HOMER IN CRETE Model of the Museum of Ancient Eleutherna he project with the title “Building For information please contact: TComplex of the Museum of the Archaeological Site of Eleutherna – Itinerary”, Museum of the Archaeological Site ANCIENT ELEUTHERNA MUSEUM OF was implemented through the European of Eleutherna Operational Programme “Competitiveness Address: Eleutherna Rethymno 74052 Crete and Entrepreneurship 2007-2013” (NSRF) by Tel. and FAX: +03028340-92501 its operators the University of Crete and the Ministry of Culture and Sports. Mediterranean Archaeological Society (M.A.S.) his effort was also supported by private Address: Β. Hali 8, Rethymno 74100 Crete Tinitiative (Members of Excellency of Chatzichristou 14 Athens 11742 the Mediterranean Archaeological Society, Tel. +030-2130358884 Organisms, Foundations and private e-mail:
[email protected] individuals).
[email protected] http://mae.com.gr MUSEUM OF ANCIENT ELEUTHERNA Ancient Eleutherna secrets, which date from approximately in the Louvre in Paris. grave gifts of weapons, jewellery, films and audiovisual presenta- 3000 BC to the fourteenth century AD. Room C is dedicated to Eleuth- and tools. This tomb contained tions enhance the museum’s t approximately 380m above sea level, Excavations at the Orthi Petra necropolis erna’s cemeteries. The display the bronze shield now on dis- evocative exhibits. Aon the slopes of Mount Ida (Psiloritis), show that the Early Iron Age, particularly focuses on finds from the Orthi play as an emblem in the muse- Eleutherna stands on a prominence that re- the period from 900 BC to the end of the Petra necropolis, since these il- um’s entrance. Contacts and exchange be- sembles a vast stone ship moored in ineffa- 6th or beginning of the 5th century BC, lustrate the Homeric narrative, The display ends with a recon- tween East and West in antiq- ble green with its prow pointing northwest.