Experiences and Perspectives of Women Living with HIV in Fiji and Papua New Guinea 2 © 2011 Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation All rights reserved. Published 2011. Printed in the Cook Islands. Copies of this publication can be obtained by contacting: Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation PO Box 888 Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS Ph & Fax: +682 23102 2 Thompson Crescent P.O. Box D200 Lautoka FIJI Ph & Fax: +679 6660064 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.pacificaids.org Cover photographs: Top photo: Philipp Hamedl Bottom row, left: One Productions, Papua New Guinea Bottom row, 2nd from left: PIAF Archives Bottom row, 3rd from left: PIAF Archives Bottom row, 4th from left: One Productions, Papua New Guinea Bottom row, 5th from left: PIAF Archives Bottom row, 6th from left: Communication Arts Department, Divine Word University, Papua New Guinea The photographs in this report are used for illustrative purposes only; they do not imply any- thing about the person’s HIV status. The people whose photographs appear in this report have granted consent to have their photo taken and appear in a publication about HIV, produced by the Pacific Islands AIDS Foundation. 3 Experiences and Perspectives of Women Living with HIV in Fiji and Papua New Guinea A Qualitative Study 4 DEDICATION In January 2011 one of Papua New Guinea’s national daily newspapers printed an article titled “Women beats odds to reveal HIV status.” The article tells this story: A young woman from a village in the Trobriand Islands in Milne Bay braved all odds to be the first woman in her community to come out and declare her HIV/AIDS status in the hope of raising awareness against the epidemic.