Annual Report of the Colonies, Northern Rhodesia, 1931
COLONIAL REPORTS-ANNUAL No. 1592 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF THE PEOPLE OF NORTHERN RHODESIA, (For Reports for 7929 and 1930 see Nos. 1516 and 1561, respectively, Price 2s. od. each). Crown Copyright Reserved LONDON PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE To be purchased directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses Adastral House, Kingsway, London, W.C.a; iao, Gecrge Stiect, Edinburgh a York Street, Manchester; i, St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff 15, Donegall Square West, Belfast or through any Bookseller 1932 Price 2s. od. Net 58-I592 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROGRESS OF THE PEOPLE OF NORTHERN RHODESIA, 1931 CONTENTS. Chapter Page- I.—GEOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, AND HISTORY 2 IT. •—GOVERNMENT ... 6 IH.™POPULATION ... ... 7 IV—HEALTH 8 V.—HOUSING 10 VI.—PRODUCTION ... ... 12 VII.—COMMERCE 23 VIII.—WAGES AND COST OF LrvrNG 27 IX.—EDUCATION AND WELFARE INSTITUTIONS ... 29 X .—COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORT ... ., 31 XI— BANKING, CURRENCY, AND WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ... 30 XII.—PUBLIC WORKS 37 XIII.—JUSTICE, POLICE, AND PRISONS 38 XIV.—LEGISLATION 40 XV—PUBLIC FINANCE AND TAXATION 46 MAP CHAPTER I. GEOGRAPHY, CLIMATE, AND HISTORY. Geography, The territory known as the Protectorate of Northern Rhodesia lies between longitudes 22° E. and 33° 33' E. and between latitudes 8° 15' S. and 18° S. It is bounded on the west by Angola, on the north-west by the Belgian Congo, on the north-east by Tanganyika Territory, on the east by the Nyasaland Protectorate and Portuguese East Africa, and on the south by Southern Rhodesia and the man dated territory of South-West Africa, comprising in all an area that is computed to be about 288,400 square miles.
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