University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 12-8-1943 Sandspur, Vol. 49 No. 09, December 8, 1943 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 49 No. 09, December 8, 1943" (1943). The Rollins Sandspur. 683. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/683 WIIMTEK h'MKrv, rL.vr»"» Eollins andspur UME 49 (Z-107) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1943 Number 9 Seniors to Graduate Convocation *Mollusc' Opens Three Day At Close of Fall Term There will be a special convo­ Run After Postponement cation on Wednesday morning, December 15, at 9:40 in Knowles Dramatics Departmejjit Pre­ iitstanding Members of Class Memorial, Chapel. The faculty sents First Offering of Year ^HkReceive Diplomas Upon Chapel Fund Drive and trustees of Rollins College Annual Christmas have made this change in the In Annie Russell Theatre ^Hfferminaiion of Work procedure, and seniors who com­ Reaches Halfway plete their work for graduation Service Program Like all things, success has a T — in December or in March will be formula. Domestically speaking, \mid foAd farewells six members Mark of $750 Goal given their degrees at the end ReachesCompletion Mary Lee Taylor excels in her line, he Rollins Family are preparing of the term which they finish but in the dramatic phase. Profes­ their work. duation at the end of this The arlnula Christmas Service, sor Donald S. Allen refused to be The Chapel Fund Drive has been There are five candidates for outdone. At last his recipe for a The Rollins campus will miss the climax of Rollins' fall term ac­ extended for another week, thus degrees as of December 16, 1943.' tivities, will be presented Sunday successful production is revealed. ix staunch supporters of Rol- giving all students and faculty Bachelor of Arts: evening at 6:45 and 9:00 o'clock in Take one fine play, The Mollusc, mocracy, for they have been members who have not yet contri­ Phyllis Cashore the Knowles Memorial Chapel. break it open carefully and let the buted another chance to add to the members. Erma Van Gilder Pugh A description of the service and lilting dialogue flow into the thea­ total. The goal, set at $750, is still ng those leaving is Sarah Sarah Ann Yopp much of the plans of rthis year's tre. To achieve the latter, one ex­ far in the distance with only $360.- Bachelor of Science: presentation appeared in last week's cellent cast must be added. Be­ cFarland Yopp. She is Presi- 70 turned in at the present time. Walter Beard, Jr. Sandspur. The program was incom­ cause of the scarcity of leading t of Pi Gamma Mu, honorary However, the goal is higher than in Richard Sewell (in Absen­ plete at that time, however, and is men, these individuals will be at a previous years, so the committee ial science fraternity, and the tia) herewtih given. premium. Mr. Allen, however, has on the whole is very well pleased 'lorida Student Government Asso- After an organ prelude played by obtained priority and the play will with the progress of the campaign. Barbara Petticord will receive .ion; Sammie is a member of Herman L. Siewert, the cradle- boast of: According to Miss Clara Adolfs her AB degree as of June 3, bearing choir will sing the proces­ Lt. Eric Davies, alias Mr. Baxter, jora, the R Club, Student-Faculty the money has come in faster than 1943. sional hymn, "0 Come All Ye Faith­ doting husband of the Mollusc. Lt. liscipline Committee, and the In- ever before. There will be no formal ad­ dress. The short service will be ful", with a soprano obligate. Mar­ Davies' experience includes several irnational Relations Club. She has Each of the thirty students aid­ jorie Coffin will read the call to seasons as a member of Summit ing the drive was assigned ten formal, however, and the sen­ sen comptroller of the student iors and faculty will be in aca­ worship, A traditional chorale, "O (New Jersey) Playhouse. His roles 'jnds for the past two yeras, and people to solicit, and of those only Come, 0 Come, Immameul," will be there included Alfred Doolittle in six have not yet turned in their re- demic costume. among the eight students chos- At this time, honor lists for followed by the invocation, read by Pygmalion, Ficsur in Lilliom, the portsports. The first to do so was lead in Libel and parts in such represent Rollins in "Who's 1942-43, standing of the fra­ L. Ray Biggerstaff. The effective Nick Morrissey, who brought in chorale from Bach's Cantata No. suJjcesses as Victoria Regina, and in American Colleges and Uni- his collecitons the second day of the ternity, sorority, and indepen­ dent groups for 1942-43 will be 140 will be next, presented by the The Return of Peter Grim. lersities." Sammie is vice-president drive. Tho§e who were successful male chorus, string ensemble. As the recipe, in this case, calls in getting all their collections were: announced. df her sorority. Kappa Alpha Theta, The remainder of the first half of for two men, add one corporal, per- Ainslee Embry, Janice IJ^cFarland, ind she has be9g;^.a^ctive_ in intra- th^ program "will be excerpts from' feridly one who has had three years Elaine Rachlin, and Betty Vau­ at the Goodman Theatre, plyed with Eural athletics. the "Christian Oratorio" of Bach. ghan. The following obtained all Christmas Carols to Eve LeGallienne in Camille, Orson Erma van Gilder Pugh is a mem- The aria, "Prepare Thyself, 0 : but one: Nency Corbett, Dodo Bun­ Welles in Julius Caesar, Fredrick "n' of the Chapel Ushering Staff Zion", will be sung by Lucille dy, and Hallijeanne Chalker. Be Sung at Vespers March in The American Way, and the World Relations Club. Erma David. After "Hear, King of An­ stock with such notable personali­ pirculation manager for the gels," sung by the treble choir, Turning away from the mad rush ties as Helen Hayes, Douglas Mont­ spur, and vice-president of Barbara Balsara will sing "Oh! My toward Christmas vacation, one gomery, and Jane Wyatt. Such a sa Kappa Gamma. Council Committees Savior." The chorale "Oh! Dearest finds a moment pregnant with the man is Corporal Yell, who portrays Je dramatic department loses Jesu" from the "Christmas Orato­ Report Progress Made true spirit of Christmas. On Tues­ Tom, brother of the Mollusc. iuable member when Barbara rio" will complete this portion of day evening, December 13, at 5:15, Then, sprinkle the play with Peddicord graduates. Bar- the service. Hot Food, Student Walk Of the Chapel will resound with the feminine interest . Renee Swint, was a member of the Fresh- The offertory, played by the lovely tones of the Christmas car­ playing the title role of The Mol­ Players, the Rollins Student Fame, Dock Repairs Among (Continued on Page 6) ols as the choir and congregation lusc, will do nicely. A newcomer to layers. Phi Beta, and Theta Alpha Plans for Next Term join in adulation of that Blessed Rollins, this capable actress' past national honorary dramatics Eventide. Still other selection will Rollins Grads Win experience includes numerous plays amity. She is a member of be offered by the mixed voices of in high school, and at Ohio Wesley­ fLibra and Rollins Key Society. An At last the students of Roily the choir. Mention For Novels an where she was a member of the •cellent student, Barbara made Colly shall enjoy hot toast, hot cof­ Book contributions will be taken Freshman Players. honor roll sprang term of her fee—yes, and even hot meals! for the boys in prison camps, and, awarded first place to Jessie Stuart Spice the production with Elean­ phomore year and fall term her After hearing numerous com­ thinking of them, one may fully for her Taps for Private Tussie. or Plum as the lovely young gover­ Bior year. She has been secretary plaints about the situation in the regret that it cannot be a time re­ Two of the runners-up were recent ness. Miss Plum is well known at tPi Beta Phi and representative Beanery, the student council de­ plete with "Peace on eartlj, good Rollins graduates: Maxeda von Hes­ Rollins for her performance in Per­ ithe Panhellenic council. Barbara signated a committe of five to ap­ will to men"; one can have faith se, 1935, and Bucklin Moon, 1934. sonal Appearance given in the Lab­ also served on the welcoming proach D.r. Brown with the purpose that it will soon be so, and till that Mexeda von Hesse's Inherit the oratory Theatre last year, and also imittee. of making possible improvements, time continue to do things that will Wind; set in the Florida backwoods, as a participant in the Intramural lyllis Baker Cashore is a mem- rt was decided to install steam help. is the ever-appearing triangle, a Play Contest in which she won first of the International Relations tables for the purpose of keeping man murdered through jealousy honorable mention this year for ob, and has served as president the food hot. As a result, beginning over another man's wife. The book her interpretation of Puck in Mid­ [of the French Club.
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