Gabon Has Prepared an Environmental Code (No

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Gabon Has Prepared an Environmental Code (No -1 .’ i ’ TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMME 3. DESCRII’TION OF THE AREA OF IMPACT 4. POTENTIAL IMPACT AND MITIGATING MEASURES 5. ALTERNATIVES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME 12 6. SENSITIZATION CONCERNING THE ENVIRONMENT 12 7. SOCIO-CULTURAL HERITAGE AND VALUES 12 8. COMPENSATION FOR EXPRORIATION 13 9. ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF MITIGATING MEASURES 13 10. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 14 11. REFERENCES 14 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This environmental impact assessment concerns upgrading of the existing Fougamou-Mouila-NdendC and Lebamba-NdendC-Tchibanga road sections and rehabilitation of the Gare Octra-Owendo and Port-Gentil-Mandorove roads. 1.2 All roadwork, regardless of the state (rehabilitation or upgrading), affects the environment. The impact is more substantial where roads cross environmentally- sensitive areas. Given the importance of the roads concerned their location and their direct or induced impacts, this programme is classified in category I. An environmental impact assessment has thus been conducted and this paper presents its principal conclusions. 1.3 Gabon has prepared an environmental code (No. 16/93 of August 1993, concerning protection and improvement of the environment). Article 67 of this code requires an environmental impact study for all industrial, agricultural, urban, rural, mining or other work, construction or modifications undertaken by the public authorities and public and private companies which, because of their scale or, ecological implications, &-e likely to harm the environment. 1.4 It is in conformity with the said law and in keeping with the Bank’s environmental policy concerning categorization that the impact assessment has been conducted. This study aims to identify, foresee and evaluate the environmental impacts of the roadworks envisaged under the programme, and also. propose means of attenuating the adverse effects while maximizing the environmental benefits. To that end, the study has included the following sectoral analyses: 9 data collected on the environmental and socio-economic conditions and institutional, legislative and administrative frameworks; in addition to direct consultation of government technical services,. economic operators, local authorities, NGOs and representatives of communities along the roads concerned; ii) evaluation of the various significant environmental impacts; iii) identification of measures intended to reduce negative impacts; iv) estimate of approximate cost of measures; and 4 identification of a unit to carry out appropriate remedial measures aimed at reducing the negative effects, and the environmental audit. The two consulting firms have undertaken appreciable sitework. There have been several visits to the sites and the population has generally been involved, through its representatives in villages and district headquarters. I 2 I 1.5 The impact assessment includes the description of the programme, a definition of the environment in the study area, identification and description of the impacts on the environment, proposal of mitigating measures, estimates of {he cost of measures and the unit to monitor their implementation. 1.6 The two firms conducting the study are: ! /I 9 Bureau Etude, Conseils et Assistance Technique (BECAT] for the Port-Gentil- Mandorove et Gare Octra-Owendo sections; and / I ii) SociCtC Nouvelle Gabonaise d’Etude (SNGE) for. the Fougamou-Mouila- NdendC and Lebamba-Ndende-Tchibanga sections. , 1.7 The consultants have respected the relevant European legislation (Directive 85/3J/CEE), the guidelines on impact assessment studies prepared by the World Bank and the African Development Bank, and also Gabonese legisl&ion (No. 16/93 du 26/08/93) concerning protection and improvement of the environment. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMME I 2.1 The road programme comprises: , upgrading of the Fougamou-Mouila-Ndende road (17F km) upgrading of the Lebamba-NdendC-Tchibanga road (124 km) rehabilitation and renovation of the Port-Gentil-Mandorove road (33 km) rehabilitation and renovation of Gare Octra-Owendo express way (2x5 km) 2.2 These rehabilitation or upgrading works will concern a conventional surfaced carriageway, 9 metres wide with two shoulders, each one metre wide, and also water and drainage structures and posting of road signs. The two sections of the expressway will be surfaced with asphaltic concrete; each will be 7.60 m with 2.50 m wide shoulders, and double surface dressing and will also require adjustment of a platform and appropriate water and drainage structures. Particular attention will be paid to the following works: I - crossroads with multiple junctions, I - crossroads with asymmetrical connecting roads, - T junctions with asymmetrical connecting roads, I - level crossings for the secondary feeder roads, I - transfer of networks (electricity, water, telephone), an{ - replanting in areas affected by the project. I 2.3 The roads concerned by the programme are currently in a deplorable state. They become dangerous during the rainy season (9 months a year) and access to the towns and markets is extremely difficult. With tarred roads, not only would road accidents be reduced, but also travel time, making journeys more comfortable and pleasant. Vehicle breakdowns as well as repair and maintenance costs would also be - reduced. The upgrading and rehabilitation of these roads will hoist economic activity and trade with neighbouring countries. / 3 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA OF IMPACT 3.1 The Fougamou-Mouila-NdendC and Lebamba-Ndende-Tchibanga sections. 3.1.1 The impact area covers three characteristic morphological types: The Ngounie valley, with altitudes varying from 30 to 100 m, from Fougamou to NdendC; The Ikoundou hills, with gritty and rugged- relief, between Nyali and Tchibanga; and The Piedmont of the Chaillu crystalline massive, with the typical hummocky relief, found towards Lebamba, at an altitude of 200-300m. The greater part of the impact area, lying to the east of the Ikoundou massive, is drained by the Ngounie, the main tributary of the left bank of the Ogooue. 3.1.2 Fougamou-Mouila Road Within the vast Ngounie Plain, the road traverses generally flat country, undulating in certain areas and covered with savannahs. It crosses several tributaries of the Ngounie: 3.1.3 NdendC-Tchibanaa Road The NdendC-Nyali section (30 km) represents the transition between the NgouniC Plain and the eastern counterforts of the Ikoundou. The road runs through a slightly undulating area, predominantly covered by savannahs. This section crosses two tributaries of the Ngounie: The Douba and the Outsakou. The Nyali-tchibanga road (60 km) runs through the rugged area of Ikoudou, which is under forest. The abrupt contact of this region and the Ngounie Plains to the east and the Nyanga to the west has given rise to major ramps and deviations in certain sections. It crosses only one river: the Moukalaba Gauzi, a tributary of the Nyanga. 3.1.4 Ndende-Lebamba Road The 34 km road runs through a hilly and quite undulating region, with the result that the layout shows marked deviations and a rapid succession of high and low points. , 4 3.1.5 The major geological formations encountered in the study iirea are: ,The calcareous/alkaline granite of the Mayoumbe I lassive; The higher schistous/calcareous series of the kar tic plain of Mouila and Ndende; and The sandy shale series of the Ikoundou mountains. 3.1.5 The soil of the impact area is the ferralitic type. It re: llts from rapid and intense alteration of rocks that are typical of the inter-tropical hur id climate zone. In the schistous/cal,careous series of the NgouniC and Nyanga rive : basins, the soil is predominantly of the indurated feralitic type, whereas the sand shale series of the Ikoundou has deep layers of renewed iron-bearing soil. 3.1.6 The study area has two distinct seasons with the following characteristics: a rainy season from mid-September to the end of uiay, and a dry season from early June to mid-September. ~ The average temperature is 26°C. 3.1.7 The two main vegetation types in the study are: savannahs which tend to be shrubby in the hyanga basin and herbaceous in the Ngounie basin, and are intersperded with forests; and the mountain forest zone, which is rather dense and1 exuberant. In the Savannah, the graminaceous species are predominant. I 3.1.9 The tropical evergreen forest consistently covers the Ikoundou ranges. This is an area of exceptional richness and diversity with 4,000 to 5,000 common varieties, 20% of which are endemic. The best-known wood obtained from the Gabon’s forest is the OkoumC, used for plywood production. At present, Gaboh’s forest as a plant canopy does not seem threatened. It should however be noted that exploitation necessarily brings about degradation from primary to secondary forest. Lumbering is carried out by three categories of operators: Industrial logging companies that are subsidiaries of European groups, Private companies formed by association of private foreign and national parties, and individual loggers (nationals). The study area has two sawmills. 1. Mandilou - capacity below 5,000 m*, and 2. Mouila - capacity between 5,000 and 10,000 m2. 5 3.1.10 The wildlife is generally abundant and varied. In the Savannah environment, the classical wildlife includes ungulates-buffalos and antelopes and panthers. Lions were once found here but have now disappeared. The forest is a sanctuary for large mammals such as elephants, panthers and primates. The country’s gorilla population is estimated at between 30,000 and 40,000, with an average density of 0.18 per km2 of potential inhabitants. Several species are under protection in Gabon; others are partly protected and a hunting quota is in force. Hunting is still an important source of protein today, while poaching represents an appreciable source of income. Hunting is regulated. The Fougamou, Nyali and Tchibanga regions are particularly rich in game. Fishing is a secondary activity. 3.1.11 According to 1993 data, Ngounie Province has 77,781 inhabitants and Nyanga has 39,430.
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