through, but not limited to, personal interviews, online searches, and in-house college forums/fairs. Project GRAD will provide assistance to students and parents through the completion of the FAFSA and other financial aid and scholarship applications.

Project GRAD will provide support and assistance to the administration in the search of and application for Grants, Funding, and Legislation that will support the College and Career Access Program.

Project GRAD staff will provide support and collaboration with the administration, faculty and staff to promote a culture of high academic and career expectations within the high school environment. The staff at Woodland Hills Secondary Campus will be supported in its work through GRAD USA's national infrastructure that will provide significant resources, including model design and ongoing support.

Project GRAD will send a monthly report to the administration highlighting the activities provided and the accomplishments of students.

2. Key Personnel:

Project GRAD will employ individuals in keeping with the non-discrimination clause of the contract.

The individuals who will serve the students through the College & Career Access Center must meet all of the criteria for the district's volunteers in the schools, including a PA Child Abuse History Clearance (Act 151), PA State Police Criminal Background Check (Act 34), and FBI Federal Criminal History Record (Act 114). The cost of the background check will be the expense of Project GRAD or the individual, not of the board.

Project GRAD and its employees shall obey the rules of the District. Project GRAD and its employees acknowledge that the Principal is in charge of the high school building and agree to follow directions from the Principal regarding the management and operation of the building. The District reserves the right to require Project GRAD to remove and replace any employees who violate this agreement or the rules of the building.



1. Goals and Objectives

The goal of this program is to provide support to students in 9th through 12th grades as they maneuver through the quagmire of academic achievement, career search and selection, the post secondary program selection process and application procedures, and the financial aid application process.

Monthly reports and a final summary report will be used to determine the effectiveness of the College & Career Access Center in preparing students for post-secondary education.

2. Delivery of Performance Schedule:

Project GRAD's College & Career Center will maintain hours during and after school hours, and through the summer to provide students with optimal opportunities to receive needed services. With few exceptions for Professional Development and Personal Time Off, the Center will be open every day school is in session.

Project GRAD will provide data collected on services provided.

3. Contract Monitoring Plan: The district representative will provide monitoring duties as monthly and final reports are submitted from Project GRAD.



In the event that funding is secured to expand the program to resume previously offered services, the following items can be added to Attachments B and C:


The Academic Support Coordinator will work with the principal, or his designee, to recruit, hire and supervise tutors to work with students in the classroom and after school. The Academic Support Coordinator will work with teachers to identify students who are priority candidates for tutoring, and will keep data on students' participation and academic progress. Data on students' academic achievement and Keystone Scores will be collected. Support will also be provided to students who need help completing their Senior and Junior Projects.

If enough Peer Tutor volunteers are available, after school tutoring may be extended to the gth grade students.

The Academic Support Coordinator will visit each of the 7th and 8th grade classrooms at least twice during the school year to introduce the process of college and career access.

The College and Career Counselor will coordinate trips to college, trade, and technical school campuses for 12th and 11th grade students, as well as the National College Fair.


Plan for Performance Measurement: The effectiveness of the academic interventions will be measured through improved grades for students who receive at least 9 sessions of in-class tutoring and I or after-school tutoring during a 9-week grading period; improved Keystone Exam scores for those students who receive at least 6 sessions of targeted Keystone preparation tutoring; improved high school graduation rates, increased enrollments in accredited post-secondary institutions; and increased financial aid awards. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.4 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Ratify the approval of the Agreement for Ms. Pat Harper (Harper & Associates) to provide services at the Junior/Senior High School as part of the Heinz Living Well grant at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" Rate of payment is $75.00 per hour.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" All cost is covered by the Heinz Living Well grant.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the Board of School Directors to approve the above item at the September 9, 2015 Board meeting. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR CONTRACT BETWEEN

Woodland Hills School District, located at 531 Jones Avenue, North Braddock, PA 15104 and

Ms. Patricia Harper Contractor’s Name

Name: Harper & Associates Address: 2460 Robbins Station Road City/State/Zip: North Huntingdon, PA 15642 Phone: SSN or EIN:

Work to be performed:

Continue services under the Heinz Endowment Grant (Ref. #E1914) – Living Well Program

District Supervisor will provide the following information:

Terms of Agreement:

The services called for under this agreement shall commence on 09/10/2015 and terminate 5 06/30/2016 on .

District Supervision:

The Independent Contractor shall receive direction from Andrea Kennedy or an assigned designee of the District, as agreed in advance

Terms of Payment: The Woodland Hills School District, upon approval of the Woodland Hills School Board shall pay $4,000.00 , not to exceed $4,000.00 according to the following terms and conditions. X Receipt of approved time Completion of agree work Monthly

Reimbursement of Expenses: The Woodland Hills School District shall not be liable for any expenses paid or incurred by the contractor.

Federal, State, and Local Payroll Taxes: The Woodland Hills School District shall neither pay nor withhold federal, state, or local income tax or payroll tax of any kind on behalf of the Independent Contractor. The Independent Contractor shall not be treated as an employee for the services performed for federal, state, or local tax purposes. ______Independent Contractor WHSD ______Date Approved at the Legislative Meeting of ______Board Tab Number______Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.5 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Elect PSBA Officers. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" President: Mark B. Miller, Centennial SD (Bucks Co.) or Mary Birks, Mt. Lebanon SD (Allegheny Co.) ______Vice President: John Love, Muhlenberg Twp. SD (Berks Co.); or Robert Schwartz, Wallenpaupack Area SD (Pike Co.); or Michael Faccinetto, Bethlehem Area SD (Northampton Co.)

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added"

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.6 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission for Teresa Hawthorne to attend Skill Path Conference for Women on October 26, 2015 at the Hilton Garden University Place, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

Name of Individual or Firm: Teresa Hawthorne


Budget Data Total Contract Amount $149.00 General Fund General Fund Rate of Payment $ per Supplemental Funds

Accounts Charged Funding Fund Function Object Source Budget YTD Exp. Cost

10 2360 580 000 3,000.00 149.00

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" Teresa's attendance at this workshop is an effort to promote professional growth and development and increase customer service proficiency.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the Board of School Directors to approve the above item at the September 9, 2015 Board meeting. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.7 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Approval of the contract between Woodland Hills School District and the Woodland Hills Education Association (WHEA). B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost" Contract uploaded on District web page.

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" Contract is for the duration of one year.

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation of this Administration to the School Board of Directors to adopt the contract between Woodland Hills School District and the Woodland Hills Education Association (WHEA) at the Board meeting on September 9, 2015. Board Action Information Sheet

Action Item # 12.8 Submitted by Alan N. Johnson

Action Month September, 2015 Person Accountable Alan N. Johnson

A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: "What and Why" Permission to allow one Board member and (3) ACT 93 employees to present at the PSBA Conference on 10/15/2015. Presenters will leave on 10/14/15 and return on 10/15/15. B. RELEVANT FACTS: "Who, When, Where, and Cost"

Name of Individual or Firm: Tara Reis, R. Hickman, L. Lentz, N. Catalano,


Budget Data Total Contract Amount $1,758.56 General Fund General Fund Rate of Payment $ per Supplemental Funds

Accounts Charged Funding Fund Function Object Source Budget YTD Exp. Cost

10 2310 580 000 1000 237.59 10 2270 580 405 7800 1520.97

C. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION: "Attachments may be added" Norman Catalano Licia Lentz Reginald Hickman Tara Reis - Board Member

D. RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION: "What action is the Board being asked to take?" It is the recommendation from this Administration to the School Board of Directors to approve the above item at the September 9, 2015 Board meeting.