MaozIsrael report

April 2012 Nisan - Iyar 5772 Since 1976 Founded by Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram

The Branding of Palestinian Christianity: The church surrounded by the wall which separates the West Bank from Israel proper and which keeps terrorists out of Israel, but is inconvenient to Arabs in the West Bank.

The Latest Weapon Against Israel PALESTINIAN CHRISTIANITY

expressed their great love of the Jewish homeland,” meaning giving the Holy Land By Shira Sorko-Ram people and at the same time described the to the Muslims. (When you see the word, injustice, the evil and immoral occupation Palestinian, read “Muslim,” as 99% of all of Palestine and crimes against humanity Palestinians are Muslims.) The Messianic Jewish community by the criminal state of Israel. They explained that the Israel of today in Israel has just experienced a searing The speakers at the Christ at the has nothing to do with the Israel of the and wrenching event as we watched Checkpoint conference demanded that the Bible. In other words, the Old Testament live streaming of security fence/wall and checkpoints be scriptures concerning Israel are no longer in Bethlehem hosting an incredibly taken down (which would of course allow in effect. The offspring of Abraham that sophisticated attack against the existence the return of suicide bombers crossing the Bible talks about, they said, is only of Israel. into Israel again). They demanded that about Jesus, not the Jews. Their tongues were smooth as they Arabs be allowed to return to their “ancient And they further stated that any promises

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concerning Israel have only a spiritual Christian Church in the West Bank? Why application and therefore literal interpretation have they latched on to Replacement is false. Consequently, the Conference theology? So simple: Because they are concluded, the modern State of Israel is not afraid of Islam. in any way a fulfillment of Scripture. Look at these figures: According In all the live streaming I was able to to Looklex Encyclopedia, in the West listen to, I heard nothing about terrorist Bank and Gaza, only one percent of the attacks or threats to exterminate Israel. population is traditional Christian, and Rather I heard pro-Palestinian activists 1/10th of one percent is Protestant. from England and the US telling how they In fact Looklex states, “Palestine [i.e. confront Israeli soldiers serving in the West West Bank and Gaza] is today perhaps Bank and challenge them to go AWOL the most homogeneous society in the because of their crimes against humanity. in matters of religion, being I heard calls for economic boycotts to the only country with close to 100% of collapse Israel’s economy. its population belonging to Sunni Islam.” In short, the tiny group of Arab I cannot conclude this Evangelicals in the West Bank and Gaza are swimming in a dictatorship of article without saying 4,000,000 Islamists. It is no wonder that that there are wonderful at the Christ at the Checkpoint conference, the word Muslim or Islam was barely Arab Christians who know mentioned and the subject of existential what the Bible says, and threats and terrorism against Jews was not mentioned at all. have decided to believe Anti-Israel Palestinian Christians are God’s Word and put their unconsciously or consciously forced to blame Israel for the huge decrease of Arab lot with Israel as Ruth Christians in the West Bank and Gaza the Moabitess did, rather over the last few decades. But here is an interesting statistic that contradicts such than be intimidated by propaganda. Why is there no more than the violent threats of the one percent of Christians left in the sea of Muslim “Palestine,” whereas in Israel, Islamic religion. 10% of Israeli Arabs are Christians? The facts are obvious: there is no The central focus of the entire conference place in the world where Arabs have more Shulam, lamented, “Christians in the West was the suffering of Palestinians as the freedom to worship as they choose as in Bank and Gaza don’t realize that their best result of the illegal occupation of Arab land the state of Israel. But Christian Arabs friend is Israel and their best hope is in by the illegitimate state of Israel. in the West Bank will argue that for the Israel. The day will come when these Arab Yet there was no awareness that the most part the Islamists leave them alone. Christians will wish Israel would be there surrounding Arab nations that want to Mostly true, as long as they don’t start for them, and will call for Israel to come exterminate Israel are the major cause of evangelizing Muslims! That’s a whole and help them just like the opposition in Palestinian suffering. different scenario. Syria is doing now.” (Incidentally, I was wondering if these The miniscule number of Christians in same Arab Christians would be ready to Gaza makes them especially vulnerable IS THE CHECKPOINT trade places with the 1,000,000 Israeli Jews to Islamic fanaticism and their lives are CONFERENCE SIGNIFICANT? in southern Israel who are racing to shelters constantly in danger with Hamas at the every few minutes as a result of more than helm. And if Hamas succeeds through But what is the big deal with a 200 rockets launched against them from “elections” to take over the West Bank, conference in Bethlehem attended by 600 Gaza over the last three days.) Arab Christians and Israeli Jews will both people? The danger is that strident anti- be under constant attack. Israel, anti-Semitism, cloaked in the “love HERE COMES THE ELEPHANT Yet these Arab Christians at the of God for our enemies (i.e. Jews)” is so conference are convinced they want to see beautifully wrapped in churchy language To use a cliché, we must now expose the Jewish state vanish. They don’t believe that many Evangelicals in the West could the elephant in the room. Why this rage Israel has any promises yet to see fulfilled. be (and sadly probably will be) deceived and hatred towards Israel from the Arab As one Messianic Jewish leader, Yosef and hoodwinked into believing that the april 2012 Maoz Israel Report 3

French pro- Palestinian activists protesting the arrest of other activists by French authorities. Those arrested were charged with ‘inciting discrimination, hate or violence’ through boycotts against Israel.

Church has replaced Israel and that the deception of Replacement theology that so Do we care about the suffering of Arabs? state of Israel has caused the Palestinians many Evangelicals have not grasped. Yes! incalculable injury and injustice. I cannot conclude this article without Do we want to see them saved? Yes! By putting on sheep’s clothing, the saying that there are wonderful Arab Do we want to see them curse themselves Palestinian Christians can do far more believers – more in Israel but also a few by cursing Israel? No! damage to the people of Israel than even in the West Bank and Gaza (who are Cursing Israel will surely keep spiritual Muslims can. The Christian terminology severely persecuted by their Replacement revival and physical wellbeing from coming sounds familiar, the jargon is spiritual, but theology colleagues) – who know what the to them, and will trap many innocent and the end goal is the destruction of Israel. Bible says, and have decided to believe naïve Christians around the world. That’s what Replacement theology allows. God’s Word and put their lot with Israel Sadly, when liberal leftist professors There is no way to compromise with as Ruth the Moabitess did, rather than be and intellectuals from the US and Europe Replacement theology. Replacement intimidated by the violent threats of the claiming to be Christians and spewing theology, no matter who teaches it and Islamic religion. hatred of Israel combine their poison with who holds it, is the key evil of historical We not only love them, we look for every the Arab Christians in the West Bank and Christianity and it has been the principle way to work together with them to advance Gaza, whose life narrative is to tell how motive for the Holocaust and the blood the Kingdom of God with Jews and Arabs. the Jews are causing them to suffer great libels and pogroms of history. Our excitement and gratitude is equal injustices, the combination is lethal. It If you will take the time to absorb the whether a Jew or an Arab receives salvation. makes for nothing less than another arm information in the following article by Avner And do we think that Israeli politicians of Satan to attempt to destroy the nation Boskey, one of the most scholarly Messianic and soldiers are all examples of morality of Israel that God has brought back to His Jews in Israel, you will understand the and compassion? Of course not. Land in these last days. 4 Maoz Israel Report april 2012


of 1517, successive levels of Central Asian Arabs contributed so far to the Body By Avner Boskey Muslims also made their home in this of Messiah’s theological and spiritual region. understandings regarding the role and Only after the British conquest in calling of the Jewish people? ver the past few years, some December 1917 did the region receive the Palestinian Christians have name the ‘Palestine Mandate’ in 1922. In Suffering and theology Obeen trumpeting a Replacement those days the term Palestinian was used theology message which most Messianic to describe Jews as well as Arabs, and the One of the main issues that Palestinian Jews feel is harmful to the Jewish people original name of the Jewish newspaper ‘The Christians have focused upon concerns and the Jewish state. Before we look at Post’ was ‘The Palestine Post.’ their suffering in the 20th century, as the what this new Palestinian Replacement Only after the 1948 War of Independence armed forces of the Arab-Islamic world theology is saying, we need to first define did the term Palestinian gradually morph have clashed with the resurgent Jewish terms, and understand what a Palestinian is. into a synonym for Arabs from the Land of State of Israel. Arab Christians in the land Israel. As a result, the term Palestinian is a of Israel are truly a small Christian minority Historical roots of the term rather modern moniker. within the larger Muslim community, and ‘Palestinian’ As Arab Palestinians attempt to make much of their perspective is borrowed from their own unique contribution to religious the larger Muslim community’s group The origin of the term ‘Palestinian’ discussion, as they share their distinctive perspective. comes from the period just after the perspective as Semites living in the land The Islamist riots in Jerusalem in the Romans crushed the Jewish Bar Kokhba which Abraham bequeathed to Isaac 1920’s and 30’s, the massacre of the Jewish revolt (135 AD/CE). The Roman Emperor and Jacob (Genesis 25:5-6), let’s ask the community in Hebron in 1929, the local Hadrian renamed the province Provincia question: What have Palestinian Christian Arab attacks on first British and then Israeli Syria Palaestina, using the Latin version of Jewish infrastructure and communities in the the word ‘Philistine’ – the biblical enemies 1930’s and 40’s – these violent expressions of the Jewish people. Hadrian’s choice A belief in the of resistance to established authority are of the word was not accidental – it was a an important key in understanding modern deliberate Roman insult. In that century return of Yeshua to Palestinian Christian theologizing vis-à-vis the majority of the inhabitants of this Jews, Israel and Messianic Jews. region were Jews. Arabs did not pour into Jerusalem to set up In the early 20th century Arab Christians the province of Palaestina until the jihadi often found themselves rejected by invasions of 638 AD. His Davidic kingdom their larger Islamic host communities as Though no country called Palestine was is the cause of Islamic quislings. Arab Christians were viewed ever established, the curse-name given as collaborating with the infidel western by the Romans continued to be loosely hatred of Israel, and civilization, spiritual heirs of the Crusaders, associated with the region through the as dhimmis (an Arabic term for the centuries. After the Islamist invasion, many is a distortion of the oppressive second-class status of Jews and Arabs settled here. With the advent of the Bible and the gospel. Christians in Islamic society) – in short, Crusaders, an influx of Catholic Europeans a disloyal fifth column in a monolithic and Byzantines from Constantinople Muslim world. inundated the land. In the centuries Palestinian Replacement As a result, some Christian Arabs surrounding the Turkish Ottoman invasion Theology (both nominal and Evangelical) have bent april 2012 Maoz Israel Report 5

over backwards, manifesting a a leading member. In 1970 his Instead of a massacre of Jews, the Palestinian, nearly compulsive desire to prove attempted putsch resulted in the War of Independence saw repeated European and themselves even more committed Black September massacres. He Israeli victories. left-wing Israeli to the greater Arab umma (people), directed the terror massacres at Arabs fled their own cities and peace activists even more radical than their Ben-Gurion airport (27 dead), the villages, in most cases urged to do demonstrate Muslim neighbors in their espousal Swissair bombing (47 dead), and so by Arab leaders. Many simply against Israel’s of Palestinian national awakening the Entebbe hijacking to Uganda. moved up the coast to Beirut or separation and in their resistance to the Jewish Habash was unusually radical in the down the coast to Gaza, awaiting barrier, near the town of state. world of Palestinian terror, and was the almost certain Islamic triumph Bethlehem. One outstanding example of the only Christian to achieve such a and massacre of the Jews that had this dynamic comes to us from the prominent status. been proclaimed. In a minority PLO’s world of violent resistance. of other cases, some Arabs were Dr. George Habash, founder and Suffering and victimhood forcibly removed from their former Secretary-General of the – building blocks of a villages by Israeli forces, especially Popular Front for the Liberation Palestinian theology in strategic areas where Arab forces of Palestine (PFLP), was born to were hoping to break through and an Arab Christian family in Lod In 1948 the combined armies strangle the fledgling Jewish state. and sang in a children’s choir of many Arab countries declared The Palestinian refugee in his family’s Greek Orthodox a jihad against the Jewish farms problem is the result of that Church. He eventually moved into and towns of the land of Israel, conflict. But whereas the State politics, and was exiled twice from prophesying massacre and of Israel absorbed 800,000 after participating in two genocide. Yet in bloody and Jewish refugees driven out from unsuccessful coups to overthrow extended combat, these Arab armies Muslim lands in those same years Jordan’s King Hussein. He joined were for the most part pushed back (granting them full citizenship), Yasser Arafat’s PLO and became by Jewish irregulars (the Haganah). the Arab world kept Palestinians 6 Maoz Israel Report april 2012

Palestinians stateless and interned them in Palestinian history – a view which Islāmīyah, the Islamic resistance in the West squalid camps on the borders of blames the Jews for winning a war movement). Bank call for Israel. Egypt and Syria trained which, if the Jewish forces had Here are the unofficial ‘articles a boycott of Palestinians to become fedayeen lost, would have resulted in the of faith’ of the Islamic Palestinian Israeli goods and (Arabic for sacrificial redeemers), annihilation of the Israeli people. narrative. This is the way they read goods produced guerilla fighters who were directed This skewed Palestinian view history: in Israeli to attack Israeli infrastructure, speaks with a voice trembling with • Palestinians were brutally settlements. kibbutzim and travelers. Rather the anger of revenge and the desire attacked and defeated by cruel anti- than ameliorating the refugee for reconquest. This Palestinian Islamic forces (the Israel Defence situation, the neighboring Arab narrative of history is kept alive Forces) states made a concerted effort to by inflammatory Arabic buzz • They then had their land turn the refugees into a political words: Naqba (the disaster, used unjustly taken from them and military tool – one which to describe Arab defeats in 1948), • Now they are forced to live would try to destroy the Jewish Naksa (the setback, Arab defeats under cruel oppression state. in 1967), (resolute Islamic In this narrative, no one recalls determination to hold on to and that attempts to slaughter the Jews of The terminology of revenge retake the whole land of Israel) and Israel and steal Jewish lands which al-Muqāwamah (resistance, usually had been legally purchased, utterly Since then, at least two a euphemism for violent terror; the failed. No one dares to remember Palestinian generations have been Arabic word Hamas is the acronym that for centuries Jews were forced brought up with a skewed view of for Harakat al-Muqāwamah al- to live as second-class citizens in

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Islamic society, subject to pogroms, riots is on the cross again with thousands of A rose by any other name and even community slaughter from time Palestinians around Him … The Israeli to time. government crucifixion system is operating Most of the speakers at the 2012 CATC Most importantly, the Islamic daily.” In an article in Sabeel’s Cornerstone conference were agreed on this main point –a Palestinian narrative rejects the biblical journal (2000) Ateek describes the Israeli belief in the return of Yeshua to Jerusalem to set framework which sees the return of the government as a “modern day Herod” and up His Davidic kingdom is the cause of Islamic Jewish people as prophesied in the Hebrew stated that “original sin is the violence of hatred of Israel, and is a distortion of the Bible Scriptures and in the New Covenant. the Israeli occupation.” and the gospel. In the words of one speaker These three points are the skeletal whose words dripped with sarcasm, those who Modern Protestant developments framework upon which the majority of believe in the physical restoration of the Jewish modern Palestinian Replacement theology people are stupid, blind and blockheads. This article has time to focus only on hangs its arguments: At the same time, nearly all the speakers Protestant and Evangelical theological • nullifying the promises to Israel by refused to define their beliefs as Replacement thought over the past thirty years. Rev. interpreting them as referring spiritually to theology. Yet, classically understood, Dr. Naim Ateek, former Canon of St. all believers Replacement Theology teaches that the George’s Cathedral in , is • reinterpreting the Great Commission promises originally made to the Jewish people founder of Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation into a call primarily for civil disobedience no longer apply to the Jewish people. Since it Theology Center. His first book Justice and good works is unfashionable to state this boldly in our day, and only Justice: A Palestinian Theology • characterizing Israeli Jews as evil and the term ‘replace’ is removed, and the terms of Liberation (Orbis, 1989) outlined a clear unjust occupiers of a land that no longer ‘fulfilled’ or ‘spiritual meaning’ or ‘expanded’ platform for modern Palestinian theology belongs to them are used instead. But the result is the same. on these issues: Paul’s teaching (that the gifts given to the • The Old Testament’s teachings are Justice, and only Palestinian justice Jewish people and the calling on them still seen by most Palestinians as referring to remain and are unchangeable) is transformed the Jewish people, their first-born status At CATC March 2012 conference in by Palestinian Replacement theologians into as the chosen people, and their prophesied Bethlehem (perhaps the premier gathering direct opposition of Romans 11:29. return to the land. Since most Palestinian of Palestinian Protestant Replacement According to this view, the land and the Christians cannot accept these biblical theology activists) the speakers regularly promise of blessing given to the descendants facts and teachings, a radical new way of used the terms ‘justice,’ ‘peacemaking,’ of Jacob now belong to Palestinians, or indeed interpreting the Bible must be found. As ‘oppression,’ ‘evil’ and ‘violence’ in line to any nation – just not to the Jewish nation Ateek says, “The fundamental question with Ateek’s philosophy. Oppression, per se. This view violates what Abraham of many [Palestinian] Christians, whether violence and evil were buzz words which had expressly intended in Genesis 25:5-6. uttered or not, is: How can the Old referred to the Jewish control over the All promises given to the Jewish people, this Testament be the Word of God in light of land of Israel and IDF security activities, movement teaches, were conditional in any the Palestinian Christians’ experience with while justice and peacemaking referred case, yet only spiritual in nature, and almost its use to support Zionism?” (pp. 77-78, JAOJ) to the need for Palestinians to retake always only universalist in intent. The logical • Marxist-influenced Liberation lands lost in the 1948 and 1967 wars; inconsistencies here are simply astounding! theology perspective offers a solution here. the requirement to establish a Palestinian While the Apostle Paul warned Gentile Atonement and salvation are reinterpreted state; the importance of influencing believers not to be arrogant toward the Jewish into support for political revolution, Christian believers across the planet to people (Romans 11:18), one theologian at the resistance through demonstration, boycott stop supporting planting trees in Israel, recent CATC conference said that a belief and political pressure on Israel. Sabeel to boycott Israeli products, and to lobby that God is restoring the Jewish people to recently declared, “We see boycott and their own politicians to diminish support Israel is in itself arrogant. divestment as non-violent tools for justice, for Israel’s democratically elected peace and security for all.” ( government and her policies. When does non-violence events.php?eventid=183) When the terms justice, peace, blend into violence? • The Jewish people’s honored oppression and evil are used so inaccurately calling in Scripture must be negatively to describe the Jewish state and those At first glance, it seems that there is reinterpreted. As Ateek proclaimed in a who defend it, there is jingoistic mindset a consensus among these Palestinian recent Christ at the Checkpoint (CATC) at work in much of what comes out of theologians and thinkers that violence is to be conference sponsored by Bethlehem Bible the Palestinian Replacement theology eschewed. The term ‘non-violent resistance’ College, “It seems to many of us that Jesus movement today. is repeated like a mantra many times in

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publications and at meetings. But there seems Land Trust, and was one of the main tries to rivet the world’s attention on to be more here than meets the eye. organizers and speakers at CATC 2012 (he Palestinian suffering, while strengthening Mubarak Awad, the brother of Alex and is Bishara’s son and Mubarak’s nephew). the hands of those who would weaken and Bishara (respectively Dean and President Awad spoke freely in an article by Najib dismember the Jewish state. It refuses to of Bethlehem Bible College) and a speaker Farag titled : Wake humbly acknowledge the hand of God in at the 2012 CATC conference, has stated in up every day and ask yourself what you the restoration of Jacob’s children to the the Journal for Palestine Studies (Volume 13; can do to resist the occupation (Palestine New land covenanted to the Jewish people by number 4; Summer 1984; pp. 22-36): “…The Network, January 5, 2007) Abraham himself, or even to recognize most effective strategy is one of non-violence. “The training,” Awad declare, “also God’s covenant love for the children of This does not determine the methods open focuses on the popular campaigns, Israel. Tellingly, it seems that they have to Palestinians on the outside; nor does it demonstrations and marches … We also completely forgotten to give thanks for the constitute a rejection of the concept of focus on other methods of nonviolent enormous territories and lands that God has armed struggle. It does not rule out the resistance such as product boycotts. To allotted to the Arab peoples – more than possibility that the struggle on the inside may boycott Israeli production is one of the 640 times greater than Israel’s allotment, turn into an armed struggle at a later stage… most important tools of nonviolent struggle the tiny land of Canaan. These methods can be successfully utilized, that we have available to us…” Awad also Surely there must be a better way to at least at this stage, by individuals who are focused on massive demonstrations against raise prayer for Palestinian Arabs, to not necessarily committed to non-violence the separation fences and walls built by encourage intercession for their spiritual and who may choose, at a different stage, Israel to keep out suicide bombers and and physical needs, and to cultivate a to engage in armed struggle.” (all bold and terrorists. These demonstrations are “not heart of love and outreach to them on the italics from editor) a substitute for the armed struggle. This part of the international body of Messiah is not a method for normalization with – without instigating a denial of Israel’s the occupation. Our goal is to revive the gifts, a mocking of her calling, and a Buzz words for justice popular resistance until every person is fostering of anti-Israeli sentiment, while involved in dismantling the occupation.” simultaneously teaching a rehashed and peacemaking: The veil between non-violence, civil form of Replacement theology spiced The need for disobedience which creates violence, and up with leftist civil disobedience. Is this armed struggle appears paper-thin in these truly the best that Palestinians have to Palestinians to retake quotes. The Replacement theologians offer as a gift to lay before the feet of of this modern Palestinian movement Yeshua, the King of Israel who is seated lands lost in the 1948 are experimenting with a Frankenstein’s on David’s throne? and 1967 wars monster, one destined to run amok. A miniscule movement like this one lives, Avner and his wife Rachel life in moves, and has its being in a Palestinian the Negev desert. They are involved in community which is aflame. These thinkers worship, intercession, teaching and music Rabbi Shlomo Riskin points out and writers are swimming in a raging sea of recording, and oversee Final Frontier (Chicago Tribune, January 7 1988) that Islamist violence. Ministries Mubarak Awad’s form of non-violence When circumstances allow for it, this calls for ‘peacemakers’ to “attempt to movement can find wiggle room to agree block roads, prevent communications, cut with the Koranic teachings regarding God’s electricity, telephone and water lines, and disfavor toward the Jewish people, or with prevent the movement of equipment” – the jihadi necessity of reclaiming lost in short, sabotage mixed with aspects of Islamic lands. Yet in conferences heavily guerilla warfare. attended by Westerners, this movement can A similar point to the one made by stress its impeccable Christian non-violent Mubarak Awad was stated by Ben White credentials. (who is listed as speaker at CATC but was a no-show), in an article titled Nonviolent A gift from the Holy Land? resistance a means, not the end, in the journal ‘The Electronic Intifada’ Palestinian Replacement theology is (October 12, 2007), “Popular struggle, more of the same old Christian anti-Jewish like violent resistance, is not an end in theology. Though it tries to make its beliefs and of itself; it is a method, a strategy. appear fashionable and politically correct, It is the end goal, decolonization and its bedrock teaching still involves ignoring liberation from occupation and Zionist God’s clear enscripturated promises to the apartheid …” descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sami Awad is the Director of the Holy and His irrevocable calling on them. It march 2012 Maoz Israel Report 9 g C elebratin Ment o rin g g Co ns u ltin

From top: Dedicating a new baby in our congregation,Tiferet Yeshua; Pastor Jim Hennesy from Trinity Church in Cedar Hill, Texas, addressing a group of leaders and leaders-in-the-making at the congregation; Bi-annual meeting with our Maoz USA board for accountability and advice. 10 Maoz Israel Report april 2012

The Gez family with Ari Sorko-Ram at Elior’s Bar Mitzvah. From left: Olga, Stav, Elior, Ronen BECAUSE OF HIM I’M ALIVE home that was what we call “masorti” – Then came 1991 when Saddam Hussein By Ronen Gez traditional. Father went to synagogue on kept lobbing missiles into the Tel Aviv area. the Sabbath, but we were not strict about Olga and her family – like everybody else keeping rabbinical law. in the country – spent a lot of time in their My grandfather was a shoemaker in the I always believed there was a God, but sealed room. Olga began thinking again of city of Tunis. He was one of 110,000 Jews actually neither my family nor my friends me and called me up. living in this Muslim nation, Tunisia, before talked about Him, and really I didn’t think She brought me to meet her family who Israel’s independence in 1948. Then most much about who He was or what He did. was quite concerned because I was 22 and of the Jews fled – either to Israel or France. When I enlisted in the army after high Olga was only 16½! However, the family My grandparents chose France. However, school, I was given the task of guarding decided that I was a good and decent after a few years, they decided that Israel the President of Israel, Chaim Herzog. I person and after three years of seeing each was the best place to raise their family and was stationed in a guardhouse in front of other we married. I had settled into a job at they all immigrated to the new state. the president’s home in a very nice section a shoe factory. Along came Elior, our first- At 17, my father arrived to a new of Herzilya by the Sea. A few houses down born son, and after that, Stav, our daughter. country and a new language – difficult for lived a family of Tunisians who had a Meanwhile Olga’s brother Shlomi any teenager. But he finished high school, young daughter named Olga. had attended the Messianic Jewish and then joined the army. Soon he met my Olga, at 14 years old, would often pass congregation at Ari and Shira’s (which was mother – also a new immigrant from Tunis. by my guardhouse and would stop to talk in their home at that time) and received They married and settled down in the city to me. This went on for as long as I was Yeshua as the Lamb who took his sins away. of Herzilya, just north of Tel Aviv. a guard, but when my military service was Shlomi became an “instant evangelist” and I and my three brothers grew up in a over, we lost contact. spent hours talking to Olga and me about april 2012 Maoz Israel Report 11

salvation through the Messiah. our house and talk to us about the Scriptures, But then my congregation sprang into Olga listened carefully and pondered and finally Olga asked me to visit Tiferet action. Every single Sabbath the whole this Good News. One day she simply Yeshua Congregation. I went because I congregation prayed for me. If I was felt a change in her heart. She didn’t say loved Olga. But when I arrived, I can only strong enough to attend, they laid hands anything to me at the time, but I saw she say that what I saw was all good. The on me and prayed. If I couldn’t make it, was reading her Bible all the time and atmosphere was so warm. The people were they prayed anyway. Many people from praying – many times with tears. Later she good people. The worship was wonderful. the congregation visited me, praying for told me God had opened her heart and she And I was shown so much love. me, teaching me and encouraging me to saw things differently. Even my mother started coming once in stand in faith on the promises of God to I had not paid much attention to Shlomi’s a while to see what the congregation was heal me. teaching and I actually became very angry all about. She also saw the good people After four treatments, the doctors gave with Olga. I began to treat her roughly and and felt their love. At the time, she had me a CT scan, and then told me, “You are I let her know I did not want her attending a medical condition the doctors couldn’t really doing good! The cancer is almost all any Messianic meetings at all. My mother figure out. So she prayed silently at the gone!” was also worried about this strange faith. congregation that God would show the After two more treatments, they gave But Olga decided to attend a three-day doctors what was wrong. The next day me another scan, and pronounced me conference in Jerusalem and against my they found the problem. My mother began cancer free. will, took off. I felt like I was going crazy. to realize there was something real about When Olga went to the service the The only way I can describe it was that God’s power through Messiah Yeshua. following Sabbath (I was too weak to go) those three days felt like death. I realized Then in March 2011, I began to have they told me that when the worship began, how much I loved Olga and I wanted her very strong pains in my left side. The she danced all over the room! Everybody back – no matter what. What I didn’t know doctors ran many tests and found nothing. was rejoicing and praising God. Before she was that Olga was up in Jerusalem praying We then went to a private doctor because could say a word everybody understood and crying for me. the pain increased. He found lumps in my from her dancing that I was healed! When she came back, she went to her neck, chest and stomach. After biopsies, My children, who were once afraid mother’s home, not knowing how I would they brought the terrible news that I had they were going to lose their father, react. I went straight to her mother’s house cancer which had spread throughout my now know that God is alive and well, and begged Olga to come home. Olga said, body. The diagnosis was Lymphoma non- and has healed me. They are part of the “If you want me, you have to receive me Hodgkin’s cancer. They recommended six second generation of Messianic Jews in together with my faith.” I agreed! doses of chemotherapy every three weeks. Israel! And their numbers are growing Meanwhile, Shlomi continued to come to It seemed my end had come. throughout the land.

Elior, following the ancient tradition based on Deuteronomy 6:8 at his Bar Mitzvah. Elior is one of the new generation of young Messianic Jews born in the land of Israel.