~ITY OF Office of the JUNE LAGMAY CITY CLERK City Clerk Council and Public Services Room 395, City Hall HOLLY L. WOLCOTT Los Angeles, CA 90012 General Information- (213) 978-1133 Executive Officer Fax: (213) 978-1040


July 22, 2010

To All Interested Parties:

The City Council adopted the action(s), as attached, under Council file

No. 10-1234 ,atitsmeetingheld July21.2010

An Equal Employment Opportunity -Affirmative Action Employer /0 ~! /).3£/ ~or Weia~Jl{ 1 fz; AqeYJOft!L !Jfl; TO CITY ClERK FOR PLACEMENT ON NEXT REGULAR COUNCil AGENDA TO BE POSTED #53 RESOLUTION JUL 16 Z!lllt WHEREAS, the Grim Sleeper case involved efforts and hmovations that stretch back years; and

WHEREAS, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Chief made it his top priority to capture the Grim Sleeper; and

WHEREAS, an innovative program approved by California Attorney General Jerry Brown allowed for the "familial" DNA testing that ultimately led to the arrest of Lonnie David Franklin Jr; and

WHEREAS, the investigation required extraordinary and painstaking police work, as well as community and political pressure and a unique use of DNA evidence; and

WHEREAS, the vigilance and tireless efforts of Detective Dennis Kilcoyne, Detective Paul Coulter, Detective William Fallon, Detective Clifford Shepard, LAPD Robbery-Homicide Division, and LAPD Scientific Investigation Division, led to an arrest nearly 25 years after the first known murder attributed to the Grim Sleeper was committed; and

WHEREAS, LAPD continues its glorious tradition of protecting and serving Los Angeles communities with highly-trained and skilled officers, new and groundbreaking technology and a commitment to public service that is replicated around the world but is second to none; and

WHEREAS, then-chief Bernard C. Parks in 2001, making law enforcement history and setting the trend for other departments to follow, created the first Unit in the nation, which tested DNA from bits of hair and skin saved from cold crimes and led the LAPD to find matches between the recent killings of the Grim Sleeper in 2001, 2003 and 2007 with the eight killings around Western Avenue in the 1980 1s; and

WHEREAS, Detective Dennis Kilcoyne, Detective Paul Coulter, Detective William Fallon, Detective Clifford Shepard are all to be commended for their hard work and diligence which aided in the apprehension of the Grip Sleeper.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by adoption of this Resolution, the Los Angeles City Conncil along with the Mayor do hereby declare July 21, 2010 as LAPD Cold Case Day in the City of Los Angeles.

Presented by: -+:::~==-=--:::-:-:':-:c::-::-{7:_. -~-­ BERNARD C. PARKS Councilmember, 8111 District

GREIGSMIT ' Councilmember, 12111 District

Second by: _-'.,(~:t'-"''-==~'=="''=------ADOPTED JUL 1 6 2010 JUL 2 1 2010 LOS ANGELES CllY COUNCIL CITY HALL 200 N, Spring Street, Room 405 LoS Angeles, California 90012 Tel. 2!3.485.3343 Fax 2!3.473.6925

NORTHRIDGE 18917 Nordhoff St., Suite !8 Northridge, California 91324 Tel. 8!8.756.8501

CHATSWORTH I 0044 Old Depot Plaza Road Chatsworth, CalitOrnia 91311 Councilman Greig Smith Tel. 818.701.5253 Twelfth District July 21, 2010

On behalf of the Public Safety Committee, I want to congratulate the men and women ofRHD, and particularly the 800 Task Force- better known as the Grim Reaper task force.

And a special thanks to Councilmember Bernard Parks for having the vision to establish the Cold Case unit when he was Chief of Police, and long before the TV shows like CSI and Cold Case glamorized it.

Under the guidance of then-Deputy Chief Charlie Beck, now our Chief of Police, the unit has grown and has become better and more professional every day.

But it was the diligence of Deunis Kilcoyne and his team that has brought to a successful conclusion a 25 year reign of terror. This case has re-instilled the confidence of an entire community- one that often feels neglected by LAPD. And it is a case that once again puts the LAPD at the forefront of American policing.

As Chairman of the Public Safety Committee I express our deepest congratulations and pride in your accomplishments. As an LAPD Reserve Officer, I am fortunate enough to be currently assigned to the Cold Case Homicide Unit, and thanks to you, I have never been more proud to wear our badge.

Thank you all for your unwavering dedication to protecting and serving our communities, and for your professionalism and hard work.

God bless and be safe.