Revision Worksheet

AY 2016/2017

Grade – 5-

Name: ______Date: ______

Grade: ______Teacher: Heba

Q1.A-Fill in the blanks :

Behind Al-Kahf Twenty seven five 1. in the Jama’ah is Twenty seven times better than praying alone.

2. Muslims pray Salat Al-Jama’ah in the Masjid five times a day.

3. If there is a male and one female M’moomah stands behind the Imam.

4.It is great thing to recite surat Al-Kahf on Fridays.

B-Put (T) if the sentence is correct and (F) if the sentence is incorrect: 1.Praying in the Masjid can be hard for the mothers and wives. ( T )

2. It is for all of us to have on Friday before Jumu’ah prayer.

( T )

3.A person who gives is called Imam.( F )

4.We should follow the Imam in every move that he makes during the prayer.

( T )

5-People can miss Salat Al-Jumuah because of their work or business.

( F )


Q2.A-Choose the correct answer:

1-When you want to remind people to get ready for prayer.

{ Athan – – Tasbeeh }

2- When the Athan is completed {Al-Fatiha - Atshahud –

Dua’a of Athan.}

3-When you are about to start the Salah {Athan – Iqama–Tasbeeh }

B-Answer the following :

1-Mention three things a Muslim is recommended to do on Fridays.

-Have a Ghusl and cut your nails.

-Read Surat Al-Kahf.

-Pray Al-Ju’muah prayer and listen to Khutbah.

2- Mention the benefits of Salat Al-Jumu’ah.

It brings a great rewards to everyone also,the Khutba is important to Muslims ,the angels come to listen to the Khutba.

3-Compare between Salat Al-Thuhr and Salat Al-Jumu’ah.

Salat Al-Thur:Is four Ruka’a and no Khutba ,but Salat Al-Ju’mah is two Ruka’a and has Khutbah.

Q3-Define the following :

1-Salat Al-Masbooq:

If anyone go to the prayer late and missed any Ruk’a,he will start with them and after they finished he will not make Tasleem with them he will continue the Ruk’at he missed.


The person or people who pray behind the Imam.



It is an word referring to the full body washing before the performance of any Ibadan.