


Presbyornis and the Origin of the (Aves: Charadriomorphae)

Storrs L. Olson and


Olson, Storrs L., and Alan Feduccia. and the Origin of the Anseri- formes (Aves: Charadriomorphae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, number 323, 24 pages, 15 figures, 1980.•Evidence purportedly allying the Anseri- formes with the is discredited. The discovery of vestigial lamellae in the Anhimidae, in addition to the characters these share with the anomalous Australian Magpie (Anseranas), proves their anseriform relationship; within the Anseriformes, the Anhimidae are highly derived and not representative of the ancestral condition in the order. The abundant Presbyornis combines the body of a shorebird with a -like head and shows the Anseriformes to have evolved from the . The unique filter-feeding apparatus of Presbyornis and the was the key adaptation that led to the radiation of the order Anseriformes. The skull o[ Presbyornis has its greatest similarity to that of the living Australian duck Stictonetta, which on other grounds has been considered primitive. This suggests that a rearrangement of the subgroups of Anatidae may be needed. The fossil record shows that no certain Anseriformes are known before the early Oligo- cène, indicating a probable mid-Tertiary date for the major radiation of Anatidae. The ancestors of were Charadriiformes that adapted origi- nally for life in shallow saline lakes, where selection pressure for filter-feeding would have been strong. The Anseriformes should be maintained as a separate order following the Charadriiformes. Presbyornis is considered still to have had a charadriiform grade of morphology and for the present is retained in the Charadriiformes.

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION DATE is handstamped in a limited number of initial copies and is recorded in the Institution's annual report, Smithsonian Year. SERIES COVER DESIGN: The coral Montastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus).

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Olson, Storrs L Presbyornis and the origin of the Anseriformes (Aves, Charadriomorphae) (Smithsonian contributions to zoology ; no. 323) Bibliography: p. 1. Anseriformes•. 2. Presbyornis•Evolution. 3. Birds•Evolution. L Feduccia, J. Alan, joint author. IE Title. IIL Series: Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian contri- butions to zoology ; no. 323. QL1.S54 no. 323 [Q,L696.A5] 591s [568'.3] 80-607065 Contents

Page Introduction Acknowledgments ^ Review of Previous Ideas of Anseriform Relationships 2 The Anseriform Affinities of the Anhimidae 6 Presbyornis, a Fossil Linking the Anseriformes and Charadriiformes 9 The Fossil Record of the Anatidae 19 Conclusions 21 Literature Cited FRONTISPIECE.•Provisional reconstruction of the skeleton oí Presbyornis to show proportions and the duck-like head. Details of vertebrae and other lesser skeletal elements remain to be determined. Presbyornis and the Origin oif the Anseriformes (Aves: Charadriomorphae)

Storrs L. Olson and Alan Feduccia

Introduction ject. Speculations on the affinities of the Anseri- formes have almost always been made with ref- The waterfowl (Anseriformes) are among the erence to the attributes of the Anhimidae, which best known of all groups of birds. The order are invariably regarded as primitive within the traditionally consists of two distinctive families, order, rather than addressing the characteristics the nearly cosmopolitan Anatidae (ducks, geese, and adaptations of the Anatidae. Yet at the same and ), and the South American Anhimidae time, it is usually admitted that the Anhimidae (). Members of the Anatidae generally are referred to the Anseriformes only for lack of may be recognized by their broad, straight, spa- "evidence linking them to some other order" tulate bill equipped with lamellae or some mod- (Sibley and Ahlquist, 1972:87). ification thereof Most have short legs and fully At times it has been suggested that the Anser- webbed toes. The three and two genera of iformes may be related to the (Phoen- Anhimidae are large birds with short, somewhat icopteridae), but until recently the affinities of -like bills and rather long legs, with long toes this family were equally uncertain. Resemblances having vestigial webs; considerable morphologi- between flamingos and ducks are superficial and cal differences exist between the two genera, An- flamingos have been shown conclusively to belong hima and (Beddard and Mitchell, 1894). in the order Charadriiformes, near the Recurvi- Although much has been written on the rela- rostridae (Olson and Feduccia, in press). The only tionships among the genera of Anatidae, there is other hypothesis with any currency proposes a a great deficiency of information on the origin of relationship between the Anseriformes and the the Anseriformes and their possible relationships chicken-like birds of the order Galliformes. In to other orders of birds. A review of the literature view of the manifest dissimilarity of these two (Sibley and Ahlquist, 1972) shows that no conclu- orders, such an alliance must seem strange to sive evidence has ever been set forth on the sub- those not acquainted with the antiquated tradi- tions of ornithological systematics. The anseri- Storrs L. Olson, Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum form-galliform theory of relationships is founded of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, almost entirely on a single morphological char- B.C. 20560. Alan Feduccia, Department of Zoology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27524. acter•the supposed similarity in the pterygoid- 1 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

parasphenoid articulation. Yet for lack of an this subject has to do with generic relationships alternative, this peculiar idea has been perpetu- within the Anatidae and very little has been ated and even today has tenacious adherents. written on the origins of the order as a whole. Excellent fossil material of the Eocene Huxley (1867) noted that in the large, rounded Presbyomis provides strong evidence for a deriva- parasphenoid articulations for the pterygoids and tion of the Anseriformes from the Charadri- the strong, upcurved retroarticular processes of iformes (Feduccia, 1978). This mosaic is a true the mandible, screamers appear to resemble both "missing link" without which the origins of the the Anatidae and the Galliformes. He remarked Anseriformes might have remained obscure in- on features of the skull in Galliformes that set definitely. We intend to undertake detailed stud- them apart from either screamers or ducks and ies of the osteology and origins of Presbyomis itself placed the last two together in his order Cheno- in a future paper. For the present we shall review morphae. Despite his conclusion, Huxley's refer- and dispose of the evidence hitherto cited in ence to Galliformes in his discussion of the An- connection with the extraordinal relationships of himidae was probably a major factor influencing the Anseriformes, show the anseriform affinities subsequent taxonomists. of the Anhimidae and their proper place in the The early work of Garrod (1873, 1874) on thigh classification of the order, and discuss the overall muscles of birds produced a classification so com- morphology of Presbyomis with regard to its sig- pletely artificial that it never merited any serious nificance in the evolution of the Anatidae. consideration. He placed the Anhimidae in an ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.•We are grateful to A. R. order Galliformes, but his concept of this order McEvey, National Museum of Victoria, Mel- also encompassed the Psittacidae, Cuculiformes, bourne, for supplying skeletons of Stictonetta, and the so-called ratites, the Tinamidae, Rallidae, John Farrand, Jr., American Museum of Natural and Otididae, as well as the true gallinaceous History, New York, for a fluid-preserved head of birds. His order Anseriformes included , Anhima, kindly transported by Richard L. Zusi. , and as well as ducks. "Common Don Baird, Princeton University, made the type sense revolts at the acceptance of any scheme of Eonessa anaticula available for study. which involves so many manifest incongruities" Robert J. Emry provided Olson with transpor- (Newton, 1896: 93 [intro.]). Later, Garrod (1876) tation, supplies, hard labor, and good company examined the Anhimidae in more detail and while aiding in the collection of specimens of adopted the view that they could not be placed Presbyomis in 1977. One of these, an intact skull, among the Anseriformes. However, most of the was expertly prepared by Arnold D. Lewis. In features he cited as being unlike ducks are also connection with our studies of Presbyomis we have those, such as the pterylosis, that are unique to repeatedly benefitted from the generous assist- screamers and hence also unlike any other birds. ance of Paul O. McGrew. Garrod noted similarities in the digestive tract of Illustrations are by Jaquin B. Schulz and pho- the Anhimidae to Struthio and Rhea, while admit- tographs are by Victor E. Krantz. We gratefully ting that the trachea and the retroarticular pro- acknowledge David W. Steadman, Glen E. Wool- cesses of the mandible were duck-like. Garrod .-f- fenden, and George R. Zug for their criticisms of also perceived in screamers what he believed to the manuscript. be similarities to Galliformes, all of these being in the skull; nevertheless, in his summary paragraph (1876:199) he stated that "their osteology points Review of Previous Ideas of Anseriform Relationships in no special direction." Seebohm (1889) regarded the Anhimidae, al- The history of classification of the Anseriformes though closest to the Anatidae, as forming a was summarized by Sibley and Ahlquist (1972). connecting link with the Galliformes, this conclu- As mentioned above, most of the literature on sion being based entirely on the same skull char- NUMBER 323 acters noticed by Huxley (1867). Shufeldt (1901) swimming and diving birds that are filter feeders in a very general way compared the osteology of or are derived from aquatic filter feeders. Anser- screamers with that of anseriforms and galliforms; iformes differ from Galliformes in almost every he considered most features to be anseriform ex- anatomical feature imaginable and there is not cept for several aspects of the skull in which he the slightest resemblance between the two groups perceived galliform characteristics. This notwith- in their postcranial osteology. The following tab- standing, he concluded (p. 461) that the ulation compares a few aspects of the morphology screamers were an "independent group standing of Galliformes and Anseriformes. In it we have between the [Anseres] and the ostrich types of outlined some of the characters that were often birds." No reason was proffered for this last state- used by nineteenth-century anatomists to define ment. Simonetta (1963), also on the basis of the higher taxa of birds, though the utility of many pterygoid-parasphenoid articulation, postulated of these characters is nil. To these we have added a common origin for Anseriformes and Galli- a few of the major postcranial osteological differ- formes. Bock (1969; 1970:67) considered "water- ences. This list could be extended almost indefi- fowl and gallinaceous birds ... to be closely re- nitely, but even in this brief form it should indi- lated." Although he stated that "all aspects of cate that there never has been sufficient reason to their cranial morphology support this conclu- regard these two orders as being in any way sion," he cited only "the common possession of a related. peculiar and unique basipterygoid articulation" ANSERIFORMES as evidence for this assertion. He also regarded GALLIFORMES the Anhimidae as being intermediate between Lamellae absent Lamellae present Feet unwebbed Feet webbed the two orders. Schizognathous Desmognathous The electrophoretic patterns of -white pro- Aftershaft present Aftershaft rudimentary or teins of Anseriformes indicated a close relation- absent ship among members of the Anatidae but were Syrinx trachéal Syrinx bronchial not conclusive in showing extraordinal affinities Crop present Crop absent (Sibley and Ahlquist, 1972). Nevertheless, these Eutaxic Diastataxic Deep flexors type 1 Deep flexors type 2 or 4 authors still favored the old idea that the Anser- Intestine type 5 Intestine type 3 iformes might be related to the Ciconiiformes Nostrils imperforate Nostrils perforate through the flamingos. Supraorbital glands absent Supraorbital glands present The most current hypothesis is that the Anser- Sternum 4-notched Sternum 2-notched iformes are related to the Galliformes. As we have Furcula Y-shaped, hypoclei- Furcula U-shaped, hypoclei- deum absent seen, the morphological basis for this rests on the deum large Coracoid long, narrow, ster- Coracoid short, wide, sternal alleged similarities in the pterygoid-parasphenoid nal end arched end flat articulation and the retroarticular processes of Humérus short, stout, Humérus long, slender, the mandible in the two groups. Were it not for curved straight this and the superficially fowl-like appearance of Ulna bowed, internal side Ulna straight, terete the bill of screamers, it is extremely doubtful that flat Carpometacarpus short, Carpometacarpus long, a relationship between ducks and galliforms bowed, usually with an straight, never with a would ever have been entertained, for all other intermetacarpal tubercle tubercle aspects of their morphology are so utterly differ- Femur long and narrow Femur short and stout ent. Inner cnemial crest of tibia Inner cnemial crest large Galliformes are archetypal fissipedal land birds poorly developed that scratch and peck for their food. Not one shows the slightest approach towards an aquatic Bock's (1970:70) statement that "all aspects of or filter-feeding existence. On the other hand, all . . . cranial morphology" support a relationship members of the Anseriformes are web-footed between Anseriformes and Galliformes is abso- SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

FiGURE 2.•Medial views of right quadrate (top row) and right pterygoid (bottom row) of Anas luzonica (a) and Gallus gallus (¿) to show the total lack of similarity between Anser- iformes and in Galliformes in these elements.

FIGURE 1.•Left lateral view of the cranium and associated fused bones in a duck, Anas luzonica (a), and a galliform, formes (Figure 1). There are no similarities be- Gallus gallus (b). Note presence of distinctively forked nasals tween the Galliformes and Anseriformes in the (n) in Gallus; presence of a large, fused lacrimal (1) in Anas; palatines, quadrates (Figure 2), pterygoids (Fig- fusion of postorbital (p) and zygomatic (z) processes in Gallus (zygomatic absent in Anas); presence of occipital fontanelles ure 2), or in the auditory region (Figure 1), and (o) in Anas; and the completely different structure of the ear the differences in the bill are too obvious to merit region (e) in these two birds. discussion. Even the supposed similarities of the pterygoid- parasphenoid articulation in Anseriformes and lutely false. In Galliformes, unlike most other Galliformes are nowhere near as great as implied birds, including Anseriformes, there is typically in the literature. In the Anseriformes the articu- little or no fusion of the rostral elements. The lating facets on the parasphenoid are very dis- premaxilla is free because the joints with the tinct, almost pedicellate, elliptical surfaces with nasals, jugáis, and palatines do not ossify. The a projecting lip all around (Figure 3). A like facet nasals are only lightly fused to the frontals pos- occurs on the medial surface of the pterygoid teriorly, and anteriorly they form characteristic (Figure 2). In Galliformes these facets are best bipronged forks that are particularly apparent in developed in the and those on the macerated specimens because the premaxilla falls parasphenoid are much more elongate, less dis- away (Figures 1,3). The lacrimáis are fused in all tinctly set off from the rostrum, and situated Anseriformes except Anseranas, but are unfused in farther posteriorly than in Anseriformes. Those in all Galliformes. The tip of the postorbital process the Phasiani are, in fact, rather indistinct and fuses with that of the zygomatic process in Galli- cannot in any way be likened to the condition in formes, leaving a foramen, whereas in the Anser- ducks and screamers (Figure 3). Furthermore, the iformes the zygomatic process is absent (Figure facet on the pterygoid is located at the anterior 1). Occipital fontanelles are present in almost all end of the bone in Galliformes, rather than on Anseriformes but invariably are absent in Galli- the medial surface, and is not shaped at all like NUMBER 323

to have arisen completely independently of the rest of the bony structure of the skull, and they become ossified only late in development. In the galliform, the parasphenoid articulations were also cartilaginous but, as in adults, were of a different shape and in a different position from those of Anseriformes. The cartilages were joined at the midline anteriorly and were not as easily removed, leaving distinct, bordered impressions on the parasphenoid rostrum, quite unlike the condition in the duck. There can be little doubt that these structures are not homologous between Anseriformes and Galliformes. They are simply de novo surfaces that evolved independently to facilitate the sliding of the pterygoid during cra- nial kinesis. They are probably not homologous even with the "basipterygoid processes" of other birds. Nor are the retroarticular processes of the man- FIGURE 3.•Ventral view of the cranium of a duck, Anas dible of Galliformes really comparable to those of luzonica (a), and a.galliform, Callus gallus (b), to show the Anseriformes. Although long and upcurved, these differences in the structure and placement of the so-called processes in Galliformes are rather slender and basipterygoid processes (arrows). rounded and not like the laterally compressed bladelike hooks characteristic of Anseriformes that of Anseriformes, in which the pterygoid has (Figure 4). a large anterior spine, a structure absent in Gal- The idea that the anseriform skull is similar to that of Galliformes can h^ive arisen and been hformes (Figure 2). Although the articular facets on the parasphe- perpetuated only as a result of extremely per- noid of Anseriformes and Galliformes are almost functory examination of specimens. In the skull, always referred to as the "basipterygoid pro- as in the rest of their , the Anseriformes differ altogether from the Galliformes. Although cesses," McDowell (1978) has shown that the so- called basipterygoid processes in birds are not aberrant within the Anseriformes, the Anhimidae are in no way intermediate between ducks and homologous to the structures of the same name in reptiles. He suggested that the avian structures galliforms and share none of the peculiarities of may be neomorphous and that they may have the latter. Recently, certain biochemical information has arisen several times within the . We dissected an embryo of a duck {Aythya sp.) been cited as confirming a relationship between and a young galliform (Gallus gallus) to ascertain Anseriformes and Galliformes. Jolies et al. (1976: 59) determined the amino acid sequence of lyso- the nature of these processes in the early stages of development. In the duck, the parasphenoid ar- zyme c in eight species of birds, all of which were ticulations were oval cartilaginous pads that were either Galliformes or Anseriformes. From this entirely free from each other and were only lightly they concluded that lysozyme c in the chachalaca attached to the ossified parasphenoid rostrum. Ortalis vetula, (Cracidae) "differs from other avian lysozymes c by 27 to 31 amino acid substitutions" When these pads were removed, the parasphen- and that "the lineage leading to chachalaca ly- oid rostrum appeared completely normal and bore no sign of any bony processes or articulations sozyme c separated from that leading to other with the pterygoid. Thus, these processes appear galliform lysozymes c before the duck lysozyme c SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

birds would have to be studied in order to put this information in its proper phylogenetic con- text. Nevertheless, Mayr and Gottrell (1979:v) state that the work of Jolies et al. (1976) "has already demonstrated conclusively that the An- seriformes are a side branch of the galliform birds." It seems to us that this optimistic assess- ment goes well beyond the biochemical data or the conclusions that Jolies et al. themselves drew from it. We doubt that Mayr and Gottrell would have received this paper so enthusiastically had it not been for the long, but unsubstantiated, tradition of a galliform-anseriform relationship found in the earlier literature, or if the paper had been based on a morphological study restricted to the same taxa. If biochemical studies should suggest a rela- tionship between the Anseriformes and Galli- formes, they shall also have to account for the fact that there is not a single bit of evidence from morphology or paleontology that supports such a hypothesis. We cannot imagine any reasonable hypothetical sequence of evolutionary events that could produce a duck from a galliform.

The Anseriform Affinities of the Anhimidae

Because the anseriform affinities of the Anhim- idae have at times in the past been doubted, we intend to show that the Anhimidae are indeed FIGURE 4.•Dorsal {top) and medial {bottom) views of the right mandibular articulation of a duck, Anas luzonica {a), and a related to the Anatidae, but within the Anseri- galliform, Gallus gailus {b), showing the very different struc- formes they are among the most derived rather ture of the retroarticular processes and the articulation in than the most primitive members. general. In their overall appearance the screamers do not look much like ducks and they possess a number of structural peculiarities that set them lineage did." The otlier taxa included in their apart, not only from the Anatidae, but from other study were "chicken, bobwhite quail, Japanese birds as well. These include a thick layer of quail, , and guinea fowl" (presumably Gal- subcutaneous air-cells, nearly continuous feath- lus gallus, virginianus, Coturnix coturnix, Me- ering on the body with the apteria vestigial or leagris gallopavo, and Numida meleagris, respectively, absent, paired spurs on the carpometacarpus, the although this is not stated), also "Duck II and absence of uncinate processes on the ribs and the Duck III," no indication being given even as to apparently correlated presence of a unique mus- whether these represent different species or not. cle, the M. costisternalis externus, running diag- Outgroup comparisons were made with humans onally across the rib cage (Beddard and Mitchell, and baboons. Now this may be good biochemis- 1894:540). It should be noted that wing spurs also try, but it is not systematics; many more taxa of occur in certain Anatidae, whereas when spurs NUMBER 323

add that the tarsometatarsus in Anseranas is quite are present in the Galliformes, they are always on different from that of other Anatidae and bears the tarsometatarsus. According to Parker (1863), the Anhimidae a close resemblance, particularly in the distal end, had once been thought to be gruiform. He re- to the Anhimidae. marked on the similarity of the skull and sternum According to Beddard (1898), in all Anatidae of screamers to the Anatidae and he also sug- there is a muscular slip from M. biceps femoris (= M. iliofibularis) attaching to M. gastrocne- gested that there were similarities to the Galli- mius pars lateralis, whereas this is absent in the formes. There is little specific detail in Parker's Anhimidae, in which the insertion of M. ilio- paper, in which he also finds screamers to "come fibularis is typical. We dissected a specimen of nearer, in certain important points, to the Liz- Anseranas semipalmata and found no connection ard," and suggests they might be "one of the between M. iliofibularis and M. gastrocnemius. nearest living relatives of the marvellous Archaeo- Thus, in this respect it differs from other Anatidae pteryx" (page 518), along with other useless obser- and agrees with the Anhimidae, although there vations. Aside from the anseriform characters noted by can be little doubt that this is the primitive the early anatomists (see above), additional evi- condition. Sibley (1960) found that the electrophoretic dence linking the screamers to the Anatidae exists in morphological and behavioral similarities to pattern of egg-white proteins of Anseranas was the Australian , Anseranas semipal- readily distinguished from those of other Anati- mata. The singularity of Anseranas has long been dae, all of which were quite similar to one an- recognized by many taxonomists. It has usually other. Boetticher and Eichler (1952) discovered been placed either in a monotypic subfamily of Anseranas to be uniquely parasitized by the mal- lophagan Heteroproctus. Johnsgard (1961a, the Anatidae or in a family of its own. Of the 1961b) has remarked on behavioral peculiarities external features discussed by Delacour (1954), those that are most distinctive and tend toward of Anseranas, such as parental feeding of young an anhimid-like condition are: bill with rostral and the building of brood nests for the young nail large, strong, and overhanging the mandible; after hatching. He also noted that the downy lamellae much reduced; much of lower part of was unlike that in any of the Anatidae, tibia unfeathered; toes very long and slender with as is the fact that Anseranas assumes a juvenal and an immature plumage before acquiring the defin- the webbing greatly reduced; hallux long and not itive adult plumage. Certain aspects of behavior, elevated. The trachea is coiled in part externally, lying superficial to the breast muscles, a condition such as mutual preening at the nest, are shared in waterfowl otherwise found only in Stictonetta. with the Anhimidae and Johnsgard considered Additionally, the wing molt is gradual, unlike the Anseranas as intermediate between the screamers Anatidae, in which the remiges are molted si- and typical waterfowl. multaneously. Delacour (1954) cites S. Mac- Despite the overwhelming body of evidence Dowall [sic = McDowell] as providing six distin- pointing to the anomalousness of Anseranas, Dav- guishing osteological features of Anseranas, five of ies and Frith (1964:265) maintained that the which are stated to approach conditions met with outstanding features of the genus are all probably in the Anhimidae. Woolfenden (1961) enumer- "adaptive," its distinctiveness being a "conse- ated many salient osteological features in vir- quence of becoming a resident bird in a tropical swamp." We reject such a simplistic interpreta- tually all of the skeletal elements o{ Anseranas and tion and consider Anseranas to stand significantly vigorously advocated hs elevation to full family apart from the remainder of the Anatidae. Al- rank. He, too, noted similarities between Anseranas though differing from the Anhimidae in many and the Anhimidae, particularly in the humérus, respects, Anseranas certainly represents a morpho- carpometacarpus, sternum, coracoid, and skull, logical stage similar to that through which the as well as in external features. To these we would SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

FIGURE 5.•View of the inside of the mouth of Chauna torcuata (Anhimidae) to show the row of vestigial lamellae (arrow) on the inside of the upper jaw.

Anhimidae must have passed in becoming in- The tongue in Chauna torquata is elongate, thick, creasingly terrestrial (as shown by the reduction fleshy, and somewhat wrinkled, terminating pos- of webbing in the feet) and in relinquishing fil- teriorly in a set of spiny papillae. It fills the mouth tering as a means of feeding (as shown by the cavity, and although it lacks the laminae along strong nail and reduced lamellae of the bill). the sides typical of anatids, the tip is fringed with We have discovered in the Anhimidae an over- distinctive keratinous bristles. In the roof of the looked character that strongly supports their an- mouth are three longitudinal ridges, the middle seriform derivation, namely the presence of ves- one of which is divided into large posteriorly- tigial lamellae. Although several authors (Parker, directed papillae; between these three ridges are 1863; Garrod, 1876; Mitchell, 1895) have briefly two additional rows of papillae. On the ram- noted the large fleshy tongue in Chauna, none photheca along the insides of the upper jaw, seems to have detected these lamellae. Indeed, extending from the commissure anteriorly to Pycraft (1910:49) specifically states that the An- about the level of the midpoint of the nostril, is himidae lack "the lamellae along the edges of the a series of small but easily discernable lamellae , so characteristic of the Anseres." This is not (Figures 5, 6a), about 17 in number. These are the case, and in reality the screamers do retain, best developed posteriorly, becoming indistinct in a highly modified form, these most diagnostic anteriorly. The largest is about 1.5 mm in depth. of anseriform structures. Anhima is generally similar except that there NUMBER 323

The modern Anhimidae are not filter feeders, nor do their habits give any indication of evolu- tion in such a direction. Their lamellae must therefore be regarded as vestiges inherited from an ancestor in which these structures were func- tional. Had these lamellae been observed earlier, the ordinal affinities of the Anhimidae probably would never have been doubted. For much of the Tertiary, South America was separated from other continental land masses (Irving, 1977) and during this time numerous organisms there, in isolation from evolutionary events taking place elsewhere, diverged wildly from their ancestors. It is evident that the Anhim- idae represents one such group. The screamers are a product of an early anseriform stock for which there seems to have been little restraint on differentiation. They must be counted among the old endemic elements of the South America fauna and many of their attributes are uniquely derived features having no bearing on the major line of evolution in the Anseriformes.

Presbyornis, a Fossil Linking the Anseriformes and Charadriiformes

Having shown the supposed galliform affinities of the Anseriformes to be totally spurious, we have left the order with no known kin. An alter- native theory of relationships is available, how- FIGURE 6.•Enlarged views of the vestigial lamellae (arrows) ever, in the form of one of the most remarkable of screamers (Anhimidae): a, upper jaw oí Chauna torquata; b, upper jaw oí Anhima cornuta; c, the few lamellae in the lower Tertiary birds yet discovered•Presbyornis•an jaw (1) with a different view of those in the upper jaw (u) of early Eocene bird combining the body of a shor- Anhima cornuta. ebird with a duck-like head (Frontispiece). Presbyornis pervetus Wetmore (1926), based on a tarsometatarsus from the Lower Eocene of Utah, was originally de- are vestigial lamellae in the lower jaw as well, scribed as a new family () of whereas those in the upper jaw are fewer in Charadriiformes related to the Recurvirostridae. number than in Chauna (Figure 6). In the speci- Subsequently, remains of Presbyornis have been men we examined there were four lamellae on identified from a number of localities in the Green the inside of the lower jaw about 1 cm anterior to River Formation, where they usually occur m the rictus, and seven or eight readily discernible great concentrations, at least one of which is lamellae on the upper jaw, all lying posterior to known to represent a nesting colony (McGrew those on the lower. As with Chama, these struc- and Feduccia, 1973; Feduccia, 1978). The new tures are not merely wrinkles in soft epidermis, material was first studied by Feduccia and but regularly spaced, hard, horny lamellae. McGrew (1974) who concluded that Presbyornis 10 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

FIGURE 7.•Slab and counterslab of a small piece of rock as removed from the Presbyornis quarry at Canyon Creek Butte, Wyoming (see Feduccia, 1978), showing portions of nine duck-like bills (numbered) in association with a long tibiotarsus and a short, definitely four-notched sternum (seen here in dorsal view). No other kinds of bills and no duck-like post cranial elements occur 11 NUMBER 323

at this site and there can be no question that the shorebird-Iike body of Presbyorms is correctly associated with a duck-like head. (Scale = 3 cm; f = femur, m = mandible, s = sternum, t - tibiotarsus.) 12 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

was a -like . They synonymized Green River Formation and have been attributed with Presbyomis the genus Telmabates from the to anseriform birds or flamingos (Erickson, 1967; Lower Eocene of Patagonia, which had been Kahl, 1970:294). Most likely these tracks were described in a new family, Telmabatidae, sup- made by Presbyomis. In addition to showing a fully posed to be related to flamingos (Howard, 1955). webbed foot, they also indicate that the bird had Feduccia (1976) noted similarities to the Char- a well-developed, somewhat elevated, hind toe, adriiformes in the skeletons of Presbyomis and whereas in the Phoenicopteridae, the hallux is modern flamingos and accordingly proposed that vestigial or absent. flamingos \A^re derived from the Charadri- On the basis of size differences in the material iformes. Bill impressions known at that time sug- we have seen so far, it is evident that more than gested, however, that the skull of Presbyomis may one species oïPresbyomis occurs in the Green River have been more duck-like than flamingo-like; this Formation. Therefore, for the present we shall was fully confirmed by the discovery of a com- refer only to the genus Presbyomis and not employ plete skull collected in Wyoming in 1977 by Olson any specific epithets. We shall concern ourselves and Robert J. Emry (Feduccia, 1978). Subse- here not with the origin of Presbyomis, but where quent preparation of this specimen revealed that it was leading, and in this consideration the newly its preservation was truly exceptional, the man- acquired skull plays a most important role. When dible, palate, hyoid apparatus, larynx, and lacri- Feduccia discussed this specimen at the XVIIth mal being present and intact (Figures 8, 9). International Ornithological Congress in Berlin Apparent similarities between Presbyomis and in August 1978, considerable skepticism was ex- flamingos are heightened by the former having pressed concerning the association of such a skull been a highly colonial inhabitant of shallow saline with charadriiform postcranial elements. Such lakes, as are modern flamingos (McGrew and doubts could result only through ignorance of the Feduccia, 1973). The habitat preferences oí Pres- deposits of Presbyomis. We have collected byomis are substantiated by what is known of the hundreds of bill fragments and impressions, and paleoecology of parts of the Green River Forma- several complete skulls, all of which are duck- tion and also by the fact that the interorbital like, and thousands of postcranial elements, all of bridge of Presbyomis indicates that it had well- which are shorebird-like. These were in direct developed salt glands (Feduccia, 1978). In the association, with no indication of the presence of course of investigating the relationships of fla- any other kind of bird (Figure 7). To raise the mingos (Olson and Feduccia, in press), we grad- specter of mass burials of flocks of headless ually came to the conclusion, however, that Pres- shorebirds with flocks of bodiless ducks is clearly byomis does not have a direct bearing on the a cause for amusement. evolution of the Phoenicopteridae. Many of the Most of the postcranial skeleton oí Presbyomis is flamingo-like features of Presbyomis are primitive similar to that of Charadriiformes, as is testified charadriiform characters that do not necessarily to by the fact that the genus was originally placed indicate close relationship to flamingos, which near the Recurvirostridae. Presbyomis was a me- are likewise charadriiform derivatives. Presbyomis dium-sized bird, larger than most recent shore- ^ lacks the cranial specializations of modern fla- birds, with long slender legs unlike any duck. mingos as well as the modifications of the proxi- Feduccia (1976, 1978) has noted some of its fea- mal end of the humérus and the cervical verte- tures that are characteristic of the Charadri- brae; these are among the characters used to iformes: sternum with well-developed blade-like distinguish the Phoenicopteridae, living and fos- manubrial spine; humérus non-pneumatic, with sil, from other Charadriiformes (Olson and Fed- excavated tricipital fossae; tibiotarsus with inner uccia, in press). Trackways of web-footed birds, cnemial crest large and rectangular, projecting some even including dabble marks made by the far anteriorly; tarsometatarsus long and slender, bill during feeding, are common in parts of the with inner trochlea elevated and retracted; tro- 13 NUMBER 323

FIGURE 8.•Right lateral view of the skull and mandible of Presbyornis sp. (Stereophotographs; specimen is 90 mm long.)

chanter of femur a well-developed crest raised hemicylindrical, subspatulate shape and the up- above level of head. Subsequent specimens have per jaw obviously accomodated an enlarged shown that Presbyornis had a short, 4-notched tongue, a unique derived condition of the Anati- sternum and a relatively short, shallow pelvis in dae (Olson and Feduccia, in press). which the innominate bones do not fuse to the The mandible has the large, hooked blade-like sacrum. In all of these characters it is like Char- retroarticular processes (Figure 10) typical of the adriiformes and unlike Anseriformes. Anseriformes. In the hyoid apparatus o{Presbyornis The skull of Presbyornis, on the other hand, is the paraglossale is a large, elongate, spatulate unmistakably duck-like (Figures 8, 9). Although structure exactly as in the Anatidae and quite showing numerous differences from most modern unlike that in flamingos, Charadriiformes, or any ducks, the rostrum of Presbyornis has an elongate, other birds. Occipital fontanelles are present in 14 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

.' 1 • a. ^


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FIGURE 9.•Ventral view of the skull and mandible o{ Presbyornis sp., showing the hyoid apparatus and larynx still in position. (Stereophotographs; speci- men is 90 mm long.)

Presbyornis, as in most Anseriformes. As noted by In a specimen of Presbyornis with the rostrum Olson (1979), these apertures are otherwise con- preserved in ventral view, it' is seen that the fined to the Charadriiformes (including flamin- maxillopalatines are fused and extensively ossi- gos), ibises, and the specialized gruiform families fied, leaving a relatively small anterior opening Gruidae and Aramidae. If one recognizes the for the internal nares, as is typical of the Anseri- as a transitional group be- formes (Figure 11). tween the and Charadriiformes (Ol- There are a number of differences between the son, 1979), then every reason exists to regard the skull of Presbyornis and that of any modern duck presence of occipital fontanelles as a shared de- (Figure 12). The lacrimal is rather small and is rived character that is indicative of relationship. not fused to the cranium; in addition, the area 15 NUMBER 323

FIGURE 10.•Mandible of Presbyornis sp. showing the large, blade-like retroarticular process (r) typical of Anseriformes and the point of articulation (a) with quadrate.

between the orbit and the nostril is not greatly which is further evidence that the duck-like skull elongated, the postorbital process is much and charadriiform postcranial elements are cor- smaller, and the temporal fossa is deeper than in rectly associated. modern ducks. The ventral portion of the quad- Several other features of Presbyornis initially rate does not have the posterior inflation charac- appeared to be unlike modern ducks, such as the teristic of ducks and is more like that of the peculiarly upturned bill, with a very small ros- Charadriiformes. As far as can be determined at tral nail; the long, slender mandibular symphysis; present, the pterygoids are short and do not have and the deep groove in the ventral surface of the a special articular surface on the parasphenoid anterior portion of the mandibular rami. We rostrum•also charadriiform characters. In Pres- found, however, that these features occur in one byornis, the Charadriiformes, and most other birds, or the other of two monotypic genera of ducks in when the skull is viewed from the side, at least : the , Stictonetta naevosa, part of the palate is seen to lie ventral to the jugal and the Pink-eared Duck, Malacorhynchus membran- bar, whereas in the Anatidae the palate is entirely aceus. Of all modern ducks, only Stictonetta has the above the jugal bar, perhaps as another accomo- rostrum and mandible markedly recurved (Figure dation for the enlarged tongue. In Presbyornis even 13), the rostral nail small, and the mandibular the obviously duck-like skull shows a combination symphysis long and narrow. The bill of Malaco- of anseriform and charadriiform characters. rhynchus is highly specialized in a number of re- 16 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

FIGURE 11•Ventral aspect of the upper jaw of Presbyornis sp. in matrix to show the fused maxillopalatine area (m) and the restricted internal narial opening (n) characteristic of ducks. (Stereophotographs; scale = 1 cm.) spects, with the tip peculiarly expanded distally orbital process reduced. The lacrimal is fused to and bearing distinctive membranous flaps. Nev- the skull and extending anteriorly from it to the ertheless, disregarding the distal expansions, the naso-frontal hinge is a broad, tough membrane mandible is similar to that of Presbyornis, and that covers and protects the nasal conchae. This unlike Stictonetta, in having the same characteristic membrane has begun to ossify in the anterior grooves anteriorly and more narrowed rami pos- corner and is thinly ossified at the ventro-lateral teriorly (Figure 12). corner. The whole effect is one of incompleteness The condition of the lacrimal area in Stictonetta and it is evident that the increased size and extent (Figure 13) is anomalous among the Anatidae of the lacrimal in typical ducks has resulted from and may represent the original morphological more extensive ossification of this membrane. response to the elongation of the anterior portion In two other respects the skull of Stictonetta of the cranium. In Stictonetta, the major part of appears primitive: in the weak ossification of the the lacrimal is the descending process, not too maxillopalatine area and in the similarly weak unlike that of Presbyornis but with the body and ossification of the rostrum, so that there are elon- 17 NUMBER 323

FIGURE 13.•Lateral view of skull {a) and ventral view of FIGURE 12.•Lateral view of skull (a) and ventral view of mandible (¿) o{ Presbyornis sp. Note the characteristic groove mandible (A) of the extant Freckled Duck, Siictonetta naevosa. (g) in the mandibular ramus. This is also present in the Note the upturned bill and the long, narrow mandibular extant Pink-eared Duck, Malacorhynchus membranaceus {c). (1 symphysis, as in Presbyornis, contrasted with the mandible of = lacrimal, of = occipital fontanelle, pi = palatine, pt = typical duck. Anas platyrhynchos (c). (Abbreviations as in Figure 12; m = lacrimal membrane.) pterygoid, v = vomer.)

gate, translucent ' Vindows" on either side of the already begun to be closed over by bone in just midline. These areas are typically unossified in such a manner (Figure 14). Phalaropus, of course, the charadriiform skull and would have had to has nothing to do with the ancestry of ducks, but fuse in order to produce the anatid condition. it does show how the anseriform cranial mor- Elsewhere (Olson and Feduccia, in press), we phology could have evolved from that of Chara- have discussed general aspects of evolution of diiformes. Quite in contrast, nothing exists in the filter-feeding in birds and shown the filtering galliform skull that would predispose it towards apparatus of the Anatidae to be unique in con- such modification. sisting of a double-piston suction pump with the Because we have noted the similarity in the piston (the tongue) housed in the upper jaw, skull of Presbyornis to that of the monotypic Aus- rather than in the lower jaw as in all other filter- tralian genus Stictonetta, the affinities of the latter feeding vertebrates. We also showed that the Red merit further comment. Very little was known Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) provides an ex- about Stictonetta until the appearance of several cellent example of a shorebird in the beginning publications by Frith (1964a, 1964b, 1965, 1967) stages of evolving adaptations for filter-feeding and Johnsgard (1965). Although having a super- and which has a broad, slightly spatulate, some- ficial resemblance to dabbling ducks of the what duck-like bill. By ossification and fusion of subfamily , where it had formerly been the maxillopalatines and much of the nostril be- placed (Delacour and Mayr, 1945), Stictonetta pos- tween the dorsal and ventral rami of the premax- sesses the following characteristics of the swans illa of the charadriiform skull, it would not be and geese (): tarsus reticulate; syrinx difficult to arrive at a substantially anseriform- simple, without bulla; plumage simple, without like rostrum. In Phalaropus, the nostril has in fact speculum; slight sexual dimorphism. The colora- 18 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

The mandible of Presbyornis is also similar in some respects to that of Malacorhynchus. As with Stictonetta, the relationships oï Malacorhynchus have been unclear, and it too has been classified as an aberrant member of the tribe Anatini (Delacour and Mayr, 1945). Frith (1967) reviewed the opin- ions concerning the classification of Malacorhyn- chus; mostly on the basis of the pattern of the downy young he considered it to be related either to the Anatini or the Cairinini. Malacorhynchus, however, has many of the same features that were used to distinguish Stictonetta from the Anatinae: lack of a speculum; lack of marked sexual dimor- phism; trachéal bulla "very poorly developed, almost nonexistent" (Frith, 1967:232). The bill FIGURE 14.•Lateral (a) and ventral (b) views of the skull of structure and plumage of Malacorhynchus are a Red Phalarope, Phalaropus fulicartus, a charadriiform with unique. It is clear that Malacorhynchus, like Sticto- rudimentary filter-feeding adaptations. By ossification of the netta, has no close relative among extant genera nostrils and the maxillopalatine area (arrows), a duck-like of Anatidae. aspect could be derived from such a bill. The nostrils of Phalaropus have in fact already begun such ossification. On the basis of its long, narrow mandibular symphysis, Merganetta might also represent an early anomalous anatid offshoot. Merganetta is a monotypic genus of torrent-inhabiting ducks con- tion and pattern of the downy young are as in fined to South America. At times it has been the Anserinae (Frith, 1964b). The trachea in the recognized in a separate tribe, Merganettini, or adult male is convoluted, as in swans, and lies as an aberrant member of the Anatini, but within coiled partly outside the sternum, as in Anseranas. the last group it has no obvious relatives. Frith (1967) regarded the behavior of Stictonetta Because Stictonetta is the only existing duck with as -like but noted that although the genus a bill substantially like that of Presbyornis, it be- possesses some skeletal characters of the Anserinae comes of considerable interest to know something the majority of them are like the Anatinae. of its feeding habits. By analogy with Presbyornis, Frith (1967:114) followed Johnsgard's (1960b) this could provide insight into the original anser- suggestion of placing Stictonetta in a monogeneric iform adaptation. For this reason, we quote ex- tribe, Stictonettini, within the Anserinae, remark- tensively from Frith's (1967:118-119) observa- ing that it was "not closely related to the Den- tions of Stictonetta. drocygnini or other tribes." Brush (1976:481) con- curred in this after finding that the "electropho- Bottom filtering is by far the most common method of retic pattern of proteins of the Freckled feeding; the birds wade slowly in shallow water, seldom ,^ Duck was completely unlike that of the other more than two inches deep. The bill is immersed and is held immediately above the soil surface and a rapid filtering Anatini.... The Stictonetta pattern was unique." action is set up so that the fine particles of mud on the Frith's (1967:114) comments on Stictonetta seem surface swirl up. It has been possible to watch this action at particularly apt: "Few would deny that the wa- very close range (two feet) in perfectly clear water on several terfowl family of today passed, in evolution, occasions. The bill has not yet been seen to enter the mud through duck-like ancestors before differentiating itself, but is maintained immediately above it•a true filter- ing, rather than a dabbling, action. into swans, geese, and others. The Freckled Duck Filtering of surface water is the least frequently is probably the closest living waterfowl to that seen .... The birds swim slowly, filtering and nibbling at ancestor...." surface particles. Captive birds spend a great deal of time 19 NUMBER 323 running their bills along the edges of logs and posts and The Recurvirostridae and Phoenicopterus feed concrete walls in the water that have become encrusted with mainly on matter, whereas only with the algae. The bill action is nibbling and they have been clearly later development of the highly specialized, very seen to be feeding extensively on the algae. Like many other ducks, Freckled Ducks up-end, but their fine straining device of Phoenicoparrus and Phoeni- action under water seems to be different. Captive conaias could flamingos feed on diatoms (Jenkin, birds . . . up-ended freely, and again it was seen that filtering 1957), which are too small to have been taken by was confined to immediately above the surface of the soil on the filtering apparatus of Presbyornis or ducks. the bottom. The birds did not dabble in the mud, nor did Perhaps the adaptation to two different food they pay attention to plants and food items on the sources was the factor that permitted the nearly bottom .... One of the most constant sources of food was algae, nearly simultaneous evolution of two groups of highly every stomach examined contained some and it accounted derived filter-feeding shorebirds in the same lim- for 30 percent of the total volume; seeds of smartweeds and ited, ephemeral environment. docks were also found in most stomachs and provided 22 percent of the food. Various aquatic grasses . . . accounted for 16 percent of the food The whole bulk of the animal The Fossil Record of the Anatidae food accounted for 11 percent of the total food. The early Eocene Presbyornis provides us with We find it significant that the feeding behavior the key to the origin of the Anseriformes, but of Stictonetta parallels what one might have as- what else, if anything, does the fossil record tell sumed for Presbyornis, given what is known of the us of the time of origin and radiation of the paleoecology and morphology of the latter. It is Anatidae? The earliest fossil assigned to the An- noteworthy that despite its short, typically duck- atidae is Eonessa anaticula Wetmore (1938), which like legs, Stictonetta generally feeds by wading was made the type of a new subfamily, Eonessi- rather than swimming. The bill of Stictonetta is nae. This species was based on the bones of a left used entirely in a true filtering capacity and the wing from the Upper Eocene (Uintan) of Utah. principal food taken is algae. In discussing the We examined this specimen and found it to be environment of a presumed nesting site of Pres- poorly preserved, badly crushed, and of minimal byomis, McGrew and Feduccia (1973:164) re- diagnostic value (Figure 15). The illustrations in marked that an Wetmore (1938) are largely reconstructions and interesting feature of this fossil site is the occurrence of many are not particularly accurate. Matrix still obscur- logs and branches that are heavily incrusted, presumably by ing critical parts of the humérus was removed in algae .... The incrustations demonstrate the abundance of 1978 to permit more careful study. algae in the waters .... It seems reasonable that [Presbyorms After comparing Eonessa with Presbyornis and was] feeding on algae and microorganisms. . . . modern ducks, we were forced to conclude that Presbyornis paralleled flamingos in its extreme Eonessa is not referable to the Anseriformes. Wet- coloniality and in inhabiting shallow, saline lakes, more (1938) did not explain his reasons for plac- an environment in which filter-feeding is highly ing Eonessa in the Anatidae and there are no advantageous because it reduces salt intake (Ol- strong resemblances between the two. The slender son and Feduccia, in press). The feeding appa- proportions of the bones, noted by Wetmore him- ratus of Presbyornis and ducks is, however, funda- self, are not duck-like. Nor can Eonessa be referred mentally different from that of flamingos. We to the Presbyornithidae. The external condyle of suggest the possibility that the anseriform filter- the humérus is more elongate and the shape of feeding mechanism may originally have arisen as the proximal end of the carpometacarpus is quite an adaptation for feeding on vegetable matter, different, with the ventral rim of the internal particularly algae, whereas in contrast, the filter- carpal trochlea flat, nearly on a line with meta- ing mechanism of flamingos was originally an carpal III, instead of rounded and projecting adaptation for feeding on small invertebrates. outward as in Presbyornis. We detect in such fea- 20 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

FIGURE 15.•Holotype oí Eonessa anaticula Wetmore (Princeton University 14399): a, humérus in anconal view; b, ulna; c, radius; d, carpometacarpus; e, distal end of humérus in palmar view. Note the poor preservation and non-anatid proportions. Heretofore considered to be the earliest known duck, the true affinities of Eonessa are uncertain, but they are not with the Anatidae as originally thought. 21 NUMBER 323 tures as the elongate external condyle of the all of which are from the Northern Hemisphere, humérus of Eonessa, certain similarities to the would not contradict a hypothesis that early Gruiformes, larger forms of which have been Eocene forms of Presbyornithidae were the direct described from the same horizon in Utah (Cra- ancestors of the Anatidae and that the differen- craft, 1971). Although the true affinities oí Eonessa tiation of the latter family took place subsequent are difficult or impossible to ascertain, we feel to the early Eocene. In late Neogene and Quater- confident that it is not referable to the Anatidae. nary deposits, ducks are often among the most With the removal oí Eonessa from the Anatidae, abundant of fossil birds; if true Anatidae were the earliest forms referable to that family are present in the Eocene, one would expect them to Romainvillia Lebedinsky (1927), from the early have been found in the Green River Formation Oligocène of France, and Cygnopetms Lambrecht and elsewhere. (1931) from the middle OUgocene of Belgium. A Nevertheless, the ancestors of the Anhimidae, similar undescribed anseriform is known from the which were derived from the Anatidae, in all early OUgocene (Chadronian) of Nebraska (Larry probability entered South America very early in D. Martin, pers. comm.) .These were all large, the Tertiary, which suggests that the Anseri- goose-sized birds, the precise relationships of formes had differentiated from the Presbyorni- which have not yet been determined, although thidae by then. In its specialized habitat, Pres- they appear to be correctly assigned to the Anser- byomis in the early Eocene could have been a temporal relict rather than a direct ancestor. This iformes. In the late Oligocène and early , ana- would not, however, negate the evidence pointing tids appear more abundantly and a number of towards a mid-Tertiary date for the principal species have been named, many of which have radiation of modern types of Anatidae. been relegated to extant genera. Most of these species, however, were described prior to the use Conclusions of modern generic concepts and with little refer- ence to adequate comparative material; hence The origins of the Anseriformes may be traced the generic identity of these mid-Tertiary anatids back to a group of highly colonial Charadri- is problematical until they are restudied. For iformes that adapted to shallow saline lakes and example. Anas blanchardi, a species abundant in evolved a unique filter-feeding mechanism. In the Aquitanian of France and known from excel- these respects the ancestors of the Anseriformes lent material, "clearly does not belong in Anas" paralleled the Phoenicopteridae, which were also (Howard, 1964:292, footnote) and even its tribal •derived from the Gharadriiformes, but which affinities are difficult to discern (pers. obs.). evolved a very different filtering apparatus (Olson On the other hand, a newly described fossil and Feduccia, in press). The early Eocene Pres- from the middle Miocene of Virginia, based on byornis is a representative of this ancestral anseri- diagnostic associated material, is clearly referable form type and combines a charadriiform body to the Recent genus Mergus (Alvarez and Olson, with a duck-like skull. 1978), which is among the more specialized gen- The filtering device of Presbyorms may possibly era of modern ducks. This suggests that the dif- have evolved for feeding on algae. In any case, it ferentiation of most Recent anatid genera had proved to be a much more adaptable structure occurred by mid-Miocene and that much of the than that of flamingos and was the key adapta- radiation in the Anatidae was extremely rapid, tion that led to the subsequent divergence and thus possibly contributing to the propensity of radiation of the Anseriformes. Filtering represents modern members of the family to form interge- the original feeding method of the order and neric hybrids. departures from this such as the grazing adapta- The known of the Anseriformes, almost tions of geese, the serrated fish-catching "teeth" 22 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO ZOOLOGY

of mergansers, or the superficially fowl-like bill of in South America led to the Anhimidae, the most screamers, are secondarily derived features. derived of the Anseriformes. These evolved in With the knowledge afforded by paleontologi- isolation and lost most of the identifying charac- cal evidence, and with the untenable hypothesis ters of the order, while developing many unique of galliform relationships nullified, it should now ones. Nevertheless, the anhimids retain traces of be possible to determine primitive-derived se- the original adaptation of the order in the form quences within the Anseriformes more reliably. of vestigial lamellae. New ideas of relationships within the Anatidae Although specimens of Presbyornithidae are already suggest themselves. For example, we have abundant in the early Eocene, it is not known noted the similarities in the skull and mandible when the Anatidae originally diverged, as no OÎ Presbyornis to those in the monotypic Australian fossils certainly referable to this family are known genera Stictonetta and Malacorhynchus. These gen- before the early Oligocène. The major burst of era, and possibly Merganetta as well, appear to be adaptive radiation of Anatidae evidently took primitive relicts of an early anatid radiation and place in the mid-Tertiary, although the presence may be only distantly related to the remainder of of the highly derived living species of Anhimidae the Anatidae. Significantly, these three genera in South America suggests that there was some have never hybridized with any other ducks. divergence from the presbyornithid line earlier Along with Anseranas and the members of the than this. Dendrocygnini and , they are the only Until more detailed comparisons are made of waterfowl for which no intertribal or intergeneric the osteology oiPresbyornis, firm recommendations hybrids are known Qohnsgard, 1960a). It is likely as to the taxonomic status of the Presbyornithidae that the typical members of the "subfamily" An- cannot be made. For the present, we feel that serinae and the typical members of the "subfam- Presbyornis probably would have to be considered ily" Anatinae are more closely related to one as still having had a charadriiform grade of mor- another than to Stictonetta, Malacorhynchus, or Mer- phology. Like the Phoenicopteridae, the Pres- ganetta. A re-evaluation of the subgroups and the byornithidae appear to be Charadriiformes with sequence of genera of Anatidae is in order, but a specialized feeding apparatus. The Anseri- this lies beyond the scope of the present work. formes, as far as known, differ so much from their Preliminary indications show Anseranas, al- charadriiform ancestors in their postcranial anat- though having more duck-like characters than omy as to have disguised their origins up to the Presbyornis, to represent an early, very divergent present. For this reason, and because they repre- offshoot that is probably on a different line alto- sent an easily recognizable monophyletic group gether from that giving rise, through such forms having a diverse radiation, they can reasonably as Stictonetta, to the aquatic, filter-feeding Anati- be said to rank as a separate order of birds. The dae. We agree with Woolfenden (1961) that An- Anseriformes would constitute part of the su- seranas should be placed in a separate family, perorder Charadriomorphae in the sense of Steg- Anseranatidae. From a form such as Anseranas mann (1978) and should be placed immediately were derived increasingly terrestrial birds, which following the Charadriiformes. Literature Cited

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