" ClA 63-1

The Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2. almost a Malayan Group parasitic on half of 1 and only With 5 Plates and 17 Text-figures in popul mer. A Yosio KOBAYASI* and Daisuke SHIMIZU** .r apan. reported Just two centuries have elapsed since the most popular cicadicolous species that, in or the club (Cordyceps sobolìfera) has been introduced in 1763 with the the perii name "Clavaria sobolifera Hil" by W. Watson from Dominica and Martinique Peck. of the West Indies. As No additional species has ever been reported til 1918, when another one writer p was found in Japan and named erroneously as C. ophioglossoides by C. G. Lloyd. an obsc' In 1939, Kobayasi enumerated five species and one variety of Cordyceps on inclined Cicadidae. Since then, many interesting specimens have been deposited in his eastern herbarium by his collaborators. On the other hand, the Japanese species C. sinclairi heteropoda extended its distribution far to Congo of Africa and also C. sinclairi oiuariensis to Soviet Russia, from where a new species C. evdogeorgiae was also The reported by KovaL. Now Kobayasi enumerates sixteen species and two forms cicadicol including seven new species. for Aus' baeidae) Subgen. Eucordyceps attack Sect. 1. Racemella continue Subsect. 1. Sparsae under tl 1. C. prolifica Y.K. exist in f. terminais Y.K. the grou 2. C. ctenocephala Syd. It is sui Subsect. 2. Confertae the spir: 3. C. inegoensis Y.K. 4. C. coxii Ollff the inse Subsect. 3. Pseudo-immersae fleshy a 5. C. minuta Y.K. The f Sect. 2. Cystocarpon micro see Subsect. 1. Eucystocarpon 6. C. sobolifera Berk. et Br. var. takaoensis Y.K. 7. C. sinclairii Y.K. (Con idial stage: I saria sinclairii) 8. C. 1. Pei longissima Y.K. 9. C. yakusimensis Y.K. 10. C. ryogamimontana Pei Y.K. 11. C. toriha1'amontana Y.K. 12. C. paradoxa Y.K. 13. C. 2. Dii heteropoda Y.K. 14. C. nipponica Y.K. Dii Sect. 3. Cremastocarpon 3. Sti Subsect. 1. Carnosae ane 15. C. oiuariensis Y.K. Subgen. Neocordyceps Fe' 16. C. evdogeorgiae Koval Sti . National Science Museum .. Yonezawa Municipal Museum. Yamagata Prefecture BulL. Nat. Sci. Mus., VoL. 6, No.3, July 1963 287

The number of the species of attains to 2,000..3,000, distributed almost all over the world. Especially in the Oriental region including India, the Malayan region, Borneo, the Philppines, South China and Formosa, more than half of the total number is found. Japan is situated in the Palaearctic region and only 13 genera and 27 species of Cicadas are reported, but is very plentiful in population and their characteristic singings are most familar to us in sum- mer. Accordingly, it is natural that many cicadicolous fungi are expected from .Japan. On the contrary, from Europe no cicadicolous species has ever been reported on account of the rarity of host-. It may be a particular case IUS species 3 with the that, in America, no member of Cordyceps has yet been found, for instance, on \1artinique the periodical cicada, in spite of its being a special host for Mas8ospora cicadina Peck. As for the other cicadicolous fungi than the members of Cordyceps, the lOther one , G. Lloyd. writer published two papers in 1939, in which lsaria cicad was taken to be 'dyceps on an obscurely known species based on inadequate description, but now he is ¡ted in his inclined to suppose that it is a distinct one distributing in Bahia of Brazil and eastern Australia according to the report of J.H. Wilis (1959). Also lsaria species C. d also C. sinclairii was found by the writer (1949) to be the conidial form of Cordyceps e was also sinclairii, without connectio:n to C. soboiifera. two forms The host-speciality is not seen in these members, although almost all the cicadicolous species are confined to one or several species of Cicadidae except for Australian C. coxii which is said also to be found on Lepidiota sp. (Scara- baeidae). Most of the fungi are found on nymphs of the fifth stage, but few attack the adult cicadas. This is due to the fact that the cicadas continue their nymphal stage for several or rarely more than ten years long under the ground, nourished by the roots of plants and, on the contrary, they exist in their adult stage only several days or so and flying speedily far above the ground, affording scarce opportunities to be infected by entomogenous fungi. It is supposed that the fungi, at first, attack the living nymphs, entering through the spiracles with their mycelia. The fruitbodies of fungi do not spring up from the til their mycelial mass make the endosclerotium, which is the hard fleshy and compact mass surrounded by the shell of cicada. The following is an attempt to distinguish each fungus externally as well as microscopically.

Key to the cicadicolous species ¡i) 8. C. nimontana 1. Perithecia superficial or apparently half-immersed ...... 2 Perithecia wholly immersed ...... ,...... 6 .. 13. C. 2. Distribution of perithecia not homogeneous, but unilateral or irregular.. 3 Distribution of perithecia homogeneous, densely aggregate ...... 4 3. Stromata single, 8-5 em long, composed of hypgeous perennial stalk and epigeous deciduous fertile part; perithecia irregularly distributed. . C. prolilica Few perithecia distributed only on the apical part ..... C. prolilica f. terminalis Stromata gregarious, shortr than 1 em; perithecia unilateral..... , . . C. ctenocephala

----_...._._.._--- ¡. ,.

288 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

4. Stromata very small, 3-4.5 mm long; fertie part capitate. .. C. minuta of Kyou: Stromata larger, several centimeters at least; fertile part cylindrical. . ., 5 olous fu 5. Stromata more than 10 cm long; stalks cylindrical, almost with same direct rt diameter with fertie part "...... ,....,...,...... C. inegoensis was imp Stromata 3 em or more long; stalks very slender ...... ,.. C. coxii of good 6, Perithecia rectangularly immersed ....,.."...... ,...... 7 Sen( Perithecia obliquely immersed ...... ,...... 15 its defoi 7. Fertile part cylindrical ...."...... ,...... ,...... ,.... 8 specimen Fertile part capitate ,...... ,...... 12 Edo (T( 8. Stromata caespitose on adult hostbody, dark olivaceous to black Jaki when matured .....,...... ",...,.....,...... ,. C. ryogamimontana sobolifer Stromata generally single on nymph of host ....,...... ,.....,.. 9 seems t( 9. Fertile part not distinct from stalk ,...... 10 Unk Fertie part distinct from stalk .,..."..."...,.....,...,...... 11 Tsu! 10, Stromata clavate, with pycnidial conidial form as side branches, without based or mycelial mat ....".",...... ,...,...... C. 8obolifera Mycelial mat covering the hostbody .... C. sobolifera var. takaoensis The wrI Stromata cylindrical, accompanied with lsaria form...... C. sinclairii of host 11. Perithecia ovoid ..,....,...... ,...... ".....,. C. longissima Perithecia narrow ovoid or almost naviculate ".... C. yakusimensis 12. Fertile part not cordate at base; secondary ascospores thick ...... 13 Fertile part cordate at base; sec. ascosp. slender 1,u or thinner ....., 14 13. Stromata arising directly from hostbody; sec. ascosp. 1.5-2.5 X 1.5-1.7,u 1) C ...... C. toriharamontana Myc Stromata arising from underground mycelial membrane or strand; sec. sclerotia ascosp. 3- X 1.5-2,u ,...... ,....,....,...,..... C. paradoxa soideis ( 14. Upper part of stalk sharply defined from underground i:talk, thick capite v cylindrical; fertile part ovoid; sec. ascosp. &-~.7 X 0.9-1/- ....."... perennia . . , ...... , , . . , . . . . . '. C. heteropoda terminal Upper part of stalk not differentiated from lower part, slender; fertile longus, i part commonly depressed globose; sec. ascosp. 2.8-.8 X O,7,u ...... curvatus . , . . . .. , . . , , . . . . " C. nipponica diam., p 15. Fertile part cylindric, apically attenuated; sec. ascosp. cylindric 5.6 X ochraceo 4.2,u, truncate at both ends ...... ,...,..."...,.. C. oivariensis medulla Fertile part ovoid; sec. ascosp. elongated fusiform 8.7-10 X 2-3,u... .. , primo tt ...... , .. C. evdogeorgiae ordinata raro de'! ut in st In the Orient, the cicadicolous fungi have long been known as medical gregaria materials, their medicinal values being the same as cast-off shells of cicada. tributa, Chen hua ~n ()E$ljI , meaning "flower of cicada" is the general name and cinereofi occasionally used for C. sobolifera. Later in Japan, two new na.mes "tsuno- 5-6/-, ca: zemi ~." meaning horned cicada and "Hanazemi nBi" meaning flowering truncati cicada were applied to C. 8obolifera and lsaria sinclairii respectively. The oldest My, chinese literature seems to be Pen ts'ao kang mu (*:!~ §) by Li Shih-Chen partly 1: (~lli:) (1596), in which the following phrase is found. ~n...)E!l...jjJL.I*-~. thicknes; In Japan, Matsuoka Gentatsu ¥~/l$~ published for the first time Yóyaku- globose i suchi (ff~~ni) and introduced the Semihana (!!i!¡tt~), collected in Kamigamo distinct ..'"

.~ , Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1963 289

minuta of Kyoto. The following many herbarists in the Edo period took these cicadic- cal. . . . 5 olous fungi as the singular products rather than medical materials, with no h. same direct relation to the so-called "Tôchûkasô" (::.9ÃÏA!) or C. sinensis, which goensis was imported at times from China. For instance, the following are examples 7. coxii of good ilustrated lieratures. 7 Senchûfu 'f.9~ (1811) by Kurimoto Tanshû (~*:I~H): C. sobolifera and 15 its deformations are ilustrated in the name Semitake (!I:t), based on the 8 specimens found in the garden of Masujima Ran'en (J¡l1iiSã) at Honjo of 12 Edo (Tokyo). black Jakusô-kinpu 1tJl~~ (1858) by Yoshida Jakusô tlffítll In this, C. ,ontana sobolifera figures with the name Natsunosemitake. The name Harunosemitake 9 seems to be applied to C. paradoxa and lsaria sp. 10 Unkin-zuihitsu ~~IÌIl~ (1861) by Kimura Kenkadô *:t:Jn:1t (l!llff) 11 Tsunozemi (C. sobolifera) and Hanazemi (lsaria sinclairii) are ilustrated, vithout based on the specimen collected near the Takatuki Shrine of Settu Province. iolifera rioensis The writers tender their sincere thanks to Dr. Masayo Kato for identification nclairii of host insect. iissima :mensis ...... 13 ...... 14 .5-1.7 ¡. 1) Cordyceps prolifica Y. Kobayasi sp. novo ontana Mycelia hospitem non contegentia, sed in corpore sclerotium formantia; d', sec. sclerotio carnoso, albo vel partim fuscato e hyphis et cellulis globosis vel ellp- radoxa soideis composito, hyphis 2-5u crassis, septa tis, ramosis guttulatis. Stroma e thick capite vel thorace hospitis oriunda, 5-30 em in altitudine, e stipite hypogeo perenniale et parte fertile epigea composita; parte fertie prima deciduosa ropoda terminale, sed secundale lateraliter oriunda. Stipes homogeneus 6-35 cm fertile longus, rhizoideus gracile columnalis coriaceus 1 mm et ultra in crassus, tortuosus curvatus, irregulariter foveolatus, glabrus fuscatus, basi crassioris 1.5 mm in 'ponica diam., partim mycelis fuscatis contegentibus; cortice distincto 50-60,u crasso, 5.6 X ochraceo e hyphis 2.5'tl crassis tenuiparietalibus ramosis septatis composito; riensis medulla e" skeletal hyphae et interweaving hyphae" constructa. Partes fer ties primo terminales, secundo laterales, assurgentes singulales, vel bini vel terni :orgiae ordinatae, plerumque subulatae aut lanceolatae interdum columnales vel linea res, raro deformatae 1.5-3 cm longae, superne griseae vel ochraceae, constitutione ut in stipite, apice saepe partem sterilem praeditae. Perithecia superficialia, s medical gregaria in parte media, sparsa in parte cetera, interdum irregulariter dis- cicada. tributa, ovoidea vel ellpsoidea, basi truncata, 550-580 X 300-310.u, pallde name and cinereofuscata. ostiolis non protrudentia, pariete 30-40tl crasso. Asci 400 X !s "tsuno- 5-6tl, capitibus 3.5tl in diam. Articuli ascosporarum breve cylindracei, utrinque flowering truncati 1.5 X 1,a. lhe oldest Mycelial mass occupying the inner part of host body, whitish fleshy or 3hih-Chen partly brownish, composed of hyphae which are densely entangled, 2-5tl in L.l1f -;€. "'. thickness, septate, somewhat branched, containing many oil drops, mingled with i Y ôyaku- globose or ellpsoid cells containing oil drops. Host body almost naked, without ~amigamo distinct mycelial mat. , 1i ¡ T i

I 290 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2. !

I Stromata arising from head or thorax of the underground nymphs of cicadae Feri of 5-30 cm in depth, composed of hypogaeous stalk and epigaeous fertie part; i 2-3 arra hypogaeeous stalk perennial, commonly single and simple, epigaeous part prim- I i linear, r arily terminal deciduous and the secondary fertile part arising laterally just with sui beneath the apex of stalk. i tip, surf Stalks homogeneous, 6-35 cm in total length, upper part several centimeters i part san emerging on the ground, rhizoidal, thin columnar, compact coriaceous, 1 mm or Peri more slender, tortuous curved, irregularly foveolate, glabrous brown, rarely with ,i i ing all t short branches or divided, thicker at base, 1.5 mm in diameter, partly covered i tributin~ with grayish brown mycelia. i i truncate Cortex of upper part of stalks distinct, externally reddish brown, almost I I protrudi: glabrous, 50-60,u thick, ochraceous in section, composed of entangled hyphae, i partly fragile, with uneven surface j hyphae 2.5,u in thickness, thin-walled, bladder-l branched, septate, non-inflated or somewhat inflated, wall with many granules Asci 40( which do not dissolve in 10% KOH solution. trncate i Medulla of stalks compact, composed of somewhat skeletal hyphae mingled Non with thin (less than 1,u) interweaving hyphae, adjacent region to cortex denser, Hab darker; skeletal hyphae non-inflated, somewhat thick-walled, hyaline, sparingly Saitama No. 170 septate, without clamp, 2.5-3.5,u thick. Shimizu,

c nabe, Se Stan be peren after thE fertile p. taking fi colour ir in Minar coloured for the ~ in Mt. R o! No. secondar; No. D ~ pt. lateri ~E ~. 4 ~ No. ~ pt. arisii -y F ~ No. B ~~ .8B la~\ ~ '~ again an beneath . branchle1 Fig. 1 C. prolijica No. A. Perithecia B. Surface view of perithecih X 40 into thre C. Cortex and medulla D. Inner layer of medulla No. E. Apical part of ascus F. Secondary ascospore f. pt. ter No. part of : I Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1968 291

cicadae Fertile part primarily terminal, secondarily lateral, assurgent, single or Ie part; 2-3 arranged side by side, commonly subulate or lanceolate, sometimes columnar, .t prim- linear, rarely flattened or irregularly palmate, 1.5-3 cm long, variously beset .lly just with superficial perithecia except for the lower part, with or without sterile tip, surface of naked part smooth, griseous or chraceous, constitution of fertie timeters part same with that .of stalk. mm or Perithecia, of ordinal superficial type, variously distributed, densely cover- ely with ing all the surface of fertile part except for its basal part, or unilaterally dis- covered tributing, making patches of perithecia on fertile part, ovoid or ellpsoid with truncate base, 550-580 X 300-310p, surface pale cinereous brown, ostiolum not , almost protruding, somewhat darker, walls 3Q-0ll thick, outer 2- layers composed of hyphae, bladder-like cells with one oil-drop, internal layer composed of polygonal cells. i-walled, Asci 400 X 5-6'p, cap 3.5ll in diameter. Secondary ascospores short cyindric, granules trncate at both ends, 1.5 X 1p. Nom. Jap. Tubu-no-semitake mingled Hab. On Tanna japonensis., in mixed forest of Mt. Ryôgami, Titibu, : denser, Saitama Pref. (D. Shimizu, Aug. 26, 1949, Aug. 13, 1951, Aug. 17, 1951-Type paringly No. 170 preserved in Herb. Nat. ScL Mus.). On Tanna japonensis, Monjusan, Takahata-mati, Yamagata Pref. (D. Shimizu, Aug. 14, 1957, No. 72). On Tanna japonensis, Minamihara, Yonezawa City (Akiomi Wata- nabe, Sept. 1, 1962). Stalks of this species, or at least the underground part of them seems to be perennial and to regenerate producing laterally the secondary fertile part, after the primary fertie part falls away in late autumn. Normal shape of the fertie part is lanceolate or Bubulate, although some one shows the fasciation taking flattened, flabellate or other shape. Specimen No. 72 shows the paler colour in stalk compared with type specimen, whereas the specimen collected in Minamihara has the fertile part of ochraceous buff with ochraceous orange coloured perithecia, although these are only the modification of the type. As for the arising portion of stromata on host body, the eight specimens collected in Mt. Ryogami were examined with the following result. i :í No.1 arising from lateral side between head and prothorax, 15 cm long; secondary fertile part arising just beneath the apex of stalk, 5.5 em long. No. 2 arising from the intermediate part of eyes, 6 cm long; three sec. f. pt. lateraL. No.3 arising from the intermediate part of eyes, 6 cm long; three sec. f. pt. arising from 1.5 em beneath the apex. No.4 Two stalks arising from the side of eyes and joined together, dividing = again and fusing just above the middle, 26 cm long; sec. f. pt. laterally arising beneath the apex, 3 em long, palmately branched into four and producing three branchlet from their dorsal side. No.5 arising from the part between eyes, 19 cm long, upper part branched into three, two of which just fuse. No.6 arising from dorsal side between head and prothorax, 26 cm long; f. pt. terminal 2 cm long with lateral perithecia. No.7 arising from mouth, 6 cm long; one f. pt. arising from the apical part of stalks, 2.5 cm long. 292 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

No.8 arising from mouth, 35 cm long, upper part dividing, onee branch producing primary f. pt., which discoloring into dingy colour and sending sec. ex stipite t pt. from basal part of it, other branch slender with lateral sec. f. pt. crass is, te Peritl Cordyceps prolifica f. terminalis Y. Kobayasi f. nov, 520-550 X A typo stromatis gracilbus, peritheciis paucis apicalibus minoribus differt. Asci 400- Host body obscurely covered with entangled brown mycelia. Stroma single, ascosporar simple, gracile, arising from the mouth of host, 5 em long. Stalk linear some- what flattened at base, 3.5 cm long, 0.5 mm thick, sinuated, contorted, surface scabrous brown or darker, apex truncate, destitute of primary fertile part. Fertile part secondarily arising from the part just beneath the apex, columnar, 1.5 em long, i mm in diameter, apically attenuated, pointed, somewhat com- pressed, ochraceous or pale brown, glabrous scabrous, bearing about thirty perithecia on its upper part. Perithecia superficial, isolate or crowded, elon- gated ovoid, truncate at base, 450 X 250-260,u, brown or ochraceous, surface layer ocmposed of bladder-like cells with a large oil-drop. Ascus and ascospores ---- not matured. == ~ :-om, Jap. Hime-hadaka-semitake Hab. On Nymph (fourth stage) of Tanna japonensis, Iwôzan, ca 1.200 m in altitude of Mt. Azuma, Yonezawa, Yamagata Pref. (Teruomi Watanabe, Aug. 21, 1960. Type no, 117 preserved in Nat. Sci Mus.) Although this specimen was found in only the immatured state. it seems to be reasonable to establish a new form of the type by this specimen, with the characteristics of small fruitbody and apical distribution of somewhat small type perithecia. Fig. 2 C A 2) Cordyceps ctenocephala H. Syd., in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. 57:323 fig. E B 11922). C. Mycelial matt wholly covering the host body, dingy pale brown. Stromata gregarious (30-40) on thorax and abdomen, free or rarely cornexed, 2-6 mm paler, whei long'. dingy and pale brown. Stalk smooth, glabrous, compressed, sulcate, about ing into st 0.75 rom in diameter, upwardly recurved or somewhat dilated with perithecia. that of stl Peritheda always unilateral arising on outer surface, compact but subliberate, Perith conic, about 1 mm long, 0.25 mm in diameter. Asci cylindric 280-300 X 3.5-5,u, per If. "' :i Ascospores always non-articulate (immature?), 250X 1.5-1.75... of head co Conidial state: Unknown tissue, oliv Hab, On cicada on shrub, North East New Guinea (Ledermann, Sept. 1912. not so thic Type deposited in Herb. H. Sydow). in diamete: 3 X 2'/.l. 3) Cordyceps inegoensis Y. Kobayasi sp. novo Conidi Mycelia caput hospitis obducentia, tomentosa, alba. Hab. Stroma e parte anteriore capitis oriundum, cylindricum singulare simplex, in forest ( carnosum 14 cm longum. (Yasuo SUl Stipes 9 cm longus equalis 5-6 mm in diam., curvatus solidus opacus gla- brus, sine peridio, medulla carnosa homogenea e hyphis longitudinaliter or- 4) C( dinatis hyalin is tenuiparietalibus 2-3,u crassis texta. (1875); W Pars fertils cylindracea equalis 5 cm longa 6 mm crassa apice obtusa, Very c obscure olivacea, apice plus minusve caeerulescente, subtilter verrucosa, basi eiated, and ly clubbed i Bull. Nat. Sci. MUB., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1963 293 branch .ing sec. ex stipite non dilatata, sed gradatim transformis, medulla alba e hyphis 2-4,5.0 t. crass is, tenuiparietalibus composita, cortice destituto. Perithecia superficialia pyriformia densissime aggregata inter se contacta, 520-550 X 260-280p, pariete olivaceo, basi ca lOp crasso, apice 25-30.0 crasso. , differt. Asci 400-450 X 7-7.5p sursum attenuati, capitibus 5-6.5'l in diam. Articuli :i single, ascosporarum cylindracei, utrinque truncati, 2.5-3 X 3p. Lr some- Mycelial mass occupying whole sul'ace internal cavity of host boy, fleshy, Ie part. white. Only anterior part of host ilumnar, head covered with tomentose mycelial at com- mat. Stroma ¡irising from anterior part t thirty id, elon- of head, cylindrical, single, fleshy, 14 surface cm long. cospores Stalks 9 cm long, equal, 5-6 rnm in diameter, somewhat curved, stuffed, surface not glossy, glabrous, without B ~~.,~"" , .. C 'l',., ~ ... h','~ . .... special peridial layer; medulla fleshy WO m in . ~ Aug. 21, homogeneous, densely composed of longi- ~~ tudinal hyphae, hyphae hyaline, thin- ~ø walled, without clamp, 2-3tL, in diame- .t seems m, with m ~ ter. 'Ó 51" 'Ø Fertie part cylindric, equal 5 cm at small r- long 6 mm thick. apex obtuse, without Fig. 2 C. inegoensis sterile tip, surface dark olivaceous in A. Section through perithecia 3 fig. E B, Apical part of asci whole (tea green-pea green), apical part C. Secondary ascospores somewhat bluish, finely verrucose by densely aggregating ostiola; ostiola ,tromata 2-6 in paler, whereas intermediate part darker j base of fertile part gradually transform- e, about ing into stalk, not strictly defined with scattered perithecia; medulla same with rithecia. that of stalk, pure white, hyphae 2-3-4.5'p, thin-walled, cortex none. liberate, Perithecia superficial, but apparently half-immersed by mycelial mat, up- : 3.5-5p, per ll ,. 1f4 naked, pyriform, contacting with each other, those on lower limit of head completely superficial, 520-550 X 260-280p, walls composed of hyphal tissue, olive-coloured, ca lOp thick at base, 25-30p at upper part, ostiolal part )t. 1912. not so thick. Asci 400-450 X 7-7.5p, terminally attenuated, ca. 6tL cap 5-6.5tL in diameter. Secondary ascospores short cylindric, truncate at both ends, 2.5- 3 X 2'p. Conidial state: Unknown. Hab. On nymph of Oncotympana maculaticoUis, among grasses near river simplex, in forest of broad-leaved trees and shrubs, Inego, Katta-gun, Miyagi Pref. (Yasuo Suzuki, Aug. 16, 1958. Type no. 31 preserved in Herb. Nat. Sci. Mus.). CUB gla- liter or- 4) Cordyceps coxii Ollff, in Agr. Gaz. New South Wales 6:412 pi. 4 CoD (1875); Wilis in Muelleria 1 (2) :75 (1657). obtusa, Very close to C. selkirki, but with the perithecia shorter, more closely asso- isa, basi eiated, and rounded instead of expanded at the extremity; the asci more decided- ly clubbed at the apical third and more gelatinous. Stroma more than 3 cm long, 'J

!' T


i 294 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

bay brown, perithecia dark, brown to blackish-stipe glabrous, very slender, simple or forked, perithecia acute, 0.2-.3 mm long. Hab. On nymph or pupa of Cicad sp. and larva of Lepidiota sp. (Coleop- tera-Scarabaeidae), in vicinity of turpentine trees at Kurrajong Heights, New South Wales of Australia (T. Cranstown, March 1895. Type in Australian Museum, Sydney?) In 1941, the writer took the present species as synonymous to C. larvarum, together with C. selkirki. Recently J. H. Wilis (National Herbarium of Victoria) opposed this treat- ment, considering it as a distinct species, and, now, the writer follows him.

5) Cordyceps minuta Y. Kobayasi sp. novo Mycelia superficiem hospitem non contegentia. Stromata minutissima singularia e crusta hospitis oriunda, 3-.5 mm alta, carnosa pallde lutescentia. Stipes cylindricus, fere equalis solidus plus minusve Fiii.3 curvatus et contortus 2-3 mm longus 0.3-0.5 mm crassus, glabrus pallde lutes- centes, textu e hyphis dense et longitudinaliter ordinatis, non inflatis, septatis, tenuiparietalibus, 2.5-3.5¡. crassis composito, peridio destituto. Pars fertils ovoidea, globosa vel depresso-globosa, 1.2-1.5 mm longa, 1-2 mm crassa, pallde lutescens, distincte mammilata, peridio distincto, pseudoparenchymatico, medulla Roy. Soc. ut in stipite. Perithecia oblique semi-immersa, assymmetrico-ovoidea, 340-400 X fig. 6 (17 2::0-290.u. pariete 14.u crasso. Asc 120-150 X 3-5.u, capitibus 3¡. in diam. Spha Articuli ascosporarum 4-6.u longo, graciles, tenuiores quam 1¡.. Torr Mycelial mat and internal sclerotia none, without covering the host body. Cord Stromata very small arising singly from external crusta of host, composed of fig. 22 (J distinct fertile part and stalk, about 3-4.5 mm in total length, carnose, pale Cord yellowish. 10: pi. 1 Stalk cylindric, almost equal, stuffed, curved and twisted, 2-3 mm long, MycE 0.3-0,5 mm in thickness, surface glabrous, pale yellowish. composed of densely white fie: and longitudinally arranged, non inflated, sepate, thin-walled 2.5-3.5¡. thick hy- hyaline, 1 phae, peridium none. Stromata Fertile part ovoid, globose or somewhat depressed globose, 1.2-1.5 mm high, head ame 1-2 mm in diameter, pale yellowish, distinctly mammilated with sparsely ar- incrassati ranged perithecia. Peri dial layer distinct, pseudoparenchymatous; inner tissue which pr same with that of talk. Perithecia obliquely inserted, half immersed, asym- Stall! metric, ovoid, ostiola upwardly curved, 340-400 X 230-290/1, with 14.u thick wall. hyphae w Asci 120-150 X 3-5.u. cap 3/1 in diameter. Secondary ascospores very thin. densely \\ thinner than 1/1, 4-6.u long. hyphae \\ Conidial state: Unknown. fuscescen Nom. Jap. Kogome-semitake Ferti Hab. On adult body of Oncotympana maculaticollis, in forests, 780 m in flcially si altitude, Mt. Ryogami, Saitama Pref. (D. Shimizu. Sept. 18, 1948. Type pre- after ma' served in Herb. N at. Sci. Mus.). septate, : The host body was found in wholly skeletal state, destitute of whole in- rectangul ternal organs, leaving large cavity. Three stromata were growing almost super- neck, ost ficially, two growing on upper side of head and one on lateral side of thorax. 400-470 ) 1- 1.3'.u, ti

6) Cordyceps sobolifera CHilJ Berk. et Broome, in Journ. Linn. Soc. Coni i 295 Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus.. Vol. 6, No.3. July 1963

14:110 (1895); Massee in Ann. Bot. simple 9:13 (1895); K. Hara in Bot. Mag, Tokyo 28:345 (1914) et in Honzo ~oleop- 6:130 (1932); Kawamura, in Bot. ;, New t(R Mag. Tokyo 44:196 pl. 2 fig. 6-23 lralian (1930) et Icon. Jap. Fungi 8:824 C i SI"' I fig. 814 (1955); Lloyd, Myc. Writ. varum, 4:529 fig. 721 (1915), 568 (1916), ~~. . 5:575 fig. 808, 809, p. 584 fig. 826 , treat- p. 607 (1916); Teng, in BioI. Lab. m. Sc. Soc. China 8: 1 et 54 (1932) et in Sinensia 4:290 fig. 14 (1934); Petch, in Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 18:64 (1933); Y. KobaYßsi, in Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 7 (1): 161 malta, Fig. 3 C, minuta ilinusve A. Median section through fertile part fig. 12, 13 (1939) et Gen. Cordyceps ~ lutes- B. Apical part of asci p. 125 figs. on p. 126, 127 (1941). eptatis, C. Secondary ascospores Syn. Clavaria sobolifera Hil, fertiis D. Cortex of fertile part ex Watson et Hil in Phil. Trans, pallde Roy. Soc. 53:271 pl. 23 (1763); Müller, in Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. 4:219 pl. 7 medulla fig. 6 (1770) et in Rozier's Observ. Physique ed. 2, 1:153 pi. 2 fig. 6 (1777). )-400 X Sphaeria sobolifera Berk. in Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. 2:207 (1843). L diam. Torrubia sobolifera Tul., Seil. Fung. Carp. 3 :10 pl. 1 fig. 32, 33 (1865). Cordyceps voelzkowii Henn., in Voeltzkow, Reise Ostafrica 3: 29 pl. 3 it body. fig. 22 (1908). iosed of Cordyceps gracilis (non Dur. et Mont.) Petch, in Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. se, pale 10: pi. 1 fig. 2 (1924). Mycelia emerging from ecdysis line of host and forming polster on head, m long, white fleshy, composed of hyphae which are 1.8-4,u thick, branched, septate, densely hyaline, thin-walled. hick hy- Stromata commonly single, rarely fasciculated by twos or threes, arising from head among polster, clavate or cylindric 2-8 em long, 2-6 mm thick, upwardly 1m high, incrassate or rarely equal, simple or with many lateral short branches at base, 'sely ar- which produce conidia and become hollow after maturity. !r tissue Stalk glabrous, pale porphyreous, internally white, stuffed, composed of l, asym- hyphae which are 2.8-4.2:,u thick, septate, hyaline, thin-walled, longitudinally and ick wall. densely woven. Peridial layer 130-165,u in thickness, composed of loosely woven ry thin. hyphae which are 2.8-6.3,u thick, septate, branched, somewhat thick-walled and fuscescent. Fertile part clavate, smoothly and obscurely continued from stalk, super- ficially smooth or punctate with ostiola, not mammilate, frequently excavated 780 m in after maturity; cortex not distinct, composed of hyphae which are branched, 'ype pre- septate, 2-5.6,u in diam., somewhat thick-walled, pale fuscescent. Perithecia rectangularly immersed, ampullaceous 500-600 X 220-260p, with somewhat long Nhole in- neck, ostiola somewhat prominent, walls hyaline 8-16,u thick. Asci cylindric ,st super- 400-70 X 5.6-6.3,u, caps globose 4.8-5.2,u. thick. Secondary ascospores 6-12 X thorax. 1-1.3p, truncate at both ends. Conidial state. Formed as special fruitbody or as lateral short branches inn. Soc. 296 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2. of stromata. In the former case, fruitbody arising from ecdysis line of head, sessile or stipitate, 1-5 cm high, fleshy, cinnamon-coloured; stalk soliary or caespitose, cylindric or clavate, solid, simple or irregularly branched. Fertie part (pycnidium) terminal or lateral, frequently conglomerate cap- itate, clavate or ellpsoid, 4-6 mm long 2-3 mm thick, apically obtuse or subacute, frequently pored at maturity, composed of peridium, conidial part and medulla; peridium cinnamon-coloured, composed of irregularly woven hyphae which are 2.8-6.3¡i in diameter, somewhat thick-walled, septate, branched, mingled with chlamydospores which are globose or elongate, 5-14¡i long, hyaline, solitary or chained; conidial part composed of conidiophores and conidia, the former elong- ate, hyailne, 2.5-.5,u in diameter, septate, the latter terminal or lateral, ellpsoid F ~( or fusiformed, hyaline, 6.5-10.5 X 2.5-'¡i. Medulla composed of longitudinally arranged, thin, 1.7-2.1¡i thick hyphae, stuffed at first, then excavated. ~ç: Nom. Jap. Semitake, Tunozemi. Hab. (host) Platypleura kaempferi Fabr. (Japan); Proalba hilaris Germ. Oc= (Jamaic, St. Thomas-det. by Gray as Cicada albiflo8 and Cicada tomentosa); Proalba chariclo Walk. (Cuba-det. by Gray as Cicada chariclo); Rihana mesochlora Walk. (Jamaica-det. by Gray as Cicada mesochlora). °RI ~\o E :=----.,/ ._~~'-- . ~ Fig. 5 C dl ;1;- tudina -¡ ,~-~~~~ -i~ B. COil Cavity Bfì ~Cí/ terial ~,~ Conidi' (Musai of per I D .2:~~ pleura kD sobolifem 14:110 (U Massee a from Sou "i~""" lonthae. they are photograi Bahama, ' Both sta~ the fungi ~ although Cord Fig. 4 C. 8obolifera A. Section through perithecia x1100 B. Apical part of asci X 1100 C. Secondary ascospores X 1100 Japan 7 D. Peridium of fertile part x720 E. Section through stalk x720 Syn. Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1963 297 if head, ~ Honhsû: Minakawa-mura, To- tary or tigi Pref. (T. Ino, 1938). Kuma- gaya, Saitama Pref. (Tosio Kimu- ite cap- ra, Aug. 15, 1953), Y okose-mura, ibacute, Saitama Pref. (Sadaya Sakamoto, uedulla; Aug. 1, 1949). Mt. Hotosaii, Ti- lIch are tibu, Saitama Pref. (W, Igeta, ad with Aug. 19, 1921). Nisiomati, Aiti itary or Pref. (Zennosuke Iwatuki, July 4, r elong- 1951). Higasi-kasugaigun, Aiti allpsoid Pref. (M. Nomura, Jul. 1932); udinally Atuta (M. Hiroe, Jul. 1938); Na- kahataya and Tigusa-mati, Nago- ya (S. Katô, Sept. 1922). ~ Germ. Kyûshû: Kuranaga, Ginsui- :ntosa) ; mura, Miike-gun, Kumamoto Pre!. Rihana (T. Tateisi, Jul. 1!)33). Obi, Ni- tinansi, Miyazaki Pref. (Takesi Kanamaru, Jul. 7, 1956). Other localities: Tokyo (Ue- no Park), Kyoto, Takatuki, Akasi- si, Hukuoka, Ooita Pref. c: Distr. West Indies: Dominica .r:t- .¡-,: ~\ . (Watson), Martinique (Hil, Tulas- :: '; ne), Guadolloupe, Vegitans, St. ~i:- Fig. 5 Conidial state of C.8obolifera A. Longi- Thomas (Gray), Jamaica (Gray), '"-~ tudinal section of pycnidium X 8 A. Peridium Cuba, (Gray), Bahama (Lloyd), ~""~ B, Conidiferous part c. Medullary layer D, Cavity B-C. Conidiophores and conidia (Ma- Mexico (Ells and Everhart), Ceylon (Petch), Madagascar (Hen- .1 terial from Mino) D-E. Chlamydospores F. ~?-:: ¡ Conidium (Higasikasiigaigun) G. Conidium nings), China, Nanking (Teng). "" So far as the Japanese fungus (Musasi) H. Conidium (Nagoya) i. Hyphae 3; of peridium (B-1 ca X 900). is concerned, it seems to be con- ~ fined to one kind of cicada (Plaly- ~~-= pleura kaempferi). The fungus which was re¡xrted by Berkeley and Broome as C. ~ sobolifera on cockchafer larvae (in Fungi of Ceylon no. 978, in Journ. Linn. Soc, ir 14:110 (1875)) is not this species, but Cordyceps barnesii as already ¡xinted out by ~ Massee and Petch. Moreover, Massee reported a fungus on the larva of beetle from South America under the name C. sobolilera, but this seemes to be C. Melo- ~ ionthae. Judging from the figures drawn by Watson and Fougeroux de Bonderoy, -= they are conidial stllge. On the other hand, the figure drawn by Tulasne, and the photograph ilustrated by Lloyd, based on the specimens from Martinique and ~ Bahama, are all normal perithecial stage with the conidial lateral branches (soboles). 5=5 Both stages are found commonly in the same locality of Japan. Petch reported ~s; the fungus which has oval or subglobose and sharply defined head from Ceylon, although the specimens from Japan have exclusively cylindrical or clavate heads. Cordyceps sobolifera var. takaoensis Y. Kobayasi, in Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 7 (1) :165 (1939). lO Syn. Cordyceps takaoensis Y. Kobayasi, Gen. Cordyceps p. 130 figs. on 298 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2. p. 131 (1941). the coni Mycelial mat enveloping the host body, tomentose, irregularly woven by hyphae COI which are 8.5-15',u in diameter, thick (ca 2,u) walled, brown, septate, dichotom- oiisly branched. Stroma solitary clavate, 2.5 cm high, dry, brown or cinnamon- Isa coloured. Stalks cylindric, internally composed of hyphae which are hyaline, 1197 fi~ Y. Kob: septate, 2-2.8p in diameter, excavated at maturity peridium 50,u thick, composed p. 242 of 1.4-2,8,u thick, brown hyphae. Fertile part 1.5 em long, gently continued with stalk, densely mam- Syi milate; cortex 330-400,u thick, loosely composed of 2.5-3.5,u thick, brown hyphae. Perithecia pyriformed, 510-530,u long, to 300,u in diameter, walls 20,u thick, ostiola conically protruding, to 130,u high. Asci ca Veg. 'I 6 :410 ( 7 p in diameter. Secondary ascospores 3.5-6.5 X 1. 7- fig. 2 ( 2.3,u truncate at both ends, lsa c Nom. Jap. Higurasitake. Hab. On nymph of Tanna japonensis. Mt. lsa' K. Aka fJ, 0, f\ C: Takao-san, Tokyo-to (Y. Kobayasi, Jul. 1936. Type l" c:," , \: 'V c: in Nat. Sci. Museum.). (1909). ~~ F\ lsa Fig. 6 C. sobolifera var. 7) Cordyceps sinclairii Y. Kohayaei, in Journ. Soc. My takaoensis A. Section ¡sa Jap. Bot. 24: 176 fig. 1,2 (A) (1949). through perithecia x35 Bot. M~ B. Apical part of asci Mycelial mat partly covering the host body, et 32:26 tomentose-membranaceous, pale ochraceous. Stroma xIlOO C. Secondary 806 fig. ascospores X 1100 arising from the head, fasciculated with several syn- nemata of conidial state, cylindric, ca 2 cm long. maza wa Stalk ca 1 em long, equal, 1 rom thick, fuliginose, homogeneously tomentose; cortex et 70 ( composed of longitudinally and densely arranged hyphal' layer; hairs of cortex, (1932). simple and short. Fertile part terminal, cylindric, c&' 1 cm long, gradually trans- Eni forming from stalk, 1 mm thick, attenuated, surface minutely punctate with ternal c ostiola, ochraceous. Perithecia totally immersed, rectangularly arranged, ovoid, coverin~ 180 X 2ïOu. Asci immatured. mentose head, fl Hab. On nymph of Meimuna opalifera. Minenoyakusi, Musasi Provo (Y. " I 2-5 fas Kisi, Aug. 15, 1943. Type in Herb. Nat. Sci, flexuose !' ~'? Museum). A ~~g~. B what cc ,,~.11 'f c This species was found only once in o:iamete immature state, fasciculated with six syn- pale oc) nemata of conidial form on the same host which a body. The basal parts of these fruitboies arrange L are united into one short stalk. From walled, this fact, it is presumed that the perfect cortex ,," stage of this species may he ordinarily de- hyphae _..l! generated, giving up its fertilty to the septate, J'~:~ prosperous imperfect form. Although the Fertile name Cordyceps sinclairii was erroneously hranche Fig. 7 C. sinclciirii A. Habit used for Is aria sinclairii by Saccardo, Cun- X 213 B. Perithecial stroma outline, X 1.3 C. Peripheral layer ningham and Ollff, the writer refrains from merate of stalk giving a new name such as C. neosinclairii white 0 for the reason that lsaria sinclairii is only rinaceoi Bull. Nat. Sei. Mus., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1963 299

the conidial form of the former. , hyphae Conidial state ichotom- Isaria sinclairii (Berk.) Lloyd, in Myc. Writ. 7:1179 fig. 2369 (1923) et p. nnamon- 1197 fig. 2447 (1923); Petch, in Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. 10 :39 fig. 1 (1924); hyaline, ¡ Y. Kobayasi, in Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 9 :167 (1939) et Gen. Cordyceps ~ompose p. 242 figs. on p. 243 (1941). rt 1.5 cm Syn. Sphaeria sinclairii Berk. in Hooker, FL. New Zealand 2:338 (1855). y mam- 'I Torrubia caespitosa Tul. SeL. Fung. Carp. 3: 11 (1865). posed of Cordyceps caespitosa (Berk.) Sacco in Michelia 1 :320 (1878). "iformed, Cordyceps sinclairii (Berk.) Sacco Syll. Fung. 2:577 (1883); Cooke, O,u thick, Veg, Wasps p. 280, fig. 43-45 (1892); Ollff, in Agr. Gaz. New South Wales Asci ca 6 :410 (1895); Cunningham, in Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 53 :375 pI. 62 ì.5 X 1.7- fig, 2 (1921). lsaria arbuscula Hariot, in Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 8 :67 (1892). ! Isa1'sa amorph.a Höhnel, in Stzb. sis. Mt. i K. Akad. Wiss. Wien 118 no. 276 36. Type ì (1909). i Isaria harioti Arnaud, in Bull. Soc. Myc. France 31:20 (1915). n J ourn. I lsaria cosnwpsaltriae Yasuda., in i Bot, Mag. Tokyo 35:220 fig. 2 (1921) st boy, ¡ Stroma et 32:263 (1918); Lloyd, Myc. Writ 5: ¡ 806 fig. 1254 (1918); Yakusizi et Ku- eral syn- i mazawa, in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 44:40 :m long, I i et 70 (1930); Hara, in Honzô 6:143 e; cortex i ( cortex, ! (1932). ¡ Endosclerotia occupying the in- Iy trans- : .' ternal cavity of host; mycelial mat ite with í i covering the host body, white to- d, ovoid, i mentose, Stromata arising from the head, fleshy 1-6.5 cm long. Stalks rov. (Y. 2-5 fasciculated, simple, or forked, Nat. Sci, .1 f1exuose, slender cylindric or some- i ¡ what compressed, stuffed, 1-2 mm in once in i ¿iameter, internally white, yellow or six syn- I pale ochraceous, composed of hyphae ! ,me host i which are longitudinally and densely uitbodies I arranged, 2-6.3,u in diameter, thin- From walled, abruptly constricted, hyaline; , perfect I cortex composed of loosely woven arily de- hyphae which are 1.7-2,u, thin-walled, to the septate, pale ochraceous, branched. iugh the Fertile part terminal on stalk or its Fig. 8 Isaria sinclairii x 1100. A. Fertile 'oneously branches, ellpsoid or tuberiform in hyphae bearing three capitules B-F. 'do, Cun- outline, soliary, frequently conglo- ,ins from Fertile hyphae bearing small capitules merate or flabellformed, 2-8mm, long, a) conidium b) phialides c) prophialides 'inclairii white or ochraceous, superficially fa- G-H. conidium ï is only rinaceous with conidia. Conidia pro- i

I 1i T I1'.

300 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU ; Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

duced in conglomerated masses. Fertie hyphae creeping or erect, hyaline, septate, A 3.5-5.3,u in diameter. Prophialides acro-pleurogenous, globose or ellpsoid, with or without secondary prophialides. Phialides 1 or several on prophialides, ampullaceous, 3.5-7 X 2,5-3.5p, hyaline, bearing one conidium on its top. Conidia 15-40p in diameter, o\'oid or elongate-llpsoid or fusiformed, frequently curved, 5-9 X 2-3,u, hyaline, Xom. Jap, Tukutukuhousi-take Hab. Host. Nymphs of cicadas. 'i i Meimuna opalifera (Japan), Graptopsalt1'ia nigrofuscata (Japan), Platy- pleU?'a kaempfe1'i (Japan), Melampsalta cingulata (New Zealand), Melampsalta cruentata (New Zealand). Honshû: Mt. Dainenji, Sendai-si (A, Yasuda, Aug. 21, 1917, on Meimuna B -Type of ¡saria cosmopsaltriae in Herb. Nat. Sci. Mus.). Kasukabe, Saitama ?:'= = "" Pref. (.July 1950, on Meimuna). Tokyo Bot. Gard. (E. Yasusiji, M. Kumazawa and Y. Kobayasi, JuL.-Aug. 1930-37, on Jfeimuna and Graptopsaltria). Hujimati, ~ Sengen Shrine, Sizuoka Pref. (M. Yago and M. Katô, Aug. 1, 1938, on Platy- pleura) . Distr. New Zealand (Berkeley, Cunningham), Mexico (Hariot), Madagascar (Arnaud, Hennings), Ceylon (Petch), Java (v. Höhnèl), China (Lloyd). :( In Japan, the present species is found commonly on the nymphs of Meimuna ~ opalitem in summer and has long been known as 'flowering cicada.' ~ 8) Cordyceps longissirna y, Kobayasi sp. novo ~;.r Mycelia superficiem hospitis contegentia, tenue floccosa, pallde purpureo- '~ fuscata. Stroma e parte superiore capitis oriundum, singulare cum stipite elongato et parte fertile clavata. Stipes plerumque simplex, 1-3 cm longus, 1.5-2 mm crassus, gracils, ~ coriaceus, irregulariter curvatus, contortus, sursum incrassatus firme carnosus, longitudinalier sulcatus, glabrus vel paullo pubescens, pallde fuscatus, intus e hyphis hyalin is multiseptatis, ramosis, 3-4.5,u crass is constructus; cortice dis- tincto ca. 100,u crasso, ex hyphis longitudinaliter ordinatis crassiparietalibus, pallde fuscatis laxe texto. Pars fertils elongata clavata ex stipite non distincta, 3-4 em longa, utrinque attenuata vel sursum incrassata, 5-6 mm crassa, curvata, apice rotundata, pallde rufescens, minutissime punctata; cortice pseudoparenchy- folding: matico 55-60,u crasso, pallde fuscato. Perithecia omnio immersa dense ordinata, compos, avo idea, sine colls, 600-650 X 280-310.u; pariete 18-24,u crassis; ostiolis paullo gregate protrudentibus. Asci cylindrici 5-6,u crassi, capitibus ca. 4,u in diam" Articuli Fe ascosporarum cylindracei, utrinque obtusi 9-11 X 1-1.u. incrass; Mycelial mat covering the host body, thin, floccose, pale purplish brown Buff) , border (Light Vinaceous-Cinnamon). Stroma arising from upper side of head, single with long stalk and clavate pale br( same w fertie part. Stalk commonly simple, rarely with short sterile branch, 10-13 em long, apex 0: 1.5-2 mm thick, slender, coriaceous, irregularly curved and twisted, upper part thick, c 0-2 cm) incrassate, firm-carnose, gradually transforming into fertie part, other cylindri part coarsely and longitudinally sulcate, glabrous or slightly pubescent, pale tuse at No brown (testaceous or fuligineous) ; cortex distinct, about 100,u thick, composed of loosely and longitudinally woven hyphae which are thick-walled with inner Ha Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1963 301 septate, A E with or C £j laceous, -40,c in ..a ,~~ ?J' ' i '",:v X 2-3,u. )l'L':~' ;:.. (. .:1~~l _Lv..i~ ./ t¡ (.ç.~')~- ~.' rF-'" "- "'-Ì~~""J ~ ~iJ. . J~-"")I~~, 'V. ff'''''V'('\ë'l.Y'~'.. I,''',, 2 Platy- ~ 'f '¡":""C ''' 'lpsalta , i CfX ~ (\- ~~". I '(-0'T;t (;;¿:C \), i eimuna i B =Çif-U~ "I,g, ,l. ('-_a '~ A ¡ ",Jr- j""~-l l' ~,;!-i , '-, laitama f'i 0"')(''' Yh j(ìf" -- I i I -r==# \~ À~ nazawa ! ~ ¡: ijimati, I Platy- ~~~~ .i:-f ~ l ~D~ll /'~-;'i"\ î ~ r__, /1-:( ,rr~~,"=, 5:,,~,, '- igascar ~~~Cl '~CO'- r ~I /c'~ eimuna V(~h~ fV~r ~)-"'=-~r1)J~ __'~~-1KS! ~ d~~ J. S ',I "\ I~"" '~" rpureo- l~~ if)'i ~: ".. , stipite ~~ ~~~ ~~~'\'" iIi~ '',,", ' rracils, rnosus, Fig. 9 C. longi8sima A. Section through perithecia B. Section intus e through subperithecial layer C. Cortex of fertile part D. ,ce dis- i superficial hyphae of stalk E. Apical part of asci F, Secondary talibus, ascospores stincta, urvata, , i I foldings, septate and branched, pale brown, sinuate, partly incrassate; medulla renchy- i 'dinata, \ composed of longitudinally arranged hyphal tissue, firm, colourless, hyphae ag- paullo gregated, multi septate, branched, 3-4.5,u thick. \.rticuli Fertile part long clavate, 3-4 cm long, attenuated at both ends or upwardly incrassate, 5-6 mm thick, curved, with obtuse end, pale orange brown (Cinnamon- brown Buff), very minutely punctate with darker ostiola, about 4 inter 1 mm, lower border oblique or incised; cortex finelly pseudopai'enchymatous, 55-60,u thick, clavate pale brown, inner part gradually transforming into elongated cell-tissue, medulla same with that of stalk, Perithecia wholly embedded, densely arranged to the apex of fertile part, ovoid 'without neck, 600-650 X 280-310ll; walls 18-20,u n long, er part thick, composed of thin cells, ostiola slightly protruding and slightly thick. Asci t, other cylindric, 5-61.L in diameter, caps 4,u wide. Secondary ascospores cylindric, ob- tuse at both ends, 9-11 X 1-1.2:1, it, pale Nom. Jap. Ezoharuzemitake mposed 1 inner Hab. In nymph of Tanna japonensis. Inego, Hukusima Pref. (D. Shimizu,

~, ,~ r

302 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

July 22, 1959-Type no. 44 in Nat. Sci. Mus.). Ooisizawa, Tugawa, Nisiokitama- gun, Yamagata Pref. (Kazuko Suzuki, Aug. 21, 1960). J. The specimen collected in Ooisizawa is paler-coloured form with ochraceous (Cinnamon-Buff) fertile part.

9) Cordyceps yakusimensis Y. Kobayasi sp. novo Mycelia ex "ecdysis line" capitis vel intersegmentis corporis prorumpentia pulvinata, floccosa, cinereo-fuscata. Stroma ad 14 em attingentia, e parte inter oculos hospitis oriundum. Stipes simplex vel dichotomosim ramosus gracile 1

cylindricus, solidus, irregulariter contortus, 8-11 cm longus, 1.5-2 mm crassus, .. sursum incrassatus, glabrus, ochraceus; medulla e hyphis longitudinaliter ordi- -..- natis, 3.7-6,( crassis compositus, "hyphal knot" intermixtus, sine cortice. Pars fertils subulato-cylindrica 15-28 X 2.8-3.5 mm, interdum partem sterilem gracile apicaliter praedita, basi ex stipite abrupte dilatata, olivaceo- ochracea, minute punctata, ostiolis non protrudentibus; peridio pseudoparenchy- matico, superficie hyphas 5,u crassas fuscatas verrucosas emittente; medulla e .. hyphis 2.5-5,u crass is, crassiparietalibus et "hyphal knot" compos ita. Perithecia omnino immersa, anguste ovoidea vel fere navicularia, 740-800 X 170-230,u, colls destitutis, pariete 21-23,( crasso. Asci 270-310 X 5,(, Articuli ascosporarum elongato-cylindracei, truncati 10-15 X 1,u. Mycelial covering destitute, only pulvinate mycelial mat produced along ecdysis line or between segments, floccose, greyish brown. Stroma very long attaining 14 cm, arising from the apical part between eyes. Stalk simple or dichotomously with short branch on the upper part (sterile branch looks like cut off accidentally), slender cylindric, stuffed, irregularly contorted, 8-11 cm long, 1.5-2 mID thick, upwardly somewhat incrassate, surface glabrous, pale clay-coloured "Cartridge Buff to Cream-Buff"; medulla composed of longitudinal hyphae which are loosely woven, 3.7-6',( thick, with pitted or folded innerwall, mingled with hyphal knot, superficially without forming special peridial layer, but composed of loosely woven hyphae which are 3-4,( in diameter, sometimes forming free hairs, the wall of which has remarkable pits and foldings. 10) Fertie part subulate-cylindric, 15-28 X 2.8-3.5 mm, sometimes with short My. sterile tip, remarkably defined from stalk and abruptly incrassate, surface olivace- iter orii ous clay-coloured (Olive-Buff), minutely punctate with almost embedded obscure perithecia, without protruding ostiola, 4-5 inter 1 mm; peridiallayer not special- curvatu ly constructed, but composed of pseudoparenchymatous layers of large cells, send- glabrus ing out hyphae which are 5,u thick, pale brown, verrucose; subperithecial layer ordinati pseudoparenchymatous, inward gradually transforming into hyphallayer; medulla excavat: composed of hyphal layer mingled with hyphal knot, hyphae 2.5-5,( thick, some- 6-12 mi what thick-walled, with irregular thicknings and indentation, hyphal knot pro- promine vided with pits and verrucae. Perithecia wholly embeddèd, narrow ovoid or minusvE almost naviculate, 740-800 X 170-230,(, without protruding ostiola, neck almost itudinal destitute, wall 21-23,(, thick, composed of very thin cells, Asci 270-310 X 5,u, non-infi, Seconary ascospores long cylindrical, somewhat attenuated on both sides, terminal- 290,u, cu ly truncate, 10-15 X 1,(. sursum Nom. Jap. Yakusima-semitake diam.. Hab. On nymph of Meimuna tsuchidai. In forests along Suzu-river, Ono- My, aida, Yaku Is!. (D. Shimizu, Jul. 17, 1952-Type in Herb. Nat. Sci Museum). 13-14 c ,-- '1----'-

Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus.. Vo\. 6. No.3. July 1963 303 tama- B iceous

¡¡entia inter :racile ass us, ordi-

,artem vaceo- mchy- ulla e F 6. i thecia , colls rarum

along itween -.' sterile :ularly urface Fig. 10 C. yakusimensis A. Section through perithecia B. Cortex iposed of fertile part C. Peridial layer of stalk D. Surface hyphae of ted or fertile part E. Hyphal knot of stalk F. Secondary ascospores 3pecial meter, ldings. 10) Cordyceps ryogamimontana Y. Kobayasi sp. novo short Mycelia hospitem non contegentia. Stromata caespitosa ex hospite ventral- livace- iter ol'il1nda, simplicia, paullo cUl'vata 2-2.5 cm longa, coriaceo-carnosa, elastica, ;)edded obscure olivacea vel fere nigrescentia. Stipes cylindricus equalis plus minusve pecial- curvatus 10-15 mm longus, 1.5 mm crassus, solidus obscure olivaceo-fuscatus , send- glabrus vel paullo scabrus, cortice destituto; medulla e hyphis longitudinaliter i layer ordinatis pallde fuscescentibus 2-5-5p in diam. contexta, interne laxa, frequenter iedl1lla excavata. Pars fertils cylindrica equalis vel clavata vel fusiformis, apice obtusa some- 6-12 mm longa, 1.8-2.5 mm crassa, basi e stipite obscuriter distincta, ostiolis )t pro- prominentim protrudentibus, pallde olivaceo-fuscatis, dense aggregatis, plus oid or minusve assurgentibus; peridio obsculiter fuscato, 60,u crasso e cellulis long- almost itudinaliter ordinatis subcylndricis composito; medulla e hyphis 2-2.5,u crassis, ) X 5pi non-inflatis septatis texta. Perithecia omnino immersa, ovoidea 400-4GO X 270- ,'minal- 290,u, cum colls; pariete tenue 13-15p. obsculiter fuscato; ostiolis protrudentibus sursum dilatatis, crassiparietalibus. Asci 220-270 X 4-5pi capitibus 3-4,u in diam.. Artculi ascosporarum cylindracei, utrinque truncati 6-10 X 1-1.2,u. Mycelial mass in host body not so dense. Mycelial mat destitute. Stromata r, Ono- thorax and abdomen of I) . 13-14 caespitosely grown on the ventral side of pro


-i L, 1 r

304 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

epigaeoiis adult body of host, simple somewhat curved, 2-2.5 cm in total length, perithec coriaceous fleshy, elastic, dark olivaceous or almost black. longitud Stalks cylindric, equal, somewhat curved, 10-15 mm long, 1.5 mm thick, granuloi stuffed, dark, olivaceous brown, smooth or slightly scabrous; cortex destitute; Per medulla composed of longitudinal hyphae which are pale brown, 2.5-5t., non 400-460 inflated, with thin granulose walls, internal tissue loosely woven, frequently above tl excavated. 270 X 4- Fertile part terminal, cylindric, equal or clavate or fusiform with obtuse truncate end, 6-12 mm long, 1.8-2.5 mm in diameter, at base obscurely defined from COT stalk with scattered perithecia, ostioles prominently high, pale olivaceous brown, Noi densely distributed, 4-5 inter 1 mm, somewhat upwardly directed; peridium Ha dark-brown in section, 60;t. in thickness, composed of interweaving and long- japonici itudinally arranged hyphae of short, subcylindric, inflated cells, external hyphae:: Oct. 10, hairy with graniiious walls, internally transformed into medullary layer; sub- Sept. 21

11) E Str parte ~ rhizome regular salida, Fl1, fuscata cortice. crassa, c \ punctat 5-9ll cl compos ibus 18, fere cu M~ ItL:(: of it a~ mouth St: ~.F ~ lower r surfacE somewl finely ; tissue ing sp. '. FE c diamet , becomT \\ coloure white, Fig, 11 C. ryogamimontana A. Section through perithecia in diaT B. Cortex and medulla of fertile part C. Longitudinal sec- matoUE tion of wall of perithecia D. Peridial layer of stalk E. 680-74 Apical part of asci F. Secondary ascospores 9.u thie , 1--'--

Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Vol. 6. No.3, July 1963 305

length, peritheciallayer composed of irregularly interweaving hyphae; medulla of sinuous longitudinal hyphae which are 2-2.5 l1 in diameter, non-inflated, septate, with thick, granulous walls, without clamp. ititute; Perithecia completely embedded, some one slightly upwardly directed, ovoid, 'l1, non 400-460 X 270-290l1, with protruding and upwardly dilated ostiola (about 15l1 :luently above the surface of fertie part), wall thin, 13-151,u dark brown. Asci 220- 270 X 4-5l1, caps 3-4,u in diameter. Secondary ascospores cylindric, very thin, obtuse truncated at both ends, 6-10 X 1-1.2'l1. i from Conidial state: Unknown. brown, ~om, Jap. Suzuki-semitake ,ridium Hab. On adult body of Oncotympana maculaticollis (Type) and Tibicen I long- japonicus. Mt. Ryogami, Titibu (Takekuni Suzuki, Aug. 25, 1951, cultured til phae:: Oct. 10, 1951-Type no. 339 in Herb. Nat. Sci. Mus,), Mt. Ryogami (D. Shimizu, '; sub- Sept. 25, 1950, no. 287 on T'ibicen).

11) Cordyceps toriharamontana Y. Kobayasi sp. novo Stromata soliaria, simplicia, 10 cm alta, ex are hospitis oriunda. Stipes e parte supera et parte inferiore compositus, parte inferiore cylindrica, non rhizomorpha, contorta, ca. 3-4 mm crassa, alba vel pallde ochracea, glabra, ir- regular iter sulcata, parte 'supera cylindrica crassa, 15 X 4 mm, equule, recta, salida, glabra, longitudinaliter et subtilter sulcata et granulosa, pallide cinereo- fuscata, interne alba, carnea, e hyphis longitudinaliter ordinatis composita, sine cortice. Pars fertils elongata obpyriformis, subcompressa, 1-8 em longa, 1 cm crassa, apice rotundata, basi ex stipite abrupte dilatata, obscure olivaeea, dense punctata; ostiolis pallidiore coloratis, non acutis, textu interno albo e hyphis 5-9,/ crassis interne granulosis composito; cortex e textu pseudoparench~'matico composito. Perithecia oblonga, cum collo elongato, 680-740 X 290-340l1, pariet-

: ibus 18-23,u crass is. Asci 9,u crassi, capitibus 5l1 in diam. Articuli ascosporanim , i fere cuboidei, 1.5-2.5 X 1.5-1.7 l1. i Mycelial mat not covering the host body, but produced at the ventral side i of it as cushion-like mass, white, floccose. Stroma solitary, simple, arising from mouth of host, almost attaining 10 cm high. . i i Stalks composed of upper (exposed) part and lower (underground) part, lower part cylindrical, never rhizomorphous, twisted, about 3-4 mm thick, stuffed, su1'aee white or pale ochraceom~, glabrous, irregularly furrowed, upper part somewhat thick cylindrical, 15 X 4 mm, equal straight, stuffed, surface glabrous, finely and longitudinally furrowed and granulous, pale cinereous brown, inner tissue white, fleshy, composed of longitudinally arranged hyphae, without form- ing special peridial layer. Fertile part elongated, obpyriform, subcompressed, 1.8 cm long, 0.6 cm in diameter, apically rounded, distinctly confined from stalk. dark olivaceous, not becomming black when immersed, densely punctate with ostiola; ostiola paler coloured, rounded, not so acute, density of them 3-- inter 1 mm, inner tissue white, composed of hyphae which are loosely woven, various in thickness, 5-9l1 in diameter, with granulous projections on inner side; cortex pseudoparenchy-

matous, brown, without ectal layer. Perithecia oblong, with somewhat long neck. 680-740 X 290-340l1, wall 18-23.u in thickness, projections of ostiola lo\\, Asci 9,u thick, caps about 5p in diameter. Secondary ascospores very short, almost

-- !' .,

306 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

somewha matous, ' :¡ diameter i "Ii CD (J septate, i ovoid, 5f ¡nf~\ r\ cylindric ~ 1 c ascospor' ~ Con: Non Æ'l) Hab ~~/;,¡¡i--" ~ Graptopi ¡¡l! D l) n IØ m l; CJ,:i" mW

Fig. 12 C. toriharamontana A. Section through perithecia B. Cortex of fertie part C. Apical part of asci D, Secon- dary ascospores

cuboid in side view, 1.5-2-2.5,u long, 1.5-1.7,u wide. Conidial state: Unknown Nom. Jap. Tampo-ezozemitake Hab. On nymph of Tibicen bihamatus. In Fagus forests, Mt. Torihara of Asahi, Yamagata Pref. (D. Shimizu, Sept. 26, 1960). In appearance, this seems to be near Cordyceps ophioglossoides, differing however, in stalk which is neither orange-coloured nor provided with rhizo- morphous mycelial strang, and in perithecia which is larger and elongated.

12) Cordyceps paradoxa Y. Kobayasi, in Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Jap. 9 :156 Near i I (1939) et Gen. Cordyceps p. 137 (1941). Sci. Mu: Syn. Cordyceps ophioglossoides (non Fr.) Lloyd, Myc. Writ. 5 :809 fig. 1260 Kanie, J 1 (1918). Museum I Mycelial mass in host body firm, fleshy, white. Mycelial mat not covering 1959, 01

i the host, but mycelial strand emerging from dorsal or lateral side of head and ¡ thorax, ascending, white, irregularly divided or entangled, sometimes forming 13) ¡ membrane, attaining 2 cm long. Stroma arisiT,g from underground membrane (1939) j or mycelial strang, solitary, simple, 4-9 em long, firm fleshy. fig. 815 Stalk cylindric, 2-5 em long, 4-6 mm thick, almost equal, somewhat com- (1961) . i pressed, stuffed, pale ochraceous to dark olivaceous (Ecru-Olive to Buffy Olive), Syr tomentose or almost glabrous; cortex 90-140,u thick, composed of hyphae which En, i are 2-5,u, septate, hyaline, externally sending short branches; medulla densely compose l composed of hyphae which are longitudinally arranged, 1.8-2.8p thick, septate. with oil Fertie part oblong or clavate, distinct from stalk, 1.2-2.5 cm long, somewhat on dors compressed, same coloured with stalk or dark (Olive); ostiola densely arranged, long, tc 'I

:! 307 Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus.. Vol. 6, No.3. July 1963

somewhat protruding, 2-3 inter 1 mm; cortex 43-60,u thick, pseudoparenchy- matous, composed of 2-3 layers of cells which are globose or ovoid, 2.5-3.5,u in diameter; medulla white, composed of hyphae which are irregularly arranged, septate, 1.5-2.8:,u thick. Perithecia wholly immersed, rectangularly arranged, ovoid, 550-700 X 280-350,u, with short neck, walls hyaline, 16-21,u, thick. Asci cylindric, 330-400 X 6-7.5,u; caps somewhat large, 4-5,u in diameter. Secondary ,j ascospores short cylindric, truncate at both ends, 3-5 X 1.5-2,u. ! i Conidial state: Unknown Nom. Jap. Umemura-semitake Hab. Grown on the hypogaeous nymphs of Plat,ypleura kaempferi and Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata.


r;:.::-:...... -~:.:'"'Y.". . ara of ~ ~~ fering ,i I Fig. 13 C. paradoxa A. Section through perithecia B. rhizo- Cortex of fertile part C. Apical part of asci D. i d. Secondary ascospores ,\ Near Nagoya (J. Umemura, Nov. 15, 1930, on platypleul'a-Type in Herb. Nat. 9:156 \ i Sci. Museum), Suemorijôsi, Nagoya (J. Umemura, Nov. 1918 on Platypleura), i Kanie, Awagôri (J. Umemura, March 10, 1919, on Gmptopsaltria-Herb, Nat. Sci. t. 1260 Museum). In Quercus-forest, Minamihara, Yonezawa-si, (D. Shimizu, Sept. 7, ivering 1959, on nymph (Sixth stage) of MeÍ1nuna opalifera). ad and 13) Cordyceps heteropoda Y. Kobayasi, in Bull, Biogeogr. Soc. Jap. 9 :158 :irming nbrane (1939) et Gen. Cordyceps p. 144 (1941); Kawamura, Icon. Jap. Fung. 8 :826 fig. 815 (1955); Moureau, in Lejeunia, Mém. 15 :30, pl. 3 fig. 11, pi. 5 fig. 11 Lt com- (1961) . Olive) , Syn. Cordyceps Scottianus Kawam., Jap. Fung. n, 152 fig. (1929). i which Endosclerotium fillng all the inner part of host body, compact fleshy, white, densely composed of hyphae which are 3-7,u in diameter, thin-walled, hyaline, septate, ~tate. with oil drops. Superfcial mycelial mat destitute, but mycelial strand produced on dorsal part of host body or hypogaeous part of stroma, filiformed, 1-3 em mew hat 'ranged, long, to 0.5 mm thick, branched, brown (Ochraceous Buff-Antimony Yellow) ;~ r

308 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

E Fe distinct Cinnarn cortex i are su b ly tran thick, ! ca. 210 I B f1 c cylindr: ondary 0i ~O ~o i 1 Ha fU8cata He D~ in Her' He ~ '" :r 1902 a Grapto: ê-:~ on Gra Di Th host is duced . 1929. ~ the con tions 0 incline!

Epigae from i Fig. 14 C. hcteropoda A. Section through perithecia Myceli: x 35 B. Apical part of asci X 1100 C, Secondary ascospores X 1100 D. Peridium of stalk X 700 E. Perithi Peridium of fertile párt x 700 Head dark b composed of hyphae which are 2-2.5Ii thick, septate, thin-walled, with loosely Rising cicada! woven, hypha! peri dial layer. Stroma arising from the part between eyes of head or ventral side of thorax, A: solitary or binate, almost attaining to 12 cm long. ted in Stalk divided into hypogaeous and epigaeous parts, the former attaining C. sob, to 9 cm long, 1.2-1.7 mm in diameter, root-like, fibrilose, tortuose, upwardly subincrassate, glabrous, brown, internally white, composed of hyphae which are 14 1.4-3.5,0 in diameter, hyaline, peridial layer same with that of mycelial strand; 9:151 epigaeous part thick cylindrical, equal, 3-5 mm in diameter, fleshy, glabrous, Ei sometimes longitudinally sulcate, ochraceous, subfarinaceous, internally white, fleshy, composed of hyphae which are thin-walled, 1.4-,u thick, peridial layer composed cells, t: of hyphae which are subhyaline, 2.¡;4,u thick, septate. tisepta meter, ',. ' T


\ ! 310 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZC : Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2. i

I i evanescent, but mycelial strang arising I another from several points of host body, fili- We ha. form, white, slender, branched. L Conidia Stromata arising from legs, heads ISB or thorax of host, solitary or arranged et Gen in twos or threes, 2-7 cm long, rarely En attaining to 24 cm, monocephalous or from h polycephalous. Stalk a furcate Stalk cylindric, simple or frequen- ¡ tly dichotomously, trichotomously or 'I irregularly branched, sometimes fused c ~ again at base, scattered with sterile A mycelial strangs, irregularly flexuous, D tortuose, subequaJ or upward subincras- sate, 1-2.5 mm in diameter, sometimes "" \, ~ compressed, fleshy coriaceous firm, sur- A ~ tl face almost glabrous or longitudinally arranged fuscescent or ochraceous, in- 1:',, i- ternally solid, white, composed of ~ hyphae which are longitudinally arran- ged, hyaline, 1-3,u (commonly 1~5-2,u) thick, branched, septate; cortex ochra- ceous, 40-66ll thick, pseudoparenchyma- tous, composed of cells which are

subglobose or polyhedral, 3.5-9,u in i diameter, thin-walled, oily. Fertile part terminal on stalk Fi or its branches, obliquely or rarely \ capital laterally inserted, sometimes conglo- ! . coverei merated. depressed globose or tuberi- are hy, form, 1.5-3.5 mm high, 1.5-5 mm wide. Fi rarely attaining to 8 mm, surface mam- ~'l"~ Philali milate, ostioles ochraceous (Yellow 2-2.5.u Ocher), other part inter ostioles milky Fig. 15 C. nipponica A. Section through hyaline white (Warm Buff); cortex pseudo- perithecia X35 B. Median section of Hab fertile part x7.5 C. Apical part of asci ponica parenchymatous, 35-70,u thick composed X 1100 D. Secondary ascospores X 1100 of cells which are ellpsoid, 5-10.5 X E. Cortex and medulla of stalk x700 3-7 tJ, catenulate, hyaline, thin-walled; F. Cortex of fertile part x700 If medulla and interperitheciallayer white, 9:166 composed of hyphae which are multiseptate, 1.7-4.2,u in diameter. Mater Perithecia rectangularly immersed, ampullaceous or ovoid, 800-950 X 300- 8 (19( 370ll, wall ca. 10.u thick, pale ochraceous or hyaline, ostioles conically protruding, M ca. lOO.u high, 12-15.u wide at their tip. Asci 530-600 X 3-3.5.u wide. Secondary withoi ascospores minute, 2.8-.8 X 0.7¡i, truncate at both ends. 81 Nom. Jap. Aburazemitake. 5.7 err Hab. On nymphs of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata. Sinkawa-mati, Nishi- S1 kasugaigun, Aiti Pref. (A. Hayakawa, Jul. 1936-Typ in Herb. Nat. Sci. Museum). or rhi According to the collector's observations, the stromata are produced one after intern

_l..__ _ _,______" Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Vol. 6, No.3, July 1963 311

another on the same host body, as long as the reserve materials remain in it. We have no additional collections in these thirty years. Conidial state Isaria nipponica Y. Kobayasi, in Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 9 :169 (1D39) et Gen Cordyceps p. 240 (1941). Endosclerotium lOa-me with that of perfect stage. Mycelial strand arising from head, ventral side of thorax and legs of host, long filiform, tortuose, white. Stalk arising from head, compressed filiform, attaining 5 cm high, fleshy, white, furcate, sometimes anastomose, their branches arranged in flabellform in outline.

A ; ./~;::~;,.~~ ~ ?l \t. ,oi'll\ t út ' IJ ~,~~ \~. ':~tkiL, "l'L '~:: 1¡7:;~,~ ~~t--:q' ':~~'~. -K1'i',r-i ~j:..;"JIt' :Y,f.: , "r:.\V, ',1'í:

Fig. 16 Isaria nipponica A. Apical fertile part of fruitbody x4 B. Solitary branches bearing phialides and conidia x 1100

Fertile part small, terminal on stalk or its branches, cylindric, clavate or , I, capitate, white, then beeomming fulvous, 1-5 mm long, 0.5-1.3 mm wide, surface covered wih conidia, internally solid, white, fleshy, composed of hyphae which are hyaline, 1.5-4.5,u thick, septate. Fertile hyphae erect, subhyaline, septate, furcate, 3-4.2,u in diameter, .I Philalides acro-pleurogenous, 1-2-3 fasciculated, ampullaceous, hyaline, 6-3-10 X 2-2.5,u, with elongated apical projection bearing one conidium. Conidia bacilar, rough i hyaline, 5-6.5 X 0.8,u. on of i f asci Hab. Found in same locality and same kind of cicada with Cordyceps nip- 0100 I ponica. Accordingly, the writer took this as the conidial stage of the latter. x700 15) Cordyceps owariensis Y. Kobayasi, in BulL. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 9:166 (1939) et Gen. Cordyceps p. 174 (1941); Vasileva et Koval, in Bot. Mater. (NotuL. syst. sect. crypt. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R.) 14:167 pl. fig, ( 300- 8 (1961). Llding, Mycelia fillng in host body, forming white and firm fleshy endosclerotium, ,ndary without covering the surface of host. Stroma arising from head, solitary, fleshy, dark brown, straight, cylindric, 5.7 cm long. Nishi- Stalk sub equal ca. 2 mI in diameter, bifurcate at lower part, with tuberous eum). or rhizomorphous appendages at base, sometimes compressed, surface glabrous, , after internally white, composed of hyphae which are longitudinally and densely a!'-

I i

I i-I '.. -

312 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU : Monogrphic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

ranged, 1.4-4.2;. thick, septate; cortex not differentiated from medulla, composed of longitudinal hyphae which are pale fuscous, 2.5-3.5l. thick, thin-walled. A Fertile part not clearly defined from stalk, 3-3.5 cm long, 2 mm thick subulate, apically with 5 mm long, acute, white and glabrous sterile tip, surface squamosely scabrous, internal texture as stalk; peridium composed of 2l. thick hyphae, Perithecia obliquely immersed, asymmetrical, ampullaceous, 460-530l. long, 200- '!Op wide, with somewhat long neck, wall pale ochraceous, 18-23l., thick. Asci 4-4.3p in diameter, caps depressed globose, 2.4-2.8l. wide. Secondary ascospores 4,2-5.6tt long, thinner than Il. truncate at both ends. BR~~ Q. ~___~_ E /J n~~~,~ ~y/~~ CI ;:~::":":~--c=~~ ~ ./ .L': X2~-~ ~ -

" ~-. .. -., ~"~" ,


Fig. i 7 C, owariensis A. Median section through fertile part X 35 B. Apical part of asci X 1100 C. Secondary ascospores X 1100 D. Peridium of fertile part X 700 E, Cortex of stalk X 700

Conidial state: Unknown. Nom. Jap. Hayakawa-semitake Hab. On nymph of Platy pleura kaempferi, Sinkawa-mati, Nisi-kasugaigun, Aiti Pref. (A. Hayakawa, Aug. 1938-Type in Katô's Cicadidae Museum). Disk U.R.S.S. íPrimorska), Jamaica?, Cameroons of Africa?

i The figure which was drawn by J.D. Westwood based on the Jamaican i specimen in Gard. Chron. May 2,1891, p. 563 under the name Cordyceps oncicada I ! appears to show the present species, although it has not been accompanied by f detailed descriptions.

I In Engler's Bot. J ahrb. 23 :539 (1897), Hennings reported a cicadicolous fungus from Cameroons of Africa under the name Cordyceps cicadae, describing i "Beiderseits am Rande des, Brustschildes ist je ein gleich langes, pfriemen- i förmigen, cylindrisches, 5 cm langes, 11j2-2 mm dickes, zugespitztes, schwarz- graues Stroma hergewachsen. Die Perithecien sind völlg unreif". Judging from this description, this may be referred to the Japanese species. f:.ulL Nat~ ~~ltL .)lrU.:r.~ \:"(~L G~ No_ :-l~ ..rut~. f~5t1~:t .r"1. ;.~Ü

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...... ",,~~~~ ..-... um:u Bull. Nat. Sci.. Mus, Vol. 6. No.3. July 1963 313

16) Cordyceps evdogeorgiae Koval, in Bot. Mater. 14 :160 fig. 2 (1961). Stroma solitary, arising from abdominal part of host body, slender, 29 mm long. Fertile pad terminal, ovoid, 3 mm long, 2 mm thick, squamose, ochraceous red, apex subacute. Stalk incurved, 10 mm long, 0.5-0.7 mm thick, same coloul'ed with fertile part, griseous at base. Perithecia obliquely immersed, with long neck, oval, scattered, 400-500 X 300,u. Asci cylindric, containing 2-4 ascospores, '! 348-360,u long, 7.7¡. thick, cap globose 8.7 X 8¡.. Secondary ascospores fusiform, 8.7-10 X 2-3'¡..

I Conidial state: Unknown. '1 Hab. On adult body of cicada. Primorska, U.S.S.R. (Koval, Aug. 2, 1957- i Type in Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. U.S.S.R. in Leningrad). This is distinct from all other cicadicolous species in having fusiform sec- ondary ascospores.

As for the cicadicolous conidial state forming fruitbodies, the following species have ever been known, but their perfect stages are not yet found. Isaria oncotyrnpanae Y. Kobayashi, in BulL. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 7(1) :171 fig. 17, fig. A on pl. 2 (l!)39~. Hab. Adult body of Oncotympana maculaticollis Synnernatium graptopsaltriae Y. Kobayasi, in Bull. Biogeogr. Soc. Japan 7(1) :171 figs. 18, 19, figs. A, B on pl. 3 (1939). Hab. N:l'lIph of Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata Known only from type locality. Isaria takarnizusanensis Y. Kobayasi, Cordyceps p. 229 fig. on p. 230 (1941). Hab. Adult body of Oncotympana macula tic ollis Additional new locality: Ookubodani, Urayama, Titibu (D. Shimizu Aug. .j 1949) . , I Explanation of Plates 39-43

"l Plate 39 ! I Fig. A-B. Coi'dyceps prolilica A. No. 170, ca x 'h B. Specim.by Watanabe, ca x 2 Fig. C-D. Cordyceps proliftca f. teniiinalis C. x 2 D. x 5 Fig. E-F. Co'rdyceps inegoensis E. Type x 9/11 F. Fertile part x 2

Plate 40 Fig. A-C. C01'dyceps minuta Highly manified, A. on thorax ca x 18 B, C, On head ca x 13 Fig. D-E. Cordyceps sobolijera D. Normal type coli. in Obi ca x 1.3 E. Pycnidial type x 1.5 Fig. F. Cordyceps sobolifera var. takaoensis Type x 1.7 Fig. G. ¡saria sinclairii Specim. of Kasukabe x 2

Plate 41 Fig. A-C. Cordyceps longissima A. Type No. 44 x 5/9 B. ca x 1 C. Specim. in Ooisizawa x 5/9 Fig. D-E. Cordyceps yakusimensis D. Type x 3/4 E. x 2.2 Fig. F-G. Co.rdyceps ryogamimontana F. Type n. 339 x 1.5 G. no. 287 x 1.5

--i 'r, --

314 KOBAYASI and SHIMIZU Monographic Studies of Cordyceps 2.

Plate 42 Fig. A. Cordyceps torihara-montana Type x 3/5 The Fig. B-D. Cordyceps parado:i:a B. Type ca x 1 C. Specim. in Yonezawa x 8/9 t D. Upper part of the same specimen x 2.5 i Fig. E-F. Cordyceps heteropoda E. Specim. in Yamabe x, 5/9 F. The same (right one is pycnidial form) x 2.2

Plate 43 ..1 Fig, A-C. Cordyceps nipponica A. ca X 1 B. X 3.5 C. Fungus with peri. M thecial and conidial fertie part (white) on the same stroma, X 2. Fig. D. Isa7'ia nipponica x 4/5 (about Fig. E. C07'dyceps owariensis Type ca x 1. 1700 n elevati rugge( M flora 0 here, ~ Vacciri well d is COV( part 0 chiefly tine a classif broad- conife I akaisl: mainl~ forest I atory T. Ya field,

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