Mono County Community Development Department P.O. Box 347 Planning Division P.O. Box 8 Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 Bridgeport, CA 93517 (760) 924-1800, fax 924-1801 (760) 932-5420, fax 932-5431
[email protected] March, 2007 WEST WALKER RIVER BASIN WATERSHED ASSESSMENT 1. Introduction Watershed approach California watershed programs and Mono County’s involvement What is a watershed assessment? General problems and issues in the West Walker River Basin Water quantity Water quality Habitat Recreation Wildfire Invasive species Driving questions Watershed boundaries 2. Descriptive geography Climate Precipitation Snowpack Air temperature Wind Evaporation Climate change Topography Geology and soils Upland vegetation Invasive weeds Sensitive plant species Wildfire history and risk 3. Riparian areas and wetlands Planning / Building / Code Compliance / Environmental / Collaborative Planning Team (CPT) Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) / Local Transportation Commission (LTC) / Regional Planning Advisory Committees (RPACs 4. Fish and wildlife Fish Lahontan cutthroat trout Endemic fishes Amphibians Wildlife Refuges and reserves 5. Human history and land use Land use Recreation Grazing Roads Wild and scenic river status Aquatic conservation areas 6. Descriptive hydrology Runoff generation processes Water balance Streamflow averages and extremes Floods and droughts Baseflow Lakes Groundwater Diversions and storage Water rights, use and management Urban runoff and stormwater management Wastewater treatment and disposal 7. Descriptive geomorphology Channel networks Channel processes Surface erosion Hillslope processes Sediment transport Human influences 8. Description of water quality Sediment Metals Temperature 2 Dissolved oxygen Measurements of surface water quality Biological indicators Human sources of constituents 9. Subwatersheds with detailed information Little Walker River West Walker River above Sonora Junction West Walker River below Sonora Junction Topaz Lake 10.