MEETING OF THE PARLIAMENT Thursday 20 January 2011 Session 3 Parliamentary copyright. Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body 2011. Applications for reproduction should be made in writing to the Information Policy Team, Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland, Admail ADM4058, Edinburgh, EH1 1NG, or by email to:
[email protected]. OQPS administers the copyright on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. Printed and published in Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body by RR Donnelley. Thursday 20 January 2011 CONTENTS Col. PROTECTING PUBLIC SERVICES ................................................................................................................. 32383 Motion moved—[Patrick Harvie]. Amendment moved—[John Swinney]. Amendment moved—[Michael McMahon]. Amendment moved—[Derek Brownlee]. Amendment moved—[Jeremy Purvis]. Patrick Harvie (Glasgow) (Green) ........................................................................................................ 32383 The Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Sustainable Growth (John Swinney) ..................................... 32386 Michael McMahon (Hamilton North and Bellshill) (Lab) ....................................................................... 32388 Derek Brownlee (South of Scotland) (Con) .......................................................................................... 32390 Jeremy Purvis (Tweeddale, Ettrick and Lauderdale) (LD) ................................................................... 32391 Linda Fabiani (Central