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Sandspur, Vol. 49 No. 09, December 8, 1943

Rollins College

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STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 49 No. 09, December 8, 1943" (1943). The Rollins Sandspur. 683. WIIMTEK h'MKrv, rL.vr»"» Eollins andspur UME 49 (Z-107) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1943 Number 9 Seniors to Graduate Convocation *Mollusc' Opens Three Day At Close of Fall Term There will be a special convo­ Run After Postponement cation on Wednesday morning, December 15, at 9:40 in Knowles Dramatics Departmejjit Pre­ iitstanding Members of Class Memorial, Chapel. The faculty sents First Offering of Year ^HkReceive Diplomas Upon Chapel Fund Drive and trustees of Rollins College Annual Christmas have made this change in the In Annie Russell Theatre ^Hfferminaiion of Work procedure, and seniors who com­ Reaches Halfway plete their work for graduation Service Program Like all things, success has a T — in December or in March will be formula. Domestically speaking, \mid foAd farewells six members Mark of $750 Goal given their degrees at the end ReachesCompletion Mary Lee Taylor excels in her line, he Rollins Family are preparing of the term which they finish but in the dramatic phase. Profes­ their work. duation at the end of this The arlnula Christmas Service, sor Donald S. Allen refused to be The Chapel Fund Drive has been There are five candidates for outdone. At last his recipe for a The Rollins campus will miss the climax of Rollins' fall term ac­ extended for another week, thus degrees as of December 16, 1943.' tivities, will be presented Sunday successful production is revealed. ix staunch supporters of Rol- giving all students and faculty Bachelor of Arts: evening at 6:45 and 9:00 o'clock in Take one fine play, The Mollusc, mocracy, for they have been members who have not yet contri­ Phyllis Cashore the Knowles Memorial Chapel. break it open carefully and let the buted another chance to add to the members. Erma Van Gilder Pugh A description of the service and lilting dialogue flow into the thea­ total. The goal, set at $750, is still ng those leaving is Sarah Sarah Ann Yopp much of the plans of rthis year's tre. To achieve the latter, one ex­ far in the distance with only $360.- Bachelor of Science: presentation appeared in last week's cellent cast must be added. Be­ cFarland Yopp. She is Presi- 70 turned in at the present time. Walter Beard, Jr. Sandspur. The program was incom­ cause of the scarcity of leading t of Pi Gamma Mu, honorary However, the goal is higher than in Richard Sewell (in Absen­ plete at that time, however, and is men, these individuals will be at a previous years, so the committee ial science fraternity, and the tia) herewtih given. premium. Mr. Allen, however, has on the whole is very well pleased 'lorida Student Government Asso- After an organ prelude played by obtained priority and the play will with the progress of the campaign. Barbara Petticord will receive .ion; Sammie is a member of Herman L. Siewert, the cradle- boast of: According to Miss Clara Adolfs her AB degree as of June 3, bearing choir will sing the proces­ Lt. Eric Davies, alias Mr. Baxter, jora, the R Club, Student-Faculty the money has come in faster than 1943. sional hymn, "0 Come All Ye Faith­ doting husband of the Mollusc. Lt. liscipline Committee, and the In- ever before. There will be no formal ad­ dress. The short service will be ful", with a soprano obligate. Mar­ Davies' experience includes several irnational Relations Club. She has Each of the thirty students aid­ jorie Coffin will read the call to seasons as a member of Summit ing the drive was assigned ten formal, however, and the sen­ sen comptroller of the student iors and faculty will be in aca­ worship, A traditional chorale, "O (New Jersey) Playhouse. His roles 'jnds for the past two yeras, and people to solicit, and of those only Come, 0 Come, Immameul," will be there included Alfred Doolittle in six have not yet turned in their re- demic costume. among the eight students chos- At this time, honor lists for followed by the invocation, read by Pygmalion, Ficsur in Lilliom, the portsports. The first to do so was lead in Libel and parts in such represent Rollins in "Who's 1942-43, standing of the fra­ L. Ray Biggerstaff. The effective Nick Morrissey, who brought in chorale from Bach's Cantata No. suJjcesses as Victoria Regina, and in American Colleges and Uni- his collecitons the second day of the ternity, sorority, and indepen­ dent groups for 1942-43 will be 140 will be next, presented by the The Return of Peter Grim. lersities." Sammie is vice-president drive. Tho§e who were successful male chorus, string ensemble. As the recipe, in this case, calls in getting all their collections were: announced. df her sorority. Kappa Alpha Theta, The remainder of the first half of for two men, add one corporal, per- Ainslee Embry, Janice IJ^cFarland, ind she has be9g;^.a^ctive_ in intra- th^ program "will be excerpts from' feridly one who has had three years Elaine Rachlin, and Betty Vau­ at the Goodman Theatre, plyed with Eural athletics. the "Christian Oratorio" of Bach. ghan. The following obtained all Christmas Carols to Eve LeGallienne in Camille, Orson Erma van Gilder Pugh is a mem- The aria, "Prepare Thyself, 0 : but one: Nency Corbett, Dodo Bun­ Welles in Julius Caesar, Fredrick "n' of the Chapel Ushering Staff Zion", will be sung by Lucille dy, and Hallijeanne Chalker. Be Sung at Vespers March in The American Way, and the World Relations Club. Erma David. After "Hear, King of An­ stock with such notable personali­ pirculation manager for the gels," sung by the treble choir, Turning away from the mad rush ties as Helen Hayes, Douglas Mont­ spur, and vice-president of Barbara Balsara will sing "Oh! My toward Christmas vacation, one gomery, and Jane Wyatt. Such a sa Kappa Gamma. Council Committees Savior." The chorale "Oh! Dearest finds a moment pregnant with the man is Corporal Yell, who portrays Je dramatic department loses Jesu" from the "Christmas Orato­ Report Progress Made true spirit of Christmas. On Tues­ Tom, brother of the Mollusc. iuable member when Barbara rio" will complete this portion of day evening, December 13, at 5:15, Then, sprinkle the play with Peddicord graduates. Bar- the service. Hot Food, Student Walk Of the Chapel will resound with the feminine interest . . . Renee Swint, was a member of the Fresh- The offertory, played by the lovely tones of the Christmas car­ playing the title role of The Mol­ Players, the Rollins Student Fame, Dock Repairs Among (Continued on Page 6) ols as the choir and congregation lusc, will do nicely. A newcomer to layers. Phi Beta, and Theta Alpha Plans for Next Term join in adulation of that Blessed Rollins, this capable actress' past national honorary dramatics Eventide. Still other selection will Rollins Grads Win experience includes numerous plays amity. She is a member of be offered by the mixed voices of in high school, and at Ohio Wesley­ fLibra and Rollins Key Society. An At last the students of Roily the choir. Mention For Novels an where she was a member of the •cellent student, Barbara made Colly shall enjoy hot toast, hot cof­ Book contributions will be taken Freshman Players. honor roll sprang term of her fee—yes, and even hot meals! for the boys in prison camps, and, awarded first place to Jessie Stuart Spice the production with Elean­ phomore year and fall term her After hearing numerous com­ thinking of them, one may fully for her Taps for Private Tussie. or Plum as the lovely young gover­ Bior year. She has been secretary plaints about the situation in the regret that it cannot be a time re­ Two of the runners-up were recent ness. Miss Plum is well known at tPi Beta Phi and representative Beanery, the student council de­ plete with "Peace on eartlj, good Rollins graduates: Maxeda von Hes­ Rollins for her performance in Per­ ithe Panhellenic council. Barbara signated a committe of five to ap­ will to men"; one can have faith se, 1935, and Bucklin Moon, 1934. sonal Appearance given in the Lab­ also served on the welcoming proach D.r. Brown with the purpose that it will soon be so, and till that Mexeda von Hesse's Inherit the oratory Theatre last year, and also imittee. of making possible improvements, time continue to do things that will Wind; set in the Florida backwoods, as a participant in the Intramural lyllis Baker Cashore is a mem- rt was decided to install steam help. is the ever-appearing triangle, a Play Contest in which she won first of the International Relations tables for the purpose of keeping man murdered through jealousy honorable mention this year for ob, and has served as president the food hot. As a result, beginning over another man's wife. The book her interpretation of Puck in Mid­ [of the French Club. She is also a next term, our breakfast toast will N. Thurman Added is filled with local color, incidents summer Night's Dream. Imember of the Rollins Key Socie- no longer be cold. To *Wha's Who' List of the everglades life, unusual and Work with until well done, then Ity. The need has long been felt for interesting characters. As reviewed place in the Annie Russell Theatre another concrete walk across the Forwarded to the Sandspur this Walter C. Beard, Jr., Phi Delta by Phillip Van Doren Stern in the surrounded by scenery designed by horseshoe. At a recent student week from the deans' offices was ;neta member, is an undergraduate Book of the Month Club News, In­ Mr. Allen and made by the pro­ council meeting it was suggested the following letter-copy, addressed Kstant in the science department. herit the Wind may be a bit melo­ duction technique class. that a student walk of fame could to Mr. H. Pettus Randall, editor of chairman of the Chapel dramatic in spots, but it is an en­ No ration points needed to en­ be laid along the "Sahara Desert". Who's Who in American Universi­ aff and the chapel ushering com- tertaining story that never lags for joy this treat! ! (The path of the flag pole). The ties and Colleges, University, Ala­ Bttee. Walter is an alternate on a minute." Student-Faculty discipline com- idea behind this is for each student bama: (Ittee, and was chosen for "Who's to contribute one dollar for the con­ Dear Mr. Randall: In reviewing Bucklin Moon's The Stenographic Exams 10 in American Colleges and Uni- struction of this walk. As a re­ Due to an unfortunate over­ Darker Brother, Jonathan Daniels The Florida Merit System Coun­ rsities" this yeat. ward he will be allowed to sign his sight the name of Miss Nancy has said: "The story of the Ameri­ cil, which serves the Florida Indus­ ^Richard Sewell graduates in ab- name in blocks set aside for this Thurman was omitted from the can Negro at this hour has been trial Commission, the State Wel­ ln.tia. He is now with the Navy purpose. At first assembly after list of nominations we sent to you whispered in rumors, written in fare Board, and the U.S. Employ­ •12 stationed at the University of vacation this plan will be put be­ the other day. Miss Thurman is one riots and shouted in protest from ment Service, announces that it (iami. Dick was a member of Kap- fore the student body for their of the outstanding members of the platforms. . . . but nowhere has it xwill accept applications for the fpa Alpha, the Chapel Choir and the approval. senior class, both scholastically and been told so effectively as told in stenographic examination until fur­ J()llins Band. He received his choir It has been discovered that the as regards her many activities. this hard-boiled and heart-touching story by Bucklin Moon. . . . This ther notice. Students who desire to V in 1942. docks on the main waterfront are in I trust that it is not too late to is above all a book which should take this examination should write bRoUins students, faculty, and ill repair. George Cartwright, su­ add her name to the list as it not be solemnly tagged a sermon to the Merit System Office, P.O. joins to wish these six the best pervisor of grounds, is to repair would be an unfortunate omission. in a place where good novels de­ Box 113, Room 203, 300 W. Univer­ luck and "Come back to see us them as soon as' necessary material Sincerely yours, serve high praise." sity Avenue, Gainesville, Florida. I soon." can be secured. (Signed) Arthur D. Enyart TWO ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER «, im YM of The Flagpole General The exodus of so many men this prove conclusively that good enter­ week again from the STAR unit tainment and a whale of laughs Merry has turned our thoughts to ramb­ does not require orchids and ermine ling. . . As if they haven't been all midst an atmosphere of long A's Delivery the time. . . One wonders to what or full dress. . . People actually extent these men will find their new laughed so much that a call had to experiences in univirsities differ­ be sent out to AAFTAC for an am- ent from their former undergradu­ b,ulance. . . The athletic teams have Sure we're late ii coming out. We ate days.. . Especially in study hab­ again kept up their fine showing . .. saw it coming before you did. How- its. . . And in approach to cours­ Merry Christmas to the students ever, we hope that all your Christmas es. . . Take philosophy for exam­ who will be taking off on vacations over our tardiness will be ple. . . When most students begin before we see them again. . . Yes, a to smiles when you note the to study such a course they are war is on. rectory—the exclusive direc swamped with readings in Plato, A few of our boys were whooping of the entire student body. In Aristotle, Etc. On the profound it up at the Phi Phi's Saturday years, the college has pub and a thoughts of life. . . Before they soiree. . . The chaperonnes were this material ii booklet form have themselves even given such treated to some of the autoshedias- before the Christmas holidays, matters any personal thought. . . tic antics of Stan Romaine and year, with the aid of jnuch Wouldn't it be better if instead of many a stifled guffaw escaped those scrambling and genuine assista these readings the students were austere personages. . . That very from Carnegie Hall,- the S..spur not given any text book for some popular feminine soprano (guess herewith publishes your Chrictmas time, but made to think through who ?) demonstrated once more her card list. Happy these problems themselves first. . . ability as an endfiantress. . . Before The end of the term always has We are not raising any kick with the night was complete, she had its comic and tragic aspects, the Liberal Arts but so much is just the scalps of many a STAR man frequently they are both. Take reading what other people said. . . dangling from her war belt. . . example the physical fitness cl No wonder so much of our think­ Manuello Martinez once more was es. Because it is permissable ing and action in the realm of the the debonair young man. . . Really make up this course at the er social sciences in a century behind was a pity though, that the large the term, large numbers of the physical sciences . . . Cultural mistletoe that was so ostensibly absent themselves from the regular New anthropologists have long pointed displayed was wasted (or was it) classes and appear in Rec hall the out the cultural lag which has per­ . . . Hardly a dashing young blade last week to take it in one fell meated our social way of life. . . utilized it to advantage midst such swoop. Perhaps this will serve to It will be a grand experience to be an array of feminine pulchritude. . . explain to the campus at large and studying and thinking in the actual STAR unit men hemstitched their to parents, too, that the limping present for an immediate purpose. wild oats later at the expensive local daughters of Rollins are the pro­ Perhaps this sounds and smells of tavern. . . Sgt. Hambelek's depart­ ducts of a solid week of exercises, Year materialism which is supposed to ure for less greener pastures has drilling, calisthenics, with a large be decried . . . But a job has to be caused a pall of gloom to settle order og basketball a la mode. done. . . So much for the time being over a veritable cohort of his ardent Can you write the song of World of such dribble. . . The STAR unit admirers of the demure sex. . . War II? Magazine Digest in co­ really awakened the audience with Surreptitious reports also tell about operation with Raymond Paige and its two stellar performances of the tearful separation between Cpl. his NBC "Salute to Youth" orches­ Starzapoppin. . . And at the same McNerny and somebody or other ... Published Weekly by Undergraduate Students of Rollins tra is sponsoring a war song con­ time it raised quite a tidy sum for Was it a. . . Shell. . . Really too bad test in high schools and colleges the Central Florida Blood Bank. . . that Cpl. Kishner had to be trans­ throughout the and Publication Office: Fairbanks Avenue at Interlachen TELEPHONE 187 J Our hats off to Pvt. Allan Gold­ ferred before the second showing Canada. Judges are Raymond Paige, stein, Stan Romaine, Sol Berkowitz, of Starzapoppin . . . Where could Frank Sinatra, James Melton, Hel­ Subscription Price: By mail anywhere in the United States $1.50 a term (12weeks), $2.50 and the numerous who served to one find such a natural dummy. en Jepson and Arnold Eidus. (or two terms, or $3.00 for the full college year. Winners will receive: $250.00 in cash. A trip to New York for an Entered as second class matter, November 24, 1925, at the post office at Winter Park, Florida, under the act of March 3. 1S79. appearance on "Salute to Youth" (if wartime facilities and the in­ dividual's personal situation per­ Member mit). Nation-wide publicity and Gail De Forest promotion of winning song. All ftssocioteci GDlle6iate Press rights, royalties, and monies re Distributor of What do you want for Christmas? suiting from publication. Colleblaie Di6est JOAN HARRIS—A "White Christmas", which I can't have, Re ad all about it in the January and some gas to go to Tampa. issue of Magazine Digest, out De­ JIM ROBINSON—I'd like to go to Cuba on a tramp steamer. cember 25. Ably holding up various depart­ EDITORIAL BOARD DOLLY CHITTY—A brunette about 6' 4", who is at Lee Field. M. MAS VEAGH—A way to get out of first,period classes. ments on campus during this past Editor ^- JEAN HAMAKER weekend were three of our former News Editor -DOROTHY CHURCHILL NIETA AMARAL—A husband! students, now serving in the armed SALLY HAZELET—You! Wrapped up in a great big package. Feature Editor ANN WHITE forces of our country. Chapel choir BETTY ASHER—A great, big, handsome Marine. tenor section was somewhat MARY KRAMER—Oh, lots of things—maybe a car, but if strengthened by Ensign Dick Cerra, REPORTERS - this is for the Sandspur—nothing. on his way from Pensacola to Mel­ Jewell Scarboro, Ben Briggs, Elizabeth Sloan, Merlyn Gerber, JEAN HAMAKER—It's nothing you can buy in a store! bourne. The Pi Phi formal Satur­ Carolyn Kent, Grace Sebree, Eleanor Seavey, Betty Lee Kenagy, day night saw Tom Blakemore ME—not to have to write this thing any more. tripping the fantastic as of old, Ann Powell, Faith Cornwall, Ann Pattishall, Gail de Forrest, Jean while Bill Maguire kept the Center Pritchard, Margie Humpfer, Joan Sherrick, Janet Haas, Beverly Ott, conversational ball rolling. Jean Ort, Dot Wilson. We have in our midst a POET, heretofore undiscovered, or if dis­ covered, efficiently put down. But PROOF READERS four dliajj^l art will out, and so in this corner Grace Sebree — Louise Evans we have Miriam Firestone, whose couplets are a threat to any rhym­ Faculty Adviser . WILLARD A. WATTLES By DEAN HENRY M. EDMONDS ing dictionary. See for yourselves: In winter the bees stay in their BUSINESS STAFF hives. Business Manager, Advertising Commissioner- -MARJORIE HANSEN You are finishing the first term and at the same time bump­ That is their pecular trait— How do they spend their time, I Circulation Manager ERMA PUGH ing into the Christmas holidays. Here's hoping that you can leave the term behind you here on the campus, and go home ask, without it. If its work has not been done, however, take it I think they hivernate. along with you and set apart some time during the first few ESTABLISHED IN 1894 WITH THE FOLLOWING EDITORIAL da^s to finish it up so that the last days of your holiday will Imagine the tragedy of a giraife, Unassuming yet mighty, sharf and fointed, well-rounded yet many be free from the dragging realization of work still hanging And this is my doleful song: sided, assiduously tenacious, yet as gritty and energetic as its name over you. Compel yourself to go thru with it and get it out of It got a sore throat overnight. tmflies, victorious in single combat and therefore without a feer, your system. Then the next term you will have made progress And it's throat was nine feet long. wonderfully attractive and extensive in circulation: all these will be in learning that you are not going to allow yourself to trifle with yourself. Be hard-boiled. And be sure, whatever you do, The incubator hatched the chicks found ufon investigation to be among the extraordinary qualities of to have a good time—a long, consistent, unregretting good And cheated them of a mother, the Sandsfur. time. (Continued on page four) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1943 ROLLINS SANDSPUR THREE ROLLINS DIRECTORY

UPPER DIVISION Northen, Jane Hurt, 323 Sylvan Brauer, Barbara, College Arms, Estes, Addie Margaret, 1533 Ionia Keller, Ruth, 4410 West Jackson eher, Frances, 55 Sylvan Drive, Boulevard, Winter Park Chicago, 111. Street, Jacksonville Boulevard, Chicago, 111. ^nter Park Pattishal, Dorothy Ann, 627 Park Brinkman, Emma Ann, 618 Wood­ Evans, Nettie Louise, 1774 Minne­ Kenagy, Betty Lee, 20 Manor Hill »ms, Elizabeth Irene, 2900 Har- Lake Avenue, Orlando ward Avenue, Orlando sota Avenue, Winter Park Road, Summit, N. J. Ison Street, Wilmington, Del. Peddicord, Barbara Brown, 250 Vir­ Brocklehurst, Thomas Allan, 18 Evans, Shirley Louise, 305 Lincoln Khodakoff, Elizabeth Lois, 20 Cab- Amaral, Maria Antonietta Andra- ginia Drive, Winter Park Month Road, Chelmsford, Mass. Avenue, Saugus, Mass. rini Boulevard, New York, N. Y. da do, 90 Ruo Mexico, Rio de Potter, Richard Austin, 17 Hill Brown, Nancy Logan, R. F. D. No. Farnham, Josephine Skillin, Mill Kirk, Shirley Donaldson, 4523 Re­ Janeiro, Brazil Street, Orlando 1, Fort Myers Cove Crest, Boothbay Harbor, gent Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Anderson, Amelie Frances, 3244 Pugh, Erma Louise Van Gilder, 10- Bundy, Dorothy May, 504 Margue- Mass. Knight, Margaret Inez, 332 West Seminary Avenue, Wheaton, 111. Oak Street, Jacksonville 60 Forest Cliff Drive, Lakewood, rita Avenue, Santa Monica, Calif. Farrell, Jean Chaney, 2916 Ridge Kramer, Mary Charlotte, 1234 Ault, Dorothy Louise, 1415 Minne­ Ohio Butts, Nancy McConnell, 253 John Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. Belleview Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. sota Avenue, Orlando Rachlin, Elaine Lucille, 107 Treacy Anderson • Highway, Ormond Feek, Carolyn Jean, 242 Chilean Kroll, Leila Laurette, 3014, 37th ' Beard, Walter Cameron, Jr., Greens Avenue, Newark, N. J. Beach Avenue, Palm Beach Ragan, Nancy Lee, 358 North Street, Astoria, Long Island, N. Avenue, Winter Park Butts, Sally Henriette, 253 John Felton, Gordon H., 1003 North B Broadway, Yonkers, 3, N. Y. Y. Bennett, Edith Ruth, c/o Rollins Anderson Highway, Ormond Street, Indianola, la. Rogers, Marie Laurence, 62fl South I^ane^ Richard Douglas, 217-5;9- College, "Winter Park Beach Firestone, Miriam, 117 Edinbrough Coit Street, Florence, S. C. Corbett Road, Bayside, N. Y. Bistline, John Aaron, Jr., Long- Cannova, Rose Marie, 218 West Oak Drive, Winter Park Scarboro, Jewell Maxine, 1406 Lenier, Betty Sheffield, 155 Taylor wood, Fla. Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Fox, Barbara Dow, 729 North Sum- Woodward Avenue, Orlando Street, Americus, Ga. Boyd, Nancy Rudolph, 1843 Hamil­ Castle, Priscilla, 100 Hull Terrace, merlin Avenue, Orlando Sebree, Grace Elizabeth, 1407 West Lawless, Eileen, Whitehall-Lan­ ton Street, Allentown, Pa. Evanston, 111. France, Hannah, 1539 Glencoe First Street, Sanford Chalker, Hallijeanne, 104 East St. Avenue, Winter Park caster Avenue, Haverford, Pa. Briggs, Benjamin Robert, Jr., 1224 Semmes, Elizabeth Kirk, 310 East Johns Street, Lake City Friedland, Bernard, P. 0. Box 124, Lawton, Billie Jean, 4540 Lindell East Marks Street, Orlando 55th Street, Savannah, Ga. Cheek, Harriet Louise, 627 N. Maitland Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Campbell, Mary Elizabeth, 1446 Shrewsbury, Marny Isobel, 691 For­ Friedman, Eunice Jane, 3161 Hunt­ LeDuc, Anne Chase, ,200 Pleasant Berkshire Avenue, Winter Park Thornton Street, Orlando mosa Street, Winter Park Cheesman, Lois Jean, 713 Virginia ington Road, Shaker Heights, 0. ' Valley Avenue, Moorestown, N. Cashore, Phyllis Ann Baker, 340 Smith, Charlotte Calvert, 1009 Drive, Orlando Fulton, Grace Angela, 446 North J. Alberta Drive, Winter Park Pennsylvania Avenue, Winter Chicoine, Ruth Constance, 161 Alex­ Wood Street, Fremont, O. Lehman, Bfetty Marie, 169-27th Cheney, Barbara Rudolph, 116 West Park ander Place, Winter Park Gee, Margaret Craig, Bay and Bel- Avenue, St. Petersburg Marks Street, Orlando Smith, Elizabeth Lovelarid, 1009 Chidester, Elizabeth Jean, 356 New voir Aver>ues, Beach Haven, N. J. LeRoy, Inez Brooke, 51 Dellwood Coffin, Marjorie Pitkin, Bay Is­ Pennsylvania Avenue, Winter England Avenue, Winter Park Geller, Bernice Alyce, 577 Park Road, Bronxville, N. Y. land, Sarasota, Fla. Park Chitty, Hazel Margaret, 2953 Riv­ Avenue, Paterson, N. J. Lopaus, Lillian Babcack, 5 Rochelle Coleman, Sarah Virginia, St. Al­ Taylor, Helen Clyde, 124 Baltic erside Avenue, Jacksonville Gerbrick, Elizabeth Anne, 224 Lake Street, New York, N. Y. bans, W. Va. Circle, Tampa Christiansen, Celia Louise, 515 Shore Avenue, Neenah, Wis. Loucks, Elizabeth Darlene, 617 iCorbett, Nancy Jane, 7219 Oak Thurman, Nancy Randolph, 2008 Middlesex Street, Grosse Point, Gertner, Ernest Richard, 705 Dan­ Dartmouth Street, Orlando Street, River Forest, 111. Harrison Street, Evanston, 111. Mich. iels Street, Orlando Lyon, Eleanor Harriet, 1814 Pali­ ^Cornwall, Faith Martha, 1894 Har- Tomlinson, Margaret White, 338 Churchill, Dorothy Ann, 150 Chelton Gilmore, Charles Marc, 1362 Rich­ sade Place, New York, N. Y. nion Avenue, Winter Park East Park Avenue, Winter Park Circle, Winter Park mond Road, Winter Park McCain, Marilynne Ruth, Solarium, » iDarrow, Rosalind, 296 E. 31st St. Trovillion, Virginia Lee, 857 Vitor- Clarke, Winifred Janet, 1470 Glen­ Glately, Mary Evangeline, 605 East Orlando Paterson, New Jersey ia Avenue, Winter Park coe Street, Winter Park Marks Street, Orlando McCauslin, Betty Helen, Montverde David, Lucille Grace, 1605 Avon- Twachtman, Jean Erice, 860 East Clary, Bettye Lorraine, 610 East Goldberg, Ina Frances, 1649 Avon- School, Montverde dale, Jacksonville Park Avenue, Winter Park 49th Street, Savannah, Ga. dale Avenue, Jacksonville McCord, Martha, 1509 Orange Ave­ iDell, Thomas Kermit, Route No 2, Warner, Patricia Gloria, 1915 Clifton, Constance Maxine, 509 Goldman, Mary Nell, 386 Fairbanks nue, Winter Park Midland City, Ala. South Atlantic Avenue, Daytona Palmetto Street, New Smyrna Avenue, Winter Park McDaniel, Ruth Eleanor, 278 Wash­ I^ncan, Padie, 1600 East Wash­ Beach Beach Good, Elizabeth Easier, 4833 Rock- ington Street, Dover, N. H. ington Street, Orlando Weissenburger, Max Arthur, Jr., Cline, Jeanne Elizabeth, 301 East wood Parkway, Washington, D. McFarland, Janice Marie, 2315 Evans, David Gordon, Box 144, 216 6rlando Avenue, Winter Park Grave Street, Bloomington, 111. C. Barrington Drive, Toledo, Ohio Route 19, Orlando Welsh, Margaret Jane, 265 Mont­ Cobb, Emily, 2610 Oakdale Street Grimes, Virginia Mae, 423 La­ Macfarland, Nancy Allison, 222 ^Everson, Julie Ann, 426 South gomery Street, Fall River, Mass. S., St. Petersburg fayette Avenue, Urbana, O. Hazel Avenue, Delanco, N. J. Rosalind Street, Orlando Wilson, Mary Jane, 8 Morrison Cobb, Helen Edith, Route No. 1, Haas, Janet Allyn, 26 Condit Road, Mackenzie-Reid, Elizabeth Ann, Rt. I Fitzpatrick, Edith Mary, Broad- Street, Providence, R. I. Box 526, Largo Mountain Lakes, N. J. No. 1 Box 234-Briarhills, Briar- knolls, Lenox, Mass. Woodfill, Virginia Jean, 517 South Cockshott, Joan Beatrice, Kent Haines, Alice Emstine, 1509 Wilbar cliff Manor, N. Y. ^Fuller, Patricia, 345 West Lake Adams Street, Lebanon, Mo. Place School, Summit, N. J. Circle, Winter Park Mandis, Margaret Elizabeth, 602 Elbert Drive, Winter Haven Yopp, Sarah Ann McFarland, 1332 Coerper, Patricia Ringling, 4633 Halbrooks, Dorothy Ellen, 509 Pres- Pleasant Street, Avon Park Fusfield, Betty Joy, 916 West Elev­ West Colonial Drive, Orlando NortH Cramer, Milwaukee, Wis. cott Road, Marion Station, Pa. Mansfield, William Varley, 2315 enth Street, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. LOWER DIVISION Cohan, Barbara Sally, 393 Common­ Harris, Joan Holabird, Evanshire Cheverly Avenue, via Hyattsville Gerber, Merlyn, 37 Howard Avenue, Alther, Josephine, 2714 Sheridan wealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, Hotel, Hinman Avenue, Evanston, Post Office, Cheverly, Md. Grymes Hill, Staten Island, New Road, Evanston, 111. Mass. HI. Mavon, Jerrie Ruth, 10401 Clare­ York Altsheler, Barbara Ellen, Julia Cole, Dorothea, 127 East New Harte, Eileen Denise, 217 West mont Street, Chicago, 111. Gross, Gertrude Musselwhite, 668 Road, Hopkinsville, Ky. Hampshire Avenue, Orlando Main Street, Bennington,, Vt. Melling, Jean Eleanor, 729 Bloom­ Osceola Avenue, Winter Park Argabrite, Virginia Lee, 946 Espla­ Cory, Ann Ardelle, 737 Springdale Hazelet, Sally Potter, St. Marys field Boulevard, Jackson, Mich. Hamaker, Jean, 167 Clayton Road, nade Street, Pelham Manor, N. Road, Orlando Road, Libertyville, 111. Merwin, Alyce Elizabeth, Robert Scarsdale, N. Y. Y. Cranmore, Charlotte Louise, 1416 Heath, Mary Emma, Hudson View Treat Parkway, Milford, Conn. Hansen, Gloria Elsie, 95 Lake Drive, Arnov, Boris, Jr., 2130 West 7th Melrose Place, Birmingham, Ala. Gardens, Pinehurst Avenue & Miller, Marilyn Ruth, 470 South Mountain Lakes, N. J. Street, Los Angeles, Calif. Creem, Frances, 17 Richmond Road, 183rd Street, New York, N. Y. Crest Road, Chattanooga, Tenn. Hansen, Marjorie Louise, 515 South Asher, Elizabeth Weil, 15 West Newton, Mass. Henson, Elizabeth Mary, Kent Place Miller, Vera Kristine, River Road, i Newport Avenue, Tampa, 6, Flo­ Crossley, Cornelia Allen, 3511 School, Summit, N. J. Bound Brook, N. J. rida Gore Avenue, Orlando Davenport Street, N. W., Wash­ Heredia, Gustavo Escalante, Meri- Morrissey, Nicholas Philip, Jr., 28 Harris, John Malcolm, 833 Grand Baer, Beatrice Dorothea, 825 West ington, D. C. da, Mexico (480 58th Street) Windborough Street, Mattapan, Central Street, Clearwater 187th Street, New York, K Y. Cuesta, Nonita Dean, 2628 Sunset Glenview, Ky. Mass. Heath, Ina Mae, 2722 East Newton Balsara, Barbara Frances, 326 Drive, Tampa Hill, Betty Gary, 4 Magnolia Road, Mosby, Jane, 3109 Canterbury Lane, , Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. Crescent Avenue, Leonia, N. J. Maitland Topeka, Kan. Hughes, Mary Jane, 3528 Oak Davidson, Mary Elizabeth, 3 Wet- Banting, Richard Nellis, 111 Sea­ Hill, Georgianna, Maitland , Murray, Jean Estelle, 11 Laurel Street, Jacksonville more Avenue, Winsted, Conn. breeze Avenue, Delray Beach Hodge, Gladys Patricia, 112 Avoca­ Lane, Dedham, Mass. Hult, Margaret Dalton, 35 River- Davis, Richard Daniel, 65 Crest Bartlett, James Bruce, 835 Chester do Avenue, Sanford Newbern, Kenneth Claude, 306 East view Heights, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Road, Charleston, W. Va. Drive, South Orange, N. J. Hoffner, Janice Eileen, Route No. Clifton Street, Tampa Kent, Carolyn Wilgus, 256 East DeForest, Gail Hunter, Box 155, 1, Orlando Nobles, William Daniel, Jr., 1010 Park Avenue, Winter Park Bastian, Patricia Rose, 4719-30th Maitland Holman, Helen Isabelle, 260 Grove East Gonzalez Street, Pensacola Lanza, Elizabeth, McLean Gardens, Street, Washington, D. C. Street Wellesley, Mass. Ort, Caroline Jean, 3831 S. Street, 3521 39th Street, N. W., Wash­ Dehlendorf, Nancy Peters, 19 For- Berghoff, Mary Jane, R. R. 6, Fort Holt, Shirley Decamp, 100 Much- N. W., Washington, D. C. ington, D. C. dyce Lane, Clayton, Mo. Wayne, Ind. more Road, Harrison, N. Y. Osten, Henry VanDyne, 9 Cedar Long, Evelyn Grace, 15 Bristol Dickson, Nancy, 605 East Park Betterton, Katharine Melton, 434 Hough, Marjorie Elizabeth, Mait­ Place, Garden City, N. Y. Place, Radburn, N. J. South Crest Road, Chattanooga, Avenue, Winter Park land Ott, Beverly Faye, 917 West Duval Lucas, Blaine Logan, Jr., 814 Corn­ Tenn. Dorsey, Sara Jane, 120 Fernwood Hubbs, Eleanor Darling, 108 West Street, Lake City ell Street, Fredericksburg, Va. Street, Orlando Third Street, Warren, Pa. Paonessa, Daniel Arthur, North McCreery, Jessie Allen, 5840 North Biggerstaff, Lewis Ray, Route No. Hudgings, Mary Juliet, 450 Ollie Main Street, East Hampton, Bay Road, Miami Beach 2, Box 343-B, Orlando Duffy, Ann Marie, 20 Sargent Street, Newton, Mass. Avenue, Winter Park Conn. McQueen, Janet, 4117 Linden Hills Bond, Sudie Stuart, 317 College Partner, Carol Lee, 1845 Emerson Duffy, John Owens, 20 Sargent Humpfer, Marjorie Anne, 1583 Boulevard, Minneapolis, Minn. Street, Elizabethtown, Ky. Highland Road, Winter Park Avenue, Dayton, 6, O. Martin, Tryntje Van Duzer, 40 Booher, Paaricia Jane, 3933 Ford­ Street, Newton, Mass. Jenkins, Patricia Jane Wing, 316 Payne, Dorothy, 2607 Riverside Highland Avenue, Middletown, ham Road, N. W., Washington, Dunlevy, Joan Marcia, 14 Tyler Fisher Avenue, Rockford, 111. Avenue, Jacksonville N.Y. 16, D. C. Street, Brattleboro, Vt. Johnson, Edward Augustus, 909 Pemberton, Louise, 705 East Pine Mogford, Ann, Thomas Street, Del­ Bower, Jocelyn, 151 Hudson Ter­ Eiseman, Emily Brown, 6330 Wash­ Floral Drive, Orlando Street, Orlando ray Beach, Fla. race, Yonkers, N. Y. ington Street, St. Louis, Mo. Jones, Gaylord Luman, Jr., Box Phelps, Doris Marian, 19 Overlook Nicholson, June Frances, 1224 Pal­ Brainard, Anne Renkes, 4750 Al­ Embry, Belle Ainslie, Cherokee 2127, Little Lake Fairview, Or­ Drive, Scarsdale, N. Y. Plumb, Eleanor Scott, Aldrich mer Street, Orlando gonquin Avenue, Ortega Terrace, Park and Woodbodrne Avenue, lando Jacksonville Louisville, Ky. FOUR ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1943 Road, Warwick Neck, R. I. Smith, Ellen Dane, 216 Rush Ave­ Cedar Road, Cleveland, 0. Lack of Snow Fails red or green, depending on one's Polhemus, Agnes Shirley, 211 East nue, Veroqua, Wis. Williams, Margaret Jane, 1842 taste—raspberry or lime. Fourth Avenue, Roselle, N. J. Smith, Phyllis Ruth, 28 North 23rd Walker Avenue, Winter Park To Daunt Spirit of Having stuffed their faces, the Porter, LuDelle Weed, 975 Park Street, Camp Hill, Pa. Wilson, Dorothy Louise, 917 East crowd then took a whirl at the Avenue, New York, N. Y. Smith, Ruth Lorraine, 5402 Chero­ Jefferson Street, Orlando Christmas Formal dance floor till eleven when the Powell, Ann Boone, 201 North kee Avenue, Tampa Winston, Ellen Fontaine, 633 East music disappeared. Washington Street, Alexandria, Smith, Zola Lucille, 28 North 23rd Colonial Street, Orlando Who says it takes snow to make Va. Street, Camp Hill, Pa. Wirtz, Margaret Scott, 353 South Christmas ? As proven by the May­ Price, Lucy Rae, 2425 Edgehill Spanley, Gloria Jane, 1806 Forest D Street, Hamilton, 0. flower Hall girls last Saturday in Road, Cleveland Heights, O. Park, Fort Wayne, Ind. Wolf, Olive Sylvia, 303 Dubsdread the Center at one of the most suc­ ANDY'S GARAGE Prichard, Jean Carter, 31 Williams Stanley, Barbara Anne, 734 Har­ Circle, Orlando cessful dances of the year, all one Church Street Lane, Chevy Chase, Ikd. mon Avenue, Dayton, O. Woodward, Priscilla Pratt, 125 Day Phone 75 needs is a little red and green crepe Night Phone 319D Quillin, Patricia Dee, 15 Olive Stein, Bette Elaine, 2410 Kings Highland Avenue, Newtonville, paper, some cotton and tinsel, sleigh WINTER PARK Place, Forest Hills, L. I., N. Y. Highway, Brooklyn, 29, N. Y. Mass. bells, Christmas tree ornaments, Rachlin, Lawrence King, 8 Inlet Stockstill, Mary Ruth, 625 Harmon Wright, Sally Patricia, 215 Meet­ and to say nothing of the tradi­ Terrace, Belmar, N. J. Avenue, Dayton, 0. ing House Lane, Marion, Pa. tional mistletoe. And, oh yes, a Rankin, Martha, Box 1011 Char­ Sullivan, Laleah Adams, 63 Wunder, Marjorie Lois, 4649 East couple of tender hearted STAR lottesville, Va. Peachtree Circle N. E., Atlanta, Lake Harriet Boulevard, Minne­ boys who don't mind climbing ricke­ Ransdell, Charles Anthony, Ponte Ga. apolis, Minn. ty ladders to hang streamers. Vedra Beach Sun, Suzanne Stackhouse^ 213 N. UNCLASSIFIED STUDENTS So much for the decorations; now Reaves, Carl Davis, Winter Garden Broadmoore Boulevard, Spring­ Duren, Del Richard, 306 Riverside for the dance, which was a howling Admission 35c - 40c Reith, Patricia Ann, Park Plaza field, 0. Drive, St. Cloud, Minn. success, with the inevitable juke Show Starts 2:00 p.m. Hotel, St. Louis, Mo. Sussler, Frank, 34 Rockwell Ter­ Gluckman, Florence Bernstein, Box providing the music. But then, how Renborg, Marianne, 3806 Living­ race, Norwich, Conn. 233, Clermont, Fla. else can one have Tommy Dorsey, ston Street, N. W., Washington, Swint, Renee Ardith, 201 South Griffin, David Alexander, 365 Ly­ Artie Shaw, and Harry James in Tuesday - Wednesday 15, D. C. Park Avenue, Fremont, 0. man Avenue, Winter Park one evening? The Academy Award Winner! Rice, Dorothy, Box 125r-Route 5- Tainter, Georgia LaMoine, 1117-3rd Hrnciar, Gustavo, R. F. D. No. 1, At nine thirty or thereabouts, South Delaney, Orlando Avenue S., Fargo, N. D. Box 38A, Orlando Clyde Taylor and Sergeant Wolfe JOHNNY COME Richardson, Helen Hare, 3120 San Thomas, Ann Teasley, 1223 North Lardin, David Dorsey, Quaker Ave­ of the STAR unit gave their rendi­ LATELY Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville Court Street, Quitman, Ga. nue, Cornwall, N. Y. tions of Someone To Care for Me Riddle, Mariel Linda, 609 East Cen­ Thompson, Patricia Anne, 213 Sil­ Miller, Doris Marie, 731 French and My Hero, which was followed JAMES CAGNEY tral Avenue, Orlando ver Beach Avenue, Daytona Avenue, Winter Park MARJORIE MAIN, by* Sol Berkowitz at the piano play­ GRACE GEORGE and Robinson, James Thompson, 4 Mor­ Beach. Richardson, Laura Gray, 1169 Lake- ing Embraceable You. Then every MARJORIE LORD ton Road, Dewitt, N. Y. Timberlake, Virginia Helms, 455- view Drive,. Winter Park one got into the spirit of the thing Rodenbaeck, Charlotte Elizabeth, 19th Avenue N. E., St. Peters­ Takach, Dephne Aspinwall, 365 Ly­ by singing Christmas carols ac­ 229 South Ridgewood Road, burg man Avenue, Winter Park companied by the Mayflower Thursday-* riday- Saturday South Orange, N. J. Twitchell, Sylva Marie, Siesta Key SPECIAL STUDENTS house-brother, Don Weisman. ANN SOTHERN and Rugg, Molly, 1256 Ashland Avenue, Sarasota Gudefin, Elizabeth Marie, 12 Oak- After the entertainment every JAMES CRAIG in Columbus, O. Vaughan, Betty, 6 Normandy Vil­ way Street, Scarsdale, N. Y. one more or less followed his nose Salisbury, Hope Frances, 156 East lage, Louisville, Ky. to the refreshment table for cookies SWING SHIFT 52nd Street, New York, N. Y. von Gal, Edwyna Rose Mary, 1363 and punch, the latter being either Salter, Richard Sexton, Jr., 315 Buckingham Road, Winter Park General Delivery— MAISIE East Copeland Drive, Orlando Vose, Alice Virginia, 150 Wilder (Continued from page 2) and featuring When they were born, alas they Salter, Jean Eleanor, 315 East Street, Lowell, Mass. THE WIERE BROTHERS found Copeland Dorive, Orlando Wagner, Vera Helen, Mount Bethel, They had only sister and brother. Schwind, Marny Ellen, 2900 Lake Pa. Friendly Gifts Sunday - Monday Shore Drive, Orlando Ward, Patricia Anne, 183 Stovin An elephant mother gave birth to a Scruggs, Eugenia Elizabeth, 11 The Avenue, Winter Park babe ART JEWELRY SUBMARINE Prado, Atlanta, Ga. Warren, Joan Redman, 60 Webster In Africa near an oasis. ALERT Seavey, Eleanor, Butler, 118 Locust Road, Weston, Mass. And when it grew fast the mother Unusual Gifts Street, Dover, N. H. Weisman, Donald Rodney, 147 Co­ RICHARD ARLEN and said WENDY BARRIE Sentle, Arlene Dorothy, 2910 Ken­ lumbia Boulevard, Waterbury, Oriental Novelties "My child has elephantiasis!" also wood Boulevard, Toledo, 0. Conn. This typewriter is looking at us and DAGWOOD in Sessions, Zell Rogers, R. F. D. No. Weldon, Helen Abberton, 119 Jack- 216 N. Orange Ave. wearily. It has an "I want a vaca­ FOOTLIGHT GLAMOR 1, Winter Garden man Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. tion, too" look about its margin re­ Orlando, Florida Sherrick, Joan Beverly, 910 Coloni­ Wells, Eileen Louise, 222 Elberon and leases. Okay, No. 406525-11; you ARTHUR LAKE al Boulevard, N. E., Canton, 0. Avenue, AUenhurst, N. J. have gotten us through nine issues Siegmund, Sarah Cochran, 901 Welsh, Margaret Leidy, Lima, Pa. with negligible mishap. Tell the Maple Avenue, Evanston, 111. White, Ann Louise, 62 Charles folks Merry Christmas and Happy Sills, Lois Marie, 100 Drury Lane, Street, Uniontown, Pa. New Year for us, don't get too oiled Arlington Heights, 111. White, Edward Joseph, Box 171 over the holidays, and we'll be CAMPUS NEEDS from YOWELL'S Sloan, Mary Elizabeth, 106 Hart- Ormond Beach beating on you again in a month. land Street, Clarksburg, W. Va. Williams, Elaine Frances, 11432 5th Floor Junior Miss Shop Ben Franklin Stores Knitted Shirts 5c-10c-$1.00 up Top your shorts with a gaily striped knit shirt styled by Catlan. We R. R. MILLER, Owner have them in colours to match the Sweaters and Blouses shorts. $1.29 to $1.39 THE BOOKERY Christmas Cards - Wrappings Books Twin Sets Mother's 252 S. East Park Ave. Phone 828 W Winter Park Short sleeve pullover sweaters with matching long sleeve cardi­ gans of cotton knit. Ideal for ten­ nis or other sports. Pastels, white. 32-40. Christmas Present DITTRICH $3.00 PHOTOGRAPHER 319 N. Orange Ave., Orlando Shorts Gabardine and spun rayon shorts Frances Slater styled with tailored perfection. RAY White, brown, green, navy, red. Sizes 9-17. JEWELRY $1.29 to $1.39 Junior Miss Shop San Juan Hotel Building Yowell's Fifth Floor COMPANY ORLANDO YOWELL-DREW CO. Telephone 2-3652 The Fashion and Quality Store Since 1894 14 N. Orange Ave., Orlando ORLANDO, FLORIDA I DNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1943 ROLLINS SANDSPUR FIVE Nick Morrissey is a cinch to win, REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Four Newcomers Take Men's Intramurals fi Phis Take Four Ribbons In Horse Show as he has been taking lessons from Winter Term, 1943-44 Start With CheckersRile y Jones all this fall. The team whose man wins the tournament Office of the Registrar—Thurs­ Rollins girls starred in the An­ lasketball Gaines receives five points, which will be day, December 10—Tuesday, De­ nual Junior Red Cross Horse Show, The men, bless us, are going to cember 14 held Sunday afternoon at the Or­ have an intramural sports program the standard number of points giv­ flayed This Week Hours 10:00 A. M.—12:00 N, ange Blossom Stables. Ribbon win­ this year. Because of the shortage en for each sport. Other sports 2:30 P. M.—4:00 P. M. ners were Pax Hickman, Jean Ort, of men, only two teams are pos­ which are to be played throughout (except Saturday). Ainslee Embry, and Barbara Stan­ sible. But be assured, the compe­ the year are: horseshoes, ping The Pi Phis won four out of four Every student must complete ley. Several hundred people attend­ tition will be red hot. pong, swimming, pool, and tennis. played in intramural basket- registration during this period, ed the gala event which began at The program gets off to a start Also at a recent meeting, captains iuring the past week. Fastest in order to hold place in class. two o'clock. Entries included about after Christmas with a series be­ and managers were chosen for the ng and highest scoring was Pi All classes over-registered at forty riders, several of whom gave tween the two teams. This first two competing teams. Red Harris ii Mu. The score was 51-25. end of this period will be closed exhibitions of various types. tournament is to decide the cham­ ent passwork and accurate was elected as the head man on regardless of preliminary regis­ Rollins entrants showed up ex­ pion checker player. ing gave the winning team team two. Team one selected co- tration. cellently and contributed consider­ There is a rumor circulating that idvatage. Pi Phi lineup was: captains, Kermit Dell and Dick Students are urged to confer ably to the entertainment. ^ards, Betterton, Bastian, Banting. The managers for the with their advisers or major pro­ The Rollins class was won by Pax ;; Guards, McCord, Miller, and particular sports are as follows: fessors immediately regarding Hickman, second place being taken ed in both of the classes in which |Phi Mu lineup was: Forwards: any changes in their schedules. by Ainslee Embry, while Jean Ort Rollins girls participated. Team I Team II rs, Powell ,Woodward; Guards, The spring term schedule should took third place and Barbara Stan­ Other Rollins students entered in Dell Football Harris J, Duffy, and Loucks. be included. ley took fourth. the show were, Billie J. Lawton, Banting Basketball Gilmore Phi Pi-Chi Omega game was The open jumping class was won Priscilla Woodward, Betty Ger­ Osten Tennis Robinson won by the Pi Phs. The by June Welson of Winter Park. brick, Nancy Butts, C. Betterton, Sussler Swimming White was 26-9. Chi Omega players Tomokan Board Pax Hickman, Rollins, was second, C. Christiansen, and Martha Ran­ Ransdell Checkers Morrissey Forwards, B. Baer, Coffin, and Jean Ort was third, with Bar­ kin. Duffy Ping pong Bartlett »ms; Guards were Heath, Ar- Meets Daily; Plans bara Stanley fourth. Several ser­ Mrs. Anna N. Wheeler was the Evans Horse shoes Arnov Bte, and I. Heath, For Yearbook vice n^en were also entered in this sponsor of this show which was the Heredia Baseball Rachlin jie Kappa-Pi Phi game was won class, as well as several other wo­ first of its kind to be presented Lane Volley Ball Lucas the score of 22-14 by the Pi this season. The public demands news of pro­ men. Horsemanship only was judg- Felton Pool Briggs Gifts contributed by local mer­ I. Both teams played hard and gress made on the Tomokan for chants were presented to the first, The teams are at a loss for adily throughout the entire 1943. With an editorial board of second and third place winners in names, so suggestions will be most ae. Kappa lineup was: Forwards, five upperclassmen meeting daily in be made. The full cooperation of each class. welcome. Belet, Lanier, Bower, and Ama- an unlight-bulbed room in the top­ the entire college is asked in meet­ Guards, DeForest, Stanley, most cranny of Pinehurst, great ing these appointments. ^ight. Pi Phi forwards were Bas­ and revolutionary decisions are ex­ Also, with the new term, a meet­ in, Betterton, and White; Guards pected to find their way to print. ing of all those interested in work­ Holman, Miller, Ort, and Mc- ing on any phase of the book will FRANCES O'HEIR To the discomfiture of Sandspur Distinctive Gifts reporters from way back, it is the be called. Such a meeting has not Pine China and Glass ie Alpha Phi-Pi Phi game was tradition of the Tomokan staff to been held as yet because the board JEWELRY — NOVELTIES — CHRISTMAS CARDS on with score of 29-5 by the Pi guard its secrets well, and to re­ wishes to crystallize its aims be­ his. This game was filled with lease only the obvious for publica­ fore calling in additional help. 322 E. Park Avenue Winter Park Ibstitutions by both teams. Alpha tion. It was suggested by one mem­ hi forwards were: Clary, Humpf- ber of the board that the tradition \, Embry, and Cheek, guards were has arisen not so much out of per­ logford, Prichard, Dickson, and versity, but more out of necessity. jtcFarland. Pi Phi lineup was the At least that is the excuse for the le as in th» other games. present time. tPhi Mu won over Gamma Phi While the board itself is pleased Bth the close score of 18-13. For- with the progress it has made, krds in this game for the Phi Mu plans are still in a liquid state that im were Rogers, Powell, and defies definite statements. Con­ iinlevy. Guards were Kenagy, Duf- tracts from the printer and the pho­ and Loucks. Thehard-fighting tographer are under constant con­ jimma Phi team was composed of sideration, and it is the sincere aim lansen, Davidson, and Cobb. of the board to produce the best luards were Rankin, Wilson, and possible book under the best pos­ sible conditions. Problems are brought about by the ^a.Y, which has curtailed activities in that field. BATES As for the student body's parti­ cipation in the publication of the yearbook, the board announces that LIST FINDERS immediately after Christmas, at the beginning of the new term, appoint­ ments for individual portraits will

McDaniel. Kappa defeated Gamma Phi Beta, 19-9. Most of the scoring was done in the second half, with the Kap­ pas piling up the score. Kappa for­ wards were Hazlett, Bower, and Amaral. Guards were Stanley, Ful­ ler, Hubbs, and Knight. Gamma Phi lineup: forwards, Cobb, Hansen, and Rankin. Guards were Van Gal, and McDaniel. Only $1.00 Each Gamma Phis were again defeat­ ed, this time by the Independents, Pre-war quality and pre-war 18-15. This game was fast and DO YOUR price—an ideal gift for a busi­ showed fin.e fighting spirit on the ness desk or homlf use. part of the Gamma Phis, but the Independents had a large number GIFT AND FASHION Spring open at a touch to any of substitutes, and were able to de­ letter. 1380 spaces for listing feat their opponents by a slight phone numbers, names, ad­ margin. SHOPPING AT dresses, rates, etc. You can find Betty Rosenquest showed great them instantly. Richly finished skill in refereeing these games, as in grained walnut. Order now well as many others of the season. while stock is complete. .1/^ Orlando Typewriter BARTON'S RADIO and ^ Orlando's Famous Woman's Store Exchange Electric Service /p X GEO. L. STUART Prompt, Reliable 15 South Main Street 22 years experience 346 E. Park Ave., S. — TeL 93 SIX ROLLINS SANDSPUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8,11 obbligato), Portuguese, "O Jesu Club Activities fertilizers of citrus crops. The* Sweet" (treble choir) arr. Bach; is still in progress and has notl La Trivia "Sing We Noel", Basque; Lullaby published. This meeting was the| gathering of the Society pr Like to see G. Felton's little mag make recording. Beer to anybody on Christmas Eve", Christiansen; SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY the holidays. maybe rack Carnegie library, three undertake wash floor Reck Hall "Silent Night," German. The Christmas Story, Luke 2, men much bewildered see sign in physical fitness sake, anybody take Initiates to the Rollins Scientific PHOTOGRAPHY CLI library "Silence." Strange, library peek bulletin board library, book will be read by Jean Twachtman. "O Holy Night," by Adams, the Society underwent the ordeals re­ place to work, study, read? Gals display, suggs. welcome, Thursday The Rollins Photographic "Hallejah Chorus", from Handel's quired to make them into full-fledg­ in Center please roll stead of eyes, nites music Doc Honaas house, fun, will meet tomorrow evening^J "Messiah," and the benediction and ed members or fellows of the So­ hips, ace, spade, diamond Etc. ban­ wonderful host, wonderful coffee, cember 9, at Knowles 509. Co amen will conclude the program. ciety last Saturday, December 4, at dages Red Cross hqs. Get move on also MUSIC! Chapel Fund Drive, so the camp of Dick Potter, Fellow of tee reports will comprise tli huh? You too. Butts behind count­ give. The recessional, a group of ness of the meeting. In ad3 Christmas Carols arranged for the Society. Those inducted includ­ er. Please! annimules out Beanery, Life be more beautiful gals dorms ed three professors—Dr. Saute, Dr. some of the members will ex| specially cats. Student Council, have coke juke like ASTP. SOME­ harp, will be played by Mrs. Hila some of their photograph V. Knapp. Mortimer, and Dr. Knipp—and sev­ start sling pavement across Pine­ BODY GET ON BALL OPEN RET- en students—Martha Timberlake, color slides. Several camei hurst and sand dunes quick if pos­ AURANT GOOD FOOD WINTER Instrumentalists for this ser­ Jane Welsh, Mary Jane Wilson, be explained and demons^ sible.. Puck pulled out from mid­ PARK QUICK, also somebody open vice are Mr. Siewert, organist, Mrs. Charlotte Cranmore, Nancy Butts, New members and visitors ai summer day's stream by Max. barber shop campus Friday nite. Knapp, harpist, and violinists in­ Larry Rachlin, and Pat Quillin. come and the Star Unit is ini Thanx Max, careful Puck. Congrats Maybe sometime, gals, get together cluding Lorraine Crittendon, Eliza­ Last Tuesday evening, November B. Adamsmake Eddie's sweater serenade ASTP a la Rollins old beth Chidester, Peary S. Mauk, Ber­ 30, at the regular meeting of the also U. D. Keep singing Happy days, KA occupants help too. Gang­ tha Anderson, Pvt. L. Gazik, Geor­ Society, John Harris discussed his Any Excuse Birthday Dear Duffy adds zest way, Infirmary, here I come, float­ gia Tainter, and Bernard Friedland. work at the United States Depart­ Can Find For I beanery meals somebody should ing on the breeze of a sneeze. The entire program is under the ment of Agriculture experimental direction of Dr. Christopher O. station. His research which com­ Upping Your^ 'Prometheus Bound* Christmas Service Honaas. posed his senior project in chem­ Bond Buying^ The Christmas tablea , a fitting istry was aimed at the determina­ Please HitleF To be Given in March climax to the service, will be steg- tion of the ideal constituents for (Continued from Page 1) ed this year in the tower room. Alice Henry has asked that all string ensemble, will be selections Munch interest centers around this girls interested in being in the from Handel's "Messiah." scene since none of the participants For You— chorus of the production of the A group of traditional folk- car­ are announced beforehand. Miss ols will be heard next, as follows: Betty Cameron is in charge of the TRAVEL DRESSES, SUITS, HATS Greek drama, "Prometheus Bound", "The Little Jesu of Braga" (harp tableau. and for that difficult gift to be given in March, notify her by Thursday, December S. It is under­ Tricky Tyrolean Sweaters and Quilted stood that girls taking part in this Send Home a Box of Velvet Vests TREE RIPENED INDIAN RIVER FRUIT Exquisite long-sleeved satin nighties and matching robe program, which th« Greek Am­ and nightie sets bassador will attend, will be ex­ Order at the cused from physical education SEA GULL GIFT SHOP classes for the winter term, but will Winter Park LOHR-LEA have to be willing to devote an The Place to Buy Your Gifts Phone 12—208 E. Park Ave. Winter Park hour each day to practice. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS