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Republic of Guinea Project Document Project Title United Nations Development Programme Country: Republic of Guinea Project Document Project title: Integrated management of natural resources in the Bafing-Falémé landscape Country: Republic of Implementing Partner: Ministry of Management Arrangements : Guinea Environment, Water Resources and National Implementation Modality Forestry (NIM) UNDAF/Country Programme Outcome: UNDAF: Outcome 2: By 2022, the national institutions, civil society and the private sector will have implemented the policies that improve food security, sustainable management of environment, resilience of populations to climate change and disaster risk management Output 2.4: Households of targeted cities and villages have better access to alternative technologies, renewable energies and healthy living environment . Output 2.5 : The most vulnerable groups, have increased capacities for resilience and adaptation to climate change UNDP Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Output: Development Setting B: Accelerating structural transformations for Sustainable Development. Signature solution 4: Promote nature - based solutions for a sustainable planet UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Category: UNDP Gender Marker: 2 High Atlas Project ID (formerly Award ID): 00107166 Atlas Output ID (formerly Project ID): 00107545 UNDP-GEF PIMS ID number: 5677 GEF ID number: 9783 Planned start date: May 2020 Planned end date: April 2026 PAC meeting date: 28 February 2020 Expected date of Mid-Term Review: May 2023 Expected date of Terminal evaluation: December 2025 Brief project description: 1 | P a g e Most rural villages in the Bafing-Falémé landscape (Middle and Upper Guinea) are extremely poor and struggle to break out of a cycle of poverty, emigration of young people seeking better lives elsewhere and unsustainable use of natural resources and energy. In order to escape from this cycle, village communities need solutions to develop and invest in new and sustainable forms of energy supply, more efficient energy use and improved livelihoods and income generation based on integrated and sustainable management of land and natural resources. The Bafing-Falémé landscape is a place of growing interests for various sector (mining, hydroelectricity production, agriculture, biodiversity and ecotourism, infrastructure/roads, etc.), which, if well coordinated and managed, can become opportunities for sustainable development in this isolated region. The project will promote an integrated and sustainable management of natural ressources by introducing a landscape approach, establish and operationalise a cluster of protected areas (Middle Bafing National Park, Fauna reserve and community forests) along the Bafing and Falémé rivers, and establish eco-villages around the protected areas. The eco-villages model, which embraces the concepts of integrated sustainable development (low carbon development, biodiversity conservation, income generation based on sustainable resource management), will be first introduced in the Republic of Guinea as a test model to feed into a national strategy for replication across the country. This will be achieved through implementation of four components that address the key barriers identified for effective landscape management, biodiversity conservation and ecovillages establishment. Component 1 Integrated Bafing-Falémé landscape management; Component 2 Operationalization of Bafing-Falémé Protected Areas and buffer zone management; Component 3 establishment of the eco-village model in the Bafing-Falémé landscape; and Component 4 Gender Mainstreaming, Knowledge Management and learning. FINANCING PLAN GEF Trust Fund or LDCF or SCCF 7,060,274 USD UNDP TRAC resources 400,000 USD (1) Total Budget administered by UNDP 7,460,274 USD PARALLEL CO-FINANCING Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests 7,000,000 USD Ministry of Agriculture 10,000,000 USD Ministry of Energy 22,000,000 USD Ministry of Territorial Administration and 5,000,000 USD Decentralization Wild Chimpanzee Foundation (WCF) 11,500,000 USD ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy 2,400,000 USD Efficiency (ECREEE) Fouta Trekking Aventure 335,250 USD Jane Goodall Institute 65,000 USD 2 | P a g e I. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................... 4 II. Development Challenge ........................................................................................................................................ 7 III. Strategy .............................................................................................................................................................. 31 IV. Results and Partnerships ................................................................................................................................... 39 V. Project Management .......................................................................................................................................... 72 VI. Project Results Framework ................................................................................................................................ 74 VII. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Plan ............................................................................................................ 79 VIII. Governance and Management Arrangements ............................................................................................ 8384 IX. Financial Planning and Management ................................................................................................................. 89 X. Total Budget and Work Plan ............................................................................................................................... 93 XI. Legal Context ................................................................................................................................................... 100 XII. Risk Management ........................................................................................................................................... 100 XIII. Mandatory Annexes ....................................................................................................................................... 104 Annex A: Multi Year Work Plan ............................................................................................................................ 105 Annex B: GEF Tracking Tool at baseline ............................................................................................................... 113 Annex C: Overview of Technical Consultancies .................................................................................................... 159 Annex D: Terms of reference ................................................................................................................................ 160 Annex E: UNDP Social and Environmental Screening Procedure .......................................................................... 166 Annex G: Stakeholder Engagement Plan .............................................................................................................. 179 Annex H: Gender Analysis and Action Plan ........................................................................................................... 180 Annex I: UNDP Risk Log ........................................................................................................................................ 187 Annex K: Results of the capacity assessment of the project implementing partner and HACT micro assessment ............................................................................................................................................................................... 193 Annex L: Emission reduction and sequestration related to the proposed project ............................................... 194 Annex M: Additional maps of the Bafing-Falémé landscape ................................................................................ 198 Annex N: Co-financing letters................................................................................................................................ 199 4 | P a g e Acronyms AFD French Development agency (Agence Francaise de Dévelopment) AGIR Regional Program to support the integrated management of natural resources (Programme Régional d’Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources naturelles) BGACE Bureau Guinéen d’Audit et de Conformité Environnementale BSD Bureau de Stratégie et Développement CBG Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinée CBO Community-Based Organization COMBO Project: Conservation, impact Mitigation and Biodiversity Offsets in Africa COSIE Centre d’Observation et de Suivi d’Impact Environnemental DGCN Direction Générale du corps des Conservateurs de la Nature DNPNCC National Directorate of Pollution, Nuisance and Climate Change (Direction Nationale des Pollutions, Nuisances et Changement Climatique) DNFF National Directorate of Forests and fauna (Direction Nationale des Forêts et de la Faune) DNH National Directorate of Hydraulics ECREEE ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency EDG Electricity Company of Guinea (Electricité De Guinée) ESIA Environmental and social impact assessment FAO United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization FSP Full Sized Project GAC Guinea Alumina Corporation GEF Global Environment Facility GEFSEC Global Environment Facility Secretariat GHG Green House Gas GoG Government of Guinea HDI Human Development
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