Fact-Finding/Needs Assessment Mission to L ib e ria 11-16 May 1998 nal Commission of Jurists The International CommLfdion of Jur'uftj (IC J) permits free reproduction of extracts from any of its publications provided that due acknowledgement is given and a copy of the publication carrying the extract is sent to its headquar ters at the following address: International Communion of Juridtd (ICJ) P.O.Box 216 81 A, avenue de Chatelaine CH - 1219 Chatelaine/Geneva Switzerland Telephone : (4122) 97958 00; Fax : (4122) 97938 01 e-mail:
[email protected] C o n t e n t s Introduction ................................................................................. 7 Historical Background................................................................ 8 Structure of the State................................................................... 11 The Executive........................................................................ 11 The Legislature...................................................................... 11 The Judiciary.......................................................................... 12 The Courts and the Application of Substantive Laws........... 12 Judicial Independence................................................................ 13 Legal and Judicial Protection of Human Rights .................... 14 The Bar and related Bodies ....................................................... 17 The Role of Local Non-Governmental Organizations........... 18 International Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations .................................