V. For the period: September 25, 2019– September 25, 2020


*For theSubmitted purpose of November uploading documents 2, 2020 to the DEC, all personal information and pictures were removed and replaced with “XXX”This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development.

It was prepared by Save the Children.


Annual Report

Period of Performance: September 25, 2019– September 24, 2020

Submitted by:

Save the Children

Date Submitted: November 1, 2020

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Table of Contents I. LIST OF ACRONYMS ...... 4 II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... 5 III. ABOUT THE PROJECT ENABLE-BIH ...... 7 1. Purpose of the Project ...... 7 IV. ENABLE Progress in FY2020 ...... 9 1. Project Activities and Results ...... 9 a) Replication of the STEM Trainings in Selected Model Areas ...... 9 b) STEM implementation in 7 out of 12 Model Schools ...... 11 c) Establishing cooperation and partnership with 3 universities in BiH ...... 12 d) Continued cooperation with technological park/center ...... 17 e) Establishing cooperation and partnership with leading STEM companies in BiH ...... 17 f) STEM OTC Web Application ...... 18 g) Advocacy Activities and Promotion of the Project ...... 19 2. Monitoring and Evaluation ...... 22 V. List of Annexes ...... 26

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I LIST OF ACRONYMS APOSO Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education of BiH BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina CCC Common Core Curricula CD Country Director CMS CMS programming language CSSP Civil Society Sustainability Project ECCD Early Childhood Care and Development ENABLE Enhancing and Advancing Basic Learning and Education EU European Union EWG Expert Working Group FYR(OM) Former Yugoslavian Republic (of Macedonia) HEA Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina IE Inclusive Education INGO International Non-Governmental Organization KBE Knowledge Based Economy LO Learning Outcomes LoE Level of Effort MEAL Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning MIS Management Information System MoCA Ministry of Civil Affairs MoE Ministry of Education MEASURE Monitoring and Evaluation Support Activity MOU Memorandum of Understanding NWB Northwest Balkans OSCE Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OTC Operational Teaching Curricula PAB Project Advisory Board PISA Program for International Student Assessment PPDM Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics and Teaching Methods RS SAA Same as above SAR Special Administrative Region SC Save the Children SLO Student Learning Outcome STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics TE Teacher Education TIMSS Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study ToT Training-of-Trainers UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund USAID United States Agency for International Development WG Working Group

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II. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The ENABLE BiH Phase II project continued its ground-breaking STEM reform in Year 2, with the aim to yield long-lasting impact and lay the foundation for further educational reform anchored in STEM principles. Key activities conducted this year include: STEM-integrated teaching implemented in selected model schools; teachers’ capacities further strengthened through training and mentorship; three centers of excellence created; an informal STEM education center established; and STEM integrated teaching further promoted. Moreover, in the emergency situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the project also quickly adapted, responding to the most pressing needs of project schools and universities and modifying activities to be able to bring the project to a successful completion.

Key Achievements in this reporting period include: - 173 teachers in 11 model schools were further supported with capacity-building focused on the practical application of STEM labs in their daily teaching, in order to enhance the quality of STEM classes. - Five out of seven model schools exceeded the targeted 25% of STEM integrated teaching for annual teaching plans for STEM disciplines for Year II, while two models schools reached 18.25% and 19.42% respectively. More than half of the teachers surveyed through the SC’s internal evaluation reported using STEM teaching approach actively in their classes and extracurricular activities.1 - More than 90% of surveyed students1 reported a change in their perspective about STEM, including more positive attitudes and opinions about STEM subjects and STEM careers. Students now enjoy studying STEM classes more and consider STEM careers more often in comparison to the time when their teachers were using traditional teaching methods. - Through collaboration with Intera Technological Park , an informal STEM education center was established, providing additional educational opportunities for 300 children and youths in the Mostar area. - STEM integration best practice and project achievements were promoted through an online campaign, reaching over 405,000 people with videos, infographics, and success stories. - A catalogue of best STEM class lesson plans was compiled and widely shared with the educational community. In terms of project challenges, the implementation of programming in model schools in Republika Srpska finally resumed in November 2019 as a result of successful meetings between USAID representatives and educational authorities in Republika Srpska. Following up with the Pedagogical Institute, the agreement was made to provide a ToT STEM training for the advisors from the Pedagogical Institute prior to receiving the endorsing note for the implementation of STEM-integrated teaching in 5 model schools and the associated refresher trainings for their STEM teachers. The project team planned to implement STEM-integrated teaching at least in the second semester of the 2019/2020 school year. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic hindered these plans, so the implementation in the model schools in Republika Srpska was continued on

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an extracurricular basis only and the refresher trainings (4 out of 5) were only feasible to be completed in September 2020.

The COVID-19 outbreak led to a lockdown and the closure of educational institutions in mid- March which affected direct project implementation to a certain extent. To tackle these challenges, COVID-19 adaptation activities were presented to the donor in the Activity Risk Mitigation Plans. These plans included: online meetings and webinars, the use of 3D printers donated through ENABLE BiH for the creation of personal protective equipment for frontline workers during the COVID-19 initial lockdown, organization of different online STEM competitions in schools, and procurement of IT equipment, and distribution of PPE and hygiene products for schools and universities. The project thus showed how STEM-based approach to teaching could easily be adapted to quickly respond to crisis situations and changed work modalities.

The internship activities with the STEM-related companies for students in the final years of primary and secondary schools were, unfortunately, most affected by COVID-19 pandemic, and had to be cancelled. Nevertheless, relationships were established and agreements signed with a number of leading local companies and these will be leveraged for further promotion of STEM professions and STEM education in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Additionally, the project team continued supporting the USAID externally planned impact analysis aimed at examining the results of the ENABLE-BiH project and the effects of the STEM program in schools on students as per the methodology agreed by the Center for Development Evaluation and Social Science Research (CDESS) contracted by USAID. The Save the Children MEAL department has also conducted an internal evaluation of the project which, due to COVID-19, has been adapted fully to online data gathering.

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III. ABOUT THE PROJECT ENABLE-BIH 1. Purpose of the Project The ENABLE-BiH project began in September 2016 and ended in September 2020. The overall purpose of the project was to contribute to the improvement of learning outcomes in primary and general secondary education in BiH. Specifically, Phase I of ENABLE-BiH was intended to help BiH students acquire key competencies necessary to participate in the knowledge-based economy and become future drivers of the economic development of the country. Building on the program’s Phase I objective, Phase II implementation focused on advancing USAID's goals of improving STEM education in Bosnia and Herzegovina by implementing the new Operational Teaching Curriculum in schools and rolling out new standards and guidelines for improved STEM teaching methods in pre-service university programs. The identification of two key components – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), and Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics and Teaching Methods (PPDM), on which ENABLE-BiH is based – came about as a result of the need to change the previous approach to learning and teaching in primary and general secondary education in BiH, which historically had been based on lecturing, memorizing, and reproducing.

This proposed shift to the educational paradigm is particularly important in areas that directly affect life-long learning. The dynamic combination of cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, knowledge and understanding, communication, intellectual and practical skills, and ethical values enable individuals to actively participate and work in STEM subjects and respond to the needs of a growing STEM industry and labor market.

Placing students at the center of the education process requires changing teachers’ roles from those who “teach lessons” to those who facilitate learning. This shift aims to improve learning outcomes by encouraging students to develop a higher level of thinking, independent learning, and problem-solving skills, and to ensure better engagement of students in the learning process, including through higher quality interactions with peers, teachers, and the learning content. According to this theory of change, students learn to conduct independent research, inquire and find answers, think critically, and apply what they have learned, and teachers, through increasing their PPDM competencies, improve their use of teaching methods and active approaches to help students gain knowledge, skills and attitudes and to improve learning outcomes.

Therefore, the primary purpose of ENABLE’s PPDM pillar was to increase and harmonize quality standards and to align training programs for future teachers during their initial training at teachers’ faculties, as well as other at other faculties whose graduates receive additional pedagogical training to work as teachers in primary and secondary schools; ultimately, to increase the quality of the educational-pedagogical processes and to improve learning outcomes in BiH. In Phase 1 of the project, a policy framework for STEM-PPDM was established through the development of key documents:

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STEM:  Draft Operational Teaching Curriculum (OTC) for STEM proficiencies (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) based on the Common Core Curriculum defined on Learning Outcomes  Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the OTC for STEM proficiencies  Teacher Training Manual

PPDM:  Standards for PPDM – Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics and Teaching Methods  Operational Guidelines  Resource Manual for PPDM University Professors

Phase 2 of the project focused on implementation in STEM-PPDM through the following activities:  Training for STEM-PPDM Master Trainers / Mentors  Replication of STEM-PPDM trainings in 12 model schools in 4 model areas (the Canton, the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, the Brčko District, and Republika Srpska)  Equipping 12 model schools with modern STEM equipment to support teaching and learning in a practical manner  Establishment of cooperation with three STEM universities in BiH (Faculties of Natural Sciences and Mathematics in Sarajevo, Mostar and )  Equipping 3 STEM universities with STEM-PPDM equipment to support their becoming university centers of excellence  Establishing cooperation with the business sector with the aim of providing pupils and students with internship opportunities to gain practical experience in the job arena  Organization of STEM fairs to demonstrate STEM achievements from both the education and business sectors and as a forum for linking education and business

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IV. ENABLE Progress in FY2020 Project Activities and Results

a) Replication of the STEM Trainings in Selected Model Areas

Prior to starting Year 2 of ENABLE BiH Phase II on September 25, 2019, the project team held a series of meetings with the educational authorities, the principals of the model schools, coordinators, trainers, and STEM teachers in order to discuss the lessons learned from the first school year of implementation of integrated STEM teaching within the targeted 10% of the school annual plan (See Table 1). After these consultative and reflective meetings, it was agreed to continue with integrated STEM teaching in the model schools targeting 25% of the school annual plan of the STEM-related disciplines.

Table 1: Consultative meetings held on lessons learned from the first year of school- based implementation Meeting Details Date Held Department of Education Governance of Brčko District BiH Aug 6, 2019 Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of the Herzegovina- Aug 7, 2019 Neretva Canton Sarajevo Canton (only with STEM model schools’ principals) Sept 4, 2019 Herzegovina-Neretva Canton in Hotel Mostar (42 participants) Aug 22, 2019 Brčko District in hotel Jelena (37 participants) Aug 23, 2019 Sarajevo Canton in the 3rd Gymnasium (43 participants) Sept 21, 2019

To further support the model schools and STEM teachers, a series of refresher trainings was organized, though all were not able to be held in the same timeframe. In September and October 2019, ENABLE organized refresher trainings for 122 STEM teachers, STEM coordinators and STEM trainers/mentors from the 7 model schools in Mostar, Brčko and Sarajevo. However, for the 5 model schools from Republika Srpska, refresher trainings took place later than initially planned, as approval from the Pedagogical Institute of Republika Srpska was not received until January 2020 and as the Pedagogical Institute required, as a precondition to the trainings for the model schools, that the project team organize a ToT for employees/counsellors of the Pedagogical Institute of RS (PZRS) in Banja Luka.

This ToT took place from February 10-14, 2020 and was attended by 28 representatives of different branch offices of the Pedagogical Institute. This was a major milestone in re- establishing cooperation with the educational institutions in Republika Srpska on the ENABLE BiH project. Following the ToT, official confirmation was obtained from PZRS that STEM could be implemented into the regular curriculum. From this point of view, the training for the pedagogical advisors was important as it provided them with a solid understanding of what the STEM approach was about and what STEM integration in regular education system entailed.

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The refresher trainings for the 5 model schools from Republika Srpska was then scheduled for February/March 2020. Unfortunately, given school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only one refresher training – at the Grammar School of Banja Luka for 17 STEM teachers - was implemented prior to the lockdown. As presented in the Activity Risk Mitigation Plans, it was not feasible to adapt the remaining refresher trainings to a virtual format, given the required demonstrations on the STEM lab equipment. When the lockdown was lifted enough to allow for face-to-face trainings, with support from the Pedagogical Institute of Republika Srpska, the project team organized three out of the remaining four refresher trainings for the model schools in Republika Srpska to 34 participants (28F, 6M) as follows:  Doboj (11 participants, 3M/8F) – August 27-28, 2020  Bijeljina (11 participants, 1M/10F) – August 31st – September 1st, 2020  Gradiška (12 participants, 2M/10F) – September 4-5, 2020

In total, 173 STEM teachers in 11 model schools participated in the refresher trainings in Year 2. The only school where the refresher training was not conducted was the Primary School Istocna Ilidza. The refresher training, though scheduled and planned, was cancelled by the school principal due to the COVID-19 pandemic and measures stipulated by the school management, which banned the organization of trainings and the presence of external visitors to the school premises.

This training was led by specialists - mentors from the model schools in the Brčko District - who had demonstrated the highest level of innovation in the use of the donated equipment (3D printers, Arduino, Robotics, etc.) for STEM-integrated teaching. Training evaluations that measured the satisfaction of participants with the overall organization, trainers, and training content, showed that most training participants were very satisfied with the overall organizational context, timely delivery of the official call for the training, delivery of the agenda, logistics, food, and refreshments. Participants’ evaluation of the training design and its content has shown that there is a slight “room for improvement” for similar thematic capacity-building activities in the future. In terms of competency, presentation skills, and overall lecturing approach to participants, the main trainer, Professor Dragan Matić scored 4.5 out of a possible 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest). (See Annex 2: M&E Annexes for Tables 2 & 3 with more detailed evaluation results.)

Unfortunately, given the delays described above, students in the 5 model schools of Republika Srpska were not able to benefit from teachers’ improved instructional practices in the 2019/2020, as the refresher trainings were completed only after the summer break, prior to starting the new school year 2020/2021 and at the very end of the project, as presented above.

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Additional support provided to teachers during COVID-19 related school closures: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown from mid-March 2020 that led to online teaching for the remainder of the school semester, the project team held a series of online meetings with the model schools’ principals, coordinators, trainers, mentors and STEM teachers. The project team organized 13 online meetings from April 9-28, 2020 to discuss opportunities and challenges posed by the new circumstances, especially in the implementation of STEM- based education, and discussed possible gaps that the ENABLE BiH intervention could fill to mitigate the risk of declining quality of implementation of STEM courses. Based on the feedback provided by the model schools, the ‘eLearning environment’ training was organized for STEM teachers from Primary School Petra Bakule Mostar following the below agenda:  Unit 1- Analysis of the platform used by teachers and introduction to Google Classroom, May 19, 2020  Unit 2- Categorization of grades within the Google Classroom application, May 21, 2020  Unit 3- Managing school assignments within the Google Classroom application, May 21, 2020 Four teachers took part in the webinar (4 females).

b) STEM implementation in 7 out of 12 Model Schools

As described in section a, educational authorities, together with the management of the model schools, STEM coordinators, mentors and teachers, agreed with ENABLE BiH to continue with integrated STEM teaching in the model schools, targeting 25% of the school annual plan of the STEM-related discipline1.

Based on the reports collected from the STEM coordinators from the model schools after the end of the 2019/2020 school year, five out of the seven model schools have successfully reached or exceeded the targeted 25%. The key factors for failure or success were cited as: support from management, motivation by teachers, and quality of communication with STEM mentors.

1 STEM rollout continued with implementation in the 2019/2020 school year in 7 model schools in the Sarajevo and Herzegovina-Neretva Cantons, and the Brčko District. *For the purpose of uploading documents to the DEC, all personal information and pictures were removed and replaced with “XXX”

Table 4: Schools that integrated ENABLE BiH’s STEM approaches % of STEM-disciplines School Name integrating in ENABLE Data Source BiH approaches JU Gimnazija “Vaso 18.25% Data collected from 12 teachers Pelagić” 9. OŠ Maoča 34.25% Data collected from 17 teachers

Gimnazija Mostar 28.37% Data collected from 20 teachers Data collected from 18 teachers JU OŠ „ZALIK“ 107.37% The teachers from Primary School Zalik Mostar also added in their implementation of different projects and competitions. Treća Gimnazija 55.37% Data collected from 13 teachers Osma osnovna škola „Amer Ćenanović“ 34.00% Data collected from 13 teachers Ilidža Osnovna škola Petra 19,42% Data collected from 16 teachers Bakule

Towards the end of the project, all teachers from model schools were contacted to share their best examples of STEM preparatory lessons. A panel of STEM experts was set that reviewed all of the received preparatory lessons and selected the best ones for publication. This catalogue of STEM lesson plans was the final technical product of the ENABLE BiH project, which will serve for further promotion for the practice of STEM integrated teaching among BiH teachers. The hard copies of the catalogue was shared among the educational professionals, with the soft copy posted on the ENABLE BiH website.

c) Establishing cooperation and partnership with 3 universities in BiH

In order to facilitate STEM-integrated learning at the pre-service level, the ENABLE BiH project team targeted the three Faculties of Science and Mathematics in Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka for partnership in Phase II of the project. The partnership was formalized through MoUs with each of the Faculties. Consultations were held to determine the needed equipment for the STEM labs that would be suitable and that would complement the existing capacities of each Faculty. The equipment for the STEM labs was procured between July and November 2019. It was valued at approximately 20,000 USD per institution. The official opening ceremony of the STEM labs at the Faculties in Mostar and Banja Luka took place in December 2019. While the procurement and equipping of the STEM lab at the Faculty in Sarajevo was done in the same period, the official opening was somewhat delayed due to more extensive preparatory work

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needed on the premises of the Faculty allocated for the STEM lab (windows and floors). After these works were completed, the opening of the Center of Excellence (STEM lab) at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics was planned for March 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown imposed to prevent the spread of the virus, the opening was postponed, only taking place in July 2020. Due to the epidemic prevention measures in place, it was limited in number of attendees, but a promotional video was prepared of the event and shared on social media.

After being satisfactorily equipped, the Centers of Excellence at the Faculties of Science and Mathematics in Banja Luka, Sarajevo and Mostar were opened and activities began. The Centers of Excellence planned activities for the students of mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science, and also promoted the STEM discipline study programs. These were interrupted in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 lockdown measures that closed the educational institutions for the remainder of the school year. All University partners confirmed their commitment to continuing with these activities once the education process was restored.

The Faculty of Science and Education of the : The Faculty of Science and Education of the University of Mostar successfully transferred the initiated activities within the Center of Excellence online, after the outbreak of the pandemic, thanks to the IT equipment donated through the ENABLE project, as well as through the pre- existing e-learning system of the University of Mostar and the Google Meet platform for which the hardware kit was purchased. Below are the online activities organized by the departments of mathematics and computer science during the COVID-19 lockdown:  Using robots in education, programming robots course/workshop (from December 1, 2019 – February 1, 2020): Designed for 3rd year undergraduate students of informatics, the main objective of this workshop was to motivate programming students to focus on the development of mobile robots that could be programmed to react to different kinds of environmental stimuli using sensors. The students used sensors from the Logo Mindstorms robots alongside the Ultimaker 3D+ printer and many other forms of hardware including Virtual Computers. Twenty-eight (28) students participated in this workshop in five teams (one group included 3 students) to implement various final projects. This course was successfully designed and implemented by Prof. Dr Sc. Boris Crnokić.  Fundamentals of programming mobile applications (November 1, 2019 – February 2, 2020): Graduate students in their second year of study of informatics and one student from undergraduate study of informatics, participated in this workshop (11 students). After the initial workshop session, which used tablets to illustrate the basic concepts of mobile application development, students began a 4-week sprint that started after the Christmas holidays. The sprints were organized in such a manner that students had to incrementally present their projects according to the principles of SCRUM methodology. They had to track progress and log the sprint backlog sheet with activities that they implemented in this workshop. The tablets that were bought and arrived at the center were immediately used for the demonstration of basic fundamentals of programming on *For the purpose of uploading documents to the DEC, all personal information and pictures were removed and replaced with “XXX”

Android devices. The students were divided into 5 teams, and one individual student project was also held. The projects implemented various ideas, from SmartParking devices to an application to track progress in lines. The workshops included the following topics: o Creating a project and merging the project into a Firebase (January 14, 2020) o Implementation of all user interfaces and layouts of your application (January 23, 2020) o Implementation of all activities where Firebase objects and user interfaces are connected (January 30, 2020) o Final product released on Google Play Store (February 6, 2020) o Project presentation in front of Prof. Dr Sc. Goran Kraljević and Daniel Vasić, assistant. (February 15, 2020) The workshop ended with the final presentation of student projects. The project workshop was held by Daniel Vasić, teaching assistant.  Programming in Python using PyGame (from March 15, 2020 – June 1, 2020) for undergraduate study of Informatics (first year): The intent was to use virtual machines that were bought for this purpose. The COVID-19 pandemic stopped this activity and the workshops were adapted to an e-learning platform and Google Meet platform. The activity was implemented for 45 students and was held by Mag. Mat. et. Inf. Emil Brajković.  Development of web applications (March 2, 2020 – June 25, 2020): In this workshop, students were trained to develop custom web applications, as part of the informatics graduate study program. A total of 46 students enrolled this workshop, but some problems occurred during the outbreak of COVID-19 and some activities were postponed because of an inability to gather in the same place physically. During this period all activities on the project were transferred to a virtual environment, so the implementation of the workshop was done using the University of Mostar’s SUMARUM eLearning system. Video materials were developed using hardware and software that was supplied by ENABLE BiH such as tablets and Google Meet hardware kit to implement face-to- face instruction. This activity was implemented by Prof. Dr Sc. Tomislav Volarić and Hrvoje Ljubić, teaching assistant.  Virtual days of Mathematics and Informatics: The plan for this activity was to gather pupils from various schools in our district, but the COVID-19 outbreak prevented any action for this activity. The “Days of Mathematics and Informatics” was planned for March 19, 2020, but because of COVID-19 restrictions in our country, this activity was postponed. To continue the work on the project, a couple of activities were designed and implemented online. o The first activity was planned for teachers of Informatics and Mathematics where our visiting professors from the held two workshops on the following themes: . Jesu li naše tajne sigurne (Are Our Secrets Safe?) – Prof. Dr Sc. Bojan Crnković, Prof. Dr Sc. Vedrana Mikulić-Crnković

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. geometriji gdje pravci nisu pravci (On Geometry Where Lines Are Not Lines) – Prof. Dr Sc. Bojan Crnković, Prof. Dr Sc. Vedrana Mikulić-Crnković o Students of mathematics and informatics also presented workshops for high school students (Game development in Python – Students of informatics; Monte Carlo simulation – Students of Mathematics) . The whole video broadcast can be viewed at the following link: . https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=MlR6MhMf964

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Banja Luka: The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Banja Luka started with activities in its Center of Excellence after its official opening in January 2020. These activities focused on STEM lab experiments with undergraduate students of physics, mathematics and IT, and included experiments with magnetic hysteresis (for students of physics), experiments with the Mickelson interferometer (for students of physics) and programming in Python (for students of mathematics and informatics).

Activities were also planned with students from primary and secondary schools through the ChemSTEM program proposed by the Department of Chemistry, including the following workshops: How to Practice STEM Safely in the Chemistry Lab; Chemistry All Around You; and Chemistry of the 21st Century. The necessary meetings were held with the chemistry teachers from the Grammar School Banja Luka, as well as with the chemistry teachers of the primary school Georgi Stojkov Rabovski Banja Luka, in order to present the STEM lab at the Faculty and to establish cooperation and possibilities for final year students of primary and grammar school to do practical experiments at the Center of Excellence. For the final year students of the Grammar School Banja Luka, the idea was to enable them to use the Center of Excellence lab when conducting their experimental part of the high school theses in chemistry.

Unfortunately, these as well as other promotional activities for the Center of Excellence were put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the education system as of March 2020. However, the teaching staff of the Banja Luka Center of Excellence were active during the COVID-19 lockdown in production of the face shields on 3D printers donated via the ENABLE BiH project. (See the call-out box below.)

The Center of Excellence at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the : The Center of Excellence at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Sarajevo was officially opened, with a significant delay due to COVID-19, only in July 2020 when the epidemiological situation allowed small gatherings to be organized at the premises of the Faculty. Their most notable success in the previous period is the promotion of the STEM approach and paradigm among the graduate students. Currently, one Master thesis on the STEM approach in biology has been defended at the Department of Biology, while two more Master *For the purpose of uploading documents to the DEC, all personal information and pictures were removed and replaced with “XXX”

theses are on-going at the Department of Biology and the Department of Mathematics, as well as one PhD thesis at the Department of Mathematics. ENABLE BiH has directly contributed to this, with its engagement of the teaching staff from these departments who participated in Phase I of the project and with whom the project continued to cooperate on setting up the Center of Excellence and further promotion of STEM principles and approaches among future teachers in the STEM discipline.

COVID-19 Adaptation: Teaching Assistants at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences in Banja Luka initiated production of personal protective equipment

After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, experts from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Banja Luka began working daily to produce protective face shields using a 3D printer. The initiative, started by young assistants from the Department of Computer and Information Science, is also supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and the Information Society. After prototyping and initial testing, the company began its batch production, which now includes about a dozen other employed laboratory assistants, teaching assistants and professors. Production takes place at the Faculty's STEM laboratory, which was opened as part of USAID's ENABLE BiH project. There are currently five 3D printers in operation: one is owned by the Faculty, with the remaining four coming from STEM model schools. "Currently, 14 visors are being produced daily, and the plan is to further expand production in the coming months by increasing capacity and optimizing production. So far, about 30 visors have been delivered to the University Clinical Center of Republika Srpska, and a consignment of 12 visors has been sent to Doboj. Several visors have been given to healthcare professionals who are engaged in working with patients in newly formed accommodations for persons testing positive for the coronavirus in the student dormitory, as well as the Pediatricians Association,” reported the Head of the Cathedra of Computer and Information Science, Dr. Dragan Matic. “XXX”

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d) Continued cooperation with technological park/center

In Phase II of the ENABLE Project, a partnership was established with Intera Technological Park Mostar and its Center for Technological Culture. The aims of the partnership were to engage the technological park to cooperate with universities and model schools, to equip the STEM center for provision of informal STEM education, to engage the technological park in educating teachers to further improve their practical skills in the utilization of technology for innovative teaching within the STEM labs, and to prepare and implement STEM courses on 7 different topic: Robotics, Modelling, Minecraft, Graphic design, Electronics, Informatics, and Python for children and youths from the Mostar area. After signing an MoU with the Intera Technological Park, Save the Children provided the necessary STEM-related equipment for enhancing the Center’s capacity to organize new STEM- related courses, while Intera was responsible for all related running costs, including salaries and stipends for the staff of the Center. In this way, from the beginning, the Center and its activities were to be organized in a sustainable manner.

While Save the Children was completing the procurement of the agreed STEM course-related equipment valued at 30,321 USD, the partner Intera upgraded the premises of the Center. The official opening of the Center on the new premises was on December 6, 2019 (http://www.ctk.ba/novosti/u-mostaru-otvoren-stem-youth-centar/). After two open-door sessions that were held in January 2020, where the courses and the Center were further promoted in the local community, enrolment in different STEM-related courses was organized to include IT workshops (Minecraft, Kodu Game Lab, Scratch, Micro:bit, Python, Web design), robotics and video editing. These courses (2 cycles of 7 different 18-hour-long STEM -focused courses) benefitted approximately 300 primary and secondary school students from the City of Mostar both pre- and post-COVID-19 lockdown. The Center resumed its activities mid-July 2020, respecting the required epidemiological measures, and the courses were organized in smaller groups of children.

The Intera Technological Park signed MoUs with two universities in Mostar to support their efforts in the promotion of STEM-integrated education, as well as model schools from Mostar. The expert staff of Intera Technological Park also supported the first refresher trainings for model schools in Mostar, Brčko and Sarajevo, regarding enhancing the skills of the STEM teachers to better utilize the STEM lab equipment in their daily teaching.

The Intera Technological Park also supported the project team in the organization of the STEM Fair, which took place on its premises in Mostar in November 2019, and their experts were also part of the selection committee for the best school STEM presentations/experiments.

e) Establishing cooperation and partnership with leading STEM companies in BiH

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The second phase of ENABLE BiH also focused on building connections between the business sector and education system in order to facilitate practical job experiences for primary and secondary school students from the model schools. Successful partnerships were established with Bit Alliance, ASA Holding Group and the Violeta company. In November 2019, the students and teachers from the model schools were taken for a visit to the Violeta company, which was very responsive and interested in cooperating with the ENABLE project and the model schools.

A solid base of internships and visits to STEM-related companies was created during the previous period by signing the MoU with Bit Alliance (alliance of over 50 IT companies in BiH) and ASA Holding Group (consisting of 17 different companies), and cooperation was established with the Violeta company from Grude as well as with the mTel Group. Unfortunately, these activities were put on hold during the reporting period and subsequently assessed as not feasible for the remaining period of the project due to the COVID-19 lockdown, closure of schools, and restrictions of movement. Visits to the companies as well as internship programs were regarded as a high risk for the health of students.

Based on meetings with different stakeholders in the preparatory stage, it is important to highlight that the activity was very well received by all, the STEM-related companies in particular. During the meetings with them, it was evident that they recognize the problem presented by a future work force not adequately trained for STEM-related industries, as well as the decreasing interest of students to pursue studies at STEM-related faculties. They welcomed the opportunity to be part of the promotion of STEM in general as well as in their particular field of industry among the final year students of primary and secondary model schools. Unfortunately, it was not possible to organize these activities during the reporting period due to COVID-19, nor for the remaining period of the project due to the project end date in September 2020.

f) STEM OTC Web Application

In order to ease the preparation of the STEM-based lessons for the teachers of primary and secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the materials for STEM and PPDM developed in the ENABLE BiH Phase I, and to enhance STEM education and its outreach among the schools and teachers, the web application www.enablebih.org was developed. The application was developed by the US project partner, 21P STEM (which had experience with similar STEM web applications from their other projects), the ENABLE-BiH project team, and an IT expert from the local STEM expert group. The web site is operational till September of 2021 with the funds payed for the domain maintenance with project funds. The plan is to transition it to the partnering ministries as part of the in-service training program for STEM competencies within the TABLA activity.

Throughout the trainings organized in the Year 2, the application was used by the trainers to promote the site and its content, and to demonstrate to the training participants how to use the content of STEM OTC online for the preparation of STEM classes.

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During the close-out phase of the ENABLE BiH project, all model schools were invited to submit their best examples of lesson plans for different disciplines and their correlations with one or two other STEM disciplines. The collected materials were reviewed by STEM experts and prepared as a catalogue of best practices. Its electronic version has been uploaded to the website.

A video tutorial explaining the use of the STEM OTC web application located on the http://www.enablebih.org web site has also been developed, and will be uploaded to the site. The tutorial will facilitate the use of the STEM OTC application for all interested teachers, researchers and others accessing the site.

g) Advocacy Activities and Promotion of the Project

European Researchers’ Night 2019 ENABLE BiH’s STEM model schools actively participated in European Researchers' Night 2019. Ten primary and high schools presented their research projects at this important event. European Researchers' Night promotes STE(A)M activities and innovations in the area of science, technology and the IT sector. In total, 88 students and 20 professors representing STEM model schools participated in four locations; Sarajevo, Mostar, Brčko and Bijeljina.

A variety of experiments were prepared by students, such as: STEAM is all around us, Magnetic/live water; Experiment in the heart of STEM, Science is not a fable; Globe Making; Model of riverbed: Lungs of the Amazon and many more fascinating projects. A student group from Banja Luka Gymnasium won first place in the competition for the best experiment. A group from Gymnasium Filip Višnjić from Bijeljina won first place at the city event, and all groups demonstrated a high quality of STEM skills gained2.

STEM Fair, Mostar, November 19-20, 2020 Another important event was the first 2-day STEM Fair organized on November 19-20 in Mostar, as part of the Enhancing and Advancing Basic Learning and Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ENABLE BiH) project, supported by USAID BiH.

There were motivational speakers, including and Herzegovinians who have achieved international success, and they shared their knowledge and experiences with students from BiH primary and high schools. Speakers included Andrej Gajic, scientist, pilot, paratrooper, and diver; Mislav Šramek an engineer at Rimac Cars, Sharklab National Geographic; Adla Kahric, a director of the Bit Alliance Association Tatjana Vučić, CERN physics researcher; Admir Greljo,

2 The following schools participated in the European Researchers' Nights: Deveta osnovna škola Maoča, Gymnasium Vaso Pelagić Brčko, Treća gimnazija Sarajevo, Osma osnovna škola Amer Ćenanović Ilidža, Primary school Petra Bakule Mostar, Primary school Zalik Mostar, Gymnasium Mostar, Gymnasium Banja Luka, Gymnasium Filip Višnjić Bijeljina and Primary school Sveti Sava Doboj. Modern STEM labs in these schools were equipped through the ENABLE BiH project. *For the purpose of uploading documents to the DEC, all personal information and pictures were removed and replaced with “XXX”

mathematics professor; Ismar Volic from Wellesley College; Luka Vucina and Marin Bevanda, founders of Amplius electronics; and best ranked BiH tennis player and Save the Children Ambassador Damir Džumhur.

The STEM Fair, as part of the ENABLE BiH project, brought together students and teachers from project schools, professional staff in the field of education, companies/partners of the project, parents, and the general public in order to promote the STEM field and scientific work, research and achievement alongside critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving. It is also significant that students from across BiH were able to participate together with a shared goal of learning and competing around a shared interest in STEM.

The best student projects were also awarded on this occasion. The first prize was won by a group from the Second Gymnasium Sarajevo with the project "Eco friendly house"; the second prize was won by a group from the primary school Bijela from Brčko with a project entitled "School for life"; and, the third prize was won by the students of the primary school Petra Bakule from Mostar. The audience award went to the Zalik Primary School from Mostar with the project "Taste Science, Try STEM Cookies".

Final promotional campaign The public information campaign was implemented from July until the end of project (September 24th, 2020). The outcomes of the campaign were:  12 impact stories from 12 model primary and high schools ('Deveta osnovna škola' Maoča; Gimnazija 'Vaso Pelagić', Brčko; Treća gimnazija, Sarajevo; Osma osnovna škola 'Amer Ćenanović', Ilidža; Osnovna škola 'Petra Bakule', Mostar; O.Š. 'Zalik', Mostar; Gimnazija Mostar, Mostar; Gimnazija Banja Luka, Banja Luka; OŠ 'Vasa Čubrilović', Gradiška; Gimnazija 'Filip Višnjić', Bijeljina; OŠ 'Sveti Sava', Doboj; O.Š. 'Petar Petrović Njegoš', Istočna Ilidža);  A video presenting the most important results and activities of the ENABLE project: https://www.facebook.com/savethechildrenNWB/videos/341485550609229  A Press Release at the close of the project  Media guest appearances by the SC Country Director  A video reportage about the opening of a STEM laboratory in PMF Sarajevo  A project impact brochure highlighting project results and impact stories (available at: https://www.facebook.com/savethechildrenNWB/photos/pcb.1852612334880256/185261 0068213816/?__cft__[0]=AZVZsH67A- s_jqNIbtHDUALtp38eIlvG7Ulf3sX9XQU3uTM_PyqCq_fwTkGZgKhtAEHJ9_KZearg wTkVkwNlUnRXoBXnterH1uug8LpAVyLVbZSR29fWnEnCi5DvOrUBbXS_s- 9PzqZuIp7R9wRpeR3eyFWJUOIlDEV0I_GGL5P7wPpJLZwh593mIYHAS- w4cSs&__tn__=*bH-R) and the Catalogue of the best STEM preparatory classes (available at: https://nwb.savethechildren.net/sites/nwb.savethechildren.net/files/library/KATALOG%2 *For the purpose of uploading documents to the DEC, all personal information and pictures were removed and replaced with “XXX”

0DOBRIH%20STEM%20PRAKSI%20FINAL.pdf), which were promoted online and distributed to all schools and universities participating in the project.

Total reach via Social networks was 405,000, exceeding the goal of 150,000.  At least 10 major web portals published articles about ENABLE project  2 national TV stations and 2 radio stations broadcasted ENABLE content

Please see the Annex 3 for a list of ENABLE BIH Project media online coverage links.

h) Challenges and Lessons Learned

The main challenge in implementing Year 2 of the ENABLE BiH Phase II continued to be the lack of support from the educational authorities in Republika Srpska for the implementation of STEM-integrated teaching in the regular curriculum, despite the commitments of the previous leadership in the Ministry of Education. The direct engagement of the USAID (Head of Mission and ENABLE BiH AoR) towards the educational authorities in Republika Srpska supported the project team in re-establishing the contacts and agreeing on the plan for the fulfilment of the project objectives in Republika Srpska. The team worked on this plan, which resulted in securing the approval of the Pedagogical Institute of Republika Srpska to start the implementation of STEM-integrated teaching in five model schools in this entity for the second semester of the 2019/2020 school year, but the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown, closure of schools, and epidemiological measures in place hindered the implementation of this plan.

The COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the education system (closure of schools, online education from mid-March 2020 for the remainder of the second semester of the 2019/2020 school year, etc.) effected the implementation of project activities, especially those that could not be adapted to an online context. These activities were listed in the two Activity Risk Mitigation Plans shared with the donor; as described in those plans, certain activities had to be cancelled due to the continued epidemiological measures that prohibited resuming the traditional way of working before project closure.

Some of the adaptations of the project during the COVID-19 period demonstrated the practical implementation of STEM-integrated teaching and STEM principles, which led to some innovation and creativity by the educational professionals (production of 3D face shields, online competitions, etc.).

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2. Monitoring and Evaluation

Save the Children implemented its monitoring and evaluation activities in compliance with the approved Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, as well as in collaboration with USAID and the MEASURE team. Below is a summary of the progress made towards the project objectives and against relevant indicators. This section follows the Performance Indicator Reference Sheets for ease of reference.

Name of Activity Result Measured: Name of Indicator Status Draft Operational Teaching Curricula for Stage reached on the milestones for draft Completed STEM proficiencies based on Core Common OTC for STEM proficiencies based on Curriculum prepared for endorsement and CCC being endorsed by the Conference of operational preconditions created for Ministries and recommended for teachers’ Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics and application by relevant educational Teaching Methods (PPDM) to be introduced institutions (out of total of 5 stages)

Draft Operational Teaching Curricula for Stage reached on the milestones for PPDM Completed STEM proficiencies based on Core Common Standards and Operational Guidelines Curriculum prepared for endorsement and being submitted for endorsement, and operational preconditions created for training program and certification for teachers’ Pedagogy, Psychology, Didactics and university professors’/teaching assistants Teaching Methods (PPDM) to be introduced developed (out of total of 4 stages) Activity Outcome/Output 1.1: Draft Number of key stakeholders from relevant Completed Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM education institutions involved in proficiencies based on Common Core development of draft Operational Teaching Curriculum is developed, along with Curricula for STEM proficiencies based on Implementation Guidelines and Teachers Common Core Curriculum and Training Manuals. Implementation Guidelines Activity Outcome/Output 1.1: Draft Number of documents related to draft Completed Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM proficiencies based on Common Core proficiencies based on Common Core Curriculum is developed, along with Curriculum developed (OTC, Implementation Guidelines and Teachers Implementation Guidelines, Teachers Training Manuals Training Manuals). Draft Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM will be developed in 3 official languages (Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian) Activity Outcome/Output 1.1: Draft Number of teachers/educators/teaching Completed Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM assistants/representatives of relevant proficiencies based on Common Core education institutions trained Curriculum is developed, along with Implementation Guidelines and Teachers Training Manuals - A total of 298 teachers’ educators, teachers, and TOTs (75 males and 223 females) were trained for the roll-out of the new Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM during the life of the Activity. Activity Outcome/Output 1.2.: Standards and Number of key stakeholders from relevant Completed Operational Guidelines for implementing education institutions involved in development of Standards and Operational

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PPDM-related courses across all teacher Guidelines for implementing PPDM-related studies programs developed courses across all teacher studies programs Activity Outcome/Output 1.2.: Standards and Number of documents related to teachers’ Completed Operational Guidelines for implementing PPDM education/training developed PPDM-related courses across all teacher (Standards, Operational Guidelines) studies programs developed Activity Outcome/Output 1.2.: Standards and Number of other teaching and learning Completed Operational Guidelines for implementing materials (TLM) provided with USG PPDM-related courses across all teacher assistance studies programs developed Activity Sub-Purpose 2. Contribute to the % of education practitioners who prefer Completed development of Knowledge-Based Economy STEM teaching approach over traditional in BiH teaching methods

Out of a total of 298 teachers’ educators, teachers, and TOTs (75 males and 223 females, 196 teachers) who were trained for the roll-out of the new Operational Teaching Curricula for STEM, 109 (80F/29M) of them reported on the percentage of implementation of STEM classes in Year IV of the Activity. Out of these 109 teachers, 52% (57:42 F/15M) reported teaching more than 25% of the classes/extracurricular activities through the STEM teaching approach while 39% (43: 31F/12M) reported teaching between 10% and 25% of classes/extracurricular activities through the STEM teaching approach. Out of 57 teachers who report teaching more than 25% of classes/extracurricular activities through STEM teaching approach, 12 of them teach in Sarajevo, 32 teach in Mostar and 13 teach in Brčko.

The data for calculating the indicator % of education practitioners who prefer STEM teaching approach over traditional teaching methods was collected from 109 education practitioners. The data were delivered in the form of checklists and implementation plans and delivered by school principals, STEM coordinators and teachers. It is important to note that the data for Republika Srpska were not available nor collected as the STEM integrated teaching within regular curriculum was not implemented due to standstill in cooperation with the education institutions in this entity from March 2019 to Nov 2019.

Calculation details: Numerator: Number of teachers who use STEM approach more than 25% in their teaching and extracurricular activities Denominator: Number of teachers trained in STEM and reported on STEM implementation

Note that using the above calculation, we reach 52% of teacher, which is above the previously targeted percentage of 30%. However, if we look at the number of education practitioners who prefer STEM teaching approach over traditional teaching methods (57) against the number of trained teachers (196), we reach a percentage of 29%. Activity Sub-Purpose 2. Contribute to the % of students who changed their Completed development of Knowledge-Based Economy perspective about STEM in BiH The sample from the Internal Evaluation included 210 students, in which 193 (92%) of them showed a change in their perspective about STEM.

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Calculation details: Numerator: Number of students who gave positive answers (agree or strongly agree) to at least 60% questions on survey Denominator: Total number of students participating in the survey (N=384) Activity Sub-Purpose 2. Contribute to the Number of partnerships established Partially development of Knowledge-Based Economy between schools and STEM (Science, completed in BiH Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) companies with the aim of providing students with practical experience in STEM Formal partnerships (2 signed MoUs) were established with the company consortium – AS Holding (counting 12 subsidiary companies) and an association of the largest IT companies in BiH – Bit Alliance (counting 55 software companies). A partnership was also established with the company Violeta, but the MoU was not signed due to Violeta’s internal procedures and requirements. The negotiations with Mtel company were initiated prior to COVID-19 for the organization of student visits to their HQ in Banja Luka, but were not completed due to the COVID-19 crisis. Activity Outcome / Output 2.1.: STEM Number of education institutions and Partially curriculum introduced and implemented in businesses engaged in ENABLE-BiH STEM completed primary and general secondary education interventions with linkages to corporate sector 12 primary and secondary schools across the country were identified, as well as three universities. These places of learning served as an enriching and stimulating area for the introduction, integration and expansion of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Cooperation with schools and universities continued throughout the fourth year of the Activity. Three University Centers of Excellence (1 in Sarajevo, 1 in Mostar, 1 in Banja Luka) were established and equipped with STEM tools and materials.

While STEM integration was implemented within the regular curricula in 7 model schools in the Federation and Brčko District; in five schools in Republika Srpska the STEM activities remained at extracurricular level. After a series of follow-up meetings in the beginning of Year IV of the project with the educational authorities in Republika Srpska, an agreement was reached to start with STEM integration in regular curricula. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, it was not possible to implement this as planned. Activity Outcome / Output 2.1.: STEM Number of students provided with STEM Partially curriculum introduced and implemented in education by trained teachers completed primary and general secondary education with links to corporate sector 2556 of children were reached. Due to limited access in RS, activities in this entity were delayed and the target not reached. Despite efforts to ensure integration in the final year, it was not possible to implement the planned activities in the model schools in RS due to COVID-19. Activity Outcome / Output 2.1.: STEM Number of students in ENABLE-BiH Associated curriculum introduced and implemented in secondary schools who completed activities primary and general secondary education internship programs organized by ENABLE- were with links to corporate sector BiH partner companies cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, end of school year, and project

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close-out process. Internships were in the process of being organized with the companies with which ENABLE BiH signed the MoU or were in the process of signing the MoU. However, as the schools closed in late March 2020 and continued virtually throughout the end of the 2019/2020 school year, and due to the lockdown lasting until the end of May 2020 and the subsequent epidemiological measures that were not conducive to the organization of the internship programs, this activity had to be cancelled. Activity Outcome / Output 2.2.: Joint STEM Number of STEM university students Associated education and PPDM Standards introduced engaged as mentors for students in activities and implemented at universities/faculties for ENABLE-BiH secondary schools who are were initial teacher education in STEM disciplines completing internships cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, end of school year, and project close-out process. For the organization of an online Python course for students from three model schools in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, two STEM university students were engaged as mentors. Due to the overall disruptions in the education process at all levels, other opportunities were difficult to make given the COVID-19 circumstances. However, we believe that the model of partnership established in this activity (University-Intera/CTK provider of informal education) can serve as a basis for further links and engagement of STEM university students as mentors/course assistant trainers in the following period.

The quality standards were regularly applied and monitored (prior to, during, and subsequent to each of the conducted activities) and the Quality Benchmarks Table was regularly updated, serving as a tool to closely monitor, evaluate and improve the next activities if needed, and to maintain the required standards. The Indicator Performance Tracker Tool (IPTT, internal MEAL plan) were developed to monitor lower-level output/outcome indicators and achievement of the targets. Please see Annex 2: M&E Annexes for the complete project indicator table as well as the IPTT and Quality Benchmarks Table.

A special evaluation form was developed for each meeting of the STEM and PPDM working groups in accordance with the standard SCNWB procedures, and filled out by the participants on the last day of the STEM and PPDM meetings.

Internal Evaluation The MEAL Department developed a methodology for Internal Evaluation of the ENABLE Activity which was implemented via the Save the Children Evaluation Policy / Threshold for Internal Evaluation. The aim of the evaluation was to provide a high-quality evidence base to inform future project activities. The focus was on identifying practical transferable lessons learned and examples of good practices. Data collected through the internal evaluation process was also used to inform achievements per Activity indicator “% of students who changed their perspective about STEM”. However, because of the COVID-19 crisis, the MEAL Department

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had to adapt this activity to implement it fully remotely. At the same time, this activity presented an opportunity to pilot an online evaluation modality.

The first phase of the evaluation included collection of the data from primary and secondary school students in ENABLE model schools. The second phase of the data collection was implemented in August/September 2020, where data from teachers/education practitioners, coordinators, mentors, and ministry representatives were collected. The finalization of the Internal Evaluation Report is planned for November.

V. List of Annexes

1. Annex 1: Success Stories 2. Annex 2: M&E Tables 3. Annex 3: Media Links 4. Annex 4: Diagram of Project Phases

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